August september 13

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YOUR 411

News for Blue Ridge Baptists

2013 BRBA Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting of the Blue Ridge Baptist Association will be on Monday evening, October 14th, 2013 at 7:00 PM at First Baptist Church of Frederick. We urge representatives from YOUR church to support this vital event and set the pace for ministry in our 4+ county region for years to come! Together we will celebrate what God is doing in and around the churches in our region, including: • new church plants • strengthening small churches • outreach endeavors • local missions • networking between ministries • new training efforts for pastors and lay leaders • new resources available to each participating church • new opportunities for fellowship and connection • regional partnering with other associations and churches Please come out and support your Association as we gather together to celebrate God's movement in Blue Ridge churches. This year’s meeting is hosted by First Baptist Church of Frederick located at 7040 Bowers Rd, Frederick, MD 21702. For more information contact Mae at the Association office via email or by phone at 240-818-8760. We look forward to seeing a great number of our churches represented at this important meeting.

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Time for a Fall Cleaning From Bruce Conley Your Director of Missions

We have had a fantastic summer in the Blue Ridge Baptist Association. Many of our churches had successful Vacation Bible School weeks where children found a relationship with God through Christ for the first time. Other churches had carnivals, pig roasts, and various outreach projects to get the church into the community and connect with the lost. Youth groups went on mission trips, and made a difference in the lives of people who matter to God our Father. Add to that many families who had great summer vacations and there's no doubt that we all enjoyed God's blessings, and saw him move in incredible ways in our lives. As a kid, I remember vividly that as summer would draw to a close, my mom would make us clean up from the mess of summer, and prepare for Fall and the new school year, that was once again to bring structure to our daily lives. There would be no more sleeping in - no beach balls allowed in the family room .... it was time to buy new clothes, clean out closets and prepare for the start of school. We as Christians should also consider that this might be a good time of year to do a spiritual house cleaning - and get better organized in our daily lives so that God can have use us with a Holy Spirit induced "spiritual clean-up" and prep for Fall. Here's what I suggest: 1) Clean Your Heart: The Bible encourages us to draw close to God and allow our hearts and bodies to be cleansed. This is a great first step in our Fall cleaning project. We can't clean ourselves though. We must draw near to God and ask Him to do the cleaning. Psalm 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. (KJV) Hebrews 10:22 Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water. (NIV) 2) Clean Your Speech: It's true that real spiritual cleaning requires deep cleaning -- beyond what others see and hear. But as your heart gets clean, your language should follow. I'm not just talking about cursing or foul language - but also about negative speech and pessimistic thoughts that contradict the Word of God and our faith. This includes a challenge to stop complaining! Luke 6:45 The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks. (NIV) Philippians 2:14 Do everything without complaining or arguing... (NIV) 3) Renew Your Mind: This is the deep cleaning that is often the biggest struggle for most of us -- removing the garbage from our minds. You've heard the phrase "garbage in = garbage out". We must feed our minds and spirits the Word of God instead of the garbage of this world. Romans 12:2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. (NIV) 2 Corinthians 10:5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. (NIV)


