The View Issue 1 Vol.18

Page 21


summer cinema BEST WORST

$208.8 million opening weekend

$25.7 million

opening weekend



Whether or not you like heading out to the theater at midnight to see the latest Sci-Fi film and spending a fortune on a bag of popcorn, I think we all can agree that watching movies is a fun way to spend your free time. For over a century the world has experienced some of the best films, and some of the worst. I’m going to talk about two of the most anticipated movies that came out this summer and also talk about whether or not it deserved the box office cash it received. Let’s go ahead and kick this off with Universal’s “Jurassic World”. As the fourth film in the Jurassic Park series, this movie deserved the whopping $639.5 million it earned in the box office. The movie starred legendary Chris Pratt who can be recognized as the guy who played the character Andy on the show “Parks and Recreation”, and is also probably my favorite modern actor. Chris Pratt portrayed a staff member of the park named Owen, who trained velociraptors to act almost as dogs in the way the obeyed him and shared a friendship with him. Scientists have genetically created a hybrid dinosaur called the Indominus Rex, which has the IQ of the average human along with many other abilities such as camouflaging to the environment. The lab created dino manages to get out of the walled in area it was kept in and everyone in the park is left to fend for themselves against the raging monster, with only Owen (Chris Pratt), the director of the park Claire (Bryce Dallas Howard), and a few other staff members of the park to figure out a way to take down the beast. “Jurassic World” leaves you on the edge of your seat, and at some scenes even jumping out of it. For a big Sci-Fi film it contains the perfect amount humor, action, emotion, and romance any good summer blockbuster should have. I personally loved the movie and would recommend it to anyone who enjoys a good movie every once in a while, and I would definitely recommend catching it in theaters while there’s still time. So I talked about the movie that was the highlight in film this summer, so I think it’s time to move on with a movie that possibly has made me lose all my faith in the movie studio 20th Century Fox, and that movie is “Fantastic Four”, which came out in August just after school started. Unfortunately this movie ended the short summer on a bad note. This is the second time Fox has attempted to kick off the Fantastic Four series, so there is no exception for this to have turned out the way it did. The first time around the special effects were not pleasing, the acting, was awful, and the plot was simple and boring. This time around they may have managed to make it even worse on themselves. The movie had practically no plot and seemed more like a long boring trailer. The two most interesting members of the Fantastic Four are probably in most people’s opinion, The Thing, and The Human Torch, which makes the fact that both characters having virtually no lines throughout the whole movie pretty disappointing. The movie lacked the fight scenes and action that you would expect from a superhero movie, and don’t get me started on the villain of the film, Doctor Doom, who could have been a very interesting character until they made him completely not interesting. Even the director movie came out on Twitter a couple days later stating the movie wasn’t near its full potential. If you are looking for a movie to go to the theaters and see on a Friday night I would recommend “Jurassic World”, or almost any other movie that came out this summer other than “Fantastic Four”. Let’s hope the next time they decide to reboot the franchise, the lovable super heroes can manage to fall in the right hands.

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