PhotoHastings 2014 Season Journal

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Silverhill Darkrooms An inclusive project that promotes the individual photographic voice within the community.

Val Williams Robert’s Rummage and postcard archives at the London College of Communication, PARC show.

Stuart Griffiths ‘Closer’. Powerful, honest documentary photography on show at Sussex Coast College Hastings.

Image : Nicole Zarourra ©

Bob Mazzer Fresh from his recent success in London with his show ‘Underground’. Showing for PH at Baker Mamonova gallery this October 17th.

‘New Discoveries’

Journal Issue 1 : Autumn 2014

Formed in 2009 as a collective of photographers aiming to inspire appreciation of photographic excellence in the Southeast region, the Photo hub group (Phg) has grown in strength through funding support from the Arts Council England, and its expanding programme of exhibitions, talks, mentoring, workshops and competitions. Prof Val Williams, Director of Photography and the Archive Research Centre (PARC) in the University of the Arts London, remarked at Phg’s inception: “There is a wealth of photographic talent and expertise in Hastings, and the Brighton Photo Fringe is an ideal way to expose this work to a wider public”. So it was that we partnered with the BPF in 2010 and 2012 in their biennial festival, and established ourselves as a diverse and dynamic group based in Hastings. Co-chairs, Andrew Moran and Grace Lau, used their experience and networks to promote the integrity of the group, to ensure its cohesiveness and to project its aims to the public, to students and a wider audience. This year, together with our new Coordinator Cathryn Kemp, Phg is launching itself as an autonomous independent group and will launch the first PhotoHastings season during October/November, simultaneously with but separate from, Brighton Photo Fringe.

There will be an even wider agenda, including a mini-film festival at the local Electric Palace with a personal appearance by Martin Parr to introduce his short documentary “Tinsel and Turkey”. From Brighton we are proud to present Simon Roberts who will give a talk at the Stade Hall about his work including “Pierdom”. The Photology series of monthly informal talks at the Bullet Café continues to attract full attendance and proudly boasts former speakers such as Simon Norfolk, Simon Roberts, Sean O’Hagan, and Sue Steward with the forthcoming December speaker being Chris Wainwright. We look forward to the 2015 star speakers. PhotoHastings’ theme this year is ‘New Discoveries’ and central to this will be Bob Mazzer’s “Underground” series made in the 1970s/80s, which recently showed for the first time in London to phenomenal success, with his accompanying book. Phg will also present young discoveries in a group exhibition led by William Lakin, a successful graduate from Middlesex University. Other emerging photographers include Chris Mammone showing his series about Hastings’ fishermen, and John Stiles’ sympathetic portraits “No Labels” from the Seaview Project. Continued on page 2

Journal : PhotoHastings season of photography • 2

Information: Established artist, Nigel Shafran is showing his sketchbook work; Tim and Mary Morris made work in response to their travels in the Outer Hebrides; Robin Hutt shows her visuals exploration about a garden, and there are nearly thirty diverse exhibitions in total, from Hastings to Brighton to London. The newly formed Phg-Edge group are showing works at Hastings Station, and a visit by the Camper Obscura van will park in Hastings during our launch. Prof Val Williams will present a new exhibition from her archive of “Postcards from Robert’s” at PARC, University of the Arts London. This new annual Journal is launched as the key event of PhotoHastings ‘14, which will be distributed from Hastings to London to Brighton; and our partners now include PARC at UAL, Fairlight Arts Trust, East Sussex County Council, as well as BPF. London based Metro Imaging and Uncertain States Collective are also partners. We thank them for their encouragement and support. Not least, we are indebted to our hard working members and

volunteers, without whom this event could not happen. We look forward to delivering an innovative and accessible Festival season, which will set precedence for an annual PhotoHastings season, and which we hope will be enjoyed by everyone.

Text : Grace Lau ©


Upcoming talks from now to December 2014 are: October 6th PhotoHastings 10-minute presentations November 3rd Anne Hardy Photographer December 1st Chris Wainwright Artist and curator

Photology is a monthly talk and discussion around photography issues held in the Bullet Coffee House in Hastings on the first Monday of each month. Artists photographers, curators and academics, speak about their work, giving illustrated talks to an informed audience in a noninstitutional setting. Beginning back in May 2012, Photology was started by Alexander Brattell: “I teach photography part time and so usually only get to go to my own lectures. I used to go to a pub lecture series some years ago and missed starting the week with a bit of learning and a beer so fancied a photography lecture to go to in Hastings. There’s scope to experiment here and a very strong photo graphic community. Vicky Duffy,

the owner of Bullet said she’d open late. I sent a few e-mails, got good responses and made a flier. A lot of interesting people live in this area, many of whom I have met through Phg. Between us we know many more so it’s not been hard to find really good speakers and a good and fluid audience too.” For PhotoHastings 2014, on October 6th there will be an evening of 10 minute previews from exhibitors in Hastings and the Photo Fringe in Brighton. This event will give a taster to visitors of the theoretical and practical issues that surround the work to be presented in our photo-season and show the collaborative process in-train. The Photology evenings have been enthusiastically embraced by a succession of speakers

with interesting information to impart and thought-provoking angles to debate around the practice of photography. In past talks, issues around war, changes in reportage and documentary practice, picturing the homeless, painting and photography, traditional black and white printing, animation, selecting images for newsprint, constructing environments, and rock-climbing and lard have been presented for discussion. There is a nominal entry fee which goes to the speaker. Links to past and future speakers can be found online at:

Or, take a look at the facebook page to keep up to date with the events.

Photo hub group Members : 2014 Photo hub group: This is a grass-roots collective of photographers with a broad range of interests and skills dedicated to photography and to promoting the photographic ‘voice’. Phg aims to create opportunities, participatory projects and openings for photographers in all areas of interest, encouraging collaboration, growing a photocentric point of view, promoting new work and supporting existing practice.

