TDP Preview 2017

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Apostolic Curriculum The Discipleship Project






Table of Contents About the Curriculum.........................................................................2 ADULT Adult Leader’s Guide..........................................................................5 Adult Personal Discipleship Guide...................................................13 STUDENT Student Leader’s Guide....................................................................17 Student Personal Discipleship Guide...............................................24 ELEMENTARY Early and Late Elementary Leader’s Guide.......................................29 Activity Papers .................................................................................36 TODDLER-KINDERGARTEN Toddler and Kindergarten Leader’s Guide.......................................37 Toddler and Kindergarten Activity Papers .......................................43 Pricing and Details............................................................................45 Additional Resources........................................................................49 Scope and Sequence.......................................................................50


About the Curriculum Teaching was a key ingredient of Jesus’ instructions for the ongoing work of evangelizing and discipling all nations (Matthew 28:19). One of the ways pastors live out their calling is by equipping teachers who serve under their leadership with the skills and resources necessary to help ensure the transformative power of the gospel reaches everyone who attends a local church. Therefore, the selection of resources is critical to this calling. Are your teaching tools… Apostolic? Good curriculum intentionally weaves key doctrines throughout teaching resources and student activities. That’s great when the curriculum is Apostolic. It’s harmful when the materials are not. Avoid doctrinal landmines by using Apostolic curriculum. Systematic? Ongoing teaching is the most effective way to ensure students are grounded in God’s Word. The systematic teaching plan of curriculum helps more thoroughly cover the whole of Scripture rather than leaving the gaps that sometimes occur when there is no overarching scope and sequence. Easy to Use and a Time Saver? Teaching tools that are biblically accurate, infused with creativity, and easy to use enable teachers to focus on spiritual preparation and building relationships with students rather than scrambling to find lesson content each week. Affordable? You get what you pay for. If you do the math and calculate the price of your time, you may be surprised to see that the work of creating your own material or reworking nonApostolic material is staggering. Let Apostolic designers, writers, and editors create solid material you can customize for your unique needs.





• A study of doctrine for the whole church with a variety of topics such as faith, grace, the Oneness of God, stewardship, and much more • Three different month-long series plus a family Sunday released every quarter • Print and digital delivery including video resources and a Children’s Church Guide

Trailer video introducing each monthly series

Kids’ music video for each monthly series

Early Elementary Winter 2016 | Resource Packet




Winter 2016 | Personal Discipleship Guide

Winter 2016 | Leader’s Guide












Membership Has Its Privileges | Brent Randal

Membership Has Its Privileges | Scott Graham

GOD Hard Choices | John Lagas

Membership Has Its Privileges | Scott Graham

© 2015 Pentecostal Publishing House, 8855 Dunn Road, Hazelwood, MO 63042 Our Big God | John Lagas • All rights reserved. Do not reproduce, distribute, or transmit any part of this publication in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without possessing prior documented approval from Pentecostal Publishing House. To request permission, contact Hard Choices | J. Mark Jordan

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Song reinforcing each series’ theme

(Includes versions with and without vocals)

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GOD Hard Choices | J. Mark Jordan

The Omni | Daniel Koren

The Omni | Daniel Koren

6/24/15 9:36 AM

6/24/15 9:37 AM

6/24/15 9:36 AM

Full complement of leader and student resources

(Available in print and digital delivery)



The Discipleship Project


Adult Leader’s Guide

Each quarter includes three different four-week series with logos and a thirteenth Family Sunday lesson.






Lesson 2.2

I Am the Lord That Healeth Thee: Spiritual Healing

The same Big Idea is shared for every lesson across every age level so families can have a unified conversation about the topic.

A series by Chad Flowers

Lesson Big Idea: Because God is our healer, we can experience spiritual healing .


Scripture Focus: I Peter 2:24–25 Tell the story of the palsied man and his four friends on page 52 .


A . Spiritual healing is God’s first, and most important, priority in our lives . » What do you think spiritual healing is? » Why do you think spiritual healing is important? 1 . God’s plan was revealed immediately after the Fall . » Genesis 3:15 2 . The need for spiritual healing was the whole reason for a Messiah . » John 3:16 » Luke 19:10 » Do you feel you are important to God? Why or why not? » Can you share how God’s spiritual healing has helped you? » Exodus 25:8 » Compared to today, what do you think it would have been like seeking spiritual healing in the Old Testament?

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The Discipleship Project


B . His sacrifice at Calvary allows all of us to experience spiritual healing . » » »

Isaiah 53:8 I Peter 2:24 Can you describe how understanding what Christ did at Calvary has changed your life?

» Describe your personal Acts 2:38 experience. 1 . Spiritual healing allows us to fully appreciate the other works of God in our lives . 2 . Spiritual healing is the most important healing that can occur in us . » Mark 6:5–6 » John 3:3 » John 3:5 » How and when did you know you needed to be saved? » I Timothy 2:4 » I John 4:14 » Acts 2:39 » Acts 1:8 » What is the most profound experience you’ve observed of someone else receiving spiritual healing? » I Peter 2:24–25 3 . Spiritual healing challenges our level of commitment to God . » I John 4:19 » How has God’s spiritual healing changed your life?

Each lesson includes an outline format for teachers who prefer to teach from an outline


Tell Jay’s story on page 55 .



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The Leader’s Guide includes full lesson commentary for each week.


Each lesson begins with a story to capture the heart in the Foundation section.


The Frame section provides the major teaching points of the lesson.


Scripture Focus: I Peter 2:24–25 he five Capernaum citizens were distraught as they eyed the house of Peter . It was packed full to overflowing, and the crowd spilled out into the courtyard as local believers were trying to get in . They had received word that Jesus was there, preaching about the kingdom of Heaven . It was vital for these five men to find a way to Jesus, for one of the five was a paralytic and in need of healing . This man was weak and unable to move on his own . He relied on his four friends to carry him wherever he needed to travel . Clearly, there was no way they were going to be able to get the man and his bed inside any of the doorways, much less get anywhere near any of the doors . An idea, crazy as it was, came to one of the friends . He directed their eyes to the flat tiled roof atop the house . One of the friends guided them all to the rooftop, where roof tiles were quickly dismantled and a hole was created big enough to fit the cot with the sick man still lying on it down into the house . The newly created hole and the bed with a sick man being lowered into the room caused quite a distraction . The locals who witnessed this moment and the disciples who felt a responsibility to buffer the unnecessary distractions felt frustration at this disruption . Jesus first looked up to the four friends and was moved by their faith, as they peered down into the room to see what Jesus might do to their friend . He then turned His focus to the man on the bed and with authority declared, “Son, your sins are forgiven you” (Mark 2:5, NKJV) . The unbelievable statement caused the scribes who were present to become cynical, silently accusing Jesus of blasphemy, for they knew only God could forgive sin . To their surprise, Jesus turned to where they were sitting in the room and confronted them . “Why do you reason about these things in your hearts? Which is easier, to say to the paralytic, ‘Your sins are forgiven you,’ or to say, ‘Arise, take up your bed and walk’?” (Mark 2:8–9, NKJV) . Jesus confronted their skepticism and then proved His power in one bold move . Looking at the scoffers He began, “But that you may know that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins”—He said to the paralytic, “I say to you, arise, take up your bed, and go to your house” (Mark 2:10–11, NKJV) . Immediately the man who had suffered paralysis due to his illness stood up, picked up his bed, and walked through the doorway, demonstrating both the saving and healing power of Jesus! That day, Jesus proved His ability to forgive sin . In so doing, He showed that dealing with our eternal destiny was just as powerful as His ability to heal sickness—something only temporal!


f the four different categories of healing discussed in this series, spiritual healing is God’s first, and most important, priority in our lives . We were created to live in relationship with God . Everything was perfect in the Garden of Eden . Evil had not been experienced; everything was new and fresh . God met with Adam and Eve daily . However, in this seemingly perfect scenario, the serpent tempted Eve with what was forbidden . Temptation led to the Fall, which separated man from God . Where fulfillment once reigned, a gaping hole now existed in the hearts of men and women . After God’s pronouncement of judgment on Adam, Eve, and the serpent, they were forced from the Garden to live in a new world . As a result, healing was needed, particularly spiritual healing, so God and man could have relationship again . What do you think spiritual healing is?

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The Discipleship Project


Icons indicate when a PowerPoint slide should be displayed, when a question should be asked and discussed, and when the class should be directed to the Personal Discipleship Guide, such as for fillin-the-blank answers to major lesson points.

