November-December 2012

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You’re Running on Empty? FUEL UP!

Stepping Stone Dance Studio

Anti-oxidants What’s YOUR Daily Requirement?

Jenn Keil Chadds Ford, PA Local Yoga, Pilates, Meditation, Yogilates instructor, fitness expert and model

8th PhillyFIT Bash

Building a Better Bottom: Tips from “The Booty Scupltor”

Have Your Cake While Losing Weight!

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Universal Health and Wellness Day: Philadelphia Charter Schools

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November/December I 267-767-4205 I

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An EXPO Beyond Your Greatest Expectations!

You’re invited to the 14th

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 2012 • 11-3PM


BucksMont Indoor Sports Center

2278 North Penn Road, Hatfield


• Diet/Nutrition/Fitness • Health - medical and holistic (Massage, Reiki, Shiatsu) • Beauty - spas, makeovers, hair, make-up • Clothing & Housewares

Fitness Celebrities Live Band & DJ • Workout Demos Pilates, Tae Bo, Karate, Yoga, Core Training, Zumba, Tai Chi, Boxing, Gymnastics, Spinning & so much more!



s s e n t i F & h t l a e can imagine! Hyou


Also participate in our

Workout-a-thon! Come try 20 different types of workouts to include: * high energy * low-impact * yoga * stretching * breathing * bootcamp style * dance workouts * core

Each workout is 8 minutes long.

80 Vendors showcase what they’ve got to help our local community get healthy and fit! Only $325 per booth!

Call 267-767-4205 to register

Attendees: $5 per person

Kids under 6 FREE

November/December I 267-767-4205 I

PhillyFIT I 3


11-3pm • 2 1 0 2 , 5 2 r e b Sunday, Novem


For a nominal $325, come showcase your products and services to the workout-nuts that attend our events! Call to reserve your booth now. 215-396-0268

20 DIFFERENT 8 MINUTE WORKOUTS! PhillyFIT’s day of working out and more! The participants decide "Who Teaches Philly's Hottest Workout"

INSIDE THE 14th PhillyFIT BASH/Expo event! BucksMont Indoor Sports Center 2278 North Penn Road, Hatfield Cost is $10.00 per person. FREE ENTRY into the Bash event (a savings of $5.00) with purchase of workout-a-thon! Includes free powerade, fresh fruit and health bars. You can pre-register online at - NO WAITING IN LINE AT THE DOOR! NAME:_________________________________________________________________ STREET ADDRESS:______________________________________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP:________________________________________________________ PHONE:__________________ E-MAIL:______________________________________

20 different local fitness gurus, from all over the region showcasing many diverse workouts - each workout is 8 minutes long. Come, join in and do as many workouts as you can, OR DO THEM ALL AND BURN HUNDREDS OF CALORIES! Vote on the HOTTEST workout!

$10.00 per person.

Types of workouts to include: * high energy * low-impact CREDIT CARD #_________________________________________ EXP. DATE______ CVS code (3 digit on the back, or 4 digit on the front if it's an AMEX) _________ or CHECK # _________________ & mail to PhillyFIT Magazine, 21 Sunnybrook Drive, New Britain, PA 18901

4 I PhillyFIT

* yoga * stretching * breathing * bootcamp style * dance workouts * core

BRING YOUR YOGA MAT! November/December I 267-767-4205 I

November/December I 267-767-4205 I

PhillyFIT I 5

OPEN 7 DAYS Monday-Friday 9am-7pm Saturday 9am-6pm Sunday 9am-4pm

ANY WAY YOU SLICE IT Altomonte’s has the Freshest Sliced & Best Deli Meats & Cheeses Fresh Baked Pies and Salads We bake our own Bread, Rolls & Tomato Pies everyday! Pre-order yours today. WARMINSTER 85 N. YORK ROAD • WARMINSTER, PA

(215) 672-5439

6 I PhillyFIT


(215) 489-8889

November/December I 267-767-4205 I

publisher’s page


That’s right, we’re now bi-coastal and I’m going to the ends of the country (literally), but I’ve never felt more centered and focused!

San Diego, meet Philly. Philly meet San Diego. I know we’re all gonna get along just fine. I’m banking on it. It’s a perfect FIT. _________________________________

This issue is special. I’ve elected to write about new beginnings. Fall is a time of renewal and reflection and I am taking full advantage of this premise.

Photo by Joe Chielli, Church Street Studios

It’s true. My family dynamic has changed. It’s slightly smaller now, but we still pack a mighty punch. This newness is still quite raw and so I’m not really able to describe this feeling of freedom, loneliness, defeat and exacerbation, worry and optimism. I feel conflicted; yet back in my own skin as well. I wasn’t going to start my Pub Page this way until I was reminded that journalism is about honesty – hard honesty. And yes, it is difficult to share this with a loyal and a new readership, but revealing what I’m thinking and feeling has always been the cornerstone of this column. Full disclosure is full disclosure and while I feel like I’m naked walking down the street, what keeps me going is the belief that there are others like me out there – others that would maybe benefit by my unabashed, unfiltered rants – others walking naked down the street by my side. November/December I 267-767-4205 I

PhillyFIT I 7


Instead of lingering in a pool of gloomy intense feelings, I’ve decided to throw my energy into launching San DiegoFIT Magazine! That’s right, with this inaugural issue, we’re officially bicoastal baby! I’m on a personal crusade to make everyone FIT from the inside out. And while part of me is still in mourning over a relationship that I so desperately tried to salvage, another part of me is making lemonade out of lemons. It’s just the way I’m wired. In fact, looking back, every “ying” in my life has been accompanied by a “yang.” I’ve brushed myself off so many times, my skin is chaffed, but I never give up. Why am I telling you this? It’s simple. You too may have given up on something. Maybe it’s your workout regimen or sticking to a healthy diet. I’m urging you – please don’t throw in the towel just yet. My message is clear: Everyone loses from time to time. The trick though is to get back on that horse and try with all your might to ride into the sunset. What’s the alternative - wallow in self-pity? Dream about a life or a hard body that could be? I had to hit rock bottom in order to soar back up to the top. Over time, I had become a shell of myself – someone who wouldn’t even look in the mirror. It’s like I could see the pain in my soul and was trying to avoid admitting it. But that’s history now. Hopefully I can learn to be me again. I threw away my nasty, faded yoga pants, my in-apinch ponytail holder and my tired t-shirts that have been around longer than U2. I’m getting back to me, starting over fresh. And it feels good! I tip my hat to Michelle Obama. No, I’m not Democrat, nor Republican really. I just see good points and bad, in both. But that’s for another day and story. Her campaign, “Let’s Move!” aimed to eradicate childhood obesity echoes many of my own credos – messages that I constantly try to weave throughout this publication.

“Let's Move!” advocates healthy eating habits to be promoted by families, schools, and communities. That’s exactly what this magazine tries to do and we of course include the realm of fitness too. For nearly a decade, I’ve been a crossing guard or ringmaster of sorts for the fitness community. There’s nothing I love more than making a match and connecting like-minded people. Whether it’s through editorial content or through good ‘ole display ads, this publication is more than just a magazine about fitness. It could be considered as the Wikipedia of all things local and healthy. I’m not just riding a trend; I’m implementing a lifestyle and sticking to it. Geez, if I can do it, anyone can! ___________________________________________

Lately I’ve had a sense of closure and completeness. I’ve come full circle, getting back to my roots and back to reconnecting with the things and the people whom I love deeply. It all started with the launch of PhillyFIT – my dream that thankfully became realty over time. I remember watching the first-edition magazines coming off the press and nearly fell over with joy (and panic). I almost

8 I PhillyFIT

fainted in much the same manner that a light-headed, new father as he watches his newborn enter our world—the moment that he realizes that he’s now a Daddy.

A lot has happened in the past seven years. Through it all, my unwavering desire to travel never waned. It only got more intensified. I love the sights, sounds and smells of traveling to a new destination (yes, I read Eat Pray Love like ten times and sobbed through the entire cheesy flick.) When traveling to the amazing city of San Diego recently (went there originally to cheer on my son at a really cool AAU basketball camp) I was hooked. It’s almost overwhelming to me. SoCal was calling my name—big time—and so leave it to me, the crazy blonde, to come back to Philly and find a way to create my own reason for travel. Why yes, I think I’ll launch a sister business on the West Coast – I thought! And voila! I’m here. ___________________________________________ INKED IN

A final song, a last request A perfect chapter laid to rest Now and then I try to find a place in my mind, where you can say, You can stay awake forever.

I am not sure if any of you know it you might recognize these lyrics from the band Avenged Sevenfold’s song titled “So Far Away”. The lyrics above are actually tattooed on my right shoulder. It’s ink with meaning. It’s on the right side of my shoulder for my father, whom I considered “my right hand man”. He so would have loved the travel from coast to coast. And San Diego is really missing out not having him show up at their doors with a San DiegoFIT Magazine, and a smile, all while helping his daughter promote her new magazine. Sigh. He passed away two years ago, much too soon, and I miss him more than have been able to put in to words. But since attaching this saying to my very own flesh, it really got me thinking. I realize now that these words have multiple meanings. Let me explain…

Several years ago (swear it seems like another lifetime ago), my journey detoured yet again – straight down the road of hard knocks. I made a conscious, but potentially risky choice to turn left, even though all the flashing lights and warning signs were indicating, “Go right – for the love of G-d, go right!” Often, I have asked myself why I felt so compelled to ignore the obvious, but have since learned that it's all about destiny and consequences that are unavoidable. And honestly, I wouldn’t change a thing. I “get it”, lessons learned. Wow!

November/December I 267-767-4205 I


My life of new beginnings has begun. Now I’m all grown up and I finally get it. Boy do I ever get it. And it's high time that I embrace whatever comes my way and decide what it's all going to mean for the next forty-six years! Someone really smart once said to me: "If you don't change your life, your life will change you."

Geez, doesn’t that resonate! That’s what happened to me. I was forced to change my life, toughen up, remember my values and fix what was broken - whomever and whatever that turned out to be. I added a few new workouts, some new songs to my playlist, learned different organic and vegan dishes, changed up my daily routine a bit and even took a friend’s advice to try Ivengar Yoga. I love it. Whew! You don’t have to change everything all at once though – baby steps really do add up!

Now, I can see, I mean, REALLY SEE. I even see the dust in my house, the hair on the floor. (Hmm, maybe this is why I chose to go through life with blinders on after all.) In all seriousness though, I am slowly coming so alive. I work a lot again and just know that it will show throughout these pages. I can honestly breathe once more. Life really is good! So listen up Philly and San Diego! Look for my (almost) long again hair blowing out the window of my big, shiny, black truck with the Magazine logos on it. That’s me with the wide smile. I’d love to meet you so don’t be a stranger! Honk if you read the magazine!

poetry, prose, novel-writing and is famed for her philosophical writings and speeches. Many of which have been quoted in various books by different authors and can also be appreciated as incorporated by many artists into their diverse pieces.

“What if you could pick one day of your life, and everything would stop changing, every day would be similar and comparable to that one day, you'd always have the same people with you? If you could do that, would you do it? Would you pick that day and make that choice? We crave for things to stop changing; we wish that things would never change. But if we got what we wanted, there are so many things that are better, that we would never, ever know about. Sure, things would stay the same as that one wonderful day, but then there would be nothing else out there, ever. So can you remember the very first day when everything really did begin to change? Is there a thing that can remind you? Mine is a blue rose, and that's when everything began to change because that's the day I began to believe in things I never believed in before; the day I found three blue roses. Think about your first day of change, can you remember all the new heights you've soared since that day? All the new people? All the better things and times? Would you throw all of that time away? I wouldn't. Instead, I want to finally accept all the things that I couldn't change, which led to me being right here, right now. Maybe we all carry around inside us one day we wish we could keep forever, something we wished never did change. It's time to let go of that day, and soar.” ― C. JoyBell C.

Best wishes for a fabulous holiday season! Oh and by the way - watch those carbs!

