Penticton Western News

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Okanagan duo heads south to compete in Canadian version of Wipeout

SOYSA has chosen its best players aged 16 to 19 to showcase itself to colleges

See page 10



See page 16




W E D N E S DAY, O C TO B E R 1 3 , 2 0 1 0

Soupateria spreads holiday warmth MARK BRETT Western News Staff

What would Thanksgiving be without turkey and all the trimmings? For the more than 100 hungry people waiting in the long line surrounding the Soupateria on Orchard Drive, Monday would have been a day just like all the rest. But instead this was one of those rare occasions the city’s less fortunate were able to enjoy a real sit-down turkey dinner complete with stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, carrots and peas, and of course, pumpkin pie. While many people might wonder what someone waiting outside a building for a free meal would have to be thankful for, at least some of those in the line didn’t have to think twice before answering. “For everything I got — for the sunshine, for today,” said Al, tossing his hands in the air in the direction of the blue sky. “Can’t you see we’ve got everything including a real turkey dinner in there.” Richard Murphy was also quick with his response to the question. “I’ve got a lot to be thankful for. It doesn’t always seem like it all the time but I do,” he said, standing outside the door. “What I’m really thankful for is if I see a buddy down or somebody else I recognize from the Soup (Soupateria) and if I have some money and they want to have a coffee or whatever I’ll take them right over to the coffee shop. I like to be able to help.” Which is also the reason he volunteers one day a week at the centre as a way of giving back. “I use the service as well and it’s a real good thing for the homeless people, the people on the streets and for people who don’t have the money or the families where they can get a Thanksgiving dinner,” said Murphy. “I like seeing people happy and I know how they feel. If this wasn’t here there wouldn’t be any place for people to go to.” Earlier in the morning, during a break from the prep work for the 11:30 a.m. opening, David Swick, vice-president of the society which operates the centre, spoke about his own satisfaction in helping the less fortunate. “Just knowing you’re doing something for those truly in need is a wonderful feeling,” said Swick, who began donating his services just over a year ago. “Basically we want to show people in Penticton, especially those in need, that we care. “Today is really great because normally during the week we have cafeteria style, but everybody deserves to have a nice warm, home-cooked meal with turkey, stuffing and the whole nine yards — just to show those in need that they’re people too.”


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purchased using the cash given to the society. “Because of these donations the plates are full and heaping so we have full plates and full stomachs,” said Swick. “We get a lot of donations, but the one thing I think a lot of people don’t realize is that the best donation you can give is your time.” After the main course is over the volunteers are also treated to dinner, and if anyone else shows up they too are welcomed. Meanwhile back outside as the line begins to move again Al is quick to end the conservation to keep his spot, but just before his disappears inside with the crowd he turns and yells back: “Hey, happy Thanksgiving.”


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He added the response from the patrons is usually very positive, and he has even seen a roomful of people give head chef Chris Grauer a standing ovation. Grauer has worked at the Soupateria for nearly two decades. For the sit-down meals, which happen about five times a year, about 20 of the society’s 180 volunteers turn up to help. One of those helpers is Kris Rusk, who began at the Soupateria six years ago. “I started doing this just after I lost my husband. It was something to do Sundays,” she said. “After that it just became something very important and it’s enjoyable and you give back and I think this is a fitting way to celebrate Thanksgiving.” Much of the food for the meal comes from the many generous local businesses and individuals. The remainder is

y 97


the annual Thanksgiving lunch at the facility. The holiday is one of about five times a year the volunteers provide patrons with a full-service meal.



Mark Brett/Western News

SOUPATERIA VOLUNTEER David Swick serves Richard Murphy a turkey dinner with all the trimmings Monday during




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An operational audit by the regional district eliminated positions of service deemed valuable in a citizen survey, but the CAO says the quality of those services will

not change. A citizen survey conducted by the Regional District of Okanagan Similkameen showed respondents ranking air quality at 9.2 out of 10 on a scale of important services to them. Last month, the RDOS fol-

lowed through on a number of recommendations made from an operational audit that included deleting the air quality supervisor position. “Just because we deleted the air quality coordinator position we are still participating on the

air quality coalition with the Central Okanagan and North Okanagan and there are still staff positions associated with that. Some of the main functions like the wood chipping program and other programs specific to air quality will still be



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administered by the public works department,� RDOS CAO Bill Newell said of the audit which became a public document last week. Among the six positions deleted last month as recommendations of the operational audit, three were vacant, including the project engineer position, human resources advisor and an accountant position. “We determined we could still provide a service without funding the positions, so we are still looking for other efficiencies as far as partnerships go. I think we are probably as lean as we will get right now,� said Newell. The net financial impact of the reorganization to the taxpayers of the RDOS is estimated at $470,000 per year. The CAO will continue to review positions within the RDOS to determine if they could be more efficient by pooling staff. Already the engineering services and public works departments were recommended to be merged. Within that department, the manager of engineering position, the vacant project engineer position and the air quality supervisor position were all deleted. A moratorium was placed on funding for new or additional positions throughout the organization. “One of the major recommendations was the consolidation of departments, so we were looking for efficiencies and how we can do things better and that seemed a feasible way of doing that,� said Newell. “We are looking at partnerships and blurring the boundaries with all of our member municipalities.�

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Parking congestion hits close to home BRUCE WALKINSHAW Western News Staff

The residents of the 1400 block of Manitoba Street are upset with Penticton council’s decision last week to reject their application for a resident-only parking zone. “It is very frustrating because I don’t think they understand just how congested it is out there,” said resident Joe Czinger. “Some days the street is filled up the entire day, both sides. “It is so bad that when I go to drop off my kid at 7:30 a.m. — by the time I come back, five maybe 10 minutes later, there isn’t one spot left. People are even being boxed into their driveways.” Since January, Penticton Regional Hospital has been charging to park in its lot, prompting staff, patients and their visitors to find parking in the neighbouring residential streets. And in June, despite the area not meeting the city’s established criteria, residents on Leir and Balfour streets were able to convince council to create a

Mark Brett/Western News

MANITOBA STREET resident Dean Gemmell collects some of the paperwork relating to a petition signed by residents in the 1400 block who are asking city council to reconsider a decision not to include their neighbourhood in the resident-only parking designation.

resident-only parking zone there. So, Manitoba Street residents tried the same thing but were turned

down in a 4-3 vote, partly due to a staff survey conducted Sept. 27 which found that throughout the

day there were about 11 to 14 spots available for parking on the block out of a possible 30.

Czinger said he was surprised that the issue even came before council so quickly after he and his neighbours handed in a petition regarding congestion in the area. “They were only out there for one day and (as a result) I don’t think that council got the right information,” Czinger said, asserting that the situation is getting progressively worse as more people realize that there is parking on Manitoba. Beyond the parking, Czinger said he fears for the safety of children attending nearby Carmi Elementary School because of all the congestion. “Parents are stopping in the middle of the road because there’s no room to drop their kids off,” he said. “It is so bad out there that you can’t see anything for all the cars.” Reacting to residents’ criticism, Mayor Dan Ashton confirmed that he will be meeting with a resident this week to discuss the issue and that, if warranted, he may bring it back before council.

New community kitchen aims to fill a growing need MARK BRETT Western News Staff

Increasing need locally has prompted the Salvation Army to begin another program to help alleviate strain on existing community resources. Similar to the downtown Soupateria, it is hoped the new community kitchen at the South Main Street facility will fill a large gap in helping the less fortunate. “We are actually starting today (Tuesday) here at the church,” said Christine Simmons, community ministries director for the Salvation Army. “What we’re doing is having the folks come in and we’ll serve them soup and a bun, and then they’re going to plan out how our community kitchen will work. “We’re right in the middle of getting ready for Christmas now and we want to get some things

going other than just handing out food.” The food bank operated by the organization has been busier than usual during the past two months, and as winter approaches she expects those numbers to keep going up. “People are definitely feeling the pinch,” said the director. The community kitchen concept will benefit two groups, the ones who need help and those who have been assisted. “Actually what they will be doing is helping themselves, because they’re going to come in and learn some good cooking techniques. And then we’re hoping that down the road when we (community kitchen) get started they’ll actually be doing the cooking and everything here as well as taking some food home,” said Simmons. “These are all families, some of our seniors, single-parent families

— a good mixture. We’re hoping it will be a success and help people as well. “It’s not that we don’t want to help people, but we would rather help them up.” Child-minding services will also be provided. Also with the predictions for a harsh winter, plans are underway to continue the emergency shelter program which began last year. Through the ministerial association a number of local churches banded together to provide a dry place to sleep, basic necessities and a warm blanket for the homeless. “It worked out very well,” said Simmons. “It went for nine straight nights when we had some really extreme temperatures which took us by surprise, but we had lots of good church volunteers and we’re hoping to be able to do that again this winter.”

Mark Brett/Western News

VOLUNTEERS SHARON SUTHERLAND (left) and Christine Bowes (right) dish up Thanksgiving dinner in the kitchen of the Soupateria Monday. Visitors to the centre were treated to a sit-down, full-course meal instead of the usual cafeteria-style lunch.

Local MLA recall efforts lag behind others around province BRUCE WALKINSHAW Western News Staff

The campaigns to put the South Okanagan’s two BC Liberal MLAs on Fight HST’s recall hit list are off to slow starts. In the two weeks since the MLA Survivor Recall contest started, pitting 18 ridings organizers against each other to see which can recruit the most recall-canvassers thus putting their representative up for recall first, Penticton has only convinced 25 volunteers to help unseat Bill Barisoff, while in Boundary Similkameen they have signed up 77 to go after John Slater. This compared to Oak Bay where 163

have signed up to try to turf Ida Chong; Kamloops North where 130 want Terry Lake gone; and Saanich North and Islands where 115 want a shot at Murray Coell. Provincewide, according to Fight HST lead organizer Chris Delaney, over 1,215 have signed on in the 18 competing ridings, with another 821 volunteers at large for a total of over 2,016 volunteers. “We are right in the middle of the pack but that is just fine with me,” said Fight HST’s Boundary Similkameen lead organizer Donald Rudzcki. “I have captains away in two of the major centres so that has had an effect on our numbers. If they were here I think we would

probably be up to at least (112). But it is not critical because we have lots of time to get volunteers.” Rudzcki said he is confident that his team can sign up at least 300 canvassers. “I think it is (a realistic goal) because of the fact that a couple hundred people signed up last time and that was done on the spur of the moment. So, with the prevailing attitude of the public, I don’t see it as a problem to get,” said Rudzcki. “To us the contest is not the be all and end all if we are not in the top three … as long as the volunteers are ready for the time that we initiate the petition that is all I am concerned about.”

Rudzcki said that the group is using its volunteer lists from the first campaign to contact people “Businesses are great allies, as well,” said Rudzcki. “Some are adversely effected and they are very good at knowing their customers and either seeking volunteers for us, or in the alternative allowing us to use their premises for signing the petition later on. “When we did the first petition the public and the media were skeptical about the chances for success. But since we had overwhelming success the first time around, the skeptics have pretty much evaporated and the public is very much on board and are willing to participate.”




Store nets city approval BRUCE WALKINSHAW Western News Staff

Treasure hunters, thrifty shoppers and retrohipsters, a new (or at least maybe new-to-you) source of second-hand merchandise is likely coming to Penticton. City council made civic zoning room for Value Village last week, voting unanimously to allow the popular secondhand clothing and goods franchise to occupy a building at 101 Rosetown Ave. “The applicant proposes to remove a portion of the existing building, subdivide the lot and to redevelop the western portion of the property,” explained manager of planning Anthony Haddad. “Value Village will occupy the western portion of the property while the eastern portion will retain its developmental potential within the existing industrial zone.” For close to 15 years the building was the home of a glass manufacturing facility operating as Guardian Glass, Wescan, and then Old Castle Glass, employing approximately 40 workers and producing $5-to-$10 million in sales a year before closing in 2007, according to the city. Since then, the 35,000 square foot warehouse has sat vacant, with its owner complaining that the size and specificity of the facility makes it hard to lease. Haddad said initially staff were reluctant to support the proposal because the building sits in the city’s limited industrial zone. Commercial uses in the industrial zone could increase land values, forcing industrial uses to other communities, he said. However, staff like the design of the proposal which was supported by the Penticton Industrial Development Association. “The development of this property and the creation of between 40 to 50 permanent jobs in the city, in staff’s opinion, is an excellent solution for the site on the fringe of the industrial area,” said Haddad. The public will now have their say about the proposal at a public hearing Oct. 18.


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Wildlife sightings increase KRISTI PATTON Western News Staff

With wildlife about a month away from hibernating, residents of the Okanagan are asked to respect the animals. “We have had instances the last couple of weeks where some deer have shown aggression when they have fawns with them, and that is a normal behaviour for deer. Usually if a deer has fawns it gets a little protective. We had a couple of people chased, and if you get too close to these does that have fawns they will chase you. The secret is you have to respect it as a wild animal and don’t get too close to it,” said conservation officer Mike Stern. “If you have a dog, the doe thinks of it as a predator. If you see a deer you need to back off. It’s a wild animal and you don’t know what a wild animal will do. If it is cornered it will try and protect itself.” Stern said there is a lot of deer normally in the city due to the fact people have gardens, and deer feel safe in communities where they don’t have to compete for food. “Deer are losing their fear of humans a little bit because they feel relatively safe,” said Stern. The Regional District of Okanagan Similkameen also has sent out a reminder for all residents to place their garbage out only on the day of collection due to continued sightings of bears. Garbage left out overnight can attract bears, leading to the destruction of the animal. Stern said the number of calls about bears and deer are “about normal” for this time of the season. He added that within the next month the wild animal calls should drop as they begin their hibernation. “The big thing for people right now is keep your garbage in and pick your fruit. We want to make these bears be able to hibernate. We don’t want to have habituated bears because then we have to put them down. People need to be diligent with their garbage,” said Stern.

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Published Wednesdays and Fridays in Penticton at: 2250 Camrose St., Penticton B.C. V2A 8R1 Phone: (250) 492-3636 • Fax: (250) 492-9843 • E-mail:


Province must act on minimum wage


he province is fond of saying that B.C. is the Best Place on Earth. That might be the case if you’re in the top echelon of wage earners and can afford to ski in winter, sail in summer and buy a big house with waterfront views. But if you’re a minimum wage earner, not so much. The $8 an hour minimum wage made sense 10 years ago when it was introduced, but it’s now the lowest rate in Canada. While it’s true B.C.’s. low wage earners have benefited from tax cuts and other breaks, their wages haven’t kept up with the cost of living. Murray Coell’s low-key profile as labour minister in Victoria took a turn in the spotlight when he surprisingly mentioned the possibility of raising the minimum wage at cabinet minister’s panel discussion at the recent Union of B.C. Municipalities convention. Likely after a rebuke from somebody higher up in the party hierarchy, Coell called a news conference to clarify his statements. Commendably, he did not say he was misquoted or taken out of context. Remarkably, he said he didn’t think that a higher minimum wage is a job killer. This is significant because it’s at the heart of the argument the B.C. government has used to freeze the minimum wage. Coell did say the government has often reviewed the issue of raising the minimum wage and that it has helped the province’s lowest wage-earners by eliminating income tax and medical premiums for them as well as introducing rent subsidies. He said there are “other levers” the government might pull to help people before raising the minimum wage. But he admits the government is running out of levers to pull, and said Victoria would consider raising the minimum wage in the future. But the future might still seem a long ways off for low-income earners who have been waiting for nearly a decade to enjoy the Best Place on Earth.

2250 Camrose Street, Penticton, B.C. V2A 8R1 Tel: (250) 492-3636 Fax: (250) 492-9843 Publisher: Mark Walker Editor: Dan Ebenal Sales Manager: Larry Mercier

The Penticton Western News is a member in good standing of the Canadian Community Newspapers Association and the British Columbia & Yukon Community Newspapers Association. The Penticton Western News is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888687-2213 or go to www. This publication reserves the right to refuse any material — advertising or editorial — submitted for publication and maintains the sole right to exercise discretion in these matters. Submissions by columnists and guest writers do not necessarily reflect the opinion of this newspaper. All material contained herein is copyright.


