Danieldarquea portfolio

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My English Journey

Bryan Daniel Darquea Chauca English Language Program Level 6 004 Yachay Tech, Ecuador

Perspectives: My English Journey by: Bryan Daniel Darquea

English Language Program Yachay Tech Level 6 004 Teacher: Daniel Beall January 9,2017 Imbabura, Ecuador


1.Portfolio letter 2.Response essay 3.Interpretation essay 4.Argumentative essay 5.Final research project essay 6.Thank you letter

Portfolio Letter

Yachay Tech University L6-004 January 9,2017

Dear Portfolio Reader:

I’am Daniel Darquea. In this letter I’m going to to talk you about what I did this semester in English. This semester many things happened, All the classes that I attended always had something new to teach me. Everyday, I'm closer to speak and understand English perfectly. At the beginning of the semester I had some inconveniences when to understand the English teacher, however now I understand him much better. To do this, I understood that to understand English correctly it is necessary to listen very well to what the other person says. This semester also try to understand English in movies and songs, now I understand some sentences of them and I think with a little practice I can understand them perfectly. And not only improve my listening skills this semester, Probably the best part of this semester is that my grammar has improved a lot. At first, I had trouble identifying the time of the verbs and some sentences that depended on the context. Several things happened in this semester for this to happen. The first of these, the constant essay that I did forced my mind to improve about what I was writing in English. These essays have also helped me write better in non-formal writings such as homework in other subjects. Speaking of essays, I remember that I always had trouble doing them. The first few times that I tried to do an essay. I had some problems to argue and correctly posed the thesis, and

this happened in my own language so I thought that in English would be very difficult to complete one correctly. The format of each essay I have written in English was based on an outline, the outline helped me a lot to organize my ideas and although I am not sure that I wrote perfect essays , I am much better at writing them . This semester I did not learn many grammar rules but the important thing is that I remember that phrasal verbs existed. This happened one day in which an exposition group of my class spoke about these verbs. Phrasal verbs are an important part of studying in English because unlike Spanish, English has verbs composed of more words, these verbs have the main characteristic of what meaning can change according to the context of the sentence, so it seems to me very important to have seen them. Some activities we did in class were the discussion and the description of a work of art. Both activities I personally liked, in the debate we learned to counter opinions using our critical thinking, being in English was a little more difficult to understand but I think it was fun to do. Before we did the debate we also learned how to make a good argument and talk about fallacies. Fallacies are mistakes that people commit when they argue such as deflecting the conversation, attacking the other person and using false information. I found it very good to talk about fallacies because they would help me in various subjects. The description of art was interesting, we often forget the details and the details are where the beauty of art comes to life. Apart from appreciating art, it was good to practice English using more adjectives, I personally do not take them too much but now I understand that they are a good way to enrich the language.

The good thing about studying something is also to begin to understand where you were wrong. In English, I sometimes do not pronounce correctly the verbs of some sentences

and I think it is because I always pronounce them wrong, improve my pronunciation is one of the objectives to continue studying English after this semester. Also I use many times only the present so I plan to use more complex verbs to explain my ideas better.

I had fun in English, although sometimes it seemed boring to me, I am grateful to have the opportunity to have studied it. Thank you for reading this English Language Portfolio.

Bryan Daniel Darquea

Response Essay

Why Self-Educated Learners Often Come Up Short BRYAN DANIEL DARQUEA CHAUCA YACHAY University of ​Experimental Technological September 30, 2016

Why Self-Educated Learners Often Come Up Short It is clear that education needs innovation and that traditional education methods do not seem to provide the expected results. There are many alternatives that promise to be better than classical education and one of them is self-education. But now the question is: Is it possible to replace classical education with self-education? In the article “Why Self-Educated Learners Often Come Up Short� written by Scott Young, he gives his opinion about his own experience about self-education and disadvantages against classical education. The author claims that self-education functions as an effective method to develop new fields of knowledge. On the other hand he also says that normally a self-taught person might not become interested in very deep knowledge. In many points I agree with what Young thinks, however in the article he only partially explains the self-education from his own point of view and provides a very narrow perspective on the subject.