As for my next Pub Page? Well, I’d like you to think about the following insights by author, C. JoyBell C. She is best known for her

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letterstothepublisher Dear PhillyFIT, I am a faithful reader of PhillyFit Magazine and participant in the Workout-a-thons. PhillyFIT is the only publication that I will make a special trip to the store to get a hard copy. Unlike other fitness magazines that have the same basic articles each month, the topics are always current and engaging! The PhillyFIT Bash and Workout-a-thons are also great. I recently had the pleasure of being on both sides of the event as a participant and an instructor. The amount of detail that goes into this event is unbelievable. Both the magazine and the events are planned and executed with the reader and participant as the focus. Love it! THANKS PhillyFIT! LaVerne Price

Dear PhillyFIT, In a time when nutritional experts predict a 30% increase in obesity, Jami's approach with this magazine is well rounded, and targets the whole person. This is what sets it apart from so many other approaches. Her knowledge bases are sound, and she communicates them passionately, with enthusiasm, in a fashion that is individually goal oriented, and realistic. Never

omitted from the approach is the personal, humanistic touch. Never lost, is a genuine focus on those who come to depend on her and her magazine! She is personable, and caring which then makes PhillyFIT the same kind of “read”. She is also helping to dispel many of the myths which surround topics line veganism, and a balance in life. To me, a practicing vegan for over 30 years, this is so refreshing. Jami is committed, knowledgeable, and enthusiastic. Without reservation, she has my recommendation as a truly professional practitioner. Faust Ruggiero, Executive Director, Phillies Fan Central

Hi Jami! I recently picked up, by chance, your magazine and upon reading through your Publisher’s Page with seeing your picture beside it, I was reminded that you lived down the street from where I used to live! I remember coming to your parent’s home as a young girl you being into fitness way back then!!! I just had to write you and commend you on a fabulous local fitness magazine! Keep up the good work! Melissa Stuart

The latest edition of PF is pretty AMAZING (and the publisher’s page about Novelty is for sure!) Sounds like things are going well for PhillyFIT as always! Mohammad Lawal Jami, I had the opportunity recently to visit your website. I read the last few issues of PhillyFIT Magazine and I have to say, I like it! You show a very personal approach to getting your information across which is refreshing! Stephen Craig, EMS Educational Services

PhillyFIT, I love your magazine and Jami's energy, hard work, perspectives! It’s an incredible magazine which is an amazing resource every issue! Thanks for all you do. God Bless. Maureen Fitzpatrick

Jami, You rock and inspire -you are a great role model for my daughters - about the way to work hard, believe in yourself and go for it! PhillyFIT is Jami/Jami is PhillyFIT-top class and the best!

Peace and Health, Jim Roach

PhillyFIT, You guys are an organizational and marketing genius! I worked as a vendor at the PhillyFit Bash and found the staff to be completely professional and responsive. I loved the energy that Jami brought to the event. Her enthusiasm is contagious and she is a joy to work with!” Margi King, Health Coach Dear PhillyFIT, With your bash coming up, I thought your potential vendors might want to know that PhilllyFIT really helped me with my booth that I had set up at a PhillyFit venue. Jami is professional, yet personable and extremely hard working, her employee's are as well. Rita Henry, a sales rep for PhillyFIT is also amazing, she worked with me personally before and after the "bash" and guided me with expert advise. Job well done! Thank you! Rita Sommerer


PHILLYFIT FAMILY Published by: Jalynn Concepts, LLC Publisher: Jami Appenzeller Assistant to the Publisher: Gianna Succi Copy Editors: Heather Hoehn, Bev Appenzeller Cover Photography: Picture of Stepping Stone & Phila. Charter School by Michelle Hilt. Other photos sent in by readers. Publishers Page: Photo by Joe Chielli, Church Street Studios, Hair by Stephanie, Fresh Hair Studio in Southampton. Calendar Of Events: John Beeler Ad Sales: Jami Appenzeller - Rita Henry - Distribution Manager: R.I.P. Jim Appenzeller All inquires are welcome... Call us NOW! (267)767-4205 21 Sunnybrook Dr., New Britain, PA 18901

10 I PhillyFIT

PhillyFIT Magazine is a news magazine with emphasis on health, fitness and leisure. PhillyFIT Magazine is printed bi-monthly, distributing magazines to more than 800 locations in the Philadelphia, Bucks, Chester, Delaware and Montgomery Counties. Address all submissions of advertising, calendar entries, photos, inquiries and letters to the above address. PhillyFIT Magazine does not assume responsibility for unsolicited materials. PhillyFIT Magazine will assume that all unsolicited materials are being submitted for possible publication and should the material be published, no fee is due to the submitting party. It is our understanding that the submitting party holds models' releases on photographs submitted. PhillyFIT Magazine does not knowingly accept false or misleading advertising or editorial content, nor does the Publisher assume responsibility should such advertising or editorial appear. PhillyFIT Magazine reserves the right to edit letters to the editor and other submissions for clarity and space availability, and to determine suitability of all materials submitted for publication. Before implementing any exercise or diet modification mentioned in PhillyFIT Magazine, readers are advised to consult with their physicians. No reproductions of printed material are permitted without the consent of the Publisher. All rights reserved.

Advertising Deadlines: Reservations for the Jan/Feb 2013 issue: Ad Reservation Due By: Dec 5, 2012 Ad Copy Due By: Dec 10, 2012

November/December I 267-767-4205 I

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PhillyFIT I 11


Baked Holiday

Body by


WEIGHT LOSS with or without medications by a board certified physician LIPODISSOLVE/ MESOTHERAPY Safe and effective non-surgical fat/cellulite dissolving procedure

By John Fairchild


Ingredients: • 4 bosc or conference pears (they hold up better when cooked) • 1 cup fruity white wine (Riesling, blackberry, sangria or holiday spice) – use cider for a non-alcoholic variation • 1 cup water • ¼ cup honey or turbinado sugar • A few cinnamon sticks • 2 tsp. cloves • Orange zest, a few strips on each • A touch of vanilla or 1 split vanilla bean • ¼ cup dried sour cherries or dried cranberries

Methodology: Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Wash, peel (keep top on) and cut bottom of pear flat so they can sit up. Whisk wine, honey, water. Add cinnamon, vanilla, orange peel and cloves to liquid. Place pears in a pie dish and pour liquid over top making sure to run liquid over entire pear. Place in middle of oven basting often for 45 minutes -1 hour. Remove using a slotted spoon and transfer to plate. Transfer liquid to a small sauce pan. Bring to a gentle boil until it thickens to a syrup consistency. Remove from heat, add cherries and let sit for 5 minutes. Pour over pears and serve warm. I could tell you blackberry ice cream is a great accompaniment but I won’t. Nutritional Profile Per Serving: Calories: 180, Carb: 40g, Fat: 0g, Protein: 1.5g

A Graduate in Nutrition and Science, John is also a Certified Trainer with the National Academy of Sports Medicine and a Certified Weight Management Counselor with the ADA. He has produced and recorded various exercise videos (originator of Kickaerobox) and nutritional DVD’s. You previously saw him as one of the trainers on the Dr. Phil Weight Loss Challenge on NBC and on Entertainment Tonight. Currently he is the personal nutritionist for PhillyFIT Magazine events such as the BASH, Workout-a-Thon and the Fitness Retreat. Visit him at or

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Nourishes: 4

12 I PhillyFIT



November/December I 267-767-4205 I



You’re Running on Empty. By Joanne Joella

Generally, females are terrible breathers. Learning to breathe more efficiently and effectively will help you to: maximize your workout, learn the means to an internal massage, access relaxation and stress relief, achieve better overall physical and emotional health, and even experience a stronger more interesting voice. Yes, all that! Breath is Important to, Well, Everything. Unfortunately, during activity, most females breathe to the upper chest. The shoulders lift, and the neck, jaw, and facial muscles tighten. The more strenuous the workout, the harder and deeper the pull up towards the collar bone and shoulders. The resulting huffing and puffing feels like a lot of work, and it is, but the reward is minimal, and that’s the problem. The body is demanding oxygen, but the high chest inhalation is too shallow to accommodate the demand. The muscles that lift the rib cage are being called upon to function at a task they have not evolved to handle. These muscles are called the intercostal muscles. Each tiny muscle of the collective group weaves between the ribs to expand and lift the rib cage, but that does not provide the breath needed during a workout. The bitter irony is that the more females strain, the more they feel they’ve had a great workout.

comes to rest open in the lower portion of your rib cage. Take some time to think about those images. You must clearly visualize what is happening. As you visualize, your brain is taking the necessary steps to prepare your body to work differently. Remember, you’ve got other patterns already in muscle memorythat need to relinquish their hold on you. Resting on top of the umbrella/diaphragm are your lungs and heart. Filling the space up under the umbrella and all the way down to the bottom of your pelvis is your viscera, which includes the liver, stomach, spleen, pancreas, kidneys, intestines, uterus, and bladder. Your diaphragm completely seals off and separates your chest cavity containing your heart and lungs from your abdominal cavity containing all your viscera. Remember, the diaphragm is a huge, potentially powerful muscle that is the diameter of your torso. Compare that to your little, overworked intercostal rib muscles. Whom would you hire

You may have had a great, balanced workout, but you’ve also been depriving your muscles, organs, and brainof the oxygen and nutrients they need and deserve as they work hard to keep up with your concept and practice of a healthy exercise program. Heads up, ladies! I’ll bet that you’ve heard your coaches, Pilate’s instructors, and personal trainers ask you, time and again, to breathe deeply. They’ve been trying to help you, so let’s learn how to take that all important deep, active breath.Let me introduce you to your diaphragm.

You’ve Gotta Love that Umbrella-Shaped Muscle Begin by visualizing an open umbrella. The umbrella represents your diaphragm. Imagine placing your hands on either side of an open umbrella. Bring it towards your waist. Now, imagine that it shrinks to fit the diameter of your torso and then slips easily into your abdomen, at the waist, rises up a tad and November/December I 267-767-4205 I

PhillyFIT I 13

for the job of bringing air into your lungs? Thus the diaphragm’s starting date is NOW!

Resting Breathing and Active Breathing are Different!

There are two types of breathing patterns: restive state breathing and active breathing. When you are sitting and reading this article, notice how you feel a gentle expansion and relaxing in your waste or belt region. This is restive statebreathing or life support breathing. Your body is at rest. When females become active, (e.g. reaching for the phone, talking, walking, etc.) the breath pattern begins to elevate and the ribs, shoulders, and the muscles of the neck and face can become involved. Can you recall those feelings? Take these next steps slowly because you’ll be striving to change your muscle memory as it serves you in your active breathing.Don’t rush it and don’t give up because, with practice, you’ll be able to do your diaphragmatic/abdominal breathing. You’ll be very glad you can.

Next, imagine that your bladder, located at the bottom of your pelvis behind the pubic bone, is an empty balloon. During inhalation, you never want to lose focus on that image of the bladder balloon, but be aware of the easy power of the diaphragm pushing down and out at the sides of your waist. As

you practice diaphragmatic/abdominal inhalation, you will imagine that that “balloon” is filling with air. Of course the air is entering your lungs, but work with me here because this ruse is extremely helpful. It works!

Form your lips into a tiny circle as if you were sipping through a soda straw. Pucker your lips to create slight resistance to the inhaled breath as it passes between the lips. There should be sound like slowly sipping soup.Focus on the bladder/balloon! Okay, release your breath. Good work!

Let’s try another s-l-o-w, focused inhalation. Do you feel your tummy rounding out? You may lightly push out on your stomach, during inhalation, to aid in this rounding. Again, release your breath. You’re getting it! You’re able to bring in more air and oxygen, which yields much happier muscles and great mental focus. This is all with less effort once you master the art of diaphragmatic/abdominal breathing.

Remember, your belly must be soft. This is very important because, as your diaphragm presses down, compressing your abdominal organs, your tummy wall should relax. Your diaphragm and abdominal muscles need to work together. Think about how your upper arm muscles work cooperatively, in opposition, to raise and lower your forearm. As one muscle works, the other relaxes. You don’t give it a second thought. In

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w w w. p hy s i c i a n t r a n s fo r m a t i o n s . c o m November/December I 267-767-4205 I

fact, you don’t give it a first thought. It’s just what happens when you want to work your forearm. It’s basically the same thing in diaphragmatic/abdominal breathing, but it’s new for you and you do need to give it a thought. Let’s Think This Through, Again.

