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not merely from the date of the decision so branding it, an unconstitutional law, in legal contemplation, it is inoperative as if it had never been passed. Since an unconstitutional law is void, the general principals follow that it imposes no duties, creates no office, bestows no power or authority on anyone, affords no protection, and justifies no acts performed under it. No one is bound to obey an unconstitutional law and no courts are bound to enforce it.” 16 American Jurisprudence 2d, Constitutional Law, &256

WE WILL NOT “INCORPORATE”, GET A “LICENSE” NOR WILL WE JUMP THRU ALL THEIR OTHER HOOPS TO BE RECOGNIZED, BECAUSE WE ARE A FREE Church, CREATED BY GOD AND HIS SERVANTS, AND WE COVET THIS GOD GIVEN BLESSING. Why should a sovereign God in Heaven (a King), have to go to a lesser god the State or the County Court house, to get permission to exist as a Church? This is what you would expect to be imposed on the citizens, of a totalitarian Communist regime. It is a clear case Government tyranny a “cancer” in our body politic, a disease which will afflict us all in time, if we allow it to exist in our local State or County Courthouse. In the Court house knowing they don’t have a law to even show you, they will make an arbitrary Ruling and then tell you “IF YOU DON’T LIKE IT SUE US,” knowing the average small Church doesn’t have the thousands of dollars it takes to sue, yet the County has unlimited money to hire Lawyers etc. The answer to this is to have a law like they do in England, where the looser pays the winners expenses of bringing the law suit against anyone. That would stop a lot of Court battles, and frivolous law suits, but the money hungry Zionist Lawyers who make the laws in this country would never pass, a good law like that because it might hurt their selfish money grubbing business. Belief in the Holy Bible is only a threat to politicians (political gangsters), who would like totalitarian government controls, and abhor the doctrine of liberty, justice and the right of every man to be free, which permeates God’s teachings. Liberty is birthed in the Bible.

I BELIEVE THE GREATEST SINGLE SENTENCE IN THE BIBLE IS: “PROCLAIM LIBERTY THROUGHOUT THE LAND UNTO ALL THE INHABITANTS THEREOF” Leviticus 25:10. Despotism may do without religious faith, but freedom can't. None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free, as most people of America do today. There is no freedom as important as religious freedom.

THE SO CALLED TAX EXEMPTION GIVEN CHURCHES BY INCORPORATING All I can say about it is what ever the Government gives, they can also take away, and they do! So go to your Minister or Preacher and get him to read this book. Pressure him to Dis-Incorporate your Church! It can be done as many Patriot Churches are starting to do. When we loose our right to be a Free Church, how long will it be before your Church looses its right to exist, or is taxed out of existence? This is a God given right, protected by the Supreme Law of our beloved land of America; and the US Constitution. We are fast losing our freedoms in this Country. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. Never forget, that Through out History, when freedom was lost the only way it was ever regained, was through much bloodshed. LET’S TALK ABOUT Church TAXATION: Questions: When did God start to have to get permission from the State to exist? Where did the state get the power to force ministers to be licensed by the state? When did Churches start to have to pay taxes unless they were incorporated? When did Ministers have to get approved of, or licensed by the State to exist? When did it become mandatory for any Church to incorporate? When did it become necessary to incorporate before buying land in the name on your Church? When did it become law to get Government permission to build a Church? Page 88 of 218

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