Cameratalk convention special

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NZ CameraTalk To p r o m o t e t h e w i d e r e n j o y m e n t o f p h o t o g r a p h y


65th PSNZ National Convention 2017 Special

PRESIDENT Peter Robertson LPSNZ PO Box 2, Westport 7866 t. 03 789 8745 e:

VICE-PRESIDENT Moira Blincoe LPSNZ 16a Burleigh Street, Grafton, Auckland 1023 t. 09 379 7021 e.

TREASURER David Knightley PO Box 99470, Newmarket, Auckland 1149 e.

SECRETARY Patrice Nilsen 8 Raroa Terrace, Tawa, Wellington 5028 t. 04 232 1565 e.

EDITOR Lindsay Stockbridge LPSNZ 14 Poynter Place, Whanganui 4501 t. 06 348 7141 or m. 027 653 0341 e.

DESIGN AND LAYOUT Annikka Pugh LPSNZ 157 Peel Street, Westport 7825 t. 03 789 6650 or m. 021 023 13912 e.

ADVERTISING & INSERTS Paul Whitham LPSNZ PSNZ Councillor t. 04 973 3015 or m. 021 644 418 e.

CAMERATALK DEADLINE The next CameraTalk deadline is 18 June 2017. Email your contributions to the Editor at his email address. Editorial should be sent as Word or .txt files. JPEG images generally should open to not more than 150mm x 100mm at 300 dpi, compressed to high to medium quality. Include return postage if you wish material to be returned. The opinions expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of the Editor or of the Council of PSNZ.


From the President's desk OUR CURRENT STRATEGIC review has clarified the Society’s mission as Helping Photographers Grow. This notion, inherent in the Rules of the Society from the beginning, will soon begin to appear as a strapline or subtitle with the name of the Society and will help to explain the purpose of the Society. Helping photographers grow in skills, knowledge, confidence and enthusiasm has long been the underlying philosophy for the National Conventions and this year’s convention in Auckland was a great example. The National Convention is a time for catching up with old friends, meeting new friends, and gaining inspiration for our photography from top class presenters, workshops and activities, and the Auckland Convention Organising Committee did all of this and more. The buzz of enthusiasm from those who attended was a good measure of its success.

Editor’s corner WELCOME TO THE first all-digital issue of CameraTalk! In the April/May edition, PSNZ Councillor Paul Whitham LPSNZ described the progress being made to move from a paper format to a digital format. And here we are! This issue celebrates the convention! As one who flew into Auckland on the same day that happy conventioneers flew out, I know that I missed something special. In this issue we place on record the activities and achievements of a great convention. Here’s a grateful thought for members of the Convention Organising Committee; we hope you’re now able to rest up and return some sanity to your daily lives! Lindsay Stockbridge LPSNZ Editor

Thank you to the Auckland Photographic Society for hosting the convention, and to the Henderson Photographic Society for hosting the associated National Exhibition. We fully appreciate the hours of work involved in organising these events for the enjoyment of our members. We are also deeply grateful to our trade partners and sponsors, without whom we would struggle to hold an event like this, and we urge members to support them in return whenever the opportunity arises. They are deeply knowledgeable about the tools and techniques of our craft and keen to help us grow as photographers. Kind regards Peter Robertson LPSNZ President

Inside PSNZ Honours awards


Honours seekers tops 100 again


PSNZ National Convention 2017


PSNZ Service Awards 2017 Bruce Shanks FPSNZ Shona Jaray APSNZ Brian Cudby FPSNZ EFIAP ESFIAP Gerard Emery

8 8 8 9 9

COC experience 2017


Heather Harley had good news for the convention


National Exhibition award winners Open prints Open projected Nature prints Nature projected