When your diaphragm flexes and pushes down, your viscera are being compressed. Imagine the resistance of all your internal stuff as your diaphragm pushes down. You do not want to add to the resistance by holding your belly muscles tight and flat. Let ‘em go, ladies. Don’t worry, you are not creating a fat or bulging tummy. Rather, you are simply getting back to nature, the way it was when you were born.

believe in you and your desire to be all that you can be!You’ve already made an awesome start. Joanne Joella is an acclaimed Voice and Speech coach who works from her studio in the Sherman Mills Artists' complex in East Falls. She has nearly forty years’ experience training actors to develop powerful breathing skills and safe vocal usage. Ms. Joella has worked as a certified Fitness Instructor for the YMCA, specializing in both senior fitness and guidance in developing a healthy back. She has instructed both men and women in the art of centered breathing, resulting in better golf swings; strengthened, easy breathing skills for asthmatics; strong presentation skills for executives and their salesforce; and healthy voices, for life, for singers, actors, lawyers, and politicians. Ms. Joella is happy to speak with you or your organization. Please contact her at She welcomes your interest.

Hooray for Mother Nature!

Breathing is essential to life, and Mother Nature got it right at birth. Observe your friend’s baby or when you are changing your own baby’s diaper check out his/her breathing. On inhalation, the belly bulges and recedes on exhalation. On the exertion or activity of crying, the belly pushes out to support a loud voice. Like I said, Mother Nature got it right from the start, but most females lose it as we mature. At this point, my sisters, I have to address what you’re all thinking, “Is she implying that most males don’t have the same problem as females?” The answer is,“Yes,” but that’s for another article.

At the end of each deep inhalation, it is important to hold briefly each breath with your abdominal muscles so that you may know how deep inhalation feels. Do not close your throat when you hold your breath. It’s what we naturally do, so think about not doing it. Your throat should function as an open conduit for the passage of your inhalation and exhalation. If you practice keeping slight tension in the abdominal muscles, at the end of inhalation, that is all that is necessary to contain your breath in your body and your throat should remain open. This will definitely necessitate focused practice and probably feel strange to you when you succeed. In fact, you may think that you feel a bubble of air in your throat. That’s the sensation of the vocal cords remaining open.

Relax the tension in your abdominal muscles. That will release your breath, allowing you to exhale. Let your breath escape with a whispered ahhhhhh. It’s a big voiceless sigh. When you place your hand on your throat, you should not feel vibration. Your chin should be relaxed and your mouth gently open. Imagine how your chin falls open when you sleep. Your throat should remain relaxed and open. Repeat this cycle several times. Changing your breathing pattern is going to take practice, but I

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FITNESS It’s Exhilarating, Unique, and Fun!


By Michele Hilt

Many think being fit and healthy is a task that is difficult to maintain. Maybe that’s why the city of Philadelphia was named “…one of the fattest cities in America.” Fitness is, and can be, so much more. Fitness can be exhilarating. Fitness can be an escape. Fitness can be fun! Whether dancing under the exotic lights of Zumba in the Nightclub, zoning out with the discipline of Tiger Schulmann’s Mixed Martial Arts, or pushing your body to its limits at Roxborough YMCA’s Boot Camp Fitness, is the release you are seeking, take part in the movement. There is a unique and interesting class, event, or experience out there for you! Philadelphia is no longer okay with being one of the fattest cities of America

2012 Merrell Down and Dirty National Mud and Obstacle Series Whether you want to run a 5k or a 10k, the Merrell Down and Dirty intrigues hundreds of people by its combination of obstacles setup throughout the run. At Fairmount Park on Sunday, July, 15th participants encountered a mud pit, a water trench, and a rock climbing wall, among many others as they made their way through the course. The race partners with Operation Gratitude, an organization that seeks to lift the morale of service 16 I PhillyFIT

men and women deployed to hostile territories around the world by sending personalized care packages. Stepping Stone Dance Studio: Bokwa Fitness Stepping Stone Dance Studio offers a fitness class that is just recently hitting the East Coast. Bokwa Fitness incorporates fun and simple dance moves with today’s hit music for an energetic workout. On Tuesday evenings from 8:30-9:30, Maria Shapely, instructs a class of about ten to fifteen people, ages ranging from early twenties to early fifties.

Fit Gym: Workout with Bodybuilders Fit Gym is home to a number of local professional bodybuilders, who have competed locally, nationally, and even internationally. Fit Gym is not just for the professionals as its owner Danny says, “We have people of all ages, ethnic backgrounds, and diversities here.” Fit Gym located near University City in Philadelphia is a three-floor gym that has a little something for all of those interested in working on his or her fitness.

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Universal Health and Wellness Day: Philadelphia Charter Schools Not every child has access to a daily or weekly physical education class, yet so much learning is done at young ages. The Universal Institute Charter Schools in Philadelphia do however have a day for the education and fun of health and wellness. On Friday, June 8th, the Universal Health and Wellness Day was filled with nine events: Zumba, a relay race, a walk for wellness, an obstacle course, volleyball, badminton, health movies, a free play, and line dancing contests. Students from prekindergarten to eighth grade, at four different schools, for about fifteen years have been enjoying an event like this, which dedicates time to encouraging active lifestyles as students age.

LaCrest Health Center: Boxing Phil Chebook has been boxing for thirty years and instructing boxing classes for two years. In Lansdale he teaches a class size of about thirteen to twenty students, ranging from ages thirteen to seventy-six, on Tuesday nights at 5:45 and Friday nights at 5:30. During the class he has drills during where students work individually on their skills and then in partner situations use a boxing bag. They also do timed sets too allow each partner to practice old and newly learned skills.

Jaya Yoga Namaste! Jaya Yoga’s, Carolyn Cohen, in Lambertville, NJ, has been evolving her spiritual and healing practices to include yoga, partner yoga, acupuncture and more. Just walking into the studio a person is put ease by the sereneness that sounds them. Offering classes during the day and at night for all levels, Carolyn does her best to help you center and relieve stress. November/December I 267-767-4205 I

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Softball It may not be the majors, but New Hope Fitness in New Hope, PA has a coed softball league every summer for people ages twenty and up. Restaurants and stores in the area, including Fran’s Pub on Main Street in New Hope, are the sponsors for the league. Many leagues such as this one have sprung up all over and include not only softball but basketball and soccer as well. These sports allow adults to get their blood pumping by taking part in activities they enjoyed as young kids.

Tap-N-Burn Fitness Tap is no longer a lost art for the average woman after high school. Tap-N-Burn offers a one-hour class, ranging in age from early twenties to early seventies, during which you will tap about two miles. The class begins with tap and cools down with ballet, a good way to stretch, states the instructor and owner, Melane Niblick. For people who have years of tap experience and those who know absolutely nothing, Tap-N-Burn can be a fun way to learn a new art and a new type of fitness. To find a class near you visit

Susie Beiler’s Health Movie Night Fitness can be about learning. Susie Beiler’s “Health Movie Night” is about just that. Susie, a wellness expert, discusses the importance of eating healthy, through listening to your body’s clues and cues, and finding the inspiration and support system to allow you to be in the “driver’s seat” of your own body. Healthy snacks are provided, along with the entertainment of a motivational movie, on the third Thursday of each month. Susie’s next one will be September 20th at Wellness Works in Chalfont, PA.

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18 I PhillyFIT

Tiger Schulmann’s Mixed Martial Arts As the Sensei at the Chalfont studio for Tiger Schulmann’s mixed martial arts began his class, I looked at the eyes of each student; they were all filled with discipline, ready to learn. I can see the pull of mixed martial arts, a place where you can

November/December I 267-767-4205 I

zone out the trials of your day and focus on the sounds of the buzzer as your Sensei, one of the highest titles achieved by an instructor, teaches you the art. Michael Marchand, Sensei since 2002, is the instructor of men and women ages sixteen and up. He is doing something that he fell in love with about fifteen years ago. Classes and times vary during the week. Philly Roller Girls Philadelphia is home to several roller derby teams, all filled with women who are a part of a “ movement of strong, unique, diverse, and incredible women.” That is how Mishel Castor, a seven-year veteran of the sport, defines the spirit of derby. It’s physical exertion and exercise, it’s personal investment, and it’s a league of women with common goals. Dedicated to a sport that is growing, each woman, aged twenty-one to fifty, is personally invested as they realize their goals together and form a bond from within and build friendships, as well as a team.

which makes for an exotic workout. Kristine grew up with Zumba, as he mom owned a studio, and has been instructing for seventeen years. Kristine leads the over sixty people and she genuinely enjoys what she is doing.

Roxborough YMCA: Boot Camp Fitness Looking to push yourself? Melissa Russo, a six-year instructor at the YMCA in Roxborough is ready to push you to your limit in her Bootcamp Express and BodyCombat classes. Ranging in ages from mid-teens to seventies, she loves motivating people to become their best-fit selves. In her words, “At the YMCA we are more than just a gym.” The YMCA aims to help teens and children with scholarships, and parents with a day care service. Most of all Melissa wants everyone to be healthy and fit and to have fun. Zumba in the Nightclub Taught by Kristine Carroll, Zumba in the Nightclub takes place at Club 212 in Phoenixville, on the first Thursday of every month. Woman ranging in ages from early twenties to early sixties, dance away the early evening under the strobe lights, November/December I 267-767-4205 I

PhillyFIT I 19

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Build a Better Bottom:


Tips from “The Booty Sculptor” By Wade Hoover

I am known as “The Booty Sculptor,” a moniker in which I take great pride. It was given to me by a woman to whom I had given a little advice about training the buttocks. As a personal trainer, I have helped many people achieve various fitness goals. In this particular area however, my efforts have been lauded, and comically so. A woman proclaimed to me, “I love my a**! How many forty year olds can say that? You’re an artist!” That was sweet. Now that the stage is set and hopefully enticed you, how can I help you to “love your a**?” Actually, it’s a pretty simple strategy really. As always, it is merely a matter of proper training and nutrition. The important thing to remember is that training and nutrition are not generic. Your results will vary depending on how you utilize these two important fitness tools. Let’s begin with training. While there is no such thing as “spot reduction”, there is such a thing as “target training”. Let me explain. Spot reduction is the idea that you can burn fat off of a particular area of the body by training that body part, for instance doing sit-ups or crunches to trim the waist. Your body doesn’t work that way. Training burns calories and your body will

decide from where it will take those calories. Target training on the other hand, is a way of training a particular muscle group to get that muscle group to respond. This is what we are going to do to your bottom.

Here is a simple bottom-blasting-barrage of a workout. This one will turn your derrière into an eye-popping asset that will have you running to the store for those jeans you were afraid to try on only a few months ago! Just do these four exercises two to three times a week (never two days in a row) and you will see results!

Always stretch first. This will prevent injury and improve your workout and your results. Step-ups: Hold dumbbells in both hands. Stand in front of a flat bench (or wooden box). With your left foot, step up onto the bench and bring your right foot up so that both feet are on the bench. Step down with your left foot first, then your right foot. That is one repetition. Do ten repetitions with your left foot and then ten repetitions with your right foot. You will want to do four sets of ten reps. (with each foot). Start dumbbells that you are comfortable with until you are confident to move to heavier weight. As long as you can stay under control, you can use heavier weight. Your heart will be pounding, as this is good cardio too!

Straight-legged dead-lifts: This is a simple exercise, but it must be done properly to prevent injury. You can use dumbbells or a straight bar. Stand up straight holding the dumbbells at your sides. Now, bend at the waist letting the dumbbells naturally go forward until you’re bent over at a ninety-degree angle with your arms hanging straight down. Stand back up. That is one repetition.

SAFETY TIP: Form is everything here! Throughout the entire motion, keep your head up looking at a fixed point across the room and keep your back straight! You even want to have a slight arch in your back so that when you are bent forward, your back appears to dip in the middle. Also, do not bend or lock your knees. Try to keep them neutral. This is a bit tricky at first, but you’ll get it.

Do four sets of ten repetitions of these as well. Increase weight as you become more confident. Dead lifts: You can go a bit heavier on this one. While holding the dumbbells at your sides and keeping you back straight and

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head up, squat down and stand up. Keep your feet shoulder width apart. Bend your knees and also at your waist. Try to keep your shoulders from going too far forward. Keep the dumbbells at your sides. Don’t let them drift forward. Also, your knees should stay in line with your toes. Don’t go knockkneed.

To do this safely, focus on sticking out your chest and your buttocks throughout the entire movement. Set your butt down as though you were sitting in a low chair. Do four sets of ten reps. Lunges: Do these in a stationary position. Take a moderate stride with your left foot. Hold the dumbbells at your sides. Keep your head up and your back straight. Drop your right knee until it is almost touching the floor. (Your right knee should be even with your left heel at the bottom of the movement). Both knees will be bent at ninety-degree angles at the bottom of the movement. Stand up keeping your feet where they are. That is one rep. Do ten repetitions then switch foot positions and do ten more for one set. Do four sets. By the time you are finished you should be pretty tired. When you first begin these workouts, you will have soreness for a day or two. This will pass. Keep at it and you will get there. As far as nutrition goes, we are trying to build muscle here. If you are in the process of losing weight, this workout should help. If you are lean and want to build a bottom from scratch, you will need to add calories. Your best bet would be a simple whey protein drink right after your workout. Eat a normal meal within two hours. Your muscles are screaming to be fed. If you don’t take in calories now, your body will use stored fat. If you have no stored fat, it will break down muscle. This method has worked VERY well in the past. Give it a try - then go get those jeans!

