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Chapter 5 INCOME TAX WE CAN DO WITHOUT THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK AND WE CAN DO WITHOUT THE I. R. S. AND THE INCOME TAX ALL OF THE TOTAL INCOME TAX COLLECTED BY THE I.R.S. GOES SOLELY TO PAY THE INTEREST TO THE BANKERS ON THE NATIONAL DEBT THEY CREATED OUT OF THIN AIR. From ZERO--NOTHING in plain words! This is the biggest robbery in the history of the world. All the other money the Government ever spends for other things comes from excise taxes, Import Taxes, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax, Land Tax, Gasoline Tax etc. or is borrowed into existence. IF WE PUT A HEAVY IMPORT TAX ON ALL MANUFACTURED ITEMS COMING INTO THIS COUNTRY FROM OTHER COUNTRIES, WE WOULD SOON HAVE ALL THE FACTORIES THAT THE BANKERS HAVE BEEN SHIPPING OVER SEAS COME BACK TO THIS COUNTRY, AND HAVE FULL EMPLOYMENT AGAIN. The only reason we have to borrow money is because we pay the money we should be spending on things that help the Country, to pay INTEREST to the FRB. The Zionist Bankers are the ones who shipped all of out factories over seas. The bankers tried from the beginning of this country until the year (1913) when they could bribe enough corrupt congressmen to get them to pass the “Federal Reserve Act” this money-creating power just so they could enslave us as they have and its collection arm the “IRS” which is nothing but a collection agency for them, the fraudulent FRB, to rob and plunder the people of the U.S.A. under “color of law.” IT IS ABSOLUTELY THE BIGGEST RIP-OFF IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND. (The same thing happened to the vote on N. A. F. T. A. recently). Since then, the FRB has operated the biggest scam, rip-off or Ponzi scheme in the history of mankind. In both of the above cases it was a premeditated scam to secure ratification of a law to rob the American people. Did a few legislators conspire (only three in both cases I understand) to take advantage of a clause in the Constitution, which requires the approval of two thirds of those present in Congress, then wait until the rest of the legislature had gone home for Christmas vacation to pass these corrupt, bad laws the afternoon of Dec. 23rd 1913? It would have required only two votes to pass a law! Even the title “Federal Reserve Act” is a subterfuge because it is a private Corporation owned by International Bankers that had this many pages of fine print pushed through the U.S. Senate. We also, have to get rid of the “IRS”, an agency whose acts would make the Nazis blush, one agency that has done more to destroy our families, business, Nation than anything in history. How much longer will the Americans put up with this “DOMESTIC ENEMY NUMBER ONE”, which is destroying our country right under our noses, that is responsible for over one-thousand suicidal deaths every month, and is currently responsible for over one half the divorces in this country, and seventy-five percent of business failures, which are affecting over one-half of the businesses in this country today? The IRS is AMERICA’S PUBLIC ENEMY NUMBER ONE, next only to their master, the “Federal Reserve Bank”, both are private corporations not public.

Ways to end the Federal Reserve Bank The most important thing is how we can get out from under this Monster that is making SLAVES of us all. The way out of this FEDERAL RESERVE ACT is written right in to the Act, which reads and I quote; The Federal Reserve Act H.R. 7837, December 23, 1913. United States Statues At Large, 63rd Congress. 1913-1915, Vol. 38 Part 1, Public Laws, Chap 6, pp 251-275. In the last section 30 and I quote; SEC.30; The right to amend, alter, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved. Approved December 23, 1913.

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