12 12 21 29 37

Special thanks


National Convention 2018


Photography on the Edge Recapping the National Convention 2017 THIS YEAR’S 65TH PSNZ National Convention held in Auckland at the wonderfully accommodating Waipuna Hotel and Conference Centre in Mt Wellington closed to rousing reports of success from all stakeholders – delegates, trade sponsors and keynote and other presenters. A solid two years of planning by a dedicated committee, drawn from the Auckland Photographic Society (APS), resulted in a convention that ran like clockwork. From the opening of the Canon National Exhibition and the trade stands on Thursday evening, to the AGM and subsequently to the closing remarks from PSNZ President Peter Robertson LPSNZ on Sunday, the programme presented by Photography on the Edge (PotE) was diverse and challenging. With a carefully chosen lineup of international and local New Zealand guest speakers the programme was compiled to ensure there was an even balance between educational learning, information technology, inspirational workshops and interesting field trips. The Convention opened in the manner it intended to continue – unexpectedly and in a challenging manner with an appearance by local comedian Matt Stellingwerf. This certainly put delegates on notice that they were in for a slightly different atmosphere at this 65th National Convention. The opening keynote speaker was the ever enthusiastic Peter Rees. Currently based in Waiheke, Pete took us on a journey through the art of painting, showing how that impacts on the way he sees, how he views the world, and ultimately how that history impacts on the imagery he is making now. Canon sponsored keynote speaker Darren Jew toured delegates through a wonderful underwater world of experience and majesty. Leica brought us Stu Robertson with his moving tale of learning to photograph people, from capturing images of people from behind, to images of people unawares (often sleeping) and finally to the face to face photography that has become the lynchpin of his amazing 10,000 hands project. Ultimately challenging, this project has taken Stu around the world, opened doors that are not typically opened, and generated substantial income for charity - truly inspirational. Flush from the recent success of his amazing Antarctic projection project (three unforgettable days of projection on the Auckland War Memorial Museum), Auckland photographer Joe Michael held the audience spellbound with the story of his epic project. Again and again, Joe reiterated to his audience that adventure was there for the taking. So take it. Wellington based photographer Grant Sheehan showed delegates the world from a different – yet increasingly accessible – perspective, via drone. Grant’s presentation challenged

Stu Robertson speaks at his Peace in 10,000 Hands presentation.

delegates on several fronts, not least the need to continually question your aesthetic. The final keynote speaker was the wonderfully inspirational Si Moore, half of the world-renowned Bayly and Moore. Si wandered the extensive stage of Waipuna’s Cole Theatre; he took ownership of that stage and he challenged all of us to say ‘Yes’. Stop making excuses, start making waves, embrace your art, say ‘Yes’. Inspirational. All the speakers presented workshops and several subsequently involved themselves in a variety of fieldtrips on the Saturday of the Convention weekend. In addition, several ‘workshop/ fieldtrip only’ presenters were added to the programme, covering impressionism and macro (Eva Polak), street photography (Dave Simpson), wet plate and more. This was a programme that offered many options to suit many tastes. The field trips were carefully selected to capitalise on the natural features offered by the Auckland environs. These included Tiritiri Matangi, sponsored by Canon, the unique environment of the Glenbrook railway workshops (sponsored by Nikon, ably assisted by a literal host of steampunk models who turned up for the photography experience, no questions asked) and a full day excursion to Waiheke under the inimitable guidance of Pete Rees (sponsored by CR Kennedy). Auckland showed off her colours under beautiful clear skies to those who were prepared to venture out. The CR Kennedy banquet was held on the Saturday evening to honour those people successful in various levels of PSNZ Honours and to present special awards. The Convention Organising Committee (COC) was lucky to be able to delegate the decoration of the banquet hall to a very special trio of APS members. This team embraced the banquet theme of


Viva Las Vegas and turned the Waipuna banquet room into a visual feast.

was needed, especially as the convention weekend hurtled towards its start time.

Ably MCd by Honours Board member Bruce Girdwood FPSNZ (resplendent in an Elvis wig and glasses), the formalities of the banquet evening segued into a party atmosphere. We welcomed the wonderful Johnny Angel on stage; Johnny is an Elvis tribute artist who performed at the annual Parkes Festival in northern NSW (January 2017) and subsequently at the Henderson and then Manurewa Elvis events. Johnny wowed the crowd, gave away spot prizes and had most of his audience up dancing in short order.

