November-December 2007

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Serving Bucks, Montgomery, Philadelphia and Delaware Counties

November/December 2007


Tis the Season to be Jolly, and FIT!

Bob Mattis, 40, from Richboro, PA. Safe Day Studio, Huntingdon Valley, PA

Fitness Horoscopes Local Calendar of Events Get GREAT ABS with Pilates! And more! Lisa Appel, 33, from Philadelphia, PA Air Play Trapeze School

The Tour de Christiana race, held in August 2007 in Christiana, PA.




November/December • 215-396-0268 •

3 I PhillyFIT


November/December 2007

PHILLYFIT family Published by: Jalynn Concepts

Publisher: Jami Appenzeller-Yancey Assistant to Publisher: Faith LaRosse Art Direction & Design: King Design, LLC

Pet Safety...26

to be Jolly?

Copy Editors: Heather Hoehn, Elizabeth Evans, Bev Appenzeller, and Mary Nearpass Distribution Manager: Jim Appenzeller

(it really can be…) 10

Distribution Assistant: Derek Appenzeller-Exner, Charles Peeples, Michael Lougin Calendar Of Events: John Beeler


Ad Sales: Jami Appenzeller-Yancey Rita Henry

Publisher’s Page ......................................... 6

Tis the Season to be Jolly...................... 10 Great Abs with Pilates.......................... 13

Editoral Photographer: Bill Mason

Low Calorie Desserts............................ 16

Eventing: Lloyd Yancey & Jami Appenzeller-Yancey

Be Who You Want Them To Be!........... 18 Spa Getaways........................................ 20

All inquires are welcome... Call us NOW! 215-396-0268 Toll Free: 866-PhilFIT (866-744-5348) Fax: 215-396-0288

Gamma Girl.......................................... 23 Mama Palma......................................... 26 High Hopes for Well-Being.................. 28

Advertising Deadlines: Reservations for the January/February 2008 issue: December 5, 2007 Ad Copy Due By: December 5, 2007 Payment Due By: December 5, 2007

Getting Back in the Game.................... 32 Building a FIT Family........................... 34 Back on My Feet................................... 36 Supplement Facts.................................. 38 Getting FIT with Ms. Bikini USA....... 41 Scott Segal Story................................... 43 Philly’s FITTEST................................. 44 The Trizone........................................... 46 Holiday Pet Ideas.................................. 48 Hazards of the Season for Pets.............. 50 Toxoplasmosis & Pregnancy.................. 54 Beauty Stuff........................................... 57 The PhillyFIT Challenge: Celluvation.. 61

Be Who You Want Them to Be p.18

Spa Getaways

Stargazing: Healthy Horoscopes........... 62 Calendar of Events................................ 64 Classifieds.............................................. 66

4 I PhillyFIT

Cover Photography: Photo of Bob & Lisa by Bill Mason. Photo of little girl by MLK Images & Photography.


PhillyFIT Magazine is a news magazine with emphasis on health, fitness and leisure. PhillyFIT Magazine is printed bimonthly, distributing 60,000 magazines tomore than 2,000 locations in the Philadelphia, Bucks, Delaware and Montgomery Counties. Address all submissions of advertising, calendar entries, photos, inquiries and letters to the above address. PhillyFIT Magazine does not assume responsibility for unsolicited materials. PhillyFIT Magazine will assume that all unsolicited materials are being submitted for possible publication and should the material be published, no fee is due to the submitting party. It is our understanding that the submitting party holds models’ releases on photographs submitted. Physicians’ Pages are paid advertisements. PhillyFIT Magazine does not knowingly accept false or misleading advertising or editorial content, nor does the Publisher assume responsibility should such advertising or editorial appear. PhillyFIT Magazine reserves the right to edit letters to the editor and other submissions for clarity and space availability, and to determine suitability of all materials submitted for publication. Before implementing any exercise or diet modification mentioned in PhillyFIT Magazine, readers are advised to consult with their physicians. No reproductions of printed material are permitted without the consent of the Publisher. All rights reserved.

November/December • 215-396-0268 •

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1513 North Broad St. • Lansdale, PA 19446 • 215.855.5161 November/December • 215-396-0268 •

5 I PhillyFIT

{ P UB LISH ER ’ S PAG E } Photo by Joe Chielli/Church Street Studios

Oh Baby! Sugar and Spice and Everything Twice

Little girls. Ahhh…so cute, so cuddly. And yes, so nice! So what’s the “Twice” reference all about? As many of you know, this Pub Page has been my cathartic outlet for “keeping things real” – letting others know that they’re not alone. I take this page very seriously and try to differentiate workout myth and physiological fact in what has been known as my Jamihearted, spirited way. I’m a realist in my old age, and I’m not perfect. I don’t think I’d want to be; although, at times, it would come in handy!


ately, it seems like I have to do Twice as many sit ups. I have to try Twice as hard not to slip into slumber at 7:30 p.m. And, I have to think Twice before acting on impulse- like taking a quick trip to Marshall’s or grabbing some cosmos with gal pals. There’s another life completely dependent on me (again), and this time yes, it’s taking Twice my energy. Having a baby later in life (am forty-one now) is Twice as mind-blowing simply because there are more reference points behind me and more of life’s experiences from which to learn. It’s Twice as lovely because I’m not as nervous as a first-time, or second-time mom, which frees up my brain to notice how beautiful her hiccups are. I know, I’m also Twice as nutty. Savannah Love is here. With her month early arrival came some wisdom. Somewhere between the epidural and the arrival I realized again that my life really isn’t about “me,” and never will be. Rather it is about what kind of “me” can I be…for others. What kind of example can I set? What kinds of parenting skills can I perfect? What kind of mom am I today, and what will I be fifteen years from today when Savannah starts dating? Boy, those kick-boxing classes will come in handy if those curious teenage boys try anything funky with my daughter! Oh wait, SHE will likely be taking those kick-ass classes with me, who the heck am I kidding? She’ll be kicking their annoying butts herself if I have anything to do with it! There’s a saying that I heard once. I loved it so much that I wrote it down on a scrap of paper with some lipstick that was hanging out in my purse: “I’ll take care of me for you, if you’ll take care of you for me.” I think this idea is so simplistic, yet so vitally important. It’s like an unspoken, unwritten beautiful pledge or personal commitment. Lloyd (the hubby) takes good care of himself for me and reciprocally, I take good care of myself for him. This way, we can focus on our kids and not having to “take care” of each other – at least at this stage of our lives. Capisce? Just when I am about to lose it (juggling Twice too many bouncy balls now at once), I think about how lucky I am to even have the 6 I PhillyFIT

Jami, Lloyd and Savannah (four weeks old)

balls to have so many obligations, commitments and responsibilities to even cause me to whine in the first place. There are so many people suffering from sheer boredom at my age, so “starting over” with another baby actually seemed right for me. It’s not right for everyone, this much I know. I can’t stand being bored or complacent for more than thirty seconds – even my blood is Type A-positive. Well, actually, it’s O, but I swear there is some A in there somewhere! This time around, I will need to work Twice as hard to regain my pre-pregnancy figure. Exercise and more exercise is my game plan. Don’t get me wrong, I now have an even greater appreciation for the female human body and its elasticity, adaptive nature and amazing way of becoming not only a body, but a manufacturing plant for another human. Incredible. Still, it’s not looking so incredible as I type. Lately, I feel like a fraud, a sham – I mean I’m the publisher of PhillyFIT and I can hardly get my butt of the couch. (Please don’t tell anyone!) OK, that’s an exaggeration, I would never be “on the couch,” but I do day dream about it once in a while. And another thing…my doctor tells me that I have to wait Twice as long as I’d like before I can start to, well…you know… enjoy Lloyd again, which only makes me want to do it Twice as much. (Cripe, now I know how my teenager feels when I harp on him about sex!) I may have lost my mind, but I have not lost my drive. I know that I sound ludicrously irreverent here, but I make no apologies. Ladies, if you’re lying next to a hunka hunka burnin’ love each night, you know what I mean! (Yes, I know, this is the same libido that got me into this state to begin with!) There are good reasons for the doctor’s recommendation not to

November/December • 215-396-0268 •


have intercourse immediately following delivery, whether you’ve had a vaginal birth or a c-section. The uterus and cervix undergo significant changes (well, trauma in my case, tore an ab along the way from my abs “being too tight”) during the process of delivering a baby and they need time to heal. Usually it’s suggested that mommies and daddies wait about 4-6 weeks. My honest thoughts on this much-debated subject? When the pressures of daily life feel insurmountable and “me” time is seemingly nonexistent, there’s simply nothing a little “nookie” can’t cure. I know the medical community will be all over me for this one, but the stress bone is connected to the G-Spot…that’s for sure. OKAY Dr. Fitzgerald, I promise I am behaving myself for just a few more weeks, until I am “safe” from post-prego dilemmas I could cause. I can’t help but wonder what Lloyd might think of my post-prego-body anymore (which he loved thank goodness), nor my pre-prego PhillyFIT body. I am not quite sure “what” kind of body I call this right now, and for the first time, the weight isn’t exactly falling off easily. It’s been five weeks and I have eight more pounds to go to reach fighting weight again. This is where removing the bulbs from all the lamps in the boudoir comes in handy. In all seriousness, I am damn frustrated. Yes, really #*$&%* pee-od! I am putting a 911 alert out on my belly. Ok, I am blowing this a bit out of proportion. I am pleased to be almost back in my jeans, but, now that I know my baby is healthy and perfect, the vanity kicks in a little and I want my old body back, and now! After her birth I craved margaritas and Bon-Bons, except for when I was craving chicken cheese steaks and heaping plates of nachos. Obviously, I didn’t indulge during my pregnancy, as I was desperately trying to keep JamiFIT and remain healthy for Savannah. Why couldn’t I just reward myself? I put another human being on the planet for cryin’ out loud! I needed no pats on the back (more like Pat’s in South Philly). I knew that eating my way to short-lived contentment wasn’t going to solve my whywontthebabyweightcomeoff issue. Truth be told, the last few pesky pounds are putting up a good fight! It was way easier with my first two kids. Here’s a newsflash: I’m like all other women. I’m not invincible, I’m not made of steel and yes there are times when all I want to do is be alone in a dark place with a very large order of cheese fries (another secret). I am trying to channel my inner domestic goddess as of late. I sometimes ask myself, “What would Martha do?” Coincidently, it seems like Savannah’s burpy and poopy times come right around the time when Ms. Stewart is reaching out to me on T.V. - reminding me of an interesting home-style trick I thought I already knew. I am now realizing that time management is everything. So I am planning on becoming a planner-type.

Plan A: • Prepare dinner in the crock pot the night before. • Wake up a little early and walk to Dunkin Donuts to get coffee,

(NOT drive). • Take a noontime nap (no, I didn’t say sneak in a “nooner”!). After a nap, I’ll be all fresh and perky at 5:00 pm, when all my boys head on home…sounds great, right? Ha! Now it’s time for the “Plan A reality check”. Turns out, I’m too freakin’ tired from the 11:00 a.m., 2:00 a.m. and 4:00 a.m. feedings. I didn’t get dinner in the pot. I woke up too late to walk for coffee, and NAP? Who am I kidding? The phones never stop, the sun is shining outside, and I can’t sleep. RATS, plan A failed! I’ve defaulted to Plans B, C, and even D, E and F! It doesn’t really matter though because in the end, none of them really work. There is “no plan,” as life is pretty much on her schedule right now. So the real plan is to wing it. Hey, wasn’t I the one who professed that I was queen of the winging it game a few Pub Pages ago? Man, I totally incriminated myself on that one! Darion, (my infamous nine year-old) picks up Savanna when he wakes up, when he gets home from school, and has found he must have his “fix” before he goes to bed. He calls her “My Savannies!” (Cute, huh?) Derek, (my now enfamous nineteenyear-old after last issue’s Pub Page he authored), gets in around 2:00 a.m., (being a busy teen) and he too, picks her up out of her crib, cuddles, gets his “fix”, then puts her back down before he goes to bed. Oh, and he calls her “Nanners.” Lloyd (who calls her Nannah) simply can’t get enough of her, if he could sit home and be a househubby, he would. Just to sit and hold her all day would suit him just fine! And me? Well, I call her “my Nannah Pie”, we’ve been busy girls. I’ve already taken her to two photo shoots downtown, we filmed a commercial for a state representative holding a health fair, did an hour live radio show, and yes, she spoke her first grunts on the air. She lies across my lap, as I multitask the PhillyFIT kingdom the way I always have had to. Ok, so my little sweetie has been working since she was five days old! What did you expect from me? I can’t change THAT much just because I am post-preggers. I made a vow to continue to be me -- the forty-something that I have grown to enjoy. Rather than succumbing to a life of rocking chairs and chips, I’ve decided to hit the high (fitness) road and get active right away, continuing on my path to high metabolism land and moving a hundred miles per hour. The difference though, I’ve added a 6 lb 5 oz bundle-of-beyond joy to my briefcase. My smile is TWICE as big these days when I walk into a business meeting. And no, it’s not because I am anticipating a big sale to a potential advertiser. It’s because of the beauty in “her and me”, our journey through my crazy days together. For some reason, they don’t seem quite so crazy anymore. They seem strangely perfect. Like, she was meant to be here with me all along. Geez, if I can only get her to type…

November/December • 215-396-0268 •

7 I PhillyFIT

{ LET T ERS TO T H E PUBLISH ER } Jami, I finally got around to checking out the Sept/Oct issue of PHILLYFIT, (It was sitting on my desk for over 3 weeks). I had to reach out to you & tell you I was touched by the story Derek wrote about you....It sounds like you have raised an amazing son.....I know the life on a “single parent” is a crazy one...I pray to god my 9 year old son turns out to be an amazing child.. Like Derek. God bless you. Diego/Q102 Hi Jami, I have just finished reading your son’s letter in your Sept/Oct Publisher’s Page, and you must be so proud. Anyone who has teenagers understands your heart right now. I would love to have your sons in the fashion show that I put on to raise money for teens in trouble, to help me show the Philly area just what our teens and young adults have to offer. So I think your adorable sons should wear their mother’s shirt (PhillyFIT shirts that say “Jami’s Son” on the back, and walk the runway and help me represent all the teenagers and young adults everywhere. If they look inside themselves they have a light waiting to shine. Colored dreams, Desiree Pizzi

Dear Jami, To a very special Publisher on the occasion of her very special Publisher Page (referring to the Sept/Oct issue): The essay by your son, Derek, is a tribute to you, and to Derek. It is warm, a from the heart story of a family, the struggles and determination. I am so pleased to know you. Jami, would you send me a T-Shirt that reads: “Friend of Jami”… Sincerely, Joseph Ball, Publisher - ACT, Inc. Go Derek! Hey Jami, please tell Derek how touched and impressed I was with his writing... it really is a lovely story and he told it so movingly... no doubt there are a lot more chapters to come! And a lot of moms who are gonna be pushing their daughters at him! ;>) He’s really got it together... light-years ahead of where I was at his age... of course he’s not 21 yet, but Derek... DA MAN! - Charles Peeples Jami, I just had to write you and tell you that I just finished reading your son’s letter in the latest issue of PhillyFIT. My husband,

three children and I were driving home from breakfast and I read the entire letter to them. I must admit, I was extremely moved by so many things he said. There were times when I physically could not read it, because I was so overwhelmed with emotion. I don’t think I have the words to tell you my unbelievable admiration for you and your family. I started my business over two years ago, and sometimes I feel that I’m just running around in circles and getting absolutely nowhere. After reading your story, I understand that someday, someway, it will all payoff. The greatest payday for a mother, is watching her children follow their dreams, and truly enjoying their life. I’m so glad that all your dreams are finally coming true. There are so many times when I just want to give up on my business and just forget it. Thanks to you, I continue to try everyday, and never give up. I have always admired you, and looked up to you, but now more than ever, I can honestly say that “you” are my inspiration (along with my amazing family) and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your very candid stories of your life!!! I’m sure that you have touched so many people in so many ways, and that is an amazing gift to give. I hope and pray that someday my son’s will understand that every waking (and occasional

We challenge you... to challenge us! The PhillyFIT Magazine Challenge Team is throwing down the gauntlet, and accepting any and all challenge offers. If you have something new and unique in the world of health and fitness and would like our Challenge Team to put it to the test, tell us about it. We'll take your challenge. Our team knows no limits. If you have a something related to health, fitness, nutrition, healthy dining... whatever, invite us to take your challenge. We'll send our crew to your location to test your product or service and our experience and results will be written up in an upcoming edition of PhillyFIT Magazine. You might beat us... we might beat you. Either way, you can expect great exposure - and FUN for all. Our team brings to the table a wealth of experience and wide range of backgrounds. We are available in teams of two or as a large as our entire group. (Some team members are not featured in this photo). Contact for pricing detail and to schedule a CHALLENGE (Left to Right) Dr. Lenny Roberts (Chiropractor and Triathlete), Eileen Gervasi (Mom and Fitness Instructor), Gina DeBelle (Pharmaceutical Sales Rep and Fitness Instructor), Brad Bolno (Sr. Technical Consultant and Fitness Enthusiast), Heather Hoehn (Owner, Flip Fitness and Personal Trainer), Steve Brown (Dad and Triathlete), Charles Peeples (Trainer/Massage therapist), Susan McInerney (Mom, Owner, Flip FItness and Fitness Director), Claudine Ascher (Mom, Restaurant owner/ Avid workout nut), Kristine Labhart (Mom, Marketing Manager and Fitness Instructor), Joanna Chodorowska (Nutritionist/Triathlete)