Neville Austin Rose Biela Tina Bowman Paddy Boyle Sin Bozkurt Alexander Brattell Mel Brewer John Cole Roz Cran Tony Ellis Frank Francis Samuel George Christine Gist Ian Grant Lin Gregory Alma Haser

Gregory Heath Robin Hutt David Jackson Patrick Jones Cathryn Kemp Will Lakin Grace Lau Rachel Lever Sam Lovett Chris Mammone Simon Martin Bob Mazzer Alexander Missen Andrew Moran Lauris Morgan Griffiths Tim Morris

Mary Morris Lesley Parkinson Rob Pickard Steffi Pusch Brian Rybolt Steve Rutter Georgie Scott John Stiles James Vaughan Victoria Wetherill Meg Williams Nicole Zaaroura

Journal : PhotoHastings season of photography • 3

Launch News: PhotoHastings launches with a week-long series of events and talks at the Stade Hall in the Old Town, Hastings; starting on Monday 13th October.

Image : Camper Obscura ©

Image : Simon Roberts ©

During the day we will be visited by CAMPER OBSCURA, this is a camera obscura in a camper van, operated by Jonathan Blyth. The camper van will be parked on the Stade Open Space for one day; Monday 13th October, 11am until 5pm.

P h otoHasti n g s Lau n ch -Wee k Ev e n t s

Come and join us for our official evening launch on Monday, October 13th at 7pm, where our new ‘JOURNAL’ publication will be showcased.

Image : Bob Mazzer ©

Alongside, JOURNAL there will be an opening speech from the leader of Hastings Borough Council, Cllr Jeremy Birch, sounds by the Warrior Squares, visuals by Phg member Sin Bozkurt and a banner display of highlights from the season. For a full list of the talks and all exhibitions please see our Venue Map in the centre pages. PhotoHastings film screenings are listed on the ‘Electric Palace Screenings’ page. TALKS at STADE HALL Entry fee : £5.00 (£3.00 concessions) On Tuesday, October 14th, Photographer and ‘New Discovery’ for PhotoHastings, Bob Mazzer, will talk about his recent success in the Capitol with ‘Underground’, a series of pictures taken in the 1970s and 80s on the tube in London. This show will open on Friday 17th October in St Leonards at Baker-Mamonova.

Image : Rob Pickard ©

On Thursday, October 16th internationally-acclaimed photographer Simon Roberts will discuss his photograhic practice and the work he has made over the past decade exploring ideas of the British landscape. He will talk about three of his recent projects; ‘Pierdom’, which is currently touring the UK, ‘We English’, where Roberts took photographs on a year’s journey across England, and ‘The Election Project’, where he was commissioned as the official ‘Election Artist’ by the House of Commons Works of Art Committee to create a permanent visual record of the 2010 General Election. Friday, October 17th will see four new discoveries, in the form of William Lakin, Simon Martin, Alexander Missen and Rob Pickard, will be ‘In Conversation’ with photographer Alexander Brattell, creator of Photology, . coordinated by the Photo hub group

Journal : PhotoHastings season of photography • 4


Even though the World Cup was not a great success for Brazil’s football team, it was a huge success for a group of young men and women from the favelas of Sao Paulo who took part in an inspirational photography workshop run by photographer John Cole. The project, called ‘Wembley to Soweto’ was started back in 2010 by John along with actor

Joao, Monique, Vinicius, Erika, Gleicimara, Mauricio, Gustavo Rei and Gustavo Henrique. Three of the course’s previous students – Thapelo from Soweto, Kasey from London’s East End and Tariana, a Brazilian student during the London Olympics course – travelled to Brazil for a week to work with the students. The students photographed all three of Brazil’s matches in favela Jardim Colombo. Some residents watched the matches in cafes, but most people moved out onto the street for makeshift street parties, watching the matches on huge TV screens. The students were hesitant at first but soon became adept at capturing the joyously boisterous celebrations of Brazil’s

teach,” said John. “And those that were taught in Sao Paulo, will teach on the project we plan to run during the 2016 Rio Olympics.” The Guardian ran one of the students’ photos for each day of the World Cup. This gave a huge boost to their photography and self esteem. Most of all, the project was about witnessing eight young men and women from the favelas, some with little or no photographic experience, grow in photo- graphic ability, as well as in their own self-belief and confidence. There can be no better example of the success of the project than that of young Thapelo from Soweto, who grew from being a very shy, unconfident young lad

of doggedly looking for funding and endlessly sorting out all of the logistical headaches, I know now in my heart that the project is a great success.” On the day John and David left, Gustavo Rei wrote on his Facebook page, “When you are leaving, I am holding the tears back.” “As was I,” said John.

Wem bley - So w eto - B ra z il

and producer David Westhead which first ran during the South Africa World Cup. It was created specifically in order to provide professional photographic training, work experience and life-skills to historically disadvantaged young people, enabling them to make a positive contribution to the societies in which they lived. The project has since run in Newcastle, Brighton, Cumbria and most recently during the London 2012 Olympics. In Sao Paulo, the project ran out of the Uniao (Union) Community Centre in the heart of favela Jardim Colombo. The objective was to let the young people in the favelas tell the story of the World Cup from their point of view. “I know that some of the favelas have a reputation for violence,” said John. “But the people of Colombo couldn’t have been more welcoming and supportive to our project.” Eight students from favela Colombo and nearby neighbourhoods took part in the project:

Use the following URL to see the students’ Guardian images and the Wembly to Soweto project:

-- artanddesign/series/world-cup-2014in-pictures-the-view-from-the-favelas


march to the semi-finals of the World Cup - as well as the devastation of Brazil’s ignominious defeat. “With Tariana, Thapelo, Kasey as mentors in Sao Paulo, the project has come full circle, so that those who were taught, now

in 2010, to becoming a staff photographer for the Johannesburg Times, as well as being asked to submit his work to Magnum Photos. John and David will continue to work online with all their students, encouraging them to develop their careers by offering advice, support and feedback. John reflects; “What really impressed me was the students’ enthusiasm and commitment to the project and the evident joy it gave them. In spite of the months


Picture credits : Joao Paulo Lima - Favela Colombo© Kasey Newton_- Classroom© Joao Paulo Lima - Brazil loses© John Cole - Students in Favela Colombo© John Cole - Kasey Newton Joao with admirer© Text - Lauris Morgan-Griffiths ©

Journal : PhotoHastings season of photography • 5

Exhibition News: For some years, Professor Val Williams has been working with the objects and collections assembled in Robert’s Rummage in Hastings Old Town. Her first series, Pictures from Robert’s, was exhibited in ‘Finds 1’ at the Well Gallery, London College of Communication, and published in the Journal of Photography & Culture. This second project in the series - Postcards from Robert’s will be shown in the new PARcSPACE at LCC as part of PARC’S archive-mania season. It is a partner project with PhotoHastings, which opens in October 2014 and is the UK’s newest photography festival. For this series, Val Williams selected 400 postcards from the entire stock of several thousand, collating them into sections such as, People on their Own in the Landscape, The Main Street of the Village, Couples in Picturesque Places and Bays. She has also selected a set of colour photographs taken by German émigré Edmund Nagele, for the John Hinde postcard company.