The Waipuna venue worked perfectly; it was great to have all activities (other than field trips) in the one place. The trade areas worked as planned and were spacious and welcoming to delegates who often lingered to discuss technicalities and special offers. The staff at Waipuna were fantastic. Nothing was too much trouble for them. And the catering – excellent! No one went hungry.

A great night! A special word of thanks needs to be given to the dedicated group of people who put the National Exhibition together. Their efforts were unstinting and the results of the layout, presentation and popularly of the exhibition were testament to this. PR worked favourably with the venue (plenty of parking) and ensured a steady flow of public visitors. Gold coin donations added up, and more importantly the public visitors were wowed by the range, depth and obvious quality of the images on display. Similar comments were made about the revitalised New Zealand International Salon. After a hiatus of 10 years, PSNZ was pleased to welcome this FIAP competition back to New Zealand shores. The exhibition was not as accessible as the national exhibition; there is something to be said about being able to view prints in your own time as opposed to watching a pre-timed digital show. That said, the quality and diversity of imagery on show was quite simply stunning and truly international - and inspirational. Organising an event of this magnitude is not an easy task. Success depends on the leadership given from the outset, from hard work and determination from all involved. COC members were all volunteers who quickly learned that full commitment


A National Convention is not only a time for updating our own personal knowledge banks and practical photographic techniques; it also gives us the time to catch up with old friends, make new friends and see, touch and (sometimes) buy the latest in photography equipment and gadgetry. Importantly an aim is to have an enormous amount of fun. Photography on the Edge set out to challenge and inspire, with keynote speakers who stayed the distance, mixed and mingled with delegates, and attended the banquet. The opportunities were endless. It was great too to see so many sponsor and trade stand representatives attend the CR Kennedy Honours Banquet (some fully embracing the theme, turning up resplendent in Elvis gear). Congratulations to Auckland Photographic Society and your dedicated Convention Organising Committee. You challenged delegates; you created an edgy atmosphere of open learning and sharing of knowledge; you looked after your guests and sponsors; and everyone went away happy. You certainly did PSNZ proud. Top left: Field trip to Tiritiri Matangi. Top right: Bruce Girdwood acted as MC for the CR Kennedy Honours banquet – Viva Las Vegas.

PSNZ Honours awards THE PSNZ HONOURS Board was delighted to award photographic distinctions to the following members in the 2017 Honours Awards. Congratulations to you all on your outstanding achievements.



Prints: Kate Anderson, Margaret Anderson, Dr Derek Barrett, Eunice Belk, Joan Caulfield, Heather Child, Gayle Cullwick, Alison Denyer, Susan Kane, Denise Manning, Imelda Mamane, Rosemary McGeachie, Dr Melanie Middlemiss, Annikka Pugh, Sara Spurr, Paul Whitham.

Prints: Mark Brimblecombe, Carolina Dutruel, Helen McLeod, Kirsteen Redshaw, Tom Wilkinson, Daniel Wong.

Digital: Allysa Carberry, Bruce Crossan, Lynn Fothergill, Christine Jacobson, Dr Mary Livingston, Chris Long, Nicola Pye, Louise Savage, Brent Smith, David Steer, Greg Thompson, Jill Wong.


Digital: Jo Boyd, Heather Macleod, Hazel Thomas, Lindsey Willoughby.

Prints: John Botton, Helen Westerbeke Digital: Scott Fowler

Recipients presented on the night: top left – Fellowship, top right – Associates, bottom – Licentiates.