8 I PhillyFIT

November/December • 215-396-0268 •

{ LET T ERS TO T H E PUBLISH ER } sleeping) moment is for them. God bless you Jamie, your children and your incredible husband too. I love knowing that they all appreciate you so very much, and that you are getting every single happiness you deserve!!! With love and admiration, Wendy Zebley (The Blitz) Dear Jami, I just read the Sept/Oct Publisher’s Page (as I always do) and WOW!! Your 19 year old son is amazing! I have even taken the magazine to friends and said you have to read this!! I was so impressed by his story. It was so well written and you could just tell that it was coming right from his heart. You have a wonderful family and the reason for that is YOU! You are one very lucky lady, but I think you already know that. Take care of all of them as I am sure that they are taking care of you! Carol Bowles, Lancaster County, PA Dear Jami! We all (at the 12th Street Gym in Philly) loved the article in the Sept/Oct issue of PhillyFIT (the letter from your son)…it was EXTREMELY moving and well written. Great job to him! -Meghan Dear Jami, SuperSoaker Pub Page by Derek (in the Sept/Oct issue). That young man can sure put his thoughts and feelings on paper. Blessings to you and your loving family. Barb Samuel, Herbalife Dist. Bensalem, PA Jami, The e-mail from your son (published in the Sept/Oct issue) was beautiful and I think about it when I am are one lucky person to have so many around who love you! Annie Mitchell, Aquatic and Fitness Center, Bala Cynwyd Hi Jami, I just wanted to send an email to tell you how beautiful you look in the PhillyFIT Photo with your son, Derek. Your son looks quite handsome as well. What a big heart he has to take time to write such wonderful things about his mother. I was in Philly last weekend and picked up your magazine. Congratulations on your pregnancy and the growth and success of your magazine. You are an inspiration to many. Sherri Horner, Producer / Host

WOW!!!!! – the Publisher’s Page in this edition, I did need a tissue that’s all I can say – having two sons… Congrats – you are a great mom!! Sincerely, Jill Roggio, Salon Rage, Southampton Hi Jami, Congrats on the new baby!!!! I had a moment over the weekend and read the magazine in one sitting, for a change (as oppose to 3-4 sittings with the husband, kids, business, etc.) and I was floored by your son’s openness and pure honesty. I was proud on your behalf! FANTASTIC!!!! Continue to be fit, well & rested. Sincerely, Lisa L. Dent, M.S HED President, LLD Systems Corp

articles that are rare and beautiful like a fine work of art. I learned some new stuff about you Inever knew. Joe Chielli, Church Street Studios


on DVD!

Yes, that’s right… in production now an ongoing series titled: “PhillyFIT’s BEST!”, allowing us to show you more detail than you’ve ever read in an issue!

Hi Jami: I just picked up your magazine from the bank while waiting to be seen (it was the first time I ever had seen it). I read the article dedicated to you from your son, and I was so touched by his raw emotion. It really says what you have accomplished in your life thus far but I think your greatest accomplishment is him– you are so blessed to have each other. I was a young mother myself and although the circumstances were different, I too understand the love of a mother and her son. Life seems to be measured by financial success but it should be measured by what I just read – the love that only a parent can give and the child has brought forth. I wish you all the luck in the world with your magazine and health and love of your growing family.

Wish you could hear more that one of our writers or columnists have to say? Or, wish you could see the featured workout in action? Maybe have a chef show you how to cook some of our low-fat recipes? Well, you name it, we will feature it...our articles, our advertisers, and so much more.

Lucille Thomas, Controller Mitchell & Resnikoff/Weightman


Jami, Your son Derek is quite the man. I read his piece in the last issue. Remarkable what you two have and have gone through. Your relationship with your son is an inspiration of love. I will work hard to have that solid of a loving relation with my kids. Tell him thank you for me. Every time I learn something new about you, I gain a little more insight to just how remarkable a women you are. Dr. David Kaffey

Each DVD will promote everything health and fitness you can imagine, just like our magazine does. But in more detail, and in visual form with full contact information for each segment.

Specialists explain:

Contact PhillyFIT if you were a writer or advertiser of any past issues, we are looking to feature YOU! (minimal cost involved)

Jami, That really was a very moving article in the last issue that powerfully expressed the First DVD should be available in love in your family and your incredible time for the holidays! determination. These are the types of November/December • 215-396-0268 • 9 I PhillyFIT


HolidayFIT “Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others.” - Cicero

to be Jolly?

(it really can be…) By Mary Nearpass

“TOP TEN REASONS TO ADOPT A LAW OF GRATITUDE INTO YOUR LIFE” Ahhh, the Holidays. Some people love them, some people dread them and most of us look with disdain upon those who have completed their shopping, wrapping, card writing and baking in July. These people had the patience to hit the “after Christmas” sales, as they do each year. Then there is last minute Joe, who thrives in getting it all done on December 24th. Additionally, he will not be caught dead near a mall until the day before Christmas. Now, what would your day be like, not just in the Holiday Season, but every day, if you started and ended it by simply noticing all that you have in your life? If you counted all your assets, you would always show a profit. When you live your life in unison with your spirit, appreciating all of life and all of your blessings, you begin to discover more joy and kindness all around you. Miracles happen everywhere, all the time, but you will only notice them when you practice a daily attitude of gratitude. You will find yourself experiencing more inner peace, and you will naturally return to a state of joy, love and peace, knowing you are whole and complete JUST AS YOU ARE RIGHT NOW! Being a fond follower of David Letterman’s Top Ten Lists, I decided to piggyback on his idea and have created the following list:

10 I PhillyFIT

Gratitude has NO negative side effects; only positive ones. Positive emotions make us feel good and offer a sense of comfort. When we take a few moments to express our appreciation inwardly or to another, we begin to feel happier, more relaxed and more optimistic. Experiencing the daily feelings of gratitude open up your eyes to actual MIRACLES. When you are feeling positive and grateful, you accelerate what it is that you desire. Negative thoughts and feelings, however, create interruption in the natural flow of life. Consciously appreciating what you already have is the short cut to manifestation and the secret to your personal fulfillment. Thoughts of gratitude FLOOD your body with immune boosting endorphins. Studies show that a positive, appreciative attitude enhances the body’s healing system and general health. Try this- when you hold feelings of thankfulness for at least 15 -20 minutes, beneficial physiological changes take place in your body. Cortisol and norepinephrine, the “stress” hormones (a.k.a. flight or fight response) begin to decrease, coronary arteries relax, an increase in blood supply reaches your heart, breathing becomes deeper and the oxygen levels in your tissues rise. Feeling grateful allows you to naturally get back into the “Flow of Life” at the “Speed of Thought”. Thoughts create things. If you are feeling and thinking positive

November/December • 215-396-0268 •

continued on page 12

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November/December • 215-396-0268 •

11 I PhillyFIT

HolidayFIT thoughts, you create positive situations. You draw positive people toward you. Like attracts like! Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. All of a sudden, what you have is enough, and more! Gratitude turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, and confusion into clarity. It can turn a meal into a banquet and a house into a home. Gratitude even makes sense of your past, brings peace for the now and creates a positive vision for tomorrow. Feelings of gratitude produce a natural high. Grateful people tend to be more optimistic, which boosts the immune system. Studies have shown that daily gratitude exercises result in higher reported levels of alertness, enthusiasm, determination, optimism and ENERGY! Grateful people also experience less depression and stress, are more likely to help others, exercise regularly and tend to make more progress toward personal goals. People who feel grateful are more likely to give, receive and feel loved! Gratitude provides an immediate sense of well-being. Gratitude research is beginning to find that feelings of thankfulness have tremendous positive value in helping people cope with daily challenges; particularly stress. Feeling grateful is the main cause of “sustained joy”. Focusing on the gifts one has been given is a natural antidote to envy, resentment, regret and other negative emotions that undermine long-term happiness. Joy is the most basic form of gratitude. The more you give, the more you receive! When you express love, gratitude and sincere appreciation, you naturally blossom and expand. Consciously appreciating what you already have is the path to manifestation and the hidden answer to personal fulfillment. The more your assist others, the more you will assist yourself.

12 I PhillyFIT

When you are genuinely thankful, anger and fear disappear! One of the incredible truths about gratitude is that it is impossible to feel both the positive emotion of thankfulness and negative emotion such as anger or fear at the same time. Therefore, the choice is yours. You can choose to focus on what IS working in your life and what IS right in the world, or you can stay stuck in the quicksand of depreciation. Just as an attitude of gratitude is contagious, so is that of refusing to see the good in life. I challenge you to give this gift of gratitude to yourself first this Holiday Season. Before long, you will begin to notice that instead of complaining about all the people you have to buy gifts for, you will instead start to be grateful for having all those people in your life. Things will fall into place with little or no effort on your part when you practice gratitude. Be lavish in your gratefulness and you will be lavishly blessed in return. Addendum: On a personal note, this month of November, 2007 marks the three year anniversary of my meeting the founder of this extraordinary publication. Since our first meeting (in the sauna, no less, being completely unaware of who Jami was), we effortlessly and naturally began to express love, gratitude and sincere appreciation toward one another. How she has touched my life, and I hope I have touched hers in return, has manifested in not only a naturally expanding friendship, but also a mutual respect for each others goals in both our professional and personal lives. Without a doubt, I have been blessed, tenfold, by the gift of knowing Jami Appenzeller-Yancey, and I consider it my honor and privilege to write for her magazine. Mary M. Nearpass, MA, MS, holds two masters degrees in Health Education and Behavioral Psychology. She is also certified in Massage Therapy and Ashtanga Yoga. Presently, she teaches Psychology, Massage and Yoga, writes for numerous Health magazines and has completed her first book. Contact her at

November/December • 215-396-0268 •

Great Abs Pilates


Single Leg Stretch


ome of the most challenging Pilates exercises are performed on the mat. What some call the “fabulous five” are also known as the stomach series. The Stomach Series is a progression of five abdominal exercises that works the abdominals with varying degrees of load away from the center of your body. This series only takes minutes to perform yet develops strength, coordination and flexibility all at once. By creating oppositional energy within the body, your muscles are lengthened and your joints are decompressed. In addition, arms, hips, and thighs become toned as they move, while the abdominals constantly engage as they stabilize your torso. The bonus… your abdominals will become rock hard!

The Upper Ab Curl (UAC)

All five exercises are done in a supine position (on your back) with your head up and your movement supported by your core. The position of the upper body is important so there is no compression on the neck and shoulders. This position is known as the “upper ab curl” because it is the curving of the spine that lifts the head. Instead of lifting the weight of the head with the neck and shoulders, imagine that your upper body is a curling ocean wave. Let your deep abdominals be the powerful undertow that lifts the wave. Move your head in concert with your spine leaving enough space under your chin to squeeze a tangerine and the lower tips of your shoulder blades evenly balanced on the mat. To get into the UAC position, begin by placing the palms of your hands behind your head on the base of your skull. Lift your head, squeeze the tangerine under your chin, feel the weight of your head in your hands as you contract your upper abs and lift through your upper back to the tips of your shoulder blades. Repeat this movement several times to feel your upper abdominals working. You are now prepared to start the stomach series, often referred to as the “belly busters”. Always remember to lower your head onto the mat if your neck fatigues.

1. Single Leg Stretch

The Action: Inhale to prepare and exhale as you lift into your upper ab curl (UAC) with right knee bent into your chest straight over your right hip. Place your right hand on the right ankle and left hand on the right knee. The other leg is lengthened out at a safe diagonal supported by the lower abs. Keep elbows out


by Beth Downey

and wide anchored by your lats. Alternate legs and hand positions keeping your hips stable and rooted to the mat. Think of the ‘sitz bones’ at the base of your pelvis acting as pistons propelling the legs out. Be careful not to torque your knee as you bend it. Always keep your abs scooped and try not to compress either the hip or the back of knee as the knee bends. Think of creating oppositional energy through the connection of your hands to the legs. Modifications Beginner: Keep head on mat, take legs alternately to 90 degrees straight to the ceiling, with hands behind thighs instead of on shins. Intermediate: Head up, legs alternately to 45 degrees. Advanced: Head up, legs alternately to height of eyes. Reps: 5-8 on each leg. Inhale for 2 leg movements and exhale for same.

2. Double Leg Stretch

The Action: Inhale on your back with both knees bent toward chest, hands on each shin, and exhale into your UAC. Inhale and extend both legs out at diagonal, while simultaneously reaching both arms long by your ears. Exhale and then circle arms back to shins as legs draw into body squeezing your inner thighs. Keep your pelvis and lower back lengthened and stable on the mat. Anchor your shoulder blades to move your arms. Double leg stretch is more difficult then single leg stretch as your core must support the entire weight of all four limbs extended from center. A common error is arching the low back or drifting backwards from the upper ab curl position. Work your abs to maintain your position! Modifications: Beginner: Keep legs at higher diagonal and hands behind back of thighs rather than on shins. Intermediate: Lower leg diagonal and extend arms at sides of hips. When ready, extend arms by ears. Advanced: Legs at height of eyes.

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PhysicallyFIT Reps: 5-8 Inhale to extend legs and arms, exhale to bend knees in.

Note: The next two exercises are more advanced and should not be performed by a beginner or someone with back issues.

3. Scissors

4. Double Leg Lower Lift

Pictured below: Scissors Modifications: Beginner: Do not do this if you can’t keep your head up. If you are able to keep head up, can modify by not lowering leg past 45°. Intermediate to Advanced: Keep moving the hands higher up the leg to increase difficulty without overusing the shoulders. Reps: 5-8 on each leg. Inhale on one leg. Exhale on the other.

Low back issues are a danger here so pay attention to your abdominal scoop and the range of motion of your legs. Keep focused on your UAC so your head does not drift back away from center.

The Action: Inhale on your back as you prepare and exhale to reach into your UAC. Extend one leg to ceiling holding the back of the leg with both hands near the knees, and the other leg extended toward floor. Gently pull the raised leg toward you twice while keeping space in front of the hip. Switch legs and keep the abdominals pulled toward the spine. Move the legs fluidly while keeping the hips and upper body stable. Imagine the toes making an arch in space as they scissor past each other.

The Action: Lie on your back with your knees bent into your chest. Inhale and place your hands behind the back of your head with elbows wide. Exhale as you curl into your upper ab position and extend both legs up to the ceiling to 90° making sure your tailbone lies securely on the mat. Inhale and slowly lower both legs while maintaining your abdominal scoop. Keep your low back stabilized making sure not to arch or compress your low back. Exhale as you squeeze your inner thighs together and bring your legs back to 90 degrees without lifting your hips or tailbone. As you get stronger, you can increase your range of movement by lowering the legs farther away without ever losing your scoop!


Intermediate: - Place hands behind bottom of legs and push legs into hands as you lower. - Lower legs only a few inches. - Tight hamstrings/hips – slightly bend knees to keep tailbone anchored. - Tight low back – place hands under pelvis to lengthen back. Reps: 5-8. Inhale to lower legs, exhale to lift.


5. Elbow to Knee

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14 I PhillyFIT

The Action: Lie on your back with knees bent in toward the chest. Place hands at back of head with elbows wide. Exhale to lengthen up into your UAC. Inhale and twist upper body to right as you extend your left leg to 45 degrees. Exhale and twist to left as legs switch positions. Try to reach your back elbow to the mat as the front elbow reaches to your knee. Your chest moves from side to side without ever losing your upper ab curl. Try not to lower and lift the upper abs. Instead, think of turning the rib cage from side to side. Modifications:

Intermediate: Keep legs bent into chest or one ankle crossed over the other and only twist upper body.

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Advanced: Move slowly one side to the other and extend leg out to height of the eyes. Reps: 5-8. Inhale to one side, exhale to other.

Always remember to keep safety f irst. The deeper you

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can work your abs the better. When you’re in your UAC, think of a basket of eggs balanced on top of your head as you move through the five exercises. Keep your body lifted or the basket will fall scattering eggs all over. Support all your movements with your breath and now you are ready to show off your powerful abs! Beth Downey is the owner of Body Precision Pilates Studio in Rosemont, PA and the director of the nationally recognized Body Precision Teacher Certification Program for traditional Pilates. Beth has been teaching Pilates for over 10 years and specializes in working with clients with back and neck issues. Body Precision is an educational member of the Pilates Method Alliance. You can reach Beth at

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Calorie Desserts Strawberry Shortcakes 1 cup all-purpose flour 1/8 teaspoon baking soda 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder 1 1/2 teaspoons poppy seeds 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon cold butter, cut into small pieces 1/2 cup buttermilk 1/2 cup honey, divided 1/2 teaspoon freshly grated lemon zest 1 egg white 1 teaspoon brown sugar 1 cup low-fat ricotta cheese 16 ounces fresh strawberries, rinsed, hulled, and cut in 1/2 5 sprigs fresh mint

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

In a large bowl, sift together the flour, baking soda, baking powder, poppy seeds and salt. Toss the cold butter into the flour mixture and using clean hands, mix the butter into flour mixture until the butter pieces are the size of lentils.