Wade Hoover is a personal trainer with over 33 years of experience in fitness and sports. He is the owner of Premium Results Personal Training, ( an inhome training service. Wade trains you in your home with his equipment. Wade is the author of "The Junk Food Eater's Diet" and has been a marketing copywriter for the last four years ( while also training clients.


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PhillyFIT I 23


Anti-oxidants By Joel Weintraub

Before we delve into how you can obtain your daily requirement of anti-oxidants you may be curious to know what exactly an antioxidant is. It seems as if half the planet is obsessed with acquiring their daily dose of anti-oxidants. However, if you quiz most of these people you will most likely encounter a vague expression as they attempt to explain what in the world an anti-oxidant is anyway? Herewith is the semi-technical version of an anti-oxidant.

Anti-oxidants are a class of substances, organic in nature, whose membership includes vitamins C and E. Vitamin A, converted from beta-carotene, and selenium also fall into this group. As a matter of fact, the reason you find vivid yellow, orange and red pigmentation in fruits and vegetables is from carotenoids, which is the main category for beta - carotene. The theory that scientists get a kick out of proving time and time again is that anti-oxidants can prevent stroke, cancer, heart disease and slow down the rate of aging. The reality is that these studies seem to yield mixed reviews.

Our body is just loaded with antioxidants and they are a very valuable asset in protecting us against particles called free radicals. Which leads us to the next question, “What in the world is a free radical anyway?” A free radical is typically an oxygen molecule that searches for a molecule with which it can combine or 'oxidize'. The molecules that free radicals attack are cells within the body organs. As a result of this destruction on our internal organs, we age quicker and increase our risk of developing heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s and a host of other problems normally associated with aging. Anti-oxidants act to combine with these free radicals before they have a chance to cause damage. Which leads us to ponder - do we supplement or do we not supplement? That is the question. Unfortunately, mega dosing on vitamin supplements is like investing in Internet stocks. It may seem like the logical thing to do at the moment but in ten years from now you may be licking your supplemental wounds from being overzealous. The studies on supplementation have been pouring in and the only thing researchers can agree on is to disagree with the previous study. After all, agreeing with a previous study is not as exciting as breaking new ground with your own uncharted findings. So what are we supposed to do while we wait for definitive information on the biotech front? Do we take a chance on the latest

24 I PhillyFIT

“miracle in a pill” or wait until we are the last believers on the block to indulge in these “free radical” fighting marvels? Fear not! Just as there are alternatives to investing in the latest highflying Internet stocks there are also options when it comes to ingesting anti-oxidants. That option just happens to be nothing more than the old stand-by known as the fruits and vegetables group. By increasing our intake of fruits and vegetables we are able to attain a more effective combination of anti-oxidants than we would find in pill form. The latest studies have found that thousands of antioxidants work in concert to protect us against these attacking free radicals.

Which leads us to the big question - which fruits and vegetables? Believe it or not, it almost doesn’t matter if you eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. To give you the biggest anti-oxidant bang for your produce buck, I have researched the most potent anti-oxidants known to man and of course woman.

PRUNES Number one of the hit list of fruits and vegetables generously endowed with anti-oxidant capabilities is the formerly nostalgic prune. Very popular with the geriatric set for its ability to maintain regularity, the prune is definitely making a healthy comeback. Prunes top the list with more than twice the level of antioxidants than other high-scoring fruits such as blueberries and raisins.

Prunes, which are dried plums, contain a large supply of neochlorogenic acid, a phenolic compound, and two very potent antioxidants. In addition, prunes are fat and cholesterol-free and are a delicious way to add fiber, vitamins and minerals to meet your dietary requirement of five fruits and vegetables a day. Previous studies have shown that about twelve prunes a day decreased total and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in men with elevated blood cholesterol levels.

BLUEBERRIES Like all berries, blueberries are a great source of vitamins A and C, but their real nutritional claim to fame is their high concentration of phytochemicals known as anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are what give blueberries its deep rich and unfortunately clothes staining color. Blueberries are potent anti-oxidants, which help fight cancer, heart disease, urinary tract infections and even some forms of blindness. All this for a mere forty calories per half-cup.

November/December I 267-767-4205 I

RED GRAPES Red grapes contain bioflavonoids, powerful antioxidants that work as cancer preventives. Grapes are also a rich source of resveratrol, which inhibits the enzymes that can stimulate cancer-cell growth and suppress immune response. GRAPEFRUIT Grapefruits, like oranges and other citrus fruits, contain monoterpenes, believed to help prevent cancer by sweeping carcinogens out of the body. Some studies show that grapefruit can inhibit the proliferation of breast cancer cells in vitro. Grapefruit also contains vitamin C and folic acid. If you choose pink grapefruit you will also receive the benefit of a substantial amount of betacarotene.

In summary, these are just a few of the fruits that contain potent anti-oxidants. The entire produce department in your local grocery store is turning into an anti-oxidant empire. From broccoli and cauliflower to oranges and kiwi, every new crop has the potential to help us reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease and slow down the deleterious effects of aging. So as you are gathering your crops in the local farm we call a supermarket rejoice in the knowledge that what you are truly harvesting is good health.

Joel Weintraub is a humorous educator who has managed to merge the two formerly disparate worlds of comedy and education. He has been making audiences laugh and learn about motivation, stress management, the physiology of humor, fitness, nutrition and employee productivity for the past 15 years. To book a show for your corporation or organization call 610-825-2179 or look us up on the web at or

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November/December I 267-767-4205 I

PhillyFIT I 25


On Angel’s Wings By Mary M. Nearpass

Angel Before

Angel After

We are each angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another. - Luciano de Crescenzo

In 2005 at the age of forty-two, Angel Hunter found herself a widow after her husband of twenty-two years suddenly passed away from a heart attack. In an instant, her life changed forever. She took on a new role as a single mother of three daughters and life as she and her girls had known it was being re-defined. Angel had to learn how to breathe all over again.

Like many of us, the years leading up to this life-altering passage were ridden with a hectic, full-time family and work schedule. Angel serves as an ordained minister and has been active in ministry since 2000. For almost thirty years, Angel has taught fitness classes around her hectic schedule, has multi-tasked and managed to juggle many balls in the air at the same time. However with all that juggling there was a great deal of stress and Angel began to find comfort in food. She became an emotional eater. Food was quick, easy and always available. Sometimes from the stress of the day she would drive to Dairy Queen and order a chocolate ice cream cone with sprinkles on it and then order extra sprinkles in a cup and sit in her car and eat every last bit. Other times it would be any kind of fast food that she felt would sooth her emotional roller coaster in the mood of moment.

It wasn’t until Angel saw a photo taken of herself in 2004 that she truly became aware of what she looked like and how much weight she had gained. Pictures never lie and although she would ensure that she was always put together nicely, she found that when she looked in the mirror she evaded the true reflection of the woman looking back at her. She stepped on the scale and found herself at an all time high of 220 pounds on her petite 5’4” frame. Her dress size had jumped to a twenty-two and something had to change! Everything became 26 I PhillyFIT

crystal clear to Angel within those few eye-opening moments. She was ready to admit and take full responsibility for what she allowed to happen.

Within a year, Angel, managed to go from a size twenty-two to a size twelve by changing her lifestyle, engaging in clean-eating, and with cardiovascular and strength training. She was finally practicing what she was preaching. Angel was making amazing strides with her own health when her husband died unexpectedly. While bearing this excruciating pain and grief, Angel learned to breathe again thru her unwavering faith and via strength training. Pumping weights was her new way of handling stress and a great way for her to focus and concentrate on breathing new life into every ounce of her being. This quickly became her passion and she wanted to share it with others so she decided to become a personal trainer.

Angel became a certified Personal Trainer through the AAAI and American Muscle and Fitness. She works full time now as a personal trainer and fitness instructor, and is currently training to compete in a figure competition. She managed to lose over ninety pounds from 2004 to 2011. Now a petite 130 pounds, she is a real powerhouse in a size four. She is constantly training and transforming. While Angel’s weight loss didn’t happen overnight; but then again neither did the weight gain. Losing weight and becoming fit requires steady repetition while implementing a new habit and lifestyle change. This is a totally foreign concept to a world that wants results quickly and easily. To achieve her goal, it took Angel many years of repetition and consistency in

November/December I 267-767-4205 I

a healthy lifestyle change. Her equation for success is: ninetyfive percent diet + cardiovascular training + strength training = Body Transformation. Recently turning fifty years young, Angel is re-married to her beloved husband, Timothy Hunter, who is also a trainer. “He is my supportive nucleus and a large part of my transformation. He anchors me and encourages me to keep doing what I am doing.” Angel has a special interest in anyone who is truly struggling with losing weight. She has been there personally and knows from her own journey what it takes to lose a significant amount of weight.

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One of Angel’s proudest accomplishments lies with one of her clients, Pepi Mariani. When Pepi hired Angel she weighed 265 pounds, she was diagnosed with Stage II Diabetes, and her cholesterol and triglycerides were through the roof. Pepi gained over one hundred pounds with one of her pregnancies, and knew she wanted to do something drastic to change her health. She had two sons that were depending on her, and she decided that she wanted to be the best she could be for them. “Angel trains you; she’s tough, she keeps pushing, even when my weight kept fluctuating and I was feeling out of control. She believed in me and always knew that I had it in me to do it."

Pepi is now one hundred twenty pounds lighter going from a size twenty-six to a size eight. She is loving her new lifestyle as she is so much healthier. Knowing that Pepi will be around for her kids has changed her life.

Angel’s mission as a personal fitness trainer was birthed through her own journey losing over ninety pounds and seventy inches. You can see her story - Health Watch and Win by Losing, with producer, Attiyah Blair on YouTube. She has definitely lived the struggle and knows that transformation is a process and a lifestyle. Angel has a special place in her heart and great passion for helping people to attain their health and fitness goals.

Allow Angel to share her wisdom, expertise and years of experience as she encourages and coaches you in lifestyle changes so you too can attain wholeness in this area of your life. “All things are possible if you believe!” What you do today will change your tomorrow!

Mary Nearpass has an extensive background in both the traditional and holistic healthcare settings. The first part of her career focused on teaching, sales and marketing, and training and development. She has worked in the classroom setting (from elementary to the college level), for a major weight loss corporation and a leading hospital in the Philadelphia region. Her focus began to shift, as did her hunger for knowledge in the numerous aspects of complementary modalities, and how they assist in both the preventive and healing components toward health. With several certifications in Massage Therapy and Yoga, Mary also holds two master's degrees in Health Education and Behavioral Psychology.

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Improving Aesthetics & Looking Younger With Dentistry By Daniel E. Lofaso



Botox. Dermal fillers. Nose surgery. Facelifts. Americans invest a lot of money in surgical and nonsurgical procedures that reshape normal structures of the body in order to improve appearance and self-esteem. And why not, as these procedures help individuals exude a healthy and youthful outlook as a wrinkle-free or more energetic individual in their own eyes and through the eyes of society. But did you also know that a cosmetic dentist can improve your facial aesthetics as well as help you have a more youthful appearance? How you ask? By improving the first thing that people notice when they see you—your smile. Smiles make a person seem more attractive, sociable and confident. According to Dr. Kenneth Siegel of Dental Excellence of Blue Bell, PA, there are certain cosmetic and restorative dentistry procedures that can improve many of the factors that make a patient look aged. “Many times we see patients who have worn down their teeth making the lower third of their face look shrunken. We can often reduce the wrinkles and creases on their face by increasing the height of their back teeth through the use of porcelain onlays, crowns or veneers.”

