2012 Beauford Club Magazine Summer (2)

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Beauford Owners Club

‘Summer’ 2012 Issue 91 1


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Committee Members POSITION





Dennis Murphy

27 Mote Avenue, Maidstone, Kent ME15 7SU dennismurphy1@tiscali.co.uk



Mike Peachey

La Haute Rebiere, Payzac, 24270, France

Secretary & Membership Secretary

Liz Ovenden

17 Brooklime Drive, Boughton Vale, Rugby, 01788-547033 Warwickshire CV23 0SF liz.ovenden@beaufordclub.org.uk


Keith Woolfenden

Oak Tree House, Green Lane, Pamber Green, Hampshire RG26 6AD



Chris Rudge

11 Honeybourne Road, Alveley, Nr. Bridgenorth, Shropshire WV15 6PR



Michael Crozier

63 Laurel Grove, Tunstall, Sunderland SR2 9EE michael@jonhmichaelcrozier.fsnet.co.uk



Bill Buckley

18 Kelsey Lane Balsall Common, Coventry 01676-534877 CV7 7GL


Paul Hicks

Rosehill, Kellow, Looe, Cornwall PL13 1LE beauford.editor@btopenworld.com


Tony Ovenden

17 Brooklime Drive, Boughton Vale, Rugby, 01788-547033 Warwickshire CV23 0SF

Beauford Cars Ltd.

David Young

Greenside Works, Thomas Street, Biddulph, Stoke on Trent ST8 6EE beaufordcarsuk@aol.com

01503 262069

Tel 01782-520086 Fax 01782-523724

Please Note: The inclusion of material in, or distributed with, this magazine does not imply the endorsement or recommendation of that material. Members are advised to evaluate for themselves the suitability of material for their own purposes. Please mention the Beauford Club Magazine when replying to adverts.



The Chairman’s Page Welcome to the club if you are a new member, hello again to those of you who remember me as the magazine editor. I would just like to say that, although I am happy to take over as chairman, I think we will soon be getting to the stage where we will need some younger members to come forward and help with the running of the club. Please contact me, Liz or any committee member if you would like to offer your servces. At the AGM our treasurer, Mike Peachey, (who lives in France!) wrote to say that he would prefer to step down if someone else would take over from him. It occurs to me that we have many members who are running wedding hire businesses; they must keep books and accounts, surely there is somebody who could take on the Beauford Club accounts alongside their own. Mike says it doesn’t amount to a great deal of work and he would be happy help anyone who takes over, so please think about it. At the Stoneleigh show there were 15 Beaufords on the stand - what a wonderful sight. However, at the AGM we didn’t have a quorum of 12. What happened? Why not try taking an hour out of your day between lunch and tea to get away from those screeching Westfields, to come and support your club. Go on - give it a go next year.

Dennis FORTHCOMING EVENTS Kit Car Show, Newark Bath Pagent of Motoring Bath Racecourse

Shaw & Crompton Parish Council Vehicle Rally Hollowell Steam Rally Northants Woodvale Rally, Stockport National Kit and Performance Car Show, Donington

Saturday and Sunday 16th and 17th June Saturday and Sunday 23rd and 24th June http://bathpageantofmotoring.com/register

Sunday 24th June Saturday and Sunday 7th and 8th July Saturday and Sunday 4th and 5th August www.woodvalerally.com

Sat and Sun 1st and 2nd September www.doningtonkitcarshow.co.uk

Kit Car Show, Exeter

Saturday and Sunday 20th and 21st October



From the Editor Well I was going to put a nice bright summery picture on the cover. Perhaps a Beauford on the beach with the sun, sea and surf boards. but it wouldn’t reflect the summer that we have had so far would it? So I’ve used this beautiful picture taken in June by Morwenna Photography of Bude. Last month I read with envy, Chris’ article about life in sunny Oz. Now this month, Sam Savage is rubbing ‘salt in the wounds’ with his story about taking his Beauford to Florida. Sunshine all the way is it boys? Here in ‘sunny Cornwall, we have had a glimpse of summer but only a glimpse. This has prompted me that I’ve been meaning to replace the heater core in ‘Eliot’ since last year but each time I think about doing it, I wonder if I really need a heater at all. Well the time has come and I plan to do the job as soon as I’ve finished putting this edition together. So at least it will be warm in the Beauford. I must congratulate Terry Vickers on building his Beauford and passing the IVA first time and he did it in in a just a year. Terry has been good enough to write a very interesting article about his experiences in achieving this - and a bit more? Many thanks Terry. While I was at Stoneleigh this year I met Annette from Function Cars who mentioned that they had been suffering from an ‘untraceable’ smell of petrol from their Beauford wedding car. Their car is a Nissan 2.8 engined car with twin SU carburetors. I asked Trevor for his advice and he has written an article on how the petrol smell problem might be solved. Perhaps it might help other members as well. Since completing this edition, I’ve received a number of articles from members describing how they have changed and enhanced their Beaufords. I am sure that other members will be interested in these so I am planning to feature a ‘Modifications and Enhancements’

spread in the Autumn edition. So if you have a modification that adds to the pleasure of driving your car or makes life easier for your passengers; if you think that other members might be interested, why not take a few pictures and put some words together for the magazine. Personally, I’ve just ordered a new luggage trunk from David at Beauford. As I’ve mentioned before, I run two Beaufords as wedding cars (Alfonso and Eliot). Al has a standard black box on the back and Eliot has one of the new painted boxes with a drop down picnic table built in. My brides love this feature on Eliot. We use it when we serve our Champagne. Eliot now takes more bookings than Al so hence - the new box for Al. I will include details and pictures next month. Talking about Champagne, Liz mentioned a possible issue with serving Champagne as part of a wedding package. Well I’ve looked into it and it seems that if its ‘complimentary’ then there is no licensing requirement. However, you must not charge ‘extra’ for it, neither must you give a reduction if the ‘complimentary’ Champagne is not required, otherwise you are deemed to be selling it and a license may be required. But now, I’ll just finish this editorial, publish it, have it printed, post it to you and I am off to the sunshine on holiday (after I’ve put in the new heater core of course). 6

OVENDEN’S OFFERING Liz There Is a strong rumour going around that it is now summer, but apart from the fact that the trees have got leaves on them you would never know. Even the central heating is still occasionally coming on and in mid June and that’s most unusual. A few weeks ago we had had a couple of nice days so thought we would take the Beauford out for a run as it has not been out that much lately. Anyway, got her out, removed the cat hair from the roof (how does that cat get into the garage?) and the muddy paw prints on the bonnet, put the top down and off we set. Needless to say we had not been at our destination for more than an hour when it came over really dark and the heavens opened. I think it must have been something of a record in getting the top back on the car before we got too wet. Still at least we discovered that the car is waterproof and we were quite snug and dry on the way home. The heater also works well which is a bonus.