In a small bowl, mix the buttermilk, 1/4 cup honey, and

lemon zest until well blended. Pour the buttermilk mixture into the flour mixture and gently mix until the dough just holds together. Be careful not to overwork the dough. 16 I PhillyFIT

Separate the dough into 5 equal

size balls, each of which is about 1/3 cup. Place each dough ball on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper. Press each ball down to form a 1/2-inch thick disk. Brush the top and sides of each disk with the egg white and lightly sprinkle the top with the brown sugar.

Bake for 6 to 8 minutes or until

lightly golden. Remove from heat and cool for 10 minutes. Carefully remove from parchment paper.

While the cakes are cooling, stir together 1/4 cup honey and the ricotta cheese in a medium bowl until well blended. Fold in strawberries. Once the cake s have cooled, cut each cake in half horizontally.

To assemble, place 1/4 cup of

strawberry mixture on top of each of the bottom cake pieces. Cover mixture with top piece of the cake. Place another 1 tablespoon of strawberry mixture on top of the cake. Garnish with fresh mint sprigs.

Nutrition Information

Nutritional Analysis per serving Calories 316 Fat 7 grams Saturated Fat 3 grams Carbohydrates 56 grams Fiber 3 grams

Pecan Pie

1 large egg 4 large egg whites 1 cup dark corn syrup 1/2 cup sugar substitute (recommended: Splenda) 1/4 cup maple syrup 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 cup pecans, chopped 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 Light Pie Shell, recipe follows 1 tablespoon bourbon 1 cup fat-free whipped topping Preheat oven with a pizza stone to 350 degrees F. (The pizza stone will help get a crisp pie crust). In a large bowl, mix the egg, egg whites, dark corn syrup, sugar substitute, maple syrup, salt, pecans, and vanilla until well blended. Pour the pecan mixture into the prepared pie shell.

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Transfer the pie to the oven and bake for 45 minutes, or until set. Remove from oven and allow to cool. In a medium bowl, fold the bourbon into the whipped topping. Carefully cut pie into 8 servings. Garnish each serving with a dollop of the bourbon cream.

Light Pie Shell

1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour, plus 1 tablespoon for dusting surface 2 tablespoons sugar substitute (recommended: Splenda) 1/2 tablespoon baking powder 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon butter 1/2 cup fat-free milk In a large bowl, mix 1 1/4 cups of flour, sugar substitute, baking powder, and salt. Cut the butter into the dough until the butter is in small chunks. Slowly add the milk and mix with 2 forks until the dough holds together. Pat the dough into a disk and wrap in plastic wrap. Allow dough to rest in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour. Remove the dough from the refrigerator and roll out on a lightly floured surface. Place dough into a pie tin. Fold under excess dough and crimp edges. Place back into refrigerator until needed. Yield: 1 pie shell

Nutrition Information

Nutritional Analysis per Serving Calories 361 Total fat 12 grams Saturated fat 2 grams Carbohydrates 59 grams Fiber 2 grams

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Be Who You Want Them to Be

How can I avoid screaming matches with my child, or end them if they do start? by Solomon Brenner


You can be easily drawn into a screaming match if you become frustrated when reprimanding your child. Sometimes we don’t know how to handle a child’s misbehavior or become so emotional about it that we lose control. Parents are supposed to have control of the situation. They are the ones who set limits, follow through and deliver the consequences with authority. When a screaming match begins between you and your child, this authority begins to crumble. When you scream at your child you are brought down to their emotional level. You are no longer seen as the authority figure, but as a peer. Your behavior in this situation is just as bad as, if not worse than, the child’s misbehavior. Though it takes an unbelievable amount of patience and selfcontrol, you must keep your cool. Count to ten or sixty, whatever it takes for you to regain your composure. Instead of calling your child hurtful names to “get back at them” for their misbehavior, think about what you want to say before you say it. It may help to write it down first so that you don’t end up saying something you will regret. 18 I PhillyFIT

When you yell at your child, you end up defending your own behavior instead of punishing theirs. If you do slip up and lose control, as everyone does sometimes, simply apologize and keep going. Remember, this is about correcting your child’s misbehavior, not yours. Parents are human. They lose their tempers just like anyone else. Screaming is usually an overreaction to the child’s offense. Even if you do regret the way you handled a situation, do not give in to the child simply out of remorse. This may seem like the easy way out, but it is sending the wrong message to your child. What your child sees is a parent that has no control. All they have to do is start a screaming match and then they can get away with whatever they want. Instead, follow through with the usual consequence you would enforce in that certain situation and then you can apologize for your actions if necessary. Explain to your child that the way you acted was wrong, but that it does not make up for the child’s offense. If you find that anytime you and your child disagree you end up screaming at each other, come up with a prepared defense in case that happens. Give yourself and your child some time to calm down before you address the

situation. This allows them to think about what they have done and what the consequence should be. Once you know what you want to say and what the punishment will be, talk about it calmly with your child. If they start yelling and throwing a fit, leave the room until they calm down again. Let them know that every time they throw a temper tantrum their punishment will only worsen. Do not let your child walk all over you. Let them know that screaming is unacceptable behavior, but also remember to practice what you preach. If your child sees you yelling at your spouse or another family member, then they will copy what you do and not what you say. As long as you remain calm, even if your child does not, you are in control of the situation. Maintaining this control is vital to keeping your children in line and not stooping down to their emotional level.

November/December • 215-396-0268 •

Contributed by Solomon Brenner author of Black Belt Parenting. Master Instructor of Action Karate. Contact


19 I PhillyFIT


Spa Getaways By Rhonda Cohen

Inhalation Lounge, 3000 B.C. Spa

Sky Top Spa


You can do it!


Wake up from your daydream! Open your eyes and adjust to reality and the world around you: the early morning alarm clock, packing lunch for the kids, feeding the pets and trying to fit in that work-out at the gym. In this harsh glare of reality you may think that the amount of preparation to achieve your fantasy is so daunting that it may keep you from following through. I am here to tell you a spa getaway can be accomplished. As a career professional, a wife, mom, writer and triathlete, I undertook a mission to see how to do it. Those who are unencumbered or who have family or friends who will take care of your pets, kids and other obligations, will have an easier time getting away to relax. For the rest of us, we have to pre-arrange carpools, finesse our work schedule and, as one woman said, “Make sure your husband doesn’t send your child to school in pajamas.” But here are some ways to get away.

Swi Kia, 3000 B.C. Spa


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Hershey Hotel, Hershey, Pennsylvania The Spa at the Hershey Hotel is truly a sweet spot, with its famed chocolate massage, whipped cocoa bath and chocolate fondue wrap. The very thought of covering yourself with chocolate is quite an allure. For those who

are not chocoholics, there are plenty of other options for exotic wraps. Milton Hershey, the founder of the chocolate company, became enamored with Cuba and purchased sugar plantations and mills there so he could refine his own sugar. The spa menu salutes his passion with Cuban-themed treatments like the Mojito Sugar Scrub or Noche Azul Soak. You do not need to be a guest of the hotel to use the spa services, and you are able to use the health club facilities and the pool even if you are a day guest only. We tag-teamed our day and night at this spa and hotel. It worked beautifully. My family and I followed the advice of Megan Adair, the public relations coordinator for Hershey Entertainment & Resorts: “Hershey is a great spa getaway with or without children. If it’s just a couple, you can get a couples massage and relax at the spa, follow this with a romantic dinner at The Hotel’s Circular Dining Room, and it’s the perfect weekend. If you have kids with you, one parent can spend time with them at Hershey’s Chocolate World or Hershey Park while the other is relaxing at The Spa, then you can switch places. Hershey has plenty of options for couples and families.” The Spa is spacious and gorgeous. There is an Inhalation Room plus a Quiet Room and a Silent Roomwhere you can relax before and after your treatment. Lovely muffins, fruits, coffee, tea, and, of course, Hershey’s hot chocolate, are served. Having a specified time all to yourself while you know the family is happy and entertained makes the spa experience that much sweeter. Sitting around in a snuggly comfortable robe and slippers enhances the relaxation. Each of you gets his or her turn, and each person relishes some private time.


In an era where formality is considered passé, a small number of historic resorts remain as bastions of traditions that hearken to a bygone era. One

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MentallyFIT such icon is Skytop. Located on 5,500 acres of pristine land amidst the Pocono Mountains, it’s the perfect place to share a heritage with generations, or slip away all by yourself to relax, says Jennifer Breslow Mansfield, public relations consultant to Skytop Lodge. At Skytop, families relax at a full breakfast and plan their day. Daily activity sheets inform you what families can do together or as individuals. Plenty of activities for kids and teens are arranged just for them. There is even miniature golf in the main lodge and an old-fashioned ice cream parlor. An indoor pool and health club are also on the premises. But what really sets Skytop apart is the breadth of its outdoor activities. The Lodge prides itself on having a plethora of seasonal activities, including its own ski area, toboggan run and skating rink in the winter, and golf, tennis and swimming in the summer. This all-inclusive getaway boasts plenty of food choices for picky kids, and if you choose to dine alone for a change, inquire to see if a children’s-only supervised dinner including fun and activities is available. Babysitting can be arranged at the front desk. There are plenty of theme weekends as well. Skytop Lodge is a reasonable drive -- less than two hours -- from anywhere in the Delaware Valley, and we arrived just about the time we heard the infamous, “Are we there yet?” from the back seat.



In the opposite direction, Atlantic City hotels and resorts beckon. A day or an overnight at the shore shouldn’t require too much pre-planning, and it’s close enough to rush back if necessary. You even can go just for the day. I went for an overnight and included two destinations, The Borgata and Bally’s. Spa Toccare at The Borgata is simply beautiful. There is a wet area with whirlpools, steam and sauna, and the staff add a touch of cucumbers for the eyes and chilled scented towels for cooling. Booking a treatment allows you to also use the pool that has speakers that play music underwater. There are many amenities and the ambience is relaxing and elegant. A regular Swedish massage runs $115 and on Saturdays is limited to registered hotel guests. A twenty percent tip is added to your treatment, but the front desk staff told me that the therapists themselves receive only a portion of that, so you may wish to leave the therapist an additional amount. A word of warning if you stay over at the Borgata! There is a sign in the bathroom next to the shampoos telling you that you, “Can’t take it with you” and, if you do, the cost will be charged to your credit card. Two front desk staffers confirmed that you are not allowed to take any of these toiletries from the room. The Spa at Bally’s may lack a bit of the frou-frou of other spas, but has a lot going for it. Many staff members have been there for years, obviously love their jobs and make you feel comfortable as if you are part of their family. This spa has incorporated their location into the treatment theme. They

offer, for example, a Salt Water Taffy Scrub, a Boardwalk Macaroon Scrub and Ocean Sunset Scrub. The Bally’s spa can be a real bargain. One of its packages includes an herbal wrap, a massage, and a scrub along with lunch and full use of the pools, both indoor and outdoor, the exercise room, the deck and the shower facilities. Then they feed you lunch, and the total cost is $190. Bally’s also allows you to book as little as one treatment perhaps a wrap at $40 or a massage at $85 - and you get full use of the facilities so you can have a relaxing wrap, go to the beach or the deck, work out, hop in one of their whirlpool tubs, shower and drive back home in a day. You can probably tag team this one too, and give your family some time at the beach.


Bovey Castle is located in Devon. Not the town on Philly’s Main Line but the original Devon in Western England. The castle is in Dartmoor National Park, and became known to the world when it was pictured in the Sherlock Holmes film, The Hound of the Baskervilles. With many airlines offering weekend trips to London, this is an achievable destination. RailBritain provides a comfortable, two-hour train ride from London to Devon and a driver will pick you up and deliver you to the castle’s front door. Bovey Castle is jaw-dropping , both in its physical beauty and the exquisite surroundings. What it offers is a haven for families with a Bovey Rangers program that provides terrific and unique activities for kids, including collecting their own eggs for breakfast from the chicken coop. Falconry, something that we see in Harry Potter movies, is demonstrated on the terrace and children also are instructed in activities like flyfishing, archery, horseback riding and clay pigeon shooting. Bovey boasts a championship golf course, a beautiful spa and indoor pool. The ambience is quintessential British, including a very fancy high tea with scones and clotted cream. Yachtsman and environmentalist, Peter de Savary, is the owner of Bovey Castle. Married to an American, he understands both the British and the American lifestyles. Visiting Bovey Castle feels like you are in another world and you can leave all your stress behind.


Sometimes the amount of preparation you need to actually walk out the door causes more stress than if you never went away. So day spas are options where you don’t leave home except for a few hours. 3000BC Spas are open seven days a week and accommodate everyone’s schedules. There are two locations in the Delaware Valley where you can book spa treatments, have tea, a spa lunch and have the experience of a half-day spa getaway. Their spas have tea lounges for guests receiving treatments to relax and enjoy a complimentary pot of organic, fair-trade tea before or after their treatments. Guests also are served a

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MentallyFIT gourmet spa lunch in the tea lounge. The spas have a unique inhalation lounge with pure essential oils permeating the air, refreshing herbal tisanes to sip, and low-level lighting to help you drift back to reality. The spa also offers a steam sauna/shower to induce a deeper state Phyllis of relaxation. Guests can conclude their day with a cleansing shower and a revitalizing pot of tea. 3000 BC Spas have a clean, crisp interior design, chic, modern, with gender-neutral finishes. Men feel very comfortable there with the special sandals and robes that are provided in a special men’s lounge with men’s magazines. Their locker room has men’s body wash, men’s shampoo and specialized men’s grooming products.


If you can’t beat em, bring the office to the getaway. RYAH Yoga and Health is a unique wellness center committed to creating health promotion for individuals and corporations. “RYAH programs, services and atmosphere are dedicated to combating stress, which is the number-one factor affecting employee performance and health,” according to Phyllis Bookspan, President of RYAH Yoga and Health, Inc. She says that promoting good health is promoting good business. Studies show that as much as twenty five percent of all outpatient and inpatient health plan claims can be related to the risk factors that are addressed in a good health promotion program such as RYAH’s. Customized events can be tailored from taking a yoga class, learning stress reduction techniques that you can take back to work with you, a day with your team out on the river in a dragon boat with colleagues, or biking on the Conshohocken -Valley Forge Trail. Located in the corporate area of Conshohocken, RYAH offers a business retreat that includes yoga, massage, seminars conducted by a psychotherapist addressing how to deal with stress, and team building. One satisfied client, Sharon Booth from Conferences LexisNexis/Mealeys, says that her department’s one-day retreat at RYAH, “Was both relaxing and uplifting. My team arrived feeling tired and stressed but left with new ideas for approaching stress management that they could start practicing immediately.” So you see, you can do this. It is possible and you deserve it. Now go, make your appointment. Rhonda Cohen is a freelance writer and triathlete. Contact Rhonda at

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GammaGirl by Charles Peeples

Brianna Reinford

Senior, Philadelphia University 2006 Lady Rams leading scorer 2006 Central Atlantic Collegiate Conference (CACC) secondteam All-Conference honors 2006 CACC Tournament MVP 2007 3rd year School of Architecture Design Award

funniest… keeps things upbeat when everyone is ready to give up… the fittest on the team… at the gym for hours… helped me in my first game, directing me and never getting angry with me like most of the other girls… very familyoriented… infectious smile… well-known throughout the campus as a leader… a great ambassador for Philadelphia University…the most determined person that I have ever met… knee problems have plagued her for the last three years but she has played through her pain... a tough cookie… no one else in the world like her…”


a friend to everyone - truly

“One of those incredible women that everyone knows exists, but never “Our most dedicated player… has the opportunity to meet.” exceptional… 100% committed to the team on and off What people are saying about her:

the field… balances highly demanding academic work with her role as a top player on our team… stays after practice until she can’t see the ball anymore… amazing shooter… can out-maneuver and score against any fellow player – even male players… makes things happen on the field… the one we all look up to… excels at everything she sets out to do… top student in her Architecture Design class… bubbly personality… worked three jobs this summer and could be seen riding her bicycle on the hottest days to and from work… always the first to offer to help... the most entertaining,

Know a potential GAMMA GIRL? Tell us about her! For more info about submitting a candidate, go to Charles Peeples, NSCA-PT, NCTMB, whose articles have appeared in numerous fitness and bodybuilding magazines, is a regular columnist for PHILLYFIT and a well-known activist for female strength training and physical advancement ( A graduate of the Pennsylvania School of Muscle Therapy, Charles is nationally-certified both as massage therapist and a personal trainer. Contact him at

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Reference: Amino Acids Journal.

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Reference: Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research

Scientific Bibliography for First Order™.

1. J. R. Stout et al., Amino Acids 32, 381-6 (Apr, 2007). 2. D. Benton, R. T. Donohoe, B. Sillance, S. Nabb, Nutr Neurosci 4, 169-78 (2001). 3. G. P. Ceda et al., Horm Metab Res 24, 119-21 (Mar, 1992). 4. K. De Bock, B. O. Eijnde, M. Ramaekers, P. Hespel, Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab 14, 298-307 (Jun, 2004). 5. A. Walesiuk, E. Trofimiuk, J. J. Braszko, Pharmacol Rep 57, 176-87 (Mar-Apr, 2005).

©Bodywell Nutrition LLC 2007. For best results, use First Order in conjunction with a sensible diet and exercise program. Consult with your physician before starting any diet or exercise program. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


“l Wish My Mama

was Mama Palma!”

Dealing with cravings by giving in…sensibly.


