Olivia Martin-Johnson

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OLIVIA Martin-Johnson

Table of Contents Resume


Personal Essay






Writing Featured in 2019 Literary Magazine


Writing Featured on TheRaiderVoice.com


Writing Featured in 2019 Yearbook


(Also designed/laid out the index 6 pages and people section 44 pages of the 2019 Yearbook)

18-29 Design (all published in 2019 Literary Magazine) 30-33 Extras 34 About ME


Personal Essay



DIVING deep reporting by Olivia Martin Johnson photo by Kelly Schappert

John Schappert merged his passion for conservation and computer science to design a video game aimed at raising awareness about the dangers of ocean pollution.

I have come face to face with sharks. Not any scary ones like in the movies, but I have frequently seen octopuses, sharks, frog fishes, and other animals that are really fascinating. The aquatic life is by far my favorite part of the experience. At the age of 10, I was finally allowed to get my scuba diving open-water license. From there, my passion was born. Diving is a transportation to another world, an escape from reality. I have logged 100 dives so far, and I’m not stopping any time soon. While I am in the water I frequently encounter trash. Because of my love for aquatic life, I decided to do what I could to help with this problem. Last year I did a school project concerning water pollution. From the research, I found an organization called 4ocean that focuses on cleaning up the ocean. I still attend beach cleanups with 4ocean. Cleaning up makes me feel like I’m on my way to make a change in this world. I decided to combine my two passions, diving and computer science, and created a video game to address the issue. My game is called Dumpster Diver and it is currently available in the iTunes app store and the Google play store. The objective of the player, who is a diver, is to collect falling trash. I always get excited when a notification telling me there has been another download pops up on my computer. Informing the public is inspiring, and a very effective way to spread the word and start change. I have had twelve people review my game, all of them giving it five stars. I have had a love for computer science ever since I was little. A lot of time is taken up by coding. While my friends are watching TV, I code. I find it more productive and am happier with my outcome than watching a series, which to me is a waste of time. I have found that I am not on the same page as all my friends recently. They have surpassed me in video games, which is where I realized how much time I devote to this. Overall, I’m not upset at these realizations, but proud of my accomplishments, which at the end take sacrifices.”


Layout & Design Vanessa Rosales



ABOUT ME This is me, Olivia Martin-Johnson. Simply having fun and trying my best to succeed. I consider myself a forward thinker, having an idea of what will come out of my decisions today and how they will effect me tomorrow. I found a love in journalism, politics, music and enjoying what life has to offer.

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