Feb mar14

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YOUR 411

News for Blue Ridge Baptists

BRBA MISSION TO THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC So many people have heard about Samaritan’s Purse Ministry and how this ministry has “helped vic:ms of war, poverty, natural disasters, disease, and famine with the purpose of sharing God's love through His Son, Jesus Christ” as stated on their website. Last year my wife and were part of a team that went to the Dominican Republic to show God’s love through the power of simple shoebox giIs from Opera:on Christmas Child. To see the eyes of these children, for the first :me, open a giI of love was beyond any expecta:on that we could ever imagine. We saw more than 1,500 children give their hearts to Jesus Christ. It is one thing to hear about God moving on this type of a mission excursion, it and another to actually experience it. That is why

on March 8, 2014 -­‐ 18 people from various churches in the Blue Ridge Bap:st Associa:on will be going on mission to the Dominican Republic to be God’s hand extended giving these giIs of love. Excitement and enthusiasm lead the way for this trip, and we sincerely covet your prayers as we travel to serve the Lord in the DR. With that in mind, we can’t wait un:l we return so we can share with you the great things that God did on this mission trip. Thank you in advance for your prayers, and your contribu:ons to this great Associa:on of churches that have helped to make this journey possible.

Pastor Peter and Isabel Guadalupe

Please Pray for the Team: • Pedro Guadalupe Jr!

• James Kenneth Stalls!

• Lynda Maley!

• Isabel Guadalupe!

• Ruby Kay Zecher!

• Samantha L. Maley!

• Sandra Jean Bonesteel!

• Larry Eugene Zecher!

• Cheryl Diann Gillaspie!

• Dan Harvey Bonesteel!

• Samuel Chaim Downs!

• Laura Yardley Welker!

• Roberta Lynn Weaver!

• Ella Silvera!

• Elaine Annette Angleberger!

• Christina Edwards Dugan

• Thom Smith

• Laura Jean Price

How do YOU share about Christ? From Bruce Conley Your Director of Missions

After Thomas Edison lost his first wife, he began to look for a new mate. He was 39 at the time with 3 children from his first marriage, and he was concerned that many of the eligible ladies of that day might not be attracted to him. Edison was half deaf, had problems with halitosis, bad dandruff, and suffered from a medical condition that caused him to be "bug-eyed". He also had a receding hair line. He concentrated on his negatives, and got discouraged about his chances of finding love again - instead of seeing his positive aspects .... the fact that he was one of society's most prolific inventors and respected researchers of the 19th century. One day - while visiting friends in Boston - he met 20 year old Mina Miller and was immediately smitten. He was shocked and delighted that she had interest in him as well. As it turns out Mina did not see the negatives in Edison's life - she was extremely interested in his character and heart, and being a amateur researcher in her own right - was compelled by much of Edison's work. She even learned Morse code to be able to communicate with Edison in his deafness, and he proposed to her one day secretly tapping out his intentions to her in Morse code as they held hands in her family's home. She said "yes". No one else in the room even knew he was proposing. Contrast that with the "over the top" marriage proposals we see in the media all the time today. One man proposes marriage using the jumbo-tron at the ball stadium, or the soldier comes home from deployment unannounced to propose to his gal in front of all of her co-workers and friends while media cameras are rolling. Edison's story made me think about how we are intimidated by our own personal shortcomings when it comes to how we share with others about the redemption that can be found in the Lord Jesus. Scripture tells us that we are the "Bride of Christ", and that we are called to give witness and testimony about what he has done for us - so that others may know and come to salvation in Him. But too often ... we make up every excuse in the book as to why we can't do that, or how we won't be effective if we try because of the shortcomings in our own lives. Much like Edison we reason that there is no way we will be attractive or effective in sharing about Christ with others because our deficiencies will get in the way. Here's the thing - EVERY BELIEVER is called to be a evangelist (even with our negative attributes that we think may get in the way) and to propose to the lost all around us that they need the salvation that only Christ can bring ... and that love, grace, and mercy are available for the asking. The redeemed must share with as many people as possible in order to expand the size of heaven, and fulfill the mission of the gospel of Jesus Christ. My only question for you is this .... are you concentrating on all the things that are wrong with you - using that as an excuse NOT to share Christ, or are you renting the jumbo-tron at the stadium so that EVERYONE in your ballpark will know how much you love our Lord?? Life is short. Let's get busy sharing the gospel with anyone and everyone we can with boldness and excitement. YOU are God's plan for reaching others with the good news. Blessings,