By Jami Tryer

ere’s the thing. I love pizza. I could eat it every night. No other food is so diverse, so satisfying and so oooey gooey good. Even a bad pizza (cold and greasy with spots of beer from the night before) can satisfy. That’s why I was nearly in tears when I realized that Pizza was not exactly a go-to food for those in diet mode. Ugh. Honestly, it was like taking a binky from a baby. So, I resorted to dining in places where salad was an option and I watched my husband go at his pie as if he just got off “Survivor” Island. I had animosity and contempt all over my face and a deep, deep longing within for three things: dough, cheese and tomato sauce. I felt ashamed. I had been reduced to a pathetic dieter wearing a puss face that nearly gave way to rage. As hubby twirled the strands of hot Mozzarella around his extended tongue, I had my fork in position behind my back ready to stab it.

26 I PhillyFIT

Renalto is a fixture at 23rd and Spruce.

I had reached an all time low. I was staring at Stauffer’s French Bread Pizza through the glass in the supermarket’s frozen section. I’d wipe condensation off of the glass just to get a better visual of the packaging. Wearing the face a dog makes when you take away his bone, I walked away with my tail between my legs. I would call Dominos, listen to the greeting and then hang up. I would surf the websites of Papa Johns and Pizza Hut just to see what the promos where that week. I was sinking fast into a chronic state of (S.O.W) - Severe Oregano Withdraw. I had to do something. I had tried recipes at home with stuff like pitas, alpine cheese, Ms. Dash, but nothing I concocted could make me happy. I tried to tell myself that it the greatest home pizza I could make without the fat and calories. But that only made me want to make a comparison with the real deal. So one night, hubby took me to Mama Palma’s (23rd & Spruce Streets, Phila 215-735-7357) for what I thought was going to be just another night of relentless torture. Low and behold, that night, this comfortable, neighborhoody spot was serving up something called Salerno Pizza - 100% Whole Wheat Pizza with a Fresh Tomato Base, Spinach, Chicken, Roasted Garlic and Roasted Peppers. Suddenly, my idontfeellikeasalad brain lit up like a Christmas tree. Great tasting low fat pizza, served up hot? I was stoked. Then, the owner Renalto Russo told me that all of the menu items marked with a heart symbol indicated their low-fat pizzas. He also mentioned that soy cheese was also available. Also, low-fat or no-fat, no-cholesterol Mozzarella were available. Um…hello! He was the angel on top of the tree. I smelled the wood-fired brick oven working over time. I closed my eyes and was transported to Napoli in an instant and I was slowly getting my mo-jo back. Their brick oven is imported from Europe. Unlike conventional ovens, theirs can achieve a combination of roasting, baking and smoking. The intense heat from the hardwood seals in the flavor that creates the many awesome tastes of Mama Palma’s one-of-a-kind pies. Don’t get me wrong; the salads are really impressive as well. They are huge and also inventive. I really like the Insalata Di Palma: Crisp Arugala, VineRipened tomato, Red Onion, shaved Imported Parmesan tossed in their own Balsamic Vinaigrette. (They have a nice selection of fat-free dressings, just ask). Also very good is the Greek Salad: A festive mix of Vine-Ripened Tomatos, Cucumbers, Red Onions, Green Peppers, Calamata Olives and Feta Cheese tossed with their own tangy dressing of Fresh Herbs of Mint, Oregano and Parsley. I suggest moving on to the Chicken Dijon with Spinach Pizza. It features Chicken Breast sautéed in Tamari and Garlic, Fresh Spinach, Caramelized Red

November/December • 215-396-0268 •

NutritionallyFIT Onions and Dijon Mustard topped with Low-fat Mozz Cheese. Also fabulous is the Hawaiian Pizza, which comes with Roast Pork Tenderloin marinated in Teriyaki sauce, zesty Hawaiian BBQ Sauce and Pineapple Chunks, topped with Low-Fat Mozz Cheese. Yeah, not your traditional pie toppings, but so, so good. You can dine in or take a gourmet pie home. If you dine in bring your wine or try their house beer - Peroni (very light and tasty). If you’re watching your waistline, pass on the Panninis and Calzones. This is a somewhat of a kid-friendly spot so if you are looking for a bit more quiet, go later in the evening. Since my first MP experience, Renalto has been so kind to hubby and me. He treats us like he’s known us a hundred years. He takes pride in every pie. They’ve been cranking out amazing concoctions for ten years at this location, and it’s no wonder why they’ve lasted so long in a mostly residential community of Center City. Their pizza is so incredibly delicious it will keep

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you coming back. They’re more than willing to accommodate the changing diets of waist-watchers, and have a proactive eye on health-conscious cooking trends. “This pizza shop has been around for awhile because I demand only the freshest ingredients. The toppings are inventive & the food is consistently good,” explains Renalto. Pizzas come in three sizes: Individual, Small and Large and they’re more than accommodating when it comes to special requests. A small is great for two to share, while a large will fill four. No slices are served in this much loved corner cozy spot where customers are treated like family. They’re open Tuesday to Thursday - 4 pm to 10 pm, Friday and Saturday - 11 am to 11 pm and Sunday 2 pm to 10 pm. Don’t go on Monday as they are closed. No delivery is available at this time. It’s great to see pizza joints finally getting with the program… the health program. You won’t be disappointed. Tell Renalto Jami from PhillyFIT sent you! Jami Tryer is a freelance writer, who grew up in Margate, N.J., but has been a Center City Philly resident since 1991. She is a partner with Munroe Creative Partners, a well-known graphic design firm, where she is a Senior Project Manager and helps to develop new business. She has been freelancing in her spare time for five years for magazines such as Philadelphia Style where she has reported on trends in beauty, fashion, food and culture. For PhillyFIT, Jami has countered the myth that dining out can be frighteningly fattening in her column. Contact

November/December • 215-396-0268 •

27 I PhillyFIT


By Sandy Weston, M.Ed.


My life is amazing. n chatting with many different folks from all walks of life, I discovered well I always expect great being means different things to each individual. However, the one thing they all have in common is feeling good all over; a goodness in one’s life and having things to happen to me. a sense of peacefulness. It is also found in being healthy. How we get “there” can be I am in perfect health very different and somewhat unusual. But after speaking to many, it all comes back and feel wonderful in to body, mind and spirit and the balance of all three. So I have decided to share with you six important tips to help you reach your goals. For some it may just be a every way. How many review and for others a new spin, but no matter how much I hear or read the same of you can say that and information, I always grasp something new. So relax, enjoy and take a little bit in mean it? Well at least say on the way. it and mean it most of HAPPINESS the time. That is what well I decided twenty-seven years ago that I was going to do anything to be happy. I would surround my life with smiles. People that made me smile, work that made being means to me- the me smile, and most of all I would make others smile. This was one of the most perfect balance of body, important decisions I ever made in my life. Something so simple - I thought - but mind and spirit. Now of it truly was one of the most challenging tasks that I attempted. To this day I still swear by my “happy motto”. Think about it - how would your life be if you chose course you have to take to be happy in all areas? For example, I left for vacation this week and all my buds your punches, but it is were saying, “Wow, are you psyched to get away from work, kick back, relax, enjoy how we handle those getting out of the rat race?” I thought about that and realized how lucky I was not setbacks and how fast we to feel that way at all. Don’t get me wrong; I love traveling, spending time with my family and exploring new things. But I do miss my work. I love get back on track from what I do. It is my passion. I actually miss my employees and them. In my search for members. With that, I knewI was truly blessed. Happy yes that is happy. They make me smile andI hope I make well being, I have traveled them smile, at least most of the time. Almost everyday from California to New York I start my morning thinking about how many people and even to Costa Rica. I can make smile. I mean really smile, especially the miserable ones. It is My goal is to show easy making happy people smile but everyone the road to well the grumps; well that is fun. Just try being. Yes I know it one day. I swear you will feel a billion times better. “Smile I am hopeful but this is and the whole world smiles my journey. at you.” How true!

Sandy Weston, M Ed. Owner of Weston Fitness in Center City.

28 I PhillyFIT


One good friend is worth all the gold in the world. Two good friends, wow, that is just out of this world. I love my friends. They make me happy just

November/December • 215-396-0268 •


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PhysicallyFIT to be around them, and that’s what friends should be. They should care enough and love you enough to allow you to just be you. They should want more then the best for you and be happy when all great things happen to you. Sometimes you need to re-evaluate the company you keep. If they don’t make you feel on top of the world, at least most of the time, I say ditch them. Yeah, you got it. Surround yourself with happy people, those that make you smile. Now I am not saying that they are not honest with you, because only a true friend can risk a friendship to tell you something you may not want to hear. However, they should do so in a very loving and constructive way. I made a conscious decision about twelve years ago to do this, and it made a huge difference. I sat down with some of my friends at the time and tried to explain how I felt in the hopes that maybe we could work things out and move forward together. And you know for some it really worked. Others well, it was still good; I just see them less and in a different way. Of course, it is not the same, but it had to be that way. I am very fortunate now to be surrounded by the best buds, and I wouldn’t trade that for anything. On those days when I just need a bit of a pick me up or to be reminded of my goals, they are always there for me, and vise versa.


Read, read, read. There is so much to learn out there and so many brilliant people from whom to learn. I can’t even tell you how many self-help books I have read. My

husband always teases me, “How much help do you need?” Apparently a lot. I always want to learn and grow. There is always somebody saying it just a slightly different way that grabs me and I say, “Oh yeah - that’s what they meant.” My all time two favorite authors are, Wayne Dyer and Deepak Chopra. I just love them; however, I have read many other authors. My latest is “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle. We all need pick me ups and need to have reinforcements. You’re bound to find an author to whom you can relate. You don’t need much time, just a few minutes before bed is enough if that is all you can fit in. Also, don’t forget about downloading your books onto your IPod. Now that is the best. The perfect book always seems to fall in my lap. Some books have even changed my life forever.


There are many different ways to remind yourself of your goals and dreams. You can make a vision board or book to remind you of all the things you want out of life. They’re easy to do, just cut out pictures that reflect the things you would like to have in life and look at it every day. This is so much fun. Dream big - I mean really big. The sky is the limit. Think about the different areas of well being that you want to work on. Is it a healthy diet, or an amazing body or maybe you want abundance? It doesn’t matter, find a picture of it in magazines and make your vision. Put it somewhere you can see every single day so you can stay focused on your goals. You will be amazed. You can also make a “What Is Box”. I made a box and then stuck different cards stating, “What I know is coming in my life.” I open the box every morning and I say what I want like it is already there. It could be something as simple as, “My gardens are so beautiful and lovely with terrific flowers. Or my body is strong, fit and healthy. I am a machine.” Those are, of course, my two favorites. You can change what’s in your box any time. You can also write in a journal about what your desires are or things you want to work on. You can break it down into categories- your home, body, family, etc. The books you read can also help you with many other ideas. They have always helped me.

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30 I PhillyFIT

The power of others is my favorite. Being with people that have the same goals is the best. I always meet such fun people whenever I go to different workshops or classes. Reading is wonderful, but the energy of others in the same room, all of which want and expect amazing things life, now that is cool. My latest journey has been one of the most exciting. On my search for well being, I heard about a class in New York called “Intensati” taught by one of my favorite instructors, Patrica Moreno. What a cool name - intense and Sati - which means mindfulness. This I had to try. I took it for the first time a few years ago at the ECA conference in New York. It was truly one of the best classes I had ever taken. It was a tough and energetic workout with positive

November/December • 215-396-0268 •

PhysicallyFIT affirmations being yelled out by everyone at the same time. The energy was incredible. Leave it to Patricia to come up with a workout that embodied everything I had been reading about and put it together with working out. It was just mind blowing. The energy you got from that workout was just not imaginable. To hear a room filled with people saying such things as, “ Yes, yes, yes - I am strong now! I am ready and willing to receive the beauty in me; see the beauty in you.” Every song had a different routine with a different theme and words are more empowering than the next. I had found my next new thing.

Since then I went to Costa Rica to do a workshop in Intensati with Patricia Moreno. It was unbelievable and I brought a few friends with me so I could share this terrific experience. They all loved it. The friends I made there were also the best. What a blast! Betsy Cast, an incredible instructor and trainer in Philadelphia, is teaching Intensati at my club starting this month. It has received a tremendous response. They are all screaming at the top of their lungs and feeling so empowered. My fitness director Toni, who is also a wonderful find, was recently certified to teach Intensati and will be able to instruct at my club Weston Fitness very soon. Making people feel like they can do anything with their lives- how cool! It is truly something that is hard to explain on paper. You will just have to take a class and experience it for yourself.


Thank you, thank you, and thank you. This is how I look at life. I am so grateful for all I have. I wake up every morning, look in the mirror and think of all my blessings. Even when things look bad I try to think of all the wonderful things. When I start getting really upset or angry I remind myself to take a deep breath in and then look around and give thanks. Then I calm down and am able to address the issue in a whole different light. This really helps when you’re having a tough day. It still may not be your best day but it sure can be a heck of a lot better. It also helps when you’re upset at someone. Before you lay into them think about all their wonderful attributes that you are truly grateful for and it will make a world of difference. Start right now. Begin thinking of all the things you can be grateful for. I promise it will put a smile on your face. Six short tips, but five very important things to remember. I hope in your search for well being I have provided just one little tid bit you can take with you on your way. Life truly is amazing and is a joy every day. All Good Things,

Sandy Weston, M.Ed.

November/December • 215-396-0268 •

31 I PhillyFIT


Follow-Up: Getting Back in the Game by Brian Sims


n last month’s issue we asked readers to tell us what motivates them to get fit in Philly and what keeps them…well not. We asked readers to respond with stories of motivation and success as well as those stumbling blocks to getting off the couch and onto the trails and sidewalks of Philadelphia. The backdrop was this author’s revelation that he had definitely taken a tumble off the fitness bus and was working desperately to find his seat again. The issue has been on shelves now for about a month and the response has been overwhelmingly positive and definitely helpful. Early to respond was Deborah Greger, the Senior Group Exercise Director for Bally Total Fitness. Deborah oversees all group exercise, specialty programming and events in the Philadelphia and South Jersey market and knows a thing or two about getting and staying in shape.

Deborah ran a marathon several years ago and found that a running partner helped to keep her motivated and keep her on track with her program. “Back then I had a running partner so it made it very easy to train.” Unfortunately, the lack of a running partner contributed to her lack of running in recent years. Another response came from Kathleen, who started running this time last year. “I was running almost every day, competing in 5Ks every month, PRing every time. I even finished the year with Brian’s 32 I PhillyFIT

Run – a very hilly 10K. I was planning on Broad Street in the spring.” She explained, however, that she never made it to Philadelphia famous 10-miler.

Much like my own retreat after the Philadelphia Marathon last November, she too lost the motivations to keep running after her 10K. “I think after the very challenging Brian’s Run, my spirit broke a little. I trained hard for that and I didn’t do as well as I had hoped. My training went from six days a week to three days a week and then winter came. So I had another excuse.” These days, Kathleen’s back on the streets but not yet back to her old form. Kathleen runs with a running club and, Like Deborah, she finds that running with others can be a useful tool to staying in good shape. Kathleen also has a few running mantras to help keep her going. Among her favorites are “Keep it up – it will come back and Not every day is going to be your best day but as long as you are out there running – it’s a good day.” According to Dave in Manayunk, the secret to getting up every morning and lacing up his running shoes is maximizing not only the amount of time he spends with his two young children, but getting the most out of every spare minute they have together. “I want to be in the best shape I can be so that my kids and I can do all the things we want together.” Dave says that his ability to spend quality time with his children depends on his physical

fitness and being able to play with his kids instead of just watching them “from the sidelines.” “I get up early in the morning and run so that I can spend my evenings with my wife and children. I’m in better shape and in better spirits than I’ve ever been and my family loves it,” he says.