Why do you think spiritual healing is important? God’s plan was revealed immediately after the Fall. As God pronounced judgment upon the serpent, He stated, “I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel” (Genesis 3:15, NKJV) . As God’s Word reveals, God’s desire for relationship with humanity is very strong . Only a blood sacrifice could atone for sin; thus, God’s people had to regularly offer animal blood sacrifices under the Old Covenant in order to receive spiritual healing . However, a New Covenant was coming in which God would provide His own sacrifice to atone for sin forever . This provision for spiritual healing was what God prophesied to the serpent in the Garden of Eden . The need for spiritual healing was the whole reason for a Messiah. John 3:16 records, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Begotten Son” (John 3:16, NKJV) . From the moment of Adam and Eve’s departure from the Garden, everything began building to an appointment at Calvary between the Messiah and a cross! Under the Old Covenant, man could only experience spiritual healing by offering an animal sacrifice . But God intended His love to reach further than this . A new way was being provided through which all people could be saved . We know Jesus came “to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10, KJV) . God’s plan to overcome the disobedience of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden reaches to every life today! Do you feel you are important to God? Why or why not? Can you share how God’s spiritual healing has helped you? As has already been stated, spiritual healing is how God bonds with us . At our core we are spiritual beings . We are created in God’s image and “God is a Spirit .” (See John 4:24 .) Though we have recorded accounts of God talking with Noah, Abraham, Jacob, and Moses, one-on-one, we see God’s desire to bond with His people grow to a larger level in the Book of Exodus . God brought the Israelites into the wilderness to establish them as a people dedicated to Him . One of the ways He did this was through instructions given to Moses to “let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them” (Exodus 25:8, KJV) . The Lord not only instructed them how the sanctuary was to be built, but also how they were to interact with the sanctuary . He even gave them specific instructions concerning where each of the twelve tribes were to camp in relation to the Tabernacle . This is the first time we see God making a way to dwell in the midst of His people . Compared to today, what do you think it would have been like seeking spiritual healing in the Old Testament? Throughout the Old Testament, the only people able to experience this type of healing were the Hebrews . Gentiles were unable to experience spiritual healing . However, in the New Testament Jesus brought about a paradigm shift through His teachings and ultimate act of sacrifice as the Messiah . His sacrifice at Calvary allows all of us to experience spiritual healing. In Isaiah 53:8, the Old Testament prophesies of the spiritual healing coming to all of us: “for the Over a thousand years later, Peter wrote of transgressions of My people He was striken” (NKJV) . Jesus, “who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree” (I Peter 2:24, NKJV) . In the next verse, Peter likened all of us to sheep who had wandered astray who have now been wonderfully saved by the Shepherd of our souls .


Can you describe how understanding what Christ did at Calvary has changed your life?


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LESSON BIG IDEA: Because God is our healer, we can experience spiritual healing .

Though under the Old Covenant only the Hebrews were able to receive spiritual healing by bringing a sacrifice, only the tribe of Levi (from which the priests came) could experience the presence of God as they entered the Holy of Holies inside the Tabernacle one time a year . However, after Christ’s death at Calvary, a new way to receive spiritual healing was given . Through the Cross we were given the opportunity for our sins to be completely forgiven . No longer would sin reign in our mortal bodies, but we could be forever free! Before His ascension, Jesus told His followers that they would be “baptized with the Holy Spirit,” which He described as “power .” (See Acts 1:5, 8 .) A few days later, while praying in an upper room, these followers experienced the initial outpouring of His Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues . The promise of comfort and power in spiritual healing was miraculously being made available to both Jews and Gentiles alike . Describe your personal Acts 2:38 experience. Spiritual healing allows us to fully appreciate the other works of God in our lives. When we have received spiritual healing from a life of sin, we learn to appreciate the mercy and grace God shows us on a daily basis . Jesus demonstrated throughout His ministry that spiritual healing took priority over meeting any other needs of people . In the opening narrative of Jesus and the paralytic, Mark records how Jesus first forgave the man’s sin . The man had been brought to Him for physical healing, but Jesus was demonstrating to him and the rest of the crowd that day that His power was more far-reaching than just a physical healing . Instead, He touched the man’s eternal needs first . Peter reminds us in I Peter 2:24 that we receive spiritual healing because Jesus died for us . Spiritual healing is the most important healing that can occur in us. Mark emphasized this in his writings, “Now He could do no mighty work there, except that He laid His hands on a few sick people and healed them . And He marveled because of their unbelief” (Mark 6:5–6, NKJV) . Spiritual healing is more of a mighty work than physical healing . In another instance, Jesus discussed salvation with Nicodemus and stressed, “unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3, NKJV) . Later in the same conversation Jesus repeated the thought, “unless one is born of water Spiritual healing is the only and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God” (John 3:5, NKJV) . healing that will allow an individual to both see and enter the kingdom of God! How and when did you know you needed to be saved? Jesus emphasized the importance and necessity of spiritual healing . Paul described in his letter John wrote “the Father to Timothy that God “desires all men to be saved” (I Timothy 2:4, NKJV) . has sent the Son as Savior of the world” (I John 4:14, NKJV) . Peter preached “For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call” (Acts The apostles understood this . Jesus Himself commanded the gospel to be preached 2:39, NKJV) . “in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth” (Acts 1:8, Centuries of a traditional mind-set from the Old Covenant had claimed only the children of KJV) . Israel were God’s chosen people . But after Jesus came, spiritual healing was made available to all who desired it . What is the most profound experience you’ve observed of someone else receiving spiritual healing?

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The Discipleship Project


Peter gave perhaps the best explanation of spiritual healing: “who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness—by whose stripes you were healed . For you were like sheep going astray, but have now returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls” (I Peter 2:24–25, NKJV) . Once we have received spiritual healing, it challenges our level of commitment to God . These verses of Scripture are not only referring to healing for physical needs, but they are also referring to healing from the bondage of sin through repentance, baptism in the name of Jesus, and the infilling of the Holy Ghost with evidence of speaking in other tongues . Spiritual healing causes us to appreciate the other works He does in our lives . As John writes, “We love Him because He first loved us” (I John 4:19, NKJV) . When we take care of the eternal issues, the temporary issues are easier to overcome through Him .

The Finish section closes the lesson with a compelling story to prepare hearts for a time of prayer.

How has God’s spiritual healing changed your life?



ay was an 18-year-old international student from Inner Mongolia, an autonomous region of Northern China . He had come to Singapore to further his education in college, beyond secondary school (high school) . While still in China, Jay had made contact with one of the local “underground” churches in Inner Mongolia in the town where he had lived . They were able to connect him with the UPCI missionary and church in Singapore once he relocated to attend university . Jay was exceptionally tall and always friendly . He had gotten a small taste of Apostolic teaching and worship, and he was open for more . Within a few weeks of arriving in Singapore, he made contact with the local missionaries and was able to attend Tabernacle of Joy, a thriving church to this day . One of the AIMers who was working with the missionaries in the church at the time befriended Jay and began a Bible study with him . Jay had grown up Buddhist and had very little understanding of God’s Word . Each day after his university classes were complete, Jay would catch the metro transit to the church . Over several weeks he began to learn about the biblical characters, their stories, and why Jesus came into the world . Being from a Chinese background, Jay had a hunger for knowledge and would ask many questions . He was particularly interested in the teachings of Jesus regarding salvation and going to Heaven . Week after week Jay would come to the church after school to learn about the Bible . When the AIMer began to teach Jay about Jesus Christ and how He came to save us from our sins, Jay paid very close attention . He wanted to understand more about the infilling of the Holy Ghost and water baptism . Conversations with the AIMer turned from discussing Scripture to self-examination . Jay was beginning to realize some old habits had to change if he was going to truly live for God . He wrestled with what his parents back home would think . It was a major moment when Jay decided he needed to receive the Holy Ghost and be baptized in Jesus’ name . So Jay began making regular trips to the altar after every service, repenting of sin and learning to seek after God . Time was drawing near for the AIMer to leave, so one week before his departure, he boldly told Jay, “I will see you filled with the Holy Ghost and baptized in Jesus’ name before I leave!” Jay embraced this faith and the next Sunday, as Jay was praying with his youth group, he raised his hands in surrender to God, lifted his head, and began to speak in a language that was neither English nor Chinese Mandarin . Barely able to hold back his tears, he then went to the next room and stepped into the baptistery where the AIMer baptized him in the wonderful name of Jesus! Jay had not come to Singapore seeking spiritual healing, but within two months of his arrival, he found it! (The AIMer in this story was our author, Chad Flowers .)



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Whether you lead a small group or simply would like to use the small group format for your class, each Leader’s Guide lesson contains a one-page Small Group Leader’s Guide. (This Guide is also available digitally for download.)

Lesson 2.2

Small Group Leader’s Guide I Am the Lord That Healeth Thee: Spiritual Healing Opening Question: How and when did you know you needed to be saved?

An icebreaker to get the group talking.

Scripture Focus: : I Peter 2:24–25 Tell the story of the palsied man and his four friends on page 52 .

The biblical foundation for launching into discussion A story to set the stage for the main idea of the session. Ten to fifteen questions the leader may wish to use in facilitating the group discussion. Suggested prayer direction to give the group focus.