Worn down enamel is often related to an aged appearance and is a common issue many patients have but are unaware of. Worn enamel can be the cause of unfavorable wrinkle lines and creases, so before you consider a facelift or Botox, consider what a smile makeover could do for your appearance. Enamel, the protective, bright layer of our teeth, is worn down over time through every day wear and tear, chewing, grinding 30 I PhillyFIT

our teeth at night, and by the foods we eat. When we are young our enamel is bright and white and over time develops cracks, which hold stains. These stains make our teeth look discolored, yet another factor that contributes to an aged appearance. Dr. Siegel continues, “By increasing the height of the affected teeth we can reduce the ‘sunken-in’ look of a patient’s face that has lost height due to the wearing down of their enamel. This then helps to fill out the creases in their face and combined with whitening, can help to make patients look more youthful.” The Beginnings of a Smile Makeover Like many modern cosmetic dentistry practices, Dr. Siegel utilizes technology to help his patients forecast and achieve their desired smile. The process for a smile makeover or a smile design starts with good communication between the patient and the dentist. If you visit your cosmetic dentist for this type of consultation expect one of the first questions to be, “What do you and don’t you like about your smile?” From here the cosmetic dentist can gauge what your expectations are and decide on a treatment plan that meets these expectations.

This is also where the technology kicks in. At Dr. Siegel’s office they take photos and x-rays and sit with the patient in front of a fifty-inch flat screen so they can visualize the issues and possibilities of dentistry. Dr. Siegel adds, “We can then make recommendations based upon what we see that may be aligned with their desires. We can also utilize our digital imaging software to give them an idea of what their new smile can look like.

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Once a patient sees the forecast of their new smile they really start to get excited.”

Your Smile and Technology To determine how the teeth best fit together and how they will look once restored Dr. Siegel’s office relies heavily on modern dental technology. “We use a neuromuscular (understanding of the relationships of the tissues, muscles, teeth, temporomandibular joints, and nerves associated with the bite) approach to setting up the patient’s bite with very sophisticated computer equipment. For single crowns we also utilize CEREC® technology which utilizes a CAD/CAM computer system to capture an image of the tooth and then designs a crown that can be made in the office and placed the very same day.”

Dr. Siegel also notes that technology alone is not the only reason a smile transformation takes place. A vision of a perfect smile must also complement the science. Dentists, like sculptors, require a great deal of artistic abilities as well as proven methodologies to allow a smile makeover case to come around full-circle. “Without a doubt there is a tremendous amount of artistic skill that goes into an aesthetic case” says Dr. Siegel. “That being said it is impossible to create a beautiful smile that will last without the science. The dentist can’t just be artistic, they have to have extensive training in the science that goes beyond the aesthetics or the case will not have long-lasting results.”

Considering Your Cosmetic Dentistry Options If you are looking to restore your facial appearance with cosmetic dentistry you should educate yourself on the possibilities of the procedures. While cosmetic dentistry alone cannot remedy all the effects of an aged appearance it can significantly bring youth to your smile and the surrounding areas of your face. The entire process begins with a consultation with your dentist. When planning your ideal smile, cosmetic dentists will take into account your eyes, hair color, skin color, lips, chin, nose and other macro and micro facial features to determine how to best customize a smile that meets your goals. While many patients may have a good idea of the treatments they want to enhance their smiles, be open to the recommendations of your dentist as they will help you to design a smile around your preferences and your budget.

restore your appearance as well as confidence in your smile. All of the above treatments are popular for patients who have minor to more serious dental issues they would like to address.

For more extreme cases of tooth loss, Dr. Siegel utilizes a treatment called “Facelift Dentures” that truly showcase the possibilities of dentistry to bring back a more youthful appearance to a patient with missing teeth. These dentures, aptly named because of the non-surgical facelift effect patients receive after treatment, have been proven to reduce wrinkles and the saggy facial appearance that is often associated with missing teeth or with dentures patients. Affording Your Smile Cosmetic dentistry and looking younger does not have to break the bank. A procedure such as an in-office Zoom Whitening or cosmetic dental bonding can be around the $400 range. Many of the orthodontic options such as Invisalign or Six Month Smiles are in the $5,000 range and may be partially billed through insurance. For a complete smile makeover using custom-made porcelain veneers and crowns, expect to pay up to $50,000. Dental implants are the most expensive procedure and can go upwards from there for a full mouth implant restoration. Talk to your dentist about financing options as many will work with you to help you afford your smile.

Dental Excellence of Blue Bell

706 Dekalb Pike, Blue Bell, PA 19422 610-272-0828 •

Dr. Kenneth Siegel is a highly trained cosmetic dentist and has been treating patients in the Philadelphia area at Dental Excellence of Blue Bell for more than twenty-five years. His expertise and excellent results have earned him the title of "America’s Top Dentist," a prestigious honor awarded by the Consumer Research Council of America. Dr. Siegel was trained at the prestigious Las Vegas Institute of Advanced Dental Studies where he earned the title of Master Aesthetic Dentist. Additionally, Dr. Siegel completed advanced courses in the specialty fields of Full Mouth Reconstruction, in which he handles complex dental restorations and Advanced Neuromuscular Dentistry in which he diagnoses and treats problems involving the muscles, nerves and joints in the face and jaw. Dr. Siegel is a member of the American Dental Association, Academy of General Dentistry, Academy of Comprehensive Esthetics, the Pennsylvania State Dental Association, American College of Implantology, and Montgomery-Bucks Dental Society.

Many patients who want a quick fix consider porcelain veneers or Lumineers which are thin, tooth-like laminates that are bonded to your teeth. Veneers are used by many beauty queens and celebrities to get what many call a “Hollywood Smile.” Porcelain crowns may also be used for teeth that are worn or that may not benefit from veneers. Dental bonding can be used to repair minor chips, cracks or fractures in the teeth as well as to replace old amalgam fillings that make teeth look dark when you smile. Looking to go more modest? A simple teeth whitening is the most popular and quick way to improve your appearance and brighten your smile. Modern orthodontic treatments such as invisible aligners like Invisalign or short-term braces like Six Month Smiles are also great ways to straighten misaligned or crooked teeth. If you have missing teeth dental implants can be placed to November/December I 267-767-4205 I

PhillyFIT I 31

Ouch! A Tail of Back Aches! PET SECTION

by James T. Winkler, DVM, Diplomate ACVS

Just as humans can suffer from back or neck pain caused by a herniated disc, so can our favorite canine companions. Intervertebral disc disease in pets, or IVDD for short, can be caused by trauma or can be related to degeneration (deterioration) of a disc that can occur with aging and can be breed related. Some of the breeds most commonly affected by disc disease include Dachshunds, Basset Hounds, Pekingese, Cocker Spaniels, Beagles, and Lhasa Apsos. If you have one of those breeds in your extended family, please take extra care to protect their backs and encourage "back friendly behaviors".

Back friendly habits include avoiding situations that create stress to the spine especially at an angle. For example, jumping down from a significant height, running and suddenly changing directions, or rapid, twisting motions could all create this type of stress to the spine. A leash walk using a harness would be a more back-friendly exercise option for pets already at risk for disc disease. When adopting a new dog, we recommend asking questions about the health of the puppy's parents that include both general health questions and breed-specific health questions. While there is no guarantee, generally speaking, the health of the parents is reflected in the health of the puppies.

Disc disease (IVDD) happens when the disc, which acts as a protective cushion between the vertebrae of the spine, leaks material that in turn presses on the spinal cord. This can result in varying degrees of compression of the spinal cord. The symptoms of IVDD you may see at home can include a pet

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reluctant to move in a certain direction, persistent or intermittent pain, loss of coordination, weakness, paralysis, and loss of sensation to the limbs. Similar to other medical conditions, the sooner these symptoms are recognized and treated, typically, the more successful treatment can be.

If you notice any of these symptoms in your pet, please make an appointment with your primary care veterinarian. Your veterinarian will help determine whether the symptoms are related to disc disease or if they are related to something else that mimics the symptoms of IVDD. Orthopedic disease, for example, can mimic the symptoms of disc disease. A pet with a torn ligament may walk with discomfort and some weakness on that limb. If your veterinarian suspects that your pet is suffering from IVDD, he/she can refer your pet to see a board certified veterinary neurologist or surgeon, who are expert on confirming and treating pets with IVDD. These specialists will work with you to review your pet’s condition, to confirm the diagnosis of IVDD, and create the best course of action to provide relief and comfort for your pet. A definitive diagnosis of disc disease typically requires advanced imaging/testing. The advanced imaging can include an MRI, CT, or myelography. Each diagnostic test has pros and cons. The MRI provides the most detail and is the best diagnostic tool, however it does require anesthesia and is the most expensive option. A CT (CAT scan) requires less anesthesia time than an MRI and is typically less expensive, however, it provides less detail for the spinal cord. Myelography also requires anesthesia, however, it is the least precise for

November/December I 267-767-4205 I

imaging the spinal cord. Myelography is a series of radiographs (x-rays) that uses a contrast dye injected around the spinal cord to outline the spinal cord. Typically, myelography is used on an emergency basis when MRI or CT may not be not available.

Once the diagnosis of disc disease is confirmed, your pet will have the treatment options of medical management or surgical management. Each of these is combined with physical rehabilitation and pain management. Untreated disc disease is often quite painful. Some pets will cry or whine when they are in discomfort. Others may reveal their discomfort by showing a reluctance to move or perform normal behaviors. Treating and controlling the pain associated with disc disease is crucial to a pet's well being and his/her recovery process. Regardless of which type of management (medical or surgical) is recommended and chosen, pain control needs to be a part of your pet's therapy.


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Medical management includes pain medication, anti-inflammatory medications, strict crate rest, and physical rehabilitation. The rest and recovery period in the crate or cage is necessary since many pets will continue to try activities that their back is not ready for, such as jumping up to run to the door. Those activities can slow the healing process, cause additional discomfort, or even worsen the existing disc disease. When deemed appropriate and safe based on your pet's recovery, a physical rehabilitation program can be customized to fit your pet's needs and may include range of motion, physio rolls, and an underwater treadmill.

Surgical management is the best treatment option if your pet's symptoms are severe (paralysis and loss of feeling), the symptoms continue to worsen, or your pet's pain level is uncontrollable. Surgery involves removing the herniated disc material that is compressing the spinal cord as well as removing a small amount of bone to allow the spinal cord space to shift away from the compression. Rarely are implants such as bone plates or screws needed for this type of surgery. Surgery is performed under general anesthesia and physical rehabilitation is recommended as part of the recovery process. The duration of post-surgical recovery and the amount of physical rehabilitation and nursing care required will depend upon the symptoms your pet had prior to surgery. Pets that had severe pain without any signs of paralysis typically have rapid return of comfort within just a few days of surgery, typically much quicker than medical management. Patients that had partial paralysis prior to surgery (can't stand), but can still move and feel their limbs, usually recover in a few days to a few weeks. Pets that were paralyzed and lost the ability to feel their limbs (cannot tell when they are being touched) have the lowest chances of a successful recovery and the longest recovery period, typically several months. Some of these severely affected pets, despite the best care, unfortunately may never return to full function. Nursing care for this severely affected group of pets is often quite intensive and will require special November/December I 267-767-4205 I

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padding to avoid bed sores and may require assistance to urinate and defecate.

Whether you choose medical management or surgical management for your pet, highly trained veterinary staff, who work with your pet's specialist, can provide physical rehabilitation services to aid in your pet's recovery. Physical rehabilitation includes both office visits and at-home programs. Physical rehabilitation programs for pets need to be very creative, since we can't verbally ask them to do a set of exercises each day! However, there are clever ways to encourage pets to safely assist in their own rehabilitation. Hopefully, you will never see these symptoms in your pet. However, if your pet does suffer from IVDD, you should be aware of the different advanced imaging options available to confirm the diagnosis, the medical or surgical treatment options, and the importance of pain control and physical rehabilitation. By working with both your primary care veterinarian and the veterinary specialist, you can find the short-term and long-term solutions that fit both your needs and your pet's needs. Dr. Winkler is a board certified veterinary surgeon that works at Red Bank Veterinary Hospital Cherry Hill. For more information on vertebral disc disease, please contact Dr. Winkler at (856) 429-4394. To learn more about the services offered at RBVH Cherry Hill, visit

34 I PhillyFIT

30 Years of Professional Grooming in the Lansdale Area

30 W. Hancock St. • Lansdale, PA 19446 215-412-8050 • Fax: 215-412-8052 Bernadette & Alex Fletcher

Be a vendor in our Healthy Pet Section at the PhillyFIT Bash! Call for details 267-767-4205

November/December I 267-767-4205 I


Bored to the

BONE By Jane Brydon, Dog Training Coach, LLC

What happens when you leave your dog home alone? Sometimes it turns into mayhem. Dogs really enjoy being with you, and when left to their own devices, they often times become teenagers on Spring Break. Rugs get ripped, chair cushion stuffing is everywhere, and trash is all over the house. Why can’t dogs just watch the TV you left on for them or listen to that great radio station? One reason for this behavior is that they are just amusing themselves. They do not know what is a toy and what isn’t. They are dogs, not humans so they do not easily understand where to draw the line between human stuff and human issued dog toys. Everything, including your new handbag, is part of their playroom when left alone.