P ostca rds From R o b e rt ’s

Robert’s Rummage is an institution in Hastings Old Town. It has provided a generation of men, women and children, residents and tourists, with items from the very useful to the highly decorative, and with everything in between. Future projects in this series will include Paintings from Robert’s and National Costume Dolls from Robert’s. Val Williams and Robin Christian will be making a short film about Robert Mucci and his remarkable shop, which will be shown during the exhibition in London, and in Hastings during the PhotoHastings season 2014.

PARcSPACE Room 224 London College of Communication Elephant & Castle London SE1 6SB October 15th to 31st, 2014 Tuesday & Thursday 12 noon to 2.30pm Open informally each weekday. Visitors requesting a specific time for a visit or group tour, please contact Robin Christian at: Closed on Saturdays and Sundays. Part of the archive-mania season, October-December, 2014. Images : from top down. Cape Town by night, from the group ‘Cities by Night’. Sunset at Willem Prestorius, Game Reserve, O.F.S. from the group ‘Couples in the Landscape on Their Own’ Near Barrydale, C.P., from the group ‘People in the Landscape on Their Own’ coordinated by the Photo hub group

Journal : PhotoHastings season of photography • 6

Report: people to experiment with free of charge”. The Silverhill Darkroom is based above Martel Colour Print, St Leonards. To become a member, or to book a place on a workshop or for printing, go to the website. Please ask to be added to the mailing list. To sign up for regular bulletins and for information with regard to workshops:

D a r kroom Ligh ts Up Hastings & St Leonards A new independent darkroom has opened in St Leonards and claims to be the only one of its kind in the South East region. The Silverhill Darkroom, set up by photographers Ian Land, Claire Billinger and Alexander Brattell, opened its doors this year. The initiative, which aims to be an inclusive community venture, has run almost entirely on the voluntary efforts of students and local and regional photographers with donations of enlargers, equipment and chemicals and supported by volunteers Sarah French and William Lakin. Darkroom director Ian Land said: “We are probably the only darkroom of this kind in Southern England, a community-focused, entirely volunteer-run darkroom. We have around half a dozen or so volunteers who have helped us run the space, all of the equipment has been generously donated by local people and so

far we have got where we are with almost no income and no funding.” The darkroom hosts workshops that include sessions specifically tailored for children, and one-on-one sessions for those who want to learn the art of printing manually or who simply want to refresh their skills. The space operates on a membership scheme, and can be booked by non-members for one-off fees. There are monthly introductions to black and white printing and film processing, and there are plans to introduce workshops in colour printing and C41 film processing, as well as lith printing, pin-hole camera workshops and shooting paper negatives. Ian added: “Longer term, we would like to run workshops covering as many historical and alternative processes as we can, partly for our own fun but also to give as many people as possible the opportunity to try something different. We have

half a dozen or so enlargers, with a range of black and white and colour heads. We can print negative sizes from 35mm all the way up to 5”x 4”. Twitter @SilverhillDRoom.

Image credits : Pinhole image - Niall Baker Darkroom image - Alexander Brattell Text : Ian Land © Editor : Cathryn Kemp ©

There are a range of processing tanks of different sizes, a Jobo film processor, developing trays of different sizes, a large processing sink, and lots of expired chemistry and lots of expired chemistry and paper for


hardware and restaurant : 36 high street, hastings. TN34 3ER Tel: 01424 447 171

Journal : PhotoHastings season of photography • 7

Exhibition News: Georgie Scott first visited Africa in 2003 on assignment to Zimbabwe for Save the Children. Over the following decade many more trips were made to the continent for further commissions by other Organisations, ActionAid, VSO and EveryChild amongst others. ‘Mwana, Miracle of Dawn’ is the subsequent exhibition of Mother and Child portraits from these trips. Whether the brief was to cover food shortages, cholera outbreaks, sex workers, farming, sanitation or education Scott was regularly called upon to photograph mothers whose children had malaria, anaemia or HIV/AIDS; mothers who had HIV/AIDS but children who did not; children in pain; malnourished mothers still trying to breast feed even though they could no longer produce breast milk because they were so dehydrated; mothers with female genital mutilation (FGM) scarring who nearly died delivering their baby.

M w ana, Mi racl e of D a wn

In 2011 Scott was on assignment for Voluntary Services Overseas (VSO) in Sierra Leone. The country is officially the worst place to be born in the world where one in four children die before the age of five, and one in eight women risk dying in pregnancy or childbirth. Scott worked in labour and postnatal wards across the country. It was whilst working in Sierra Leone she saw some of the worst healthcare she’d ever encountered. “I was struck by how calm the hospital wards were, particularly the labour wards. The contracting mothers were clearly in pain yet hardly uttered a sound despite no drug relief being available. Temperatures were unbearably high and beds filthy with blood. I saw babies who had passed away be carried from the hospital wrapped in a cloth followed by a group of women wailing loudly in an unstoppable outpouring of emotion.” “There’s a belief that a mother can frighten her child if it enters the world and the parent is screaming, yet conversely when a child dies the voice helps to free its spirit. I felt privileged to see these intimate moments.” “It is a parent’s natural instinct to protect their child, but these were aspects of that idea that I hadn’t come across before. I wanted my portraits to convey some of that, ‘silence’.” Within the horror of circumstance, from the darkest hour, parents the world over, generally, love their children. They wish to protect them and celebrate their arrival into the world. What is unthinkable in the UK in terms of difficulties during pregnancy and child-birth, and challenges of feeding and caring for your child as they grow, is daily life in other parts of the world. Scott’s challenge is how to convey the dignity of these women and their children’s stories.