Group Discussion: • What do you think spiritual healing is? • Why do you think spiritual healing is important? • Do you feel you are important to God? Why or why not? • Can you describe how understanding what Christ did at Calvary has changed your life? • Describe your personal Acts 2:38 experience . • What does it feel like to be forgiven? • What is the most profound experience you’ve observed of someone else receiving spiritual healing? • How was spiritual healing made available to us? • What does it mean to have the presence of the Lord permeating every part of your life? • How do we access the presence of the Lord? • Why are you thankful for the sacrifice of Calvary? • What are some “works” you know God is doing in your life right now? • Why do you think there are times we do not recognize God at work in our lives? • How can we become more aware of what God is doing in our lives? • What has the Spirit been speaking to you about lately? Prayer Focus Lord, thank You for spiritual healing . I want Your presence to permeate every part of my life . Thank You for Your sacrifice on Calvary . Help me to recognize the work You are doing in my life . Allow Your Spirit to continue working in my life .

To download a Small Group Leader’s Guide and Participant’s Guide, see the instructions on page 2 . Questions marked with are included in the Small Group Participant’s Guide .

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The Discipleship Project


Adult Personal Discipleship Guide

Lesson 2.2

I Am the Lord That Healeth Thee:

Spiritual Healing

A series by Chad Flowers

The Personal Discipleship Guide helps students engage with the lesson and continue to apply the biblical points to their lives throughout the week.

Personal Discipleship Guide Read I Peter 2:24-25. What do you think spiritual healing is?

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Why do you think spiritual healing is important?

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

Reflection questions prompt students to apply the lesson material on a personal level.

God’s plan was _____________________________ immediately after the Fall. Do you feel you are important to God? Why or why not?

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

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Can you share how God’s spiritual healing has helped you?

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Compared to today, what do you think it would have been like seeking spiritual healing in the Old Testament?

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ His sacrifice at ____________________________ allows all of us to experience spiritual healing. Can you describe how understanding what Christ did at Calvary has changed your life?

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Describe your personal Acts 2:38 experience.

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

Devotional guides are provided for adults to dig into the Bible each day of the week and conduct further study.

Prayer Focus

Scripture Focus Reflection

Lord, thank You for spiritual healing.

Lord, I want Your presence to permeate every part of my life.

Isaiah 53:5; I Peter 2:24

II Chronicles 7:1; II Thessalonians 3:16

What is spiritual healing?

Why do you want the presence of the Lord with you?

How was spiritual healing made available to us? How do we receive spiritual healing?

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What does it mean to have the presence of the Lord permeating every part of your life? How do we access the presence of the Lord?

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The Discipleship Project


How and when did you know you needed to be saved?

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ What is the most profound experience you’ve observed of someone else receiving spiritual healing?

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ How has God’s spiritual healing changed your life?

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________


Lord, thank You for Your sacrifice on Calvary.

Lord, help me to recognize the work You are doing in my life.

Lord, allow Your Spirit to continue working in my life.

Galatians 3:13; II Corinthians 5:21

Psalm 138:8; Philippians 1:6

Psalm 143:10; Romans 8:28

Why are you thankful for the sacrifice of Calvary?

What are some “works” you know God is doing in your life right now?

How do we let the Spirit work in our lives?

How was Jesus made a curse for us?

Why do you think there are times we do not recognize God at work in our lives?

What has the Spirit been speaking to you about lately?

How can we become more aware of what God is doing in our lives?

How difficult is it to obey the voice of the Spirit at times?

Why are we able to become righteous?

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The Family Connection equips parents to have a unified conversation as a family. With a summary of the lesson for each age group, discussionquestion prompts, and activity ideas, families have the tools they need to grow in discipleship beyond the walls of the church.

I Am the Lord That Healeth Thee: Spiritual Healing

Series Big Idea: Because God is our Healer, we can experience healing in every part of our lives. Use the conversation starters below to help create spiritual discussions with your family.

Exodus 15:26 Lesson Big Idea: Because God is our healer, we can experience spiritual healing.

Bring It Home: Today we learned that Jesus can heal our spirits, as well as our bodies. The paralyzed man was in need of physical healing, but Jesus chose to heal his spirit first by forgiving his sins. Do the activity on the take-home paper with your child as a reminder that Jesus heals.

Exodus 15:26 Lesson Big Idea: Because God is our healer, we can experience spiritual healing.

Bring It Home: Today in class we read the Bible story from Mark 2:1–12 where four faithful friends carried their paralyzed friend to Jesus to be healed. Before Jesus healed the friend, He first forgave his sins. Jesus was concerned with healing the man spiritually as well as physically. Jesus can also heal us spiritually and forgive our sins.

• Why is spiritual healing important?

This week, your family is encouraged to plan a special dinner night together. During that time discuss what it means to be spiritually healed. Consider the following questions for discussion:

• What are some spiritual “sicknesses” or problems that can affect any person? • How does the healing process begin? • How do you know when you are truly healed spiritually and why is our spiritual health so important to track and guage?

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The Discipleship Project


Student Leader’s Guide

Each quarter includes three different four-week series with logos and a thirteenth Family Sunday lesson.






Features The same Big Idea is shared for every lesson across every age level so families can have a unified conversation about the topic. Simple supplies are used each week and compiled in a list at the beginning of each lesson.


I Am the Lord That Healeth Thee Spiritual Healing

BLUEPRINT SERIES BIG IDEA Because God is our healer, we can experience healing in every part of our lives. LESSON BIG IDEA Because God is our healer, we can experience spiritual healing. LEARNING TARGET To realize that our spiritual health is by far the most important health that we can focus on. KEY SCRIPTURE PASSAGE I Peter 2:24–25 SUPPLIES updated blessings journals from last week

The Foundation section presents a compelling story to begin each lesson by capturing students’ hearts.



he five Capernaum citizens were distraught as they eyed the house of Peter. It was packed full to overflowing, and the crowd spilled out into the courtyard as local believers were trying to get in. They had received word that Jesus

was there, preaching about the kingdom of Heaven. It was vital for these five men to find a way to Jesus, for one of the five was a paralytic and in need of healing. This man was weak and unable to move on his own. He relied on his four friends to carry him wherever he needed to travel. Clearly, there was no way they were going to be able to get the paralytic man and his bed inside any of the doorways, much less get anywhere near any of the doors. An idea, crazy as it was, came to one of the friends. He directed their eyes to the flat tiled roof atop the house. One of the friends guided them all to the rooftop, where roof tiles were quickly dismantled and a hole was created, big enough to fit the cot with the sick man still lying on it down into the house. The newly created hole and the bed with a sick man being lowered into the room caused quite a distraction. The locals who witnessed this moment and the disciples who felt a responsibility to buffer the unnecessary distractions felt frustration at this disruption. Jesus first looked up to the four friends, as they peered down into the room to see what Jesus might do to their friend, and He was moved by their faith. He then turned His focus to the man on the bed and with authority declared, “Son, your sins are forgiven you” (Mark 2:5, NKJV). The unbelievable statement caused the scribes who were present to become cynical, silently accusing Jesus of blasphemy, for they knew only God could forgive sin. To their surprise, Jesus turned to where they were sitting in the room and confronted them. “Why do you reason about these things in your hearts? Which is easier, to say to the paralytic, ‘Your sins are forgiven you,’ or to say, ‘Arise, take up your bed and walk’?” (Mark 2:8–9, NKJV). Jesus confronted their skepticism and

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The Discipleship Project


LESSON BIG IDEA: Accepting Spiritual Healing then proved His power in one bold move. Looking at the scoffers He began, “But that you may know that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins”—He said to the paralytic, “I say to you, arise, take up your bed, and go to your house” (Mark 2:10–11, NKJV). Immediately the man who had suffered paralysis due to his illness stood up, picked up his bed, and walked through the doorway, demonstrating both the saving and healing power of Jesus! That day Jesus proved His ability to forgive sin. In so doing, He showed that dealing with our eternal destiny was just as powerful as His ability to heal sickness—something only temporal!

Opening Discussion

Interactive exercises are split into age-appropriate adaptations for middle school and senior high students.

• What would you have done had you witnessed a healing such as this? • What would you have done had you been the one who was healed?

Middle-School Exercise 1. Follow up on last week’s blessings log and allow students time to share their experiences. 2. Encourage students to pray and thank God for their blessings and miracles.

Senior-High Exercise 1. Follow up on last week’s blessings log and allow students time to share their experiences. 2. Encourage students to pray and thank God for their blessings and miracles.

3. Take requests to pray in class for those needing prayer.

3. Take requests to pray in class for those needing prayer. 4. Share some of your own personal blessings from the last week and help to define “blessings” by showing students that even the smallest of things can be recorded. 5. It is all about perception.

