2024 Art on the Prairie Festival Program

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celebrating art, music, literature, and the joys of small town living... all wrapped up in a two day event in Historic Downtown Perry, IA.


NOVEMBER 9 & 10, 2024

10AM-5PM | 10AM-4PM

Hotel Pattee

Town/Craft Building

Carnegie Library Museum

Betsy Peterson Designs

Ben Franklin Building

Studio on Second

La Poste

Perry Public Library

Welcome to Art on the Prairie in Perry!

More than a Festival in Perry, Iowa: A Rebirth of Culture through the Arts in a Small Town set on the Prairie

Withitshistoricdowntownattheheartofthecommunity,Perrycontinuestoexperience arenewedvibrancywiththegrowthofitsshoppinganddiningdestinations,recreational opportunities,andartsandculturalattractions.Fromannualpop-upeventstopermanent artinstallations,theimpactofArtonthePrairiecanbeseenandfeltthroughouttheyear.

56+ Visual Artists

Deborah Baughman

Sarah Bierstedt

Ken Bose

Sara Burrier

Nancy Carlson

Art Ciccotti

Larry Cook

Susan Cunningham

Jeff Easley

Heather English

Joani Feiner

Cheryl Gates

Megan Hammer

Gary Hoard

37+ Musicians

Bryan Baker

Shannon & Cindi Bryan

John Burns

Emery Case

Ruby Case Day

Joel Duvall

9+ Poets

Marilyn Baszczynski

Kelsey Bigelow

William Bortz

Mary Howell

Katie Jensen

Lisa Jontz

Brad Kiefer

Ernest & Claudia Koch

Sara Krause

Lisa Lammey

Jen Lawler

Leslie Leavenworth

Sara Letsch

Michael Lundberg

Amy Mueggenberg

Jimmy Navarro

Lisa Nelson

Tim Earp

Andy Fleming

Friday Night Pickers

Jennifer Garman

Tyler Gathercoal

Joe Gittins

Reggie Greenlaw

Mario Duarte

Kelli Lage

Tanya Rastogi

Mary Nelson

Kristy Niemeyer

Shawn Palek

Betsy Peterson

Eric Peterson

DeAnn Puente

Jess Quinn

*Featured Artist

Shana Rainey

James Ries

Connie Rodgers

Autumn Rozario Hall

Ruben Ruiz

Sarah Schroeder

Rhonda Scott

Lincoln Grimes

Laura Helm

Steffen Heins

Marilyn Jerome

Dan Jones

Just Cause

Dennis Kain

Randy McCaulley

Steve Rose

Leah Waughtal-Magiera

David Williamson

Sharon Smith

Joshua Steele

Barb Thompson

Diane Tough

Kate Trimble

Betty Chamness Trost

Mark True

Rick von Holdt

Caroline Warren

Rachel Weber

Tanya Wilhite

Kelsey Wilson

Jess Wisdom & Jesse Richardson

Jill Woodward


Laura McCord

Will McKnight

Kyle Pape

Steve & Sean Parnell

Mary Richards

Sara Routh

Rural Acoustic Cooperative

CW Smith

Donna Jo Wallace

PLUS: Lyrical Iowa

Winning Poets


Festival Venues & Activities

10am-5pm VisualArtistBooths&AcousticMusic


10am-5pm StudentArtExhibit&LocalArtistBooths


10am-4:30pm PoetryonthePrairie



2:00pm StorytimewithAuthorMeganCline


6:00pm 2024People’sChoiceAward



10am-4pm VisualArtistBooths&AcousticMusic


10am-5pm StudentArtExhibit&LocalArtistBooths


10:30am-4:30pm PoetryonthePrairie



PLUS: ExtendedHours&HolidayOpenHouses


Perry Public Library

La Poste

Town/Craft Building

Carnegie Library Museum

Betsy Peterson Designs

Ben Franklin Building

Hotel Pattee

Studio on Second

Featured Artist in The Cellar at La Poste

Live Music at this Venue (Downstairs):


10am Sara Routh

12pm Steffen Heins

2pm Just Cause

4pm Joe Gittins


11am Marilyn Jerome

12pm Andy Fleming

2pm Rural Acoustic Cooperative

Jess Quinn

Jess Quinn is a Waterloo, Iowa native and former public school art teacher.

She discovered her passion for painting during her undergraduate studies at the University of Northern Iowa and went on to complete her Master's in Education from Viterbo University.

Beautiful Botanicals

In 2014, Jess decided to pursue her art full-time. It was her love of photography that led her down the path she is on today.

Jess is drawn to the beautiful and sometimes almost alien appearance of botanicals that are all around us in nature

She captures the intimate details of her subjects through her camera lens and paints them with mesmerizing lines and flowing movements on canvas.

Jess's paintings allow her to share how she sees her subjects and provide viewers with a unique and beautiful perspective

The Cellar of La Poste is home to “Handlebar Happy Hour” every Thursday night, a local favorite with live music, food and drink, plus monthly exhibits of artwork.

