Your 411 December 17 - Januart 18

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Tell Me About Advent‌. Celebrating Advent involves spending time in spiritual preparation for the coming of Jesus Christ at Christmas. In Western Christianity, the season of Advent begins on the fourth Sunday prior to Christmas Day, or the Sunday which falls closest to November 30, and lasts through Christmas Eve, or December 24. Advent is a period of spiritual preparation in which many Christians make themselves ready for the coming, or birth of the Lord, Jesus Christ. Celebrating Advent typically involves a season of prayer, fasting, and repentance, followed by anticipation, hope, and joy. Many Christians celebrate Advent not only by thanking God for Christ's first coming to Earth as a baby, but also for his presence among us today through the Holy Spirit, and in preparation and anticipation of his final coming at the end of time. Today, however, more and more Protestant and Evangelical Christians are recognizing the spiritual significance of Advent, and have begun to revive the spirit of the season through serious reflection, joyful expectation, and even through the observance of some of the traditional Advent customs. In this Christmas season, even if your church doesn't formally celebrate advent with the traditional candles and wreath, we encourage you to learn more about the meaning of advent and celebrate the real meaning of advent; a grateful heart for the birth of a loving Savior and the sweet anticipation of the second coming of Jesus Christ.

From Our Director of Missions

Will You Consider Giving a Christmas Gift Towards the New Disaster Relief Trailer? The BRBA would like to challenge your church, small group, Sunday School class, or other teams to give a “Christmas Gift” to the BRBA Disaster Relief trailer that will be outfitted in the spring 2018. The research has been done and a comprehensive list has been made so any donors would know exactly what is needed and at what amount. See the attached insert which includes this list so you might know how to pray about giving towards this great cause. If you cannot gift an item before Christmas, collections of items will continue through May 2018.

Christmas provides a unique opportunity each year for all who claim Christ as Lord to re-focus. Not only are we reminded of the awe-inspiring, worldchanging, life-altering gift that is Jesus; but we are also reminded of our need for this Jesus to heal us in our brokenness. That is indeed why he came, wasn’t it? To bring peace between God and man. This is why the angels declared triumphantly “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!” (Luke 2:14). As yet another New Year approaches, I want to challenge all of us, the Church of Jesus Christ - to impact this world for good. People are in great need, and more than ever, and we are called to meet that need. We must be more devoted than ever to be people of prayer, faith, righteousness, and compassion. We need to love each other and love God above all else. Will you commit in 2018 to deepen your walk and service to our Lord?? On a personal note I wanted to thank you all for your generous gift and recognition of my serving 10 years as your Director of Missions in the Blue Ridge Baptist Association. It is a blessing and honor to work with you in following God's will and direction for ALL of our churches in this region. This next year we will double our International Missions efforts in the Dominican Republic, and plan to add more new mission church plants than ever before in the history our association. We've also been able to revitalize churches, and get them on a healthier track for reaching the lost. WE ARE TRULY A BLESSED PEOPLE in Blue Ridge, and it's all because of God's grace and direction coupled with your kindness, generosity, and willingness to serve that have opened wide opportunities for the Holy Spirit to work. I want to close with a Christmas benediction that is my prayer for you all: May you be filled with the wonder of Mary, the obedience of Joseph, the joy of the angels, the eagerness of the shepherds, the determination of the magi, and the peace of the Christ Child. May our God bless you as you experience greater levels of service and heart surrender to the cause of Christ.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all! Bruce Conley; Director of Missions - BRBA

The Sanctity of Life Life is a gift from God and must be celebrated and protected, especially for those that cannot protect themselves. January is National Sanctity of Life Month. On Sunday, January 21, 2018 many churches will host a Sanctity of Life Sunday. Studies show that over 40% of women have had an abortion. There are over one million abortions in the U.S. each year. There is much in the news today about abortion, adoption, and the lack of respect for human life across the globe. These subjects can be a divisive among many in our country. How can Christians engage others in conversation about these issues and also impact our culture for the better? Use National Sanctity of Life Month as an opportunity to focus on the value of life. This month consider doing one of the following as a church or individual:  Partner with a local pregnancy resource center  Create a church-wide focus around the sanctity of life  Prayer


Prayer Requests:  Family of Pastor Larry Rickard who went home to be with the Lord on  

December 2nd. Funeral services will be held at Paramount Baptist Church on Sunday, December 10 at 3:00pm. DOM, Bruce Conley, who is seeing some specialists for a liver problem. The many who need Christ as Savior and may seek Him during the Christmas season.

Praises:  Eli Choi and the new church plant in Urbana are now holding services at the   

old Sherriff's Ranch. BRBA will add another church plant in the Jefferson, MD area at the beginning of 2018. A non-denominational church in the north part of our region is considering becoming a partner with the BRBA! We have a record number of participants signed up to go on the mission trip to the Dominican Republic in the spring!! Yay!

Lottie Moon, the namesake of Southern Baptists’ international missions offering, has become a legend. But, in her time, Lottie was anything but an untouchable hero. In fact, she was like today’s missionaries. She labored tirelessly so her people group could know Jesus. Well over 100 years ago, a single missionary named Lottie Moon, while serving in China, began writing letters challenging the American church to send and support more workers to go there. After her death on the field, her challenge was heeded in the formalization of an offering in her name. Even if you’re not a southern Baptist who has given to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering, her life is a reminder of why we must give to send and support missionaries serving among unreached people in unreached places.

National Goal—$160 million

What is your church goal?

Did you know that 100% of gifts to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering fund International Mission Board missionaries who are making disciples and multiplying churches among unreached people and places? Over 2.8 million people have little or no access to the gospel. Your gifts help to reach these people to share the gospel and God’s love to them .

From Bruce, Joi, Lisa, Phil, Dave and Joe, the staff of the BRBA,

Special Music Needed for the Christmas Season? Director of Missions, Bruce Conley is available to provide special music for your church. If interested, please email to

Annual Church Profile It’s approaching that time of the year for the Annual Church Profile to be submitted by February 1, 2018. If your church needs assistance with this, please contact the BRBA at Thank you ahead of time!


December 3-10 - Lottie Moon Christmas Offering Week of Prayer December 6 - Monthly Pastor’s/Staff Breakfast BRBA January 1 - SBC Call to Prayer Month January 3 - Monthly Pastor’s/Staff Breakfast BRBA January 13 - BCM/D Group Bible Teaching Seminar January 13-20 - BCM/D English and Second Language Workshop January 21 - Sanctity of Human Life Sunday February 1 - Annual Church Profile Reports Due for BRBA

Coming February and March 2018 *Church Security Seminar (1st of 2) in cooperation with the BCM/D. This event is on a week day with follow up active shooter training on a Saturday. *VBS Training event for the region with Lifeway in attendance to present VBS materials and make material/supply orders *Dominican Republic mission trips to distribute shoe boxes! *BRBA Annual Pastor Appreciation Brunch in March…. Please note the change from January to March….

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