4) Repent from Hidden Sin: Hidden sin can destroy your life, your peace, and even your health. The Bible says to confess your sin - tell God, and if possible - someone you can confide in ... and reach out for help. When your spiritual closet is clean, the heaviness from hidden sin can be lifted. Psalm 32:3-5 When I kept silent, my bones wasted away through my groaning all day long. For day and night your hand was heavy upon me; my strength was sapped as in the heat of summer. Then I acknowledged my sin to you and did not cover up my iniquity. I said, "I will confess my transgressions to the LORD"—and you forgave the guilt of my sin. (NIV) 5) Release Unforgiveness and Bitterness: Any sin will weigh you down, but long term unforgiveness is like old baggage strapped to your back that you can't ever seem to get rid of.You are so familiar with it, you don't even realize how it's weighing you down. Hebrews 12:1 Therefore ... let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily hinders our progress... (NLT) Ephesians 4:31-32 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. (NIV) 6) Involve Jesus in Your Daily Life: What God wants most from you is a relationship - friendship. He wants to be involved in the big and small moments of your life. Open your life to Him. Think of it this way .. if you could manage to let God into every part of your life - there'd be no need for a yearly Fall spiritual cleaning. God intends for us to be able to experience the influence of His Holy Spirit daily - moment by moment. 1 Corinthians 1:9 God ... is the one who invited you into this wonderful friendship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. (NLT) Psalm 56:13 For you have rescued me from death; you have kept my feet from slipping. So now I can walk in your presence, O God, in your life-giving light. (NLT) 7) Learn to Laugh more at Yourself - and at Life: So many Christians take themselves too seriously. Jesus wants you to enjoy yourself, and the blessings that He has given to you! Learn to have some fun. God made you for His pleasure! Psalm 28:7 The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song. (NIV) Psalm 126:2 Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, "The LORD has done great things for them." (NIV) May God richly bless you as you do your "Fall cleaning" .... from the inside - out!

Bruce M. Conley Director of Missions


Ministry Spotlight Nathan Cherry to Head the WV Family Policy Council After 20 very educational months at Harvest Pointe Community Church, I have accepted the position of Executive Director at The Family Policy Council of West Virginia. I will be moving my family to Charleston at the end of August to start this new, and exciting season of ministry. We are so grateful for the chance to serve at HPCC and for the friends we've made there that will continue to be close as we move forward. The things I learned at HPCC will be a tremendous help in leading the Family Policy Council of WV as their Executive Director. I've been working with the FPCWV for nearly 5 years. I started just writing an occasional blog. After some time I took over as the editor of the blog and we grew to become the most widely read conservative blog in WV. Now, after three years of overseeing the blog and building relationships with pastors and churches in the state, the Lord has opened the door for me to do this full time. No, I won't be working for any one church - a first for me. Instead I will be serving the church of West Virginia, all of them. The opportunity to serve in the area of faith and public policy is one that excites me. It has been evident to myself, and those close to me, that God has been preparing me for a position like this, in a ministry like the FPCWV. I have a passion for the intersection of faith and policy and to see Christians engaged in the policy debates around them. All of us are embroiled daily in these conversations that relate to the issues of life, marriage, and religious freedom. I have sought to show how these issues are Gospel-centered biblical moral issues that demand biblical answers. Our organization exists to serve people and churches and to share the Gospel of Jesus through biblically based policy positions. We thank HPCC for allowing us to serve with them. It has been an enriching experience that I will never forget and will shape my ministry in the future. We love the people of HPCC and look forward to fellowshipping with them when we are in the area. We ask that you pray for HPCC as they seek a new Lead Pastor and Generations Director. We also ask that you pray for our family as we buy a house, buy other essential items, and move. We look forward to serving the churches of the BRBA and advancing, defending, and equipping them to stand firm on the biblical moral issues of life, marriage, and religious liberty. Nathan


Fellowship Baptist Church hosts Children’s Carnival On July 13th, a group of over 35 volunteers, armed with the BRBA Party Trailer, 50 sponsors and months of preparation, converged on Middletown's Memorial Park and turned it into a spectacular day of free family fun. These volunteers included members of Fellowship Baptist Church of Middletown and First Baptist Church of Brunswick as well as two State Delegates and several involved community members. By the end of the day approximately 700 people had attended the Fellowship Baptist Church of Middletown's “3rd Annual Children's Carnival”, which is designed to be completely free. The event offered anyone who attended free food, rides, and even games with prizes. In the midst of the pony rides, moon bounces, giant slide and even a Velcro wall provided by D&D Pony Rides could be found several classic carnival games like the milk bottle toss and skee-ball which offered every child the chance to be a winner just for trying. Eight pounds of cotton candy, 1200 ounces of popcorn, and over 700 hotdogs were served, as well as 100 free Rita's ices, and at the prize booth parents were offered the opportunity to collect free Tracts, Bibles, DVDs and other publications while their children decided what of the dozens of prize selections to exchange their game tickets for. Through most of the event, a live music stage offered all in attendance the entertainment of local bands Kristina's Cadence, Daniel's Vision, and Seventy x Seven. During the event, Fellowship collected hundreds of canned and boxed foods for area Food Banks and school supplies for Main Street Middletown's “Fill the Bus” Campaign, as well as various other items and used Bibles for the Frederick Rescue Mission. The church also welcomed several organizations including the Rescue Mission and Child Evangelism Fellowship to reach out to carnival patrons with information about their ministries.