Renewals I have really tried hard this year in my efforts to get members to let me know if they want to renew or not. After the initial influx of subscriptions had died down I sent out 44 emails to those who had not renewed which generated some more positive responses. I left it another few weeks and sent out another set of emails and then a couple of weeks ago I phoned round all those who had not renewed as the thought suddenly occurred to me that I might not have the correct email addresses. Sure enough there were a few whose addresses have changed plus there were others where the emails had gone into their spam boxes. Of course, there are always those who despite the emails and phone messages just can’t be bothered to get back to me to say that they don’t want to rejoin. However, I am very pleased to say that there are only 8 members who have not made contact with me and this really is something of a record and just shows that my persistence has paid off. Any member who has not renewed will not be receiving this magazine, but as they won’t receive it, they won’t know that!

Stoneleigh The weather on the Sunday was fairly dry and we had a tremendous turn out of members with 15 cars present which is the highest amount we have had for some years. It was just so nice to see so many people and to catch up on what they have been up to and to put faces to names. I do hope that everyone enjoyed themselves and had plenty to eat and drink and my apologies for forgetting the decaf coffee which is still sitting in my kitchen cupboard. The new water boiler also proved useful and although it takes a bit longer to boil than the old one (it holds more) at least no one got burnt. As mentioned in the last magazine we also had a members’ auto jumble and I think this went down well and things which were no good to one proved to be useful to another so I think we might make this a regular event at Stoneleigh. On Monday, what a different story, boy did it rain and rain and rain. We had very few cars turn up, and who in their right minds would turn up at a kit car show to sit in the rain in the middle of a field in those conditions. I think some of us die hard members could well answer that one! Because of the appalling weather we first of all decided that we would pack up after lunch, but then when it became clear that the weather was not going to improve we decided, along with most of the show ground, to pack 7

THE BEAUFORD OWNERS CLUB MAGAZINE up before lunch. My thanks to those hardy members who stayed to help in the packing up of the trailer. Unfortunately, Tony was not well and although he had made it to the show the day before was just not well enough to either come out for our meal on Sunday evening or to come to the show on Monday. As I have never towed the trailer before I am very grateful to Ken who kindly offered to tow it home for me. Just over a week later we had a sunny day so we were able to get the gazebos and sides out of the trailer and got them dried out.

Headlamp Rims I have had a member get in touch with me because he has lost a headlamp rim. I know that Beauford Cars are also having trouble in trying to source these and are currently out of stock themselves. However, I have now found a source for the manufacture of these rims and as soon as I know how many sets will be required they will go into production. If any member needs a set or even spares then I would be grateful if you could let me know as soon as possible so that I can place a firm order. The cost of the rims will be about £20 a set plus postage and packing.

Shows If anyone knows of any other shows which members may be interested, then please let Liz know and she will put the details on the web site as well as including them in this list. I recently received an email from Gary Gray a member in Southport. He was letting me know about the Woodvale Rally which he thought might be a good show/venue for members to meet up at. The show was scheduled to take place at RAF Woodvale on the Formby Bypass on the 4th and 5th August but I have now had another email from him to say that the show has had to be moved to the Southport Flower Showground because RAF Woodvale has suffered from moles, yes moles, digging up asbestos! Details of the show can be found at www.woodvalerally.com. If you are fairly local to this area you might like to pop along

and see what it’s all about (the Woodvale Rally not the moles). Complete Kit Car Magazine have decided to resurrect this show and the first one is on Saturday and Sunday 1st and 2nd September. I have booked a club space at this show for the week-end but currently we will only be there on the Sunday 2nd with the barest of club facilities. The club display area at Donington will be in the infield area of the circuit as opposed to where it used to be outside the circuit and they are even offering a prize for the best club stand, which takes me back a few years as Stoneleigh always used to do that. During the two days there will also be kit car racing on the circuit. Further information is available from www.doningtonkitcarshow.co.uk. Also, nearly forgot to mention that there is camping on site and for those not in a kit car there are early bird tickets which can be purchased. Just a quick mention for those who have not been to Donington before and are not sure where it is – it is fairly close to East Midlands Airport so follow the signs and you are sure not to get lost.

Annual General Meeting As mentioned above we had a good turn out of 15 cars but it was only when I came to do the minutes of the meeting that I realised that not all the members who were on site came to the AGM. I found this a little disappointing, especially after organising the facilities and food for the members of ‘our club’ for the pre AGM refreshments. The Club rules state that a quorum of 12 members should be present at an AGM and we only had 11. Fortunately, I had had a couple of apologies and one member had given me his proxy so we were just about ok. But do please come along to the AGM when you can - the club needs your support and input to operate successfully. Sorry to end on a moan. 8


Minutes of the 2011 Annual General Meeting Introduction

Chairman’s Report

Minutes of the 2012 Annual General Meeting held at the Warwick Rooms, NAC Stoneleigh on Sunday 6th May 2012 at 3.00 pm

Bill gave thanks to the Committee for their hard work over the last 12 months and he also welcomed Paul Hicks, our new Editor, who had spent five hours getting to Stoneleigh. Bill also thanked Dennis Murphy, the previous editor, who had travelled up from Kent. Bill also thanked Liz, To n y, M i k e P e a c h e y a n d t h e o t h e r Committee members, as without them the Club would not exist. He also mentioned that Keith Woolfenden had been a Committee member right from the club’s inception.