! ! Bruce Conley Director of Missions, BRBA


February 3 - 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM - Christian Skate Night at Turner Skate Palace on Virginia Ave. in Hagerstown. March 3 - 6:00 - 8:00 PM - Christian Skate Night at Turner Skate Palace on Virginia Ave. in Hagerstown. Volunteer Associational Youth Ministry coordinator, Neil Augustine - is working on a program where youth from the Blue Ridge Baptist Association will be able to serve at greeters and pages at the upcoming Southern Baptist Convention meeting in Baltimore, MD June 10-11. More information on this great opportunity will be available in the next newsletter.

Women’s Missions Brunch Saturday, March 15 - 10:00 AM @ South End Baptist Church with Terri Corrick Women's Ministry Leader at Potomac Baptist Association "There are many things in life that will catch your eye - but only a few that will catch your heart....." My adventurous mission trip to Africa caught my heart.! On Tuesday, February 9th, 2013, I, along with 6 other team members arrived in Ghana, Africa to begin what would be the most physically, mentally and spiritually challenging time of my life . An experience that would touch every one of my 5 human senses...my seeing, hearing, smell, taste, and oh, so much, my touch. I heard God say to my heart-"Leave your country, your family and your fathers home for a land that I will show you.....you will be a blessing..." Genesis 12:1-2! Ladies - you won't want to miss this time of great fellowship, food, and sharing about what God is doing on mission in Africa! Make reservations today by calling the Association office at (240) 818-8760, or by emailing Mae at mae@blueridgebaptist.org


A MESSAGE FROM KENNY HEATH Dear Brother Pastors of Blue Ridge:! Ever since I received the privilege of serving as your Church Planter Catalyst, I've prayed for you and your churches, along with ours in Western, one by one, every Saturday. With my tenure as CPC with NAMB coming to an end in a few days, today was my last "prayerwalk" with you, at least in that way.! Bruce and I will continue to work together, serving alongside you and the pastors in the WBA, in all aspects of evangelism and ministry, as the good Lord grants us. I believe that He has much He wants to accomplish in our "neck of the woods", Western Maryland and surrounding West Virginia and Pennsylvania. It behooves us to use every opportunity He gives us, not only on the SBC and BCM/D levels, but also association-to-association. I'm excited by all that God is doing...and it's in our local churches where the action is!! Would you, please, pray for me as I begin a new chapter in my life? After 16 years, I'll no longer be a SBC missionary, but also, for the first time since seminary days, I'll be bivocational. January 2nd, I begin working at Frostburg State University's WFWM-FM, where I've volunteered with a Friday night big band show, Monday-Friday. I look forward to increased opportunity to impact students' and faculty members' lives, and share Jesus through it!! Thank you for letting me walk with you this past year. Dr. Joel Rainey is the new NAMB appointed Church Planting Catalyst for the Blue Ridge region, and that he will be joining the Pastor's Fellowship breakfast at Bob Evans on Rt. 40 in Frederick at 8 AM - on Wednesday February 5th to talk briefly about how he will help new works and church starts in our area.! God bless you, and Happy New Year!!!! Kenny Heath!




! ! Event Calendar !

February 1 - 9:30 AM - 2:30 PM - Kid’s Ministry Conference at the Church at Covenant Park. For more information visit bcmd.org/childrens-seminar February 5 - 8:00 AM - Pastor’s Fellowship Breakfast at Bob Evans on Route 40 in Frederick. Dr. Joel Rainey will be our guest speaker. February 9 - Racial Reconciliation Sunday - (SBC) February 10 - 16 - WMU Focus Week - (SBC) February 15 - Children’s Ministry Day - (SBC) February 22 - 9:30 AM - 2:00 PM - VBS Expo at The Church at Severn Run - Registration required. For more information visit bcmd.org/vbs-training1 March 2 - 9 - Week of Prayer for Annie Armstrong Easter Offering - (SBC) March 3 - 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM - BRBA Youth Christian Skate Night at Turner Skate Palace in Hagerstown March 5 - 8:00 AM - Pastor’s Fellowship Breakfast - at the Red Byrd in Keedysville March 5 - 9:30 AM - Lifeway Training on Transformational Groups with David Burt at the Red Byrd in Keedysville March 7 - 8 - Flourish 2014 Women’s Spring Retreat at Camp Wo-Me-To. For details visit bcmd.org/wom-retreat March 8 - 15 - BRBA Mission Trip to the Dominican Republic March 15 - 10:00 AM - South End Baptist Church with Terri Corrick Women's Ministry Leader at Potomac Baptist Association March 16 - 19 - Week of Revival at Paramount Baptist Church, featuring Evangelist Frank Shelton