Have one or two of your students share a story of spiritual pain. This may be a difficult subject to discuss for those in your class who bear spiritual scars. Do your best to share personal stories and build trust so students feel comfortable sharing.

FRAME I. Spiritual Healing A. Spiritual healing is God’s first, and most important, priority in our lives. 1. We were created to live in relationship with God. Everything was perfect in the Garden of Eden. Evil had not been experienced; everything was new and fresh.

Instructions help teachers carry out break-out activities to interact with the lesson on a deeper level.

The Frame section provides the main body of the lesson in an easy-tofollow outline format.

2. God met with Adam and Eve daily. However, in this seemingly perfect scenario, the serpent tempted Eve with what was forbidden. Temptation led to the Fall, which separated man from God. Where fulfillment once reigned, now existed a gaping hole in the hearts of men and women. 3. After God’s pronouncement of judgment on Adam, Eve, and the serpent, they were forced from the


Garden to live in a new world. 4. As a result, healing was needed, particularly spiritual healing, so God and man could have relationship



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B. God’s plan was revealed immediately after the Fall. C. Read Genesis 3:15. 1. As God’s Word reveals, God’s desire for relationship with mankind is very strong. 2. Only a blood sacrifice could atone for sin; thus, God’s people had to regularly offer animal blood sacrifices under the Old Covenant in order to receive spiritual healing. However, a New Covenant was coming in which God would provide His own sacrifice to atone for sin forever. 3. This provision for spiritual healing was what God prophesied to the serpent in the Garden of Eden. D. The need for spiritual healing was the whole reason for a Messiah. E. Read John 3:16. 1. From the moment of Adam and Eve’s departure from the Garden, everything began building to an appointment at Calvary between the Messiah and a cross. 2. Under the Old Covenant, man could only experience spiritual healing by offering an animal sacrifice. But God intended His love to reach further than this. F. Read Luke 19:10. G. God’s plan to overcome the disobedience of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden reaches to every life today. 1. As has already been stated, spiritual healing is how God bonds with us. 2. Though we have recorded accounts of God talking with Noah, Abraham, Jacob, and Moses, one-on-one, we see God’s desire to bond with His people grow to a larger level in the Book of Exodus. H. Read Exodus 25:8. 1. God brought the Israelites into the wilderness to establish them as a people dedicated to Him. 2. The Lord not only instructed them how the sanctuary was to be built, but also how they were to interact with the sanctuary. 3. He even gave them specific instructions concerning where each of the twelve tribes were to camp in relation to the Tabernacle. 4. This is the first time we see God making a way to dwell in the midst of His people. Do you feel like you are important to God? Why or why not? Can you share how God’s spiritual healing has helped you? II. His Sacrifice A. His sacrifice at Calvary allows all of us to experience spiritual healing. B. Read Isaiah 53:8. C. Read I Peter 2:24. 1. In the next verse, Peter likens all of us to sheep wandering astray and wonderfully saved by the Shepherd of our souls. 2. Though under the Old Covenant only the Hebrews could receive spiritual healing by bringing a sacrifice, only the tribe of Levi (from which the priests came) could experience the presence of God as they entered the Holy of Holies inside the Tabernacle one time a year. 3. However, after Christ’s death at Calvary, a new way to receive spiritual healing was given. Through the Cross we were given the opportunity for our sins to be completely forgiven. 4. No longer would sin reign in our mortal bodies, but we could be forever free!

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The Discipleship Project


LESSON BIG IDEA: Accepting Spiritual Healing D. Spiritual healing allows us to fully appreciate the other works of God in our lives. 1. When we have received spiritual healing from a life of sin, we learn to appreciate the mercy and grace God shows us daily. 2. Jesus demonstrated throughout His ministry that spiritual healing took priority over meeting any other needs of people. 3. In the opening narrative of Jesus and the paralytic, Mark records how Jesus first forgave the man’s sin. 4. The man had been brought to Him for physical healing, but Jesus was demonstrating to him and the rest of the crowd that His power was more far-reaching than just a physical healing. Instead, He touched the man’s eternal needs first. 5. I Peter 2:24 reminds us that we receive spiritual healing because Jesus died for us. E. Spiritual healing is the most important healing that can occur in us. F. Read Mark 6:5–6. 1. Truly, spiritual healing is more of a mighty work than physical healing. 2. One gives temporary relief, while the other paves the way for eternal salvation and understanding. G. Read John 3:3–5. 1. Spiritual healing is the only healing that will allow an individual to both see and enter the kingdom of God! 2. Jesus emphasized the importance and necessity of spiritual healing. H. Read I Timothy 2:4. I.

Read I John 4:14.

J. Read Acts 2:39. K. Read Acts 1:8. 1. Centuries of a traditional mind-set from the Old Covenant had claimed only the children of Israel were God’s chosen people. 2. But after Jesus came, spiritual healing was made available to all who desired it. L. Read I Peter 2:24–25. 1. Peter gave perhaps the best explanation of spiritual healing: 2. “Who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness—by whose stripes you were healed. For you were like sheep going astray, but have now returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.” M. Spiritual healing challenges our level of commitment to God. 1. These verses of Scripture are not only referring to healing for physical needs, but they are also referring to healing from the bondage of sin through repentance, baptism in the name of Jesus, and the infilling of the Holy Ghost with evidence of speaking in other tongues. 2. Spiritual healing causes us to appreciate the other works He does in our lives. N. Read I John 4:19.

Discussion questions prompt students to personalize lesson information.

Can you describe how understanding what Christ did at Calvary has changed your life? Describe your personal Acts 2:38 experience. This would be an excellent time for a personal testimony. Alternatively, consider asking ahead of time for a volunteer in the class to share his or her story.



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The Finish section provides a closing story to weave together the lesson concept in a way that moves hearts.


ay was an 18-year-old international student from Inner Mongolia, an autonomous region of Northern China. He had come to Singapore to further his education in college, beyond secondary school (high school). While still in China, Jay

had contacted one of the local “underground” churches in Inner Mongolia in the town where he had lived. They connected him with the UPCI missionary and church in Singapore once he relocated to attend university. Jay was exceptionally tall and always friendly. He had gotten a small taste of Apostolic teaching and worship, and he was open for more. Within a few weeks of arriving in Singapore, he contacted the local missionaries and was able to attend Tabernacle of Joy, a thriving church to this day. One of the AIMers who was working with the missionaries in the church at the time befriended Jay and began a Bible study with him. Jay had grown up Buddhist and had very little understanding of God’s Word. Each day after his university classes were complete, Jay would catch the metro transit to the church. Over several weeks he began to learn about the biblical characters, their stories, and why Jesus came into the world. Being from a Chinese background, Jay had a hunger for knowledge and would ask many questions. He was particularly interested in the teachings of Jesus regarding salvation and going to Heaven. Week after week Jay would come to the church after school to learn about the Bible. When the AIMer began to teach Jay about Jesus Christ and how He came to save us from our sins, Jay paid very close attention. He wanted to understand more about the infilling of the Holy Ghost and water baptism. Conversations with the AIMer turned from discussing Scripture to self-examination. Jay was beginning to realize some old habits had to change if he was going to truly live for God. He wrestled with what his parents back home would think. It was a major moment when Jay decided he needed to receive the Holy Ghost and be baptized in Jesus’ name. So Jay began making regular trips to the altar after every service, repenting of sin and learning to seek after God. Time was drawing near for the AIMer to leave, so one week before his departure, he boldly told Jay, “I will see you filled with the Holy Ghost and baptized in Jesus’ name before I leave!” Jay embraced this faith and the next Sunday, as Jay was praying with his youth group, he raised his hands in surrender to God, lifted his head, and began to speak in a language that was neither English nor Chinese Mandarin. Barely able to hold back his tears, he then went to the next room and stepped into the baptistery where the AIMer baptized him in the wonderful name of Jesus! Jay had not come to Singapore seeking spiritual healing, but within two months of his arrival, he found it! (The AIMer in this story was our author, Chad Flowers.)

Discussion Questions: • How and when did you know you needed to be saved? • What is the most profound experience you’ve observed of someone else receiving spiritual healing?

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The Discipleship Project


LESSON BIG IDEA: Accepting Spiritual Healing Middle-School Finish:

Senior-High Finish:

1. Discuss spiritual wounds.

1. Discuss spiritual wounds.

2. Ask students: What does a spiritual wound look like?

2. Ask students: Have you ever seen a spiritual wound?

3. Does it have an outward and visible affect?

3. Have you ever seen someone who is spiritually

4. How can we treat spiritual wounds? 5. How can we heal spiritual wounds completely?

wounded? 4. How could you tell? 5. Do you ever see a spiritually wounded person looking back at you in the mirror? 6. How can you mend spiritual brokenness? 7. How can you heal and change someone who is spiritually wounded?

The Big Picture • God is a God of healing and of grace. • Despite our physical health, our spiritual health is far more important and should be a source of continual introspection and focus.

