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Lion, Tiger or Wolf. The second word beast is a domesticated animal like a cow, a goat or a sheep. But the third one is the one we are interested in is the “Beast of the field.” and the one used here does not have the same meaning or connotation as that of a wild or dumb beast, but one that could think, reason, pray, gather and store food, talk, had hands, teach, had a spirit, honor God, lie down or have intercourse with man or woman which was forbidden, and many more references can be found by real truth seekers. So we find the beast of the field described in scripture of what has to be a man. A few of the many Bible references where you can find them in the Bible are given below. Jonah 3:7-8 Beasts with hands and voice Lev. 18:23 Don't lie down with a beast Lev. 20:15 Lie down with a beast and be killed Joel 1:18-20 Beasts CRY to the Lord Ex. 22:19 No man should lie with a beast Ex. 23:10-11 7th year crops left to beast of the field to gather (what animal would gather?) Matt. 15:21-28 It is not mete to cast the children's food to the dogs (there are people called dogs) Mark 4:11-12 Christ spoke in parables so only His chosen people would understand Jerm. 6:15 If they cannot blush they are not his people Gen. 9:5 Beasts have hands Ex. 19:12-13 Beasts with hands Jerm. 31:27 Israel & Judah sown with seed of man and seed of Beast Acts: 10:11; 15; 28-29 Refers to cleansing men not beasts Is. 43:20 The beast of the field shall honor me the dragons and the owls because I give waters in the wilderness and rivers in the desert to give drink to my people, my chosen Job 12:7 But ask now the beast and they will teach thee Ecc. 3:21 The spirit of the beast goes down

ALIEN INVASION The most abominable sin of the ages is being repeated today, in this country, and in all the white countries of the world. It is, for the most part, unchecked by the leaders and laity alike. The sin to which I refer is that of racial integration. This altogether obnoxious, unscriptural, and ludicrous social doctoring has wrecked our schools, increased crime rates (especially in our large cities), and mongrelized our society through racial intermarriages. It has enhanced if not created, a drug culture so overwhelmingly evil and rampant as to almost totally obliterate any future aspirations on the part of hundreds of thousands of our youth. More significantly for violating God's divine laws of racial segregation as taught in Scripture, His judgments’ have been in the form of new and awful diseases, the most prominent of these is AIDS, a predominately "black" disease. Furthermore, racial integration has subtly camouflaged the national identity of the Caucasian race with the false teaching that all men are created equal (NOT A BIBLE TEACHING, IT CAN'T BE FOUND IN THE BIBLE), until perhaps millions of the Anglo Saxon people will never discover that they are the true Israel of the Bible. The origin of the integration plan for the U.S.A. started by the Communist Party and financed by the Zionist International Bankers in London England in 1913 the same year the Federal Reserve Bank and the I.R.S. started to insure America's ultimate downfall. The records of that meeting reveal the strategy to be followed. This extremely simple strategy was to prove remarkably successful; "We intend to instill in the white man a sense of perverted guilt regarding his treatment of the colored races of the world, by making it appear that because of his 'oppressive' treatment of these people they have been inhibited from realizing their destiny in life. This will create racial unrest, lead to riots and, consequently, assist in bringing about the downfall of America as a power." This and much more made public by the F.B.I. under Chief J. Edgar Hoover. Is. 10:5-7 Is a rod in God's hands Is. 13:13-16 Every man shall flee to his own land Is. 1:7 Strangers devour your land before your eyes Is. 10:12-27; Ob. 10-18 (Esau who is an alien) robs you and puts you down Lam. 1:10; Psm. 74:4-8; Jer. 51:51 Heathen enter and should not Lam. 4:15 Heathen to leave Lam 5:2 Our inheritance turned to aliens

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