Honours seekers top 100 again FOR THE SECOND year in a row, the number of applications to the PSNZ Honours Board topped 100 in 2017. This year, print and digital applications were equal at 50 each, with an overall pass rate for prints at 46% and digital at 36%. There were 46 Licentiateship (LPSNZ) applications this year and they had a higher pass rate at 61% compared to last year’s 59%. Associateship (APSNZ) applications were similar in numbers to last year at 41, but the overall pass rate dropped from 36% to 24%. This was mainly due to a much lower pass rate for digital applications in 2017. Fellowship (FPSNZ) applications increased to 13 compared to nine last year, with a 23% pass rate compared to 22% last year. The Board was concerned about recent low success rates at Associate level and sought to re-emphasise that the Guidelines make it clear that an Associateship is a significant step up from the requirements for a Licentiate – especially in artistry and creative qualities. The Board is reviewing the Guidelines and its education processes around Honours in an endeavour to raise the standard and pass rate of Associateship applications to the levels of past years. The 2017 Honours Board had two new members – Bruce Girdwood FPSNZ and Bob McCree FPSNZ. Both settled into the role well and contributed confidently in the decision-making


Fowler EFIAP, FPSNZ, PPSA, BPSA High Country Adventure Focus on Creative Photography Focus on Black & White Photography Focus on Autumn Colours Focus on Shearing Focus on Winter

Dates to be advised 2018 Contact Scott: 021 069 5583


process. In fact, one of the new members contributed this plain English explanation of the three tiers of applications: Craft is the ability to use your tool; Art is the ability to use your tools to uniquely express yourself. I believe the Honours system is well designed to achieve these outcomes. Licentiateship is all about basic craft. (I can use a range of equipment in a range of situations and conditions to make photographs that are competent but don’t necessarily say a lot about me.) Associateship is all about advanced craft. (I can use my camera to apply advanced techniques to show more than craft – I am starting to be an artisan with general skills, I am still exploring.) Fellowship. (I have mastered my craft and can use it to express myself uniquely. I am an artisan, an artist, I have my own style.) At the conclusion of the 2017 meeting, Graham Dainty FPSNZ stood down as Chairman. Graham served nine years on the Board, including seven years as Chair. The Board elected Bruce Burgess FPSNZ to step into the role of Chairman from 2018. Bruce has served on the Board for six years. The PSNZ website has full explanations of the Honours system and provides Guidelines and examples of successful sets from the past. PSNZ Honours Board criteria were first introduced in 1971 and to date 875 successful applications (across all three distinctions) are on record on the PSNZ website.

New to the Honours Board PSNZ COUNCIL HAS approved the Honours Board recommendation that Meg Lipscombe FPSNZ join the 2018 Honours Board. Meg, who lives at Lake Tarawera, joined PSNZ 15 years ago. She has been an active member of the Rotorua Club for the past 11 years, including three years as President. She received her APSNZ in 2007 and her FPSNZ in Nature in 2012, with a print set of a pair of nesting tui. These images resulted in the book Tui – A Nest in the Bush published by Craig Potton Publishing. Meg has received a number of Gold Medal Awards in the National Exhibition and other nationwide Salons, including the Brian Brake Memorial Award for Photojournalism and the H S James Award for a Landscape Print. She was awarded a Gold Medal in the 2017 PSNZ International Salon. Meg enjoys all genres of photography and prints all her own competition images. She has worked professionally as a wedding and family photographer.

Convention surpassed expectations by SANDRINA HUISH IT IS HARD to know where to start. I got so much from this year’s wonderful convention, proudly hosted by the Auckland Photographic Society. We owe a huge vote of thanks to the organising committee. I was inspired, kicked out of my comfort zone, and introduced to photographers and their work that I had not come across before. The convention got under way with comedian Matt Stellingworth doing a hilarious comic session. From every speaker, I gained insight and reminders of why I have a camera and what sparked my love for the artistry of imagemaking. From the outset Pete Rees reminded us about the difference between the image we took out of the camera and the image we had created in our mind’s eye. It is okay to post process. It has been done since the inception of photography. Darren Jew talked about the photographers who inspired him and how his journey to create images, similar to those of his contemporaries, helped him find his own path and direction – his style! Simon Moore and Sophia Bayly have inspired me for years; I adore their work, Photographing People in Love. Hence I found Simon to be an excellent and inspirational presenter. I wrote two things on my notice board when I got home, STOP MAKING EXCUSES, and BREATHE IN, BREATHE OUT (a quote from Stevie Wonder). I take the Stevie Wonder quote to mean that the more I learn about photography the more I will understand it and with that be able to make decisions on how I would like my photography to look.

the scenes’ information on the process of getting it done, the planning, the actual danger and the final outcome. Grant Sheehan took us on a tour of New Zealand, sharing his views, his thoughts and his aerial work with drones. Finally, he painted a very interesting picture of where technology is taking us. Do I like it, or does it scare me? I guess only time will tell. To sum it up I had a wonderful time, learnt lots, laughed even more, and very much enjoyed myself.