PRESENT Bill Buckley Chairman Liz Ovenden Secretary Paul Hicks Editor Tony Ovenden Web Master Keith Woolfenden Committee Member Dennis Murphy Ken and Carol Price Debbie Buckley Maureen Murphy Hamish Freeman Pete and Maureen Horsfield Ray Dobbs and Paula Thacker Brian Simmonds Apologies Ted Byron Derek Bracegirdle Bill opened the meeting by welcoming everyone to the 22nd AGM and was pleased to see that there were 15 cars on the Club stand (five more than last year).

Quorum It was noted that the quorum for an Annual General Meeting was 12 members present or by proxy. Although there were only 11 members present Ted Byron had sent his apologies and asked for Liz to be his proxy for any decisions which needed to be made. It was agreed that any matters arising from the 2011 Annual General Meeting would be dealt with under the appropriate section of this meeting. Otherwise the Minutes were agreed.

Bill said that he had been Chairman for 15 years but now, for various reasons, had decided to resign and would like someone to volunteer to take over as Chairman. As the day to day running of the club was done by Liz, the post of Chairman was mostly to liaise with other committee members when required. He went on to say that over the last 20 years the club has gone from strength to strength with the membership a mixture of both private members and those with wedding car businesses. Bill was still hoping that the Club would attend other types of shows, steam rallies, air shows etc, and members were asked to let Liz know of any events in their area that could be visited by members for a day out.

Treasurer’s Report Mike Peachey had sent the Treasurer’s Report and Bill summarised this as follows. The figures in brackets being for the previous year Income Total income – £3385 than last year

(£2635) £750 more

Subscriptions - £1675 (£84 down on previous year) Advertising - £1420 (£636 up on last year)


THE BEAUFORD OWNERS CLUB MAGAZINE Regalia – £73.58 (£27.80 last year) Expenditure Total expenditure - £2876 (£621 up on the previous year) Car show expenses - £242 (£88 up on last year) Insurance £150 (down from £197 last year) Depreciation of club equipment £66 The surplus for the year, amounting to £509.28 puts the accumulated fund at £12,115.42 Total bank balances at the end of February 2012 were £11,515.47 Mike was thanked for his excellent accounts.

Secretary/Membership Secretary’s Report As at today there were 168 paid up members with only one new member since beginning of March. 44 email reminders had been sent out at the end of April. So far 34 members have not renewed but this includes 8 who have sold their cars, 3 who have declined membership this year plus one dissatisfied customer. Overall the membership is slightly dropping. Still the majority of those not renewing are members who have joined in the last two years. There is also the factor that not so many people are building new cars and a lot of what were privately owned cars are being sold to wedding business companies, some of whom are already members. Despite the Club having to charge for the wedding list (the cost of this plus that charged for non members on the Sales and Wants page, goes towards the upkeep of the web site (hosting company etc), the number of members advertising on the wedding site seems to have gone up again after an initial fall last year. Last year there were 72 members advertising on this site and so far this year there are 82 listing on it but of these I am still waiting to hear from 7 of them to see if they want to remain on the list.

With effect from the last magazine we have also managed to obtain a new advertiser, 2Gether Insurance who have taken out a full page advert for the forthcoming year. Finally Liz thanked all those members who send her a few kind words with their renewals – these are very much appreciated and she apologised to those whom she does not get a chance always to reply to.

Editor’s Report Paul Hicks was delighted to have been accepted as Editor and agreed to take on the challenge of producing the magazine. Having produced one edition of the magazine using his own printer he had decided to obtain a quote for having the magazine professionally printed (the latest edition). The next magazine he thinks will be on slightly heavier paper which should be better. Having taken into consideration the cost of the toners for printing the magazine himself the outside printer’s costs were fairly competitive It also meant that he did not spend many evenings printing the Magazine. Because of the recent increase in postage charges it was suggested that with effect from next year overseas members be invited to pay a sum of £10 to cover this postage. However, this would be reviewed nearer the time. As he did have a small stock pile of stamps the Club would cover the cost of this postage for this year. It was also suggested that the cost of a franking machine be investigated, as franked postage was slightly cheaper than using stamps. Paul also said that he would like stories from members who had done modifications to their cars which could be included in future editions.

Webmaster’s Report The web site was still self supporting due to revenue from the adverts and wedding listings pages. The hits for the first quarter this year were up by a third on the same period last year with a slight increase in April of 3% over last year.


THE BEAUFORD OWNERS CLUB MAGAZINE Adverts for the last couple of years on the site were: 2010 – 40, 10 of which were paid for 2011 – 48, 13 of which were paid for 2012 – 20, 2 of which were paid for (Figures up to end April) If anyone knew of any events which club members could attend then please let Liz know so that they could be put on the web site.

Election of Committee Chairman: Bill Buckley having tendered his resignation a new Chairman was sought. Liz nominated Dennis Murphy for the position, and as Dennis was agreeable to taking this on, he was seconded by Paula Thacker and on a show of hands Dennis was voted in. Bill then was thanked for his loyalty to the Club as Chairman over the last 15 or so years and he then handed the meeting over the Dennis as the new Chairman. Mike Peachey as Treasurer had agreed if necessary to continue in this position but if there was anyone who would be prepared to take over as Treasurer he would happily talk a new treasurer through the process, and keep duplicate books for a year before resigning completely. As no other Committee member had tendered their resignations it was agreed on a show of hands that the remaining Committee carry on for another year.

Club Activities If there are any shows which members think the club would benefit from attending then please let Liz know and she would arrange to have the details put on the web site. Paul Hicks suggested that the club should have regional meetings/shows, not necessarily at week-ends, but possibly during the week, but this would mean trying to get coordinators around the country who would be willing to organize these meets. Liz would put something in the next magazine about this. Paula Thacker told the meeting that Peterborough Council would be holding a car show on the Embankment later in the summer and she would let Liz know the date and details as soon as they were available.

