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Plan of Action for Returning to In-Person Services The following is PHASE 4’s plan for reopening face-to-face services to individuals. Our plan closely adheres to all existing procedures, guidelines and recommendations by the Governor of Pennsylvania, the Center for Disease Control and Partners 4 Work as of May 1, 2020. 1. Pandemic Safety Officer, Response Team Members and Lead Point of Contact: • Lead Point of Contact with Partners4Work – Terrie Suica-Reed • Pandemic Safety Office – Dr. William Dickinson • Pandemic Response Team Members o Steve Mickolay, Baldwin o Dr. William Renko, Business Office o Karen Poloka, Teen Tech Center

2. Staff Training: • Prior of the reopening of face-to-face services, all staff involved will receive proper training in: o COVID-19 Pennsylvania, CDC and Partners4Work Safeguards and Guidelines o Site opening procedures o Personal Hygiene o Social Distancing o Frequent disinfection of common surfaces o Procedures for dealing with a potential COVID-19 individual Protocols, Procedures and Guidelines: §


Staff will be given copies of the latest Pennsylvania, CDC and Partners4Work Protocols, Procedures and Guidelines to review and discuss. CDC handouts will be posted throughout the site in strategic locations.

COVID 19 Symptoms: § § § § §

Temperature of 100.4 or higher Shortness of breath Difficulty breathing Cough Running nose

§ §

Sneezing Muscle pain

Site Opening Procedures: § §


Prior of opening, the site(s) will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected using approved cleaners. Work stations (class sizes) will be determined by the 6 foot social distancing rule. Areas will be marked off and clients will be reminded of the importance of staying within their particular area. Special attention will be given to frequently touched surfaces and objects that will require routine disinfection following reopening. • Tables • Doorknobs • Countertops • Keyboards • Faucets and sinks • Touchscreens

Personal Hygiene: § §

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All staff members will be given a KN 95 face mask All staff and clients will have their temperatures taken before entering the worksite. Any person with a temperature of 100.4 or higher will be denied admission and sent home. All clients will required to wear a mask and practice social distancing procedures Staff and clients will be reminded to wash hand often for at least 20 seconds Hand sanitizer will be placed throughout the site for staff and client use Staff and clients will be reminded touching their face, nose, eyes and mouth Staff and clients will be reminded to cover their nose and mouth when sneezing or couching. If they feel sick, staff and clients will be told to stay home

Social Distancing: § § § §

All work sites will be set up in accordance to the 6 feet social distancing protocol All staff and clients will be to follow the 6 foot rule Staff and clients will be reminded to eliminate unnecessary contact with other individuals such as handshakes and embracing. Staff and clients will be reminded to avoid anyone who appears to be sick or is coughing or sneezing.

Procedures for dealing with a potential COVID 19 individual: If a symptomatic staff member of clients comes to our site or develops symptoms while there, notify William Dickinson immediately and initiate the following precautions: • • • •

Ask the symptomatic individual to leave the site, Provide the individual with information on the closest COVID 19 Diagnostic Testing Facility Disinfect any area in which the symptomatic individual was in. Upon receiving the notification, Dr. Dickinson will notify Mrs. Reed who will in turn contact Partners4Work.

Mitigation Plan: All individuals are effect differently by any and all issues that arise. To help mitigate concerns, worry and a general feeling of uncertainty about the COVID 19 pandemic and the past couple of months, PHASE 4 will have our counselors and mentors available to work with students and help them address their concerns as well as all staff members will be alert to address any concerns a client might express. All PHASE 4 staff will be trained to spot potential issues and make the proper referrals to the counselors, mentors or appropriate agencies. Counselors will work one-on-one with students or conduct group discussions. ALL clients will have our counselor’s cellphone numbers to call with any concerns, day or night.

Communication Plan: Staff members will have the most recent phone number of all clients. In the event that a client or staff member displays symptoms of COVID 19, the following protocol will be followed: * Prior to entering the site, all staff and clients will have their temperatures taken. In the event one is 100.4 or higher, the Pandemic Response Team Member will be notified. * Individual will be given the address and telephone number of the nearest COVID 19 testing center and sent home * The Site Response Member will contact the Pandemic Safety Officer with the relevant information. * The Pandemic Safety Officer will contact the CEO with the information who will in turn contact Partners4Work.

Timeline for Opening to the Public:

PHASE 4 will begin the opening process once the governmental restrictions have been changed from red to yellow.

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