The Pig Roast sponsored by Tri-State Community Church on July 6 was a HUGE success. Volunteers arrived at 10 AM to begin setting up for the event. Members from Tri-State Community, Summit Trace Church, Community Christian Fellowship, and New Hope Church were involved in organizing for the function. The pig itself was catered by “The Pig Hole” located in Brunswick, MD. Sides such as coleslaw, beans, and potato salad were catered by Pittman’s Market in Hancock, MD. Partakers began to arrive just before 1PM. As folks showed up, they entered their names to be drawn for door prizes and then got in line to acquire their food. As guests enjoyed the delicious pork and sides, they were entertained by a slew of fair-like activities. Live music was provided by praise bands from Tri-state Community Church, as well as Summit Trace Church. A moon bounce was available for children to enjoy. Backyard games such as corn hole, ring toss, and horse shoes were also available for all to revel in. Similarly, goodies like cotton candy, snow cones, and popcorn provided satisfaction to guests. The weather was beautiful during the event however temperatures were very high causing many to go home with sun burnt skin. All in all the Pig Roast was successful, as we were able to serve over 250 people from the community. We at Tri-State hope we were a blessing to those who participated, and it is our desire to serve the community and ultimately Jesus Christ.


Tri-State Community Church is praising the Lord for a very successful launch weekend. Following our community Pig Roast on Saturday we were able to continue the celebration with a dedication service on Sunday morning. We were excited to have many guests, three of which came as a result of attending the pig roast. We are very grateful to Bruce Conley for representing the Blue Ridge Baptist Association. Thank you, Bruce for your kind and meaningful comments and prayer of dedication for TSCC. Thank you also for the special solo you shared.

During the service we were able to recognize all of our faithful attendees and had a special prayer for Tri-State’s first missionary, Bethany Myers, who is serving as a summer missionary with Child Evangelism Fellowship.

We want to say a special thank you to the group from New Hope Community Church of New Kent VA who stayed and attended the dedication service and served the luncheon we all enjoyed after the service. Thanks also to Summit Trace Church for continued use of some equipment used for the luncheon.

Valley Baptist Middletown to Build New Building Valley Baptist, 5678 Holter Road Jefferson, recently broke ground for a new building. Plans call for an addition of 6100 square feet to the existing facilities. When completed, the new space will provide 7 classrooms, a new office and kitchen, and 44’ by 40’ gymnasium. It is hoped that the structure will be under roof by October. They anticipate much of the interior work to be done with volunteer work by church members and would welcome assistance from any building groups within our association. Located on 25 acres our vision is to utilize the property and structures God has blessed them with to engage and serve the surrounding communities. Please be in prayer for this major undertaking.