Club Facilities The trailer had only been used once in the last year, but if any member wanted to take it to a show then they should contact Liz. The hot water boiler had been replaced this year, following the handle on the old one breaking. It was noted that the generator used by the club actually belonged to Tony and Liz who were happy to allow the club to continue using it, but it was agreed at the meeting that should repairs be needed to it then the club would pay for these.

Any Other Business There was nothing to discuss this year. The meeting closed at 3.50 pm Minutes prepared by Liz Ovenden

Hi Classic Car Enthusiasts, We as a Motor Factor have traded in south west Glasgow since 1958, supplying both retail and trade with spare parts and accessories. As a consequence we still have available a wide range of Classic Car spares. We have recently listed a range of classic spares onto our web site. If your members visit http:// www.classictocurrent.co.uk/CLASSIC_PAGE.HTML they will be able to browse our classic car spares pages. I hope this information is helpful. Harry Sherry 11


A Beauford in Florida Sam Savage

I read with great interest the trials and tribulations that Chris Lewington went through to take his car to Australia and thought that it might be of interest to recall my own experiences of taking my Beauford to Florida. By the way – great article Chris!

secret thought was “I can't wait to cruise around in my baby in that lovely weather”.

Way back in 2003 I decided that winter in the UK was just not for me. The sunshine, sand and sea in Florida beckoned. We had spent many holidays in Florida so knew it well and the lifestyle was just what we needed - the car scene was really awesome. I decided that we would make the USA our home from November to March.

container shipping was a whopping £750. On the plus side it only took 2 weeks to deliver. The docking port was Jacksonville and the import agent was called John S. James & Co.

So on the 6th November 2003 we were off to Florida until end of March (each year). A

I drove to Southampton to have the Beauford shipped to the USA. The shipping company was called Wallenius, and the agent was Tony White. The cost of

The Beauford then had to go through the US customs formalaties. The Customs charge was 2½ % of the value of the car and I held my breath as to the outcome. However, as they have no way of checking the book value of a Beauford they (fortunately) 12

THE BEAUFORD OWNERS CLUB MAGAZINE accepted my valuation of $10,000 (£5,000 at the rate of exchange then). I must now admit that the true value was about $40,000 (£20,000). The next expense was that for the customs and handling agent which was £250. Next, I arranged to have the Beauford delivered to my new address (unlike Chris’ experience with his trailer in Australia) this added just a further cost of £150. So the total cost of my USA Beauford was £1,150 - a bargain I thought. However, next was the official side of getting the Beauford on the road. To get Florida plates, you have to take it to the local vehicle inspection dept. Unfortunately, American cars have their chassis (or VIN number) as they call it, stamped on a plate inside the passenger door. As ours are stamped on the chassis, the ‘official lady’ informed me “there is no way buddy that I am going to crawl under that car”. I must admit that she had a nice clean uniform and maybe couldn’t have fitted underneath. But it left me with no way to check that my chassis number was the same as on the log book. B....cks! Actually, Americans don't have log books. The details of their cars are tied up with the registration plate. The well dressed American lady suggested that I take the Beauford to my local Sheriff's auto theft dept. Perhaps he would like to crawl underneath the ‘thing’. So that is what I did. Luckily, because of the car, the sheriff was very helpful. He put the Beauford on a ramp. Crawled underneath and then gave me confirmation on his headed paper that the engine and chassis numbers were the same as in the English log book. And what about the cost? Actually, I gave the girls in the Sheriff’s office $40 for their coffee fund. I’m nothing if not generous. Next, I took the car back to the nice lady in uniform - still in pristine condition. She duly

stamped my inspection sheet and didn’t think about a crawl under this beautiful machine. Next, I took the documents to the registration dept where I received my Florida plates at the very reasonable cost of $35. Believe it or not, they a have no road tax. Learn a thing or two about this one UK. The total round trip for that little lot was about 150 miles but I did keep the US ladies uniform quite clean and a coffee fund topped up. Insuring the car there is just another problem. I would suggest that any prospective owner should go to a classic car insurer. I have found that one of the best is Hagerty. It would seem that all Americans who have classic cars have them as second cars. The insurance people will want details of day to day car usage. When you have a daily car already insured with someone, your classic policy will be between $200-400 per year for everything. What a mistake! As I did not have a daily car, my Beauford insurance cost me an arm and a leg. My insurance is now due and I have wised up and bought myself a daily runaround truck. So lo and behold, I can now insure my Beauford for around $250 - whoopee!. Going back to the declared value of the car. I think that as long as you keep your Beauford, particularly if you then export it back to the UK, you will be fine. If you decide to sell it in America for the true value, you might well get a begging letter from the Customs, asking for more money. I hope that the above will be of interest to anyone thinking of moving to the USA and taking their car with them. If you do, why not join me, ‘cruising in Florida’. Have fun! And talking about cruising, take a look at this ......





I have a little Satnav It sits there in my car A Satnav is a driver's friend It tells you where you are I have a little Satnav I've had it all my life It does more than the normal one My Satnav is my wife It gives me full instructions On exactly how to drive "It's thirty miles an hour" it says "And you're doing thirty five" It tells me when to stop and start And when to use the brake And tells me that it's never ever Safe to overtake It tells me when a light is red And when it goes to green

Paddy, who was on holiday from Ireland on Bondi beach, Australia couldn't seem to make it with any of the girls, so he asked the local lifeguard for some advice. ‘Mate, it's obvious,' says the lifeguard, 'you're wearing them old baggy swimming trunks that make ya look like an old geezer. They're years outta style. Your best bet is to grab yourself a pair of Speedos - about two sizes too small and drop a fist-sized potato down inside 'em. I'm telling ya

It seems to know instinctively Just when to intervene It lists the vehicles just in front It lists those to the rear And taking this into account It specifies my gear I'm sure no other driver Has so helpful a device For when we leave and lock the car It still gives its advice It fills me up with counseling Each journey's pretty fraught So why don't I exchange it And get a quieter sort? Ah well, you see, it cleans the house Makes sure I'm properly fed It washes all my shirts and things And - keeps me warm in bed!