Trashcans are toy chests that smell great. There are wonderful things in that can that they can chew on, rip up and throw around the house. Digging into the cushions is like digging into the dirt in the yard, an extremely enjoyable pastime. The cushions also smell like you, so they are bringing up your smell while they dig, which is a way to get a calming whiff of their owner. These dogs are bored and many of them are also anxious. You are gone. Are you ever going to return? As owners what can you do to stop these behaviors?

1) Manage the problem. By that I mean, dog-proof proof house. Don’t allow your dog to make a mistake. Ask yourself, “What can Champ get in to?” Get down on all fours and look at the world through your dog’s eyes. Can he destroy the carpet by digging, chewing, pooping and peeing? Put him in a secure, safe area before you leave the house. Can he get to the trash? Bungee cord the can or put the whole can in a closet. Does he like chewing furniture or fabric? Enclose him in an area where he can’t get to furniture he likes to chew. Make sure he is safe and away from all areas and things he can destroy.

2) Give him things to do to keep him busy. Don’t just give him a toy. Give him a Kong toy or other toy filled with goodies so he can spend time trying to get the peanut butter out of it. Use the special toy that makes him work for the reward. Get card board boxes and hide the Kongs under the box. Make his whole time in the crate or the laundry room a fun experience. 3) Play classical music. There are special CDs created specifically to calm dogs.

4) Use Dog Appeasing Pheromone (DAP). If your dog gets nervous while left alone, get some Comfort Zone and spray the cage or the floor or a bandana and put it around your dog’s neck. It can work wonders in conjunction with the other things mentioned above.

5) Rescue Remedy is an herbal blend found in health food stores that also has a wonderful relaxing effect when put in your dog’s water. 6) Thunder Shirt is a close fitting dog wrap that applies gentle, constant pressure, which acts against anxiety.

These are all great remedies and ideas to use if your dog has to be at your home. To work on ending separation anxiety, hire a certified, professional dog trainer. A trainer will work with you to get your dog used to being alone. Using a variety of methods, dog trainers can help you build your dog’s confidence and slowly condition him to handle your absences.

If your dog enjoys the company of other dogs, why not send him to dog daycare? As a dog trainer I continuously see dogs that are under exercised and bored. The dog is waiting all day for you to get home and is looking for a playmate. He has been resting all day; so instead let him play while you are away! Dog daycares allow your dog to play, mingle, sniff, chase toys, dance around and have some really fun times. They get to run with friends. They are watched to ensure they are kept safe.

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PhillyFIT I 35


It's vacation time for your little dog too!

While you're away,The Cottage in Glen Mills provides fresh-air fun and loving care for your pet **GROOMING SERVICES NOW AVAILABLE!**

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Many daycares break dogs into play groups, so different play styles are catered to. While you are at work, school or on vacation, your dog is getting plenty of attention and exercise. Hire a dog walker to take away the boredom by taking Bella for a walk in the park or even a run. This breaks up the day with a visit from a friend and includes a workout. At the end of the day you are not opening a door to find total destruction. Both dog and owner can enjoy each other’s company because they can now focus on each other, without frantic wild behavior. Use whatever method works for you to change boredom and anxiety into safe, interesting and fun. Mix it up. Send your dog to daycare one or two days a week. Have a dog walker a few days a week. Use some of the remedies listed in this article in conjunction with daycare or dog walking. Having a calm dog when you return home will really grow your dog-human relationship. Jane Brydon, Dog Training Coach, LLC, Certified Professional Dog Trainer The Cottage Small Dog Daycare. 610-SUM-DOGS Where little dogs mean a lot.

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36 I PhillyFIT (OPEN 7 DAYS) November/December I 267-767-4205 I



Back from the Edge By Mary M. Nearpass

He picked up his first barbell, with the sand-filled, Ted Williams plates in 1977 at the age of twelve. Thus began an activity that was to become, even to this day, his vocation as well as his avocation.

Thinking back on it, aside from breathing, working out has been the one constant in his life. When Walt was asked by his good friend Tracy Hess, owner and CEO of Zoned2Btoned to write his story for this publication, he dutifully penned a biography listing his bodybuilding accomplishments and plans for his competitive future. This was met with a yawn from Tracy that was evident even over the phone. “Nobody wants to read about another “me too” bodybuilder, even in a fitness-oriented magazine. People want to hear how working out and the discipline it takes to compete has shaped, affected, and most recently even literally saved your life,” commented Tracy. So, with some trepidation, here is Walt’s story in all its roller coaster, whiplash detail. It is his hope that this will help at least one person out there who may be going through a tough time, and show them we all go through it, we’re not alone, and as long as we’re alive, we can make it back from the dark.

Let’s be honest; the times in life when we are on top of our game may be fun to look back on and sometimes even egotistically brag about, but they make an absolutely terrible inspirational story. We learn nothing from them except maybe how to be ungrateful, arrogant and self absorbed. It’s the tough times and the struggles that teach us the real lessons - the most valuable lessons in life, such as determination, tenacity, and the value of friends and family. Perhaps above all else, they also teach us the absolute need to believe in yourself and your ability to overcome whatever life throws at you. The years 1981-2000, were for Walt, great years. Everything he did, whether in or out of bodybuilding seemed to work out well. He grew up in a great family in Warminster, PA, attended Centennial schools, in a nice neighborhood, had a lot of friends 37 I PhillyFIT

and even enjoyed school. As far as bodybuilding is concerned, he began lifting at age twelve, and has been pursuing weight training ever since. He has been traveling around the country competing in over fifty shows, usually winning, and has had the opportunity to stand on stage with some of the best bodybuilders of his generation such as Shawn Ray, Eddie Robinson, Shane DiMora, and Franco Santeriello to name a few. He graduated from West Chester University with a degree in exercise science, and soon went to work as a personal trainer with a client list mostly on the Main Line. Things could not have been better. Fast forward to 2000, Walt was living in Southern California, in a beautiful little town in Orange County called Dana Point. Dana Point is on the coast midway between Laguna Beach to the south and Newport Beach to the north. He lived in a big house on a hill overlooking the ocean with his new wife, Adrienne. They were both working for her father’s company and doing personal training on the side. Adrienne was a former competitive bodybuilder as well. Once again, things could not be better. That’s when you need to look out!

Within two years, Walt was a widower. Adrienne died from complications of anorexia nervosa. This woman who less than a year before looked like a Barbie doll died looking like a seventy year old grandmother. To say this devastated him would be an understatement. For almost two years, Walt was a complete mess. The only thing he could do on a regular basis was go to the gym. It definitely kept him from losing it completely. One day through a friend, he met Christie. Christie had experienced similar tragedy in her life having lost her fiancé to violence a few years prior. They clicked and shortly thereafter were married. Here’s where the story gets unbelievably hard-hitting and surreal.

November/December I 267-767-4205 I

Christie had a genetic heart problem that ran in her family. Although she never showed any signs of it, Walt and Christie both knew it could present a problem some day. Well that day came much sooner than either of them thought.

Within a year and a half, Christie got sick and passed away at the age of thirty-one. Losing one young wife is hard enough; losing two in the space of a handful of years about did Walt in. He gave up on life, moved back home to Pennsylvania and spent the next several years in a place so dark it’s hard to describe. For the first few months, he barely left the house, was angry every time he got up in the morning, upset that he was still alive. For the first time in his life, he stopped going to the gym and had no intentions of ever going back. He developed every bad habit you could imagine, basically trying to kill himself with drugs and alcohol. In fact, it got so bad that he ended up weighing almost 270 pounds on a five foot six inch frame. He had a forty six inch waist and could barely climb a set of stairs or tie his own shoes. You hear people say sometimes that hitting rock bottom saved their lives and for Walt Bloom, that adage proved true.

Here he was, a former bodybuilding champion, previously happily married man, sitting in a hell of earth. He was at a major crossroads and had to decide to either get his act together or fade away completely. He decided on the former. One thing agony and loss affords you is time to think and workout. He took advantage of both. Being a competitive bodybuilder for so long had given him the ability to do the same thing day after day for long periods of time and he began to use that to his advantage. He was finally able to come to the realization that both Adrienne and Christie were in a better place, and the best way to honor their memories was to go on and lead the best life he possibly could. In a year’s time he shed one hundred and five pounds and started looking and feeling like his old self again.

Since those impossibly dark days, Walt has started two companies with his brother. They hold several technical patents for energy efficient lighting and also sell energy efficient lighting to industrial, commercial, and municipal customers. Walt also still trains clients on a select basis, only working with people with a sincere desire to improve themselves and also with competitive bodybuilders preparing for competitions.

This year, Walt even got back into competition and did extremely well. In May, he competed in the NPC Lehigh Valley Championships and won both the Master’s over forty and the Master’s overall. In addition, he entered the open division and won the light heavyweight division and open overall titles. One month later, he entered the NPC Philly Classic and took third in the master’s over forty division and second in the open light heavyweight class. If Walt’s life has taught him anything, it’s that no matter what

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God given talents and strengths we may possess, none us can do it alone, especially when the hard times come. He has had the advantage of having great family and friends to help him through every step of the way. First and foremost, he wants to publicly thank his family, especially his Mom, whose love and support never wavered, not once through all the bad times. Most recently, he owes his competitive success to his training partners, Jim Spangler, Suzanne Benigno (Suzanne won her class at the Philly Classic this year) and Scott Kuczynski, the owner of Body Dynamics gym in Huntingdon Valley, where Walt trains. “In my opinion, Body Dynamics is one of the best gyms I have ever had the privilege of training.” It is Walt’s hope that by sharing what he has lived through helps someone else out there who may be going through tough times to hang in there. “It’s okay to get knocked down, life will do that to all of us from time to time, but it is absolutely essential that you don’t stay down.” “The real hero truly does lie in each one of us. Let your hero come along.” -Mariah Carey

Mary Nearpass has an extensive background in both the traditional and holistic healthcare settings. The first part of her career focused on teaching, sales and marketing, and training and development. She has worked in the classroom setting (from elementary to the college level), for a major weight loss corporation and a leading hospital in the Philadelphia region. Her focus began to shift, as did her hunger for knowledge in the numerous aspects of complementary modalities, and how they assist in both the preventive and healing components toward health. With several certifications in Massage Therapy and Yoga, Mary also holds two master's degrees in Health Education and Behavioral Psychology. With an almost equal number of years experience in both traditional and alternative healthcare, she brings a working knowledge from both sectors. Mary's current passion focuses on the union of Mind/Body medicine and it's role towards health and wellness. Contact

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November/December I 267-767-4205 I


FEATURED MERCHANT A Hair Studio to offer free salon services to artists as part of new Starving Artist Campaign. BLue A Hair Studio, the Philadelphia area's most innovative and original salon and spa, unveiled plans today for their new promotion, the Starving Artist Campaign. For a limited time, artists in search of a new look are invited to book an appointment with one of BLue's fully trained, professional and talented stylists 100% free of charge.

The only requirement? Artists must bring an original piece of art into the salon to serve as inspiration to their paired stylist while they work. This way, the professional teamed up with the artist can fully understand their unique creative vision. The Starving Artist Campaign honors what Salon Owner, Will Bostock, refers to as BLue's “commitment to creativity.” Bostock claims, “The BLue philosophy is all about expressing personality and letting true style shine. So much of what we do here on a daily basis is about art. We create art, we celebrate art, and now we want to give back in the name of art.”

Salon doors are open to all artists ready for a major makeover while appointments last. Should artists care to donate their work, BLue will auction the original pieces for Startup Corps, a Philadelphia charity focused on developing entrepreneurial leaders on the high school level. Proceeds will go to students interested in pursuing careers in the arts to obtain art supplies.To learn more, visit the Starving Artist Campaign's new page at or call us at 215.947.2963. Website:

40 I PhillyFIT

November/December I 267-767-4205 I

Will be rockin’ with the 14th PhillyFIT Bash! The walls will be rockin’ at BucksMont Indoor Sports Center when the 14th PhillyFIT Bash hits the floor at the 78,000 sq ft facility in Hatfield on November 25, 2012. Where you may ask? BucksMont Indoor Sports Center (BISC) may have been the best kept secret in the area, but no more. They are bursting on the scene with loads of activity and sports leagues under the direction of new program directors and a new General Manager, Joe Reid.

