Philadelphia Daily Record

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Rage Spreads In House Over ‘Castle Bill’ A man’s home is his castle. He

under the Castle Doctrine. HB 40

has the right to defend him-

would expand that right to include ve-

self and his family within

hicles and any other place the individ-

his home from intruders who intend to

ual has the right to be.

without debate. The amendments would have required a missing firearm to be reported to police within three days; limited the pur-

do harm, including, in some cases, the Cruz said that description is too vague

chase of handguns to one per month;

and could lead to escalated gun vio-

required Pennsylvania residents to

But a new law passed by the State

lence throughout Philadelphia and the

have a state license to carry a firearm;

House would vastly expand that right


allowed Philadelphia to create an ordi-

use of deadly force.

into the streets, allowing shooters to claim as a defense they felt threatened by people they shoot. Many of the city’s State Representatives voted against HB 40, which broadens the definition of the Castle Doctrine. It is now on its way to the Senate.

nance on assault weapons; and banned “What Pennsylvania needs is better

assault weapons.

enforcement of laws regarding the use and sale of guns,” Cruz said. “This

Another amendment would have

dangerous legislation essentially

closed a loophole in state law that al-

amounts to a ‘shoot first, ask later’

lows people to carry guns with an out-

policy with regard to gun rights.”

of-state permit, even after being denied a gun permit in Pennsylvania.

This has State Rep. Angel Cruz (DKensington) worried, which is why he was among those voting no. He be-

Cruz noted the Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association opposes the

“Despite efforts by me and my fellow


colleagues from Philadelphia, this reckless legislation passed the House

lieves HB 40, introduced by State

Several amendments were filed to im-

Rep. Scott Perry (R-York), would lead

prove the legislation, but House Re-

to more gun violence.

publicans used a parliamentary

Current law gives citizens the right to protect themselves in their own home 8 OCTOBER, 2010

by a vote of 159 to 38,” Cruz lamented.

procedure that allowed HB 40 to be considered without amendments, and THE PHILADELPHIA DAILY RECORD



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