About LibrariaDigitala.ro

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LibrariaDigitala.ro sells, provides and promotes electronic editions of printed books, both nationally and internationally.

Table of contents About electronic books/ebooks What is LibrariaDigitala.ro? The expertise of LibrariaDigitala.ro How does LibrariaDigitala.ro sell? The methods of payment/download Publisher Tools The readers DRM Alternatives to Classic DRM proposed by LibrariaDigitala.ro Development Friends Where are we located?

Copyright Š 2009 LibrariaDigitala.ro. All rights reserved.

LibrariaDigitala.ro sells, provides and promotes electronic editions of printed books, both nationally and internationally.

About electronic books/ebooks

What is LibrariaDigitala.ro?

The expertise of LibrariaDigitala.ro

An electronic book (usually called ebook) is the media

LibrariaDigitala.ro is a cultural digital platform where

LibrariaDigitala.ro is specialized in digital projects, digital

equivalent of a classic book. Reading an electronic book

people will be able to instantly download electronic

distribution from the cultural area, publishing and

offers numerous advantages over a printed book,

books/ebooks and then read them on different mobile

consultancy regarding production and conversion of

providing the means to search for specific words, navigate

platforms (smartphones, iPhone, Samsung Omnia,

electronic books. The company places itself as an

using hyperlinks, add bookmarks or record notes and

netbooks, laptops, etc) in compatible file formats, such

authority in digital publishing in Romania (Internet,

highlight text at certain pages, adjust the fonts, change

as EPUB or PDF.

technology and new media).

the background colors and much more.

Customers may read them by certain free applications

You can learn more about ebooks on Wikipedia or by

that make different facilities possible – i.e. increasing the

visiting eBooks.com or Fictionwise.

fonts or recording notes or placing bookmarks.

Table of contents

Copyright Š 2009 LibrariaDigitala.ro. All rights reserved.

LibrariaDigitala.ro sells, provides and promotes electronic editions of printed books, both nationally and internationally.

How does LibrariaDigitala.ro sell?

The methods of payment/download

Publisher Tools

LibrariaDigitala.ro will sell, in a simple and accesible

LibrariaDigitala.ro has in view the implementation of

Every partner/publisher of LibrariaDigitala.ro will receive

manner, fictional and non-‐fictional electronic books,

some simple, effective and modern payment methods.

a publisher account, from where they will be able to

movies and music albums divided into domains, periods

Payment by PayPal

and trends. The sales platform will be intuitive, easy to

Payment by credit card

analyze, in real time: The evolution of daily sales of self products

use, and the Help service will always be available to the

Payment by the mobile phone bill, registration and

The profile (age, sex, etc) and location of the people


approval/authorization with the mobile phone number

who downloaded the publisher’s products The amount the publisher is due to receive from the sales Other statistical data

Table of contents

Copyright © 2009 LibrariaDigitala.ro. All rights reserved.

LibrariaDigitala.ro sells, provides and promotes electronic editions of printed books, both nationally and internationally.

The readers The ebooks sold by LibrariaDigitala.ro are exclusively in Romanian and are targeted to Romanian readers from the country and abroad. LibrariaDigitala.ro targets highly educated, nonconformist and technology addicted readers, interested in everything that is new, smart and “easy to use”. There may be businessmen with no free time and a huge need of anytime-‐anywhere information in any format, there may be students who prepare their graduation paper and have a vast bibliography to scan, there may be Romanian people who live abroad and would heartily and nostalgically read a Caragiale book on their own e-‐reader or there may be curious children, fascinated to discover Topârceanu’s poems on their laptop. The key words which LibrariaDigitala.ro aims at are: mobility, functionality and convenience

Table of contents

Copyright © 2009 LibrariaDigitala.ro. All rights reserved.

LibrariaDigitala.ro sells, provides and promotes electronic editions of printed books, both nationally and internationally.


Alternatives to Classic DRM proposed by LibrariaDigitala.ro


DRM means Digital Rights Management and is a method by

LibrariaDigitala.ro militates in favor of lower prices and

A bookshop grows together with its partners.

which the media producers restrict access to their

the adoption of social DRM for its digital books. The way

LibrariaDigitala.ro is very interested in co-‐promoting book

products in the hope of controlling piracy. In practice

social DRM works is that, when a user downloads a book,

collections, special projects, certain artists and books – in

though, all widely-‐used DRM methods are easily defeated

it will be imprinted with their name and address, for a

short, digital exclusiveness. This strategy would

or circumvented. Following the trends from the musical

better sense of responsibility. Furthermore, the user will

contribute to the increasing digital book fund in a rhythm

market, ebook publishers are gradually giving up the DRM,

be offered a substantial discount to other products as a

and after carefully chosen criteria of subject.

for multiple reasons

reward for referring friends and recommending them to

According to some studies, the piracy rates in the case of digital products with DRM are bigger than in the case of the ones without DRM Also, a more permissive copyright may increase the quality and quantity of the cultural products Another study revealed that, because of the restrictions imposed by the DRM, people are driven to download illegally.

Table of contents

Copyright © 2009 LibrariaDigitala.ro. All rights reserved.

buy the title from LibrariaDigitala.ro.

Classical movies, Oscar movies or entertainment movies may fit in with the book which inspired them or together

LibrariaDigitala.ro will also activate more types of DRM on

with the best compilation of the music used in the movie.

some titles, such as printing or text copying restrictions.

Music albums, Best Of-‐s, LPs or Collections are just a click away from the digital book associated with them.

LibrariaDigitala.ro sells, provides and promotes electronic editions of printed books, both nationally and internationally.

Friends Friends, not collaborators will be on the side of LibrariaDigitala.ro, those who understood the great potential of this digital niche and embraced the idea with big enthusiasm. We refer to prestigious publishing houses, with impressive book funds, such as Polirom, Corint, Trei, Pandora, Publica, Nemira, Litera, and extremely professional and selective companies who deal with the production and distribution of movies, such as ,QGHSHQGHQɃD )LOP and TransilvaniaFilm. LibrariaDigitala.ro awaits some other publishing houses and musical distribution companies to join in.

Table of contents

Copyright Š 2009 LibrariaDigitala.ro. All rights reserved.

LibrariaDigitala.ro sells, provides and promotes electronic editions of printed books, both nationally and internationally.


Until then

Or write anytime

...nothing but goodies at LibrariaDigitala.ro, for

You may follow us on:

At office@librariadigitala.ro

bibliophiles, music and film lovers. Starting with the spring of 2010.

www.librariadigitala.ro / blog.librariadigitala.ro Facebook

Table of contents

Copyright Š 2009 LibrariaDigitala.ro. All rights reserved.



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