Final Reflections • Do you feel like you are important to God? Why or why not? • Can you share how God’s spiritual healing has helped you? • Compared to today, what do you think it would have been like seeking spiritual healing in the Old Testament? • How has God’s spiritual healing changed your life? Allow students time to share what they have written.

A Selah section closes every lesson with final prayer directions to guide teachers in a time of prayer with students.


Using the following points, take this time to guide your students in prayer.

• Lord, thank You for spiritual healing. I want Your presence to permeate every part of my life. • Thank You for Your sacrifice on Calvary. Help me to recognize the work You are doing in my life. • Allow Your Spirit to continue working in my life. Allow time for students to update their Personal Discipleship Guide.



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Student Personal Discipleship Guide


The Personal Discipleship Guide helps students engage with the lesson and continue to apply it to their lives throughout the week.

The first page for each week provides the key components of the lesson.



SERIES BIG IDEA Because God is our healer, we can experience healing in every part of our lives. LESSON BIG IDEA Because God is our healer, we can experience spiritual healing. LESSON LEARNING TARGET To realize that our spiritual health is by far the most important health that we can focus on. KEY SCRIPTURE PASSAGE I Peter 2:24–25





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The Discipleship Project


Core Points from Today's Lesson

To help grasp and retain teaching concepts, students fill out the missing key words of main lesson points.

1. God’s plan was ____________________ immediately after the Fall. 2. The need for ____________________ _________________ was the whole reason for the Messiah. 3. His sacrifice at ______________________ allows all of us to experience spiritual healing. 4. Spiritual healing challenges our level of _________________________ to God.

Final Thought Last week we discussed the importance of faith concerning our physical health. Yet, when we truly consider the things of God, it becomes clear that our spiritual health is much more valuable than anything physical could ever be. When we consider our spiritual health, it is no longer a question of livelihood but rather an understanding that if we are wounded spiritually, it seeks to threaten our eternity. If we are hurt, we must attend to it quickly with all faith and prayer that God would help to heal and change us so we might find hope in our eternal salvation.

Final Reflections from the Lesson

Reflection questions prompt students to grapple with the concepts of the lesson and apply them on a personal level.

Do you feel like you are important to God? Why or why not? _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Can you share how God’s spiritual healing has helped you? _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Compared to today, what do you think it would have been like seeking spiritual healing in the Old Testament? _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ How has God’s spiritual healing changed your life?







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Next Week's Big Idea: Because God is our healer, we can experience emotional healing.

Journaling prompts direct students to a deeper level of reflection on the lesson concept.

Spiritual Growth Have you ever been emotionally hurt or damaged? How have you learned to cope with this? _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

A Family Connection prepares students for the activities they will participate in as a family during the week.

This week your family is encouraged to plan a special dinner night together. During that time discuss what it means to be spiritually healed. Consider the following questions for discussion: » What are some spiritual “sicknesses” or problems that can inflict any person? » How does the healing process begin? » How do you know when you are truly healed spiritually, and why is our spiritual health so important to track and gauge?

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The Discipleship Project


Final reflections help students analyze how they are applying doctrine comprehensively to every area of their lives.


Have I ever been spiritually wounded and how did I cope with it?


What is the first step in changing my situation and spiritual health?


Do I truly believe God can heal and change me? Why?


How can my healing serve as a road map for others’ spiritual health?



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The Discipleship Project


Early and Late Elementary Leader’s Guide

Each quarter includes three different fourweek series with logos and a thirteenth Family Sunday lesson. Lessons are created by children’s ministry workers and correspond with what the adults and students are studying as well.





Lesson 2.2

I Am the Lord That Healeth Thee:


Because God is our healer, we can experience healing in every part of our lives .

SERIES MEMORY PASSAGE “And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the Lord that healeth thee” (Exodus 15:26) .

LESSON BIG IDEA Because God is our healer, we can experience spiritual healing .

Each lesson begins with a supply list to help teachers see at a glance what items will be needed for each area of the lesson.

STUDENTS WILL verbalize the importance of spiritual healing .

Early Elementary (Grades 1-3) TOOL BOX

FOUNDATION • PowerPoint 2 .2 • Surgeon attire (white doctor’s coat, rubber gloves, mask), table, white tablecloth, 2 white sheets, 10 pieces of charcoal, toy saw • Pancake syrup, wipes FRAME • Series 2 memory verse poster (trp) • Music or series song, “Be Free” , paper clips in 4 different colors • Memory verse puzzle (trp), scissors • Visual: Four Friends (trp) , bed sheet or blanket FINISH • Activity papers, crayons • Whiteboard, sticky notes (1 per student), pencils, music SELAH • Series song and lyrics: “Be Free” • Masking tape, sticky notes (1 per student), pencils • Band-Aids, markers

Late Elementary (Grades 4-6) TOOL BOX

FOUNDATION • PowerPoint 2 .2 • Surgeon attire (white doctor’s coat, rubber gloves, mask), table, white tablecloth, 2 white sheets, 10 pieces of charcoal, toy saw • Poison label (trp), large jar, tape, markers, index cards (1 per student) FRAME • Series 2 memory verse poster (trp) • Construction paper, masking tape, markers, small rock • Reflection journals, pencils • Visual: Four Friends (trp) , bed sheet or blanket FINISH • Activity papers, pencils • Obstacles or cones, beach towel or blanket SELAH • Series song and lyrics: “Be Free” • Band-Aids, markers

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The Discipleship Project



Early Elementary (1-3)

To introduce the topic, each lesson begins with a Foundation section consisting of various activities that appeal to multiple learning styles.

Late Elementary (4-6)

Spiritual Surgery Prior to Class Invite an adult or choose a volunteer to be your patient . Cover a table with a white tablecloth . Dress like a surgeon, using a white doctor’s coat, rubber gloves, and a mask . Use ten pieces of charcoal to represent sins . Guided Practice Patient enters, complaining loudly of pain . Patient lies on table . (Cover him with two sheets. Hide the pieces of coal between the sheets.) Explain that you’re getting ready to perform surgery . Tell students the patient looked healthy this morning, but he has been complaining about pain in his heart . (Pretend to give the patient a sedative. Patient closes his eyes. Use a toy saw for a mock incision. Act like you’re taking the coal (one piece) out of his heart as you talk to the class.) Talk about various sins the patient has committed as you remove the charcoal, one piece at a time . Encourage class interaction in listing and explaining sins . Explain that the patient needs spiritual healing and forgiveness . Example: “Wow! Johnny is having serious problems with ________” (lying, cheating, disobeying, jealousy, anger, and so on) . (After all “sins” are removed, patient jumps off of the table and leaps around the room, because he is spiritually healed.) Explain that the surgery was a success; students applaud! • How do we know if we have sin in our heart? Today’s Bible lesson discusses a spiritual healing when a man receives forgiveness from Jesus .

A BigXxxxx Mess!

The Poison of Sin

Pour a small amount of pancake syrup in each child’s hand . Discuss how the syrup feels and tastes . Discuss how sin is sticky and messy like the syrup . If we ate or drank syrup every day, we would become sick . Sin makes us spiritually sick, and we need Jesus to heal us . Give students wipes to clean their hands . • Why is sin messy?

Prior to Class Tape the POISON label (trp) to a large jar . Guided Practice Give each student an index card and a marker . Students write a sin on the card and place it in the poison jar . Explain why sins are deadly poison . People who sin are spiritually ill and need healing . Jesus gives us this spiritual healing . • Discuss the importance of spiritual healing. • Why do we need forgiveness of sins to be healed spiritually? • Why is the only cure for sin the healing power of Jesus?

The Leader’s Guide includes material appropriate for early elementary students (first through third grades) and material more fitting for late elementary students (fourth through sixth grades). A teacher can easily review each option and pick the material that is most appropriate for the class based on their Bible knowledge and maturity levels.



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The Frame section includes memory verse activities to help students hide the Word of God in their hearts.


Early Elementary (1-3)

Late Elementary (4-6)

Memory Verse “And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the Lord that healeth thee” (Exodus 15:26) .

Paperclip Xxxxx Verse Display the verse (trp) . Give each student a colored paper clip . Play music or the series song, “Be Free” , as students mingle . Stop the music . Students find classmates with the same color paper clip and stand together . Name a color . The group with that color says the verse . Play until all have recited the verse . • What does “give ear to his commandments” mean? • What are God’s “statutes” or laws? • Why should we keep God’s commandments?

Memory Verse Puzzle Prior to Class Make copies of the Memory Verse Puzzle (trp) so each pair of students will have one . Cut them apart . Guided Practice Display the verse (trp) . Have students divide into groups of two . Give each group a Memory Verse Puzzle (trp) to put together . Each time a pair puts their puzzle together, they should read the verse out loud . • What promise does God give to us in this verse? • What does God require of us, according to this verse?