Stu Robertson – Wow, what a man! What a story! For a person who does not like being with people, he has managed to break down some of his own major barriers and go on to undertake the most exciting and dangerous project: 10,000 Hands. When I first saw one of Stu’s images at a friend’s home, I knew nothing about him; I am so glad I did his workshop to learn more about the project and what makes him tick. This project is all for charity – amazing! I would love a book including even some of the 3000 images he has made so far. Joe Michael, as we Aucklanders might be aware, did the recent iceberg projection on the Auckland War Memorial Museum. I thoroughly enjoyed walking around the museum, absorbing the display, so it was even better to get some of the ‘behind

Top: Canon master Darren Jew. Right: Pete Rees.


PSNZ service awards 2017 Honorary Life Membership

Bruce Shanks FPSNZ BRUCE JOINED PSNZ in 1966, became an Accredited Judge for pictorial and natural history prints as well as projected images in 1968, and served on Council from 1972 to 1975.

Bruce is an inspirational teacher, an encouraging coach, and he has run workshops on Nature Photography for PSNZ and club members all over the country. He has given outstanding service to photography in New Zealand – most particularly through organisation, judging and teaching – for more than 50 years.

He chaired the Northern Regional hosted by Manurewa in 1972 and was a keynote speaker at the 1975 PSNZ Convention. He was a founder member of the Manurewa Photographic Society in 1961, becoming a life member in 1978.

In his retirement, he remains a ‘go to’ person for all seeking advice, help and encouragement in the field. His contribution to photography in New Zealand has been in every way truly outstanding.

He gained his PSNZ Associateship in 2000 and Fellowship in 2002. He was appointed to the PSNZ Honours Board in 2010 and served with distinction for six years up to 2016. He has judged PSNZ International Salons three times, PSNZ Salons many times, and club competitions numerous times.

PSNZ, on the recommendation of the Honours Board, is proud to award the distinction of Honorary Life Membership to Bruce Shanks FPSNZ.

PSNZ Service Medal

Shona Jaray APSNZ SHONA’S INVOLVEMENT AND contribution to photography in New Zealand started at club level in 2005, when she joined the Waikanae Camera Club (now Kapiti Coast Photographic Society). In 2006 she was elected vice President, and then served as President in 2007 and 2008. As Immediate Past President, she chaired the organising committee which ran the very successful 2010 Central Regional Convention. Shona was elected to PSNZ Council in 2008, and began to make an impact much greater than her stature. She served as vice President from 2010 to 2012, providing invaluable support to the President at the time, Ron Parry, whose home was badly damaged in the 2011 earthquake. Her leadership as PSNZ President from 2012 to 2014 resulted in many modernising initiatives, including the establishment of a blog, and moving the antiquated offline PSNZ database


into a responsive and easily accessed online database. In particular, her focus as President on improving assessment of photographs has produced outstanding results. Under her leadership a very successful Accredited Judges Training programme was established in 2012. Together with the Chair of the Judge Accreditation Panel, Bruce Girdwood, Shona has since trained more than 250 photographers around the country in regular weekend workshops. These have raised general understanding about the judging process, as well as inspiring many PSNZ members to take the next steps of further judge training and then accreditation. In 2011, prior to her initiative, there were 39 accredited judges, and 13 of those have since dropped out. Now there are 42 accredited judges – more than before – and importantly 16 of those are newly accredited, bringing a rejuvenation and

higher standard of judging for PSNZ and its affiliated clubs. PSNZ, on the recommendation of the Honours Board, is proud to acknowledge the outstanding service provided by Shona Jaray APSNZ.

