The Phoenix Newspaper - November 2016

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The Phoenix – November 2016

Kongo the Light of the World I n previous articles we have examined one of the most unstable regions on the planet, and have come to the conclusion that this mineral rich region may be the cause of its unrest and civil wars. An Afro-centric perspective is recommended to comprehend this article. An example being when the R.H. Marcus Garvey taught us that we should see the world through our own spectacles or global awareness – as African people. On the 13th October 2016, an extraordinary event took place in which I had the privilege to participate and witness. In a region Called Macapagne, Kongo, Ne Muanda Nsemi, king

and Priest of the Bakongo people officially introduced himself as Nkua Tulendo = the most powerful one. This ceremony was steeped in ancient tradition and mystery, fulfilling the prophesy of the great messenger Mfuma kim- l Ne Muanda Nsemi as Nkua Tulendo, with ceremonial sword. bangu (please refer to previous an independent state from BelThe current Congolese govarticles). ernment led by Joseph Kabila Kimbangu prophesized that a gium’s colonial rule. Ne Muanda Nsemi is also the (a none Congolese in origin) has great instructor would be sent from the spiritual realm, and founder of Bundu Dia Mayala, failed consistently throughout all would write what would be the which is set to be included in fu- his terms of office to include any of the Bakongo people in his cabequivalent of the Bible for people ture elections. He is also founder of Bundu inet or government. of African decent, this would be Dia Kinabi which is a spiritual Although they, the Bakongo called the Makaba. This instructor would also lead academy of learning and prac- people are the majority, and the the Bakongo people through the tices, adapted to this era in time only indigenous people of this final stages of independence. The and space, equal to what existed highly sort after region. Prior to the Berlin conference first being the 30th June 1960, in Egypt, Timbactu, Songhai or in 1884/5, Congo was part of a when Congo (Kongo) became Mali.

BCA reaching target to repaper damaged roof


ommunity group, the Birmingham Community Association recently raised £2,545.00 during avery special evening of raffle and auction fund-raising at its Small Heath venue, bringing the total so far to £4545.00 – which is just £2,055 short of their target needed for repairs to a severely damaged roof. Still short of target, donations are rolling in, from a wide variety of quarters, on a daily bases promping BCA Chair, Jacqui Daniels, to highlight the good will of the individuals, businesses and

other organisations, on the night, in particular and overall, in general. Full of praise for the support, she said; “A massive ‘Thank You’ has to go out to all the people, from all communities, who gave without a thought for themselves, especially BCA members, friends and volunteers who helped make the night a success. Also thank you to the raffle and auction prizes sponsors, the BCA management, members and families, St. Kitts/Nevis & Friends Birmingham, Tropical Foods, Chefline, Sams Authentic Foods,

• • • • • Kismat Meat & Kismat grocery store and Fenky Jane’s Patties Park.” Thankful for the all-round commitments, she added; “A very special thanks to go out to Christine B, Dj Rasman and Dj Fitz, Dj Cecil who made the entertainment right on the night. We are climbing the hill of need but the best news is that we are climbing it together. So, let us continue until we have achieved what we set out to achieve.” After 50 years, members and associates of the Birmingham Community Association are determined that it continues to carry out its vital duties for the next 50 years, by reaching its target so everyone, both near and far, can benefit – ongoing.

boarder free super federal country, comprising of: Congo, Angola, Cameroon, Gabon, Mozambique, Namibia, Botswana, and the country called the Central African Republic, in this super-country of kongo Dia Ntotela (the original name of Congo). Ne Munanda Nsemi, the man in the yellow tunic, shaved head, son of the leopard = Nkua Tulendo (a few of his titles) has warned the present government and its western allies, that Congo will leave/ annex this region of Congo with all of its natural resources if the Bakongo people are not represented in any future government. The mandate of the actual government comes to a close within the next few months. The people of the U.K. has shown that disillusionment can break any links with the status quo by voting to leave the European Union, and by the same token other dissatisfied people’s also have the right to self-determination. The United Nations charter states that ‘indigenous people have a right of self determination and autonomy,’ which indicates freedom to practice their cultural traditions and speak their native languages. The U.N. President Ban Kimoon, has also been approached by the leader of the Bakongo people with this in mind, these discussions are ongoing.

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Today, according to our Bakongo teachings, this is the beginning of a great change in history, called ‘Tandu Kinati Maza’ (which means the time of water) or the Aquarian Age. The Creator = Mfumu Akongo has sent Ne Muanda Nsemi, in central Africa with the divine mission to eliminate all the colonial boarders, and to transform the heart of the Continent of the black race, into a single country of a federal type. The wisdom of the Bukongo which is the spirituality of the Bakongo people explains that they do not separate the science, the religion and politics which are the 3 aspects of the will of God, because the religion comes from the love of God. The sciences come from the the creative intelligence of God, whilst the politics comes from the power of God which governs the universe. The intelligence of God created the universe, his love conserves, whilst his power governs. The intelligence (the mental) creator, the love which conserves and keeps, whilst the power of God governs. Therefore, countries without these essential attributes: technology/applied sciences, the moral values, spirituality/religion, and finally the politics/order cannot develop themselves. Words by Kesa Nkulu

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