What Dave, Kathleen, Deborah and others told me is that there are certainly no boilerplate formulas for staying motivated. As one respondent wrote, “There are as many different reasons to run as there are places to run.” The difficult part is finding what reasons work for you. Fitness, appearance, athleticism, family, friends, and overall accomplishment are all great ways to stay motivated, unless they don’t do it for you. My challenge to all of PhillyFIT’s readers is to keep searching for motivation in everything you do. If you’ve got it share it. If you don’t - find it. Sometimes it’s just that simple! Brian K. Sims is an attorney and writer in Philadelphia, PA and concentrates his practice on insurance matters nationwide. In addition to his practice, Mr. Sims is an Associate Editor of the Philadelphia Bar Reporter and M.D. News and regularly reports on activities within the city’s legal and medical community. In his spare time he is still trying to become a runner and enjoying everything that Center City Philadelphia has to offer. He can be reached at

November/December • 215-396-0268 •


Building a Fit Family, One Day at a Time


By Elizabeth Eisenstadt-Evans

o more excuses. If Ed, Tracy, Riley and Ryan Lewis can find time for family togetherness and physical fitness, so can you. The Lewis’, our PhillyFIT Family of the Month, have a schedule that would challenge even the most ebullient exercise fanatic. Both are Philadelphia police officers. She’s got a day job, but he works alternate days and nights, making settling into a routine almost impossible. Daughter Riley is nine, but her sister Ryan is only one year old, so the Lewis’s need childcare when they want to exercise together. Instead of letting the difficulties of fitting in time for exercise discourage them from making the effort to go out to the gym or on a group bike ride, the Lewis’s have taken advantage of their local YMCA and what it offers to develop a discipline that works for them. Tracy and Ed Lewis have been a team since 2000. It’s an archetypal East meets West story: she was assigned to the ninth district (Center City East) and he to the sixth (Center City West) when they worked together on a crime that occurred on the Broad Street dividing line. Now Tracy works as the Ninth Districts’ Victim Assistance Officer, while Ed is on patrol in the Sixth District. They live in Northeast Philadelphia near the Franklin Mills Mall, but make it a point to take the kids and explore the local countryside as often as their busy schedules permit. “We aren’t ones to sit in the house,” says Ed, thirty-five, who grew up in the neighborhood where they live now. One gets the sense, from talking to both Tracy and Ed Lewis, that it is in part her drive and enthusiasm that fuels her family’s regular trips to the gym. 34 I PhillyFIT

Ed Lewis, who has lost about thirty pounds by combining working out with Weight Watchers, teases his wife that, “It was more fun to be fat.” Tracy says she doesn’t always feel like being “the motivator”-it’s a tough job, but somebody’s got to do it. Her commitment to fitness and a healthy diet helped her to lose twenty pounds, although she admits that she slacked off a bit while pregnant with Ryan. According to Tracy, her dedication was sparked ten years ago, when she started classes at the Police Academy. “I worked hard to get up to par, but when I did it, it stuck with me that I could do that.” Observing that young Riley had a real love for the water, and fearing for her safety if she didn’t learn to swim, Tracy enrolled her for swimming lessons at the Y. When Riley was occupied learning the backstroke, her mother had a chance to work out in the fitness center. It wasn’t long before she was organizing her gym schedule around Riley’s swimming lessons. Now Riley is on the swim team, and both Ed and Tracy are using that time for classes like Body Pump, in which you work out with a group, but can use the weights appropriate for your own, individual level.

Even with an extremely busy schedule, the family tries to get to the gym, or exercise outside, five days a week. Although baby Ryan is a little young for the swim team, nine-yearold Riley is a huge Y fan. “I like hanging out with my friends at swim class,” she says. “The coach is really nice.” When she turns ten, mom and dad will take Riley to the

November/December • 215-396-0268 •

FamilyFIT Fitness Center with them.

Body by FISHER

Both Tracey and Ed admit that they aren’t perfect-both have occasional lapses. They are however, very pleased, both at the results of their commitment to fitness, and at the fact that exercising together has brought them closer to each other. Most important to both of them is the idea that they are serving as role models for their daughters. “I don’t need to be thin or cut like Brad Pitt,” says Ed, “But if we can be active, and show our daughters what a healthy lifestyle is, that’s better than anything.” And who could disagree?

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Elizabeth Eisenstadt Evans is a Glenmoore, Pa-based features writer, book- reviewer and religion columnist. She’s a recreational runner who uses that as an excuse for why she is such a klutz at yoga. Contact her at



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November/December • 215-396-0268 •

35 I PhillyFIT




Back on My Feet by Johnathan Shur

It’s a typical Tuesday morning. I wake up at five am, roll out of bed, kiss my wife and daughter, put on my running clothes, say goodbye to the dog, and I am off- running through the streets of Philadelphia. Jonathon and Jennifer Shur My usual route, which takes me through Center City, Philadelphia is dark, cold, and empty, except of course for the numerous homeless people that I pass. At five in the morning the streets are littered with homeless; some sleeping, some are awake, others waive to me, and many beg for change as I pass by. After living in Philadelphia for the past ten years I am somewhat numb to this situation. However, as I pass by I can’t help to think to myself how and why these people ended up like this and is there anything that I can do to make a positive impact in the fight to end homelessness in Philadelphia? Enter Anne Mahlum and the Back on My Feet program. 36 I PhillyFIT

When I first read about Back on My Feet I remember thinking, this is exactly what Philadelphia needs- someone who does not ignore the homeless problem, but rather engages these people, and lends a hand of support in the form of positive motivation and running. I contacted Anne and inquired how I could get involved with the program. She invited me to join them during their next run. I was excited, a bit skeptical, and very curious to not only meet these homeless guys, but run with them. I arrived at 5:30 am on the Rescue Mission at the corner of 13th and Vine. Anne was not there yet, but the participants of the Back on My Feet Program were. I introduced myself to each member. Each guy was friendly, welcoming, and eager to talk with me about running. As we stretched together we continued our conversations as more members of the program arrived. Each one shook my hand and introduced themselves to me as they passed by. As I talked to these guys I could not help thinking to myself, this is completely amazing; the same guys who I pass each morning while running were now going to be running with me. Anne arrived, high-fived each guy, talked with each one for a while, and then we were off. Today’s goal 2.5 miles. As we ran we talked about various topics: the city of Philadelphia, the weather, running, family, and the overall goals each person had. The general attitude

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InspirationallyFIT was extremely positive filled with motivation, enthusiasm, and drive to achieve certain goals and used running as the device to do so. Some of the guys told me how they quit smoking since they started the program and others talked of someday being able to run up the Art Museum steps “like Rocky.” While we were running side-by-side, these guys weren’t homeless; they were individuals with opinions, personalities, and goals. We laughed, encouraged one another, and talked on the way back to the shelter. As we finished, some guys were completely exhausted, while others seemed to have enough stamina to do the run again. I said my good-byes, and was off, back to my world. The rest of the day I kept thinking of my new acquaintances and the joy and happiness that they exuded while running. I also thought that this program was exactly what these guys needed to help regain their self confidence and help them get back on their feet. I have been running with them ever since, and have seen their determination and enthusiasm increase each run. This program is truly remarkable and gives the homeless community of Philadelphia exactly what they need- a goal, a reason to believe in themselves and a reminder that they can get back on their feet and out of homelessness.

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Jonathan Shur is thirty-one years old and a Philadelphia resident, marathoner and sports marketing professional. He and his wife Jennifer have a lovely daughter, Harley, and dog named Mookie.

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November/December • 215-396-0268 •

37 I PhillyFIT




Adults Probably upplement Older Do Not Know Facts ~ Joe Cannon, MS, CSCS, NSCA-CPT

s a personal trainer, my oldest “client” is my 104 year old grandmother – that’s not a typo. She really is 104 and I really do get her to exercise most days of the week. While she managed to reach this age without the use of supplements, I know from the emails I get that older adults have many questions about which supplements might be right for them. Truth be told, there are some good supplements out

there. I use a few myself and I’ve even added one or two to my grandmother’s regimen over time. Two problems are knowing which ones are grounded in fact and which might be right for your particular situation. As a supplement investigator and educator, here are what I feel are five of the most important facts about supplements for older adults. Fact #1. Natural vitamins are not better than synthetic vitamins. For some, this is the hardest pill of all to swallow. There are many marketing gurus who would like people to believe that natural vitamins are superior to synthetic vitamins; however, the fact is that they are not. There are several reasons for this. 1. The chemical structure of synthetic vitamins is no different from that of natural vitamins. As such the body cannot tell the difference between them.

2. While there are some differences in absorption between synthetic vitamins and their natural counterparts, the differences do not always favor natural nutrients. For example, take the B vitamin, folic acid. This is actually the synthetic version of folate. The multivitamin that you used today probably contains folic acid because it is better absorbed that folate. 3. A popular argument often mentioned as support of the superiority of natural vitamins over synthetic is the case of vitamin E (alpha tocopherol). Some research does show that natural vitamin E is better absorbed than synthetic vitamin E. Here is the reason why: many of you reading these words are right handed while others are left handed. It turns out that vitamins also come in left handed and right handed versions. Natural vitamin E is called “d” (dextrorotatory) while the synthetic version is called “L” (levorotatory). These names are given because in some instances molecules will rotate light that is shined on them, to the right (d) or to the left (L). Humans appear to absorb only the right handed (d) version of vitamin E. If you look at your multivitamin, you may see that it lists vitamin E as “dl” alpha tocopherol, an indication that it is a mixture of both right-handed and left-handed versions. So, the type of vitamin E that the body favors has less to do with being natural and more to do with how the molecule reacts 38 I PhillyFIT

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NutritionallyFIT in the laboratory. It’s important to keep in mind that not only vitamin E exhibits this trait. For example, all the muscle building amino acids in your body are left handed. This is why you see the letter “L” on all the amino acid supplements. 4. Lastly, it is important to remember that the word “natural” has no legal definition in the US. Unlike words such as “organic” or “light” the FDA has not imposed any official definition for the word “natural.” For those who want to use natural vitamins, this is fine. Just make sure you deal with reputable companies because studies sometimes find natural vitamin products that contain synthetic vitamins. Fact #2. Vitamin D is not just for bones anymore. Most people know that vitamin D assists with calcium absorption and as such can help offset the development of osteoporosis. This is why both nutrients are found together in supplements. However new research on vitamin D suggests that it may do much more than this. With respect to older adults, vitamin D appears to reduce the risk of falling. One study noted that vitamin D supplementation decreased falls in older adults by as much as twenty-two percent! This has huge implications for improving the quality of life as we grow older. Normally vitamin D is made when we are exposed to sunlight. Unfortunately, many of us spend more time indoors as we grow older, limiting our exposure to this vital nutrient. Compounding this is the fact that vitamin D is only found in a few foods, so it may be missing from the diet as well. How vitamin D appears to reduce falls in older adults is still being studied but it does not appear to be because it makes bones stronger. Studies show many older adults in nursing homes are deficient in vitamin D. Advise older adults to consult their physician about vitamin D supplements because in theory it may interfere with some of the medications they are taking. Fact #3. Zinc supplements may do more harm than good. Some older men may use high potency zinc supplements in the hopes of strengthening their immune system, boosting testosterone levels and sexual potency. However, research shows that high levels of zinc may actually reduce levels of HDL – “good cholesterol.” This might accelerate the rate of heart disease! While it is true that diets low in zinc lead to lower testosterone levels and reductions in some aspects of male fertility, zinc is relatively easy to get in the diet being found in meat, multivitamins and other supplements men might be taking. When taken at the onset of a cold, zinc gluconate lozenges might modestly reduce the severity and duration of cold symptoms. However, some evidence suggests that zinc-laced nasal sprays might interfere with the sense of smell – sometimes permanently.

Fact #4. Glucosamine may help arthritis – but which type? Several studies over the last several years find that glucosamine may help reduce arthritis-related pain. Having worked with hundreds of seniors over the years, I am of the opinion that many older adults are not aware of the conditions they have. For example, it has been my observation that older adults routinely confuse osteoarthritis with osteoporosis, calling both conditions simply “osteo.” Glucosamine only appears to work for osteoarthritis, the most common form of this condition where the cartilage cushioning between bones wears away. Studies tend to show that 4-8 weeks of glucosamine supplementation may be needed to impact pain levels, so this is generally not something where people will see results overnight. Also and equally interesting, some research also suggests that glucosamine may slow the rate of cartilage breakdown in those with osteoarthritis. One study noted a reduction in disease progression by as much as fifty-four percent! This does not mean that taking glucosamine reduces the risk of getting osteoarthritis all together. The answer to that question is unknown at this time. Also, the effectiveness of glucosamine might be dependent on the length of time one has had the disorder, as well as how severe it is. Thus, two people who have different degrees of osteoarthritis-related pain may experience differences in how much this supplement helps them. Another aspect of glucosamine that older adults may not be aware of is that glucosamine supplements are not created equally. Glucosamine sulfate is the type that has most of the evidence supporting its use. Other types of glucosamine found in supplements include glucosamine HCL and “NAG.” While these other types may help some, their effects appear to be less than that of glucosamine sulfate. Because, in theory, glucosamine might interfere with insulin levels and possibly heart disease, I advise clients with these conditions to consult their physicians prior to using this supplement. Fact #5. Natural does not always mean safe. A common mantra repeated on many websites is that because supplements are natural, they are automatically safe for everyone. For example, who has not heard the phrase, “A safe, natural alternative.” Truth be told, many supplements, if used by the wrong people may have significant side effects. For example, St. John’s wort,

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NutritionallyFIT which is typically used for depression may interact with not only antidepressant drugs but also those used to treat cancer and AIDS. Vitamin E, a common nutrient used by many, can reduce the blood’s ability to clot. This is the reason that doctors typically tell their patients to stop using vitamin E (and all supplements) before surgery. It is because of the side effects associated with supplements that many physicians now quiz their patients about their supplement habits before prescribing medications. Bottom Line: Yes some supplements may in fact help us as we grow older but the list is probably less than what you are currently taking. Only by staying educated on this topic, maintaining a close relationship with your personal physician, and working out can you help ensure you’re doing all you can to reach 104 years of age and beyond.

Supplement Questions To Ask Yourself

1. Is there any scientific research behind the product? 2. Was the research conducted on the product – or ingredients? Studies on the ingredients are not necessarily the same as that conducted on the product itself. 3. Has the product specifically been tested on older adults? 4. Does the product have any known side effects? 5. Does your doctor know you are taking this supplement? Joe Cannon, MS, CSCS, NSCA-CPT, is an exercise physiologist, personal trainer, and health educator. He is the author of Nutritional Supplements: What Works and Why. A Review from A to Zinc and Beyond, which evaluates the claims and evidence for over 100 popular supplements. Joe certifies personal trainers both locally and nationally via AAAI/ISMA, has written for several publications and has been a content consultant for Dateline NBC. Contact him at jcannon@

Are you coming to the PhillyFIT retreat? See details on inside front cover. 40 I PhillyFIT

November/December • 215-396-0268 •

The Intern’s TURN

GettingFit with Former Ms.Bikini USA


Melissa Hall has appeared on the cover of numerous fitness magazines including Oxygen Fitness Magazine and Natural Muscle.

rains and beauty are two words rarely associated with each other. In fact, it is often assumed that attractive women lack any intelligence. However, when PhillyFIT came across former Miss Bikini Universe, Melissa Hall, it was refreshing to meet a bright woman who doesn’t rely on looks alone to be successful and who proved the “bratty pageant girl” stereotype to be completely inaccurate.

Hall, thirty four, a former Miss Minnesota, visited the Philadelphia area in order to promote Slendertone, a form of EMS technology that helps to strengthen and build muscles. Hall is also trying to spread her knowledge and dedication to healthy eating and exercising to people all over the country.

Obesity is a condition that runs in Hall’s family. Growing up, her twin sister was the tiny one while Hall constantly struggled with her weight. She eventually made the decision to not end up with a lifelong battle with obesity and all the health risks that come along with it. As a dancer and cheerleader, healthy eating habits and a regular exercise routine also seemed like an obvious way to perform better. With this philosophy, one is bound to lose a few pounds. Hall was determined to be more than just a skinny twig. She completely transformed her body to be extremely toned and trim. Once her body was in top shape, Hall

decided to try out the pageant scene, quite a jump for someone who once struggled with her weight. The media often portrays pageants as breeding grounds for eating disorders and “catty” behavior. Conversely, Hall experienced the exact opposite. While she did encounter some negative people occasionally, pageants actually ended up being a very fun and positive experience. “I’ve always been a very upbeat person which helped me to deal with the negative people when they came along. I got so many more positive things out of all my pageant experiences,” said Hall. Hall has four pageant titles to her name including: Miss Minnesota 97’, Ms. Fitness Minnesota, Mrs. Minnesota America 2004, and Ms. Bikini Universe 2005. Fitness was such an important part of Hall’s life that she decided to make a career out of it. She became NESTA certified and works as a personal trainer at the gym she owns with her husband. She works to transform other people’s bodies like she was able to do for herself a

By Alison McNelis

few years back. She adheres to a healthy, but not completely restrictive diet, eating every 3-4 hours and being sure to include protein in each meal. While she always watches what she eats, she doesn’t cut any particular type of food out of her diet, (how refreshing!). She gets her fill of sweets and french fries on the weekends and then tries to avoid those kinds of foods during the week. “I’m definitely not into fad diets. It’s about lifestyle and

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The Intern’s TURN

Couples That Plan Together, Stay Together


2:51 PM

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being on a consistent plan,” commented Hall. As a trainer, Hall is always motivating other people to lose weight. While surgery is one option for weight loss, she encourages people to give healthy eating and exercise a try before taking such drastic, and in some cases, dangerous measures. “Weight loss is all about commitment and consistency. People trying to lose weight need to map out a plan and set realistic goals,” said Hall. The media is filled with images of women who are painfully thin and do nothing with their lives besides party and walk around looking pretty. It’s good to see a positive role model for young girls come along because these days society only glorifies the “party girl.” Alison McNelis is a senior journalism student at Temple University. She is currently the intern at PhillyFIT and is aspiring to someday work for Cosmopolitan.


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42 I PhillyFIT

November/December • 215-396-0268 •


SCOTT SEGAL: a new body, a new life I by Elizabeth Eisenstadt-Evans

magine looking at your old driver’s license and not recognizing yourself. “I don’t even remember that person,” says Richboro, PA, resident Scott Segal, a forty- year-old Internet ticket brokerage manager. Segal experiences that kind of disorientation when he looks at pictures taken more than three years ago-but it’s a happy kind of vertigo.