Honorary Life Membership

Brian Cudby FPSNZ EFIAP ESFIAP BRIAN CUDBY HAS been a long serving member of the Auckland Photographic Society and is currently their Patron. He was the Programme Director for the PSNZ convention in 1985, run by APS, and also held the office of President of APS for two years. Brian has been very active in the Photographic Society of NZ. He became President from 2000 to 2002, having served on Council for approximately four years prior and then two years as Immediate Past President – a total of eight years. Brian ran many workshops throughout the country on the AV programme ProShow Gold. He has spent many hours helping photographers and has generously shared his knowledge with others. The Society has been his life and love for about 30 years. His Fellowship was awarded in 2006. He entered and won many awards in

New Zealand and internationally. In 2009 he was awarded the PSNZ Service medal. For the last 10 years, Brian has been the face of the International Federation of Photographic Arts, FIAP, and has supported many of our members now holding FIAP honours. As FIAP Liaison Officer for 10 years, he has been awarded a FIAP Service Medal. He continues to serve on the international council of FIAP and was one of the instigators of running the NZ International FIAP approved Salon in 2017. He has been judge at National level on several occasions. He has served on the Honours Board for four years, retiring in 2016. He also served on the Judge Accreditation Panel in its earlier years. He taught Basic Photography, Photoshop Elements and Audio Visual making to Senior Net for numerous years in the Birkenhead community.

PSNZ, on the recommendation of the Honours Board, is proud to award the distinction of Honorary Life Membership to Brian Cudby FPSNZ AFIAP ESFIAP.

PSNZ Service Medal

Gerard Emery

GERARD EMERY OF CR Kennedy Ltd has been a steadfast supporter of the Photographic Society of NZ through a rapidly changing and sometimes unpredictable world of digital photography. As a Society, we are deeply grateful to our Partners and Sponsors, without whom we would struggle to hold events such as this to showcase the best of our members’ achievements. They continue to support us despite the tough times facing the photographic industry, and we have worked hard to ensure that this support develops into a mutually beneficial long-term

relationship – a romance rather than a one-night-stand. Gerard shares this vision and has gone way beyond what would be a sound commercial relationship to support PSNZ and its members. He is a strong advocate for the Society within his industry, constantly pushing, prodding and cajoling his colleagues to support us. In both spirit and action he is one of us. It is highly appropriate that here, at the CR Kennedy Honours Banquet, PSNZ, on the recommendation of the Honours Board, is proud to acknowledge the outstanding service provided by Gerard Emery of CR Kennedy Ltd.

Remember that CameraTalk is no longer printed and is now a fully digital production. While it is available for PSNZ members in the members area, for the best experience go to and search for CameraTalk. You can sign up to ISSUU and be notified immediately when future issues are loaded.