Only rate cut can save the HST

oday I reveal the B.C. government’s strategy to do the apparently impossible and win next year’s referendum on the harmonized sales tax. My conclusion is based on observation and deductive reasoning, rather than imaginary leaks from “reliable sources” as anti-HST crusader Bill Vander Zalm recently conjured up. In case you missed Zalm’s latest vision, he declared it in the wee hours before Premier Gordon Campbell gave a speech to local government leaders in Whistler. He predicted Campbell would announce he has capitulated to one of Zalm’s many demands and will move up the date of the referendum. Nothing of the sort happened, or will happen. The referendum will take place as specified by legislation on Saturday, Sept. 24, 2011 and we will all pay the 12 per cent HST at least until then. But Zalm’s other prediction, that a rate cut is coming, will eventually come true. (As one of my faithful readers reminded me, even a stopped clock is right twice a day.) One hint of this emerging


B.C. Liberal scheme occurred in mid-September. Doing a live interview on Global TV, Campbell mentioned that he is planning a major address to B.C. residents on the HST and the referendum. This means a televised fireside chat, which implies some kind of major announcement. Late last week the date was announced as Oct. 27 at 7 p.m. Finance Minister Colin Hansen provided another hint in his latest update on the province’s finances. The Finance Ministry is still projecting deficits until 2013, but the corporate tax revenues that dropped so dramatically in last year’s finan-

cial meltdown are now projected to improve considerably by then. Based on that, Hansen could have steered the province back into the black sooner, but instead he has carved out $2.1 billion of anticipated revenue that is not yet committed to pay for debt or services. “That $2.1 billion in additional revenue could be available for a variety of things, and I think that’s part of what government is looking for feedback on,” Hansen said. It could be used to pay down debt, spent on the ever-expanding health care demand, or on “tax relief” of some sort. You might remember when Prime Minister Stephen Harper rolled back the GST from seven to six and then five per cent. Like the price chopper at Wal-Mart, Harper whipped out signs with the new rate emblazoned in big blue numbers. This first appeared on the national news, and was then repeated in campaign ads. Campbell and Hansen have 11 months to execute a similar strategy. B.C.’s HST contract with Ottawa requires

the province to keep the rate at 12 per cent until July 1, 2012, after which time the seven per cent provincial share can be changed. But as Hansen indicated, they could announce a rate cut any time they want. Some time before the referendum would be useful. Also yet to be determined is the wording of the referendum question. Elections BC officials have to approve it, but the cabinet will craft the wording. Once the rate cut is promised, the referendum could then offer voters a choice. Keep the HST and see the rate go down in nine months, or vote to scrap it and see the old provincial sales tax come back at seven per cent. Without a rate cut, what would be the incentive for you to take time out of a sunny September Saturday to go down and vote for the HST? With the promise of a rate cut, the HST has a chance of surviving. Tom Fletcher is legislative reporter and columnist for Black Press and




Cuts at regional district will impact environment

I always find it curious that politicians are so quick to put everyone else under the microscope, but rarely spend any time looking in the mirror. The recent cuts at the Regional District of Okanagan Similkameen are ideal examples of this. The board of the regional district has cut over 10 per cent of the workforce without a single opportunity for public scrutiny or for discussion of how this will affect services provided to residents. It is particularly

worth drawing attention to the elimination of the only two positions in the organization tasked with protecting the quality of our natural environment and of the air we breathe. What is most disturbing is that the regional district elected representatives have put environmental sustainability at the heart of their mission, vision and legacy, and yet they throw it away without a moment’s discussion with the public. The best case scenario is that the members

Agriculture centre needed

Re: the Penticton Urban Agriculture Association proposal, I would like to express my whole-hearted support for the agricultural education centre proposed for the city-owned lands on Munson Mountain. I agree with recent comments from Kathryn McCourt and Laurie Rockwell regarding the need for such a facility and the community benefits it would provide, and would like to respond to some comments from city staff on this proposal as reported recently. The land in question is prime agricultural land and should be used for agricultural purposes — not “BMX tracks or off-leash dog parks,” as suggested by city staff. Urban food growing is not a “trend” or an “amenity”— it is fast becoming a real necessity, and those most in need are the ones whose voices are least likely to be heard. Calling the proposal a “duplication of service” and stating that it is “not Penticton’s mandate to become a garden-oriented community,” demonstrates an astonishing lack of awareness by city staff of community as well as global issues relating to food security and sustainability, as well as apparently completely missing the point of the proposal. One community garden is great, but we should have them in every neighbourhood, within walking distance of those who use them. (I am not suggesting the city provide the land — I believe the PUAA plan is to connect those with land to those who want to grow and teach them how.) I can’t think of a better use for the land in question or a more deserving plan for the city to support and I sincerely hope the city gives this idea serious and informed consideration. Jill Moreton Penticton

MLA displays arrogance

This is an open letter to Boundary Similkameen MLA John Slater: Re: Your quote in the Sept. 29 Penticton Western News, “Under the HST right now, if they don’t want to pay the tax then they buy food and don’t go to restaurants a lot and those sorts of things.” Are you in the real world? People should just stock up on groceries and stay at home? Don’t join a gym, don’t take your kids swimming or skiing, don’t treat

of the board are simply incapable of recalling their key policy commitments. A more likely scenario is that they pay lip service to our natural legacy at election time, and toss it aside as soon as they find it inconvenient. I find it hard to sympathize when the quality of the air our children breathe is deemed to be “inconvenient”. Regardless of motives, the board members of the regional district should be ashamed for making decisions whose impact will be

profound and longlasting, entirely behind closed doors and without an opportunity for the

public to have a say. It is clear to me that the regional district board is sending a clear signal

that the environment and the air we breathe are not priorities. I get the message and my vote will

tell them what I think of it. Earnie Christie Penticton

THE SOUTH OKANAGAN SIMILKAMEEN MEDICAL FOUNDATION Raises funds for the medical facilities throughout the region, including the Penticton Regional Hospital, Moog & Friends Hospice House, Trinity Centre, Summerland Health Centre and Extended Care, Princeton General Hospital and Ridgewood Lodge, South Similkameen Health Centre and Orchard Haven in Keremeos, South Okanagan General Hospital and Sunnybank Centre in Oliver.

them to a movie. Don’t join any sports activities or join any service clubs. Did you see the front page and story in the Province about how much larger and out of shape British Columbians are becoming? If the above is an accurate quote you deserve to be recalled, if only for your arrogance towards the middleclass citizen. Patricia McLean, middle-class citizen Oliver

Support boosts literacy

I want to sincerely thank Sun FM, the Riverside Plaza Starbucks, Cobs Bread and kind community members for their generosity on Raise a Reader Day. Literacy Now partnered with the Sun FM Sunrise Show crew and held a successful book drive at Starbucks. The important message of literacy from birth to old age was broadcast all morning. We collected many boxes full of children’s and youth books that will be distributed back to the community to families who need them. Sun FM provided gifts, Starbucks provided free coffee and Cobbs provided scones to anyone that dropped off books. Starbucks also opened up their store and drive-through to raise funds for Raise a Reader. This was great teamwork and a wonderful show of support for literacy from our community.

The Tees Up For Cancer Ladies Golf Tournament raised $32,000 for the second year in a row towards their pledge of $100,000 to the Penticton Regional Hospital’s campaign for the new Digital CT Scan. Pictured in the presentation; Peggy Guest, Committee Chair is presenting the cheque to Janice Perrino Executive Director of the South Okanagan Similkameen Medical Foundation. Committee members (left to right): Sharon Henderson, Elaine Vonck, Peggy Barron, Diane Banera, Carol Ecklund, Jean Perry, Cathie Heisler, Iris Bergman, Lorraine Addie, Evelyn Enns, Linda Avison.

Naomi Ludington Literacy Now South Okanagan-Similkameen

We want to hear from you The Penticton Western News welcomes letters to the editor for publication. We suggest a maximum length of 250 words and reserve the right to edit letters for length, brevity, clarity, legality, abusive language, accuracy and good taste. All published letters remain the property of the Penticton Western News, which is the sole judge of suitability for publication. Letters must include the writer’s address and daytime phone number, which will not be published. Letters should be signed with the writer’s full name and be sent by e-mail to letters@; mailed to the Penticton Western News, 2250 Camrose St., Penticton, B.C., V2A 8R1; or faxed to 492-9843.

Summerland l d Healthcare lh Auxiliary l President d Sandra d Croyle l and d Vice President d Berit Hack beside new Arjo Tubs for Dr. Andrew Pavilion in Summerland. The Auxiliary donated more than $33,000 to purchase two tubs. These tubs make bathing much easier and improve the quality of life for the residents.

We would like to thank all the individuals, service organizations and business groups for their dedication and thoughtfulness by making donations to the South Okanagan Similkameen Medical Foundation. South Okanagan Similkameen Medical Foundation 550 Carmi Avenue, Penticton, B.C. V2A 3G6 Phone: 250-492-9027 • Toll Free: 1-866-771-0994




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Last month over 300 classmates and spouses from the Pen High classes of 1959, 1960 and 1961 participated in a memorable gathering and smorgasbord of activities. From the Friday morning golf to the Saturday night goodbyes, participants reconnected with old acquaintances, developed new friendships, celebrated school memories and relived their youth. Friday evening the SS Sicamous bounced with energy at the meet and greet and the Penticton Museum swarmed with classmate energy Saturday morning. Touring the new school and the transforming Shatford Centre which is the former school gym/cafeteria/ library where our graduation banquet and dance were held 50 years ago, were more

Stamps have value

We would like to remind your readers that the local Canadian Cancer Society office collects used stamps. We trim and sort the stamps and turn them over to the local Easter Star chapter, which does the actual selling. The money raised (which easily amounts to thousands of dollars each year) is used locally for the benefit of cancer patients. The next time you receive

Thursday, October 14th, 2010



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highlights. Art walks, White Lake Observatory tours, wine information seminars, wine tours, walking tours and fabulous vintage car shows both Friday and Saturday evenings capped off the activities. We finished with a banquet and social evening at the Penticton Lakeside Resort where all the old photos emerged. On behalf of the classes of ’59, ’60 and ’61 I would like to extend our many thanks to the Penticton Art’s Council, Okanagan Summer School of the Arts, Rotary International Children’s Festival, Penticton Downtown Business Association, Penticton and Wine Country Tourist Information, Wine Information Centre, Penticton Museum and friends, Penticton Golf and Country Club,

a card or letter, instead of tossing the envelope into the garbage or recycle bin, take a moment to save the stamp and set it aside. You can drop off the stamps at our office at 74 Wade Ave E, Monday to Friday between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. This is one way that anyone can support us without having to use your wallet or chequebook. There is also a market for picture postcards. Don’t cut the stamp, just donate the whole card. Thank you in advance for supporting our local office in

this way. J. Eschbach, volunteer Canadian Cancer Society

Recall rhyme

Recall, recall is on it’s way; let’s plan for a party, the biggest of all. Liberal pork has to fade away; recall, recall is here to stay. Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall; Humpty Dumpty had a great fall; but nothing compares to Liberal gaul. When the time comes, and it will be soon; Pinocchio Gord will spout a different tune. Together we can trum-

Penticton Lakeside Resort and Convention Centre, Glen Cairns and the SS Sicamous staff, Penticton Western News, Penticton Herald and Dennis Walker at Giant FM. Special thanks to our caterers, Ken Lauzon at Okanagan Vintage Catering and the Lakeside Resort for the fabulous food and to the generous owners of the vintage cars. Of course, none of this would have occurred without the reunion committee who went above and beyond the call of duty. What incredible co-operation and hard work from everyone. You helped to demonstrate wonderful Penticton hospitality. And what fun we all had. Thank you Penticton. Marcia Dean Summerland

pet the sound of recall; throughout our great land, and take back what’s precious by taking a stand. The only question that I seek — get rid of NDP Carole, who unlike Little Bo Peep, has no staff or spark to guide her sheep. Bring on the youth — and do it now — or nothing will change the political scene; the NDP will become the next hasbeen. PS: Recall, recall isn’t mean; just good housekeeping in the Similkameen. Tom Isherwood Olalla

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Support drives run

The Okanagan Motorcycle Riders Association, along with the Lions Club of Penticton, would like to thank the generous sponsors who helped make the 2010 23rd annual South Okanagan Toy Run such a success. Further donations are always welcome at St. Vincent Paul Society at St. Ann’s Hall, 1296 Main St., Penticton. Many thanks to: AM 1450, Aklands-Grainger, Affordable Music, Anthony’s Pub, Avalanche Performance, Barley Mill Brew Pub, Best Damn Sports Bar, Bling Performance, Bar One Pub, Bob McMillan, C&G Custom Motorcycles, CHBC, CHOR, Canadian Tire, City of Penticton, Clancy’s Pub, Copper Mug, Curves, Doc’s Golf Centre, EZ Rock, Eagles Aerie 4281, Giant FM, John Ortiz, Kettle Valley Station Pub, Lordco, M&M Meat Shop, Napa Auto Parts, Natalie Bader, Ok Falls Pub, Oliver Chronicle, Parker Motors, Pasta Factory, Peacock’s Perch, Penticton Herald, Penticton Honda, Penticton Yamaha, Sandman Hotel, SentesChevrolet,Sherwood Trophies, Skaha Lake Ford, Skaha Meadows Golf Course, Starbucks Coffee, Summerland Review, Sun FM, Tim Horton’s, Valley Vacuums, Wal-Mart, Wheel 2 Wheel Motorcycle Care, Western News, Zellers, Zia’s Stonehouse Restaurant and St. Vincent de Paul Society. We appreciate your generosity in helping the children of the South Okanagan who otherwise may not have a gift at Christmas. We would also like to thank all the participants who showed and rode. You helped to make this event the success it was. Roy Colmer Okanagan Motorcycle Riders Association





Grist Mill wraps up season STEVE KIDD Western News Staff

While gloomy weather may have kept the crowds away from this year’s Apple Day at the Keremeos Grist Mill, organizers are still happy with how the 2010 season-ending event went. “Numbers were down, but did we have enough people to make it worthwhile? Absolutely,” said Dave Cursons of the Grist Mill Heritage Club, adding that last year’s Apple Day was sunny and bright, while this year the sky was overcast and dull. Though there were fewer people in attendance, Cursons said the heritage club succeeded in their aims, which was to wrap up the season with a public flourish and make the final day of the season more than just an ordinary weekend day at the heritage site, which dates from the 19th century. “And to let people know the Grist Mill Heritage Club is still on track to bring as much shine as we possibly can, regionally, to what we think of as our heritage treasure,” added Cursons. The event included live music from Hot Apple Pie and the Similkameen Seniors Singers, as well as an apple pie contest, games and demonstrations of heritage activities, like a hand-operated press used to make fresh apple juice. One of the most popular displays, however, was an exhibition of the many kinds of Heritage and Heirloom apples still grown in the area, as well as the newest varieties, like Ambrosia. “That was one of the best things, was to be able to acquaint people with the Heritage and Heirloom apples,” said Cursons, adding that it took a bit of effort, drawing on several sources, including four local growers. The day wrapped up a season that has seen positive recognition for the Keremeos Grist Mill, including being featured on a Canada Post stamp. The heritage club also received strong support from groups like the Similkameen Wineries Association, who held a couple of major fundraisers for the heritage club as well as a number of minor ones.


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Peters Bros. Paving to send every child and youth to a Vees game this October!*


Steve Kidd/Western News

JIM MILLAR uses an antique apple press to grind and squeeze Gala apples for fresh apple juice during Apple Day at the Keremeos Grist Mill, a celebration of the final day of the 2010 season and an homage to all things apple, with live music, an apple pie contest and many activities.

“It’s quite substantial … in the last year, upwards of $2,000 has gone to the heritage club through the wineries association,” he said. “That’s a combination of the efforts of the association itself and some of the individual members who have put on events where they had wine raffles with proceeds to the heritage club.” But though the future looks better than it did a few years ago, the mill needs more government investment if it is to keep functioning, according to Cursons and Jim Millar, who, along with his wife Brenda, operates the mill under contract from the province. “The stamp was a very nice uplift and we had the interest of


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our local MLA John Slater and interest expressed by each of our area’s leading politicians,” said Cursons. Beyond just preserving a valuable piece of history, he stresses the importance of knowing how the valley developed as a guide to developing a vision for the future. “Here is a piece of technology out of 1877, which helped the settlers in the valley along with their flour milling, something they had to travel quite a distance to deal with previously,” he said. “The way they saw this valley and the way they worked to develop it should be remembered as we work to both preserve it and develop it at the same time.”