mate...you'll have all the babes ya want!' The following weekend, Paddy hits the beach with his spanking new tight Speedos, and his fist-sized potato. Everybody on the beach was disgusted as he walked by, covering their faces, turning away, and laughing, looking sick! So Paddy went back to the lifeguard again and asked him, 'What's wrong now?' Bloody Hell!' said the lifeguard, 'Maaaaate. The potato goes in the front!'” 15


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A Smell of Petrol? Trevor looks at SU Carburetors If your Beauford is fitted with an SU, have you ever noticed that untraceable smell of petrol when you first switch on or when you switch off a hot engine? The SU Carburetor has been one of the longest running success stories in the relatively short history of motor cars. However, one weakness in the design is the temperamental float needle valve. It works perfectly well with new, clean petrol but if you leave the car standing for any length of time or if you have any dirt in your fuel tank then problems arise. Take a look at the diagram below of the SU Float Chamber. Towards the top you will see the ‘breather cover cap’. Behind that cover is a very small hole that

allows the air to escape as the fuel is pumped into the bowl. You will also see the needle seat and float valve. This valve works perfectly under normal conditions but the slightest bit of dirt or, as is more often the case, a build up of ‘gum’ from old petrol and the valve does not fully close. Petrol continues to enter the bowl and finds its way out through the air vent, often unnoticed. This results in the smell of petrol. The use of Grose-Jet float valves has done more to improve the reliability of SU carbs than any other single improvement that I am aware of.

The double ball design controls the flow of fuel well and shuts off tightly. The balls rotate in the flow stream so wear patterns are minimized and, under normal operation, will remove dirt and gum as it rotates. Another advantage is that the balls are retained so they don't fall out on disassembly of the float lid. However, nothing is perfect and the seating ball will stick shut if left sitting with stale fuel in it for 6 months to a year. 18


Mind you, that's not the only place stale fuel causes problems. Petroleum refiners never intended for petrol to stay in inventory over 90 days. Petrol in your tank for long periods is not a particular problem. It's only when it sits in cracks and crevices in fuel pumps and carburetors for 6 months or more that it causes problems. Gum will coat the jet needle and varnish/gum will set up around the jet and fuel pump valves almost like an epoxy. Disassembly and cleaning with a commercial carb cleaner is about the only cure other than avoiding the stale fuel problem by driving your car every few weeks.

Installing a Grose-Jet Valve Replacing the existing needle valve with a Grose-Jet Valve is simple and should take no more than 10 minutes. First, order a Grose valve and a new float bowl gasket for each carburetor. I always use the services of Moss Europe s e e : http://www.moss-europe.co.uk/Shop/

3. Using a small 10mm socket, unscrew

the needle valve housing and discard. 4. Put the fibre washer (supplied) over

the threaded section of the new valve.

Original Needle Valve

5. Insert the new valve and tighten with

the 10mm socket. 6. This would be a good opportunity to

check for dirt/rubbish in the bottom of the

ViewProducts.aspx?PlateIndexID=18413&SortOrder=1 .

They cost about £11 each but you might find them cheaper elsewhere 1. Remove the float chamber cover - 3

screws. 2. Carefully extract the hinge pin

securing the float to the lid. Take care the centre of the needle valve can fall out once the float is removed. Fitted with the new Grose-Jet Valve

float chamber. If there is any, soak up the petrol with a clean cloth. Spray the bowl with carb cleaner and blow out with an airline or good old fashioned ‘puff’ through a tube (don’t breath in though). 7. Fit the new gasket


THE BEAUFORD OWNERS CLUB MAGAZINE 8. Replace the float bowl cover and

secure with the 3 screws. 9. Switch on the ignition and check for


I use a low pressure pump made by the German company, Huco and supplied by Fast Road Cars (see http:// w w w. f a s t r o a d c a r s . c o . u k / s h o p / i n d e x . p h p ? act=viewProd&productId=29 ). I use the suction

version which should be mounted near to the engine. Another safeguard is to fit a Fuel King pressure regulator. Set the regulator to about 3 lbs. If you don’t have a pressure gauge (and many of us don’t), switch on the ignition without the engine running and reduce the pressure until the fuel pump stops its pulsing. Then increase the pressure by half a turn.

10. Job done!

One last thought

Fuel Kings are readily available on Ebay and you might find a bargain. If you use the one with a built in filter you have added protection of filtered fuel.

SU users should also be aware that the SU carburetor was designed to operate at low pressure - just 3 to 5lbs. SU fuel pumps deliver a perfect pressure but I often see cars using high pressure pumps more suited to a petrol injection set up. This will result in over fueling which, coupled with a dirty needle valve exacerbates the smell of petrol.

Well - best of luck to those of you that raised the problem of petrol smells with the Editor. This might just do the trick.

Huco electric fuel pump



A wedding next year so

Let’s build a Beauford Terry Vickers

Getting Started Having taken an early retirement a few years ago, and having admired Beauford cars ever since I saw one of my customers driving one several years ago, I thought this was an ideal opportunity to experience building my own “Sunday” car which could double up as a wedding car to offset the build cost and generate a bit of income. I made a couple of visits to see David Young at his factory in Biddulph before taking the plunge and ordering a kit from him. The kit was delivered in February 2011 and the fun of the build began a l m o s t immediately. I had managed to find a lovely 1988 Ford Sierra 2.0L as a donor vehicle which had been owned by members of the same family for most of its life. In fact the current owner had even had the car valeted the week before I bought it and I didn’t

have the heart to tell him what I was going to do with his pride and joy! We collected the car from Bournemouth, and my friend who drove it on the long journey home said that it drove very well, which gave me confidence that mechanically, all seemed to be ok.

The Build So I started the ‘big build’. The Sierra was fitted with an ECU which I decided to remove in order to keep things simple. I purchased a conventional Weber carburettor with a manual choke cable, and also fitted electronic ignition system. The car was equipped with an ABS system which again I discarded. The car‘s owner mentioned that the front discs were a tad warped so, for peace of mind, I fitted new discs, callipers and pads on all four wheels. I also purchased a brake balance valve to prevent the rear wheels from locking up


THE BEAUFORD OWNERS CLUB MAGAZINE which would have certainly resulted in an IVA failure. The build itself was fairly straightforward. I only dropped a few ‘clangers’ along the way but nothing that couldn’t be put right!