Images : from top down. Pregnant women wait for a midwife to arrive at Binkolo community rural health centre, Sierra Leone. Georgie Scott. VSO © Taksami, 4 yrs old; mother, Suwema, on an IV line and being treated for Malaria and Anaemia Emergency paediatric ward, St Lukes Hospital, Zomba district. Malawi. Georgie Scott. VSO © Mother Suwema and her 1 day old (unnamed) baby boy. Holy Family Mission Hospital, Palombe, Malawi. Georgie Scott. VSO ©

‘Mwana’ is from Malawian Chichewa and means ‘Child’. Mwana, Miracle of Dawn October 18th to 31st. Mon-Thurs: 9am-5pm Fri-Sat: 12-5pm Hastings Trust 34 Robertson Street Hastings. East Sussex. TN34 1HT coordinated by the Photo hub group


Listing Begins

CLOSER Stuart Griffiths Griffiths’ acclaimed exhibition of the aftermath of conflict; British soldiers and the legacy of injuries left to them. September 20th to October 7th 10am-7pm weekdays 10am-2pm Saturdays Sussex Coast College Hastings Station Approach, Hastings, East Sussex, TN34 1BA


S GREEN Meg Williams-O’Mara In 2013 a photographic studio was held offering free portraits to all those who attended the spring festival Jack-in-the-Green. October 1st to November 30th 10am -5pm Tuesday to Sunday Bells Bicycles. 4 George Street Hastings. TN34 3EG Ph : 01424 716541


DAN BASS : WORK Dan Bass Influenced by Robert Tressell, Bass will place several sculptures made using trestle legs in The SPACE, also Bottle Alley will feature a montage of photographs. September 26th– November 2nd Visible daily from dawn to dusk

EDGE Roz Cran, Nicole Zaaroura, Grace Lau, Lucinda Wells, Lauris Morgan Griffiths. EDGE group present their first show, themed, ‘EDGE‘. Work will be shown at Hastings Rail Station.

The SPACE, St Johns Road, St Leonards-on-Sea TN37 6HP

Hastings Railway Station Station Approach, Havelock Road, Hastings, East Sussex, TN34 1BA.

The Kiosk 39-41, Bottle Alley, St Leonards lower promenade.

B FORTUNATELY THOUGHTS ARE SILENT Johan Muyle International Belgian artist engaging with the viewer in analytical evaluation of our cultural assumptions in a globalised era. October 4th to October 26th 12.00pm - 5pm Weekends and by appointment. Electro Studios Project Space Seaside Road, St Leonards-on-Sea TN38 0AL

D MALFORM Samuel George, Leroy Brown, Sam Lovett Interpretations in approach to a theme. Cut-up,urban exploration and twisted visions of the coast. October 1st - 15th Wednesday to Saturday 12pm to 5pm The ‘Garage’. Mercatoria. St Leonards-on-Sea. TN38 0EB. Ph : 01424 420612


October 3rd to November 9th

R LIFE AT SEA Chris Mammone Photography made with the inshore fishing fleet out of Hastings. October 5th to 12th 11am - 4pm weekdays 11am - 6pm weekends St. Mary’s in the Castle 7 Pelham Crescent, Hastings East Sussex. TN34 3AF SMiC Ph : 07964 544 773

R NO LABELS John Stiles LRPS Black and white portraits of people involved with the Seaview Project that supports homeless and those on the edges of society; often negatively labelled. October 5th to 12th 11am - 4pm weekdays 11am - 6pm weekends St. Mary’s in the Castle 7 Pelham Crescent, Hastings East Sussex. TN34 3AF SMiC Ph : 07964 544 773


‘AUTUMN GERMINATION: The Sprouting of New Ideas’ Collaborative PhotoHastings show A collaboration between curator Sue Steward and the Photo hub group on behalf of PhotoHastings. * A Brighton Photo fringe event

TRANQUILITY Lesley Parkinson, Tony Ellis and Bob Mazzer, (guest exhibitor). Tranquility. Water, abstract images contemplating our relationship with nature. Air. Exploring the tranquil nature of un-powered flight.

October 4th to November 2nd

October 6th to November 9th 24 hour access Conquest Hospital Level 3 Out-patients corridor The Ridge Hastings East Sussex TN37 7RD

7th Floor : Vantage Point Vantage Point, New England Road, Brighton, BN1 4GW

H MIRRORED and NATIVE Lucy Bell Presents Maslen & Mehra For the Mirrored series, images are appropriated, silhouetted and made into mirrored sculptures. Subsequently they are placed in a new context in the photograph. October 20th to November 15th Wednesday to Saturday 11am - 4pm or by Appointment. Lucy Bell Fine Art 46 Norman Road St Leonards on Sea TN38 0EJ Ph : 07979 407629

G CAPTIVATED Vicky Wetherill The careful poise of an animal in taxidermy becomes panicked movement. These photographs question the validity of escapism though illusion. October 9th to October 18th 10am - 5pm Thurs, Fri & Sat, or by appointment. SIDESHOW, 64 Norman Rd, St Leonards-On-Sea, TN38 0EJ

L NEW WORK FROM MEXICO AND MALTA: family, in spite of… William Lakin and David Jackson Lakin follows the life of his English and Mexican grandparents, Jackson uses still & moving image to document an encounter with his father. October 10th, 11th & 12th October 17th, 18th & 19th 11am to 4pm, (2 weekends). Rothermere House (enter in Claremont opp Dyke & Dean) 49-51 Cambridge Road, TN34 1DT Ph : 07976 278 490

T CINEMA SCREENINGS Finding Vivian Maier (12A) Sunday 12 October: 8pm £7/£6 (cons) * Brixton to Hastings Wednesday 22nd October: 8pm £7/£6 (cons) * Turkey and Tinsel Thursday 11 December: 8pm £7/£6 (cons)

U WORK BOOKS 1984 - 2014 Nigel Shafran Thirty years of sketchbooks, diaristic notes, images and reflections in this simple show of selected work book pages and video presentations. October 13th to October 26th 12.30pm to 5.30pm Mon to Sun Number 6 Space 6 Rock-a-Nore, Hastings. TN34 3DW Ph : 07792 883 600

