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While the Federal Reserve control had America’s money, there was no way it could touch the earnings of the American worker, because the Constitution expressly forbids it in the first Amendment. One of the major planks of the Communist Manifesto was what is called a “graduated progressive income tax.” This would lead eventually to the complete confiscation of all private property in the nation and the complete control of each individuals earning power. But such a tax could not be brought about without an amendment to the Constitution. But, as they had done with the Federal Reserve Act, these same traitors, with the same President, Wilson arranged for the 16th Amendment (which was never ratified) to become the law of the land and they “hoodwinked” the American people into accepting this absolute control over their earning power. See; BENSONS’ 2 VOLUME BOOKS “THE LAW THAT NEVER WAS“ which proves beyond any doubt most states never ratified the 16th amendment, when three fourths of the states are required to approve any new Amendment to the Constitution only four did properly approve of the 16th amendment. The main effects of this Amendment, which was the tax never supposed to rise above 2%, or so the American people were told, went into effect during World War II, when President F. D. Roosevelt. (FDR) applied a 20% withholding tax on all small wage earners, and up to 90% tax on higher earners. Of course, the conspirators had planned for this and were protected in their Tax Free Foundations. F. D. R. promised faithfully that this tax would be lifted when the war ended, but his promise had as much truth behind it as the one where he said he “WOULD NEVER SEND AMERICAN BOYS TO DIE ON FOREIGN SOIL.” How many hundreds of thousands died when he sent them to fight in World War 11. But we must remember FDR was also a Zionist Jew. HOW THE 16TH AMENDMENT WAS RAMMED THROUGH CONGRESS A little study will show that the most of the Congressmen, who voted for the 16th Amendment, knew very little about it, because only two, as far as I have been able to find out, had even bothered to read it before they voted it into law. Senator Langer of North Dakota was one of them, the other’s name I do not recall. By the way “North Dakota” is the only State with a State bank which is doing very well. America could have a Government bank too with no Zionists running it. How the Bankers got the Federal Reserve Law passed. They had illegally bought off enough Congressmen in Washington the afternoon Congress adjourned for Christmas vacation on December 23rd, 1913, when there was not even the necessary legal Quorum in Congress, to pass a law or vote for the passage of this nefarious illegal law. I hear only three were present when this law was passed, the afternoon Congress adjourned for Christmas vacation. They also blackmailed President Wilson into signing this piece of legislation into law before 5 P.M. the same day to have their newly formed “Corporation” given complete control of the U.S. Dollar. NOTE: The ratification or passing or the SIXTEENTH amendment is not even important or necessary to talk about, for the United States Supreme Court has already ruled that the Sixteenth Amendment gave no new taxing powers. But the Zionist Bankers still insist on taxing us! (Note: The original word “dollar” was a unit of weight used to measure Gold, as an ounce or pound measures coal, then by changing the meaning of the word they gave us a system of “divers” or various weights and measures the Scriptures forbid us to use. They eventually, systematically changed our money into worthless Federal Reserve Notes. After bankrupting the U.S.A. and taking all of our gold reserves in the 1930s and destroying our gold and silver money system (a Biblically sound system of just weights and measures which the Scriptures call for, see Deut.25:13-16, Prov.20:10, 20-23). They systematically replaced it with inflationary money which almost daily, changes in value (always downward). Today the U.S. Government owns virtually no gold or silver. Congressman Ron Paul has tried for years, to have an audit to see if their actually was any Gold left in Fort Knox, that belonged to the U. S. Government to no avail. These Zionist who are the Majority in Congress and the Senate treat Page 31 of 218

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