BucksMont Indoor Sports Center (BISC) first opened its doors in 2007. The expansive temperature-controlled facility is home to two full sized arena-shaped turf fields for soccer, field hockey and lacrosse (185’x80’), five volleyball courts, three full sized basketball courts, and party rooms. The Over Time Café also provides patrons with cook-to-order breakfast, lunch, snacks and drinks. BucksMont is also home to WayCoolYo laser maze and dart tag, TSE Baseball Academy and the home practice facility for The Philadelphia Wings professional men’s lacrosse team! As a state-of-the-art facility, the presence of BISC in the community allows teams from both near and far to beat the heat in the summer, the cold in the winter, and rain anytime when the local fields are closed. The 650,000 people that visit each year are thrilled to have a place to play year-round. Not to mention, there are endless cross-training opportunities for many sports teams utilizing the specialty features of the arena turf fields surrounded by glass and boards. The center offers something for everyone. Youth sports programs include soccer, field hockey, lacrosse, NHL Flyers Street Fleet hockey, roller hockey, basketball, baseball, football, karate, and Zumbatomics for kids! They even offer a program for the youngest sports enthusiast with the Lil’ Kickers Soccer Program which is a nationally-recognized, non-competitive child development program for children eighteen months to 9 years. Through the use of creative games, the children build their

self-esteem and coordination. The fun doesn’t stop there though. BISC now offers an array of classes for kids. Choose from Mud Shack Art classes, Children Making Music, Bricks 4 Kidz, Kitchen Wizards or Action Karate. Moms and tots can also drop in for Play Pals for open play.

Summer camp and Winter Break camp keep the kids happy and entertained when school is on break. From pool days and field trips in the summer to sports, games, crafts and team building, kids find fun and friends at BISC in their full or half-day camps anytime school is closed. Check website for specific dates and time. Birthday parties are a big hit, too, at BucksMont Indoor Sports Center. Choose your sport on the turf or court and watch the fun unfold. Complete packages even include pizza and drinks!

BucksMont Indoor Sports Center is also able to host your special non-sports event. From expos and trade shows to sweet sixteens, Bar/Bat mitzvah, graduation parties, concerts, workshops or conferences and of course PhillyFIT Bash; BISC has space for your special event. But BISC isn’t just for kids. Adult programs includeadult soccer for men and women, co-ed competitive and non-competitive soccer, over thirty mens leagues, flag football, dek hockey, basketball, volleyball, and lacrosse. New for fall to the line-up are karate, Zumba and in conjunction with 309 Boxing - BOOT CAMP. BucksMont Indoor Sports Center might have been a well-kept secret … but not anymore.

Stop in anytime or visit their website at and “Like” them on Facebook to stay informed on what’s going on! 2278 N. Penn Rd, Hatfield

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calendar of events


NOV. 4 JLP Harvest Hustle The 2012 Harvest Hustle 5K Run/1-Mile Walk raises funds for the Junior League of Philadelphia Inc’s Apple a Day Healthy Living Initiative. The Harvest Hustle will host over 200 runners and walkers, with the starting and finishing lines at Suburban Square in Ardmore, PA. The event will be filled with runners, walkers and joggers of all ages. Children, adults, and families are welcome to take part in the fun. Prizes will be provided to the first-place male and female finishers. Time: Packet Pick-up: Saturday, Nov. 3, 9am12pm, Junior League of Philadelphia Thrift Shop, 27 W. Lancaster Ave., Ardmore, PA. (Please use the shop’s front entrance on Lancaster Ave.) Sunday, Nov. 4, 6:30-7:30 am, Suburban Square, St. James Place and Coulter Ave., Ardmore, PA. Race starts at 8 am. Place: Suburban Square Shopping Center, Ardmore, PA Phone: Jennifer Hughes, (610) 203-9266 and Web: Online registration closes Nov. 2. Simmons 5K Fall Into Fitness The Simmons Elementary Fall into Fitness is a 5K run/walk or 1-mile fun run open to experienced and novice runners/walkers. This event, sponsored by the Simmons Home and School Association, will raise funds for the school to enhance the educational experience, as well as to instill an appreciation of health and exercise in our children. The first 400 participants will receive race shirts. There will be food, beverages and entertainment for all participants. Event timed by Run the Day. Time: 9 am 1-mile fun run, 9:30am 5K run/walk Place: Simmons Elementary School, 411 Babylon Road, Horsham, PA Registration: 7:30 am-8:45 am; $25 regardless of age Email: Lisa Davis, Web: Philadelphia Zoo Triple Threat Relay and 5-Mile Racing through the Philadelphia Zoo before it opens helps set this race up to have an unbeatable atmosphere as your teammates cheer you on to the finish line. 3-member teams race over the Philadelphia Zoo loop (1.67 miles) or individual runners try to trump the relays (5 miles) and win it all. Champion Chip timing for quick, accurate results; technical shirt. Time: On-site registration 7:30 am; race 8:30 am Web: and Contact: Scott Burns, (215) 287-4104 and 14th Annual Del Vet’s Toys for Tots 5K Run A fast flat course and one of the best afterrace parties around complete with beer, tons of awards and long-sleeve Ts. Time: Register at 8 am; race at 9 am Place: Delaware Veterans Post #1, 2535 Veterans Dr., Wilmington, DE Email:

NOV. 10 WHYY’s Fourth Annual Y12K This race is an out and back USA Track and Field certified course taking runners from the

42 I PhillyFIT

southern side of the Philadelphia Museum of Art to Falls Bridge and back, all along the scenic, tree-lined Martin Luther King Jr. Drive during the peak of fall foliage in Philadelphia. In addition to the 12K, race-day events include: - Y Kids Family Fit Zone: Join your favorite PBS Kids costumed characters. Scheduled activities include educational games. Whether you are participating in the 12K or the 3K, the Y Kids Family Fit Zone should not be missed! - 3K Family Walk/Run: Bring your whole family out for this relaxing 3K, which will take place on the same course as the 12K! Run, walk, stroll or saunter while you enjoy the fabulous fall foliage along the Schuylkill River. Strollers welcome! Time: Register on site at 7:30 am; race at 9 am Email: Rosie Clark, Web:

DC5K Delaware County Christian School’s first annual 5K fundraiser to raise scholarships for students, encourage running, and promote the DC community. Time: Register on site at 8 am; race at 9 am Place: Delaware County Christian School Upper Campus, 462 Malin Rd., Newtown Square, PA Contact: Hannah Schmucker, (610) 551-0786 and Web: Mission: 1 5K Race & 2K Fun Run/Walk Proceeds go toward charities (to feed the hungry and confront food-related injustice) supported by the Reformed Church of the Ascension. Time: Register on site at 8 am; race at 9 am Place: Neighborhoods surrounding the Reformed Church of the Ascension, 1700 Main St., Jeffersonville, PA. Contact: Tonda Harvey, (610) 247-4078 and Web:

Panther Pajama Run & Pancake Breakfast Grab your bunny slippers and join the Pajama Party! Start the day with your choice: - 5K Road Race - Family and Friends 1.2 Mile Walk - K-5 Kid’s Races on the Track. Free Pancake Breakfast with each registration. Breakfast served in Middle School Cafeteria 9:30-11 am. T-shirt for first 200 registrants. - 5K Awards: Best Overall and Age Group Awards - K-5 Kid Race Awards: Participation and 1st Place Boy & Girl by Grade - Special Prize: Best Kid and Adult PJ Costumes. Proceeds benefit the Foundation for Wallingford-Swarthmore Schools. After the race, join the fun at the WSSD Wellness Fair from 10 to 2! Time: Register on site at 8 am; race at 9 am Place: George King Stadium; 200 S. Providence Road, Wallingford, PA Contact: Mary Gay Scanlon, DECA Dash Benefits students attending local, state and international competitions throughout the year. T-shirts are first-come, first-served at registration. Time: Register on site at 8 am; race at 9 am Place: West Chester East High School, 450 Ellis Lane, West Chester, PA Contact: Carol Lill, (610)692-2716 and

NOV. 11 Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation: The Lemon Run The 4th Annual Lemon Run Philadelphia 5K Run/Walk and Kid’s Dash presented by Volvo will be at Memorial Hall in Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, PA. The 5K, which raises funds

and awareness for childhood cancer, is a fun way to get families, businesses or simply individuals involved in ALSF’s quest to find better treatments and cures for all kids with cancer. Time: 8:30 am Phone: (610) 649-3034 Email: Web:

Harper Avenue. Stop by and avoid the morning rush! Time: Register at 7:30 am; race at 9; 1-mile family fun walk at 9:05 Place: St. Bernadette Church & School, Bond & Harper Avenues, Drexel Hill, PA Contact: Carolyn Kilroy, (610) 446-1484 (H), (610) 505-5618 (C),

Media Mud Stain Trail Run 2 distances: 5-mile & 10-mile 5-mile: $25 until Nov. 9; $35 on Race Day 10-mile: $30 until Nov. 9; $40 on Race Day Included in fee: Race T-shirt; post-race lunch; entry into random prize drawings Place: Ridley Creek State Park, Picnic Areas #14 and #15, Media, PA Race start time: 10 am Registration time: 8:30-9:30 am Web:

6th Annual Turkey Trot 5K and Family Fun Walk On the Family Fun Walk (1.2 miles) you will travel through the streets of Havertown, while the longer 5K run will take you along the scenic and historic Karakung Drive. Time: Register at 8 am; race at 9 Place: Annunciation Parish Hall, 401 Brookline Boulevard, Havertown, PA Contact: Kathy Donaher, (610) 446-6790 and

NOV. 18 Bucks County Marathon Out and back on the Delaware Canal State Park tow path and Washington Crossing Historic Park, PA. Final race of the 2012 Bucks County Marathon Series. Progressive race distances. Time: Register on site at 7:45 am; race at 9 am Contact: Pat McCloskey, (215) 530-6047 and Web:

NOV. 22 Toss Your Turkey 5K The day begins with tossing a frozen turkey, with the longest male and female tosses winning free running shoes from Chester County Running Store! A flat, fast-wheeled 5K. A free kid’s race for children under 12. Registration for the kid’s run will take place the morning of the race. T-shirts guaranteed to all pre-registered 5K runners. Don’t worry about Thanksgiving dessert as all age-category winners bring home a Thanksgiving Day pie! Great post-race food and fun. Time: Register on site at 7 am; race at 8:30 am Place: Montgomery County Community College/River Front Park, Pottstown, PA Contact: Marilyn Eaton, (484)744-9191 and Abington YMCA Gobble Wobble Race Start line is on Huntingon Rd, block from the Abington YMCA. The run will proceed through a quiet residential area of Abington Township, PA, with rolling hills and quiet surroundings, ending with a stadium finish (one lap around the track). The 2-mile walk is predominantly flat. Families, strollers and all ages are encouraged to be part of the walk! Indoor facility available. Time: Register on site at 7:30 am; race at 9 am Contact: Beth Kenas, (215) 884-9622, ext. 1840, and Chester County Turkey Trot A 5K, 1-mile and Kid’s Dash on a flat and incredibly fast course! Guaranteed technical shirts to first 1,200 registered runners! Time: Register at 6:30 am; race at 8 Place: Downingtown West High School, 445 Manor Ave., Downingtown, PA Contact: Maureen Mucha, (610) 873-9311 and Web:

NOV. 24 St. Bernadette’s Turkey Trot 5K registration is $20 up through Nov. 17, $25 after. 1-Mile Walk registration is $12 per walker. Family Fee for walk (5+ walkers) is $50. Participants registered by Nov. 9 will receive a long-sleeved Turkey Trot T-shirt. Cash Prizes for 5K 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Male & Female Overall, and great prizes for Top Male & Female in each age group 14 & Under, 1519, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60 & Over. Post-race refreshments and awards ceremony after the race. Time: Early packet pick-up will be held Friday evening, Nov. 23, 5-7pm in O’Brien Hall (lower church). Entrance is on the 1000 block of