The author begins by explaining that the reason for his writing explaining a situation. Young explains that has upset that most people do not understand what it means to be an autodidact. The author claims that self-education functions as an effective method to develop new fields of knowledge. On the other hand he also says that normally a self-taught not become interested in very deep knowledge. For Young, many people can educate themselves in any field and is good for their lives. However, in work environments always needed a more specific knowledge of the subject. The author claims that self-education should be deep, according to the goal of autodidact. For him, one of the problems of self-education is that you need more discipline than traditional education. For Young one of the problems of being self-taught is that you do not have a definite guide and easy to miss. So he recommends that although it is necessary to study in depth a topic should be limit. Finish writing about that

discipline is very important to study and more to be a self-taught. Also it explains that if people strive to learn in a regular school can also strive to learn by themselves.

Young begins explaining that most self-taught only read a couple of books for replace a formal degree. To be good self-taught is necessary to do more than only read books. For the author an educational institution has better resources to learn and allows that this knowledge have a purpose. In many cases in my personal life, most schools and colleges offer obligatorily a set of subjects that must be completed. The problem is that if you study specific professions, many of them are meaningless. For this reason I think that we should not assume that classical education is always better. Young argues that the main problem of self-education is that it is not deep. In words of the author (2010) "I’ve noticed that the typical approach to self-education tends to be lousy at the deep", and it is true. However, it is often not necessary to be an autodidact with very specific knowledge to get good results. Many times the depth of learning depends of which is the purpose of the study. In traditional education the situation is no different, in most schools and colleges knowledge is not very deep. ​The key point is: why do you need to learn in a specific way? Young (2010) suggest that ​"the reason acquiring deeper knowledge is difficult, is that the further you stare down the microscope, the less relevant it appears to the big picture",​ this means that often an overview of the things gives you more than a specific view. There are very specific cases in which you need to learn specific skills especially if the purpose of self-learning is to apply the knowledge.​ ​So the main reason for being a self-taught with deep knowledge is to apply it in practice. If self-education is expected to replace one year of formal education is a much stronger reason to research the topic in a specific way. One aspect that he says is about the discipline that you must have when you're a self-taught.

Young says that many of the problems of self-learners has are due of the fact that the success of their study depends on their own discipline. The advantage of being a self-taught is that they have complete freedom to design their own study schedule. Obviously, this also brings some disadvantages as they require more discipline at the time to complete with the objectives. Young (2010) explains this situation with an experience of his life,​ “​I’m working on my French. I love learning French and enjoy it more than most of my formal education. However, that doesn’t mean I work on it only when I feel like it. Being my biggest goal during my stay in France, I’ve dedicated a few 30 Day Trials and many hours of deliberate practice.”, this means that the self-education should have the same objectives as traditional education and this is teaching knowledge in a given time.​ ​Naturally this should be achieved with the necessary discipline. Another advantage of being self-taught is that the knowledge learned can be applied immediately. Young (2010) insists that: "Effort needs to be made not just to learn the ideas, but to start applying them immediately", and this can be done because a person becomes autodidact by necessity. For example, a researcher needs to conduct research on bacteria that does not recognize. He can researching the topic and then apply it in their research.

Most of the points that Young offers are very successful. It is true that traditional education is not always an option and educate yourself seems the simplest way to replace it. The problem is that self-education is not always the same as school methods. The author says the problem is that knowledge that can be obtained is not very specific but the traditional education often is neither. Here my opinion differs from the author, I think self-education by itself has many problems and traditional education needs new methods to deepen the knowledge. I propose that the best thing you can do is that traditional education is complemented by self-education

on topics that are needed. Formal education and self-education have unique advantages that should be complemented to succeed in learning. I share the opinion of the author when he says that in a changing world is always necessary to know a little more.