In an unprecedented show of community support for the Penticton Vees Junior A Hockey Club, Peter Bros. Construction has announced the sponsorship of children and youth hockey tickets for all Penticton Vees games during the month of October!* *A complimentary ticket will be offered for all children under the age of 12 who are accompanied by a ticketed adult. The offer will also extend a complimentary ticket to any youth aged 13 - 18. Tickets must be collected in advance of the scheduled game at the SOEC box office.


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Arts & Entertainment ATTN: EVENT PLANNERS Cool duo takes up challenge Do you have a Special Event planned in 2011? If you would like it included on the Penticton Western News 2011 Desk Calendar, submit your information by November 15th to...



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Meet Shea Sanche After 12 years of building a very successful practice in Thompson, MB, Shea, along with his wife and 3 children, relocated to Penticton with the objective of continuing to build his business by establishing long-term client relationships with motivated people. As a Certified Financial Planner (CFP), Shea understands that choosing a Financial Advisor is a very important decision‌one that can impact your quality of life and the lives of your future generations. Balancing the responsibility of family life and meeting the standard of service promised to each of his clients are paramount to Shea. Outside of business, Shea loves to coach and play hockey and lacrosse as well as spend time at the cabin with his family. Shea and his family are excited and very much looking forward to living in Penticton and getting involved in this great community. Shea Sanche, CFP, Financial Advisor Raymond James Ltd. Suite 102 - 386 Ellis Street 250-493-3711 TIFB TBODIF!SBZNPOEKBNFT DB r XXX TIFBTBODIF DPN Raymond James Ltd., Member-Canadian Investor Protection Fund.


Western News Staff

A pair of Summerland twins are ready to show the giant rubber red balls who is the man — the Brad and Todd Mann that is. The duo, who grew up in Summerland and now call Burnaby home, were chosen to take their best run at the Canadian version of the television gameshow Wipeout. “Most of our family and friends have light-heardedly joked that they want to see us get punched in the face or wipeout pretty bad,� laughed Todd. “I want to beat the big red balls, I don’t just want to get owned by them.� For those who have never seen the ABC network version of Wipeout, the obstacle most talked about is the four giant galvanized rubber balls that contestants must bounce across to reach the other part of the course. A wipeout sends them plunging into a pool of water, muddy water or sometimes soapy water. In each episode contestants — male or female and of all shapes and sizes — take on four obstacle rounds that range from jumping over a swinging arm (the Sweeper), face a wall of punching gloves (the Sucker Punch) and a list of others including a device that spins contestants around and around (the Dizzy Dummy) before heading out onto the course. For the Mann twins its going to be about being quick, finding patterns and a little strategy thrown in for good measure. “I think one of my weaknesses on the show will be the Dizzy Dummy. I’m not necesarilly good at being spun around,� said Todd. Nevertheless, his brother Brad thought this could be to their advantage. “In fact, what we should try to do is just puke while on the Dizzy Dummy and gross everyone else out,� he joked. Contestants that make it to the final obstacle course, called the Wipeout Zone, vie for the best time and the winner takes $50,000. The twins said they haven’t thought of what they will do with the money if they win. “This might sound a little cheezy but it’s not really about the money for us. We are fans of the show and it’s about the challenge of doing it, as well as trying a new experience,� said Brad. The Mann brothers enthusiasm for the show played a big part of getting cast for Wipeout out of the 45,000 who applied. The pair applied online and included a video, in which they showed off their Canada flag-inspired matching fun fur suits. So when they got a call back in July at the River Rock Casino, they won the panel of judges over

Submitted photo

SUMMERLAND TWINS Brad and Todd Mann are headed off in their Canada-themed fun fur suits to take compete in a Canadian version of Wipeout.

with not only their unique suits but their charm. Todd continues to work as an actor and Brad splits his time as a manager for The Keg restaurants and acting. The pair have most recently appeared in an Air Canada commercial and have had spots in shows such as Smallville as supervillians. “I think we have the entertainment value,� said Brad of why he thought they were chosen for Wipeout. “And, probably being a little overconfident. Who doesn’t want to see those kind of people wipeout?� They haven’t quite figured out just how well the fun fur suits will hold up soaking wet and admit they will be a game-time decision on if they actually wear them while competing, but definitely they will be making an appearance, even if its just wearing the vest over their lifejackets. They leave to Buenos Aires, Argentina to film their episode of Wipeout, a family-themed edition, on Oct. 23 and expect the episode to air sometime next spring.

Tigers a symbol we all understand


his is the year of The Tiger, but it’s become much more than a sign on the Chinese zodiac. Governments, agencies and researchers around the world have banded together to focus on tiger conservation. In a few weeks, the year’s conferences, events and outreach programs will culminate in Russia at the St. Petersburg Tiger Summit, where it’s hoped that a strategy will emerge to save the tiger from extinction. Why, when so many animals are on the endangered species list, is the tiger still such a prominent symbol for the worldwide conservation movement? A new book, The Tiger: a True Story of Vengeance and Survival attempts to answer this question. Author John Vaillant recounts the story of a man-eating Siberian tiger that in recent years terrorized a remote village

in Russia’s Far East. With winters so cold that trees spontaneously explode and summers so bug-filled that simply being tied to a tree was once used as torture, these forest villages are on the margins of existence. At the turn of the last century, this remote corner of Russia was forcibly taken from China. The local tiger population was relatively unharmed until after perestroika, when a black market for timber and tigers grew. Hunters desperate to survive dreamed of fortunes that could be made by poaching and selling the protected and always dangerous, Amur or Siberian tiger. Tigers are 600-pound, highly intelligent superhunters with long memories. Those who live in the Bikin River Valley say that if you let a tiger be, it will let you be. But if you cross it, watch your back.

HEATHER ALLEN ARMCHAIR BOOK CLUB One winter evening, tiger poacher Vladimir Markov was hungry and decided to steal some boar meat, which had been killed and stashed by an Amur tiger. It was a fatal mistake. The tiger ransacked Markov’s cabin, killed his dogs and then waited for the hunter to return home. After devouring the man, it moved on, tracking down a series of other humans who had recently been in contact with Markov. A man-eating tiger is a compelling story on

its own, but Vaillant isn’t satisfied to simply recount this particular tiger’s aberrant behaviour. Bestknown for his governorgeneral award-winning book The Golden Spruce, Vaillant does much more than bring strange tales to life, he grounds them in history and context. In this case, he examines our centuries-old relationship with the tiger, pondering theories about how humans and tigers have evolved to coexist, how our ancestors worshipped and even shared kills with tigers and how some tigers seem to possess the emotions of anger and vengeance. It’s a thoughtful, provocative book that can be read to highlight the need for habitat conservation or simply to send chills down your spine. Heather Allen is a writer and reader who lives in Penticton.




City hoping land swap will help open doors BRUCE WALKINSHAW Western News Staff

Build Penticton some affordable housing and maybe you will get some land. Penticton council approved a memorandum of understanding last week that will allow city staff to negotiate the trading of an awkward parcel of city land just north of Penticton Creek in exchange for at least five affordable housing units in a proposed development there. The five or more units will then be the city’s to sell based on criteria set by affordable housing policy. If the deal is completed, the development is proposed for three sites in the 1000 block of Abbott Street, as well as some unused portions of Guernsey Avenue and its lane, and would probably be somewhere between four to 10 storeys high, containing 20 to 45 multifamily units. “The proposal functions as a private development except for one key deference in that staff is

proposing that the unused portion of Guernsey Avenue be traded to the developer for affordable housing,� explained city planning technologist Jacob Belobaba. “This land is valued at less than $300,000 (which) won’t buy the average home in Penticton. Five units in this area would probably exceed several millions of dollars in market value, so the approach we are taking here is one of leverage. We are taking an asset that has minimal value and turning it into an asset that has both financial and social value in the form of affordable housing.� Belobaba noted that in the agreement the developer will be responsible for funding the development, with the city, if it chooses, mostly limited to in-kind contributions such as land, tax exemptions or fee waivers. “It should be noted that the proposal has the potential to evolve to provide more (affordable) housing than the five units initially agreed

upon,� he reported. Coun. Garry Litke said that it was nice to see the city working with the private sector to help meet a societal need. “The question of affordable housing has been around for quite a number of years in this community,� said Litke. “We know that the city alone can’t meet the need for affordable housing in this community but if we can leverage, as you have indicated, a piece of property that is not really of

much use to us right now ... into something that will provide affordable housing for a minimum of five families. I think that is a very good move.� Only Coun. Dan Albas voted against negotiating the agreement. “I too am supportive of looking at having a wide variety of housing, especially in our market here in Penticton, but I get worried when governments start talking about leverage,� said Albas, stressing that he did not

like the long-term nature of the proposal either. “I would like us to focus on things that are small that municipalities can do today to make things more practical, and I don’t believe complex land deals are going to do it. I think that we should sell the land, and if the developers serious about developing that then he or she will gather the benefit of that and then we can go put money into a proper development that will happen sooner.�

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News Developers offered incentive for affordable housing cil voted last week to decrease city fees and charges for developers who build affordable




housing in the city. The move is an extension of the city’s economic incentive

zones policy created to stimulate development in key areas of the city, encourage sustainable

development and promote the building of affordable rental housing.

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In effect since March 1, the policy provides the city’s hotel and motel industry, downtown core, manufacturing/industrial area, green developments and non-profit, low-income housing sector 100 per cent tax relief for a five-year period; a 50 per cent reduction in building permit fees; 50 per cent reduction in development cost charges (DCCs); and an opportunity to defer payment of DCCs. However, according to city planning technologist Jacob Belobaba, to date only one development, the Penticton Kiwanis Housing Society’s lowincome seniors project, has applied. And it is not even eligible because the units will be independently stratified — an ironic policy oversight considering the affordable housing component was only added at the late stages of the policy’s creation as an immediate response to Kiwanis’ pending affordable housing development. “Staff is currently developing other affordable projects and have also received inquiries from developers looking to convert existing developments, proposed developments or parts thereof into affordable rental housing,” reported Belobaba, noting that none of those proposals would be eligible for DCC reductions under the current rules either. “Moreover, the financial relief provided by the credit provides only a modest incentive to accelerate construction and minimal financial relief. The current incentive for affordable rental housing is at risk of proving to be ineffective.” Based on feedback from developers, housing agencies and community groups, Belobaba said that staff recommend council make the

criteria for affordable housing incentives more flexible. “Staff (have) also proposed that the available DCC reduction credit be increased to 100 per cent based on a review of housing costs and consultation with various housing providers and BC Housing,” reported Belobaba. “Staff propose that a credit based on equity rather than equality is necessary to account for the fact that affordable housing projects are rarely profitable ventures.” Council voted unanimously to increase the affordable housing criteria flexibility, before voting 4-3 to also extend such developments to 100 per cent reductions. “I think when we were talking about the 50 per cent (reductions in DCCs) we thought that would be ample and that would provide (societies such as) Kiwanis with the opportunity to reduce the price (of their units) to the point where it would be affordable, but we are hearing now that that still doesn’t put them into the percentile that we were hoping for,” said Coun. Garry Litke. “It is still going to be very expensive for them, so by reducing the DCCs by 100 per cent it does allow Kiwanis to finally achieve the objective of providing affordable accommodation.” Councillors Andrew Jakubeit, Dan Albas and Mike Pearce all voted against the 100 per cent DCC reductions. “The bottom line is, when are we going to stop giving away DCCs every time we turn around?” asked Pearce. “Where are we going to get the money to build all this infrastructure if we keep giving it away every time some society wants some benefit for somebody?”

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the east side of Skaha Lake stands in his vineyard where the new Fortis hydro towers (inset and background) are highly visible. A petition signing was held on the property recently and the document was sent to Fortis Tuesday asking for visual improvements to the structures.

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IODE THRIFT STORE has weekly specials of used merchandise with proceeds supporting the group’s community work.

Community Calendar

The shop at 464 Main St. is open Monday through Saturday, 1 to 4 p.m. C OFFEE S OCIAL WEDNESDAY mornings from 10 a.m. to noon at the South Main Drop-in Centre. Call 250-276-6186

or 250-493-0541 for info. OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS meets from 2 to 3 p.m. in Room 103 of the Penticton United Church, enter through north door. Call 250-493-1527 for info. HAND AND FOOT CANASTA





Call Naomi Toda ay! for more informatio a on at 250-492-3636 250 492 363 ext: x 213 naomi@pentictonwesternn nnews n news.c ws com

at 1 p.m. in the Penticton Leisure Centre, 439 Winnipeg St. Lessons available for those who have never played before. Call June, evenings at 250492-7630, for more information. PENTICTON DUPLICATE BRIDGE CLUB holds weekly games Wednesdays at 7 p.m., Thursdays at 1 p.m. and the Under 100 Club Thursdays at 12:30 p.m. at the Penticton Library. Call Birgitta at 250-770-1154 for info. SAHAJ MARG MEDITATION every Wednesday at 4:30 p.m. Call 250-492-4458 for more information. 65-PLUS SINGLES COFFEE CLUB meets at 10 a.m. at the Penticton Golf and Country Club. For more information call 250-4920459 or 250-770-1018. BINGO EVERY WEDNESDAY in the Legion hall for the Ladies Auxiliary, 502 Martin St. at 1 p.m. Bingo also at 6:30 p.m. OKANAGAN FALLS SENIORS’ Activity Centre has exercise classes at 8 a.m., music and coffee hour at 9 a.m. followed by carpet bowling at 1 p.m. SENIORS’ DROP-IN CENTRE has new beginner’s line dancing at 9 a.m. and intermediate line dancing and cribbage at 1 p.m. ANAVETS HAS HUMP Day with entertainment by Shindigger at 6 p.m. Stu’s kitchen open. PENTICTON ACADEMY OF Music Violin Adventures class with Jasper Meiklejohn for beginners, ages 7 to 9 every Wednesday from 4 to 4:45 p.m. at the Leir House. Call 250-493-7977 to register. Violin rentals are available through the Academy. PENTICTON PUBLIC LIBRARY invites all preschoolers to the fall session of storytime. Join in for great books, feltboard stories, songs, rhymes and puppets galore. The fun is from 11 to 11:30 a.m. from Sept. 22 to Nov. 24. Program is free but registration is required. For more information, or to register, please call Julia Cox at 250-770-7783. AL-ANON FOR FRIENDS and family of alcoholics at 7:30 p.m. United Church. Call 490-9279 for information. GOLDEN ECHOES CHOIR meet and sing at the Leisure Centre at 439 Winnipeg St. at 1 p.m. Choir for people 55 and older who sing for fun. LADIES NIGHT PRECHRISTMAS shopping and social evening will take place at the Summerland Yacht Club on Oct. 21

from 4 to 8 p.m. Many home-based businesses to shop from. Admission is cash or food donations for the Summerland Food Bank accepted at the door. Beverages and desserts available for purchase. To rent a table or further information, please contact Edi at 250-494-8100. PENTICTON QUILTER’S GUILD meets at 9 a.m. at The Salvation Army Church on 2469 South Main. Come and have coffee and see some wonderful quilts. PENTICTON HOSPITAL AUXILIARY will be holding their meeting at 7 p.m. in the hospital cafeteria.


FRANCO 50-PLUS CLUB meets from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Drop-in program for French speakers wanting to socialize in French, including activities such as games, outings, discussions, hobbies and projects. Call Lina at 250-492-2549 for info. AL-ANON FOR FRIENDS and family of alcoholics is at 7:30 p.m. at Summerland’s United Church. Call 4909272 for information. DESERT SAGE SPINNERS and Weavers Guild meets at 10 a.m. at the Oliver Community Centre. Members create beautiful handworks. Visitors are always welcome. If you are interested in becoming a member stop by or contact Gail Erickson at or 250-498-4959. TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) meets at 5:30 p.m. at 431 Winnipeg St. Call Merle at 250-7708093. SENIORS’ DROP-IN CENTRE has bingo and the crafter’s meeting at 1 p.m., French conversation at 1:30 p.m. and line dancing from 1 to 3 p.m. TOPS B.C. 1640 meets from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. in the Bethel Church basement at 945 Main St. Phone Betty-Lou at 250492-7623 or Liz at 250493-7997 for more information. F ALLS O KANAGAN SENIORS’ Activity Centre has computer classes at 9 a.m., bridge at 1 p.m. and cribbage at 7:30 p.m. Everyone welcome. ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION branch 40 has crib at 7 p.m. ANAVETS HAS POKER from 6 to 10 p.m. FITNESS FRIENDS MEET every Monday in the hall, 502 Martin St. at 10 a.m. Come and get in shape, everyone is welcome. Phone Dot 492-5400.