HELP! We need your help. We recently did an inventory on the block party trailer and found that some items have gone missing. If you've enjoyed these facilities, please check the list below and let us know if these items were on board when you lasted borrowed it. Hopefully we can get everything together again, so it will be complete in the future. Any information you can provide would be much appreciated. Here's the list: • Tables or chairs • Extension cords • Beanbags • Softballs • Sound system • Stakes for moon bounce


ALL ABOUT KIDS PRODUCTION CAMP All About Kids Production Camp is a high-energy, Christcentered performing arts camp. From Day 1 each moment is filled with fun and engaging activities. Throughout the week kids learn songs, motions, rhythms, and skits all centered around a Biblical theme. Each class integrates a Bible story with the day’s activity to reinforce the theme through every aspect of the day. The camp also incorporates a great deal of theatre basics from acting to improvisation, stage directions to stage presence. The entire week leads up to the Friday Night Show, where the kids are able to show off all they have learned for friends and family. We just wrapped up our 2nd year of hosting an AAKP Camp and we had a fantastic time. This year we partnered with Faith Baptist Church in Knoxville and Summit Trace Church in Frederick to make the camp possible, and we more than doubled the size of our camp from last year. The kids came in excited about the week and left with new songs constantly on their mind. It is a fantastic opportunity for outreach to the kids in our community, and it was great to watch so many kids from all different backgrounds worshipping God together. We highly recommend giving AAKP Camp a try as an effective ministry to the children in your community For more information, you can visit

Whether at church, school, business or home, you are leading people and projects every day. You're leading in a culture that is constantly changing and redefining itself. Leadership takes perseverance, dedication and a commitment to stretch your mind, expand your heart and use your God-given gifts to impact your world in real and powerful ways. On August 8-9, 2013 you're invited to gather with thousands of leaders across North American for The Global Leadership Summit. Commit now to be a part of this annual event designed to stretch and challenge you with world-class speakers, interactive dialogue and practical training. This event will be simulcast to both Frederick Christian Fellowship and Riva Trace Church For more information or to register at FCF visit For Riva Trace visit


Love Loud is a call to our churches. It’s a movement that is spreading through our churches all over the United States, and it’s not a new call or a new movement. It is, simply put, the ministry of Jesus taking root in the hearts of believers again. When I read through the gospels and really seek to understand Jesus’ ministry, I am always drawn to His relationships. He spent the majority of his time with 3 ‘people groups’: his disciples, the Pharisees, and those sometimes referred to as “the least of these”. He spent a lot of time meeting physical needs of the people around him by healing diseases, feeding the hungry, dining with sinners, etc. He spent a lot of time challenging the Pharisees on their religious traditions and laws, trying to get them to understand the heart of God and His desires for dependence on Him and not their routines. And he spent a lot of time training up his followers to believe and trust in the promises of God, His kingdom, and His desire to share His love with others. It is then that I discovered that the movement of Love Loud is simply a call to respond to people the way Jesus did throughout His ministry. Love Loud is a desire to see believers and followers of Christ move outside the four walls of their churches, and reach the people that are culturally neglected. Love Loud is a challenge for us as followers of Christ to truly love other people through our actions by meeting physical needs while spreading the Gospel of Christ. I’ve been telling people that Love Loud is a ministry under the umbrella of poverty, but more than that it is simply a ministry that urges us to love our neighbors better, every neighbor, no matter who they are. Love Loud is a conversation and a lifestyle. I would love to have that conversation with you and your church. I would love to talk about how we can partner together to more effectively reach the communities that surround your church, the hurting people that most forget about, the children who are caught in a cycle of hunger and neglect. I would love to have a conversation about how we can fulfill the command that Jesus gave in Matthew 25:35-40. I believe Jesus is calling us to love one another in both our words and our actions. Would you like to Love Loud? “But if anyone has the world’s good and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.” -1 John 3:17-18 If you would like more information about LOVELOUD, please contact the new BCM/D missionary: Grace Schofield LoveLoud Missionary Missionary for Ministry Evangelism Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware 10255 Old Columbia Road Columbia, MD 21046 (301) 514-2975


Bells, bows, and bliss were promised...stress, sin, and sorrow were delivered! Being married and having kids is hard work. Whether you’re married, single, a parent or hope to be both it's going to take lots of work – and we're here to help! On September 20 and 21 The Church at Martinsburg is partnering with Twelve Stones Ministries to host a conference on Marriage and Parenting, and you're invited! Childcare is free and available. For more information and to register, please visit

