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iSpace: a new word to identify a function that doesn't exist yet

IFW2010 - 2째 International Conference INTERIOR WOR[l]DS 5-6 October 2010 Politecnico di Milano

Spaces exist that haven't had a linear development and have had a evolution which have changed the reasons for which they were created

nonspace (1986) “nonspaces” don't create an organic social event, but rather a condition of “solitary contractuality” which is defined not so much by the communicative impact of the architecture as by the “words” which describe environments, suggesting behaviours and goals

superspace (2000) “superspace� interprets the need to have an immediate, simultaneous and complex answers from public spaces either in cities or in the surrounding enviroments

iperspace (today) “iperspace� explains a wish for an ideal world life style, it represents the latest opportunities of areas where you meet, know, shop, get information and live emotions not producing real but virtual places where you can do real things, however

iSpaces will be places based on “interactivity”, designed like “interfaces”, spaces which are not demanding but should be seen as services interactible with people

without language facade “non - facade”

iSpace (tomorrow...)

To source a new language specific and adaptable to communicate these spaces, ceasing to copy the old styles which only create pictoresque scenes. Today these kind of public spaces are characterized by a rich interior but without a personal facade, their future would be a modifiable solution that can be changed to suit the enviroment or a “non-facade” which in itself creates the character in continuity with the landscape.

immobile and standard space

interactive and flexible space

iSpace (tomorrow...)

To create flexibility of use, and not a determinated organization of spaces. It's important to project living spaces which are free of usual components, so as to create a sort of hierarchichal functional layer system. A system which offers many uses to choose in a non determined manner.

destination point

transit space

iSpace (tomorrow...)

To connect iSpaces with daily life places and spaces in the same easy way one can arrive in every place of “iperspace” only with a click of the mouse. Therefore iSpaces will be “transit places” in a wider network and not only “destination points”, which can be arrived at by comfortable and reliable public transport and not always by car. iSpaces will be “nodes” of a complex network system, not just for transport but more for services and living places.

we don't know really what and how these spaces in future will be, but we know how they should not be

prof. arch. paolo giardiello universitĂ degli studi di napoli federico II_facoltĂ di architettura dipartimento di progettazione urbana e urbanistica

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