BARKS from the Guild September 2018

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Photo © Emily Cassell

Desensitization and Counterconditioning

Photo © Emily Cassell

Mother rabbits do not pick up and carry their kits. This means that the only time a wild rabbit is picked up is when a predator is doing it. As such, many pet rabbits are not comfortable with being picked up, but will inevitably need to be lifted at times throughout their life, so it is important to put in the work to make sure they are comfortable with it. As with any desensitization and counterconditioning process, this can be slow and tedious, and will vary between individuals. As rabbits are typically the most comfortable with touch between the eyes and on the top of the back (top left), author Emily Cassell started the process by slowly letting her hand expand from rabbit Tula’s back down to her side (top right). Other variables she worked on were two hands on Tula’s body instead of one, touching her rump, and her hands not moving on Tula’s back (bottom left). Finally, she gradually began to do little lifts with Tula’s front end (bottom right). She is now able to lift and move Tula short distances without stress.

Photo © Emily Cassell

with her front end. I first applied a little pressure as if I was going to lift, and before long, I could support her front end with one hand and pet her with the other while she was totally relaxed. Continuing on that work, I am able to lift and move her short distances without stress.

Solid Ground

Being carried and being held are two separate behaviors that have to be worked independently, but, in my case, I choose to not work them at all. Rather than carry Tula, I have taught her to crate herself or to “shift” from one place to the other by hopping there. As far as being held, I will teach a rabbit to hop into my lap, but they often don’t enjoy balancing on the unevenness of a person’s lap. I usually just get down on my bunny’s level and spend time with them on solid ground, where they are comfortable. When it comes to being held for other purposes, I teach whatever behavior is needed. Tula and I are currently working on a voluntary nail trim, and she has learned to take medications voluntarily. In an emergency situation, it may be necessary to hold bunny when he is not comfortable with it, but there are still ways to reduce his stress. The most important thing to avoid is chasing the rabbit. Chasing 34

BARKS from the Guild/September 2018

Photo © Emily Cassell

a prey animal really amps up their stress level, and if they are successful avoiding capture, they view it as such. The best way to avoid a chase is to stroke the bunny before picking him up. Often, they don’t run off, making it easy to quickly press them to your chest to prevent them from injuring themselves if they struggle. If bunny needs to be held for longer periods, like for taking medications or syringe-feeding, securely wrapping his body in a towel is a safe, effective alternative. If bunnies don’t enjoy being held and snuggled, then, what do you

Rabbits are the “fast food” of the animal world...mother rabbits don’t pick up and carry their kits. This means that the ONLY time a wild rabbit is picked up is when a predator is doing it. Obviously, it’s not a great feeling. Now, look at your hands. Imagine picking up a rabbit. Can you see how your hands might be a little like teeth? Talons? Can you see why a rabbit might struggle when being picked up?

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