Memory Verse Hopscotch Display the verse (trp) . Write six words of the memory verse at a time on pieces of construction paper . Tape them to the floor in correct order of the verse alternating in a pattern (one paper, two papers side by side) resembling a hopscotch board . Play a game of Hopscotch . A student tosses a rock and reads the Bible verse on the papers up to and including the paper the rock is on . • What does “do that which is right in his sight” mean? • Why should we listen to and obey God’s commandments?

Reflection Journal Display the verse (trp) . Hand out reflection journals and pencils . Students write the words “I am the Lord that healeth thee” at the top of the page and draw pictures of their friends on their papers . Students draw stars next to friends who need spiritual healing or salvation .

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The Discipleship Project


Early Elementary (1-3)

The Bible lesson begins with a question that prompts students to access their prior knowledge or life experiences. By doing so, students prepare their minds to engage with the Bible lesson and apply it to their present-day life scenarios.

Late Elementary (4-6)

Bible Lesson: Spiritual Healing for a Friend (Mark 2:1–12) • What are character traits of a good friend? Choose six student actors: Jesus, four friends, and paralyzed man. Use a sheet or blanket for the paralyzed man to lie on. One day in the city of Capernaum, four friends heard exciting news—Jesus had come to town! The town buzzed with talk about the miracles Jesus had performed . (Instruct students to turn and whisper to a friend about a miracle Jesus performed.) The friends had a paralyzed friend who desperately needed a miracle . One big problem . He couldn’t walk, so they would have to come up with a plan to get their friend to where Jesus was . Suddenly one of them had a great idea! They would carry their paralyzed friend, in his bed, to Jesus . The four friends went to their paralyzed friend’s house . They knocked on his door and entered his house . (Actors act this out.) They told their friend about Jesus and shared their great idea . Maybe the paralyzed man felt like this was his only chance to be healed, so he agreed . Out the door they went, carrying their paralyzed friend to the house where Jesus was teaching . (Four friends hold corners of the sheet as the paralyzed actor lies in sheet. Actors carry their friend around the room.) They finally arrived at the house . (Gently set him down.) Much to their dismay, there were so many people they couldn’t get close to the door, much less to where Jesus was . This little roadblock didn’t stop them . They were determined to get their friend to Jesus! They had another brilliant idea! They climbed onto the roof carrying their friend . He watched with hope as his four friends tore open the roof off of the house . (Actors act like they are tearing off a roof.) Once they made a hole big enough, they lowered their friend’s bed down right in front of where Jesus sat . (Show the Four Friends visual) (trp) .

As the man was let down through the roof, Jesus saw their faith . He immediately declared to the paralyzed man, “Son, thy sins be forgiven thee .” What?! The friends probably scratched their heads in confusion because Jesus looked right past their friend’s physical illness and addressed his spiritual need . Jesus forgave his sins, but he was still paralyzed! Jesus saw the greatest need . He saw the sins in the man’s heart and knew he needed forgiveness . Some people in the crowd became very angry when they heard Jesus tell the paralyzed man that his sins were forgiven . In their hearts they accused Jesus of blasphemy . They thought He was trying to make himself God . After all, only God can forgive sins . Jesus knew what they were thinking . He asked if it was easier to forgive sins or to physically heal the man . Jesus wanted them to know He had the power to give spiritual healing as well as physical healing . Jesus turned to the paralyzed man and told him to get up out of his bed and go home . And he did! He was immediately healed! He was no longer paralyzed and received two healings that day! Some of us are just like that paralyzed man . We may be in need of physical healing, but we also need spiritual healing . Jesus wants us to experience spiritual healing first . After all, we could get into Heaven being sick, but we cannot get into Heaven with sin . Jesus died for our sins so we could receive forgiveness and healing for our souls .

At the end of each Bible lesson, discussion questions help the teacher gauge students’ reactions, clarify teaching points, and challenge students to apply the Bible teaching to their personal lives.

Discussion Questions: • Why did the four friends bring their friend to Jesus? • Why do you think Jesus addressed the paralyzed man’s spiritual need first? • How did Jesus spiritually heal the paralyzed man? Why is spiritual healing important? How can we be healed spiritually?



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The Finish section provides instructions for using the Activity Paper and closing activities to reinforce the lesson.

F inish

Early Elementary (1-3) Activity Paper: Forgiven! Xxxx

Ask Xxxxx the students to color the picture of Jesus forgiving and healing the sick man . After coloring the picture, have them draw a picture of themselves at a time they needed healing by Jesus .

Forgiveness Tag Play a variation of Freeze Tag . Before playing, give each student a sticky note and pencil . Ask students to write down sins on their notes and post the notes on a whiteboard . Play worship music as students skip around the room . Designate one student to be Jesus and another student to represent sin . Students tagged by sin will stop and freeze . The student playing Jesus will tag the students who are frozen, tell them they are forgiven, and they are back in the game . Discuss the sins posted on the whiteboard . • Why do we need spiritual healing? • Have you received God’s spiritual healing?

Late Elementary (4-6)

Activity Paper: Healing from A to Z For each letter of the alphabet, ask students to write a word that describes injury, sickness, or healing . Let students work in groups, or when students are done, share these as a class .

I’ll Carry You Prior to Class Prepare an obstacle course . Guided Practice Lay a large beach towel down . One student will lay on the towel . Four students should stand around the towel and each grab a corner . Students will carry their friend through the obstacle course . Discuss how in the Bible story the men had to carry their friend a long way . • Why is it important to be healed spiritually? • Have you received God’s spiritual healing and forgiveness of sins? Share your testimony of your own spiritual healing.

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The Discipleship Project


The Selah section closes the lesson by guiding the teacher in intentionally pursuing a move of the Spirit in a time of prayer. content text


Early Elementary (1-3)

Late Elementary (4-6)

Family Connection Review the instructions for page two of the activity paper . Discuss prayer by laying on hands in Jesus’ name . Give students a chance to discuss how they will carry out this assignment .

Prayer Wall The friends brought the man to Jesus because he was paralyzed, but he also needed a spiritual healing . Instruct students to think of someone in their life (maybe themselves) who needs a spiritual healing . Students write the name of each person with a marker on a Band-Aid and stick it to a “Prayer Wall .” In class, pray for the people in need . Encourage students to continue to pray for them throughout the week . • How does Jesus heal us spiritually? • How can we help others find spiritual healing?

At the Xxxxx Cross

Sea of Forgetfulness

Prior to Class Use masking tape to create the outline of a cross on the floor . Guided Practice Explain that without Jesus’ sacrifice, we would not have healing . Hand out sticky notes and pencils . Students write specific prayer requests for their friends on the sticky notes . Have them stick the notes inside the cross and pray over the needs . • How does God give us spiritual healing? • Why does God forgive our sins? • Why is Jesus’ death on the cross important? • Why is spiritual healing important

“He will turn again, he will have compassion upon us; he will subdue our iniquities; and thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea” (Micah 7:19) . Students read the Scripture passage . Compare the Scripture to today’s lesson . When Jesus gives us a spiritual healing, He doesn’t hold our past sins against us . • When we receive spiritual healing and forgiveness, what happens to our sins? • Why shouldn’t we dwell on past sins and mistakes? • Can we receive spiritual healing more than once in our lives? Why or why not?



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Late Elementary

Spiritual Healing Series Memory Passage: “And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the Lord that healeth thee” (Exodus 15:26).

Spiritual Healing


Early Elementary

Series Memory Verse: “And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord thy

God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the Lord that healeth thee” (Exodus 15:26).


Late Elementary

Healing from A to Z

For each letter of the alphabet, write a word that describes injury, sickness, or healing.

Draw a picture of yourself at a time you needed healing.

y _________________ d ________________ ________ _ a ____________ h ____________ j _____________ o __________ m ________ ___ __________ _ r _________________ u __ ___ __ ___ ____________ ___ v _____________ ___ w i __ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ f ____________ g __ ___ ___ ___ n ______ ___ ______ _ q ______ b __ ______ ___ _ e __ _ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ x ______ _ ______ ____ _ ___


___ z __



c _____________

Jesus forgives us and gives us spiritual healing.

Jesus gives us spiritual healing! 3211721 Fall17 EEAP.indd 13

The Family Connection on the back page directs parents on how to follow up on the lesson with their children.

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Family> —— < — Connection


l ______________

p ____________




t __

s ___



On the front page, separate activities are provided for early and late elementary students that are age-appropriate for students’ learning levels.


Color the picture of Jesus forgiving and healing the sick man.


Activity Papers reinforce the lesson and offer a way for parents to interact with children during the week.

Early Elementary

k ______

Elementary Activity Papers

Today we learned that Jesus can heal our spirits as well as our bodies. The paralyzed man was in need of physical healing, but Jesus chose to heal his spirit first by forgiving his sins. Jesus can take care of any need we have. Pray together as a family for your needs.