V PHOTOHASTINGS 2014 Launch Event: Daytime & evening The PhotoHastings season officially opens, launching Journal, the newsprint brochure that accompanies the exhibitions and events. CAMPER OBSCURA (free event) Jonathan Blyth A camera obscura in a camper van. The van will be parked on the Stade for one day. Camper Obscura Ph: 07866 477813 Monday October 13th 11am untill 5pm * EVENING OPENING EVENT * Music, opening speech by HBC leader, Cllr Jeremy Birch. Celebrate our new PhotoHastings season; all welcome. Monday, October 13th 7pm to 9pm STADE LECTURES Nominal entry fee: £5 (£3 cons). PhotoHastings is hosting talks at The Stade Hall. The talks are open to everyone. • October 14th, 7pm to 9pm Bob Mazzer. Photographer of our signature show, ‘Underground’, opening Friday at Baker-Mamonova. • October 16th, 7pm to 9pm Simon Roberts. Landscape Studies of a Small Island • October 17th, 5pm - 8pm William Lakin, Simon Martin, Rob Pickard & Alexander Missen. In Conversation. Stade Hall Stade Open Space, Rock-a-Nore Road, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3FJ

M SEMBLANCE Paddy Boyle Portraits, theatrical, illustrative, but not of inner character. A sceptical exercise gesturing towards the external. October 25th to November 1st 10am - 5pm Mon to Sat Carbon Creative Arts 17 Robertson Street. (Lower ground floor venue). Hastings. TN34 1HL Carbon Ph : 07462751039

J PAUSE/REFLECT Sinan Bozkurt This work-in-progress show highlights existing projects and identifies thinking in new ones. October 14th to November 21st Monday - Friday 9.30am - 5.30pm Martel Colour Print 2 Sedlescombe Road South St Leonards on Sea East Sussex. TN38 0TA Ph : 01424 420188

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Exhibitions read by start date, from top to bottom and left to right on this double-page spread starting on opposite page.

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Brighton Rail Station

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The large letters relate to the venue Churchill Sq Shopping Cntr

Brighton Venue

R OCTET Sarah French, Lesley Parkinson, Ian Grant, Lin Gregory, Ian Land, Will Lakin, Claire Land, Sue Reid. Experiments with natural specimens, slow photography, allotments as personal space, wanderings along the Brighton Marina Undercliff, evocative sepia images, the tradition of drying washing outside, Cyanotypes of Berlin and “A Year in Berlin”. October 14th to 26th 11am - 4pm weekdays 11am - 6pm weekends St. Mary’s in the Castle 7 Pelham Crescent, Hastings East Sussex. TN34 3AF

X POSTCARDS FROM ROBERT’S Val Williams Working with an assembled collection from Robert’s Rummage in Old Town Hastings, of 400 postcards, (from several thousands). A short film about Robert Mucci and his remarkable shop will be shown during the exhibition in London and in Hastings during PhotoHastings 2014, (see cinema page). October 15th to October 31st. Tuesday & Thursday 12pm to 2.30pm Open informally each weekday. Visitors requesting a specific time for a visit or group tour, please contact Robin Christian at: Closed on Saturdays and Sundays. Part of the archive-mania season, October to December, 2014. PARcSPACE, Room 224 London College of Communication Elephant &Castle. London SE1 6SB

Ro ya l Pa vill i on a n d th e s ea

See Cinema Screenings page in this JOURNAL for detailed information



London Venue


UNDEREXPOSED Mel Brewer, Tina Bowman, Rose Biela, Steve Rutter, Rachel Lever, Alex Brattell and Lauris MorganGriffiths. Process and decay in the built environment.

DAWN AND DUSK : The Fairlight End Garden Journals Robin Hutt A journey around a garden exploring mutability and the imperfection embraced by gardeners. Open studio and garden.

A BAREFOOT RESIDENCY Nicole Zaaroura Site specific work; a residency at St Johns Church, St Leonards. Exploring the order of remembering, ‘listening’, and slippage, through small performative acts.

October 16th to October 30th

October, 18th, 19th, 24th, 25th, 26th 11am to 4pm Wheelchair access to studio only

October 24th & 25th 4.30pm-7pm each day.

The ‘Garage’. Mercatoria. St Leonards-on-Sea. TN38 0EB. Ph : 01424 420612

Fairlight End Pett Road, Pett East Sussex. TN35 4HB (opposite the ‘Two Sawyers’ Pub)



UNDERGROUND Bob Mazzer The first showing outside of London of the flux of life on London Underground in the recent past; Images of humour and pathos.

HEBRIDEAN JOURNEYS Mary Morris. Tim Morris Photography, mixed media and textiles: work made in response to travels in the Outer Hebrides; the results of five years work.

October 17th to 31st 10am – 5pm

October 23rd to November 4th 11am – 5pm daily

Baker Mamonova gallery 43 - 49 Norman Road, St Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex, TN35 0EQ Ph: 01424 457 830












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Fairlight End Pett Road. W TN35 5.7mls

Conquest Hospital

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Martel & Silverhill Darkrooms 1.3mls

MWANA, MIRACLE OF DAWN Georgie Scott Mother and Child portraits from Zimbabwe, Sierra Leone, Uganda and Malawi. October 18th to 31st 9.30am - 5.30pm. Monday -Thursday 12am - 5pm. Friday - Saturday Hastings Trust 34 Robertson Street Hastings East Sussex TN34 1HT

SOJOURN William Lakin, Alexander Missen, Simon Martin, Rob Pickard. Four ongoing projects that develop themes of connecting with the unfamiliar. Curator: Cathryn Kemp October 23rd to November 4th. 11am - 5pm daily, *Step into gallery 2 Hastings Arts Forum 36 Marina St. Leonards on Sea East Sussex TN38 0BU HAF Ph: 01424 201 636

St Johns Church Pevensey Rd. St Leonards-on-Sea TN38 0JX

R VIRTUOSO John Cole & Alexander Brattell Still photography from ‘Hastings International Piano Concerto Competition’, 2013-2014. October 31 to November 14 11am - 4pm weekdays 11am - 6pm weekends St. Mary’s in the Castle 7 Pelham Crescent, Hastings East Sussex. TN34 3AF SMiC Ph : 07964 544 773

F SO WE LIVE FOREVER TAKING LEAVE Patrick Adam Jones Aseries of photographs exploring how we measure to understand November 1st to November 16th 10am - 6pm Saturday 11am - 4pm Sunday or by appointment Project 78 78 Norman Road. St Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex TN38 0EJ