Penticton S OUTH O KANAGAN I MMIGRANT and Community Services is offering free English classes. For more info, stop by the office at 508 Main St. or call 250-492-6299. ELKS CLUB on Ellis Street has league darts at 6:30 p.m. More players needed. Players encouraged to join. FRATERNAL ORDER OF Eagles has Joseph’s famous pizza from 4 to 7 p.m. There is free musical bingo at 7 p.m. Prizes. Members and guests welcome to hall on 1197 Main St. ASSET SUMMERLAND DEVELOPMENT Initiative has a variety of activities in October. Come to S.A.D.I. after school for an afternoon of pool, video games, ping pong or just hang out with friends. Drop in is available for students grades 6 to 12 on Mondays to Thursdays from 3 to 6 p.m. Tuesday nights are movie nights from 6 to 8:30 p.m. for $2. On Oct. 29 enjoy a night of games and activities from 6 to 10 p.m. for $2. Improve your culinary skills and have fun by taking cooking classes with Audie Yaskremski. For only $7.50 you can enjoy three lessons on Oct. 4, 18 and 25. Classes start at 6 and go until 8:30 p.m. at the United Church. For more information, please visit the S.A.D.I. Unity Youth Club at 9117 Prairie Valley Rd. in Summerland or call 250 494 9722. A calendar can also be found at FRIENDSHIP FORCE OF Penticton — Okanagan will meet for lunch and its monthly meeting at noon at the Senior’s Leisure and Wellness Center on Winnipeg Street. This is a group that focuses on international cultural exchanges. Further info contact Sharon 250-493-1649 or Anna 250-487-1126.


ELKS CLUB on Ellis Street has drop in fun darts, pizza at 5 p.m., karaoke by Russ at 6:30 p.m. and funtimers dancing at 7:30 p.m. upstairs. FRATERNAL ORDER OF Eagles has dinners from 4 to 7 p.m. with all proceeds to fundraising and music and dancing starting at 7:30 p.m. in their hall at 1197 Main St. All members and guests welcome. SENIORS’ COMPUTER CLUB meets at the Leisure Centre, 439 Winnipeg St. Members drop-in from 1 to 2:30 p.m. in the main

hall. Call 250-493-0789 for more information. SENIORS SINGLES LUNCH Club welcomes 65-plus each Friday. For location call 250-496-5980 or 250770-8622. PDSCL has bingo at 1 p.m. in the Leisure Centre on Winnipeg Street. Call Tarra at 250-490-0200, ext. 1 for more information. ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION branch 40 has the Navy Vets dinner at 5:30 p.m. with entertainment by Hal Whitford. SENIORS’ DROP-IN CENTRE has social bridge and beginner’s line dancing at 1 p.m. ANAVETS HAS KARAOKE at 6 p.m. PENTICTON PUBLIC LIBRARY invites all toddlers (16 months to 3 years with caregiver) to the fall session of Toddlertime on Fridays. Runs from 10 to 10:30 a.m. on Sept. 24 to Nov. 26. No program Oct. 8. Program is free but registration is required. For more information, or to register, please call Julia Cox at 250-770-7783. The Library also welcomes parents and babies for baby song and rhymes from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. from Sept. 24 to Nov. 26. No program on Oct. 8. F UNTIMERS T HE BALLROOM Dance Club meets most Fridays upstairs at the Elks Club from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. for ballroom and Latin dancing. New members welcome. For information call Brian 250-4927036. SOUTH MAIN DROP-IN Centre on 2965 South Main St. invites you to an evening of dancing to Destiny the dance band at 7:30 p.m. $5 per person and refreshments available. Dancers of all ages welcome. S ENIORS W ELLNESS SOCIETY has leader Selwyn Redivo, Buddhist Meditation from at the Penticton United Church on 696 Main St. from 2 to 3 p.m. Admission by donation. Call 250-4877455 for more info CAWSTON COMMUNITY HALL is hosting the Harvets Dance on Oct. 23. The dance is the hall’s first fundraiser of the 2010-2011 season and will feature the popular local band, Infusion. There will be several door prizes and admission is $10. Doors open at 7 p.m. For more information and to offer donations of prizes or volunteer time call 250499-7097.




Haunted hotel makes for spooky vacation A Colorado tradition since 1909, the Stanley Hotel may boast spectacular views, but it’s more known for the creepy atmosphere within its walls. If you are looking for a Halloween get-away, what better place to go then where Stephen King’s supposedly got the idea for the Overlook Hotel in The Shining. Join a professional and experienced tour guide on a spooky sojourn through time at the Stanley Hotel. The history tour features the beginnings of the hotel, ghost stories and sightings, the most haunted rooms and places and tours through the underground tunnel. To top off the popular tour the guide will take you through Stephen King’s The Shining connection to the hotel — according to the guides his room was No. 217 where the creation of The Shining began. Advance reservations of a week or two are required and tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for children from five to 10 years old. The Stanley Hotel located in Estes Park, only an hour away from Denver, is the ideal destination for a Colorado getaway. Famous for its old-world charm, The Stanley Hotel boasts spectacular views in every direction and is less than six miles away from Rocky Mountain National Park. Multimillion dollar renovations have restored the 138-guestroom hotel to

its original grandeur. Listed on the National Register of Historic Places and a member of Historic Hotels of America, the Stanley offers over 16,000 square feet of unique meeting, spa, dining, wedding and event space equipped with modern day amenities. The hotel is not only rumoured to be the inspiration for the Overlook Hotel in The Shining, the 1997 miniseries version of The Shining was filmed at The Stanley. It also has been the location site for other films, including Hotel Danbury in Dumb and Dumber. The television program Ghost Hunters have also investigated the hotel and another show called Ghost Adventures will be filming there soon. Entering the quaint town of Estes Park is like being embraced by the Rockies, there is no more fitting segue from the relatively flat Front Range to the soaring Colorado Rocky Mountains. The area is a wonderful winter respite for snow activities, soaking in a hot tub and watching the snowflakes gently fall or flocking to the soaring crags to get in some rock and ice climbing. Also in Estes Park backyard is the Rocky Mountain National Park, heavily visited in certain spots for good reason. Trail Ridge Road, a designated national scenic byway and the highest

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Silver Reef • 3 Days, Oct. 27*, Nov. 15*......................................................................$214 Silver Reef • 4 Days, Nov. 18*........$315 Nov. 4 (Oliver & Osoyoos Departure) .......$339 Tulalip • 3 Days, Nov. 1 (All other November dates sold out!!) ......................$259 Coeur D' Alene • 4 Days, Oct. 26*, Nov. 7 .....................................................$249 Clearwater & Tulalip Resorts • 4 Days, Nov. 14* ................................From $329 Northern Quest • 4 Days, Nov. 2 ....................................................................$389 Sips, Slots & Shopping - the Ultimate Girls Getaway • 3 Days, Nov. 5* .....................$319 NEW!! Canucks vs Flames In Vancouver • 2 Days, Feb. 12................................$229


Photo courtesy of The Stanley Hotel

TAKE A HAUNTED vacation this Halloween staying at The Stanley Hotel in Colorado. It is allegedly where author Stephen King was inspired to write The Shining.

continuous roadway in America, takes visitors on a journey through an alpine wonderland. Wildlife can be seen in spades, especially the majestic elk that forage

in verdant meadows and put on spectacular shows in the fall. For more information visit www. or for more on Estes Park visit

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Sports Editor: Emanuel Sequeira • Phone: 492-3636 ext. 224 • E-mail:

Pinnacles shooting for scholarships EMANUEL SEQUEIRA Western News Staff

Creating an elite girls soccer team is part of the South Okanagan Youth Soccer Association’s vision of getting players to the college level. Under the watchful eye of coach Ray Hintz,

Top 5 reasons why you may want to join a Curling League • You saw curling on TV and want to give it a try • You want to play a winter sport that is affordable (as little as $9.00 per week) • You want to get some exercise • You want to meet new people and socialize in an open and non-threatening environment • You want to play a sport that is rich in traditions, and teaches good sportsmanship and etiquette.

We are holding 2 learn to curl clinics Saturday, October 16th and Saturday, November 13th

SOYSA has a group of 16 to 19-year-old players who want to play there. “We want the players to play at a high calibre nearly year round,” said Hintz, who put the players through a small scrimmage at Pen High on Thanksgiving Day. “You’re not going to get scholarships if you play three to four months.” For a few weeks now this group has been training together and playing exhibition games as scouts will be watching them when they participate in a showcase tournament in Seattle from Nov. 26 to 27. “We’re hoping we don’t go down there and embarrass ourselves,” said Hintz. “I am going to play everybody because it’s a showcase tournament. If a scout comes along and asks me to play a person longer, I will do

"When we’re on a different team we play at a medium level. He (Hintz, left) pushes us to the top." — Crystal Schuder

that.” Competition is expected to be fierce with 20 teams in their division, while the tournament will have 85 teams in total for different age groups. The Pinnacles are guaranteed to play four games. Until then, the Pinnacles will play exhibition games against area teams and adult teams from Penticton. They will also use practises to fine tune technical skills and prepare for what they could face

in games. Focus will be on first touches, which Hintz said is important, soccer sense and conditioning. Osoyoos’ Amanda Chyzzy likes what she sees early on with Hintz pushing the players. “He knows what you can do better than you know yourself,” said Chyzzy. Emphasis is on the players being aggressive on the ball and wanting it as well as making quick, intelligent decisions. Chyzzy has noticed the players

communicating and has seen an improvement in her foot work and speed. “It’s worth the intensity,” she said. Crystal Schuder is also impressed with how Hintz has pushed them and said that he knows how far to go to get the best out of the players. “When we’re on a different team we play at medium level,” said Schuder, who plays forward and center-mid. “He pushes us to the top.” Hintz said next year they hope to have elite teams for both sexes in all age groups starting at under-13 or 14 as it’s something parents and kids have asked about. “We have to start doing something more,” said Hintz, who noted they are seeking sponsorship to help lower team costs. Players fees are $225.

For more information, please call The Penticton Curling Club, 250-492-5647

Last Weeks Winners are...

W t (B Western (Buccaneers)) ...............................24 24 First Choice (Falcons) ...............................20 Parkers (New York Giants) ........................34 Skaha Ford (Colts) ....................................19 Bailey's Brew (Redskins) ..........................16 Sutton (Jaguars) .......................................36 Fehlings (Ravens) .....................................31 Toyota (Bears) ..........................................23 Western (Lions) ........................................44 Toyota (Cardinals) ....................................30 Toyota (Raiders) .......................................35 A&K Grimm (Titans).................................34 A&K Grimm (Eagles).................................27 Westech (New York Jets)...........................29


vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs

SSubcity b it DDonair i ((B (Bengals) l ) ..........................21 21 James Gang (Browns) ...............................10 Westech (Texans) .....................................10 Pacific Rim (Chiefs) ...................................9 Toyota (Packers) ......................................13 Skaha Ford (Bills) ....................................26 Copper Mug (Broncos) ..............................17 Copper Mug (Panthers) ...............................6 Bailey's Brew (Rams) .................................6 Kettle Valley (Saints) ...............................20 Penticton KIA (Chargers) .........................27 Parkers (Cowboys) ...................................27 Parkers (49ers) ........................................24 Parkers (Vikings) .....................................20


Mark Brett/Western News

WITH GABBY LEVESQUE hot on her heels, Taylor Pinto positions herself to make a pass during a mini scrimmage held at Pen High. The Pinnacles are preparing to play in a showcase in Seattle.




Business Opportunity … Attention: Home Handymen and

Do-It Yourselfers generate extra income

Vees face determined Millionaires


A quick glance at the BCHL standings would suggest Quesnel is inferior to Penticton. However, the Vees (9-4-0-0), second in the Interior Conference, host the Millionaires (3-7-1-0), third in the Conference, on Wednesday at the South Okanagan Events Centre and Millionaires coach Doug Hedley has no fear. The Vees won the first meeting in Quesnel 3-1 on Sept. 24. Hedley felt his team deserved a better fate as they created chances but lacked finish. They got payback two nights later winning 2-0, albeit against a tired Vees squad, but so were the Millionaires he claims with three game in three nights. “Kirby Halcrow is a big part of our defense,” Hedly said of his top netminder. “He had an outstanding game and we finally took advantage of mistakes and won a game.”


EXAMPLE: 20 x10’ Do-It-Yourself Patio Cover Kit ..............................

Swimmers make waves at camp

KISU swim club members Matthew Koster, Madison Leew and Samuel Lasinski all participated in a 12 and under camp review for the Okanagan region in Kelowna. These swimmers qualified by being in the top 24 performances in the region. There were coaches from Okanagan clubs as well as Swim BC Provincial coach, Vince Mikuska, Swim BC Program Director, Mike Flegel and Olympian Joanne Malar. Over the two days, they covered drills and essential skills for all the strokes, turns and starts. They also had dryland sessions on



to our Peak Performer


on achieving the top sales performance for the month of SEPTEMBER 2010. Are you ready for that next new or used vehicle? Call on Joe for top quality customer service.

Guy Bertrand/Black Press

PENTICTON VEES FORWARD Logan Johnston, left, and captain Derik Johnson, right, keep an eye on Trail Smoke Eaters sniper Kyle St. Denis during a Vees 4-3 overtime win at Cominco Arena.

Vees fans will get a chance to see what kind of miracles the Grande Prairie hockey product has in store. Should Vees goalie Joel Rumpel get

the nod, it will be a battle between two goalies trying to state their case to the Canada West brass that will select the team playng in the World Junior

nutrition and mental training.

Hockey scoreboard

Penticton’s peewee Firefighters got off to a hot start with four goals from Daniel Ricketts, Daman Sarwar, Nikil Mohan and Brett Van Os. Goalies Jace Canada and Mackenzie Peterson shared the duties for a Penticton 4-3 victory against the Summerland Jets. Atom house No.3 Okanagan Hockey School defeated Kal Tire 8-3. OHS took advantage of a couple of power plays and scored a couple of shorthanded goals with a hat trick by Kale Lawrence. The OHS then settled for a 4-4 tie with Westside No.4 With a strong performance by Marcs Tait in goal, the Penticton Snipers cruised to victory 6-1 against Westside. The Snipers received two-goal efforts by Sam Gabriel, Tyson Allen and Brock Schlenker. Assists went to Gabriel, Jerrod Clutterbuck and Keaton DesRoches.

A Hockey Challenge being hosted by Penticton Nov. 8 to 14. For full story, go to

960 Railway St., Penticton Ph: 250-492-3576

IN BRIEF Penticton hosts a rematch of last year’s gold medal game from the World Junior A Challenge on Nov. 6 when Canada West and USA battle at 7:30 p.m. in the South Okanagan Events Centre. Tickets for adults/student/ senior are $10, $5 for kids under 12 with an adult.


NO CHARGE delivery Osoyoos to Enderby • Ask us about installation!


Challenge’s gold medal rematch

G.L. Aluminum Patio Covers invites you to visit our new E-Store at

ATHLETE OF THE WEEK Thomas Webb is a stud defensive blueliner for Penticton peewee Pacific Rim. Webb, 12, was a plus on the weekend as he helped his team edge South Okanagan 3-2. Webb is focused on improving his defensive game and would one day like to play like Duncan Keith, who he said is one of his favourite players along with Shea Weber. Webb cheers for the Canucks and Blackhawks.


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HOURS: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 8:00pm Saturday 8:30am - 6:30pm Sunday 9:00am - 5:30pm

VEES vs QUESNEL MILLIONAIRES BCAA is giving away two great tickets as the Grand Program Prize to the Vancouver game on Friday, October 22 vs Minnesota at the Penticton Vees game on October 13th. All you have to do is get down to the Vees game on October 13th, purchase a commemorative program for only $2.00 and wait to see if your program number makes you the lucky winner of this great prize!

Courtesy of




Sports By the Numbers BATTLE WEARY — A group of soggy Penticton Midget Cougars walk off the ďŹ eld after a win against the Penticton Wolverines on Sunday morning. Also playing on Sunday were the Penticton bantam Cougars who defeated the Kamloops Broncos 39-12 and improved to 5-2-0 on the season and are second in the Southern Interior Football League.