Three years ago, as chronicled in the January/February ’06 edition of PhillyFIT, Scott weighed 512 pounds. Seven years before that, Segal had “won” a WMMR contest as the “fattest Philadelphian,” weighing in at 497 pounds. Now the 6’ 2”Scott weighs 228 pounds (the weight he has put back on is muscle), and his percentage of body fat has gone from 44 to 23 percent. His resting heart rate is in the upper 40’s-low 50’s, that of a runner or athlete. What motivated him to shed 310 pounds and his old life? In 2003, he failed a cardiac stress test, a real wake-up call to a man in his prime. Scott also had diabetes and sleep apnea. When he began to see Yardley chiropractor Dr. Richard Berkowitz, Scott also had degenerative joint disease, says the doctor, who says he was treating him for muscular and skeletal ailments caused by years of being overweight. But it was a practical event that motivated him to change-not being able to buy a car he wanted. “It wasn’t what I could afford, it was what I could fit into,” says Scott. Enough was enough. His old ways were replaced by a new regimen. While losing weight on the Herbalife diet, Scott also began to work out five days a week at LA Fitness with trainer Keri Kiefer. “I hadn’t been in a gym for 16-17 years” says Scott, who had battled weight gain and loss his entire life. “Initially our goal was to drop his weight so that he felt more comfortable in his own skin,” says Keri. With that in mind, Scott did lots of repetitions at a lighter weight, with a focus on cardiovascular work. As he lost weight and wanted to be more effective at burning fat, Scott began to work out with heavier weights. He also incorporated kickboxing and swimming into his workouts.“Our regimen changes quite often. It has to in order to stick with our goals,” says Keri. ”If you stick to the same regimen, your body will get used to it, and not notice it anymore.” One effect of his huge weight loss was an unsightly amount of loose skin and fat. Wanting to look as fabulous as he was beginning to feel, Scott went to see Dr. Robert Skalicky, a board certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon. Dr. Skalicky specializes in all aspects of facial, breast, and body contouring surgery. He has seen a definite rise in the number of weight loss patients in his practice. “Because of the variety of diet programs, exercise regimens, and surgical weight loss procedures performed today, body and facial contouring surgeries have risen dramatically in my practice” said Dr. Skalicky. Scott was evaluated by Dr. Skalicky at Bucks County Plastic Surgery Center. A multi-stage surgical plan was devised. The first stage involved a procedure called abdominoplasty, better known as “tummy tuck.” This procedure was performed to remove the excess hanging skin on Scott’s lower abdomen and sides. Stages two and three involved skin removal from other regions of Scott’s body including his chest, back, thighs, and arms. “Weight loss patients have a skin covering that is equivalent to wearing oversized clothing on all aspects of their body. My job is to lift, tighten,

and tailor the skin covering to fit the patients new frame” explains Dr. Skalicky. Scott’s surgeries were performed at The Aesthetic Institute at DSI Bucks County hospital in Bensalem, PA, where Dr. Skalicky serves as Medical Director. (The Aesthetic Institute was developed as a multi-specialty plastic surgery hospital for all aspects of face, breast, and body contouring procedures.) “It was designed to provide patients with the highest level of plastic surgery care in a 5 star “hotel-like” setting, the first hospital of this type in the country” said Dr. Skalicky. Scott spent several days at the Institute during his first stage of recovery, where, Dr. Skalicky said, the relaxed and nurturing atmosphere is beneficial as patients start on the road to a new life. In all, he has had 75 inches and 35 pounds of skin and fat removed. Over the summer Scott has recovered from the second surgery. This fall, he is returning to work out with Keri, this time with the goal of doing some serious bodybuilding. Scott is no longer a borderline diabetic. His episodes of sleep apnea are past. Asked if he was startled by the transformation, Dr. Berkowitz said: “I was extremely surprised. The dedication is takes to go from a sedentary to a rigorous routine, without a gastric bypass is very rare.” As challenging as it is to loss such large amounts of weight, both Dr. Berkowitz and Scott are saying that changing one’s diet and exercise habits has the potential to be a much longer-lasting lifestyle change than a bypass alone. “We are very proud of him,” said Dr. Berkowitz, who says he says Scott only once or twice a month now. Scott is saving money to buy his own home and dating again with the goal (listen up, all you Bucks County ladies) of finding a marriage partner in the next few years. And, oh, that car? He’s driving a Buick Ranier SUV. Months after he made the choice to find the new Scott, he had slimmed down enough to fit into it. For Scott Segal, life is now about making choices-to be healthy, strong and in charge-instead of having them made, as they once were, for him.

Elizabeth Eisenstadt Evans is a Glenmoore, PA-based features writer, book- reviewer and religion columnist. She’s a recreational runner who uses that as an excuse for why she is such a klutz at yoga. Contact her at

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43 I PhillyFIT



Mike Andrus and Bob Mattis of Safe Day Studio in Huntingdon Valley Bob Goldman and Maryalice Cheney of Philadelphia on Forbidden Drive Pat Feracco of Conshohocken and Nick DiDomenico of Plymouth Meeting at Plymouth Meeting Community Center

Sierra Gorey of Royersford

Brian Scott of Philly Love Ultimate Frisbee

44 I PhillyFIT

November/December • 215-396-0268 •


60 year old Donna Hahl of Valley Stream, NY at the Philadelphia Distance Run

Hailey Grawe of Eagleville and Sarah Moyer of Phoenixville during tap class at Dansarts Studio in Audubon

Duane Freed of Telford at Genesis Fitness Centre in Harleysville

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Amie Burry, daughter Anya and son Owen participate in the Mommy and Me class at Yoga Allie in Royersford


November/December • 215-396-0268 •


45 I PhillyFIT


Each issue, PhillyFIT Magazine, looks at the local triathlon and multisport scene to give you the best advice on what is out there and where to go. I am going to do my best to fill Steve Brown’s shoes and at the same time, add a little tweak.


abor Day has come and gone. We all feel like the summer is over and there goes our play time. Well, you are all wrong. We have such opportunities to get outside and STILL do some fall triathlons, duathlons and venture into other multi-sport challenges. Fall does bring colder weather; however, there is an adventure in wearing a wetsuit to keep you warm for the last triathlons of the season. The adventure of what to wear biking and what to strip off for that run is a challenge as well. Clothing is very sophisticated for all kinds of weather. Light weight clothing keeps your core warm, but does not get heavy when soaked is in abundance. Cycling and feet are always a challenge when it gets cooler. Booties are a simple, sock like garment that can slip over the front part of the foot for cool temps or full booties for colder temps. Jackets and/or sleeveless vests are great for the bike and run portions of multisports. Clothing “pieces” called arm and leg warmers are also good to wear for a tri,du and run events. The arm warmers fit on your arms to your elbows, and the leg warmers fit up to mid thighs. Both 46 I PhillyFIT

can be stripped off without having to lug around a full jacket and/or full tights. Triathlons can still be found, until early November, in some warmer climates without too much travel through www. and Duathlons are a great fall challenge. There is not a swim in a duathlon. Run-bike-run is the usual order of the distances. I hesitate to say it is easier without the swim as two runs with a bike between may be good for the chill in the air, but to call on those already spent leg muscles is indeed different. The second run tends to feel like your legs are tired and weighed down and you seem to wait forever for them to come around. Unlike a triathlon, the legs on that second run are tired and used. Practice before your first duathlon would be a good idea. Try a two mile run, a five mile bike and a two mile run. You will see where your work begins!

Running is what fall is all about.

Right in our backyard is the Philadelphia ½ marathon in September and the full Monty - The Philadelphia Marathon is in November. For those not quite ready for thirteen or more miles of running, there are countless 5k’s and 10k’s in the tri state area. Runner’s World Magazine has great listings and race page advertisements. Your local running stores will always have race applications and info boards to see

where and what is out there. They will also show you the best shoe for your foot size, strike and activity: road or trail. Online you can use and

Remember to Train Smart. Summer may have been a lot of Sprint or Olympic tri distances. The run in those can be 5k or 10k . A ½ marathon is thirteen miles and the marathon is twenty six miles. Beware not to jump too ahead but rather keep a steady training program to increase the distance and decrease your chances of getting hurt. There is always that simple rule of thumb not to increase your weekly mileage more than five percent. October 5 -7th is a great walking challenge for a good cause: Fight against Cancer. Right here in Philadelphia is a three day walk, averaging twenty miles a day. Don’t sit on the sofa reading this and say to yourself that is too easy. Go ahead and start walking and let me know when you have reached 5-8 miles and then realize that is not quite half the distance covered in one of three days. Your body takes less stress walking as it is not pounding the turf. Time may slip by a little slower but hey, you are walking for three days, challenging yourself to stay outside, going beyond typical daily mileage and trying to raise money to help with our research and efforts to rid this world of cancer.

November/December • 215-396-0268 •

PhysicallyFIT Cyclecross is a great multisport. It is a form of bike racing on pavement, in wooded trails, on grass, up hills and with various obstacles in the way. One may have to dismount and transport the bike at times to navigate the course. Check out www. and look up PA to get some area events. FRISBEE - I bet you all know how to throw a Frisbee. Did you know there is a game out there played with a Frisbee and seems similar to soccer in endurance with football passing skills? It is called Ultimate and the object is to catch the Frisbee in your opponent’s end zone. It was developed right here in Haverford, PA - years ago by a group of students at The Haverford School. There is no fancy equipment such as bikes or wetsuits. The one great feature is all the running and moving you do back and forth on the field. You can have pick up games at the local sports fields with no huge entry fees, no cold water and it’s a great way to cross train during the winter. Cross Training - will be the focus of my next article. We will be in the throws of “off season” and will certainly have to get some motivation and ideas of what to do during the winter to stay in shape and to also get some new routines to improve our goals for the next season. Me personally? I have six weeks left in my season with two huge races: Duathlon Long Course Nationals to qualify for Duathon Long Course Worlds. At this writing, I was going to do a half Iron Man over the weekend. Work has been hard and long days, so I will skip the one-half and get some much needed rest AND still go out for a two hour run and a fifty mile bike ride. Remember, train smart! The results are fantastic if you listen to your body and review your workload. If you push too hard for results on all days of the week, the body will cave in eventually. I cannot emphasize enough to “listen” to your mood. Fatigue, irritability and lack of appetite are all signals to pick your best days and soar. Remember my mantra “moment.” Enjoy YOUR moment and make the best of your health and fitness.


Annie Mitchell is a Philadelphia age group tri/ duathlete. Mitchell runs the spin program and does personal training at The Aquatic and Fitness Center in Bala Cynwyd. Annie has competed from local to world level and is currently ranked 3rd in the nation and world 50-54 age group duathlete. Her mantra: “moment.” She can be reached at


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November/December • 215-396-0268 •

47 I PhillyFIT

Holiday Pet Ideas Dr. Leah Garlan

It’s that time of year again! To make this holiday shopping season easier, I have put together a variety of gifts to spoil your pets this holiday season.



Treat your best friend to a day at the groomers. There’s nothing better than a fluffy & clean dog. If your dog is older or you don’t have the time, mobile groomers are available right at your doorstep.


A great gift for dogs of all ages but is especially great for older dogs with achy joints. As winter approaches cold weather affects their movement and slippery surfaces make them prone to falling. Chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture and massage are great alternative options.


There are great photographers and artists all over the city and many times they are at special animal events. A beautiful photograph, album or portrait of your animal will be enjoyed by many and will be cherished forever.

*STOCKING STUFFERS New Dog Collar and Leash Balls and Toys Healthy dog bones and chewies Grooming Products


Plush beds that your dog will love! I never met a dog that doesn’t love a new dog bed plus it’s healthy to get rid of old ones from time to time.


Healing Heart Organic dog treats are made from 100% organic ingredients. 48I PhillyFIT

Buy them pre-made or buy the ingredients and make it fun for the whole family. Find these and many more at


Milkshake Crafts is now offering custom made picture frames, magnets and wall squares. You can give these as a gift or buy them to honor all the pets in your family. Also offering new memorial custom frames to remember the pets no longer here with you. Visit The most important part of the holiday season is to spend time loving your pets. If you’re busy entertaining this holiday season, make sure to give your animals some quiet time to adjust to all the added excitement.

Wishing you and your family a safe and enjoyable Holiday Season. Dr. J. Leah Garlan is a licensed chiropractor specializing in chiropractic care for animals. She is certified by the American Veterinary Chiropractic Association (AVCA) and practices in Bucks County at the Silverdale Wellness Center. For more information or to contact Dr. Garlan, please email

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November/December • 215-396-0268 •

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49 I PhillyFIT

! N O I T U CA


By Lawrence A. Rebbecchi Jr., VMD


Be careful how you deck your halls! The holiday season is generally a time of family togetherness in which even our pets participate. One’s thoughts generally are far from thoughts of injury; however, one must be aware of some important seasonal hazards in order to insure a happy holiday season. RIBBONS & TINSEL These are of special interest to playful cats and kittens who see these materials as toys (or prey) to be chased, pounced upon, chewed or swallowed. While chasing and pouncing pose no health threats, chewing and swallowing do, as these strings or “linear foreign bodies” can catch in the GI tract, leading to bunching of intestine as the body tries in vain to move the string or ribbon through. This is a life-threatening condition requiring surgery for correction. Supervise animals who play with string closely. ELECTRIC LIGHT CORDS These are also tempting to cats who like to play with string as well as to puppies who are teething and interested in chewing. If a pet bites through an electrical cord, it could result in a severe burn to the tongue which causes the pet’s lung to fill with fluid, causing respiratory distress. This is also an emergency requiring immediate veterinary attention.

stance and keep it inaccessible to pets and children. COOKING Keep pets out of the kitchen during the hustle and bustle of the season. The last thing you want is for someone you love to get underfoot and get burned from spillage. DIETARY INDISCRETION We all like to include our pets in Holiday meals along with the rest of the family, but try to keep in mind that sudden rich diet changes are likely to upset a pet’s stomach. Vomiting and diarrhea are not uncommon. If leftovers are of an especially fatty nature, the pancreas may become inflamed and overloaded. This condition is serious and may require hospitalization.

Lawrence A. Rebbecchi Jr., VMD owns and operates Philadelphia Animal Hospital on 65th and Lindbergh Blvd in Southwest Philadelphia. He is a graduate of Texas A&M University and received his veterinary degree from The University of Pennsylvania in 1990.

CHOCOLATE Many people do not realize that chocolate can be a poison. Unsweetened baking chocolate carries a much higher dose of the toxin “theobromine” than does milk chocolate, but even normal milk chocolate can be dangerous; a small dog sharing candy can wind up in big trouble. Clinical signs of chocolate poisoning include hyperexcitability, nervousness, vomiting, and diarrhea and death. POINSETTIA Consuming this festive-looking plant can be irritating to the mouth and stomach of the dog or cat that chews on or eats it. Contrary to popular belief, poinsettia is not specifically toxic. MISTLETOE The fact that there are several types of mistletoe makes it difficult to predict the clinical signs of poisoning. Some mistletoes produce only stomach upset while others may lead to liver failure or seizuring. Consider mistletoe to be a hazardous sub-

Mon-Fri: 7:30 am to 3:30pm Saturdays: 8:00am to 2:00pm

50 I PhillyFIT

November/December • 215-396-0268 •

BAKERY & MARKETPLACE FOR DOGS Now Open in Olde Ridge Village Rte. 202, Chadds Ford, PA Featuring Fresh Baked Gourmet Dog Treats & Unique Gift Items for Good Dogs & Cats BF628_All_about_pets_clr.qxd 10/15/07 5:08 PM Page XXX (JHHZ#JUFT DPN t %0(4










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November/December • 215-396-0268 •

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Silverdale Wellness Center Dr. J. Leah Garlan

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November/December • 215-396-0268 •

53 I PhillyFIT


Toxoplasmosis Pregnancy


By Lawrence A. Rebbecchi Jr., VMD


Toxoplasmosis is the disease syndrome caused by a protozoan organism called Toxoplasma gondii. It affects most animals (most notably sheep, cats, and humans), but even insects, fish, and earthworms may be carriers. Because of the risk to an unborn child, many medical doctors go so far as to recommend that pregnant women do not keep cats as pets.


A human with an acute Toxoplasma infection experiences varying degrees of illness: fever, swollen lymph nodes, muscle stiffness, joint pain, swollen liver, and spleen (manifested as a sore upper abdomen). These symptoms may be so mild as to go unnoticed. Illness lasts 1 to 12 weeks and is often dismissed as a bad cold or mononucleosis. However, if the person infected is a pregnant woman, the Toxoplasma organism may cross the placenta. The amount of damage done depends on the stage of pregnancy at the time of infection. Infection in early pregnancy may result in miscarriage or stillbirth. Infection in early pregnancy may result in a child with varying degrees of blindness (due to inflamed retina) and/or various severe neurological conditions including hydrocephalus, microcephaly, and retardation. Sometimes problems are not evident at birth and show up late in life. Fortunately, only 30% to 40% of infections in pregnant women result in damage to the fetus. The problems described above occur only when someone is infected with Toxoplasma for the first time; that is, a person who has already had the infection is not likely to get sick again nor is she likely to transmit the organism to an unborn child. (It is estimated that one third of the U.S. population has already had toxoplasmosis.) In general, people who do experience more than one acute episode are severely immunosuppressed (as from AIDS or cancer therapy.)