In this article the author tries to explain the necessity to be self-taught in a more profound way. To do this, he uses personal experiences and often these specific cases cannot be applied beyond. He claims that a self-taught should not settle for knowing enough but does not conclude if being self-taught is the same as study in an educational institution. Speaking about the structure of the article written by Young. The language in the text is very informal and in a personal way explains to the reader the information. I think the article is not informative, but rather a personal opinion that can be discussed. It is not very precise in certain parts of the text and several times the reader's interpretation is required to understand it. Even the conclusion needs more strength, because in reality does not explain the idea of the text.

As a conclusion of this analysis of Young’s article, in my opinion I think self-education can not be taken as a replacement for traditional education. It is probable that any person has the motivation to be autodidact, and people need to investigate it. But even though it is an innovative way to learn, I think that traditional education still has a lot to give. Consequently I think that self-education is the complement of traditional education. About the article written by Young, I think that, even though it is not written in the way that I would like, he correctly emphasizes the key points of the problem.

References Young S. (February 2010) ​Why self-education learners often come up short Retrieved from: https://www.scotthyoung.com/blog/2010/02/24/self-education-failings/

Interpretation Essay

Interpretation to Sculpture “Psyche revived by the Cupid’s Kiss” by Antonio Canova:When the love can be portrayed

Daniel Darquea Alexis Eras Leonardo Sanchez Yachay Tech

Fig. 1 Psyche revived by the Cupid’s Kiss (Louvre Museu, n.d.)

Interpretation to Sculpture “Psyche revived by the Cupid’s Kiss” by Antonio Canova:When the love can be portrayed Have you ever fallen in love by only seeing a sculpture? Imagine a sculpture so realistic due to its gestures, its depth in details and the sensation of aliveness which can transport you to that moment and that you are the witness of that moment. Well, you will fall in love with the sculpture that will be described here Art has always served as an instrument for understanding feelings. Several art schools have emerged throughout history and one of them has been Neoclassicism. Classical art has always had something special being the birth of art. That is why neoclassicism emerged in more modern times as an attempt to recreate that beauty. Neoclassicism is a school of art that is responsible for recreating ancient works, an example of these works are Greek sculptures. The Greek sculptures represented legends of gods and humans, the stories behind these sculptures always represented the feelings(Roble, 2016; Louvre Museum, 2016). In the 18th century, the Venetian sculptor Antonio Canova created a sculpture using the Greek style. This neoclassical sculpture was called Eros and Psyche, representing the ancient Greek legend about the Greek God Eros and his beloved Psyche. This sculpture represents the love immortalized in two lovers who show all the feelings contained in an act of love. First of all, we have to describe the sculpture to start the analysis and interpretation. The sculpture is sculpted in marble being appreciable that the details were chiseled using brushes. The god Eros is represented with wings and approaches the lips of Psyche without touching them while he embraces her. On the other hand, Psyche embraces Eros with the intention of kissing him. To make this sculpture Canova is based on a Roman painting found in Herculaneum, the painting shows a position very similar to the sculpture that served as inspiration to Canova to recreate the kiss between Eros and Psyche. Another reason to choose

