Investment Opportunities In Indonesia

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Investment Opportunities in Indonesia


Profile of The Regency of Cianjur

Dr. H. Tjetjep Muchtar Soleh, MM. Drs. H. Tjetjep Muchtar Soleh MM, lahir di Cianjur tanggal 03 Pebruari 1953, terpilih sebagai Bupati Cianjur dalam Pilkada Langsung Tahun 2011 dan diangkat menjadi Bupati Cianjur periode 2011-2016. Sejak pernikahannya dengan istri tercinta Hj. Yana Rosdiana, SH saat ini beliau telah dikaruniai empat orang anak. Beralamat di Jl. Didi Prawira No. 01 RT/RW : 003/015 Kel.Solokpandan Cianjur. Riwayat pendidikan baik formal dan nonformal yang telah ditempuhnya sebagai berikut: SD Negeri Cianjur (1965); SMP Negeri Cianjur (1968); SMA Negeri (Paspal) Cianjur (1971); APDN Bandung (1977); Institut Ilmu Pemerintahan Depdagri Jakarta (1985); dan Program MM STIE-IPWI Jakarta (1998). Dedikasinya yang cukup tinggi telah mengantarkan beliau menduduki jabatan dalam kepemerintahan, yang diawali sebagai: Mantri Polisi Kec.Cikalong Kulon (1980-1982); Pemeriksa Ekonomi dan Kesra (1986-1987); Camat Sukanagara (1987-1990); Camat Cikalong Kulon (1990-1993); Kepala Bagian Sosial Setda Cianjur (1994-1998); Asisten II Bidang Administrasi Pembangunan (1998-2001); Kepala Bappeda Cianjur (2001-2005); dan Asisten III Bidang Administrasi Pemerintahan (2005-2006). Sedangkan Diklat Struktural yang diikutinya adalah: SUSPIMPEMDAGRI Ang. I Secapa AD Bandung (1989); SPADYA Diklat Propinsi Jawa Barat – Bandung (1994); dan SPAMEN LAN-RI Jakarta (2002). Disamping itu juga mengikuti Diklat-Diklat lainnya, seperti: Penataran Norma Pemeriksaan Bagi Petugas Itwil Kab Cianjur; Penataran Pemantapan UDKP; Pelatihan Pelembagaan Pemantauan Wilayah; Diklat Reinverting Government management; Manajemen Sektor Ekonomi Strategis; dan Penyegaran Ketenagakerjaan LK Tripartit. Dengan berbekal ilmu pengetahuan yang dimilikinya tidak heran jika Drs. H.Tjetjep Muchtar Soleh MM, aktif dalam berbagai organisasi seperti: ICMI Cianjur (Wakil Ketua); PMI Cianjur (Wakil Ketua); IPHI


Investment Opportunities in Cianjur Regency

Drs. H. Tjetjep Muchtar Soleh MM, born in Cianjur on 03 February 1953, was elected as the Regent of Cianjur in the Direct Election of 2011 and was appointed the Regent of Cianjur of 2011-2016 periods. Since his marriage to his beloved wife Hj. Yana Rosdiana, SH. he has been at present blessed with four children. His address is at Jl. Didi Prawira No. 01 RT/RW: 003/015 Solokpandan Sub-District of Cianjur. The history of both formal and non-formal education that has gone through as follows: Cianjur Elementary School (1965); Cianjur Junior High School (1968); Cianjur Senior High School (1971); Academy of Public Administration (APDN) in Bandung (1977); the Institute of Public Administration Science (IIP) of the Department of Home Affairs (1985) in Jakarta; and Magister Management Program of STIE-IPWI (1998) in Jakarta. High enough dedication has led him to occupy positions in the government, which were begun as: Mantri Polisi (low-ranking government employee usually as a technician) of Cikalong Kulon District (1980-1982); the Inspector of Economic and Social Welfare (1986-1987); the Head of Sukanagara District (1987-1990); the Head of Cikalong Kulon District (1990-1993); the Head of Social Division of the Local Secretariat of Cianjur (1994-1998); the 2nd Assistant for Development Administration (1998-2001); the Chairman of the Regional Development Planning Board of Cianjur (2001-2005); and the 3rd Assistant for Public Administration (2005-2006). While the Structural Trainings followed were: SUSPIMPEMDAGRI 1st Force, Secapa AD Bandung (1989); Training on SPADYA of West Java Province, Bandung (1994); and SPAMEN LAN-RI Jakarta (2002). Besides, he also followed the trainings, such as: Inspection Norms Upgrading for the Officers of The Local Inspectorate of Cianjur Regency; Upgrading on the Stabilization of UDKP; the Training on the Institutionalization of Regional Monitoring; the Training on the Re-inventing of Government Management; the Management of Strategic Economic Sector; and the Refreshment on LK Tripartite Labor. Armed with the knowledge that it has not wonder if Drs. H. Tjetjep Muchtar Soleh MM, is active in various organizations such as: ICMI

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