Birthdays: Dave Lyche - Feb. 2 Tunnea Burt - Feb. 5 Larry Rickard - Feb. 9 Adrienne Sumpter - Feb. 11 Kathryn Rich - Feb. 15 Deb Youngbar - Feb. 15 Bob McHenry - Feb. 20 Millie Housam - Feb. 23 Scott Sheets - Mar. 10 Pam Eubanks - Mar. 13 Delbert Pope - Mar. 23 Shane Wilt - Mar. 26 Karen Gerstmyer - Mar. 30 Ruby Zecher - Mar. 30

Anniversaries: T. Smith - Mar. 12 Crawford - Mar. 17 Fox - Mar. 25


In the Churches Paramount Baptist Church - Hagerstown, MD The church will host 4 days of revival from March 16 - 19, featuring Evangelist Frank Shelton. Fellowship Baptist Church - Middletown, MD Pastor Jeff Moss is now leading Wednesday Night Bible Study. This is a great time to come and share God’s Word The church hosts an IRON MEN Breakfast every 2nd Saturday morning at 8:00 AM: a guys-only time of scriptures, socializing and support. Get to know the fellows at Fellowship and enjoy some free food at the same time. River’s Edge Ministries - Martisnburg, WV The church will observe a 30 day corporate Daniel fast. Join us as we fast and pray for spiritual and physical growth in our church, salvation for the lost, the outpouring of God's Spirit over our country, and our own personal relationship with God. Faith Baptist Church - Knoxville, MD The church’s Upward Basketball ministry is in full swing through the month of March. The church hosts a Divorce care group each Wednesday Night at 7:00 PM. Myersville Baptist Church - Myersville, MD Myersville will host a pancake breakfast on March 15 in honor of the Annie Armstrong Easter offering.


Pray for the mission team that is now assembled from many different BRBA churches that will be going to SANTO DOMINGO in the DOMINICAN REPUBLIC March 8-15, 2013. Pray for them as they minister to impoverished people along side of Samartian's Purse ministries, and working with a local church in that region.! Continue to pray for Erin Youngbar (Smithsburg Valley) and her family for strength, physical healing, and patience. Erin continues her battle with brain cancer, and needs our spiritual and emotional support during this extremely difficult time.! Pray for Rob Welty, former pastor at Boonsboro Bible Church - who was in a bad traffic accident on January 22nd after the snowstorm. His vehicle was totaled, but he's healing nicely at last report.! Praise the Lord for the birth of a healthy baby girl -Bailee Lillian Payne to Lacrysta and Charlie Payne (this is the great-granddaughter of retired BRBA pastor Wendell McClellan).! Pray for West End Baptist Chapel - Hagerstown as they search for a new worship leader. Former leader Tim Freed stepped down at the end of December, and the church gave him a nice send-off to thank him for his years of service.! Praise the Lord for good test results for our Director of Missions, Bruce Conley. There are still some issues, but nothing serious - and prayer for continued watch over Bruce's health is very much appreciated.! Pray for mission church pastor Alan Myers at Tri-State Community Church in Hancock, MD. Pray for him to get ample rest to be able to do both the tough tasks in his life - serving in midnight shift as a Corrections Officer in Hagerstown AND plant a new mission church from scratch! (Oh yeah - and be a great husband and dad!)! Pray for Adamstown Community Church as they seek to find a new bi-vocational pastor. David Burt is now acting as Interim Pastor for this work in Frederick County.! From Richard Boswell from Hopeful Baptist Church…! We went to Frederick yesterday to see Beulah's cancer doctor. It has been 3 months since her last treatment. He told her there has been no charge, which is normal and good news. IT IS AT A STAND STILL. She will get a PET SCAN and blood work in 4 months. She is still in good spirit and no pain or sickness from treatments. She still has faith, and is trusting in her Lord to take care of her needs. Thanks for your prayers and well wishes, to our Heavenly Father. May all the Praise and Glory go to Him for giving us Life and His Unconscionable Love. !

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