this position of lovers in sculpture is that their shapes serve as pillars to stabilize the sculpture. The detail shown in the sculpture is the fruit of several weeks of planning. Several models of clay and sketches made by Canova allow to complete the perfection of this sculpture. The different techniques of chiseling allowed to create different textures, the skin of Eros and Psyche is much more fine and shining with great emphasis on details, on the other hand the objects and the base of the sculpture has a firmer and more opaque texture.The forms of the sculpture are very important ,in certain occasions the shadows show to the sculpture of different forms, the wings of Eros become thinner with certain angles of light(Louvre Museum, 2016). The legend of Eros and Psyche is very old. Psyche was a very beautiful woman who lived in a remote kingdom joined her sisters. The beauty of Psyche provoked the envy of the goddess Aphrodite. Who sent his son Eros, the god of love, to punish her. However the god Eros fell in love with Psyche as well. For this reason Eros planned the way to be with Psyche. He talks with the oracle that Psyche would marry an ugly beast whose face she would never be able to see, and he would wait for her at the top of the mountain. Upon hearing this from the oracle, the parents of Psyche decided to go on and arranged the wedding of their beloved daughter with the beast. What they did not know was that the beast was really Eros. After the wedding, Psyche was able to be with her husband only at night. She was very sad when she could not see the face of her husband. So one night I try to see him, Eros gets very angry and escapes. Psyche then try to find Eros everywhere, even she begged Aphrodite to see Eros. She told Psyche to perform some tasks in order to see Eros, one of them was to capture the beauty of the goddess of the underworld and close it in a vase. Psyche was able to do so, but on the way she was curious to open the vase that contained the beauty of the goddess. She opened the vase and fell into a deep sleep. Eros learned of what had happened and went to the

underworld to see Psyche. Upon arriving, Eros embraced Psyche and kissed her, the kiss awakened to Psyche. At the end, Eros made Psyche immortal so he could always be with her(Hernandez, 2016; Louvre Museum, 2016). Another important point is identifying all the elements, which it will help us to discover a message in the sculpture. First, we have Cupid’s wings and quiver represent his divine origin and his superiority, for he possesses the qualities of a god. Second, hair represents the movement in the sculpture because the sculpture show a frozen piece of time of passion and love caught in an eternal instant full of feelings.Third, Nudity and whiteness of the sculpture represents purity of love that two lovers reflect when they expose their maximum expression of their beings . Fourth, the look between Psyche and Cupid represents passion, love and warmth of the previous moment of the kiss. The exact moment when two lovers establish a connection between them to merge into a thought. Fifth, the way in what they touch them represents respect, kindness and softness that Cupid and Psyche feel one for the other similar when a mother holds in her arms her baby. Sixth, the posture of both bodies represents the focal view of the sculpture and a point of the sculpture, which is the joy of a person to find to his/her lover, in order to transmit audience the feelings immersed between the lovers. Finally, the vase is hard to interpret because there is a story behind the sculpture, but if we remember the story represents the obstacles of a love affair to show her really feelings to Cupid. It means, all the troubles that lovers have to overpass to prove their love and realize that they are two parts separated intended for be together. More than straightforward symbols, they hide deep emotions keep it in their details like the followings. warmth and joy because we have to look in detail the way in that they are touching and seeing one to another. They transmit a deep feeling of happiness and peace

when finally, they realize the mutual affection and that they are crazy in love despite that they are represented in a solid and cold sculpture. Moreover, passion and love because the naked body also represents the sensuality. It is a kind of desire of delivery between two souls to feel for an instant all the love that the other person feel and then convert into a whole. Their mutual desire can transport them to another dimension when all other things do not exist. Also, it is a reason because people close their eyes when they kiss. When we do not use the sight, the other senses sharpen to feel in another way, in a deep way. Furthermore, softness and impetus because at the same time that they are touching in a kind way, the message of love between them is strong. He depicted a rapid action like a reflex action, and she shows a grateful moment when she realizes of the presence of her lover. Therefore, we can suppose that the sculpture’s interpretation is the true love immortalized in one moment because the sculpture portrayed describe the special moment before a kiss, a memory to refresh love. That moment which interconnect two persons trigger looks and smiles between them. Smiles which spontaneously emerge from their lips caught audience in a calm and warm atmosphere. Harmonious gazes of happiness which sparkle with subtlety of one for another show a mutual loving desire while hours pass and their hearts beat louder and louder. The sculpture represents when two persons demonstrate in a kiss, the purest essence of love, in order to turn into one piece. Moreover, that moment allows to transport lovers to another dimension of the infinite universe in which surroundings do not matter and just the presence of both humans emboldened by the affection. That affection can overcome any circumstances, any trouble and any challenge in order to keep the love between lovers. Also, it is so powerful that can achieve the impossible and breaks rules despite the consequences and can survive to hardness of live.