I had heard of one Beauford failing the test because the rearmost of the bonnet louvers and also the roof “sticks” had failed the examiners` sphere test, so I fitted lengths of u-section rubber to cover these areas.

David Young was very helpful during the build, and it also helped that I live only a few miles from Beauford Cars Ltd. This enabled me to pop

One potential IVA failure issue is the “sharp” edges around the front door quarter light glass, both inside and out. As I was not confident that I could get a nice smooth finish using mastic, I

over to see him on several occasions in order to resolve any queries instead of making any exhaustive phone calls for any complicated issues.

found that the quarter round rubber windscreen fillet strips fitted perfectly, and these can be mitred and secured with mastic to give a very professional finish.

Before I fitted the floor sections to the chassis, I drilled holes along both sides of the chassis at 180mm centres to accept the pipe clips for the brake and fuel lines.

I fitted plastic nut covers over any exposed nuts, and a pair of driving lamps to block off the apertures of the front wings.

I made sure that I fitted grommets wherever any wiring passed through the bodywork. Wherever possible I concealed the wiring itself, or at least clipped it to the chassis using pipe clips rather than cable ties. The holes for the seats (and where appropriate the seat belt anchorages) had metal tube inserts fitted. I fitted 100mm x 100mmx 5mm steel plates to act as load spreading washers where the bolts passed through the wooden floor sections if they weren’t bolted to the metal chassis members. I took great care to avoid any sharp edges on any of the bodywork and fitted rubber u-section strips around the front and rear bumper mounting brackets.

I borrowed an “IVA kit” from David (many thanks for that David), which comprised modified door handles which I fitted the “wrong” way around, ie with the pointed ends facing to the rear, modified knobs for the hood “stick” pivot points and a piece of mdf to cover the rear luggage rack which was fitted with a central mounted number plate lamp. I also borrowed a number plate surround which I bracketed in-between the rear bumpers to bring the number plate forward. I also fitted a pair of aluminium/grp sections which I fitted beneath the rear wings to reduce the gap between the rear wheels and the bodywork and hence satisfy the IVA testers plastic gauge sheet.



Applying for IVA The IVA test was the part of being a Beauford owner that filled me with dread! In reality I found the whole process to be quite straightforward, and as long as you apply common sense and try to foresee what the IVA

examiner will scrutinise, then there is no reason why the prospect of an IVA test should be too daunting. Having spent the last year or so working from almost dawn to dusk ever since my Beauford kit arrived, I finally reached the stage when I could apply for the IVA test.

The Challenge

issues before they came to light on the day of the actual test! Some owners told me that it would be advisable not to have the car painted, and not to have the hood fitted prior to the test. However I was of the opinion that if the car were to be presented

in a shiny “finished” condition then the examiner would be more likely to consider that care had been taken during the build rather than having been “thrown together”. Someone also advised not to fit the fuel filler pipe. Someone else advised that the rear seat belt fixing bars caused problems both in their fitting and also the acceptance by VOSA.

The real challenge was that I had been asked back in December 2011 if I could take a booking for my first wedding for April 15th 2012. I thought that this would give me ample time to complete the build and to get it through the IVA test (and any likely re-test), and so I accepted the booking.

In reality, neither of these issues were a problem and the seat belt bars just simply bolted into place without any hassle at all.

My car was actually in the body shop in December and after its return the weeks just flew by. My time was spent completing the build and getting it ready for the test.

I also attended a VOSA presentation on the IVA test at the Bentley car factory at Crewe. It was actually given by the same examiner who recognised me from our earlier meeting. So fingers crossed that I would get the same guy on the day of my test. Not that for one minute was I expecting any leniency, but better the devil you know etc.etc.

My IVA test date came through for April 5th 2012, which was cutting it a bit fine to say the least. The wedding was on the 15th and the day after the test was Good Friday and even if it passed, I still had to get the car registered with the DVLA! I had heard numerous horror stories about the IVA test, so from the outset of the build I tried to envisage what the examiner would scrutinise and thus, hopefully avoid any potential failure

Fortunately, I was able to accompany David when he took one of his cars for an IVA test and so I knew what to expect on the day.

The Test A friend drove the Beauford to the test centre using his trade plates and I followed in my car to arrive in good time for my 8.00am appointment. This would hopefully allow the 23

THE BEAUFORD OWNERS CLUB MAGAZINE new brakes to bed in during the journey, however as most of the trip was taken on motorways, the brakes were seldom applied! My heart sank shortly after we arrived, when a VOSA chap who I didn’t recognise told us to take the car to the test building. However I was a tad relieved when I returned from booking in to find that the tester who I had previously met as my examiner for the 4 hour test! The first exercise (after checking that the chassis and engine numbers conformed with the paperwork) was the emissions test. The reading was a bit high but the tester said that he would check it again after the engine had been thoroughly warmed up. I then had to drive the car onto the lift so that the tester could inspect the underside of the car. After he had lowered the lift, the tester congratulated me on the way the car was presented, however he also told me that he had to fail it on a couple of minor issues. • He had noticed that I had omitted to secure the main battery cable lead to the chassis. • The fuel filter had been secured to the chassis using cable ties which he deemed to be a “temporary” fixing. The fuel filter was secured with 3 cable ties to the chassis but the tester wanted to see a metal fixing. With the dejected feeling of a test failure looming, I watched as the tester drove the car forward onto the rolling road in order for him to carry out the braking test. I explained to him that new discs, callipers and pads had been fitted and that because the journey to the test centre was mainly via the motorway, the brakes may not be bedded in properly. I think that he took this on board because the brake test took quite a while, and at one stage he told me that he was actually bedding the brakes in for me until his equipment accepted their performance! One of the headlights needed a bit of minor adjustment and the guy allowed me to correct

