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LAMP f or Oc·roBER, 1924


B rother Bolt, than whom there is none more famous in the Fraternity, was a member of the • , l3rother f.atham ente red the Law Sc hool of class of 19 12 at the U niversity of South Caro1ulane TJ · · S ep tember 1920 and was lina. He was co-fo under of The E ma non Club, L . ntve rstty, grad ' ' N uated Jun e 6, 1923. He opened an office in which became S igm a of P i Kappa P hi. During ew Orleans, January 1, 1924, for the excl usive his freshman year he was hi sto ri an of his class Pra ct'tee of civil law. a nd m anage r of the freshman footba ll team. Later he was an associate editor of T he Gamep· wa president of the local, whi ch petitioned 1 cock, and played right guard on the varsity baskappa Ph i, at t he time of its in sta llation as ~\ lpha-n eta c11apte r, a nd was the ftr · t a rchon of ketba ll team for two years. A1Pha-Beta. He, with hi s father, for severa l years, ha had a monopoly on the public utilities at Otte rbein, In 1922-23 Brother Latham was treasurer of th e 1' M ulane Squ a re a nd Compass, interco ll egiate Ind . Last March he disposed of hi s interests in asonic Fraternity a nd was a delegate to the the lig ht and power plant of the town and pur. l.convent'ton of thts. order held at vVashmgton a nd chased the local telephone system. atee _niversity, Lexi ngton, Va., in January, 1923, J Je is a past master of the Masonic Lodge, is f Wht ch time he was elected national treasurer a member of M. \ V. of A., Ame ri can Legion, and 0 the organ ization. -tO Hommes et 8 Cheveaux. \ VJ . ltle at T ul a ne he was president of the Law class of 1922-23.

Eighth District



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RALPH E. ANDERSON E lcvc11th District


A va ri ed a nd distinctive career has been ca rved out by Drother A nd erson. H e attended the Un ive rsity of Nebraska from 1913 to 19 17. For two yea rs he was on the cross-country team and was captain of the fres hma n track team. He was a member of the D ramatic Clu b, of the Univers ity P layers, was assistant secretary of the Y . M. C. A. a nd was p resident of th e Tuni or class. In the sp ring of 1917 he enli sted in t he air serv ice a nd for two yea rs was a fl y ing in tructor in Texa . Later he was commi ssioned a second lieutenant. He was award ed permanent Aying in structo rs' wings by specia I order of the command er-in -c hi ef and was decorated by the Secretary of the Treasury for fl yi ng work in beha lf of L iberty Loan . He was eli charged in Octobe r, 19 19, a nd ente red commercial av iation and had th e general ma nagement of the Central Co ntin ental Flying Schools at Ok lahoma City. He is now sta te manager of the Cedar Rapids Life Insuran ce Company for Neb raska a nd sti l.l find s time to do a good dea l of fl ying. Drother A nd e rson is at present a director of the Pi Kappa 1 hi Bu ilding As ociation for N u chapter, alumni adviso r of N u chapter a nd president of the L in col n A lumni chapter.

Ninth District

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