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SUPREME CHAPTER ACTIONS National Housing Plan Adopted Virginia Beach-In the recently held Pi Kappa Phi 32nd Supreme Chapter at Virginia Beach, Va., the 300 undergraduate and alumni delegates present adopted a housing plan designed to provide competitive housing by 1976 for each chapter of the Fraternity not already in such facilities. The program had been developed under the guidance of the National Council and Executive Director of the Fraternity. It includes provisions for the construction of fraternity housing through the utilization of cash funds provided by Pi Kappa Phi Properties, Inc., a national fraternity subsidiary, undergraduate chapter funds, anticipated alumni funds, and lease-purchase funds secured from major lending institutions. The total line-of-credit required for this construction program is in excess of 3.6 million dollars. Two major mortgage and construction firms have expressed an interest in participating in this ambitious construction program, which reflects the forward thinking momentum permeating the ranks of Pi Kappa Phi. Scheduled implementation of the housing program is to begin with the construction of a chapter home for Alpha Eta Chapter, Samford Uni6

versity, and a lodge facility for Alpha .A.IP~~ Mercer University. Occupancy dates for th~~ two units are tentatively scheduled for septe l ber, 1969. Ch; ·or'

In conjunction with the passage of the ?at~·o' al housing program, implementing legislll \ was adopted which will allow the National c~of cil and the Trust Investment Committee 0 11, Kappa Phi to commit up to 50 per cent of ~ Star and Lamp Trust Funds for prograJI'IJI1 housing needs. National Council Structural Changes


In order to improve the efficiency of the oi ternity's operations, several changes were ]'11~ in the organizational structure of the Fraterfl~~· One such change was the creation of the 0 1 ·oJI· of Vice President, who would assist the Nat! . 1 President, or serve in his absence. In add~t~~ the office of National Historian was a bollS. 1 to allow for the creation of the post of Na~ 1 ~ ~, 0 Chaplain. Officers elected to these new poslt1• ( are Jack Steward, Vice President, and El!!le1 J ost, Chaplain. ~

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The National Council of Pi Kappa Ph 1• ,, order of rank, consists of the offices of Pres!·ae··if· Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, ChaP 1~: and Chancellor, all of which have two year tel THE STAR AND LAMP OF PI KAPPA



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