There are two basic forms of toxoplasma organism: the oocyst, which is shed in the cat feces, and the Toxoplasma tissue stages, which live in the flesh of such food animals as hogs and lambs. A person who inadvertently eats either of these forms of Toxoplasma is liable to become infected. 54 I PhillyFIT


Not necessarily. The form of infection which is contagious to humans is the intestinal form in which the cat sheds oocysts in its feces. The cat may or may not show diarrhea. Cats may experience an acute illness similar to that which humans experience, however, in adults cats, symptoms are usually mild and go unnoticed. This form of infection is not contagious to humans, though a pregnant cat could transmit the disease to her kittens.


The cat has probably been over-emphasized as a carrier of toxoplasma; most human infections result from eating tissue stages of Toxoplasma in undercooked meat. Usually a cat will only shed oocysts after the first infection of Toxoplasma; a cat that has already had a toxoplasma infection usually will not re-shed the oocysts unless its immune system has been compromised (as through the feline leukemia virus infection or drugs.) Cats shedding oocysts generally do so for 5 to 14 days. Oocysts require 24 to 48 hours to sporulate; that is, grow into a form which is dangerous to people. For this reason, the cat’s litter box should be changed daily or twice daily. Dangerous oocysts when gardening. Note that freezing weather will not reliably kill dangerous oocysts in soil nor will freezing meat kill the dangerous tissue forms. Your cat may be tested to see if he/she has already had toxoplasmosis; a cat that has already been infected is unlikely to shed dangerous oocysts in the future.


1. Probably the most important thing is to be careful when cooking raw meat, especially lamb and pork. DO NOT EAT MEAT OR TASTE MEAT BEFORE IT IS FINISHED COOKING. 2. Wash your hands after handling your cat and his/her litter box.

November/December • 215-396-0268 •


Marisa J. Scully

3. Do not allow your cat to eat raw meat. Feed only commercial cat food and do not allow your cat outside to hunt. 4. Change the litter box daily or twice daily. It is best of course, if someone else changes the box while you are pregnant.

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5. Do not dump the litter box into the backyard. Always wear rubber gloves when gardening.

specific needs of you and your dog.

Achieving communication between people and their pets, because you both deserve it.

1IPOF 6. Do not allow the cats access to barns where food animals Phone 267.253.9273 NBSJTB TDVMMZ6HNBJM DPN are kept. This is how food animals get infected. 7. Do not drink raw milk, especially goat’s milk Although it is possible to get toxoplasmosis from cats, no correlation has been found between cat ownership and toxoplasma infection. There is, however, a very strong association between Toxoplasma infection and working with raw meat as in a slaughterhouse or as a butcher. Be careful handling raw meat. Massage is an excellent way to enhance your pet’s well being, performance, and overall body condition.


Tune your pet up for the winter with a massage! Holiday gift certificates available! 10% off a massage with this ad. Carol McCoy Small Animal Massage Practitioner 215-453-9096

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November/December • 215-396-0268 •

55 I PhillyFIT



DISC DECOMPRESSION THERAPY A Highly Successful, Non-Surgical Solution for Effectively Treating Disabling Low Back, Neck and Radiating Arm and Leg Pain.

If you are one of the millions of Americans who suffer from lower back or neck pain, you know how debilitating it can be. Burning, shooting nerve pains and muscles in constant spasm make even the simplest movement an ordeal. Often, just finding a comfortable position is virtually impossible. Traditional treatment starts with medication and bed rest and ends with the prospect of surgery – a painful, expensive, frightening experience. Treatments such as acupuncture, epidural injections, hot/cold therapy, massage and other "therapeutic" techniques may offer limited relief. Considerable research has produced a relatively new therapy that is upwards of 80% effective in treating intervertebral disc problems. This treatment, known as Decompression Therapy, has opened the floodgates of new patients to Tri County Pain Management and Precision Pain Management Centers. Decompression Therapy is a traction-based procedure that relieves pain associated with disc herniation, degenerative discs, posterior facet and compression-related syndromes. It also enhances the healing process and renders quick, effective and amazing pain relief that enables most patients to return to a more active lifestyle! It is an FDA-cleared procedure, and most insurances cover traction therapy. Decompression occurs as a result of an improved understanding of how to reliably cause the spine to "unload". The vertebral separation causes a vacuum or a centripetal force in the disc, which results in a "negative systolic pressure". This "vacuum effect" helps in the retraction (pulling in) of the extruded disc material. I PhillyFIT I X X X56I PhillyFIT PhillyFIT

When the disc retracts it can stop putting pressure on the spinal nerve or spinal cord. Thus the term "Decompression." Once the nerve is decompressed, 80% of patients will notice a decrease in arm/leg pain. Someone who has previously not found relief through other treatments is a perfect candidate for this treatment. Decompression Therapy may also be useful in determining the overall prognosis of passive care and expediting the phase-in of rehab protocols. Clinical findings suggest Decompression will create a relatively quick initial response. Patients who will do well tend to feel a sense of relief (which can be direct pain cessation or a centralization of pain and/or reduction to an ache or stiffness) within six sessions. Full relief, if attainable through this passive treatment, will usually be in as soon as a few weeks. (Occasionally a "stubborn" pain syndrome may continue to improve slowly over 15 sessions, though this is not the norm.) Often, patients wl be treated in 4-6 sessions and notice enough relief to allow active rehab to begin. Their Decompression may continue (pre- or postrehab depending on the methods chosen) for 4-6 further sessions before discontinuing or reducing the frequency. Typical frequency is 3-5 times per week. The extent and seriousness of the symptoms will determine if more than 3 sessions per week should be used. Treatments only take about 25-30 minutes, and again, most insurance companies cover them.

For more information on how you can benefit from the Decompression Therapy System (DTS), call Tri County Pain Management Center 215-957-5400 or the Precision Pain Management Center at 215-657-9393.

November/December 215--396 396--0268 0268 November/December I 215-396-0268 I November/December •• 215 ••

X I PhillyFIT



oal. That’s what I typically get in my stocking. No need to check twice. I’ve been bad. However, on the good years, I almost wish I could pick my own stocking stuffers — ones that I had been eyeing over a stretch of 364 long days — ones that speak to me and my specific needs and wants. I know, not what the holiday is all about. Well, you better watch out, there are some pretty great beauty products and ideas (with local roots) that would tickle just about any gal. Because there’s nothing really like receiving a gift when you know that the gift-giver truly thought about your personal needs and likes. Here are a few of our niche favorite unique beauty stuffers!

By Jami Tryer it’s all over my body. Plan a sexy night with your significant other and explain that a hot tan goes really well with nothing at all. Drop hints around how gift certificates would make such a nice stocking stuffer!

For the Curly Girlie

In 1987 Wendi Levy graduated with me from Atlantic City High. She was/is gorgeous and entrepreneurial. I knew that one day she’d hit it big, and alas, she has. She’s teamed up with LA friend Kim Etheredge (also gorge) to create a distinctive hair care product Stand By Your Tan line. Whether you’re AfricanAmerican, White, Asian, New to Center City Philadelphia this year, Latin, Mediterranean, or Sun Myst Tanning Studios specialize in any glorious combination customized airbrushing, and they have of the above, you’ll love the Mystic Spray Booth (the real deal) the way these nonwhich gives you an instant tan in less sticky, lightweight, than sixty seconds! Wow! You can products leave feel like a celeb, and schedule your hair an in-home airbrush tan, or inviting to host your own airbrush touch as party and the host is they define free! They also offer the and lock “Cocktail” which is an eightmoisture into minute turbo tan followed by every curl. The an airbrush or mystic. They were “Mixed Chicks” featured in Allure Magazine recently product line as one of the top fifteen places to get invites all women an airbrush tan. Customized airbrushing to be a proud part means one-on-one special attention. Tip: of their respective, wear a thong and topless – they’ve got good multiracial movements – ventilation. Every inch of you will dry a the shampoos and leave-in sexy bronze hue. See results right away! But conditioners are as great as the best to wait eight hours. What’s the active company’s philosophy! Call (818) ingredient? DHA is an FDA approved natural 461.8160 or log on to: mixedchicks. substance derived from sugarcane plants. Get net. Lose the frizz, keep the curl! that “I’ve been to Miami” look at 209 South Bottom Line: Leave the homepage 20th between Locust and Walnut. Call (215) of mixed chicks website on hubby’s 545-5010. Ask for my buddy, Marilyn Kellmer. computer – he’ll get it…unless he’s as Bottom Line: I love winter white, just not when thick as your hair! November/December • 215-396-0268 • 57 I PhillyFIT


Making Up is The Best Part Ursula Augustine never set out to be a makeup artist. The North Philly native, forty-five, studied computers at St. Joseph’s University with the intention of becoming a computer programmer. It wasn’t until she started applying her friends’ makeup in her college dorm room that Augustine realized she had a talent for making people pretty. This past year, she opened About PHace, a professional makeup salon at 17th and Sansom Streets. Augustine has developed her own makeup and skin-care line: Ursula’s About PHace Antioxidant, Vitamin and Mineral Cosmetic. (The “PH” is for both the pH balancing of the skin and Philly.) The premise behind the make up is simple. It’s all about going back to basics. People are doing too much, microderm, sandblasting, chemical peels, and if their skin could talk, it would say, “Stop!” About PHace is a natural-based skin-care and makeup line that regulates pH. Clients can see the results because we test pH before and after. Expect an herbal tea station and a meditation area outfitted with titanium mats and cushions that offer lumbar support. Tall vases made of banana bark sit on bookshelves.In the back is a studio replete with natural light. Get signature makeover is $75. At About PHace, she says, “Makeovers are face lifts.” Something happens when people get a makeover that makes them feel so good,” Augustine said. “I like taking people to the level I know they can be at, but that they don’t know that

they can be at.” Bottom Line: Hint about how gift certificates are available. You can use them either for products or services! 1700 Sansom Street, 2nd floor, 267-546-6617;

Skin is In Main Line mom, entrepreneur, and daughter of Flyers/ Sixers owner Ed Snider isn’t a talker. She’s a doer. After seeing the harsh skin effects of radiation and chemotherapy on friends (including singer/songwriter Lauren Hart), Snider founded Lindi Skin — a line of skin-care products specifically formulated for cancer patients. 

Today, half of Lindi’s customers are non-patients who appreciate the line’s antioxidant and anti-aging ingredients. I sampled most of her extraordinary products over a four-week period (even though I am not undergoing radiation) and was amazed at the results. The Face Serum particularly blew me away. The company’s philosophy? Feeling good about yourself is important anytime, but especially when experiencing side effects from cancer treatments. Lindi Skin is dedicated to developing a complete line of skin care products specifically formulated for people (men too) undergoing chemotherapy or radiation treatment. Created in conjunction with renowned scientists, patients, cancer survivors, and leading doctors, their products are excellent for anyone interested in high-quality skin care. They have designed attractive packaging that looks like the highend cosmetic skin care line that it is. People on treatment who use Lindi Skin products continue to use them long after treatment has been completed. Bottom Line: Sadly, most of us know someone who has been affected by the harsh effects of treatments. Bottom Line: Do something extremely thoughtful and stuff a very special stocking this year. It will make you feel good that you’re making someone else feel good. Call (610) 649-3900 for a catalog; or log onto to order products. Jami Tryer is a freelance writer, who grew up in Margate, N.J., but has been a Center City Philly resident since 1991. She is a partner with Munroe Creative Partners, a well-known graphic design firm, where she is a Senior Project Manager and helps to develop new business. For PhillyFIT, Jami has countered the myth that dining out can be frighteningly fattening in her column. Contact

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November/December • 215-396-0268 •

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“Circle of Infinity, Circle of Simplicity, Circle of Beginnings, Circle of Endings, Emptienss with Fullness, All Things Visible, All Things Unseen, To End and to Begin.” ~the Circle of Life – Zen Haiku

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Are you coming to the PhillyFIT retreat? See details on inside front cover.

November/December • 215-396-0268 •

59 I PhillyFIT

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November/December • 215-396-0268 •

PhillyFIT Magazine was put to another challenge. Challenge Team: Susan McInerney, Lloyd Yancey, Claudine Ascher, and Charles Peeples.

CelluvationChallenge By Susan McInerney

Imagine my delight, the week I turned fifty, a wonderful opportunity arose to do a challenge for a product called Celluvation. Celluvation promises, “To reverse the damage to complexions from modern-day stress, lifestyle choices and environmental pollution. Elimination of modern day stress, sign me up! Although I feel good and healthy for my age, my skin has taken a beaten over the years from my less than stellar ‘lifestyle choices’. Our challenge team consisted of myself, Lloyd Yancey, Claudine Ascher and Charles Peeples. We were each given the Celluvation product to use over a four week period, asked to take a before photo and finish with an after head shot to compare the results. After the first week of my simple regimen, I noticed that some of the lines began to fill in and that my face had a different ‘glow’. Friends and family began to comment that there was something different about my appearance, but weren’t quite sure what it was. After a month, definite changes in texture and appearance were evident. My complexion was more radiant and many of the lines from sun damage had decreased significantly. This product was easy to use, non evasive and refreshing. Claudine had this to say about her experience with the challenge, “Celluvation is a definite innovative approach to skin care. My skin goes through a lot of abuse during the course of a day. Not only do I own a restaurant, but I also work there six days a week. My face is bombarded nonstop with grease and stress. The Celluvation product almost seemed to ‘rebirth’ my skin. My face is smoother and I suffered no frequent outbreaks while using Celluvation, something I experience often in my environment. The Celluvation process is easy to use and makes you more aware of the importance of the health of your skin. It is a great product to keep your skin ‘fit’.” While the product was easy to use (we simply had to mix the ingredients, place it on our faces for fifteen minutes daily, rinse and finish with a refreshing spray), would the men on our team have the same positive experience? Lloyd commented, “I wasn’t used to having to do a fifteen minute regimen on my skin, and being a typical guy, I wanted something fast and easy. I thought it might not ‘fit in my time schedule’, but I have to admit, I think it’s worth it. I noticed IMMEDIATELY the

texture of my skin was incredibly soft. Considering I have never used facial products, I couldn’t believe it. I am curious now to use it for a few more months (yes, I am going to purchase it and give it a fair run). After a month, it appears to be working. While I am not sure how exactly, my skin is noticeably better. I like it!” Our fourth challenger, Charles, had a little tougher time getting into the new routine of doing a daily facial. However, the photos seem to show an improvement. “I am not sure if I lost any wrinkles, but check out the photos and you be the judge.” Claudine loved the simplicity of the product and added, “The Celluvation process is easy to use and makes you more aware of the importance of the health of your skin. It is a great product to keep your skin “fit”. In conclusion, while I am not saying I look thirty, it was amazing to see how the product made real changes in my appearance. I do however feel damn good for fifty. Thank you Celluvation! Celluvation is available for sale at or by calling 877-209-2646. You can also purchase the product from:

The Body Klinic 2012 Walnut Street Rittenhouse Square Philadelphia, PA 19103 (215) 563-8888

Ask for Michael Frey, their Celluvation Expert.

November/December • 215-396-0268 •

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AstrologicallyFIT DescriptionFIT


with Elizabeth Joyce November/December The Personal Signs Aries (3/21 - 4/20) November is a quiet month with routine challenges in your life. Although you may experience occasional domestic tension after the 15th as you prepare for the Thanksgiving Holiday, this influence is likely to be more internal than external. You may feel as though nothing is moving forward in your personal life. Instead of worrying and seeing this as an obstacle, relax, kick back and enjoy the holiday with your family and loved ones. Although this time of year isn’t the best for travel, you could benefit health wise from a short getaway. Even if you stay home instead of heading out of town, the timing is perfect to strengthen ties with loved ones. Watch and protect your money and personal items carefully if you are on the road. If you’re single, a new love interest could enter your life at month’s end.

like mid-month. Emphasize patience and curb frustrations, rather than attempt to get things moving. For whatever reason, now is not the time to push forward. Allow yourself to kick back, enjoy the Thanksgiving Holiday, and allow matters to develop on their own, at the universe’s pace. Remind yourself to schedule your health checkups after the holiday weekend, especially a trip to the dentist. Besides peace of mind, you’ll gain the incentive to adapt a healthier lifestyle as the Holiday Season opens. Holiday socializing moves into high gear, which can spark a new romance for many of you Cancer singles. It’s time to plan to host a party. Plan a special weekend to honor yourself, your children, family and close friends as well as a get-together for extended family. Your career may be in a slow down phase, and if you are waiting to hear about a raise or job offer, it may be put on hold until early next year.

Taurus (4/21-5/21) You may feel that life has come to a grinding halt after the 15th because everyone is focused on preparing for the Thanksgiving Holiday. Expect plans, projects, and decisions to be put on hold, and do all you can to accomplish work before then. You may find yourself lost in thought the last half of November. It is time for some self-renewal as you slow your mind, tune out extraneous information and listen to your inner voice and intuition. This will help you manage your health along with periodic stress and frustration. You’ll especially enjoy your family and loved ones over the holiday weekend. Take one step further and get acquainted with new people. Socialize with friends and neighbors. Watch out for some stress on the job at month’s end. Cover your facts with back-up and documentation.

Leo (7/23-8/22) Because you are an active fire sign, it may be hard for you to slow down your pace, Leo. That is your challenge for this month. You and the rest of the world will experience a slow down as projects, plans and decisions are put on hold. Save yourself some frustration; go with the flow and allow things to happen. Remember, it’s useless to fight the universe, and doing so can impair your health. Begin to de-stress before bedtime as winter approaches. It is even more important now to take your health care a step further. Develop yourself from within and get in touch with your innermost desires and motivations. Be aware of what blocks personal success during this powerful process of self-understanding. You get the best of the Thanksgiving Holiday offerings; socializing at home and out and about. Romance and leisure may add more dates to your social calendar. You’ll also want to revise, review and update various work projects before month’s end.

