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Is Laser Hair Removal Occam's Razor? At the hands of a proficient professional laser hair removal is a fairly simple and long lasting procedure. If we interpret the words of William Occam:"Why repeat a difficult task, when there is a more simple solution?" Since the 14th century, this popular theorem has been called Occam's Razor. So why spend a lifetime shaving, once you could keep it simple. In regards to unwanted hair removal, Occam's Razor is laser hair removal. You could keep waxing or shaving, but why do you? Maybe the means ought to be the ending. -Such is the theorem proposed by Occam. OTHER HAIR REMOVAL METHODS Before laser hair removal, eliminating unwanted hair intended either having to suffer pain and irritation and/or spending a lifetime using temporary, less than satisfactory steps. For years, the proposed alternative was electrolysis, a laborious procedure whereby an electric shock needle literally burns hair follicles one at a time. Waxing and shaving, while quicker than electrolysis do not offer permanent hair removal and require a lifetime of self-service. Advances in laser technology have spawned a brand new solution to a age-old problem -- elimination of unwanted hair.

LOW RISK OF LASER HAIR REMOVAL Hazards associated with laser hair removal therapy are low when compared to most medical procedures. No incisions, injections or oral drugs are necessary. The variability of laser hair removal results has all to do with the gear quality, the procedure utilized, and the competency of the laser operator. The most common disturbance with laser epilation is"tanned skin." Guests in Ideal Image are reminded and cautioned repeatedly not to tan while getting laser epilation. If a suntan were to go unnoticed a patient can develop"skin circles" following treatment. Although temporary, they

require 3 to 6 weeks to fade. Unlike competitions in the field of laser hair removal, Ideal Image hasn't been sued for medical malpractice. COST OF LASER HAIR REMOVAL After resolving their security concerns, the majority of people wonder about the cost of laser hair removal. In the long run, laser epilation is considerably cheaper compared to electrolysis and other methods like shaving or waxing. Considering time, hassle and cost of waxing, shaving, purchasing razors, lotions, depilatories, etc., laser hair removal can be more practical. To make a fair comparison, one has to compare the time and cost savings of laser hair removal using methods which are less efficient and offer less permanent hair removal. SHAVING: The average man spends 1 hour each week shaving. When all totaled, that is the equivalent of 1.5 working weeks per year, simply to evoke less than satisfactory results, potential razor burn, razor-bumps along with the ever-present five o'clock shadow from dark hairs revealing beneath your skin. COST OF WAXING VS. LASER HAIR REMOVAL: One bikini wax comes with an average cost of $43 and often only lasts one month. If you compare this to the Ideal Image monthly payment plan for bikini line or Brazilian procedure, the cost-effectiveness of laser hair removal is evident. Though cost may vary per location, the national average for funding bikini line laser hair removal is $35 per month. The"Full Brazilian" is $44 a month. CHOOSING THE RIGHT LASER FOR LASER HAIR REMOVAL L.A.S.E.R., or Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation, refers to the radiation of light beams, and is not to be confused with damaging ionizing or atomic radiation. Lasers produce one wavelength of concentrated light. This is different from sunlight, which has many wavelengths (and is evident from the colors of a rainbow). Laser light is amplified, making it stronger than light made by typical light sources. For laser hair removal that this focused and amplified light is pulsed on and off for a minute. This isn't to be mistaken with IPL, Intense Pulsed Light that is not laser and can easily burn your skin. Lasers were first introduced to take care of medical disease in the early 1970's. The first laser used for hair removal has been that the Ruby (694nm), released in 1995. The concept behind laser hair removal was created in Wellman Laboratories of Photomedicine at Harvard. The Ruby Laser can only be utilized on fair-skinned individuals. Therefore, lasers were developed offering 3 more wavelengths - 755nm, 810nm, and 1064nm, which makes it possible to personalize laser hair removal for various skin tone and hair types. Lasers work by heating up a target. For laser hair removal, the goal is hair just underneath the epidermis. At centres specializing in purely laser hair removal - like Ideal Image, it's necessary to have both the 755nm Alexandrite and also the 1064nm YAG lasers by Candela Corporation. The combination of FDA-approved lasers allow remedy for all skin types, from mild or fair skin, to dark black skin types. The most versatile laser and laser utilized at Ideal Image is the Candela 755nm. It creates a 3-millisecond pulse targeting the color in the hair shaft, thus damaging the structure behind the hair root. Lacking a supportive structure, the hair falls out. In all probability, it won't regrow. Candela medical lasers are so selective; they can remove black ink out of a white page without burning off the white paper. In summary, they selectively destroy hair, leaving skin undamaged.

Candela lasers always prove to offer you the most comfortable provider, while generating the most favorable results. Find out more info click botox windsor ontario

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