Volume 10: Imagine

Page 36

“THE RESURGENCE OF VINYL CULTURE” by PUTU DEA K. PUTRA " ...there is a resurgence of younger people picking up vinyl for the past few years. Compared to records, CDs just seem like a cheap chunk of plastic... " Q: Was this resurgence of the vinyl a fad or fashion? Is it still here? The resurgence of vinyl-collecting in 2016 has appeared to be a mere fad! Collecting vinyl has become an even rarer habit in contemporary music practices. Moreover, there are fads like collecting popular cultural products from the 90’s, such as chunky dad sneakers and micro tinted glasses, replacing vinyl’s then-resurgent popularity. But I personally still collect vinyl because of my dad who has an extensive vinyl collection and a working turntable. - Sabila Pane



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