Contemporary Art Day Sale

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The idiosyncratic American artist Joseph Kosuth approaches art with

The present lot, One and three hammers, 1965, is a prime example of

conceptual and intellectual reasoning rather than artistic intuition. Like

Kosuth’s adoption of words and language as his artistic tools. Devoid

Marcel Duchamp, he is primarily concerned with the definition and

of everything aside from the mechanically printed words, the work can

meaning behind an object. The creative process is achieved through his

be seen as both a visual and a verbal code, one that invites the viewer

method of conceptualization and is highlighted by his critical questioning

to engage with the dialectical relationship between the idea of art and

of visual representation and perception.

the realized object. Kosuth’s preoccupation with language, meaning, relationships and the interpretation of visual information is fundamentally an enquiry into the very nature of any artwork.

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