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Huskisson, Australia

Our award winning food, skin and gut health range harnesses the power of our sustainably farmed Australian seaweed. Packed with sea-based nutrition, plant proteins, and an inflammation-busting sea-fibre with proven gut health benefits, our products simply taste and feel fantastic. At PhycoHealth we are on a mission to transform the global well-being through the nutritional density of sustainably cultivated Australian seaweed. Over 25 years ago, our founder Dr Pia Winberg started researching a way to grow ingredients from the ocean and coastline while addressing the bio waste produced by traditional food and agricultural industries. She went on to discover a unique Australian class of seaweed and developed the technology to cultivate it sustainably. Not only yielding a nutritionally-dense crop with exceptional taste ready for all palates, the seaweed also captures Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen and Phosphorous, whilst releasing clean oxygenated water back into the environment. We have created a range of Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) of everyday foods, supplements and skin care products, leading the way in best practice production and processing of seaweed based foods and supplements. Stock you pantry and life with seaweed, inside and out, to help us open this chapter in creating healthy and sustainable products worldwide.