Healed by Jesus

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Family> —— < — Connection

Today we learned that Jesus can heal our spirits as well as our bodies. The paralyzed man was in need of physical healing, but Jesus chose to heal his spirit first by forgiving his sins. Jesus can take care of any need we have. Pray together as a family for your needs.

Healed by Jesus

Help the four faithful friends find the way to the house where Jesus is teaching, so their friend can receive his physical healing.

Help the four faithful friends find the way to the house where Jesus is teaching, so their friend can receive his physical healing.

Early Elementary Fall 2017 | Activity Paper




I Am the Lord That Healeth Thee: Physical Healing 3211721 Fall17 EEAP.indd 14

I Am the Lord That Healeth Thee | Chad Casey

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Lesson Big Idea: Because God is our healer, we can experience spiritual healing.

The Imitation of Christ | Brent Randall

This Is Not as Good as It Gets | Jana Ellingsworth

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I Am the Lord That Healeth Thee: Physical Healing

Series Title: Omni: God Is Omniscient Lesson Big Idea: Since God knows everything, He knows all about us. Lesson Big Idea: Because God is our healer, we can experience spiritual healing.

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The Discipleship Project


Toddler and Kindergarten Leader’s Guide

Each quarter includes three different fourweek series with logos and a thirteenth Family Sunday lesson. Lessons are created by children’s ministry workers and correspond with what the adults and students are studying as well.





Lesson 2.2

I Am the Lord That Healeth Thee:

Spiritual Healing BLUEPRINT SERIES BIG IDEA Because God is our healer, we can experience healing in every part of our lives .

LESSON BIG IDEA Because God is our healer, we can experience spiritual healing .

BIBLE WORDS Jesus heals .


SERIES MEMORY VERSE “I am the Lord who heals you” (Exodus 15:26, NKJV) . STUDENTS WILL state that Jesus heals our spirits .

Each lesson begins with a supply list to help teachers see at a glance what items will be needed for each area of the lesson.

TOOLBOX FOUNDATION • Academic Letter H (trp) • Red posterboard, scissors, tape • Broken heart template (trp) , red paper, scissors, Band-Aids FRAME • Series 2 memory verse poster (trp) • Blindfold, Band-Aids • Cardboard box, paper or cardboard strips, craft sticks, tape, string, small doll or action figure • Visual: Four Friends (trp) FINISH • Plates, fruit rolls, pretzel sticks, Teddy Grahams • Cardboard box, paper or cardboard strips, craft sticks, tape, string, small doll or action figure • Book: Jesus Heals the Sick by Zondervan or Down through the Roof by Jeffrey Burkart • Activity paper, crayons SELAH • Series song and video: “Be Free”


SERIES MEMORY VERSE “I will put none of these diseases upon thee, . . . for I am the Lord that healeth thee” (Exodus 15:26) .

STUDENTS WILL explain that Jesus gives spiritual healing . TOOLBOX FOUNDATION • Academic Letter H (trp) • Cookies, mallet, Ziploc bag, napkins • Broken heart template (trp) , red paper, scissors, Band-Aids FRAME • Series 2 memory verse poster (trp) • Series 2 memory verse rebus (trp) • Large towel or blanket (1 per team) • Cardboard box, paper or cardboard strips, craft sticks, tape, string, small doll or action figure • Visual: Four Friends (trp) FINISH • Plates, fruit rolls, pretzel sticks, Teddy Grahams • Activity paper, crayons, yarn, glue SELAH • Series song and video: “Be Free”

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The Discipleship Project


To introduce the topic, each lesson begins with a Foundation section consisting of various activities that appeal to multiple learning styles.

Foundation Toddler



Academic Connection heal•er one with the power to cure

Show the letter H poster (trp) . Review the sound H makes and what the word healer means . Ask if any students remember the sign language for healer and allow them to demonstrate . • What had the doctors been able to do for the woman who was sick? • What happened when she touched Jesus’ clothes? Tell students they should tap their head each time they hear you say the word healer . We will be learning Jesus is the healer of not just our outside bodies, but of our spirits inside as well .

Broken Heart Object Lesson

Broken Cookie Object Lesson

Prior to Class Make a red posterboard heart . Cut it in half . • Have you ever felt sad? People call it brokenhearted when they are sad for a long time . Show the two pieces of the broken heart . Tell students you wish there was a way to put it back together . • Do you know of a way to put it back together? Turn the heart over and carefully tape the back together to reassemble it . Hold it up for everyone to see . Lead a discussion on how Jesus is our healer and when He puts a heart back together, it is as good as new!

Discuss what it means to be brokenhearted . • Have any of you have ever felt brokenhearted or had your feelings hurt? Lead a discussion about how God can heal all broken hearts . Show a cookie in a Ziploc bag . Demonstrate how easily words can break a person’s heart by smashing the cookie with a mallet . Show the crumbs that remain . While we can’t put the cookie back together, Jesus is our healer and He can heal a broken heart . Pull out an unbroken cookie . Jesus can make us better than new! If you tell Jesus about your broken heart and ask Him to heal you, He will do it . Share the remaining cookies with the class .

The Leader’s Guide includes material appropriate for toddlers (two and three years old) and material more fitting for kindergarten students (four and five years old). A teacher can easily review each content option and pick the material that is most appropriate for the class based on their Bible knowledge and maturity levels.

Mending a Broken Heart Prior to Class Copy the broken heart template (trp) heart is in two pieces .

on red paper for each student . Cut the hearts out so that each

Guided Practice Show the hearts to students and demonstrate using Band-Aids to mend the broken heart . Give each student two halves of a broken heart and some Band-Aids . Have students use the Band-Aids to put their hearts back together . Discuss how all we can do is bandage the heart to keep it together, but Jesus makes hearts as good as new .



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The Frame section includes memory verse activities to help students hide the Word of God in their hearts.



Series Memory Verse “I am the Lord who heals you” (Exodus 15:26, NKJV) .


Series Memory Verse “I will put none of these diseases upon thee, . . . for I am the Lord that healeth thee” (Exodus 15:26) .

Sick Man Healed Show the memory verse poster (trp) and review the verse . Demonstrate lying down on the ground as if you are sick . Have another teacher quote the memory verse and help you up . Pair up students . Have one student lie down and pretend to be sick . The other student says the memory verse (with assistance as needed) and then helps the “sick child” to get up . The pair should then switch parts and repeat .

Pin the Band-Aid on a Friend Have students form a circle . Tell them they cannot move . Choose one student to be “it .” Place a blindfold over that student’s eyes (or have the student close her eyes if she is hesitant to put it on). Give her an opened Band-Aid with the tabs taken off . Allow the blindfolded student to try sticking the Band-Aid on another child in the room . Have the other children be very quiet so the blindfolded child won’t know who she is putting the Band-Aid on . After she sticks the Band-Aid on another student, the two students say the memory verse together . Continue until everyone has had a chance to say the verse . Emphasize that Jesus is our healer .

The Bible lesson begins with a question that prompts students to access their prior knowledge or life experiences. By doing so, students prepare their minds to engage with the Bible lesson.

Carry Me To Jesus Divide the class into two or three teams, depending on class size . Explain that the Bible tells us about some men who brought their friend to Jesus for healing . Have each team gather around a large towel or blanket . Choose someone who is able to say the memory verse to sit on the towel/blanket . Show the rest of the team how to drag the friend carefully across the room . Give each group an opportunity to say the memory verse and drag their “sick friend” across the room . If time permits, repeat until everyone has had a chance to be the “sick friend .” Reinforce that the men were bringing their sick friend to Jesus because He is our healer .

Bible Lesson: Healed and Forgiven (Mark 2:1–12) Prepare a cardboard box with a hole in the top. Cover the top with strips of paper or cardboard you can easily remove. You will also need a miniature stretcher made of cardboard or craft sticks with string taped to the bottom of each corner so it can be lowered into the box. Place a small doll or action figure on the stretcher. • Have you ever been to a place that was so crowded you could barely move? One day in the city of Capernaum, four friends heard that Jesus had come to town . They heard of many miracles of healing Jesus had done, and they thought about their friend who was paralyzed . Because he couldn’t walk, they would have to come up with a plan to get their friend to Jesus . One of them had a great idea: the four of them would carry

their paralyzed friend on his bed to where Jesus was teaching . The four friends went to their paralyzed friend’s house . They told him all about Jesus . Then they told him about their plan . Soon they were carrying their friend to the house where Jesus was . But when they got to the house, there were so many people they couldn’t even get close to the door, much less get inside to where Jesus was . Show Four Friends visual (trp). This didn’t stop the four friends . They were determined to get their friend to Jesus . They climbed up onto the roof bringing their friend with them . He was still lying on his bed as his four friends began tearing the roof off of the house . Once they made a hole big enough,

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The Discipleship Project




they began lowering their friend’s bed down right in front of Jesus . (Demonstrate with prepared box and stretcher.) Jesus loved their faith . He immediately said to the sick man, “Son, thy sins be forgiven thee .” Wow! Jesus looked right past his sickness and took care of his heart . After all, he could get into Heaven paralyzed, but he could not get into Heaven with sin . Some people watching became very angry when they heard Jesus tell the paralyzed man that his sins were forgiven . Only God can forgive sins! These people were offended that Jesus did what only God could do . They didn’t realize who Jesus was . Jesus knew what they were thinking . He asked them, “Is it easier to forgive sins or to heal?” Then Jesus said, “So that you may know that the Son of Man hath power on earth to forgive sins,” and then

He turned to the paralyzed man and told him to get up out of his bed and go home . And he did! He was immediately healed! He was no longer paralyzed!