La Poste - 1219 Warford Street

Visual Artists at this Venue in the Upstairs Gallery (left to right from top):

Mark True, Heather English, Jimmy Navarro & Katie Jensen, Caroline Warren, Brad Kiefer, Diane Tough, and Rhonda Scott

Live Music at this Venue (Upstairs):

Saturday 10am - 1pm

Laura McCord 1pm - 5pm Reggie Greenlaw

Sunday 10am 2pm Mary Richards

Town/Craft Building - 1122 Willis Avenue


Live Music at this Venue:


10am-5pm Mary Richards


10am-4pm Reggie Greenlaw

Visual Artists at this Venue (from top):

Sarah Schroeder, Leslie Leavenworth, and Betty Chamness Trost

TheIowaPoetryAssociation,PoetryPalooza! andBeaverdaleBooksareproudtoonceagain bepartofArtonthePrairie Poetryhasalways beenapartofthefestival,butwiththesekey partners,ithasbecomeafestivalwithina festival,andnowinanewlocation!

Activitiesincludepoetryreadingsbysomeof Iowa’sleadingpoets,openmicopportunities forpoetrylovers,andworkshopsforpoets AllactivitiesareupstairsatTown/Craft andareFREEandOPENtothepublic. ElevatorAccessviaSoumasCourtandstairs fromWIllisAvenue

Elevator Access via Soumas Courtyard Stairs via Willis Avenue


10am-10:30am | Coffee&Networking

10:30am-11:30am | GenerativePoetry WorkshopledbyKelliLage 11:30am-1pm | LunchBreak 1pm-2pm | EditingWorkshop ledbySteveRose 2pm-3:30pm | ReadingsbyFeaturedPoets WilliamBortz MarioDuarte KelliLage 3:30pm-4:30pm | OpenMic&Music ledbyDavidWilliamson

Tanya Rastogi Steve Rose


10:30am-11am | Coffee&Networking 11am–12:30pm | ReadingsbyLyricalIowa WinningPoets,ledbyMarilynBaszczynski 12:30pm-2pm | LunchBreak 2pm–3pm | SpokenWordWorkshop ledbyLeahWaughtal-Magiera 3pm–4:30pm | PoetrySlam &OpenMic hostedbyKelseyBigelow

Scheduleissubjecttoadditionsandotheredits Learnmoreatwww.poetryamp.org

Carnegie Library Museum - 1123 Willis

Visual Artists at this Venue (left to right from top): DeAnn Puente, Ken Bose, Joani Feiner, Mary Howell, Connie Rodgers, Amy Mueggenberg, and Tanya Wilhite

Live Music at this Venue


Still a working library, the collection at the Carnegie Library Museum includes many of its original 1,000 titles as well as special collections that can be checked out by patrons.

Betsy Peterson Designs - 1121 2nd Street

Visual Artists (from top):

Betsy Peterson, Jill Woodward, Eric Peterson, and Jess Wisdom & Jesse Richardson

Live Music at this Venue

Saturday 10am Joel Duvall

12pm Jennifer Garman

2pm Laura Helm

4pm John Burns


10am Will McKnight

12pm Dan Jones

2pm Dennis Kain

Art on the Prairie Partners with Local Artists

Returning to the festival this year are handmade commemorative pieces, made especially for Art on the Prairie by local artists, including hand poured candles, chocolates, ceramic dishes, and illustrated cards for sale at the Ben Franklin Building

What once was a JC Penney department store and then later a shoe store, is now home to art gallery and studio for local artists Betsy and Eric Peterson

Ben Franklin Building - 1221 2nd Street

Visual Artists at this Venue (left to right from top): Ruben Ruiz, Sharon Smith, James Ries, Megan Hammer, Nancy Carlson, and Shawn Palek

Live Music at this Venue

Saturday 10am Rural Acoustic Cooperative 12pm Friday Night Pickers 2pm Kyle Pape

Sunday 10am John Burns 12pm Just Cause 2pm Tyler Gathercoal

Support Art on the Prairie and local artists with the purchase of this year ’ s commemorative merchandise at the Ben Franklin Building!

Ben Franklin Building - 1221 2nd Street

Artists at this Venue in the


The Ben Franklin Building - a combined four s dime store for 50 years, most recently called Ben s Five & Dime until July of 2024.

(left to right
top): Michael Lundberg, Sara Krause, Mary Nelson, Jeff Easley, Lisa Lammey, and Lisa Jontz

Ben Franklin Building - 1221 2nd Street

Visual Artists at this Venue (left to right from top): Sara Letsch, Ernest & Claudia Koch, Autumn Rozario Hall, Sarah Bierstedt, Kelsey Wilson, and Art Ciccotti

Live Music at this Venue


10am Rural Acoustic Cooperative 12pm Friday Night Pickers 2pm Kyle Pape


10am John Burns 12pm Just Cause 2pm Tyler Gathercoal

No relation to the Hotel Pattee, Jan & Jay Pattee are the owners of the building, purchased with the business from Jan’s parents - Chick & Betty Schwarzkopf - in 1982

Hotel Pattee - 1112 Willis Avenue

Visual Artists at this Venue in the (left to right from top): Kristy Niemeyer, Sara Burrier, Deb Baughman, Shana Rainey, Barb Thompson, Rachel Weber, and Kate Trimble

Live Music at this Venue

Saturday 10am Joe Gittins 12pm Marilyn Jerome 2pm Lincoln Grimes 4pm Emery Case

Sunday 10am Bryan Baker 12pm Day 2pm Emery Case

Known as one of the Finest Historic Boutique Hotels in the World, the Hotel Pattee is a Destination unto itself, with 40 individually decorated and themed guest rooms.