British Columbia Junior A Hockey League

Steve Kidd/Western News

W 9 8 8 7 6 5 4 2

L 1 3 6 4 2 4 9 4

T 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1

OL 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 2

PTS 20 17 16 15 13 11 8 7

Interior Conference Salmon Arm Penticton Trail Vernon Westside Quesnel Prince George Merritt

GP 12 13 14 14 12 11 15 12

W 10 9 8 7 5 3 2 1

L 2 4 5 4 6 7 11 9

T 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0

OL 0 0 1 2 0 0 2 2

PTS 20 18 17 17 11 7 6 4

BCHL Scoring Leaders GP B. McGowan, SUR 14 Sam Mellor, TRA 14 Matt Ius, LAN 12 Vanderhoek, SUR 14 T. St. Denis,TRA 14 Scott Jacklin, TRA 14 Mike Hammond, CV 14 Josh Myers, LAN 12 J. Vanderlugt, SUR 14 Chad Niddery, PR 12 Brad Reid, COQ 12 RJay Berra, PG 15 D.Straight, COQ 12 Jordan Grant, CV 13 J. Laleggia, PEN 13 M. Lamacchia, COQ 16 Alex Grieve, WES 12 Mitch Jones, SUR 14 Brad McBride, LAN 12 Trevor Gerling, LAN 11

5 1

0 0 0 0

0 0

2 0

Goale Stats

Coastal Conference GP Langley 12 Powell River 12 Surrey 14 Coquitlam 12 Alberni Valley 9 Victoria 10 Cowichan Valley 13 Nanaimo 9

Chad Bannor Mark MacMillan

G 15 16 13 10 13 5 13

A PTS PIM 14 29 8 12 28 8 15 28 22 16 26 8 12 25 16 19 24 9 11 10 21

9 9 5 9 9 6 5 4 12

12 11 15 9 9 12 13 14 7

21 20 20 18 18 18 18 18 10

31 35 20 8 15 12 22 8 17

5 3 8 7

12 14 8 9

17 17 16 16

12 10 20 12

GP SO MP GAA SV% Billy Faust 6 1 283 1.49 94.81 Joel Rumpel 9 1 506 2.85 90.00

Kootenay International Junior B Okanagan/Shuswap Conf. Okanagan Division Osoyoos Kelowna Penticton Princeton

GP 13 13 13 11

W 10 7 5 3

L 0 6 8 7

T OTL PTS 1 2 23 0 0 14 0 0 10 1 0 7

Penticton Lakers Scoring Dylan Burton Mike Sandor Adriano Mungioli Steven Killy Jake Plant Jordan McCallum Zach Urban Michael Pond Jeff Hodgkinson Gerry Hol Grant Nicholson Jeremy Hepso Kyle Ambrosie Brandon Halls Jeff Coates Rylie Gallagher Steven Garcia Kolbi O’Brien

GP 13 13 10 13 13 13 13 13 13 10 13 13 11 13 7 7 12 8

G A PTS PIM 6 4 10 12 3 4 7 0 1 6 7 28 1 5 6 10 0 6 6 35 2 3 5 20 2 3 5 54 1 4 5 4 3 1 4 66 3 1 4 10 3 0 3 19 2 1 3 28 1 2 3 16 0 2 2 4 1 0 1 4 1 0 1 14 0 0 0 42 0 0 0 0

Goalie Stats GP SO MP J. Gordichuk 1 0 60 Jacob Mattes 6 0 346 Adam Harris 4 0 193

GAA 2.00 3.12 4.65

SV% 93.50 90.72 81.25

Penticton and District Dart Association Standings

Penticton Vees Scoring


Don’t pay anything

until April 2011


Plus up to

$2000 rebate*

*On select models

Visit your local dealer or for details. Not all participating dealers carry all products.


Joey Laleggia Garrett Milan Joey Benik Logan Johnston Brendan O’Donnell James Polk Tyler Hlookoff Bradley Robbins Kyle Mountain Mark Hall Curtis Loik Troy Stecher Joey Holka Steven Iacobellis Stefan Nicholishen Derik Johnson Lane Werbowski Jacob Charles Kyle Beaulieu

GP 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 6 12 9 13 10 8 13

G 4 4 5 5 6 2 2 5 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 0 0 0

A PTS PIM 14 18 8 8 12 4 5 10 2 5 10 19 3 9 6 7 9 2 6 8 6 2 7 4 5 7 10 4 6 17 4 5 9 4 5 12 2 4 6 3 4 4 0 2 0 1 2 22 1 1 6 1 1 2 0 0 15

Oct. 11 Week 4 Rank Mon PTS 1 OK Falls Wallbangers 7 2 Bullshooters 6 3 Clancy’s Crushers 5 3 Smokin Aces 6 5 Best Damn Sports Bar 6 6 Elks Elan 5 7 Hand Grenades 1 7 Screamin Eagles 1 9 Elks No. 1 0 9 Anaf Vixens 2 11 Elks Bullets 4 11 Clancy’s Arrows 5 13 Anthonys Pub 3 14 Decoys DDT 1 14 Anaf Wreckers 2 16 Elks Bighorns 4 17 OK Falls Legion 0

TTL 25 23 20 20 18 16 14 14 13 13 12 12 11 8 8 7 6

Pine Winds Recovery Home Okanagan Falls, BC • (Registered as Pine Winds B&B - A Home for Spiritual Recovery)

We specialize in the treatment of Drug and Alcohol related illnesses. In depth therapy in a picturesque rural setting. Utilizing highly effective and proven techniques to insure an opportunity to live a drug and alcohol free life.

Consultations available. Š2010 Bombardier Recreational Products Inc. (BRP). All rights reserved. ÂŽ, ™ and the BRP logo are trademarks of BRP or its afďŹ liates. In the USA, products are distributed by BRP US Inc. Offer valid on select models in USA until October 24, 2010. NO Down Payment, NO Interest, NO Payment until 2011: On a purchase made October 4, 2010, your down payment is $0; no interest charge until April 4, 2011 and no payments until May 4, 2011. Thereafter, 60 consecutive monthly payments. Annual percentage rate is 13.95%. [Annual percentage rate subject to increase after promotional period.] The above ďŹ nancing program is offered by ShefďŹ eld Financial, a Division of BB&T Financial, FSB. Minimum Amount Financed $1,500; Maximum Amount Financed $40,000. Subject to credit approval. Approval, and any rates and terms provided, are based on credit worthiness. Other ďŹ nancing offers available. Financing promotions void where prohibited. BRP is not responsible for any errors, changes or actions related to ďŹ nancing provided by ShefďŹ eld Financial. Up to $2,000 rebate: See participating dealers for more details. Promotions are subject to termination or change at any time without notice. Offer may not be assigned, traded, sold or combined with any other offer unless expressly stated herein. BRP reserves the right, at any time, to discontinue or change speciďŹ cations, prices, designs, features, models or equipment without incurring any obligation. Some models depicted may include optional equipment. Always ride responsibly and safely.

Call Today George Bullied 250-497-6526

The Place For New Beginnings



Your community. Your classifieds.

250.492.0444 fax 250.492.9843 email



• CHECK YOUR AD! Notice of error must be given in time for correction before the second insertion of any advertisement. The publisher will not be responsible for omissions or for more than one incorrect insertion, or for damages or costs beyond the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. • Advertisers are reminded that Provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminates against any person because of race, religion, sex, colour, nationality, ancestry or place of origin, or age, unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved. • Readers: In ads where ‘male’ is referred to, please read also as ‘female’ and where ‘female’ is used, read also as ‘male’.



Regular office hours: Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Funeral Homes


Credible Cremation Services Ltd.

ROCKTOBER SALE on now at Remember Vinyl, Penticton’s neighbourhood record store, 419 Main St., 778-476-5838

Basic Cremation $900 +tax

250-493-3912 “No Hidden Costs”

Introduction Service FREE TO TRY. LOVE * MONEY * LIFE #1 Psychics! 1-877478-4410 $3.19 min 18+ 1900-783-3800

Pre-Pay & Save


Nunes-Pottinger Funeral Service & Crematorium

ALL Pro Escorts. Female & Male Escorts & Strippers. 24hr fast & friendly service. Cash/Visa/MC. Always hiring. Penticton:250-487-2334 Kelowna:250-860-7738 Vernon:250-542-8448 Salmon Arm:250-832-6922 or

Serving our South Okanagan communities with compassion, respect, and understanding.

John Nunes Daryn Pottinger

Phone 250-498-0167 (24 hrs)

Coming Events FUN for all ages: Is shooting a firearm on your bucket list? Try it on Sunday Oct 17, 10-2 at the Kelowna & District Fish & Game Club’s “JUG SHOOT” Sponsored by The Best Little Gun Shop Around, Weber & Markin, 4-1691 Powick Rd, Kel 250-762-7575. Tues-Sat, 10-6.

Information ADD YOUR business on directory for province wide exposure! Call 1-877-645-7704

Lost & Found FOUND bike w/chain & lock, if you can open lock I guess it’s yours, Penticton Ave area, call 250-276-5936

Sports & Recreation Doc’s Golf Center Winter golf membership Nov. 1 - Jan. 31, outdoor hitting and indoor simulator available, new HD projector, (250)493-4653

Travel BLIZZCON Transport BC to CA rtn/Condo week in LA/Tix ALL for under a $1000 250650-0715

Vacation Spots WINTER IN MEXICO 250-558-7888.


Room for one child 2-4yrs, in quality daycare. 250-493-2381

Education/Trade Schools

Education/Trade Schools

Childcare Available

S lives here.

Business Opportunities

Business Opportunities

Business Opportunities

Business Opportunities

26,400 sq.ft. Greenhouse, North Okanagan, for tomatos and cucumbers, to be relocated. $110,000 250-546-3998 after 7pm.

Direct reach to BC Sportsmen and women...Advertise in the 2011 BC Freshwater Fishing Regulations Synopsis, amazing circulation 400,000 copies, year long impact for your business!

Qualified/experienced groomer: Set up your business at Little Green Farm Pet Hotel in a purpose built grooming room. Flexible terms. Contact Julie or Graham Fox, tel: 250 498 6186, e-mail: l i t t l e g r e e n fa r m @ t e l u s. n e t , web:

WHY fulfill someone else’s dream when you could be realizing your own? Own your own business where YOU make the decisions. No selling or experience required. For a free evaluation go to


Please call Annemarie at 1 800 661 6335.

Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities

80% COMMISSION TRAVEL ONLY has 500 agents across Canada. Business opportunities with low investment, unlimited income potential, generous tax/travel benefits. Run your travel company, full time, part time from home. Register for FREE seminar, 1-800-608-1117, Ext 2020 ATTN:SERIOUS Retirement Impact. Work from home

GROW YOUR BUSINESS with Fax, Survey, Event, Autoresponder & Email Marketing Services. Call us Today. At 1877-312-4979 or visit for Your Unlimited Free Trial.

Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities

The Canadian Mental Health Association, South Okanagan Similkameen Branch, has a Support Worker 2 Position available: SUPPORT WORKER 2 - Casual on call position The Support Worker will assist members that live with a mental illness to achieve and maintain their fullest potential thorough psychosocial rehabilitation programs, advocacy, mental illness and substance abuse. QualiÀcations required: • Diploma in Social Service Field • Experience in psychosocial rehabilitation principles, advocacy, mental illness and substance abuse. • ConÁict resolution and crisis intervention skills. Email your resume and cover letter to: or fax to: 250-493-5541 by 4pm, Oct 15th, 2010

Education/Trade Schools

Education/Trade Schools

It’s here in our community. Please make a difference by volunteering. Sclerosis Society of Canada S Multiple


afternoon and evening sessions. Applicants need only the willingness to learn about taxes.

9-week course, students study the basics of income tax preparation including current laws, theory and application.



complete course, including textbooks, all materials, reference guides and registration.

tificate of accomplishment and the opportunity to interview for employment with H&R Block.



complete details on class locations, starting dates, tuition, etc.

and how to teach them. Our instructors are expertly trained and are experienced Block personnel who make each session an exciting experience with discussion sessions, reference materials and instructions using regulation forms and schedules.

REGISTER TODAY! Register online at or call (250)492-5242 for details.




Enrolment restrictions may apply. Enrolment in, or completion of, the H&R Block Tax Training School is neither an offer nor guarantee of employment. © 2010 H&R Block Canada, Inc.

Education/Trade Schools

Education/Trade Schools

Education/Trade Schools

Get in. Get Out. Get Working. Health Care Assistant Program (Formerly Resident Care Attendant Program)

Resident Care Attendants and Community Health Workers have an important contribution to make to BC’s Health Care system. The HCA program at Sprott-Shaw is current and relevant to the complex Call our Penticton Campus: and changing health practice settings in which graduates will work. (250)

Includes: Crisis Prevention Management & Palliative Care


s p r o t t s h a w. c o m


Become a Psychiatric Nurse in your own community There is an urgent need for more Registered Psychiatric Nurses (RPN), particularly outside the urban areas of the province. And with the workforce aging – the average age of a Registered Psychiatric Nurse in BC is 47 years – the number of retirees from the profession is exceeding the number of graduates. Entry-level earnings start at $29/hour. Train Locally – The only program of its kind in BC, students can learn within their local communities via distance education, local and/or regional clinical placements, and some regional classroom delivery. This 23 month program is recognized by the CRPNBC. Government funding may be available.

Toll Free:




Career Opportunities


The Trades Assistance Program (TAP) is looking for you, to start your new career in the trades! Call: (250) 486-5158

Presented by: Southern Interior Construction Association The Government of Canada has contributed funding to this Initiative

Education/Trade Schools Apartment/Condominium Manager from (CRM) home study course. Many Jobs registered with us across Canada! Thousands of grads working! Government certified. 30 years of success! or 1-800-665-8339,604-681-5456 MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION is rated #2 for at-home jobs. Train from home with the only industry approved school in Canada. Contact CanScribe today! 1-800-466-1535 THE ONE - THE ONLY The only one in Canada! Only authorized Harley Davidson Technician Program at Fairview College Campus, Alberta. March 2011 intake. On campus residences. 1-888-9997882

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

CHAIN LINK FENCE INSTALLATION FOREMAN, for Phoenix Fence. Experience required. Edmonton, Alberta operation. Full time employment, premium wages, overtime, benefits, bonus, relocation program. Call Dale 1-800661-9847. Fax resume:780447-2512. Email

Nature’s Fare Markets Penticton is currently hiring for a grocery position. Previous experience stocking and receiving is an asset but not necessary. We offer a competitive starting wage and other staff initiatives. If you enjoy working in a positive and rewarding environment, please drop off your resume to: 104-2210 Main St, Penticton or e-mail to

Looking for a full time helper with experience in heating and plumbing business. Please send resume to or call 250-486-4351 Outma Sqilx’w Cultural School Education Assistant Job Posting Monday to Friday, 7 hours/day $14.00-$16.00/hr depending on experience Contact

ARE YOU EXPERIENCING FINANCIAL DISTRESS? RELIEF IS ONLY A CALL AWAY! Call Anne Hamilton, Estate Administrator, 12 years experience, at 1-800-661-3661 today for appointment in Penticton to set up your FREE consultation. Jim Gilchrist CA, CIRP, KPMG Inc. 300-1674 Bertram Street, Kelowna, B.C. V1Y 9G4.

THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PENTICTON 171 Main Street Penticton, B.C. V2A 5A9 250-490-2400 (phone) 250-490-2402 (fax) web page: <>

IMPORTANT GARBAGE & YARD WASTE INFORMATION 2010 YARD WASTE PROGRAM (RESIDENTS RECEIVING INDIVIDUAL CURBSIDE GARBAGE & RECYCLING PICK-UP) Dates: OCT 11-15, NOV.22-26 Place your yard waste in clear (colourless) plastic bags or bundle prunings with string at the curb on your regular garbage day. Keep bundled prunings to no more than 1 metre (3 feet) in length and avoid using wire, nylon cord or plastic banding. Bags and bundles must weigh less than 25kg (50lbs). Unlimited amounts of correctly prepared yard waste will be accepted. For more information please call Public Works Department 250 490-2500.




Please apply resume to

Help Wanted $2500+/MO.! Men & Women 18+yrs. needed to fill F/T positions in our Kelowna office. We provide full training. Call A DEBT FREE LIFE. We’ll help you. Call MNP 877-8982580 Free consultation in your area Creditor proposals, trustee in bankruptcy 110-1628 Dickson Ave Kelowna-resident office A Phone Disconnected? We can help. Best Rates, Speedy Connections, Great long Distance. Everyone Approved. Call Today! 1-877-852-1122 Pro-Tel Connect CERTIFIED Dental Assistant with orthodontic module required for an orthodontic clinic in Vernon. Please fax resumes to 250-542-4652 or email DOZER & Hoe Operators required for Company that constructs oil field roads & leases. Require operators with oil field lease & road construction experience. Competitive wages. Rooms & Meals provided by the company. Call 1-(780)723-5051, Edson AB.