In contrast, as we can see there are many interpretations about Psyche Revived by Cupid's Kiss. This famous sculpture cause different types of feelings in the people because each person denote a different perspective of it. On one hand, people define the meaning of this sculpture in multiple ways. The most commons interpretations between the people was: a platonic love between an angel and a human trying to express the strongest ties between the angel and the human trying to stay together but they try to do impossible things to stay near despite the obstacle; it transmits hope for some people because the angel means help for humans and the woman means the weakness, sadness and pain that humanity suffer inside the earth; for religious people this transmit hope and strength to continue supporting the “narrow road”; and The last common meaning that I found was something related with our dreams, the women means the sacrifice that we need to do to complete our goals and transmit an idea of never give up go hard to follow your dreams. On the other hand, there is an interpretation given to it by the museum of Louvre. They said: “The story of Psyche symbolizes the ordeals the soul must undergo in order to achieve happiness and immortality (Louvre Museum, 2016).” because Psyche means soul in Greek which is the part of human beings that does not die and achieve a superior state. In conclusion, as we can see either symbolism, emotions, the context, and the different interpretation we can infer that this sculpture try to express one of most strongest degrees of affection, which is the love, because it is the connection that keep peace and union. Affection which is the bridge between relationships and allow humanity be social beings. Also, as we can see , love is the most highlighted kind of affection depicted by the sculpture. That affection allow lovers reaffirm their feeling to stay together and indeed share their strengths and weakness. Also, they are willing to do anything one for another because

the search a mutual happiness. The sculpture more than a scene of sensuality and passion is a scene of pure love which show audience the essence that define love.

REFERENCES Hernandez, J. (2016). Psique reanimada por el beso del amor, por Antonio Cánova, Mármol blanco, (Neoclasicismo), Museo del Louvre, París, Francia, 1786-1793. Jmhdezhdez. Retrieved November 16, 2016, from: http://www.jmhdezhdez.com/2015/06/psique-reanimada-por-el-beso del -amor.html Louvre Museum (.).A closer look at Psyche Revived by Cupid's Kiss. Retrieved from: http://musee.louvre.fr/oal/psyche/psyche_acc_en.html Roble. (2016). El.Neoclasicismo. Retrieved November 16, 2016 from: http://roble.pntic.mec.es/msanto1/lengua/2neoclas.htm

Argumentative Essay

Final research Project Essay

A Perspective of Modern Eugenics and a View to the Future Bryan Daniel Darquea YACHAY Tech University

Abstract Eugenics was born as a social movement dedicated to perfecting human nature. At the beginning of the twentieth century, it was the cornerstone of war crimes in Nazi Germany, human experiments by the Japanese Government and discriminatory laws in various governments around the world. Now, eugenics is a set of scientific techniques that seek to improve human nature based on genetic engineering. This is where the problem takes on importance; should we let eugenics allow us to evolve artificially or let nature take its way? The future is not clear but if it is possible to predict​ ​that we are living the beginning of great changes. Eugenics will improve human capabilities.

Perspective of Modern Eugenics and a View to the Future Eugenics has always been a controversial subject. The crimes of war succeeded in its name are one of the greatest horrors provoked since the Second World War. The reason for this is that eugenics promises to improve all human characteristics, this idea caused​ ​Nazis, the Chinese , Japanese governments, and others to investigate any way in which human beings can be improved. These experiments provoked mass genocides in the twentieth century. Fortunately, in our time there is greater control over these experiments, but the idea offered by eugenics has not yet died. Today, eugenics has been gaining importance with the development of genetic engineering techniques that promise to improve the potential of human beings. The idea of developing techniques that improve human potential is beneficial to humanity. Eugenics could stop the development of malformations and serious illnesses. All humanity might benefit from modern Eugenics. The idea of seeking a movement that seeks to improve human potential was born in the late 19th century.​ ​According to Márquez in his book, "​Eugenesia: La evolución inducida",the English scientist Francis Galton, inspired by the theory of the origin of the species of Charles Darwin, came to the conclusion that it was also possible to make a artificial selection in humans. He considered that human beings who were mentally ill, homosexuals and immigrants had to reproduce more slowly than other humans. The Nazis considered this idea necessary for their new empire, this reason​ ​was a fundamental axis to defend the German racial supremacy. This provoked the Jewish holocaust. Other governments applied forced sterilizations to the sick. The Japanese government, also using the idea of racial supremacy,​ ​experiment without limits on prisoners of war. Such atrocities led to the deaths of more people than the Nazis did. Since these events, the idea of eugenics has always been related to the war crimes of World War II. In the early history of