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NOV. 25

The 14th PhillyFIT BASH & 8th Workout-a-thon Indoor event held inside of Bucksmont Indoor Sports, Hatfield. 11-3pm. Fitness Celebrities. Live Band & DJ. Workout Demos. Pilates, Tae Bo, Karate, Yoga, Core Training, Zumba, Tai Chi, Boxing, Gymnastics, Spinning & so much more! DEC. 1 Lansdowne YMCA Reindeer Run 2012 Sleigh-measure 5K (3.1-mile) run around the Lansdowne YMCA community. Course is USATF-certified. All participants will get a Tshirt and a goodie bag at the end of the race. (Only first 100 registered will be guaranteed their choice of shirt.) Please, bring a non-perishable food item to donate on race day to help local food banks. Join the Y on race day and they’ll waive your start-up fees! Time: Register on site at 7 am; race at 8 Place: Lansdowne YMCA, 2110 Garrett Rd., Lansdowne, PA Contact: Dan Fratantoni, (610) 259-1661, ext. 3025, and

DEC. 8 Jingle Bell Run/Walk 5K Wear a holiday-themed costume. Tie jingle bells to your shoelaces. Run or walk a 5-kilometer route with your team members. Places: Three to choose from: Council Rock High School North, Bucks County, PA; Cooper River Park, Pennsauken, NJ (dogs welcome); and Great Valley High School, Malvern, PA (dogs welcome). Time: Council Rock: register on site at 8am; race at 10. Cooper River Park: register on site at 8:30 am; race at 10. Great Valley: register on site at 8 am; race at 10. Contacts: Council Rock: Bettina McClure, (610) 776-6632 and Cooper River Park: Kristine Stanks, (267) 238-9727 and Great Valley: Cheryl Lutz, (215) 574-3060, ext. 116, and

DEC. 16 Horsham Township Freezer 5K Run - This is a family event to support less fortunate families in the Horsham community. - The 5K course starts and finishes at Simmons Elementary School and will be on the scenic Power Line trail. - CHIP timing, start to finish - 1-Mile Family Fun Walk - Event sweatshirt, guaranteed size if registered by Nov. 18 - DJ, moon bounce, community vendor and more Time: Register on site at 8:30 am; race at 10 Place: Simmons Elementary School, 411 Babylon Road, Horsham, PA Email: Mark Hudson,


How to Have Your Cake While Losing Weight by Jim Hart

Can you enjoy the process of shopping, cooking and eating to lose weight and feel great? Who wants to be on a restrictive diet and miss out on all the fun? People of all ages and lifestyles are finding ways to enjoy great food and a full “foodie” lifestyle without weight gain or unhealthy eating habits. Among the fastest growing group that has found a way to enjoy culinary diversity and stay healthy are the baby boomers - some of whom have chosen the “fit foodie” approach to eat food and good health!

A fit foodie is basically someone who has a deep interest in the culinary arts, enjoys eating out, loves to cook, explores new ingredients and embraces the world of food as one of life’s great pleasures. At the same time, they have a deep interest in being active, playing sports, exercising and health issues. This huge number of active, vital, adventuresome, full of life, fun seekers has been dubbed the “ZOOMER BOOMERS”- the active generation.

This group and people of all ages and backgrounds have discovered how to have their cake and eat it too while maintaining great low fat bodies, robust health and high energy. They are the envy of their couch potato peers who are struggle with age and obesity-related health issues, increased medical costs, numerous doctor visits and hospital stays, even early death. How do you

join this exclusive club? It’s never too late and you’re never too old to get back to the best shape of your life and enjoy all the fun life has to offer.

Here is the Fit Foodie Manifesto - the principles the Fit Foodies follow to enjoy a lifestyle that brings satisfaction, fulfillment and fun! Follow these principles and you can enjoy living your best life in a body you’re proud of every day! 1) Don’t follow conventional diet advice that most other Americans are listening to. Skip the latest diet book from a celebrity or expert/ guru!

2) The Fit Foodie (FF) follows the 80/20 rule of eating. Eighty percent of the time he is eating a wide variety of lean meats, fresh vegetables, fruit, whole grains and lean meats and fish. He limits the amount of processed foods, sweets and flour-based products to maintain a favorable fat burning environment in the body. He eats until about eighty percent full and then saves room for his next meal, which usually happens in another two to three hours. The FF practices intermittent eating of small meals throughout the day to maintain steady blood sugar levels and high energy with minimal chance for fat storage. The other twenty percent of the time he enjoys his special treats in moderation – restaurant meals, decadent indulgences, and fine wines. This twenty percent also allows for hectic schedules when eat-

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ing nutritionally is almost impossible- work meetings, traveling, holidays, family dinners and other factors that are out of our control.

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3) Recognize trigger foods and create boundaries. We all have foods that give us trouble. Historically we have failed several times to control portions and quantities. The “can’t eat just one” syndrome seems to play on your thinking when you start with this food. Abstinence is the best policy sometimes. When making a choice around your trigger food, think historically not calorically! 4) Recognize emotional and stress related eating issues. Don’t use food as a way to medicate difficult situations, hurt feelings or emotions.

5) Use your talents and applied strengths from other areas of life to achieve the best eating and exercise discipline. People who think they have terrible discipline need to change the story in their heads and act as if they had it. The acting out will soon cancel out the story that has held them back for many years. Making eating a positive, exciting AND manageable part of a full life while staying healthier every day can happen if you take positive charge of the role food plays in your life!

Jim Hart is a Registered Personal Trainer at the 12th Street Gym. For more information on Jim and more than thirty other top trainers at 12th Street Gym, go to www.12streetgym .com.

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Winter Workouts Are you ready? By Dr. Aaron Oberst AKA Dr. Drill

It’s getting a bit nippy out there, Philly. The leaves are falling and it is increasingly cold and dark. With the balmy days of summer in our rear-view mirror and the holiday season inbound, the majority of us will once again be taking our fitness pursuits indoors. The traditional gym environment beckons. As the adage goes, “To every thing there is a season.” Our exercise routines are no exception. No need to hang your head though, there are plenty of exercise resources to be taken advantage of inside, whether your thing is weight training, racquetball, swimming or Zumba. But if you’re like me, there will be something missing when you’re inside the box. The fact is there’s simply nothing better than sucking in fresh air and exercising with Mother Nature. If you’re accustomed to training outside, you will appreciate that with each season comes a variation in light, temperature and the associated scenery. This adds to the experience, making it challenging and fun.

There’s nothing quite like a trail run or hike when the leaves change color. Each year in the fall, the combined platoons of DDIP (Dr. Drill Instructor Program) converge on a local park for our Thanksgiving day trail run. It’s invariably bitter cold as we assemble the troops and set out at dawn. You can hear and feel the crunch of the leaves underfoot as you pick your way along the path, single file. As brisk as the morning might be, the terrain and teamwork provide plenty of warmth. Later that day, when you’re back at the house eating dinner, you’re extra thankful to have earned those turkey and mashed potatoes, which you devour like it’s your job. But it’s OK, because on your stoop, you’ve got a pair of muddy sneakers – evidence of the hard work you put in. Aunt Janet? All she has to show for herself is gravy in her mustache. And if our mild winter of 2012 was any indication, we might have plenty of white stuff on the ground this year to play in too. I don’t need any meteorologist to forecast record snowfall, it just feels like we’re going to be dumped on, does it not? What is better than taking the family out sledding? Talk about exercise, trudging to the top of the slope and careening back down

Aaron Oberst is the creator of the Dr. Drill Instructor Program (DDIP), PhillyFIT's Hottest Workout, 3X! A former Marine grunt turned Doctor of Chiropractic, Aaron uses his combined knowledge and experience in these areas to solve some of the biggest problems in public health today. The result is a doctor-supervised and military-inspired lifestyle change boot camp designed to meet the needs of the masses. The mission of DDIP is to discipline, motivate, educate and exercise the “recruit” to an optimal state of health and "Dr. Drill" will stop at nothing to accomplish the same.

with the kids on your lap is pretty taxing. That the children are passed out mere seconds into the car ride home confirms this.

My point: Don’t let the elements keep you bottled up inside the gym. Take your workout outside and feel alive! Take advantage of the four seasons that we are fortunate enough to experience in our area. The scenery provides mental stimulation and the cool temps and precipitation impart an additional stress to the body, which means more calories burned in the end; in your end. I’m talking about your big fat booty. “What you put in, you get out!”

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PhillyFIT I 45


As you grow older, an active lifestyle is more important than ever. Regular exercise can help boost energy, maintain your independence, and manage symptoms of illness or pain. Exercise can even reverse some of the symptoms of aging. And not only is exercise good for your body—it’s also good for your mind, mood, and memory. Whether you are generally healthy or are managing an illness, there are plenty of ways to get more active, improve confidence, and boost your fitness.

5 Myths about Exercise and Older Adults Myth 1: There’s no point to exercising. I’m going to get old anyway. Fact: Exercise and strength training helps you look and feel younger and stay active longer. Regular physical activity lowers your risk for a variety of conditions, including Alzheimer’s and dementia, heart disease, diabetes, colon cancer, high blood pressure, and obesity.

Myth 2: Elderly people shouldn’t exercise. They should save their strength and rest. Fact: Research shows that a sedentary lifestyle is unhealthy for the elderly. Period. Inactivity often causes seniors to lose the ability to do things on their own and can lead to more hospitalizations, doctor visits, and use of medicines for illnesses. Myth 3: Exercise puts me at risk of falling down. Fact: Regular exercise, by building strength and stamina, prevents loss of bone mass and improves balance, actually reducing your risk of falling.

Myth 4: It’s too late. I’m already too old to start exercising Fact: You’re never too old to exercise! If you’ve never exercised before, or it’s been a while, start with light walking and other gentle activities. Myth 5: I’m disabled. I can’t exercise sitting down. Fact: Chair-bound people face special challenges but can lift light weights, stretch, and do chair aerobics to increase range of motion, improve muscle tone, and promote cardiovascular health.



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Are You Coming to the PhillyFIT Bash? November 25 46 I PhillyFIT

November/December I 267-767-4205 I

If you are one of the millions of Americans who suffer from lower back or neck pain, you know how debilitating it can be. Burning, shooting nerve pains and muscles in constant spasm make even the simplest movement an ordeal. Often, just finding a comfortable position is virtually impossible. Traditional treatment starts with medication and bed rest and ends with the prospect of surgery – a painful, expensive, frightening experience. Treatments such as acupuncture, epidural injections, hot/cold therapy, massage and other "therapeutic" techniques may offer limited relief. Considerable research has produced a relatively new therapy that is highly effective in treating intervertebral disc problems. This treatment, known as Decompression Therapy, has opened the floodgates of new patients to Tri County Pain Management and Precision Pain Management Centers. Decompression Therapy is a traction-based procedure that can relieve pain associated with disc herniation, degenerative discs, posterior facet and compression-related syndromes. It also enhances the healing process and renders quick, effective and amazing pain relief that enables most patients to return to a more active lifestyle! It is an FDA-cleared procedure, and most insurances cover traction therapy. Decompression occurs as a result of an improved understanding of how to reliably cause the spine to "unload." The vertebral separation causes a vacuum or a centripetal force in the disc, which results in a "phasic change in pressure." This "vacuum effect" helps in the retraction (pulling in) of the extruded disc material.

Philly Fit Glossy.indd 3

When the disc retracts it can stop putting pressure on the spinal nerve or spinal cord. Thus the term "Decompression." Once the nerve is decompressed, a significant amount of patients will notice a decrease in arm/leg pain. Someone who has previously not found relief through other treatments is a perfect candidate for this treatment. Decompression Therapy may also be useful in determining the overall prognosis of passive care and expediting the phase-in of rehab protocols. Clinical findings suggest Decompression will create a relatively quick initial response. Patients who do well tend to feel a sense of relief (which can be direct pain cessation or a centralization of pain and/or reduction to an ache or stiffness) within six sessions. Full relief, if attainable through this passive treatment, can be in as soon as a few weeks. (Occasionally a "stubborn" pain syndrome may continue to improve slowly over 15 sessions, though this is not the norm.) Often, patients will be treated in 4-6 sessions and notice enough relief to allow active rehab to begin. Their Decompression may continue (pre- or post-rehab depending on the methods chosen) for 4-6 further sessions before discontinuing or reducing the frequency. Typical frequency is 3-5 times per week. The extent and seriousness of the symptoms will determine if more than 3 sessions per week should be used. Treatments only take about 25-30 minutes, and again, most insurance companies cover them. For more information on how you can benefit from the Dynamic Traction System (DTS), call Tri County Pain Management Center 215-957-5400 or the Precision Pain Management Center at 215-657-9393.

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