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Read the book “THE HOAX OF THE TWENTYITH CENTUERY BY BUTZ” if you want to know the truth about the so called HALOCAUST from the Jews own records, and it is not what you have been told by the liberal Zionist owned press and TV. So world hatred began to be built up, against the German people, greater than anything the world had ever seen. During World War I, we were treated to the contemptuous terms of “Hun” and “Boche,” and to false stories about babies being tossed into the air, and being caught on the points of bayonets. But now suddenly, they were making soap and lamp shades out of Jews, and the grounds of detention camps were spouting Jewish blood. For over sixty years now, since World War II ended, the Jewish press and Hollywood, has fed the American people an overdose of the stereo type, image of Germans as monocle-ed, burr headed, heelkicking, mindless robots of the Third Reich. Any person with a little intelligence, who has studied history, knows however it was France and England, who were the “war mongers” of the Nineteenth Century. Professor Quincy, in his book A STUDY OF WAR (1942) offers statistical proof of this when he shows that in the period from1480-1940: Of 278 wars which involved European States, the participant were: England-28; France-26; Spain-23; Russia-22; Austria-19; Turkey-15; Poland-11; and Sweden and Germany 9 each. At the beginning of World War II, a distinguished Austrian professor, noted for his moderation, was quoted in Stephen Robert’s book: THE HOUSE THAT HITLER BUILT” (1938): “The Germans are a politically retarded race. They are in the myth stage of development. They have never wanted democracy; they crave authority and a strong arm. They do not want individual freedom. The average German is designed by history and nature, to provide mass material for dictatorship.” Being of part German descent myself, I resent these lies. I know that history proves otherwise. I also know that this is the way the Zionist conspiratorial workers lured Americans and the rest of the Free World into World War II. Finally, when my mind began to turn away from propaganda, both political and religious, to where I sought truth, rather than popular opinion, I began to understand what the commanding General in North Africa, Gen. George Patton, meant when he said: “I believe we fought on the wrong side in this war.” I began to realize that Americans were being taught to admire Benedict Arnold’s such as Gen. Dwight Eisenhower, and Gen. George Marshall, and traitors such as Alger Hiss, John Steward Service and Owen Lattimore, while they despised pro-American patriots like Sen. Joseph McCarthy, and drove him into his grave. Then I began to understand why, International Jewry carried out their campaign of harassment against Germany. Henry Ford spent over a million Dollars investigating the Jews in power, and wrote an excellent 4 volume set of books called “THE INTERNATIONAL JEW” in the 1920s available on the Internet, explaining how the Zionist Jews were taking over the world. To read his books you would think he was describing the Zionists of today. This set of books are a real eye opener! So with the Judeao-Christian pastors of American, beating the drums for Zionism and pronouncing curses against Hitler and the German People, American was herded like a flock of sheep, by her unscrupulous leaders, into a war that destroyed over 40-million people. We gave power into the hands of the Zionist-communist monsters that murdered 48 million more. At the end of the war, the traitor Alger Hiss, arranged with the Russian Molotov, so that the head of the United Nations Military Branch would always be a Communist general. We fought Korea and Vietnam under their communist control. Very few Americans know that the United Nations Charter was copied almost verbatim from the Soviet Constitution, and that the only senators who voted against it, were those who had read it. Since this tool of the conspirators, (communism), has been placed on American soil, the slaves of Communism have increased by some 72,000 per day, to about 250-million, to almost-2-billion. Over fifty six sovereign nations have been gobbled up by this monstrosity, since World War II. As many as 140 million people have been ruthlessly murdered, by the Zionist-Communist regimes. Page 40 of 218

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