OUT of Work? Cash Factory Loans offers Collateral Loans up to $10,000 using almost any vehicle or get a payday loan up to $800 using employment, CTB, EI or Pension! No hidden fees like the other guys! 366 Main St, Penticton across from City Centre Fitness or 250-493-7999


Contact Jodie

Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Penticton will start draining the Penticton Creek Irrigation System commencing Monday, October 18, 2010 and the Ellis Creek Irrigation System commencing Monday, October 25, 2010. Orchardists and others with irrigation connections from these systems should take whatever precautions considered necessary to protect their irrigation systems for the winter. CITY OF PENTICTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT


Trades Assistance Program-TAP OPEN HOUSE SESSIONS IN YOUR AREA OCTOBER 19 Keremeos ...................9:30am OCTOBER 21 Princeton ....................9:30am OCTOBER 22 Osoyoos ......................9:30am OCTOBER 26 Penticton ....................9:30am OCTOBER 28 Summerland...............9:30am

Did You Know There are over

140 Careers in the Trades? • Learn job search techniques specific to trades • Obtain trade specific labour market information • Find job placement in trades • Prepare for and maintain employment

..... ............................9:30am ..........................

Career Opportunities



TO FIND THE LOCATION IN YOUR COMMUNITY CHEF Southern S o Interior Construction C o Association TThe he Government of Canada has contributed funding to this initiative

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PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an application has been made for a New Liquor-Primary License at 412 Main Street, Penticton, B.C. namely The Elbow Room. The applicant proposes to: establish a lounge/wine bar to serve 24 – 40 patrons. Council will consider this application at its Regular Meeting scheduled for Monday, October 18, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall, 171 Main Street, Penticton, B.C. Any person who wishes to comment on the proposed application may appear in person, or by agent, the evening of the Regular Council meeting, or submit a petition or written comments to the City Clerk by noon on October 18, 2010. Those persons with special hearing, language or access needs should contact City Hall at 250-490-2400 prior to the meeting.

BUSINESS LICENCE AMENDMENT –SECONDARY SUITES – Bylaw 2010-76 PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Penticton Business Licence Bylaw 2005-74 be amended to remove 18A.0 Secondary Suite, 18.A1.

ZONING TEXT AMENDMENT – Bylaw 2010-77 PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held at 6:00 pm Monday, October 18, 2010 at Penticton City Hall, 171 Main Street, Penticton, B.C. to consider Zoning Text Amendment Bylaw No. 2010-77 as follows: “Add “live work unit”.

SITE SPECIFIC TEXT ZONING AMENDMENT - 472 WINNIPEG STREET – Bylaw 2010-80 PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held at 6:00 p.m. Monday, October 18, 2010 at Penticton City Hall, 171 Main Street, Penticton, B.C. to consider Site Specific Zoning Text Amendment Bylaw No. 2010-80 as follows: Add to Permitted Uses – Site Specific “allow residential use on the main floor at 472 Winnipeg Street”. The applicant proposes to add approximately 300m2 (3,200 ft2) of residential floor space onto the front of the apartment building, consisting of five (5) one bedroom dwelling units and an area of commercial floor space.

ZONING & SITE SPECIFIC ZONING TEXT AMENDMENT - 1056 CORBISHLEY AVENUE – Bylaw 2010-81 PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held at 6:00 p.m. Monday, October 18, 2010 at Penticton City Hall, 171 Main Street, Penticton, B.C. to consider Zoning and Site Specific Zoning Text Amendment Bylaw No. 2010-81 as follows: Add “Accommodation for agri-tourism on a farm” “Accommodation for agri-tourism on a farm” at 1056 Corbishley Avenue”. The applicant proposes to develop an agri-tourism accommodation use on their farm consisting of 5 seasonal guest cottages plus 4 guestrooms within the existing house. The existing home will also contain a secondary suite.

SITE SPECIFIC ZONING TEXT AMENDMENT - 101 ROSETOWN AVENUE – Bylaw 2010-82 PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held at 6:00 p.m. Monday, October 18, 2010 at Penticton City Hall, 171 Main Street, Penticton, B.C. to consider Site Specific Zoning Text Amendment Bylaw No. 2010-82 as follows: Add ‘retail’ on 101 Rosetown Avenue.

The proposed application and supporting documentation may be inspected at the offices of the Clerk’s Department, located at 171 Main Street between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday, excluding holidays, up to and including Monday, October 18th, 2010.

The applicant proposes to remove a portion of the building, subdivide the lot and redevelop the western portion of the property to accommodate a retail company.

Cathy Ingram Manager of Legislative Services

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held at 6:00 p.m. Monday, October 18, 2010 at Penticton City Hall, 171 Main Street, Penticton, B.C. to consider Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2010-83 to amend Zoning Bylaw No. 87-65 as follows: Rezone from RD, (Two Family Residential) to CRM, (Commercial-Residential) located at 601 Winnipeg Street, Penticton, B.C. The applicant proposes to convert an existing single detached dwelling into a health service office and two residential dwelling units.

CLOSURE OF ROAD AND REMOVAL OF HIGHWAY DEDICATION – PORTION OF GUERNSEY AVENUE AND LANE - Bylaw 2010-78 PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Penticton intends a road closure and removal of highway dedication for a portion of Guernsey Avenue and the lane. Any person who wishes to comment on the road closure and removal of highway dedication, may appear in person or by agent, the evening of the Regular Council meeting on October 18, 2010 at 6:00 p.m., or submit a petition or written comments to the City Clerk by noon on October 18, 2010. The proposed road closure and removal of highway dedication and land disposition and supporting documentation may be inspected at the office of the City Clerk, located at 171 Main Street, Penticton, B.C. between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday, excluding holidays, up to and including Monday, October 18, 2010. Cathy Ingram, CMC Manager of Legislative Services/City Clerk


Any person whose interest in the above properties or may be affected by the proposed amendments may appear in person, by petition or by attorney. Delegations and Submissions will be received no later than 12 noon on October 18, 2010. No letter, report or representation from the public will be received by Council after the conclusion of the Public Hearing. Those persons with special hearing, language or access needs should contact City Hall at 250-490-2400 prior to the meeting. The above mentioned bylaws and supporting information may be inspected between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday to through Friday, excluding holidays, up to and including Monday, October 18, 2010, in the offices of the Development Services Department and Clerk’s Department at the Penticton City Hall, 171 Main Street, Penticton. Cathy Ingram Manager of Legislative Services



Help Wanted

Financial Services

MILL Tech Industries is a leading supplier of specialized lumber handling equipment to the sawmill industry and is seeking a full-time Production Manager for their growing Salmon Arm operation. As Production Manager, you will have a minimum of 5 years experience and will be responsible for managing outsource vendors and suppliers to deliver equipment on time and on budget. You must exhibit strong organization and communication skills and have the ability to multi-task and work with minimal supervision. You will work to develop strong relationships with both suppliers and customers. A background in mechanical equipment is an asset. Please send resumes to the attention of Personnel, Mill Tech Industries by fax (250)832-2596 or email: SALES MANAGER experience required by Greg Gardner GM in Squamish, BC. Send resume to or fax 604898-2281 SUNRISE FORD LTD, has an immediate opening for a Salesperson with financing experience. Please drop off resumes at our front office or email to:

DEBT CONSOLIDATION PROGRAM Helping Canadians repay debts, reduce or eliminate interest, regardless of your credit. Steady Income? You may qualify for instant help. Considering Bankruptcy? Call 1-877-220-3328 FREE Consultation Government Approved, BBB Member Private Financing based on security not credit. 1st, 2nd, 3rd Mortgages, Equity Loans, Consolidation Loans, Construction Financing, Farm, Commercial, Industrial, Residential, Creative Financing Call 1-888-742-2333 or REDUCE DEBT by up to 70% Avoid bankruptcy. Free consultation. BBB accredited. 250-860-1653

Home Care/Support Retired nurse avail. to help seniors with shopping, errands, light cleaning, meal prep., etc., please call Linda, (250)462-0485

Sales WE are looking for a professional salesperson, experience preferred but will train the right candidate must have valid drivers license. Please send your resume in confidence to or fax 250-493-1981

Trades, Technical Experienced Salvage Burners - Surrey BC, Cassidy BC and Out of Town work avail - Amix Salvage - We offer both seasonal or long term employment. We are stable and GROWING! Great benefits and competitive pay. Apply at or fax 1-866812-2478 McCoy Trailer Manufacturing Division designs and manufactures custom chassis, forestry & heavy haul trailers and is now recruiting Welders to work within the production team in Penticton, BC, in the heart of the Okanagan Valley. Qualifications: • 5+ years experience in welding, Journeyman ticket an asset • Experience in production fitting and welding • Able to read and understand engineering drawings • Works well under pressure • Positive attitude and a team player • Experience in the trailer manufacturing industry is an asset We offer competitive wages and a comprehensive benefit package, plus a great environment to work in. If you are interested please apply today McCoy Corporation has a Substance Abuse Policy and we conduct pre-employment testing for safety sensitive positions. Peter’s Bros. Construction has positions open for Heavy Duty Mechanics and Heavy Duty Mechanic apprentices. These are full time positions with full benefit package. Please pick up applications at 716 Okanagan Ave East, Penticton, B.C V2A 3K6 between 9:30 & 3:00 SERVICEMAN - GAS FITTER, F/T req’d w/excellent wages & benefits.This position is based in Fort St. John, B.C. Fax 250787-1320 Ph: 250-787-1361

Financial Services $500$ LOAN SERVICE, by phone, no credit refused, quick and easy, payable over 6 or 12 installments. Toll free: 1877-776-1660 GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420.

Legal Services #1 IN PARDONS Remove your criminal record. Express Pardons offers the FASTEST pardons, LOWEST prices, and it’s GUARANTEED. BBB Accredited. FREE Consultation Toll-free 1-866-416-6772 ICBC, MVA’S, SLIP & FALL or Any Injury? MARCO D. CEDRONE Making The Difference in Personal Injury Claims! 24hr. Call:1-866-913-3110 Cascade Law Corporation IMPAIRED DRIVING DALE A. STREBCHUK Don’t Impair Your Future! 24hrs. Call: 1-866-913-3110 Cascade Law Corporation

Cleaning Services Are you too tired to clean your house? I’m not. Great references and a job well done, Monica 250-497-6905 HELPING Hands Cleaning Service. Let me do for you what you can’t do or don’t want to do. 250-462-0644 (c) 250-492-2792 (h) Inside Out Cleaning licensed bonded & insured Home Office Honest reliable 250-490-5495 MISS MOP N’ TASKER. Licensed, bonded & insured professional house cleaning service. Contact 250-809-7522

Computer Services Computer Upgrades, Repair or a Brand New Computer. Viruses + spyware removal. 2504886964


GRANITE SLAB SALE. 150 colors to choose from. 1 1/4” thick. Great Service. Great Price! Showroom: 1115 Gordon Dr. 250-870-1577, 250-763-8303, REFACE Countertops. 1/2 the Cost of Replacing. Granite & Corian Designs. 470-2235.

Drywall ANY size job drywall complete, textured ceilings, new/re-do, 30 years experience, 250-490-7573, 250497-6848 Board - Tape - Texture - Steel Stud-TBar. Residential Renovation, Commercial. No job too small. Alex 250-486-8762 For all your Drywall needs, boarding, painting, taping & framing. Small jobs, call 250492-5750

Lawn & Garden

Lawn & Garden

GIARDINOS Gardening & Yard Cleanup We give your Shrubs a professional trim Get a quote

250-493-0007 Dave’s Yard & Garden. Hedge Shrub & Tree Trimming Service, Stump Grinding etc. free estimates, 250-4931083, we’ll eat the HST! ECONO Lawn areation plus fall feeder fertilizer only $79.99 most size lawns. Ph 250-4935161 Fully experienced pruner; evergreen hedges, ornamental trees, landscapes fruit trees. Reference list of satisfied clients & picture portfolio available. Phone Gerald at 250-493-5161 Gardening, shrubs and hedges trimmed, over 45 years experience, (778)476-4758

Handypersons ALL RENOVATIONS and home repairs, any size job inside & out. Ron 250 276-0744 Handyman Al, Renos, Decks Roofs, Drywall, Painting Carpentry, Kitchens, Bathrooms, Yard work. Licensed, Insured, WCB, References. 250-8099441 Seniors Discounts R&C Becher Contracting, licensed, insured, WCB coverage, additions, renovations, basement development, kitchen & bath, windows, doors, siding, soffits, finishing carpentry, Always on time, all work completed in quick timely manner, all jobs fixed price, no extra billing, 250-809-3661

Heat, Air, Refrig. ADD YOUR business on directory for province wide exposure! Call 1-877-645-7704

Home Improvements ABOUT to Renovate? Need ideas? We design, we build and we guarantee. Licensed & Insured. 250-494-7784 250488-2987 www.hollysrenoco BELCAN Painting & Renos Licensed, Insured, WCB, Friendly, References. Painting in/out, Ceramic tile, Flooring, Finishing Carpentry, Kitchen & Bath. Pressure Washing. Len 250-486-8800

GREAT Canadian Builders Ltd. “Turning Houses into Homes.” Your complete renovation specialists. 25 years experience. All interior & exterior work, concrete, sheds, garages, fences, roofing, decks, drywall, framing. Restorations, additions. Insurance claims. Licensed and insured, for your free estimate call Steve 250-490-9762, 250-488-0407 MB Home Improvements and Construction, well established renovation company, licensed, insured, WCB, residential and commercial, additions, kitchens, bathrooms, all flooring, drywall, painting, decks, finishing carpentry, custom cabinets and furniture to suite your individual needs, for your free estimate, call Mark, 250486-0767,, references available.

149 Upper Bench Rd. S.

RENO windows, manufactured direct installed only we pay the HST Ron 250-486-7085 Rob Hurren Carpentry, renovations big and small, kitchen and bath remodeling, doors trim work, finishing and more, professional design available, call Rob 250-809-7131

Home Improvements

Home Improvements

Locally Grown Hedging



6 feet for Other sizes available up to 9ft.

GIARDINO 250-493-0007


• Basement • Bath • Kitchen Finishing Remodels Remodels • Tile Work • Decks • Painting • Drywall • Plumbing • Much More Licensed, Bonded & Insured



Now serving all the South Okanagan Summerland, Penticton, Naramata, Okanagan Falls, Oliver and Osoyoos

Home Improvements

Tree Services

THREE HUSBANDS Home Improvements. Bathroom and kitchen renovations, retaining walls, wooden decks, carpet, vinyl, and tile flooring. Bonded, licensed and insured. Call for a quote today 250-276-4466 or visit our website w w w. t h r e e h u s b a n d s . c o m .


Wood Flooring, Log Siding, Log Cabins, Decking, Cedar & Pine T&G V Joint, custom sawing. Rouck Bros. Lumby, BC 1-800-960-3388

Dave’s Garden Maintenance, Grounds Keeping for Residential, Commercial, Strata’s 250493-1083

Moving & Storage FAMILY Movers. Moving? Anything, anywhere. Local and long distance throughout 2010 Packing service available, weekly trips to Vancouver, Alberta, full and partial loads. Cheapest rates in the valley. Free Estimates, 250-493-2687 National Moving & Storage Complete packing services available, Okanagan Valley, your moving specialist anything, anywhere. Coast to Coast. Free estimates

250-462-3715 Western Star Auctions 161 Ellis Street in Penticton offers weekly auctions. If you don’t want to move it we can help you sell it. We also can provide a pick-up service for a fee. Call 250-492-3203 for more information.

