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that a desire, whatever it is, is already fulfilled amplifies the thought of your desire, sends it through your auric field into consciousness flow, and manifests your desire so that you may stand in receivership of its completion. The truth is, all things are already yours. When you know they are, then they are made available to you. You must understand that the principal giver of all that you need is you and your ability to receive what you want. The way to receive your desires is simply to know what you want and know you are worthy of getting it. Knowingness is the truth; it is the giver; it is your future. When you speak, know it is. Whatever you want, you may have by simply knowing that you are the lawgiver and that whatever you know and speak must be. That is called the law of one. I tell you, you know all there is to know and you may have all you desire. In this moment of knowing, you simply have not realized that truth. Knowing opens the door to that realization. It activates another part of your brain so the thought can become a manifested reality. Then when the experience of your unlimited thinking has indeed come to pass, that solidifies in the ego part of your brain the realization that knowing does work, which gives you the strength to go a step further into even more unlimited thinking. If I could take all of your words away and give you but a sparse few, they would be: I now know. I am absolute. I am complete. I am God. I Am. If there were no other words but those, you would no longer be limited to this plane. How much greater is it for you to know than to assume or believe? How much greater is it for you to know than to be a maybe? How much greater is it for you to know than not to know? It takes the same thought processes, the same energy, the same facial expression and bodily movement to know as it does to not know. Know. Simply know. "I know this will occur. I know I am God. I know I am happy. I know I am." Know, know, know. That is all it takes. Always know. If you say you don't or you can't, you never will. Say you now know. Then you will know everything.


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