eugenics many of its principles were founded on racial segregation in order to create a biological disadvantage against different social groups. At first, eugenics not was more than a pseudoscience that promulgates racism, the good part is that as a fundamental objective had the idea of improving human characteristics through methods controlled by humans and not by nature. Despite the crimes that took place, the immediate effect of these wars was a considerable increase in the development of scientific fields such as biology, psychology and medicine. Ironically millions of people were saved using treatments that were developed in Nazi, Japanese and American laboratories. In other parts of the world racial supremacy programs began long before the war. An international commission in favor of eugenics and euthanasia was created. Massive sterilizations were given to families with hereditary diseases identified in the United States, Australia, the United Kingdom, Norway, France, Finland, Denmark, Estonia, Iceland and Switzerland during the first half of the 20th century. On the other hand, in places like Scandinavia, France and Switzerland was given the elimination of innumerable ​sicks​. Eugenics from that moment on became a subject much discussed and despite its possible benefits was ignored for a long time.

For Kolovou (2015), in the article “Eugenics: A Dark History, A Bright Future”, “The eugenics movement has undoubtedly a dark past, however, what is shocking is that people rarely check the legitimacy of their knowledge on that past. Unfortunately, the majority of people believe eugenics was a Nazi policy with the aim of sterilization and death of the “weak”. Our prejudice and the history of eugenics prevent us from seeing the possibilities of the new biomedical technologies that will be in our reach in the future.” Eugenics as a science for some people crosses the ethical limits of traditional science. The pursuit of human

perfection is not new and goes back to ancient Greece, but the problem is not in considering that improving the human being is possible but rather in considering that there are inferior human beings. Twentieth-century eugenics promoted forced sterilization as a method of preventing disease. Some of the side effects of eugenics were the creation of international health plans to inform about malformations and raise awareness about how to stop the spread of hereditary diseases. Through eugenics various diseases and disorders would need no cure because they do not exist. In our days, eugenics has been transformed.​ ​The development of sciences such as biomedicine and molecular biology​ ​allowed to understand the DNA and its operation, in this way it is now possible to manipulate the hereditary characters of people. Eugenics uses these techniques to improve the health of the next generations. According to the Spanish media ,Kiosko (2016), in Madrid, a couple could have a healthy daughter after undergoing genetic therapy. This is one of many cases that demonstrate that genetic manipulation can be beneficial to mankind. Eugenics has given rise to artificial selection, prenatal diagnosis, genetic engineering and birth control that apply in our world. Eugenics also gave rise to a series of policies, the fundamental objective of which was to promote the development of healthy human beings and to stop the spread of hereditary diseases. At the beginning of the 21st century, a new eugenics based on DNA modification emerged. This allowed people to control their offspring genetically. In our society, it is common to observe people who have certain disadvantages in front of others, the multiple congenital diseases present a serious problem for the people who suffer it. The development of techniques and genetic treatments for the understanding of these problems is what characterizes modern eugenics. The best way to treat a disease is to eliminate it. For this