COC experience 2017 KAREN LAWTON reports on an awesome and unforgettable experience. THE 65TH PSNZ National Convention, held from 6 to 9 April 2017 at the Waipuna Hotel and Conference Centre in Mt Wellington, Auckland, was an experience to be remembered for delegates, presenters and trade personnel. One of the behind the scenes stakeholders is the Convention Organising Committee or COC. These words are an insight into their journey, their story. The Auckland Photographic Society (APS) voted to take ownership of the organisation of the 65th PSNZ National Convention way back in 2015. The first meeting of the COC was held in the middle of that year – a lifetime ago. From stuttering beginnings, a family formed. Over the ensuing months, various members of the family changed, resigned, had a better offer or realised how foolhardy they may have been to commit to what was shaping up as a significant time commitment to organise such a prestigious annual National event on the PSNZ calendar. Distant cousins were co-opted for specific tasks that our core family were not skilled in taking on. Presiding over what must have at times looked like a dysfunctional family was Chairman Colin Kropach, a brave man who put his hand up for the position, early in the journey and without visible arm-twisting. The COC is eternally grateful for his guidance, his humour and even temperament. Delegation of key responsibilities is a critical aspect the COC needs to take great care with. Identify the experiential strengths of COC members. Build on those strengths. Bend, tweak, mould them into portfolios that each Committee member will take full ownership of. Without that, details can fall through the cracks, and when it comes down to the wire, details are paramount. Because of this, meetings can be lively, even controversial, as the COC aims to please all of the PSNZ National Convention stakeholders. Sometimes the various aims of these stakeholders are disparate and do not mesh; compromises need to be made with the full support of the entire COC. Repeatedly our COC family reiterated our overriding aim was delegate satisfaction. The Photography on the Edge (PotE) theme was chosen because the COC wanted to challenge delegates to become more than they thought they were capable of. We wanted delegates to examine the constraints on their photography; constraints that they may not even have been aware existed. Being a member of the COC undoubtedly took a significant commitment of time, energy and negotiating skills. Monthly meetings became weekly and often continued long into the night, but those meetings created the core of our friendships, our shared experiences and our family. Always well catered, mostly kept on track, always with all participants having plenty to say. Sometimes it was discouraging to revisit decisions thought done and dusted several meetings prior. But there was logic to those repeat visits. That issue of details again. People with responsibility for portfolios needed to be totally comfortable that the decisions and actions were correct; that they meshed with our overall aims for PotE and that they would work on the day.


And on the day (days) the convention operated like the welloiled machine we intended it to be; delegates WERE challenged, sponsors and trade personnel were well patronised and keynote and other presenters were – above all – inspirational. I would like to take the opportunity in this semi-public forum to thank my fellow committee members. We have been on an unforgettable journey. Strangers have become friends. It was an awesome experience.

Top: The event photographer was always on hand. Middle: A group shot on the Tiritiri Matangi field trip. Bottom: Grant Sheehan.

Heather Harley had good news for the convention! NOT ONLY WOULD Nelson Camera Club be hosting the 2017 PSNZ Southern Regional Convention with an exciting assembly of ‘not seen before’ speakers, field trips to suit all tastes and a fun ‘Pink and Black’ dinner, but back again for 2017 will be the Nelson National Triptych Salon. The Salon is run specifically for triptych entries, that is three distinct photographs displayed on a common background. Sponsored by Post Haste and Canon the Salon has two sections – Open Prints and Open Digitally Projected Images – with handcrafted trophies for the top triptych entry in each section. New to the Salon this year is a special award for the triptych which best depicts a well known phrase or saying of the entrant’s choice. A typical example of the sort of interpretation the judges will be looking for with this award is the previous Salon entry (top) by Gail Stent APSNZ, titled Hear no Evil, Speak no Evil, See no Evil.

The Nelson National Triptych Salon opens for entries on 1 August 2017. The website is currently being updated but entry details can be found at Details of the Southern Regional Convention can be found online at

Photography Tour Photograph the crowds and vitality of incredible Kolkata and the sacred city of Varanasi during the fun-filled Holi festival. We see tigers, leopards and more at Bandhavgarh National Park and photograph the big landscapes and soaring peaks of Himalayan Kashmir, the pearly beauty of Taj Mahal and the bazaars of Delhi. 20 days, departing on 24 February, 2018, small group (max 10), luxurious and hosted from New Zealand by Liz Light, an award winning travel photographer. We will also be accompanied by a photography-savvy local guide. This is India made easy. Liz has been there 17 times and still loves it.

National Convention Organising Committee Chairman, Colin Kropach and his wife Jocelyn.

Contact: Ph: 09 4220111 Web: •


National Exhibition award winners OPEN PRINTS – GOLD

Shirley Peverill Trophy, Photojournalism Brett Walter Moment Of Impact



HS James Landscape Award, Landscape Anna Mandeno Where The River Meets The Sand



George Chance Cup, Colour Sarah Caldwell Riding The Metro



Maadi Cup, Mono

Roger Wandless FPSNZ Bereaved



Ronald D Woolf Youth Award Bianca Mar’e Fletcher Unique Lives



Sandrina Huish LPSNZ Home In The City

Adam Buckle FPSNZ FNZIPP Influidity



Simon Woolf FPSNZ MPHOTOG Only In New York!