Child Care Volunteers Needed The Church at Martinsburg has put out a call for help from BRBA churches to help them cover their child care needs for the Marriage and parenting conference on September 20 and 21. If you or a group from your church is available to help them out, please contact Mae at the BRBA office. She can be reached by phone at 240-818-8760 or via email at

August 5 - 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM - Christian Skate Night at Turner Skate Palace on Virginia Ave. in Hagerstown. September 2 - 6:00 - 8:00 PM - Christian Skate Night at Turner Skate Palace on Virginia Ave. in Hagerstown. September 28 - 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM - Youth Workers Round table at Skycroft. Sunday night, October 13 - 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM - Fall Youth Night at Skycroft.

Baptist Family & Children's Services Needs Your Help Any child will tell you that summer is fleeting. And we know that the first day of school can be a vulnerable time. Once again, Baptist Family is collecting supplies for our Back-to-School Stores. We are partnering with 12 churches who will host vibrant, one-day events in their churches. Each church will invite families in need to come "shop" for their child for $1 or one canned good. This payment enables a child to select a backpack and fill it with basic school supplies. All the money and food collected stays in the community. The church stores are in Eastern and Western Maryland, Delaware, and the Baltimore area. Each host church recognizes that, when a family comes into the store, there is an opportunity to make a connection and engage that family. What a joy it is to serve and be Christ's representative! How humbling to assist our brothers and sisters in meeting a need! Our prayer is that each backpack is a special gift, containing not only pens and notebooks, but hope, joy, and the promise of a church family. Will you help us collect supplies for these stores? SCHOOL SUPPLY CHECK-UP: Praise the Lord for sufficient quantities of pens, pencils, and crayons! We are collecting the following: backpacks, pocket folders, dividers, erasers, scissors, spiral notebooks, composition notebooks, glue, notebook paper, and pencil cases. Any monetary or material gift helps our host churches serve families in need! $120 buys 24 backpacks (wholesale) $50 helps equip two children for school $100 buys 120 pencil cases Thank you for your partnership! Please contact Kate Macdonald or Catherine Esters if you have any questions.


For Nearly 20 years... Timothy Barnabas has been privileged to host more than 8,000 pastors and their wives at more than 50 EVENTS in the United States. Timothy Barnabas has also been honored to serve in 25 NATIONS around the world. We are inviting you and your spouse to join us in Philadelphia this August. Timothy Barnabas Pastors & Wives Retreats are designed to be a time of Instruction & Encouragement for both the pastor and his wife. We typically host 75-125 pastors and their wives for two nights and three days in a casual retreat atmosphere. The pastor's wives will enjoy a "For Ladies Only" session with Mrs. Janet Hunt each morning. It is our intent to spoil you, entertain you, inspire you and encourage you. For church planters or pastors with limited funds to attend a retreat like this, we want to assist you. We have partnered with NAMB and they have provided us with some Scholarship Dollars to help pastors attend. If you and your wife have a desire to attend the retreat and can't afford the registration fee please contact the Timothy Barnabas office today to inquire about how the Scholarship process works. Space is limited!!! To register or for more information visit


Event Calendar August 4 - Social Issues Sunday: Environmental Stewardship (SBC) August 7 - 8:00 AM - Pastor’s Fellowship Breakfast at Bonnie’s at the Red Byrd in Keedysville. August 8 - Global Leadership Summit at FCF and Riva Trace. See page 8 for details. August 11 - Student Evangelism Sunday (SBC) August 18 - 24 - Worship Music Week (SBC) August 24 - Revitalizing the Sunday Morning Dinosaur with Ken Hemphill at Westview Baptist Church in Martinsburg, WV. Call 304-267-6787 for details. September 1 - Single Adult Sunday (SBC) September 4 - 8:00 AM - Pastor’s Fellowship Breakfast at Bob Evans on Route 40 in Frederick. September 8 - 5:30 PM - Asian Concert of Prayer at Hahnuri Baptist Church in Silver Spring. See for information. September 15 - Anti-Gambling Sunday (SBC) September 24 - Fall Children’s Ministers Seminar @ the Baptist Missions Resource Center. See fall-childrens-ministers for details.

