Fall 2021 Perspectives Issue

Page 24

Broken Who are we to fix what is broken? There are some things in life that may be better off left shattered, instead of rebuilt. Being broken opens the mind to the concept that things can go wrong. Only from being broken do we understand problems, and how to fix them. Ancient cities have failed for a reason. Why do we need to dig through and discover their secrets? What if the secrets we’re looking for, are what broke them in the first place? People have many views on society, and it always comes down to the broken being the undesirables. Why do we shut away the ones who have the answers? By trying to change these people, we are locking away the value of who and what they truly are. The broken things in life are cast away without a second glance. Never being understood. Being broken doesn’t need to be something we hide, being ashamed of it. It can be used to overcome the challenges of life. The broken are only so, if we try to rebuild and reshape them. - Elija



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