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CHAPTER 26 The following comes from one of about 100 books and Pamphlets Written by a Minister and good friend of mine an expert on the subject of how the Zionists have taken over America in hundreds of ways including the Zionist Banking system. His name was Lt. Col. Gordon Jack Mohr AUS Ret. Deceased. He gave me permission years ago to copy any of his works as long as it was to help America and the rest of the world. I take this information from the book called “THE ENEMY WITHIN.” Foreword: … While there are many authors, the subject is always the same, the subversion of the Christian faith and the white Christian civilization which has engendered and which in spite of all criticism, has done more for the people of the world than any other civilization which has ever existed. TELEGRAM TO A CONGRESSMAN On July 20, 1954, Gerald L.K. Smith sent a lengthy telegram to Congressman Velde, retiring Chairman of the Congressional Committee on Un-American Activities. (Since destroyed by the liberal left in Congress). Here is part of what he said: Dear Congressman: Your records will reveal that I was the first person to circulate a petition calling for the continuing support of your committee in the years of 1940 and 1941. Nearly halfa-million names appeared on that petition. As a fighting enemy of Communism I have assembled through the years a dossier concerning the conspiracy to undermine our American Way of Life and overthrow the government of the United States. I implore you to permit me to appear before your committee as you invited Bishop Bromley Oxnam (a Communist leaning Bishop in the Methodist Episcopal Church) in order that I may put into the permanent record of your committee facts which can be confirmed by documented evidence. It goes without saying, that I take issue with Bishop Oxnam and Stand ready to produce evidence concerning his left wing associations thus far never presented to your committee. I would like also to present names of individuals of unimpeachable character and reputation who will be willing to testify under oath in confirmation of my statement, I am aware that the fulfillment of this request might tax the moral courage of certain members of your committee, but I stand ready to be cross-examined without mercy and will not attempt to shelter myself. The records will reveal that some years ago, I attempted to present evidence before your committee concerning the conspiratorial operations of Charles Chaplin (A Jewish- Communist movie actor, who is now being memorialized by IBM in their TV ads.) Your records will reveal that William Z. Foster, head of the Communist Party, U.S.A. testified before your committee that the two chief projects of their party was the destruction of Gerald L.K. Smith and his movement. In view of this fact, I believe the time has come for you to permit me to appear before your committee. The CHRISTIAN NATIONSLIST CRUSADE was built on the following ten principles: 1 - Preserve America as a Christian nation, being conscious of the fact that there is a highly organized campaign to substitute Jewish tradition for Christian tradition. (This was before the time of the archcollaborators, Jerry Falwell and Jimmy Swaggart. However the Judaizers were hard at work even then ED.) 2 - Expose, fight and outlaw Communism in the U.S. 3 - Safeguard American liberty against the menace of bureaucratic Fascism.

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