this while his beam checking equipment was in position. We then went outside the main building where the examiner checked that my mirrors gave the correct field of vision. He then drove the car around in figure of eight turns to check that the steering self centred etc. It was while he was carrying out this exercise that I had a thought would he accept a metal cable tie for the fuel filter as I had brought some of these items with me in my car? I put this question to him, and he asked to see one of these items before informing me “Yes, they would be ok”……what a relief!!!! Back in the main building, the examiner allowed me to tweak the mixture screw on the carburettor until he was satisfied with the emissions results. He then only did a cursory inspection of the car‘s projections and he pointed out “It‘s good to see that you have put rubber sections over the bonnet louvre, bumper brackets and roof framework”. So my early efforts had paid off. I had to remove the rear seat so that the tester could have a look at the rear seat belt anchorages, after which he asked me to drive the car onto the lift again. When the car was elevated, he invited me to fit the metal cable tie to secure the fuel filter, and while I was doing this he actually took a plastic cable tie out of my bag and secured the battery cable wire himself! He then told me to wait for him in the reception area where he would give me my IVA pass certificate! When he reappeared with the certificate, he told me that mine was only the second kit car that he had passed on its first attempt in all the years that he had been there which made me feel really proud to say the least So there you have it. It is possible to pass the IVA test the first time, even with the hood fitted. If I can do it with my limited experience, then surely anyone can!

The Registration Process After returning home, I high tailed it to the DVLA office at Shrewsbury to start the process 24

THE BEAUFORD OWNERS CLUB MAGAZINE of getting the car registered as the following day was Good Friday so I didn’t want to delay things by relying on our wonderful postal system!

The first thing that he asked me was “What colour would you want to state on the forms?” Biting my lip, I said “black and white!”

I really thought that the biggest hurdle was over after the car had passed the IVA test… how wrong was I?

He then asked me to show him the chassis number that was stamped on the car, even though the IVA examiner had written this down on the pass certificate!

In terms of a stress factor, the IVA test was a breeze, but dealing with the DVLA was way off the Richter scale!

He then did just one lap of the car and then told me to come back at 4.00pm to collect the paperwork!

The wedding was getting nearer so I rang them the following Thursday in order to get an update. Until I had obtained a registration number, I could not legally drive the car on the road

I asked him if there was any chance that he could speed things up, to which I got a negative response.

During the phone conversation I was informed that the DVLA now needed to inspect the car before the paperwork could be completed, so I had to transport the car to Shrewsbury the next day for them to carry out the inspection. I arrived at around 10.15am but naturally the inspector kept me waiting until precisely the allotted time when he appeared, and seeing the car on the trailer through the office window, told me to remove it from the trailer and he would then come outside for the inspection. Car duly removed, the inspector came outside with his customary clipboard.

I then asked him if it would at least be ok to tell the prospective bride that I would be able to do the honours on Sunday, to which he replied “I cannot guarantee that in stone!”. Neither would he let me know the registration number that was to be assigned to allow me to get the number plates. But finally I got the registration! Whew! Back home I rang the lady to sort out what time to collect her on Sunday for her wedding, not mentioning anything about the hassle that I‘d been having over the past week or so to save her from worrying.

Talk about “in the nick of time?” 25


Common Oil Myths & Benefits Tim at Opie Oils www.opieoils.co.uk Part 2 of Tim’s look at oil Synthetic oils produce sludge Well honestly, this is just totally daft. All synthetic bases are more resistant to oxidation than mineral oil, and sludge is largely due to oxidation. In any case, all motor oils intended for road use meet the higher API specs such as SH, SJ, SL and diesel equivalents. One of the main reasons for introducing the API specs back in the 1950s was to deal with oil sludge problems. All high-spec oils run very clean, especially synthetics. Synthetic oils cannot be used with catalytic converters ‘Cats’ will perform more efficiently and last longer if synthetic based engine oil is used. Their lower volatility means that less oil reaches the combustion chambers via crankcase ventilation, so there are less harmful ash residues from burnt oil to deactivate the catalyst matrix. Synthetic oils can void warranties People who make statements such as this never define the type of synthetic, thus revealing their ignorance. Provided that an oil meets or exceeds the API and viscosity ranges specified in the handbook or manufacturers own specification if given, the warranty will not be affected. (By law, OEMs cannot insist that a particular brand of oil must be used to maintain warranty.) Synthetic oils will last forever

The better synthetic blends will certainly last longer*, especially in high performance or high annual mileage situations, but ‘forever’ is not on, simply because contaminants such as soot, and acid gasses from traces of sulphur in the fuel degrade the oil. *Provided that a very shear resistant VI improver polymer is used in the oil formulation to keep the viscosity up to spec. This point is often forgotten. Synthetic oils are too expensive True, for older vehicles that use a lot of oil or are almost ready for the scrap yard. For cars that are worth maintaining, the right types of synthetic oil are a cost-effective way of retaining ‘as new’ performance, low fuel consumption, and reducing maintenance costs. Excellent Heat Tolerance Synthetics are simply more tolerant to extreme heat than petroleum oils are. When heat builds up within an engine, petroleum oils quickly begin to burn off. They are more volatile. The lighter molecules within petroleum oils turn to gas and what's left are the large molecules that are harder to pump. Synthetics have far more resistance as they are more thermally stable to begin with and can take higher temperatures for longer periods without losing viscosity. Heat Reduction One of the major factors affecting engine life is component wear and/or failure, which is often the result of high temperature operation. The uniformly smooth molecular 26


structure of synthetic oils gives them a much lower coefficient friction (they slip more easily over one another causing less friction) than petroleum oils.

they used to be, but it still occurs. Deposit build-up leads to a significant reduction in engine performance and engine life as well as increasing the chance of costly repairs.

Less friction means less heat and heat is a major contributor to engine component wear and failure, synthetic oils significantly reduce these two detrimental effects. Since each molecule in a synthetic oil is of uniform size, each is equally likely to touch a component surface at any given time, thus moving a certain amount of heat into the oil stream and away from the component. This makes synthetic oils far superior heat transfer agents than conventional petroleum oils.

Synthetic oils have far superior thermal and oxidative stability and they leave engines virtually varnish, deposit and sludge-free.