Painting & Decorating

Plumbing New Construction & Reno’s. Mobile home re pipes $1700. Licensed & Insured, ref’s avail. Call Chet 250-462-0260

Roofing & Skylights ROOFING & ROOF REPAIRS New Construction & Re-Roofs Free estimates, 20 years exp. Call Dana at 250-809-4076

Rubbish Removal 250- 808-0733 SKYHIGH DISPOSAL. Full service Junk Removal & Bin Rentals. “JUNK REMOVAL” CHEAP, OKANAGAN 250-462-3715 PENTICTON Junk Removal! Anything goes! Household waste, furniture and appliances to the dump 250-770-0827

Tiling Kaleden Tile - Installation of ceramic, porcelain, granite, & slate. Free estimates, Insured, references & pictures available. No Job to big or small. Glen 250 488 1985

Tree Services OK Tree Removers, bucket truck avail, no job too small. Free estimates 250-493-2687 Phipps Tree Service, Bucket truck, Crane Removal, complete clean-up, weed killing, gutter blow-out, etc. Penticton local boy, 48 years. Landscape rocks & seasoned firewood 250-488-3316 Walt’s Stump Grinding. For all your stump removal needs. Fast and friendly service, call 250-492-2494 250-488-6401

full truck loads

Window Cleaning

Furniture AT A CLICK of a mouse, is your local source to over 300,000 businesses! BDRM set. 6pc Cherry sleigh, Queen bed, dresser, mirror, chest, 2 night stands. New!! Still boxed. Worth $5000, Sell $1295 Can deliver. Call 250550-6647

HAY FOR SALE; Round bales $60 each, approx. 800lbs, delivery avail. on larger orders. 250-838-6630 *HAY SALES GUARANTEED Quality Grass, Alfalfa, Mixed square bales, round bales & Silage bales. Delivery avail. (250)804-6081,(250)833-6763.

Livestock VALLEYWIDE MEATS BC insp.30 slaughter plant Processes all livestock Call to book your animals (250)838-7980 Enderby, BC

Pets (3) 9wk old male Yorkie Terrier pups, 2nd shots, dewormed, $400 each. (250)546-2455 MINI AUSSIE BORDER COLLIE PUPS Pet/agility, kid/cat friendly, blue/red merles, browns & blacks, some blue-eyed. $750; basic obedience $900. 250-375-2526 / Shih-Tzu puppies for sale. Call 250-547-8974


Quality work. Clean & reliable References & Lic. Ins. WCB. Nick 250-486-2359 Glenic Industries Inc.

Misc. for Sale

Full cords split Fir $250, Pine $225 250-770-

$59 single storey, cleaned inside & out, seniors discount, (250)488-1956 DIRTY WINDOWS ? Call 250-809-1851 Brighten Your Outlook

Feed & Hay


Excavating & Drainage

Our small grinder can get in places others can’t, call for free est, Tree & Hedge Trimming service also avail. 250493-1083, we’ll eat the HST!

Firewood/Fuel A1 Firewood. & delivered. $200, Mixed 0827 DRY split fir, 250-496-5959

freezer, 12cuft., new cond., 5 sliding baskets on 2 levels, $200, (250)809-1167 USED appliances, fridge’’s, ranges, washers, dryers, premium condition, Lake City Appliances, 475 Main St. Penticton, 250-493-4220

Fertilizers AGED horse manure, no straw or shavings 40lb bags delivered $3.50/ea 250-492-2454

Food Products BEEF - FARM RAISED 1/4’s & 1/2, $2.65/lb, CWF. 250-546-6494 GRAIN finished Beef, sides or quarters, $2.25/lb plus processing. Randy Bellows 250832-2612, 250-804-5393.

Free Items 1 & 2 year old cats, spayed and neutered, (250)462-4493 call after 5pm free apple wood, you cut, you pick up, (250)487-9295 free to good home, adult female Husky, (250)770-1417 FREE TV STAND 250-494-8010

Fruit & Vegetables Apples: Gala, Spartan, Mac’s, Golden, Red Delicious .40lb. 1260 Broughton Ave. (off Upper Bench Rd.) 250-4879295 SPARTAN Apples $8.00 box, 250-492-8854

Firewood/Fuel #1 Dry Pine & Fir also Larch avail, starting at $200 per cord, 1/2 cords avail. Pick up loads $50. Split & Delivered, free kindling, Senior discount, Penticton, Kaleden, Ok Falls 250-497-6188

Excavating & Drainage



Terry 250-486-0584 fax 250-493-9133

Penticton Bargain Store, 256 Westminster Ave. W., showroom open 10am to 6pm, selling and buying furniture, appliances, household items, electronics, misc., let us help you with your moving, estate or downsizing needs, pick up service available, call for more information, (778)476-5919 SOFA 3-PC Sectional W/ottoman. New In orig. pkg. Worth $1499, Must Sell $899 250550-6647 can deliver Western Star Auctions 161 Ellis street in Penticton holds weekly auctions and sells household items, furniture, and vehicles. Come consign your items or buy some! Call 250-492-3203 for more information or check out our website www.westernstarauctions. com

STEEL BUILDING SALE . . . . Rock bottom prices! 25x30 $477. 30x40 $6900. 32x60 $10800. 32x80 $16900. 35x60 $12990 40x70 $13500 40x100 $23800 46x140 $35600 OTHERS. Ends optional. Pioneer Manufacturers Direct 1800-668-5422

WANTED Whitewood Pulp Logs Lodgepole, Yellowpine, Spruce or Balsam Marlen Transport Ltd. Call: Len Gudeit 250-547-9899 or 250-549-0601

Sporting Goods PING Rapture V2 Iron, 3-sandwedge $300, for pics 250-499-7804 VERNON SKI SWAP Saturday, Oct 16th. 8:30am. Vernon Rec Centre. Buy, sell, new and used clothing, equipment, ski, snowboard, x-country.

Acreage for Sale WHITEVALE/LUMBY. Ready to build on this 3 acres Flat, few trees, drilled well. Gas/hydro to driveway. Price $240,000 HST obo. 250547-6932.

Apt/Condos for Sale 2BDRM , 2bath, DT Winnipeg St, 55 +, lakeview, covered prkg, $228,800 250-462-5723

Heavy Duty Machinery

Business for Sale

FORD Louisville tandem dump truck, 318GM diesel, 13spd trans., newer box & hoist $5000, with safety certificate $8000. 250-307-1959

AT A CLICK of a mouse, is your local source to over 300,000 businesses!

Medical Supplies

Houses For Sale

POWER assist lift recliner chair, blue, unused $350. 250492-8928

******* Where smart sellers meet smart buyers! View Thompson Okanagan properties for sale.// Selling? No Commission. (250) 545-2383 or 1-877-291-7576 HOME COTTAGE BUILDING Deals! NO-CRETE TM Prefabricated Panel - Instant Foundation System - Basement $69.99/ft, Crawlspace $49.99/ft! ICF Concrete $19.99/5.33SF block. 792SF 2484SF Shell Erected + Exterior lock-up + Interior Framing from $29,975!! Local Dealer/Installers!!!! VACANT, perfect for small family, 990sqft home, 2bdrm+ den, 1ba, freshly painted, extra room in partial basement, 5appl., well kept fenced yard & parking, large wired workshop with loft, close to schools, hockey arena, not far from beach, $282,000, call Wendy, (250)809-8197 Penticton

Misc. for Sale 12ft. aluminum boat, $950, large fiberglass canopy, $100, bags of cement, 1/2 price, cement mixer, $350, Bantams $5, (250)499-0237 #1A STEEL BUILDING SALE! Save up to 60% on your new garage, shop, warehouse. 6w colors available! 40 year warranty! Free shipping, the first 20 callers! 1-800-457-2206.

A FREE TELEPHONE SERVICE - Get Your First Month Free. Bad Credit, Don’t Sweat It. No Deposits. No Credit Checks. Call Freedom Phone Lines Today Toll-Free 1-866884-7464. FOAM insulation, 2x5-10/ bundle $15ea bundle. Call 250862-8682 Discount for large quantities. 1660 Cary Rd FUN for all ages: Is shooting a firearm on your bucket list? Try it on Sunday Oct 17, 10-2 at the Kelowna & District Fish & Game Club’s “JUG SHOOT” Sponsored by The Best Little Gun Shop Around, Weber & Markin, 4-1691 Powick Rd, Kel 250-762-7575. Tues-Sat, 10-6. FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS CLEARANCE Pre-engineered and custom-sized to your requirements. Factory direct pricing. Some models discounted to half price to clear. CALL FOR FREE BROCHURE AND QUOTE 1-800668-5111 ext 170 NUMBERED print framed 29x39 Den Mother/Wolf family by Carl Brenders exc cond $400obo 250-493-8083 PEARSON treadle harness stitcher, sews up to 1” in leather, $3800. 250-309-1420.

Musical Instruments

Mortgages BANK ON US! Mortgages for purchases, renos, debt consolidation, foreclosure. Bank rates. Many alternative lending programs.Let Dave Fitzpatrick, your Mortgage Warrior, simplify the process!1-888-711-8818 INVESTOR WANTED $60,000 at 10% secured by 1st mortgage on lakeview lot. Simple, clean, & risk free. 250-558-7888.

Apt/Condo for Rent 1 & 2 bdrm, newly reno’d suites. Secured access, util incl, near hospital, bus route and close to all amenities, n/p, n/s 250-770-1331

Musical Instruments

The Maeve Lily School of Music

Specializing in Instruction for Girls Guitar, Piano, Voice, Harp, Trumpet, Flute, Ukulele, Song Writing and Recording Kids and Parents introduction to Music and Musical Theatre Phone Skaha Sound 250-492-4710



Apt/Condo for Rent

Apt/Condo for Rent

1 BR Condo close to Skaha Beach. Coin laundry in building. References and credit check. Water included. $595 per month. Call 778-754-1798 2-2BDRM apartments avail. now, close to Penn High, 1050sqft., $850 and $990 a month, 250-487-0268 2BDRM , 2bath, DT Winnipeg St, 45 +, lakeview, free cable, covered prkg, 250-462-5723 2BDRM, 2bath, executive at Meritage Lofts, 1 block from beach/park, secure prkg, $1100. Call Dennis Chepil @ Realty Executives 250-4934372 2BDRM condo 2 blocks from the beach $780 per month. Ready when you are. Call 250-486-1119. $850, large 1bdrm character apartment, Heritage House, burgandy walls, oak oors, on bus route, clean, tidy, quiet person (250)492-6319 CLEAN 1bdrm suite with full size fridge/stove, $600+util., (250)492-7129 Condo for rent 2bdrm 2-bath , 6-appl, u/g parking, $1000/mo. n/s, n/p, 250-328-9443 Downtown Penticton, 2bdrm with two bath, secure parking, 6appl, many other extras, approx. 1150sqft, 250-490-1034 or 250-770-2337 FURNISHED 3bdrm semi water front condo in Ok Falls, Avail Nov 1st-Apr 30 $1050 incl util. 604-469-1517 Large 2 Bdr apartment, lots of storage & covered parking $1000incl. util., prefer mature, n/s, small pet allowed, Choice of ground or 1st oor, 150 Mcpherson, 250-809-6757 large 2bdrm, Penticton Ave., close to schools/transit, $875, call Dennis at Realty Executives, (250)493-4372 Osoyoos 2bdrm, 2ba, 1250 sq.ft fp, w/d, dw, vac, deck lake views, 2 pools, hottub, elevator, secure. No kids or pets. Avail now 250-809-9980

VERANA condo, 2bdrm, 6-appl. Avail Dec 1st $1100. 250-488-0562 250-583-9365 VERNON, 2bdrm, fully furnished, lakefront condo.NS/NP $900/mo incl.water/heat. OctJune. Victoria Place Studio Apartment

Granite counters, s/s appl., high end cabinetry $137,500


Commercial/ Industrial 800sqft shop, overhead door, good exposure, ofďŹ ce, washroom, & also 1200sq.ft shop 250-809-0728, 250-492-8324 APPLE Plaza 770sq.ft, suited for food related retail business. Call Barbara 250-492-6319

Cottages / Cabins OK Lake beach cottage $750/mo, 1bdrm, 1ba, furnished. Avail till June 30th, n/p n/s, ref’s 250-496-5822

Duplex / 4 Plex

$800 $1000 $1100 $1100 $1250 $1700

$1200 $1300 $1300

3BDRM house, 795 Kamloops St. Penticton, $1000/mo., 250488-4882

Motels,Hotels GOOD Place to stay for workers, students & retired. Rent starts from $550/mo fully furnished/cable/electric/phone (250)492-7015 (250)770-0816 LARGE 1bdrm suites & bachelor suites, available for rental from Sept. 15-May 2011 Fully furnished, utilities/cable included, quiet location, near Mall and bus route. Call Valley Star Motel 250-492-7205 MOTEL suites furnished $480 up. move in any time. located at PENTICTON & SUMMERLAND. 250-487-0268.

Suites, Upper 1bed 1bath main oor Summerland LAKEVIEW home $850/month. Laundry, utilities, cable, wireless included. Small pet ok, NS. Call Julian 250859-2047 2bdrm suite near new. Quiet neighborhood, Mature wrkg person. New appls. NS/NP Util incl $750/mo 250-493-3428 FURNISHED suite for responsible money saver person, n/s, n/p, util/laundry incl., Share kitchen w/landlady $500/mo., Penticton (250)493-3835

2BDRM 40+, N/S, N/P, new reno’s, private patio, water incl. $800+util. 250-492-0274 mornings

4Bdr house in Lower Summerland, Lake view, large lot, pets allowed, avail. immed., $1400 + util., 250-809-6757

RV Pads

3BDRM duplex, f/s, w/d Columbia area, fenced yard, n/s, n/p. $1140 250-493-1201

5bdrm house, $2200/mo.+util., 250-809-6800

Osoyoos lakeview, 2 bed, 2 bath, 1200 sq.ft with 5 appl and gas fp. Garage, sm yard close to beach and golf. NS, NP $850.00. email: or call (250)498-5537 SUMMERLAND, near town, 2bdrm, 1bath, ns, np, $775+ util., (250)494-9331

Apt/Condo for Rent

(250) 770-1948 101-3547 SKAHA LAKE RD.

Skaha Place, ground oor 1 bdrm, f, s, A/C, blinds, coin-op laundry. 1 year lease req’d. Avail. Now (A355) Near IGA, 1 bdrm, f, s, d/w, sec’d parking, large deck, quiet smaller building. Avail. Nov. 1 (A307) 1 bdrm near Okanagan Beach, f, s, balcony, laminate oors, elevator, coin-op laundry. Avail. Now (ot419) 2 bdrm 55+ apts, incl. heat and cable, new balcony, 1 bath, extra storage. Avail Now (WT203) The Verana, 1 bdrm +den, 6 appl., 1.5 bath, balcony, elevator, sec’d parking. Avail. Oct 1 (A382) 1 bed + den, The Alysen, 6 appl, sec’d parking, elevator, near Skaha Beach. Avail. Sept. 1 (OT389) The Ellis, grd r, laminate rs, 6 appl., elec ďŹ replace, extra storage, sec’d parking. Avail. Nov. 1 (A425) 2 bdrm at Skaha Breeze, minutes from Skaha Beach, 7 appl, sec’d parking. Avail. Now (A419) 2 bdrm at 160 Lakeshore Drive, beautiful view facing lake, 1606 sqft. Avail. Now (A397) Furnished studio, fridge, conv. oven, shared free laundry, incl. util. Avail. Now-June 2011 (ot422)

HOUSES: $1050

3bdrm, 2ba house near school, comm. centre, beach, stores, ns, np, fenced yard, quiet neighbourhood, prefer long term, $1300+util., Phone (250)493-8102

2004 F150 200,000k, fully loaded, great shape, $12,800. (250)308-6942 2005 Ford F150 super crew XLT, 4x4, full load, new tires & brakes $10,250. 250-307-0002 2007 GMC 2500 HD, ext. cab, s/b, 4x4, remote starter, 170k, $13,900. 250-307-0002 2008 Toyota Tundra, 5.7V8, 4dr, auto, blue, under warranty, long box, tow pkg, 21,200 miles, $29,500obo, (250)4936293 87 Chevy S10 pick-up ext cab 5spd $1350. 2005 Silverado truck box $500 250-493-4658 NEED Cash Now? Cash Factory Loans offers payday loans up to $800 using employment, CTB, EI or Pension, or collateral loans up to $10,000 using almost any vehicle! 366 Main St, Penticton across from City Centre Fitness, 250-493-7999

3bdrm townhouse, avail. Nov. 1, $1275+ util., 250-809-6800 Summerland, 40+ quiet townhouse, 2bdrm, 2ba, appliances, newly renovated, $900+ low util., (250)494-1927


346 Penticton Ave., $1250, 3bdrm, 2ba, laminate oors, yard, #12-3099 South Main, Chateau Village, 3bdrm, 2ba, fenced backyard, pet ok, $1100, Vijay, 250-490-1530

Trucks & Vans

2003 Ford Focus Special Edition, 4dr 5spd, pw windows/locks, a/c, alarm, excellent condition, new winters $4995obo 250-492-0301

3+BDRMS, 5-appl, full basement, fenced yard, pets welcome, close to school/shopping $1500/mo 250-493-4343



Homes for Rent

Cars - Domestic

2bdrm suite, 2min walk to downtown Summerland, (250)494-7784 BRIGHT sunny full daylight walk-out, 2bdrms, 1ba, laundry, off street prkg, on KVR Trail & Bankview $1200 incl util, Ian 250-215-4567 LG 1bdrm, 1ba, laundry, on Municipal Ave, $850 incl all util. Call Ian 250-215-4567 Penticton, 2bdrm, ns, no pets, all util./cable incl. a/c, $850/mo. (250)864-5780




Modular Homes 900sqft 1bdrm+ 400sqft. sunroom, 5appl., fenced yard, storage building, rural setting north of Oliver $800/mo+ util. 250-498-0098

Suites, Lower

SINGLA HOMES 298-296 Maple St. townhouse Penticton. 3-4 bdrm, 2.5 bath, w/basement, garage, 24hr security on site, cable hook-up and 1st month free cable. Rent starts at $1250 998 Creston, 1bdrm. 178-1458 Penticton Ave, 3 bdrm, f/s, w/d 101-400 Eckhardt 3bdrm, 2.5bath, f/s w/d, garage 250-490-1700 250-486-3791

OfďŹ ce/Retail

Waterford; 3 bdrm, 1 1/2 bath Oct.1: Newer exec. 3 bdrm hse w/ townhouse, F/S, D/W, W/D hook-ups, in-law suite. Top Carmi Ave. f/s, w/d, pkg, fenced yrd ........ $950 incl. water. cent air/heat. f/p. Dbl car garage w/ fenced yard. 2 full baths up w/one Lakeshore Towers: 8th floor facing dwn .......................... $1500.00 + util. south. 1 bdrm, w/den, f/s, w/d, d/w, f/p, Skaha Pl. 1 & 2 bdrm units w/storage, m/w, a/c, w/ammn. incl. pool, gym etc. f/s, a/c, pkg. secure bldg ................... Sec’d u/g prkg & storage. $1150 incl. .......................$600 - $750 incl water water & gas. Lease req’d.