Journal : PhotoHastings season of photography • 10

Report: Founded in 2003, BPF was initiated by photographers to work in partnership with Brighton Photo Biennial, enabling local and emerging artists to become involved with this international festival. There’s lots more to come so visit: for full details. Since its inception, the BPF festival has grown year on year into an all-encompassing event

open to all; a rare experimental festival that places the practitioner at its heart and embraces all audiences. While the Brighton Photo Fringe festival is the keynote event in the organisation’s biennial programme, we also coordinate year-round activity, creating opportunities, coordinating participatory projects and opening up exhibition platforms. Showcasing the best of current photographic practice, BPF aims to embed photography into

the cultural fabric of Brighton & Hove and the wider region, increasing access to and participation in high quality photographic exhibitions and events. In 2010, Brighton Photo Fringe was excited to partner with Photo hub group for the first edition of Brighton Photo Fringe Hastings. This partnership enabled a dialogue for BPF with both Hastings artists and Phg as a growing organisation. Shared aspirations to celebrate and to

“there’s something for everyone and everybody’s invited” support local lens-based artists and to invite local communities to participate created complimentary programmes, with events attended by Brighton photographers in Hastings and vice versa. BPF is proud to partner with Phg and looks forward to continuing the exchange of ideas and events with the development of the annual PhotoHastings season.

Image : Ute by Peter Watkins ©

This October Brighton Photo Fringe brings you BPF14, the sixth edition of one of the largest and most inclusive photography festivals in the UK. Over 60 self-curated exhibitions will permeate the city connecting early-career artists to international audiences. To complement this rich mix of shows in all kinds of spaces, BPF will work with print partner Metro Imaging, London’s most trusted and reliable pro lab, and events partner Miniclick, to deliver a range of exhibitions and events at three main BPF14 Hubs. BPF14 Collectives Hub on the 7th floor of Vantage Point, near Preston Circus, a large open plan office space just 5 minutes walk from Brighton Station, will showcase 12 UK photography collectives selected from open submission. BPF14 Phoenix: Participation & Events Hub will host a range of events including a Photo Publishers’ Fair; Format and Wideyed photography collectives; an exhibition for Black History Month and Assembly by Anthony Luvera, an exhibition of work created over a twelve month period by the artist and people who have experienced homelessness living in Brighton. BPF’s OPEN14 moves to Regency Town House in Brunswick Square, with 20 shortlisted artists and the winner Peter Watkins was selected from an international open call, sponsored by print partner Metro Imaging. Watkins creates installations that incorporate a range of sculptural approaches to complicate the reading of his enigmatic autobiographical photographs. He is a 2014 graduate of the Royal College of Art M.A. Photography course and was featured in the British Journal of Photography’s ‘ones to watch’ list.


Bells Bicycles 4 George Street Hastings Old Town East Sussex • TN34 3EG

We are open : Tuesday - Saturday 10am - 5pm • Sunday 11am - 5pm Tel: 01424 716541 Email:

Journal : PhotoHastings season of photography • 11

Exhibition News:

“Griffiths is a unique photographer, as he shows us

army life, not from an embedded viewpoint (like so many images around war), but direct from his experience of being there as he was a Soldier himself.”

– Martin Parr

Stuart Griffiths began taking photographs when he was a young soldier, carrying a ‘sure-shot’ instamatic camera in his chest webbing, alongside 120 live bullets, his water canisters and field dressings, whilst on patrol in West Belfast in the late 1980s. ‘Closer’ was Griffiths’ first solo exhibition which was selected by Charlotte Cotton, Val Williams & Martin Parr for the Brighton Photo Fringe OPEN 2010. Between 2003 and 2008, Griffiths photographed socially excluded veterans who were living in hostels, treatments centers, or, were homeless.

‘CLOSER’ – Stuart Griffiths

With their military careers behind them, these veterans, many of whom had been seriously injured, faced innumerable problems and showed remarkable resilience. The making of these photographs, and Griffiths’ own reflections on his life as a photographer were documented in ‘Isolation’, the 2009 documentary film made by Luke Seomore and Joseph Bull which will be shown to students of Sussex Coast College Hastings, during the exhibition. Acting as a counterpoint to these large-scale photographs, are Griffith’s candid photographs of army life, taken during his time in the Parachute Regiment in Northern Ireland in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Documenting the minutiae of service life, these photographs are both bleak and bizarre. Griffiths’ remarkable letters home, which were often highly illustrated, are also being presented as oversize Xeroxes for this installation. “I began making these photographs as a response to my personal feelings towards war . . . This was long before charities started using cuddly teddy bears as a way of making serious injuries acceptable to the masses . . . I wanted to show the horror of war and its aftermath and realised early on, it was the young people that carried the worst scars of all. To me, when I began working on Closer, it was to be a visual protest against war; now the work is complete, I still feel the same way.” – Stuart Griffiths

Images from top down: British soldier who was blinded in the Iraq War; Liverpool 2007 Stuart Griffiths © The youngest British soldier to be injured in the Iraq War; Bristol 2007 Stuart Griffiths ©

CLOSER 20th September to 7th October. Mon - Fri 10am-7pm Saturdays 10am-2pm. Sussex Coast College Hastings Station Approach, Hastings, East Sussex, TN34 1BA Ph : 01424 442222 Email: coordinated by the Photo hub group

Journal : PhotoHastings season of photography • 12

Interview: is at the ‘peak’ moment, where there may be hundreds of people doing their own thing, yet connected somehow, through my camera. I love that” “What advice do you give young photographers, following your footsteps,?” I asked Bob. “Go be an assistant to get good experience. It’s hard to start on your own. Follow the path that has heart!” He laughingly quoted Carlos Castaneda.