Greater Film Strength Petroleum motor oils have very low film strength in comparison to synthetics. The film strength of a lubricant refers to it's ability to maintain a film of lubricant between two objects when extreme pressure and heat are applied. Synthetic oils will typically have a film strength of 5 to 10 times higher than petroleum oils of comparable viscosity. Even though heavier weight oils typically have higher film strength than lighter weight oils, an sae 30 or 40 synthetic will typically have a higher film strength than an sae 50 or sae 60 petroleum oil. A lighter grade synthetic can still maintain proper lubricity and reduce the chance of metal to metal contact. This means that you can use oils that provide far better fuel efficiency and cold weather protection without sacrificing engine protection under high temperature, high load conditions. Obviously, this is a big plus, because you can greatly reduce both cold temperature start-up wear and high temperature/high load engine wear using a low viscosity oil. Engine Deposit Reduction Petroleum oils tend to leave sludge, varnish and deposits behind after thermal and oxidative break down. They're better than

Better Cold Temperature Fluidity Synthetic oils do not contain the paraffins or other waxes which dramatically thicken petroleum oils during cold weather. As a result, they tend to flow much better during cold temperature starts and begin lubricating an engine almost immediately. This leads to significant engine wear reduction, and, therefore, longer engine life. Improved Fuel Economy Because of their uniform molecular structure, synthetic oils are tremendous friction reducers. Less friction leads to increased fuel economy and improved engine performance. This means that more energy released from the combustion process can be transferred directly to the wheels due to the lower friction. Acceleration is more responsive and more powerful, using less fuel in the process. In a petroleum oil, lighter molecules tend to boil off easily, leaving behind much heavier molecules which are difficult to pump. The engine loses more energy pumping these heavy molecules than if it were pumping lighter ones. Since synthetic oils have more uniform molecules, fewer of these molecules tend to boil off and when they do, the molecules which are left are of the same size and pumpability is not affected. Synthetics are better and in many ways, they are basically better by design as they are created by chemists in laboratories for a specific purpose. Editors Note: Don’t forget we get a Beauford Club discount from Opie Oils



Le8ers Dear Members; As some of you are aware, the Beauford Factory lease is now due for renewal once again. The owners have been undecided what they want to do with the site for some time. So, while we are not overly busy, I have decided that it is time to move premises. The question is where to? We are currently considering several options but I don’t want to rush into a decision at the moment. But don’t panic! I have made arrangements for Beauford kits to be assembled and built for me and I will be providing a full postal spares service. The telephone number will be changing once BT decides to let me know what it is. Until then, use the existing number and you will be redirected directly to me. So for the next few weeks, we won’t be able to offer our normal hospitality at the factory but, as soon as we are settled, I will let everyone know where we are via the magazine. We then look forward to seeing you all once again and may even be able to host a house (factory) warming get together. Kind regards David Beauford Cars

Dear Editor; Electric fuel pump question I recently bought a Facet fuel pump to replace the mechanical one on the Pinto engine. I was assuming it still had the original one and it would have done a lot of work over the past twenty odd years, so it might be getting towards the end of its life and it might not be easy to find a replacement. Also, as I only use the car occasionally, I thought it would help with starting if petrol was being pumped before turning the engine over. I took a 12 volt feed live with the ignition ‘on’ and all works well. However the instructions strongly recommended fitting an oil pressure safety switch and to take the feed via this. As I understand it, the idea is that the pump will stop if the oil pressure drops while the ignition is ‘on’. What this seems to imply to me is that when starting, the pump will not work until the engine has been cranked over several times to get the oil pressure up. This was one of the reasons for fitting an electric pump in the first place! Perhaps someone can tell me if this is what happens when this type of switch is fitted, and if so what is the thinking behind it, please?


Finishing touch I wanted to fit end caps to the running board tread strips on my Beauford and bought a dozen from Woolies at the Stoneleigh show. They cost £1 each and when I mentioned this someone said, ‘You should have tried a Lambretta dealer, they stock them at a good price.’ This was too late for me of course, but it might be worth checking out if you’re looking for some. I’ve put mine on, but they needed a bit of filing to fit and also polishing up to get a decent finish.



And Finally Reported in the Newcastle Evening Chronicle U.K. Recently: Be sure and cancel your credit cards before you die! This is so priceless. And so easy to see happening - customer service, being what it is today! A lady died this past September, and MBNA bank billed her in October and November for their annual service charges on her credit card, and then in December added late fees and interest on the monthly charge. The balance that had been £0.00, now is somewhere around - £60.00. A family member placed a call to the MBNA Bank: Family Member: 'I am calling to tell you that my grandma died in September.' MBNA: 'But the account was never closed and so the late fees and charges still apply.' Family Member: 'Maybe, you should turn it over to your collections section.' MBNA: ‘Since it is two months over due, it already has been.' Family Member: ‘So, what will they do when they find out she is dead?' MBNA: 'Either report her account to the Frauds Department or report her to The Credit bureau, maybe both!' Family Member: 'Do you think God will be mad at her?' MBNA: 'Excuse me?' Family Member: 'Did you just get what I was telling you . . The part about her being dead?' MBNA: 'Sir, you'll have to speak to my supervisor.' Supervisor gets on the phone: Family Member: 'I'm calling to tell you, she died in September.' MBNA: 'But the account was never closed and the late fees and charges still apply.' Family Member: 'You mean you want to collect from her estate?' MBNA: (Stammer) 'Are you her solicitor?' Family Member: 'No, I'm her grandson' MBNA: 'Could you fax us a death certificate?' Family Member: 'Sure.' ( fax number is given ) After they get the fax: MBNA: 'Our system just isn't set up for death. I don't know what more I can do to help.' Family Member: 'Well, if you figure it out, great! If not, you could just keep billing her. I don't think she will care.' MBNA: 'Well, the late fees and charges will still apply.' Family Member: ‘Would you like her new billing address?' MBNA: 'That would help.' Family Member: ' Plot 1049.' Heaton Cemetary, Heaton Road , Newcastle upon Tyne MBNA: 'But, that's a cemetery!' Family Member: 'Well, what the f*** do you do with dead people on your planet?' The MBNA were not available for comment when a reporter from the Newcastle Evening Chronicle rang them.













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