reason, Eugenics as a science will be necessary to avoid the medical problems of the future. Gene therapy is currently being used in infants and embryos. For Nelson (2016), author of the article The Return of eugenics: “But here, and at each point in the new eugenics, you can argue: where is the moral problem? There are no deaths, no sterilizations, no abortions: just a scientifically guided conception. The potential avoidance of disease, to the betterment of humanity. So, who could complain? One answer came four months ago, when 150 scientists and academics called for a complete shutdown of human gene editing ……. ‘We must not engineer the genes we pass on to our descendants.’” And it is that the problem of modern eugenics, it opens the possibility of being able to choose the characteristics that can have the children, but they create in the future a society of filling of biologically better human beings that could discredit to all the others. Eugenics offers the possibility of improving the human being in all aspects but it could also increase the social differences. For Hix (2009), author of the article “Modern Eugenics: Build a Better Person?” “Genetic modification has great promise to treat, and perhaps someday even permanently cure genetic disease. However, genetic changes could also be made in order to improve an individual in ways that may or may not serve a medical purpose.” And is that the common purpose of eugenics is to improve human health and not improve the capabilities of every human. Genetic engineering is not only limited to modify genetic defects but also to promote the development of better physical skills. It is likely that in the future it will be possible to take the next evolutionary step in an accelerated way giving way to better genetically modified humans. The general refusal to use eugenics is that it will not be beneficial to all social sectors. For Winfield (2012), author of the article “Resuscitating bad science”: Some governments of the world included policies to avoid the propagation at all costs of bad genes and diseases.

Eugenics arises in this environment and is the excuse of many people to affirm that genetic purification must be above the human lives affected. These arguments are used by several people to ensure that society will be divided if eugenics is freely approved. Eugenics is a science that seeks to use the laws of genetics to improve human genome. For this, eugenics seeks to intervene in the DNA of people to have healthier and intelligent generations. The argument of those who are against eugenics is that it would create social inequality, those benefited with eugenics would have better capacities and would be in advantage over other humans. They argue that eugenics was one of the pillars of social division, but social inequalities have accompanied the development of all societies. And in a way the twentieth century, eugenics was the beginning of all the racism and xenophobia created in Europe and America. The change happens when the birth of the modern Eugenics that seeks the genetic change of the society. We cannot determine the effects we will have in the future, we can argue that it will benefit the following human generations. Ultimately, Eugenics as a science has been the center of much controversy in recent years. Nevertheless, the benefits that could offer to humanity are overshadowed by the bad perception that the society has of it. Society needs to understand that there are two kinds of Eugenics. The twentieth century, which was a form of social control by Nazis, Japanese and other governments in the world, and the 21st century, which seeks to implement policies that improve the human being through genetic engineering. Several genetic research centers are seeing as a viable possibility to use eugenics to improve the biological capabilities of humans. So despite the opposition, eugenics has returned and would improve human health greatly as well as improve the physical capabilities of individuals. Unlike what happened in the past, modern eugenics aims to benefit all human beings. Humanity needs to give it a try.

References Hix, L. (2009). ​Modern Eugenics: Building a better person?. Helix Magazine. Available at: https://helix.northwestern.edu/article/modern-eugenics-building-better-person

Kolovou, V. (2015). ​Eugenics: A dark history, a bright future. LinkedIn. Available at: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/eugenics-dark-history-bright-future-vasiliki-kolovou

Nelson, F. (2016). ​The return of eugenics. The Spectator. Available at: http://www.spectator.co.uk/2016/04/the-return-of-eugenics/

Winfield., A. (2012). ​Resuscitating bad science: Eugenics past and present.. 1st ed. p.157. Márquez, R. S., & Soberanez, M. D. Z. Eugenesia: La evolución inducida.

Thank You Letter

Yachay Tech University L6-004 January 9,2017

Dear Reader.

In this document are the most important works that I wrote this semester. If you have read one of them you may have noticed some grammatical errors. But I hope you have understood the purpose of each writing and hope to improve my way of writing. Thank you for considering my work as worthy of being read.

Bryan Daniel Darquea

January 9, 2017

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