Birthdays AUGUST 1 Richard Krauss 3 Ed Jordan 11 Susan Smith 11 Debbie Cherry 12 Alan Myers 13 Chrissy Crawford 14 Terry Crawford 18 Christine McClellan 25 Becky Krauss 30 Larry Eubanks September 1 Kimberly Pope 5 Steve Rose 11 Jamie Beall 23 Phil Graves Anniversary August 6 August 8

Housam Rose


In the Churches Paramount Baptist Church - Hagerstown will be having a cook-out and devotion on August 14 starting at 5:00 PM. New Hope Church - Inwood, WV is in a campaign to pay off their land by the first of 2014, so they can then start the process of planning the construction of a new church building. FIRST BAPTIST CAMBODIAN CHURCH is a new house church start in Frederick, MD that is designed to reach out to Cambodian believers. Samuel Nuon is pastor. Pastor Joseph Constane of Eglise Baptise Hatienne du Calvaire de Hagerstown recently went back to Haiti to lead training for pastors in that nation. South End Baptist held it's annual summer soccer camp. The event is always evangelical in nature and always reaches many teens in the area. Virginia Avenue Baptist Church just went through a "Healing the Heart of Your Church" emphasis. Dr. Jerry Cooper reports that it was a great help to heal the hurts of the past, and strengthen the church for ministry now and in the future. Adamstown Community Church - Adamstown have a Family Carnival event on August 4. They will also begin having Team Kids the first Friday of every month. First Baptist Church - Brunswick will be having their summer picnic on Sunday August 18 at 12:30 at the Brunswick City Park Building. Mt Moriah Baptist Church - Knoxville asks for your presence on Saturday September 28 from 11:00 am to 3:00 PM. The church will have a steeple dedication and picnic. Summit Trace Church - Frederick will host a duo of baptismal services on August 11 and again on September 1. STC will be hosting a Hunters' Blessing at the E-ventplex on August 31 from 7:30 am to 2:00 pm. They are expecting a large turnout. There will be music, vendors, kid's games, giveaways, and event speakers.


PRAYER REQUESTS: Pray for Pastor Rob Welty and his family, who are leaving the pastorate of 13 years at Boonsboro Bible Church. Rob will be doing more extensive work in helping military families and doing military Chaplaincy. Pray for Boonsboro Bible Baptist as they begin the process of searching for a new pastor. Pray for brother Mike Callahan who is returning from a mission trip to India. Pray for Pastor Peter Guadaloupe as he prepares to take BRBA church members on mission to the Dominican Republic in the Spring of 2014. Pray for Pastor Jeff Moss - former pastor at Fellowship Baptist Middletown - as he continues to seek a secular job. Praise the Lord he is on the better side of his health problems! Pray for Neil Reazin, Pleasant Valley Baptist - who just had extensive shoulder surgery. Pray for Tommy & Angela Lakin & family ...Tommy just lost his father. Pray for and about recent vandalisms at WEST END BAPTIST CHURCH - Hagerstown. Pray that the attacks will cease, and the culprit(s) caught. Pray for Disaster Relief workers all across the United States who are in a long term commitment to help victims of heavy storms/flooding/hurricanes. Pray for the search process for a new Executive Director for the Baptist Convention of MD/DE. Pray for Pastor John Sumpter as he just started working as Pastor at Myersville Baptist Church and moved his family to the area.

New 15 Passenger Van BRBA has acquired a used 15 passenger-van that is now available for use by our churches. This is the second van that Blue Ridge has added to our fleet. Our churches are welcome to reserve it for mission trips, Vacation Bible Schools, or any other projects. To reserve the van. please complete the reservation form on our website ( or contact Mae Argilan at or 240-818-8760.



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