Gemini (5/21-6/20) Work and relationships bring you a few challenges this month, but nothing that a few precautions won’t prevent or resolve. Try to stay on the sidelines if you see a power struggle developing. Be cautious of anyone who comes on too strong and tries to play up to your ego. Chances are, there’s a hidden motive involved and one you want no part of. You will have the will power to lose a few pounds, or at least limit your holiday treats. A spa or gym membership might be a good investment, for your health as well as the opportunity to meet new people. Social events, dating, outings and warm get-togethers continue to fill your calendar. Close relationships, family, partners and friends are in focus over the Thanksgiving weekend. Although you can expect some minor communication rough spots, you can do a lot to smooth things over. Money is tight so be careful of your spending. Cancer (6/21-7/22) Life and events may not progress as quickly as you’d

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Virgo (8/23-9/22) As the universe begins to slow down a bit, you are okay with the flow. You can show more interest and spend time with those you love, as well as work, and your own interests. What you’ll find frustrating as we approach the Thanksgiving Holiday is the lack of momentum in many people around you that will delay projects, plans and decisions. Relax and do what you can to get things moving without causing yourself stress and strain. Journaling is a terrific way to work out stress, resolve personal issues, and explore your hopes and desires. It is satisfying and good for your health to express yourself, and this is a very personal and private way to do so. You spend cherished time with family and friends during the Holiday, and perhaps with some neighbors as well. Romance can find you at month’s end. Praise on the job and a small raise may come your way as well.

November/December • 215-396-0268 •

AstrologicallyFIT Libra (9/23-10/22) Projects slow down mid-month and you’ll feel the strongest effect in your career life, where frustrations rises as projects are delayed and decisions put on hold. Your best bet is to accept the inevitable reality and let matters unfold in their own time and in their own way. If a new position is your goal, it is okay to send out resumes, but don’t expect anything to develop much before February. A relaxing weekend getaway is a welcome and much needed break in the midst of the holiday season. Manage it if you can around the Thanksgiving Holiday weekend. If that’s impossible, do an on-line search for potential winter vacation destinations, or sign up for Jami’s Winter Health Retreat, to satisfy your urge for new horizons. Your powers of attraction are at their best from now through December, Libra. Make the most of this and plan to welcome your heart’s desire into your life. You are popularity plus at social gatherings and delight in magical romantic moments with your lover. You could earn a raise or receive a financial bonus or gift at month’s end, but beware of investment advice from a friend. Hang on to your cash. Scorpio (10/ 23-11/22) Information is tough to come by after the 15th. Expect travel delays, confusion and unexpected cancellation of plans through the end of January. Also you can expect periodic slowdowns on the job, when projects lose momentum and decisions are postponed. Dream, set high goals, and be ready to launch new personal endeavors as you experience a new beginning this month, Scorpio. It’s a terrific time to pamper yourself. Indulge in the royal treatment at a spa, or treat yourself to a coveted item. See friends early in the month because as the Thanksgiving Holiday approaches you may want to step out of the social scene until sometime next month. Plan evenings and weekends for two as love and togetherness kindle your famous passion. Time to take a close look at finances at month’s end. If you have debt, try to create a plan to eliminate it, as well as to increase savings and retirement funds. Sagittarius (11/23-12/21) You’ll want to monitor expenses and keep a close eye on your budget from now right through January, Sag. This could interfere with the holidays a bit. Get creative and use your imagination to dream up ideal, yet inexpensive gifts for all but the closest in your life. If possible, put major financial decisions, including investments, benefits and insurance, off until early February. You’ll probably want to spend more time alone, which may be good for your health at this time. You will get more rest and a slower pace can help to prevent a cold or the flu. Try to reserve some evenings alone by yourself in the midst of this busy social season. You’ll have plenty of invitations to fill your calendar, but choose the best of the best and decline what doesn’t interest you. Surround yourself with positive energy. This will help attract the same in return. At month’s end you could spark a new friendship, job contract, or love relationship. Capricorn (12/22-1/19) Your close relationships will be prone to ups and downs between the 15th and the end of January. Family members may be more sensitive at times and need your reassurance. Choose your words with care to help prevent misunderstandings. Think before you react because first impressions can be based on assumptions rather than fact. With the Thanksgiving Holiday comes the temptation to put a healthy

lifestyle on hold. Keep that tendency in check with a healthy and important compromise. Sample everything, but focus on the nutritious food, and be sure to plan for at least moderate exercise. Get your holiday plans started early in the month before your calendar and everyone else’s begins to fill up. At work, you can sail through some days, but others will require finesse and all of your people skills in order to keep things on an even keel. Aquarius (1/20-2/18) The workplace and communication fluctuates and at times grinds to a halt between the 15th and the end of January, Aquarius. This can delay progress on some projects, but what may frustrate you the most is indecision. Besides interrupting your work flow, you’ll have difficulty motivating others to take action. Be flexible, visualize the outcome, and do the best you can. You’ll want to take time to release stress and build-up associated with this energy. Don’t overdo your exercising, because a sprain or a strain is more likely now. Keep an eye on your health, rest when you can, to avoid being susceptible to a cold or the flu. Take the necessary precautions. Since you’ll want to see all of your pals over the Thanksgiving Holiday, consider hosting an open house, allowing you to become better acquainted with some co-workers. A step up is possible now with your career. Be patient as you are definitely viewed as an up-and-comer. You could also find some nice extra cash in your paycheck now. Pisces (2/19-3/20) Your social life slows down this month through the end of January, Pisces. You’ll be more or less content with that, as your attention focuses on home and family. It is time to go within and motivate yourself to take a mental journey in search of yourself, your motivations, and what is holding you back. What you learn will be invaluable in the near future. The Thanksgiving Holiday is a delightful time for love and romance, as well as being with your favorite people. Stay away from controlling people and allow others to settle their own differences. Invite a few close friends over for a home cooked meal. Look forward to more work and career attention next month. Finances improve after the 8th and you can easily clear up any mix-ups or past debts by month’s end and leisure may add more dates to your social calendar. You’ll also want to revise, review and update various work projects before month’s end. Elizabeth Joyce is a natural clairvoyant. Her articles on alternative health care, astrology, soulmates, and psychic phenomena have been published across the country. She is a radio and TV personality, recently appearing on “Unsolved Mysteries” and “Beyond Chance” on the Lifetime channel. Elizabeth teaches Intuitive Awareness Classes, Flow Therapy and Meditation Skills in Doylestown, PA. Contact:

Are you coming to the PhillyFIT retreat? See details on inside front cover.

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November & December 2007 Nov. 4 Free to Breathe Lung Cancer 5K The Free to Breathe Lung Cancer 5K and 1-mile walk returns to Philadelphia to raise awareness and funds for lung cancer. Sponsored by the National Lung Cancer Partnership, proceeds will benefit lung-cancer research, education and awareness programs. Participants will receive a T-shirt and goodie bag. Times: registration open 6:30am, 5K run 8:30am, 5K and 1-mile walks 8:35 am Place: Fairmount Park at Lloyd Hall, Kelly and Sedgley Drives, Philadelphia, PA Cost: $25 on site on race day Web: Please visit for ticket-ordering information. Transitions Autumn Fest 5k Run/Walk Time: 9am Place: Washington, NJ Phone: 908-835-2624 Email: Cooper-Amerihealth Bridge Challenge 10K, 2-mile bridge walk. Time: 8:30am Place: Camden, NJ Phone: 856-933-3725 Email: 3rd Annual Run with the Vikings 5K - Road/trail running, 1 mi., 5K. Time: 10am Place: South Brunswick, NJ Phone: 732-940-3111 Email: Web: Nov. 10 Tryad Adventure Challenge #9 Adventure racing/adventure sports, 15 mi. Time: 9:30am Place: Pennypack Park, PA Email: Web: Intro to Outdoor Rock Climbing Rock/ice climbing. Time: 10am-3pm Place: High Rocks, PA Phone: 215-230-9085

Email: Web:

Beacon Cyclocross featuring the Amphitheater of Pain Mountain and cross cycling. Place: Bridgeton, NJ Web:

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Philadelphia Frostbite Regatta Paddle sports (kayaking/canoeing/rowing/rafting). Place: Philadelphia, PA. Web: 12th Annual 5K Turkey Trot Run Road/trail running, 5K, 1 mi. Time: 9:30am Place: Somerset, NJ Phone: 732-381-0318 Email: Web: Nov. 11 HPCX Cyclocross Mountain and cross cycling. Place: Highland Park or Jamesburg, NJ Web: DVOA Orienteering at Ridley Creek State Park Time: 10am-1pm Place: Media, PA Phone: 610-792-0502 Web: Bill Braxton Memorial Regatta Paddle sports (kayaking/canoeing/rowing/rafting). Place: Philadelphia, PA Web:

calendar of events Nov. 17 The Goodwill 5000 Road/trail running, 5K, 1 mi. Time: 8:30am Place: Montclair, NJ Phone: 732-381-0318 Email: Web: Nov. 17-18 US Grand Prix of Cyclocross Mountain and cross cycling. Place: West Windsor, NJ Web: Nov. 18 DVOA Orienteering at Hickory Run State Park. Time: 10am-1pm Place: White Haven, PA Phone: 610-792-0502 Web: Muhlenberg Turkey Trot Road/trail running, 10K, 2-mile. Time: 11am Place: Laurel Run Park, PA Phone: 610-929-1503 Email: karen@muhlenbergtwp. com Web:

World Run Day 2007 Road/trail running. Time: All day. Place: Worldwide. Email: Web:

Nov. 22 Abington YMCA Gobble Wobble 5K Road/trail running. Time: 9am Place: Abington, PA Phone: 215-884-9622 x1840 Email: Web:

South Mt. 10 Miler & 5K. Road/trail running. Place: Hellertown, PA Web:

Schuylkill Navy Run Road/trail running, 56 mi. Place: Philadelphia, PA Web:

Trimax French Creek Fall Run Road/trail running, 5 mi., 10 mi. Time: 9am Place: French Creek State Park, Elverson, PA Email: Web:

Ashenfelter 8K Classic Road/trail running, 8K, 1 mi. Phone: 9am Place: Glen Ridge, NJ Phone: 732-381-0318 Email: Web:

Nov. 12 Roman Run Road/trail running, 5k. Time: 9am Place: Kelly Drive/Lloyd Hall, Philadelphia, PA Phone: 215-627-5487 Email: Web:

Nov. 23 Jolly Holly 5K Run Road/trail running, 5K, 1-mi Fun Run. Time: 5pm Place: Jaycee Plaza, Millville, NJ Phone: 856-696-3924 Web: Nov. 24 Turkey Trot Road/trail running, 5, 2 mi.

November/December • 215-396-0268 •

Time: 8am Place: Hollidaysburg Area YMCA, PA Phone: 814-695-4467 Email:

Atlantic City Rescue Mission Road/trail running, 5 mi, 5k, 1 mi. Time: 10am‘ Place: Birch Grove Park, Northfield, NJ Phone: 609-287-6212 Email: Nov. 25 Dirty Bird 15k Trail Run Road/trail running Time: 10am Place: Morgantown, PA Phone: 610-779-2668 Email: Web: Navesink Challenge Road/trail running, 15K run, 5K run/walk. Time: 10am 15K, 10:10am 5K Place: Bodman Park, Middletown, NJ Phone: 732-542-6090 Email: Web:

Wildflower Walks

Take a pleasant walk in search of late-season bloomers and seedheads in Tyler’s meadows and woodlands. Insect repellent is advised. Free with admission; no pre-registration is required. Call for information, or visit www. Time: Sundays, 1:30-3:30pm; Wednesdays, 11am-1pm Place: Tyler Arboretum, 515 Painter Road, Media, PA Phone: 610-366-9134, ext. 212

Fall Bird Walks

Every Wednesday morning join Tyler’s birders and search for fall migrants and winter residents. Birders of all levels of experience are welcome. Bring bird guides and binoculars and wear comfortable walking shoes. Insect repellent is advised. Free with admission; no pre-registration is required. Time: Wednesdays, 8:15-10:15am Place: Tyler Arboretum, 515 Painter Road, Media, PA Phone: 610-366-9134, ext. 212 Web:

November & December 2007 Dec. 1 Tryad Adventure Challenge #10 Adventureracing/adventure sports, 15 mi. Time: 9:30am Place: To be determined Email: Web: Mike Hebe’s Carlisle Classic Cross Mountain and cross cycling Place: Carlisle, PA Web: Dec. 2 Brian’s Run Road/trail running 10k, 5k, 1 mi runs. Time: 11am start Place: West Chester, PA Email: Web: Dec. 8 Alice’s Run and Walk Road/trail running 5k. Time: 1pm Place: Coatesville, PA Phone: 610-643-9622 x102 Email: Web: Dec. 9 18th Annual Jingle Bell Run 5K Road/trail running, 3.1 mi. Place: Malvern, PA Phone: 215-574-3060 Email: Web: Athlete’s Closet Winter Series Road/trail running 5K Place: West Chester, PA Phone: 610-692-4922 Email:


Eastern Pennsylvania Ski Council Website:

Sunday Morning Mountain Bike Rides

Time: 9am Place: Valley Green Inn in the Wissahickon Park, Philadelphia, PA Phone: 215-885-7433 Email: Web:

Coed Adult Sports Leagues Evenings and weekends. Place: Philadelphia, PA Phone: 215-483-9340 Web:

Philly Bike Club Rides

Website: Sunday B Ramble (Class B) Cycling -- Road 40 mi. Noon. Philadelphia, PA. Sunday Morning Breakfast Ride Cycling -- Road up to 30 mi. 8:45am. Philadelphia, PA. Sunny Sunday Spin-Off Ride. Cycling -- Road 25-30 mi. Level: A. 12:15pm. Philadelphia, PA.

Wissahickon Wanderers Fun Runs

Running -- Road/Trail 4-5 mi. Dates and Times: Th., 6:30pm; Sat., 8am Place: Valley Green Inn, Wissahickon, PA

Wissahickon Wanderers Loop Runs

Running -- Road/Trail 8.4 mi. Date and Time: Mon., 6:30pm Place: Lloyd Hall, Philadelphia, PA

Weekly Training Sessions

Road/trail running. 4-18 mi. Date and Time: Tu., 6pm; Wed., 6:30pm; Sat., 8am. Place: CCRS, West Chester, PA Phone: 610-696-0115 Website:

Delco Road Running Club The club has these ongoing weekly fun runs/walks: Harris Elementary School, Collingdale, PA. Saturdays, 9am. Media Community Center, Media, PA. Saturdays, 9am. Springfield Library, Springfield, PA. Sundays, 7:30am, 9am. Ridley Area YMCA, Secane, PA. Mondays, 6:30pm. Springfield Library, Springfield, PA. Tuesdays, 6:30pm. Swarthmore Presbyterian Church, Swarthmore, PA. Wednesdays, 6:30pm. Springfield Library, Springfield, PA. Thursdays, 6:30pm. Phone: Jason Sevick, 610-476-3722 Address: Delco Road Running Club, P.O. Box 1811, Media, PA 19063 Email: Website:

Bicycle Coalition Volunteer Night

Date and Time: 6-8pm, 2nd Tuesdays Place: Philadelphia, PA Phone: 215-BICYCLE

calendar of events Email: Website:

Walk for Hydrocephalus Awareness Sunday, November 4, 2007 9:00 am Norristown Farm Park 610-764-7720

DV Mountain Bike Patrol Bike Trail Repair

Date and Time: 4th Saturday of the month, 10am-midday Place: Philadelphia, PA Phone: 215-991-3272 Website:

Wissahickon Gorge Night Hikes

Appalachian Mountain Club, 6-7 miles, fast pace. Date and Time: Mondays, 6:30pm Place: Meet at Valley Green Inn, Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, PA Phone: 610-667-1144 Email:

Wissahickon Wanderers Trail Run

4-5 miles. Date and Time: Every Thursday, 6:30pm Place: Start at Valley Green, Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, PA Phone: 215-849-9080 Website:

Team Hydrocephalus Philadelphia, PA 2007, together with the Hydrocephalus Association, proudly announce the 3rd Annual “Catch the Wave of Awareness“ 7K Run ~ 2.5M Walk, at the Norristown Farm Park, Sunday, November 4, 2007. This event is in memory of Dr. Samuel Neff, a pediatric neurosurgeon who dedicated his career to improving life with hydrocephalus and in honor of two children living with hydrocephalus, Nicholas Rambo age 16 and Emma Godlewski age 10. NBC10 New team reporter Deanna Durante, is the Honorary Chair and Emcee for this year’s TEAM event and will present U.S. Rep. Jim Gerlach with the “2007 Catch the Wave of Awareness Award for Congressional Support”. Other invited speakers include Governor Rendell, and U.S. Senator Arlen Specter.


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November/December • 215-396-0268 •

65 I PhillyFIT

November & December 2007


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The Bucks County Metaphysical Association Invites you to celebrate the Holiday Season by sharing an evening of great "live music" with two wonderful musicians who have come to help all of us donate to a remarkable project.

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Tickets $35.00 - (20% discount if you join the Society)


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