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Ron Paul (a national hero in my eyes) who tells the truth about the FED, like a demented child and the rest of Congress is afraid of the Zionist controlled news media keeping then from being re-elected if they side with Ron Paul. Congress also gave them the unheard of power to create money in the form of credit out of thin air or by a simple ledger entry, or today a simple Computer entry. And (unlike any other private corporation) our Government has never had but one partial or superficial audit of the Federal Reserve Corporation till Ron Paul forced them to. The 16th Amendment saddled America with an “unpayable debt.” In 1905, our national debt was about $ 12.05 for every man, woman and child in this country. In 1988 was more than $ 53,000 per person and today it is much more than $100,000.dollars, each and the interest will make this debt, go up higher every year. It can never be paid, and to try to pay it will just make SLAVES of everyone!!! And the end is not yet. This debt goes up every year, because so many of the men we have Congress, are Zionist and refuse to even look at the Monster in our midst, the F. R. B. These men have the power to abolish the FED and control our spending, but for a variety of reasons, and one reason is most of them are Zionist Jews. To prove the FRB is a private corporation, the Federal Reserve employees, like their collection agency the I. R. S. employees, are not Civil Service workers, nor do they get Government checks or Government Civil Service retirement checks when they retire. They are neither Federal nor do they have any reserve. In order to pay interest on phony dollars they create, we have to give up at least ½ of our labor or what ever we produce, to pay the interest to these super rich Bankers. We have become Slaves. THE WHOLE DAM WORLD HAS BECOME SLAVES to these super rich Zionist Jewish banking families and we have to stop it, SO SPREAD THE WORD. THERE IS A COPY RITE ON THIS BOOK, ONLY TO KEEP PEOPLE FROM CHANGING IT SO THE AUTHOR INVITES

YOU TO MAKE AS MANY COPIES AS YOU CAN AFFORD, AND GIVE OR SELL THEM TO EVERY ONE YOU KNOW, OR COME IN CONTACT WITH. HELP SAVE AMERICA!! OUT OF THIN AIR With nothing but a simple LEDGER ENTRIES, they create money, and loan it into circulation to our Government, the smaller banks and the people at whatever high rate of interest they set, they have purchased the very soul of this nation! When they killed Sadam Husain and took over the country of Iraq, the first thing they did was, start their usurious ZIONIST Banking system, in IRAQ, to in-slave that country, and of course take their oil too. Before this the Iraq people never had to pay usury or Interest when they borrowed money from their banks. In the past few years they are getting a foothold in Russia too, by loaning the Russians billions to rebuild and set up their banks in Russia, so they can enslave them while telling them they are going to put two chickens in every pot and two cars in every garage, like they did here in America. The gulf war and the Iraq war, and now all the trouble in Egypt, and the other Arab countries, stirred up by Zionist radio and TV, is to steal their oil Fields and get their Banking system started there. And with the help of American money, and our boys as cannon fodder, they hope to accomplish this. It is all just to weaken the Arabs, and collapse their oil financed economy. Just tell me why the U.S. has troops stationed in over a hundred countries of the world? The Arabs are promised in their Bible, if they never drink alcohol, they will never have to pay usury (interest). Could it be this is the reason the Zionist Jews could never get along with the Arabs? They could never lend the Arabs any money, there by enslaving them as they have done to the rest of the Gullible world. I hear there is a death penalty for drinking alcohol in the Arab countries. So far God has kept His promise to the Arabs, by giving them oil in a desert waste land that is void of many of the natural resources that have made the rest of the world rich. By doing this, He has seen to it that the Arabs don't have to pay interest in their banking system. Will Israeli and the International Bankers, with our President and his armed forces American Boys as cannon fodder, win in the wars against the Arab Page 32 of 218

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