Daniel Wong APSNZ Permanence

Stuart Clook Fleeced



Susie Whelan APSNZ Age Is A Work of Art

Tracey Scott FPSNZ

Stephanie Handley APSNZ Shades of Grey


Robin Short APSNZ Snow Storm



Lynn Hedges Wild Seas


Robinson Cup, Champion Projected Image Moira Fergus Innocent Eyes



Arthur Bates Memorial Trophy, Mono


Brian Livingstone LRPS APSNZ Smoke Break


Brian Brake Memorial Award, Photojouralism

Annette Johnston LPSNZ Advice



Tracey Scott FPSNZ FNZIPP AFIAP Feeding Time



Keith Seidel FAPS AFIAP Loose Roo



Tracey Scott FPSNZ FNZIPP AFIAP Emergency C Section

Trish Brown APSNZ ANPSNZ Glacier & Yaks In Tibet



Margaret Keegan The Chair



John Reid APSNZ ANPSNZ AFIAP Himba Boys Playing

Gayle Cullwick LPSNZ Icelandic Wilderness

Ilan Wittenberg FPSNZ MNZIPP Grim Reaper

David Smith APSNZ Hands

Keith Seidel FAPS AFIAP Siuse Morning



William C Davies Memorial Trophy Chris Helliwell LPSNZ Auckland Island Flightless Teal



Roger Wandless FPSNZ King Penguins Cold Harbour South Georgia



Alistair McAuslan APSNZ Rockhopper Penguins Auckland Island



Chris Helliwell LPSNZ NZ Praying Mantis Nymphs hatching



Anne Tate APSNZ Blue Ice



Jude Carter Iron Sands

Glenda Rees New Zealand Dotterel



Shona Kebble APSNZ Badunma longinqua with Apis mellifera



Glenda Rees Wrybill (Anarhynchus frontalis)

Judy Stokes APSNZ Muriwai Blowhole

Rebecca Bowater FPSNZ AFIAP Pleurotus purpureoolivaceus

Marie Bilodeau LPSNZ White-fronted tern, feeding chick



Geoff Moon Trophy Barry J Harcourt MNZM FPSNZ White Faced Heron Pair



Keith Seidel FAPS AFIAP Wedge Tail



Graham Dainty FPSNZ Ground Weta (Hermiandus) Moulting



John Reid APSNZ ANPSNZ AFIAP Baby African Elephant (Loxodonta africana)



Glenda Rees Black-fronted Terns Exchange a Skink

Toya Heatley LPSNZ ANPSNZ Australasian Gannet Pair Greeting



Pam Cumming APSNZ Gliophorus lilacipes



Trish Brown APSNZ ANPSNZ Gannets mating

Alison Denyer Kowhai

Bevan Tulett FPSNZ Australasian Harrier

Doris Tutty Mating Copper Butterflies

Craig Martin Porzana pusilla affinis


Some images from the Glenbrook Railway field trip.

Special thanks THE PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY of New Zealand and the Photography on the Edge convention organising committee extend an enormous vote of thanks and appreciation to the following industry partners and sponsors. Without their support the 2017 PSNZ National Convention would not have been the success that it was.

And thanks to our supporters Queenstown Centre for Creative Photography, Hewlett Packard, Eizo, Wayne Boardman/10stopphotography, Frogprints, Banks & Co, Forsyth Barr, Ananda Tours, Auckland Whale & Dolphin Safari, Eva Polak, Istari, D-Photo, Barfoot & Thompson, FramesPlus, GoPhoto, Syrp, Waipuna Hotel & Conference Centre, Imagepro, onOne, the production co.

Volunteers Staging a major event is no mean feat and cannot be achieved without the support and commitment of volunteers. Thank you to everyone who gave their time so willingly. Whatever your task was, it was done with enthusiasm and energy – and was most appreciated.


April 2018 19-2219-22nd April 2018


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