After Bob Mazzer’s recent phenomenally successful exhibition and book launch in London, and, while he is recovering from his exertions and excitement, I asked him about this unexpected surge of stardom. As modest, engaging and humorous as ever, Bob admitted that it’s been a strain, he is still coming to terms with the ‘stardom’ and he definitely “has not come into such wealth that he is able to move into the Old Town,” he laughed. Upon being asked how this episode began, Bob explained that he had shown his tube pictures on the ‘Gentle Author’s’ blog for a while, and these became such an increasing hit

always argued about the assets of film over digital, suggesting film to be more of a ‘craft’! But there’s far too many bland pictures around now, everything is up for grabs, people aren’t selective enough.” He named the photographers he admired: Don McCullin for instance, his picture of the dead Cypriot surrounded by the anguished family, will always be remembered. His favourite book is Robert Frank’s America. Then there is Henri Cartier-Bresson, Lee Friedlander, Josef Koudelka and Emmett Gowan. What about contemporary photo graphers, I asked? “There are a lot of good journallistic photographers out there, so many that I can’t remember

spontaneous pictures of people; that “the camera is like a compass, it points the way for me, although it is incorrect to

that both he and the ‘Gentle Author’ thought about an exhibition and book. But several galleries in London were not suitable, including the Photographers’ Gallery, until the ‘Gentle Author’ fortuitously walked into the Howard Griffin Gallery in Shoreditch, which specializes in street art and the owner had the foresight to realize that Bob was “hot property”. The ‘Gentle Author’ is all about Spitalfields in the heart of London; it’s been his “task and delight to describe the exuberant richness and multiplicity of culture in this place to everyone reading his daily blog.” Naturally, Bob’s street photography work related, and so he sent some Underground pictures for the blog, and that was the beginning. “My books sold like hot cakes,” admitted Bob, and the pictures sold well.” Bob became animated as he continued “Whenever I was in the gallery, hundreds of young photographers came in and

all of their names. I have seen a lot of technically perfect, beautifully exposed immaculately composed photos of the most harrowing events, that somehow don’t pack a punch; strictly because they are so beautiful. “ I asked about his style of ‘Street photography’, and he responded that he loved taking

say that my camera leads me to new subject matter or ideas, those only ever come from within after a lot of mulling over, false starts, dead ends, with only the occasional breakthrough…. the camera is just a very efficient and accommodating implement.” And he emphasized that while photographing people “you can get one shot where everyone

T h e Bene volent Ey e

“Are you following your heart now, Bob?” I asked. He became more serious as he told me that he would like to focus on a project about a group of youths involved in the “Respond Academy” in St Leonards. He has been a regular visitor for over a year, taking portraits that he would like to exhibit “But with the kids’ consent and cooperation, which is difficult due to their challenging lives.” His deep concern for these young people revealed his compassionate nature and that Bob indeed, has a Big Heart.

‘Underground’ will be at the Baker Mamonova gallery from October 17th to October 31st. Text : Grace Lau ©

Images : Bob Mazzer ©


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Journal : PhotoHastings season of photography • 13

Exhibition News: Image : ©Vivian Maier/Maloof Collection . Ravine Pictures LLC2013

Finding Vivian M aier (12A) Sunday, 12th October: 8pm • £7/£6 (concessions) John Maloof and Charlie Siskel, 2014, 83mins, USA Screening with From Robert’s, Robin Christian, 2014, 10mins, UK Plus a discussion hosted by Professor Angus Carlyle , Director of CriSAP

Image : ©Val Williams and Robin Christian

PhotoHastings, the UAL Photography and the Archive Research Centre hosts a gripping and thought-provoking documentary uncovering the life and times of a mysterious nanny who secretly took 100,000 photographs and stashed them away until they were found after her death by one of the directors. In probing this elusive street photographer the filmmakers highlight a moral quandary about invasion of privacy in photography and beyond. Screening with a new short film by Robin Christian about Robert’s legendary rummage shop in the Old Town Hastings to coincide with the exhibition Postcards from Robert’s, curated by Val Williams for PARcSPACE London College of Communication. A PhotoHastings/UAL Photography and the Archive Research Centre partnership for PhotoHastings, 2014 and archive-mania season at PARcSPACE

E l e ctr ic Palace Sc re e n in g s Brixt on t o Hast in g s Wednesday, 22nd October: 8pm • £7/£6 (concessions) STILL / MOVING DSLR Film Festival. Various, 2014, 90min, UK

PhotoHastings collaborates with Brixton’s Photofusion to bring you a cutting-edge selection from the first STILL /MOVING DSLR Film Festival. Come and be inspired by a programme celebrating the best new work from photographers, artists and film-makers engaged with the convergence of digital photography, video and the contemporary moving image. Expect a truly mixed bag of genres including animation, documentary, fiction and experimental films that explore the blurred boundaries and freedoms opened up by the development of HD video-capable digital SLR cameras.

Image : Martin Parr, behind the scenes, shooting Turkey & Tinsel © Emma Chetcuti / Multistory

A Photofusion partnership with PhotoHastings Turkey and Tinsel Thursday, 11th December: 8pm • £7/£6 (concessions) Martin Parr, 2014, 60mins, UK Plus a Q&A with Martin Parr hosted by Dr Karen Shepherdson, Canterbury Christchurch University Screening with From Robert’s, Robin Christian, 2014,10mins, UK PhotoHastings and the UAL Photography and the Archive Research Centre are delighted to host a screening of acclaimed photographer Martin Parr’s wickedly funny documentary about a group of Black Country pensioners on a five-day pre-Christmas coach trip from Walsall to Weston-super-Mare. Martin Parr gives us a characteristically quirky portrayal of ‘Britishness’ and a heart-warming insight into ageing camaraderie and a refusal to give up. Screening with a new short film by Robin Christian about Robert’s legendary rummage shop in the Old Town, Hastings to coincide with the exhibition Postcards from Robert’s shown in October at PARcSPACE London College of Communication. Booking seats at Electric Palace Screenings 
 3 9a High Street 
 H astings 
 E ast Sussex 
 T N34 3ER Ph: 01424 720393

A PhotoHastings/UAL Photography and the Archive Research Centre (PARC) partnership for PhotoHastings 2014. coordinated by the Photo hub group

Journal : PhotoHastings season of photography • 14


Lucinda writes: The HND Photography course at Sussex Coast College began in 2012. It is two-years full-time. This June we held our first exit show which judging from the excellent feedback was very well received. The show took place in the Atrium Gallery; where Stuart Griffiths’ show ‘Closer’, will be featuring in September October as part of PhotoHastings 2014.

The School of Art & Design has an exceptional reputation built up over many years and has some very high profile alumni, as well as many fans. It was vital that we maintain these high standards and we were delighted to get an excellent report from the external examiner. Image : Robert Maxted ©

Lucinda Wells, Subject Leader of the HND Photography course at Sussex Coast College Hastings, looks back at completion for the first tranche of students on the course. Phg spent some time encouraging SCCH to initiate an HE provision in photography.

