Industry & Trade Fall 2019

Page 9

T h u r s d a y , O c to b e r 3 1 , 2 0 1 9




It looks like we’re on track for another year where we’re going to be breaking records with the amount of construction going on in Prince George

On the commercial and institutional side, four were issued for $4.5-million worth of commercial building alterations, two for a pair of new commercial buildings, adding up to $12.5 million, three for $437,000 worth of new industrial buildings and one for a $700,000 institutional building alteration. “This quiet boom keeps going on and it’s hard to put into the context with all of the challenges economically around us in the region,” Frizzell said. “But we keep plugging on and we keep seeing

the growth in construction and hearing stories of construction companies that are booked sometimes years in advance right at this point, so this is an incredibly promising time.”

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