Pet's Delight Magazine - Ramadan edition

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BUSTED! We know there’s a lot out there that can be overwhelming and can often lead to a misconception about your kitty. These Top 10 myths are often accepted as fact. Truth is, taking them as fact can possibly endanger your cat’s life.

1. You can’t train a cat When we think of agility or tricks, cats aren't really the first ones we would think of, but guess what? They can be trained! Training your kitty the right way can eventually strengthen the bond between her and your family.

2. It’s okay for my cat to eat left overs Most parents don’t mind their cats jumping on the kitchen counter and chowing down on any leftover scraps from dinner. It is not a good idea to let your kitty eat scraps off plates as not only does it encourage bad behavior and make them get used to this habit, it can potentially, be harmful for them to eat human leftovers. Possibly, it can cause diarrhea, as they don't cope well with big diet changes and the seasoning and spices we add in our food.

3. They always land on their Feet You may be astonished by your cat’s talent to superficially land on his feet every time he falls. Some cats do have an incredible talent to transform their position during a fall so they can land on their feet on the ground first. It’s their tail that supports them to do this, but there are always chances that a cat can miss and actually fall to the ground, especially if they’re falling from a great height or if they’ve been pushed all of a sudden.

4. Milk is a great treat for your kitty

from where he can bring germs in. It’s best to make sure your house is disinfected at all times to ensure your kitty doesn’t catch any illness.

6. They hate water Well most cats do hate water when they’re forced into it, especially when their parents say it’s time for a bath. Truth is, many cats are actually captivated by water. They love to investigate it first, but will certainly not enjoy submerging themselves into it.

7. Cats only purr and wag their tail when their happy It is quite a challenge to understand cats at times. Usually, a cat will wag her tail if they want to communicate with their owner. Just like us humans, they also try to communicate through different body language and vocals. As you spend more time with your kitty, you should eventually learn to understand what your cat is trying to express or if he is in pain.

8. They can eat a little Chocolate Just like canines, even a small amount of chocolate can be lethal for cats. It contains high levels of theobromine, which is toxic to both cats and dogs. Most cats won’t eat it themselves, but some owners may think they’re giving their Cat’s a treat. If not monitored it can lead to serious health conditions.

Most of us think that a bowl of milk cannot do any harm to a cat. While kittens gain nourishment from their mother’s milk, the milk of other species is difficult for them to digest. So you may think you might be treating your Kitty with cow’s milk, whereas in reality you might actually give her a stomach ache.

9. My Cat doesn’t really need to exercise

5. Cats that stay Indoor will not get any diseases

10. Cats are Independent and great if you aren’t home often

Another myth, most parents fall into, is that, if their kitty spends all day and night at home she won’t fall sick or is prone to diseases. In reality, cats can contract sickness, even if they don’t go outdoors. Study shows that indoor cats are unprotected from germs that travel through the air or stick to their owner's clothing, footwear, etc. Some of you may also have a pup who mostly goes outdoors, 20


Cats, especially those who live indoors, need daily exercise. You can engage your kitty in play with interactive toys, or by training her to walk on a harness and leash. This will also help your kitty stay at a healthy weight.

Although most cats are quite independent, they all need constant care and companionship. Leaving them home alone for long periods can affect their emotional or physical health. If you have to be out for long, we recommend using a cat sitter or someone that can come and comfort your kitty in your absence.

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