Hastings and St Leonards is vast and varied; within this we have a large and dynamic photography scene. The students clearly benefit from all this activity. There are many events and opportunities, enabling them to develop their own practice and networks. Having a group as experienced as Phg in the town is a real gift and our students are encouraged to fully participate in all of their events and activities. This year, three students from the HND course are

increasing their visual communication skills, it also aims to increase their employability Whilst studying, our students are encouraged to enter competitions and submit work for exhibitions and/or publications. This has been very successful with student work being published in a variety of media both local and national. One student won 1st prize in a competition judged by Rankin.

Contact Lucinda Wells at:


Eleven students were represented, each of them showing high quality work. Students are encouraged to develop their own way of communicating using lensbased media, the programme is geared to facilitate this by focusing on research, creative thinking and technical skills. This ethos is evidently working as the show encompassed a broad spectrum: documentary, black & white still life, portraiture, alternative landscapes, fashion, food, fine art and moving image. More than half of the students are continuing their studies and progressing to a one year B.A. Hons (top up), most at SCCH, two students are progressing externally onto a B.A. Hons Photography top up. The college had been talking for some time about starting an HND in photography to complement the range of Higher Education arts offering already available, they were well resourced and equipped; by late summer 2012 it was under way.

Image : Sam Lovett ©

P h otograp h y’s Fir s t Sh o w

The teaching team is very experienced, coming from diverse backgrounds and specialisms and we each continue with our practice alongside teaching. The creative community in

showing at the Garage gallery in this October’s PhotoHastings season. While the HND Photography aims to enable students to develop effective strategies for

Text : Lucinda wells ©


Compact, Bridge & SLR cameras stocked along with tripods, bags and many accessories.

Collectable and secondhand items purchased & sold. Camera & binocular repairs with free estimates.

Processing & printing services for digital images. Colour & Black and White film. Enlargements & Canvas prints, printed in store.

Cine & video transferred to DVD. Old photos, negatives & slides printed.

Passport photos taken for all ages and nationalities. ONLY £5.50

Terrestrial & astronomical telescopes, spotting scopes, binoculars and microscopes in stock. Trading independently since 1910

M A R R IO T T ’S P H OTO S TORES • 42 W HITE ROCK • HASTINGS• T N 34 1JL • 01424 436 933 C o m e and visit us M onday t o Sat urday • 9am - 5p m

Journal : PhotoHastings season of photography • 15

Last Post: In Memoriam Sue Barnes By: Alison Barnes Sue Barnes was a good friend to the Photo hub group; she holds a special place in the hearts of so many in our creative community. At 14, Sue joined a weekly photo club in Skipton, Yorkshire. She had as an art teacher at Green Head Grammar School, Peter Clarkson, who instilled in her a sense of rigour and seriousness in the production of art. In the late 1960s, Clarkson suggested to Sue that commercial graphic design was ‘the place to be’ and at 18 she studied graphics at Central School of Art & Design, from 1971 -‘75. In 1976 she gained a place in fine art printmaking at the RCA, studying there until 1979.

She included in her photographic practice large-scale landscapes and still-life objects of all sizes to work from as reference. Sue thought that it was an imposition to take photographs of people. She wanted to control expression of her own visual language and environment, therefore, she used inanimate objects to illustrate her thinking; she could find the soul in an object. There were constant strands of thought that were fed through her photographs. Sue captured images of ‘Urban Roses’ over a period of ten years and a typological catalogue of ‘Kerbstones’ with carved signs over a longer period.

Claire Richardson

She believed in what she thought and what she saw around her. She lived her life through her eyes, excited by visual stimuli and had a visual intelligence that was both strong and sensitive. She had been taught at a young age by Peter Clarkson to work hard to achieve, and to have faith in her own ideas. Sue was technically knowledgeable but at the same time experimental. Her love of typography informed her print and photographic work both in graphic design and in fine art practice. Because of her technical knowledge of print making she was able to make images shine and to converse with professionals to control her vision of the final print. Sue had taught graphics at the London School of Furniture Design. Sue’s involvement in the Photo hub group was as a fine art practitioner, making semi-sculptural pieces; photo-installations. Sue was a generous person who knew who she was and came across to all those who encountered her as solid, intelligent, creative and warm. She died of cancer in July 2014.

Images : A Moran ©

By: Sylvia Richardson

Claire Richardson studied textile design at Liverpool University and in 1991 moved to London and joined IPC Media where she gained a knowledge of magazine production. It was here that she became an interior stylist and discovered her love of photography. After 4 years working solely as a stylist, she combined her two practices as stylist/photographer for a further year until she felt confident to concentrate on photography making it her main profession. At this time that she made the decision to move out of London and make her home in East Sussex, first at St. Leonards and later in Hastings.

Claire absolutely loved her work. It was labour intensive but no two days were ever alike, an element that attracted her communicative and collaborative nature. This work enabled her to travel extensively in the U.K. and abroad, mainly in France, India and Africa, meeting lots of interesting people, as anyone acquainted with Claire would know, she loved people.

Her work featured in many magazines including Country Living, Selvedge, Country Homes & Interiors as well as newspaper supplements in the Telegraph and Mail on Sunday. She contributed to numerous books through her publishing contacts. Claire was involved with the Photo hub group through two festivals, in 2010 and 2012, each show different to the other in content but playing to her strengths; interiors and people. In the first event, Claire took the opportunity to present personal work, of recently vacated domestic spaces showing pathos and sensitivity in the touching elements of detail that her tender photographic eye would pick out. In the second festival, Claire showed images from a visit to Kabubbu in Africa for the Quicken Trust. This time, mainly concerned with the infectious warmth and humour of the people there, who in spite of their difficulties continued to work to improve their immediate environment.

Claire loved people and people loved her, to meet her was to receive a warm embrace and a ‘hello lovely’. That was Claire, talented, eager, lovely and loved. She died in February 2014. Images : C Richardson & courtesy of Narratives agency © coordinated by the Photo hub group

All images copyright of the photographers Š

Journal : PhotoHastings season of photography • 16 coordinated by the Photo hub group

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