Visual Artists at this Venue

(left to right from top):

Hotel Pattee - 1112 Willis Avenue


Larry Cook, Rick Von Holdt, Joshua Steele, Cheryl Gates, and Susan Cunningham

In2023,festival-goersselectedLarryCookforthe People'sChoiceAwardAstradition,thehonoris rewardedbytheselectedartistchoosingtheirbooth spaceatthenextyear'sfestivalFindLarryandhis woodworkatHotelPattee Hiscreationsincludeboth classicjewelryboxesandalsounique,originaldesigns, includingboxeswithhiddencompartments,whimsical characters,andpuzzleboxes


Don't miss the dining destination of Pattee Café along with the Interurban Lounge!

Remember: Order Dessert First! Cheesecakes are Angie's specialty!

Studio on Second - 1218 2nd Street

Live Music at this Venue


10am Tim Earp

12pm CW Smith

2pm Donna Joe Wallace

4pm Ruby Case


10am Tim Earp

12pm Laura Helm

2pm Ruby Case

Visual Artists at this Venue (from top):

Gary Hoard, Jen Lawler, and Lisa Nelson

The14thAnnualArtonthePrairie Festivalwouldnotbepossiblewithout thegeneroussupportfromthefollowing individualsandcommunitypartners:

PerryHospitalityInc /HotelPattee




Beaverdale Books

Iowa Poetry Association

Poetry Palooza!

City of Perry

Jay & Jan Pattee

Eric & Betsy Peterson

Dan & Sally Spellman

Patricia Boddy

Shannon & Cindi Bryan

Carol & Dirk Cavanaugh

Christy & Scott Coffman

Mark & Karen Einck

Alice’s Haus Dresin LLC

John & Linda Andorf

Backwards Boutique

Judy & Bill Boorn

Kay Bullock

Teena Case

Bill & Barb Clark

Fred & Carol Eiteman

Brenda & Brent Halling

Hastings Funeral Home

Diane & Rich Jones

Jan Danielson Kaiser

Robin & James McCauley

Alan & Monica Peitz

Perry Greenhouse

Perry Public Library

Progressive Foundry

Deborah Repp

Ann Sackett

Bethany Wicks

Bob & Mary Laborde

Larry & Pearl Laborde

Vicki Lage

Mike & Shirley Lickteig

Dr Randy & Marsha McCaulley

Larry Meacham

Mary Rose Collective

Mary Rose Nichols

Finneseth, Dalen, & Powell PLC

Elizabeth Garst

Beth Gittins

Bob Gittins

Scott & Sandy Grubbs

Stephanie Hansen

Don & JoAnn Harmelink

Katie Harvey

Lou & Lois Hoger

Kathy Hoskinson

Shirley & Dick Kiefer

Todd & Cindy Jafvert

Marlene Johnson

Ned & Janice Johnston

Mike & Denise Kealhofer

Marti & Gordon Klatt

Lynsi Pasutti

Perry Paint & Glass

John & Kathy Powell

Chuck & Julie Scheib

Kent & Cheri Scheib

Chuck & Katie Schott

Lori Seeley

Jan & Marvin Shirley

Cindy Sohn

Dean Stumbo

David & Janice Summerson

Jackie Svetly

Dave & Lynn Ubben

Jim & Julie Walstrom

Margie Worrell

Joyce Conklin-VanKirk







10AM-5PM | 10AM-4PM


Atelier at 1109 1109 2nd Street

Tues-Fri 10-5 • Sat 10-3

Betsy Peterson Designs 1121 2nd Street Tues-Sat 11-5

Mary Rose Collective 1215 Warford Street Thurs-Fri 11-4 Sat 9-4 • Sun 11-4

Public Art


Big Bike Sculpture

Boulevard Sculptures

Reconfiguration Arches

Perry Community Schools


Art on the Prairie El Puente / The Bridge Honor

Prairie Lane

Sinclair - Memory Lane

Perry Your Journey Starts Here

Installations at

La Poste

Perry Public Library

Soumas Court

Permanent Collections at Hotel Pattee

Perry Public Library

Perry High School

Annual Events

Fiber Festival of Perry 2nd Saturday in May

Art Harvest Tour

Last Full Weekend in September

Art on the Prairie Festival 2nd Weekend in November

Explore the Downtown Perry

Historical & Cultural District

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