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money he received, for who but a fool would save money, when it was worth less every hour? All savings, pensions, stocks etc. were totally lost or stolen by the bankers, as they plan to do in America soon. We must remember the same Zionist banking families that own the Federal Reserve Bank, in the United States today, owned the Reich Bank in Germany years ago. The bankers got greedy as they always do, and the money depreciated from inflation, to where the price of a postage stamp went from about 2 cents to 50,000,000,000.00 Marks, the equivalent of $50,000,000,000.00 in just four years, 1919 to 1923. FIFTY BILLION DOLLARS JUST TO MAIL A LETTER! This contrary to what the controlled news media tells us today is what brought Hitler to power. Someone had to end this financial tyranny by the bankers, who in four years ended up owning literally everything in Germany. Even farms and factories which had been in the same families for generations back, ended up as bank property through foreclosures, and the people mistakenly blamed the local bankers instead of the central banks, belonging to the International Bankers. A farmer after selling everything he could produce one year could not buy seed for the next year, without going in debt to the Bankers for it. Farms, homes and factories, which had been in the same family for generations back, were lost to the bankers. The factory owners were in the same fix, all they could produce one week, wouldn't pay wages to the workers, and much less buy the raw material, for the next week. The farms, factories, mines and all industry ended up, belonging to the Zionist Jewish bankers in a short time. Then the people had to work for the bankers, who owned everything, for a pittance or just whatever they could get, or be unemployed. This is what brought Hitler to power. Someone had to end this tyranny by the bankers and he did by taking it back from the bankers. He was a German Hero! Now think about this a minute, lets get this in prospective, your mind can't comprehend figures like fifty billion dollars, or marks to mail a letter, when four years before, it had been two cents (2 pfennigs). They still tell the true story in Germany today of a thrifty Contractor that had saved up the colossal sum of 200,000.00 marks (about $200,000.00 dollars) in 1919. The inflation started, and he could not figure out what to do with his money to protect it from inflation. So he left it in the bank drawing interest. Then one day about two or three years into the inflation, he got a letter from the bank, with a check for his 200,000.00 in it. There was also a letter with it telling him, that keeping his account open was no longer profitable for him or the bank. Here is your money, to do as you please with it. On the envelope was a $1,000,000.00 Mark postage stamp. Just think what this did to all savings, stocks, bonds, insurance policies in Germany. It’s coming in America soon. Think about the I.R.A.s people have put their savings in. And there will be civil war, and blood in the streets everywhere, when the spoiled people of America’s pay checks become worthless or stop coming, and their money and savings are wiped out with inflation. The internet and there are hundreds of books out that will tell you the same true story I am telling you. At the height of the inflation period, prices rose not only daily but hourly. The story is told of a German who ordered a steak dinner, priced at 100,000. Marks, while it was cooking the price rose to 150,000. Marks, and before he could eat it and pay the bill, the price was 200,000. Marks, People went shopping with market baskets full of bills. The same International bankers initially financed Hitler and his rise to power. However after achieving power, Hitler double-crossed the International bankers and instituted a debt-free or “interest free money system.” This enabled Germany to go from being an impoverished nation to becoming the most powerful military nation on Earth, in less than five years. The same bankers then made loans to finance both sides of the war and financed the destruction of Hitler, by financing both sides of the war, just as they are financing the destruction of the Arab nations today, because the Arab nations are the only Page 37 of 218

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