3 bdrm, 2 bath, pets neg., nonsmoking, non-drinking, no drugs, $650 + util.250-499-0237

Homes for Rent

Old Advo-Care ofďŹ ce, 333 Martin St., 700sqft., $800/mo. (incl. elec, heat, you pay phone), 250-492-3600

1/2 duplex, 4bdrm, 2bth, 3-appl, garage. Absolutely no pets + no smoking. Avail Nov 1st $1350 + util. 250-462-0669


Property Management

Mobile Homes & Pads

Clean and Cozy 2 bdrm home in Ok Falls, 1 bath, ns, f,s, w,d, lrg fenced yard. Avail. Nov. 1 (ot427) Sandbridge 55+ 2 bdrm, 2 bath home, dble garage, family room, indoor pool w/activity centre. Avail. Now (ot426) Columbia school area, reno’d, w/new carpet, 3 bdrm, duplex, ďŹ nished basement. Avail. Nov. 1 (H521) 3 bdrm home in Naramata Village, fridge, stove,carport, ďŹ nished bsmt. Avail. Now (OT417) Prospective tenants must complete an application form at:

280 MAIN STREET, PENTICTON, B.C. V2A 5B2 PHONE: 250-493-4372 - Only qualiďŹ ed applicants will be contacted.

Beautiful rural home near Penticton, 1800sqft, 3bdrm, must have excellent ref’s, $1600, (250)486-1030 COLUMBIA St. 3bd, 1bth upper. $1100+ share utils. OR Whole house, 6bd+den, 2bth, sep ent, $1900 +utils. Avail now. Call, 250-485-8218 EXCEPTIONAL 3 bdrm 3 bath house. panoramic lake/vinyrd view Kaleden. Priv. Yd. decks, frplc, all appls, full bsmnt. $1800 + Util. 250 490 9597 full house with in-law suite, 4bdrm, 2 full bath, all appl., 496 Nelson Ave, ns, $300 extra charge for pet, ďŹ sh ok, $1500, long term, avail. Nov. 1, 250-492-4832 newly painted, lovely 2bdrm+ den, all appl., a/c, ug sprinklers, deck, garage, $1100, np, ns, (604)533-0302, avail. now Penticton Columbia Area Huge family home Upper level 4 bdrm, 2 bath, recroom/ofďŹ ce $1400 Fenced yard. Down 2bdrm & den bath walkout patio $800/mo OR $2100 total

OYAMA area. RV site rental, long-term. Lake views. RV storage. 250-869-8505

Shared Accommodation LOOKING to share 2 storey home, private bath. Share kitchen, w/d, very private, pets neg. $625 util incl, 250-4930028 Lrg 3 bdrm house. Private bdrm & bath. Incl. util & internet. No booze, drugs or pets. Clean, quiet, person only. $575, 250-488-2567 Private bdrm semi-pri bth, quiet person, $500, everything incl., 250-492-2543

Storage BOAT & RV STORAGE Large indoor facility, secure & dry, best rates, drive a littlesave alot.(250)558-3797

Suites, Lower

Rent-to-Own: 4br Vernon home from 1600/ mo with 5k down, 4br with lake view in Peachland, 10Kdown from 2000/mo 250-309-2565

1BDRM, bright, clean Columbia school area, sep entrance, f/s, share laundry, n/s, n/p $750 util incl. 250-490-7147 1BDRM, priv ent, patio, Pent., view, very nice, n/s, n/p, all appliances, $800 incl util or $1000 furn 250-770-8792 1BDRM suite spacious 5-appl a/c, satTV, laundry, sep ent, patio/BB’Q, rent neg, n/p n/smokers 250-809-5583 Pent



Antiques / Classics 1961 Ford Falcon Deluxe 2dr, new paint, motor & interior. $8500 obo. Must Sell. 250542-7167. 250-542-9150. 65 Cadillac Eldorado convertible, California car, all orig, new tire/water pump great shape $8000. 69 Ford Coupe Mustang, shaker hood, needs work, exc restoration project $8500 250-497-5877

Auto Accessories/Parts 4 Toyo winter tires, 235/50/R18, cost $1050+ taxes, less than 1500kms, $550, (250)493-1235 Four very good winter tires for sale with rims. P195/75R14. $200. Call Emanuel at 250462-5874 between 5 to 9 p.m. Used Tires, Huge Selection of used tires ands wheels in stock. We might have what you need. Prices vary according to size and quality. Starting at $25.00. Call us or drop in to Larsens Excel 555 Okanagan Ave East 250-492-5630 Penticton

Auto Financing

Cars - Sports & Imports 2005 Acura MDX Sunroof, 6 disc cd, Security, White, alloy wheels $21,500 250-260-8888 SMART FOR TWO COUPE 1000KM ON NEW MOTOR 1(250)558-7975, $8500

Motorcycles $AVE E-SCOOTER $ALE *Brand New* E-Scooters $779 Kids Dirtbike/ATV Start@$299 Adult@$1499 Buggy,UTV,etc 1-866-203-0906/250-863-1123 Zero Motorcycles, high performance electric power, new and some demo models still available, call Wes at (250)492-3023

Off Road Vehicles 2008 Polaris RZR only 954 miles, big wheel kit UMP air box, roof, windshield, $10,800 obo. 2001 WR426 $2500. (250)308-1040, 250-547-6850

Recreational/Sale 1980 Okanagan 10.5 foot truck camper. Fridge, cooktop, toilet w/shower. Roof recently redone. New water heater/pump, furnace, electrical. $2000 250-488-6877 1996 eetwood 8ft SHORT BOX camper. New hydraulic jacks, 3pc bath, outside shower. $5500. 250-490-0852 2008 Puma by Forest River 24’ 5th wheel c/w 1 slide, $19,900. Ray 250-550-5602 24FT Chevy Triple E MH, full bath, great shape. $4500obo or trade for anything of equal value 250-770-0827 91 28ft Class C MH Ford 460c.u motor, sleeps 6-8 w/twin bed in rear, 4kw generator, roof air, 90kms, $14,000 250-493-4042

Scrap Car Removal AAA SCRAP CAR REMOVAL Min $40 cash for full size vehicles, any cond. 250-899-0460

Free tow away and safe disposal of your unwanted vehicles no wheels? no papers? no problem! Fast and professional. Mike 250-486-4278. SCRAP BATTERIES WANTED We buy scrap batteries from cars & trucks & heavy equipment. $3.00 each. Free pick-up anywhere in BC, Minimum 10. Call Toll Free 1.877.334.2288

Sport Utility Vehicle 2001 Chev Suburban 2500 4x4, 160K, fully loaded, ex/cond, $7900 (250)308-2225

Trucks & Vans

LOCATED AT THE FORMER CANWOOD FURNITURE FACILITY Behind Canadian Tire and Adjacent to OUC and King’s Park • 60,000 ft2 Indoors • 110,000 ft2 Outdoors HURRY! These spaces will fill up fast! Call or visit our Website for Full Details.

Apt/Condo for Rent

RE/MAX Front St. Realty Property Management #2 Front St. Penticton, B.C.

1999 Ford F250 super duty, c/c, 7.3 diesel s/b, loaded, auto, 4x4, 199k, 5th wheel mount $11,900 obo 250-546-0994 2003 Dakota, V6, 2wd, ext cab, air, cruise, immaculate, only 96,000 kms, $8,750. 250503-4860.

Apt/Condo for Rent MON. - FRI.

250-492-2233 ASK FOR DEBBIE


Be Àrst to add to the story or read what you neighbour thinks. Be a part of your community paper. Comment online.


Utility Trailers 17ft Fibertech Bow Rider, 45hp Mariner, oil injected, $2300, 1999 Triton Lt quad or sled trailer, 8x10, $1400, Trail Blaze trailer, quads or sleds, 8x10, $1500, (250)493-4934 Universal Trailer. Fold up ramps front and back, removable sides, and boat rack. Hauls everything. $1000. 250490-0852

Boats Winterize Your Boat

t 8JOUFSJ[F ZPVS engine & plumbing t (FM $PBU 'JCFSHMBTT 3FQBJST t 8JOUFS 4ISJOL 8SBQ *OTJEF 0VUTJEF 4UPSBHF "WBJMBCMF t 1JDL VQ %FMJWFSZ For All Your Boat Repair Needs. 250.492.BOAT (250.492.2628)

cell: 250.488.0687

1724 Amherst St., Penticton

Escorts #1 VOTED DAISY DUKE’S ESCORTS Kelowna’s Elite Agency New location coming soon. 250-448-8854 MALE 4 Male Erotic Massage, $95. WinďŹ eld, 9-9 Daily 250766-2048


BRAND new to this. Pretty petit treat. 19. Frisky & fun. Elisha. 250-859-9584


NEW to town. Sassy Cassy. Beautiful busty brunette, 22yrs. Call 250-859-9584 Penticton’s Pussycat 30yr old, very attractive, experienced + skilled. Petite & always discreet. Trained in massage w/table, low winter rates. Excellent service in/out 250462-3510. Let’s play!

132 Power Street – 1 bed apartment, 1st floor, fr/st, incl. util. Avail NOW $700.00 132 Power Street – 2 bed apartment, 1st floor, fr/st, incl. util. Avail NOW $850.00 1049 Churchill Ave. – 2 bed, 2 bath, yard, fr/st, dw, w/d, garage Avail NOW $1200.00 873 Forestbrook Dr. – 2 bed apartment, 3rd floor, fr/st, dw, w/d, secure parking Avail NOW $1300.00


Huth Ave. – 2 bed house, fr/st, w/d, storage shed, carport, fenced yard. Avail NOW $900.00 Nanaimo Ave. W. – 3 bed, 2 bath townhouse, fr/st, w/d, d/w, Avail NOW $1250.00 Gammon Rd. Naramata – 3 bed, 2 bath house, fr/st, garage, 4 acres. Avail NOW $1500.00

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2250 Camrose St., Penticton




Cars - Domestic

Cars - Domestic

Cars - Domestic

Cars - Domestic

Cars - Domestic

Cars - Domestic

Cars - Domestic








2009 Dodge Ram 2500 Quad Cab 4x4

2009 Ford Crown Victoria

2008 Chevrolet Upland LS Ext. Length 7 Passenger Van

2006 Pontiac Vibe Front Wheel Drive

2006 Jeep Liberty Sport 4x4

2006 Chev HHR 4Dr Sedan

6.7L Cummins Diesel, automatic with over $6,000 worth of extra’s including a lift kit, wheel flares, sunroof & too much more to list. This is a truck you have to see! Gray. PO983A

The most reliable car ever built! This white beauty is superb! Only 17,000 kms. Fully loaded & ready to travel. V8 power, yet fuel efficient. Don’t delay! PO963A

3.5LV6 engine, traction control, ABS brakes, onstar, CD player with MP3 & plenty more on this 17500 km van. Brown. PO8127C

Only 42,000kms on this 4 cyl., automatic, loaded with features like alloy wheels, power window/ locks, CD player & more. Red. PO982A.

3.7L V6 engine, automatic transmission. This is a true off road vehicle. Go anywhere! Air conditioned, alloy wheels, electronic stability & plenty more. Khaki. PO940A

2.4L Ecotec 4 cyl, engine, automatic transmission, remote keyless entry, ABS brakes, air conditioned, cruise control, leather, heated seats, alloy wheels, only 59,750 kms! Silver. PO990A









2007 Jeep Compass Limited 4x4

2007 Ford F150 Super Cab Shortbox 2WD

5 passenger, V8, every option possible, sunroof, leather heated seats, tow pkg, onstar, satellite phone, alloy wheels power pedals. Black. 55,300 kms! Wow is right! PO988A

This is a beauty! 2.4L 4 cyl with CVT automatic transmission. Leather, heated seats 6 disc CD, satellite radio, hands free calling, alloy wheels, stone white. PO992A

Want to keep it simple? Look no further. This 68,000 km truck with a 4.6L V8 automatic with air conditioning, tilt cruise control & a tow pkg. Silver. PO954A. Great value at only...









2003 Dodge Dakota Clubcab 4x4

2006 Buick Allure 4Dr Sedan

2006 Cadillac CTS 4Dr Luxury Sport Sedan

This blue beauty comes with a 3.9 L V6 engine, 5 speed manual transmission, air conditioning, alloy wheels, only 84,000 kms!!! It’s a great deal. PO905B

Mid 30’ fuel economy. Power seat, CD player, onstar, keyless entry. PO932A. This car was $14,900 & we are clearing it out at only...

Only 45,200 kms on this car! 2.8L V6 engine. Rear wheel drive with traction control. Leather heated seats, onstar, CD player with MP3, alloy wheels, power sunroof & dual zone climate control. Dark blue. PO920A





Many vehicles to choose from!



2007 Saab 97-X 4 WD Sport Utility





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2007 Chevy Colorado Z71

2006 Pontiac Grand Prix GXP High Performance 303 HP

2006 Saturn ION 2 4Dr Sedan

3.7L 5cyl., automatic. This black beauty has only 33,000kms! Lots of options including locking diff. Fog lights, ABS brakes, CD with MP3, chrome tube steps & more! PO967A

5.3L V8 engine, paddle shift automatic transmission, heads up display, leather, sunroof, side curtain air bags, dual zone climate control. WOW! What a performer! Dark Cherry. PO958A. Blow-out price...

2.2L Ecotec 4 cyl. engine, automatic transmission, power windows & power locks, CD player, remote keyless entry & lots more. Beige. PO941C










2006 Chevrolet Cobalt LT 2007 Chevrolet 1500 EXT 4Dr Sedan Cab 4x4 with LT Trim Level This 2.2L 4cyl. automatic transmission, air conditioning, CD player, cruise control, side airbags, traction control. Only 41,000kms! Silver. PO948A



It comes with a 5.3L Vortec V8 engine, automatic transmission, cloth captain chairs, power seat, CD player, towing package, alloy wheels, boxliner, onstar communications & more. White. PO8124A



2007 Mercedes Benz C230 This 2.6L V6 automatic luxury sedan proves you don’t have to spend a fortune to drive one of the nicest cars on the road. Check it out! Only 41,000kms! Pewter. PO952A




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Steve Kidd/Western News

CULTURE CLASH — Stick in hand and clad in motley regalia, Gerald Morriseau and his buddies from


The Bowen Island Black Sheep took a stroll through the downtown markets recently, gathering crowds every time they stopped to do a little Morris Dancing.

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