At the end of each Bible lesson, Kindergarten discussion questions help the teacher gauge older students’ reactions, clarify teaching points, and challenge students to apply the Bible teaching to their personal lives.

Kindergarten Discussion Questions: • What did the four friends do when they heard Jesus was in town? • What happened when they got to the place where Jesus was teaching? • How did they get their friend to Jesus? • What happened to the sick man once he was with Jesus? What does it mean to be forgiven? What do you think would have happened to the sick man if his friends had given up when they couldn’t get in the house?

F inish

The Finish section provides instructions for using the Activity Paper and closing activities to reinforce the lesson.

This section contains a variety of activities . Children learn during playtime . Feel free to do all of the activities or choose a few that will work best with your students .

Edible Bed Prior to Class Make an edible sample bed using pretzel sticks, a fruit roll, and a Teddy Graham . Unroll the fruit roll and then wrap the edges around the pretzel sticks to create a bed on a frame . Then place the Teddy Graham on the bed like the man in the Bible lesson . Guided Practice Give each student a plate with a few pretzel sticks, a fruit roll, and a Teddy Graham . Allow students time to make the edible bed (assist as needed), and then they may eat their snack .

Activity Paper: Jesus Heals and Forgives Ask the students to trace the dotted lines to show the ropes on the sick man’s bed . Then they will color the picture .

Activity Paper: Jesus Heals and Forgives Ask the students to color the picture . The students will glue yarn on the dotted lines to show the ropes on the sick man’s bed .



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Toddler Toddlers learn best through play. Each lesson provides instructions to have a time of music and motion, drama and roleplay, and other sensory activities.


Music and Motion Sing and do the motions for the song “I’ve Got the Joy .” I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy, (circular motions with hands at chest level) Down in my heart, (point thumbs to your heart) Where? (palms up and shoulders hunched) Down in my heart, (point thumbs to your heart) Where? (palms up and shoulders hunched)

Down in my heart, (point thumbs to your heart) I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy, (circular motion with hands at chest level) Down in my heart, (point thumbs to your heart) Where? (palms up and shoulders hunched) Down in my heart to stay. (point thumbs to your heart and then push palms in a downward motion)

Drama and Role-Play Allow students to use the lesson props and re-enact the lesson . Let students take turns lowering the friend down through the roof .

Book Time Read a book about the miracles of Jesus, such as Jesus Heals the Sick by Zondervan or Down through the Roof by Jeffrey Burkart .

The Selah section closes the lesson by guiding the teacher in intentionally pursuing a move of the Spirit in a time of prayer.

Selah Worship Time Play the series song

, “Be Free .” Option: Show the “Be Free” music video

Prayer Lead students in a prayer . “Thank You, Jesus, for healing our bodies and our hearts . Thank You for dying for our sins and forgiving us . Thank You for being the healer of our souls . In Jesus’ name we pray . Amen .”


Prayer Lead students in a prayer . “Thank You, Jesus, for healing all our sicknesses and our hearts . Thank You for dying for our sins and forgiving us . Thank You for being the healer of our souls . In Jesus’ name we pray . Amen .”

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The Discipleship Project




Spiritual Healing

Spiritual Healing

Series Memory Verse: “I am the Lord who heals you” (Exodus 15:26, NKJV). Bible Words: Jesus heals.

2.2 Toddler

Jesus Heals and Forgives

Series Memory Verse: “I will put none of these diseases upon thee, . . . for I am the Lord that healeth thee” (Exodus 15:26).

Bible Words: Jesus heals.


Color the picture. Then glue yarn on the dotted lines to show the ropes on the sick man’s bed.



I am thankful Jesus heals and forgives! 3011721 Fall17 TAP.indd 13

I am thankful Jesus heals and forgives! 5/19/17 3:03 PM



Jesus Heals and Forgives

Trace the dotted lines to show the ropes on the sick man’s bed. Then color the picture.

Family> —— < —

Toddler and Kindergarten Activity Papers

Today we learned that Jesus can heal our spirits as well as our bodies. The paralyzed man was in need of physical healing, but Jesus chose to heal his spirit first by forgiving his sins. Jesus can take care of any need we have. Pray together as a family for your needs.

God Is Our Healer!

3111621 Fall17 KAP.indd 13

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Family> —— < — Connection

Activity Papers reinforce the lesson and offer a way for parents to interact with children during the week. On the front page, separate activities are provided for toddler and kindergarten students that are age-appropriate for students’ learning levels. The Family Connection on the back page directs parents on how to follow up on the lesson with their children.

Today we learned that Jesus can heal our spirits as well as our bodies. The paralyzed man was in need of physical healing, but Jesus chose to heal his spirit first by forgiving his sins. Jesus can take care of any need we have. Pray together as a family for your needs.

God Is Our Healer!

Color the images. Discuss how Jesus can heal us in every way.

Color the images. Discuss how Jesus can heal us in every way.

Toddler Fall 2017 | Activity Paper




I Am the Lord That Healeth Thee: Spiritual Healing


Lesson Big Idea: Because God is our healer, we can experience spiritual healing.




I Am the Lord That Healeth Thee: Spiritual Healing


Series Title: Omni: God Is Omniscient Lesson Big Idea: Since God knows everything, He knows all about us. Lesson Big Idea: Because God is our healer, we can experience spiritual healing.

The Imitation of Christ | Brent Randall


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3111621 Fall17 KAP.indd 14

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I Am the Lord That Healeth Thee | Chad Casey

This Is Not as Good as It Gets | Jana Ellingsworth

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Pricing and Details Children’s Starter Kit



$199 per quarter

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3:00 PM

3:03 PM

+ Each starter kit contains resources for the following age levels: • Toddler (Ages 2-3) • Early Elementary (Grades 1-3)

• Kindergarten (Ages 4-5) • Late Elementary (Grades 4-6)

Included in each level of the Children’s Starter Kit: ry menta Late Ele Resource Packet Fall 2016 | Kindergarten


Early & Late Elementary


Fall 2016 | Leader’s Guide



Fall 2016 | Resource Packet





Eleme T PROJEC Early Fall 2016 | Resource Packet PROJECT Toddler Fall 2017 | Activity Paper



Last Things

orth | Jana Ellingsw

Last Things | Jana Ellingsworth

Last Things | Jana Ellingsworth

Last Things | Jana Ellingsworth Faith Faith | Sharon Krnavek

Life in the

Randall Spirit | Brent

| Sharon Krnavek Life in the Spirit | Brent Randall

The Imitation of Christ | Brent Randall

Randall Life in the Spirit | Brent

Life in the Spirit | Brent Randall

Faith | Sharon Krnavek

Faith | Sharon Krnavek I Am the Lord That Healeth Thee

| Chad Casey

This Is Not as Good as It Gets

| Jana Ellingsworth

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3:03 PM

• Children’s Church Guide




Student Starter Kit


$79 per quarter

t Studen Stude Stunt dent SStu tuddeenntt Stud ent

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ip Guide




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Geared for ages 12-18, with activity options for younger teens and older teens. Included in the Student Starter Kit:

D DD D D © 2015


t enden t Stud StuStudent Student Stude nt

Guide Discipleship ip Guide | PersonalPersonal Disciplesh | Personal Discipleship Guide Fall 2015Fall 2015Fall| 2015Fall 2015 | Personal Fall 2015 Discipleship Guide | Perso nal Disci pleship Guid





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Adult Starter Kit $79 per quarter



Adult Adul t dult A Adult

Fall 2015 | Pers onal Disciple ship Guide Fall 2015 | Person Fallal201 5 | Pers Discip leship

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Versatile resources for small groups and traditional class settings Included in the Adult Starter Kit:




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Guide ipleship leship Guide onal Disc nal Discip 5 | Pers2015 | Perso Fall 2015 | Personal Discipleship Guide Fall 2015 | Personal Fall 201 Fall Discipleship Guide




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Master Starter Kit


$249 per quarter

+ Intentionally priced to encourage whole church participation Save over $100 by purchasing a Master Starter Kit

Included in the Master Starter Kit: D

Late Elem


Fall 2017 | Resource






Kinder garten Fall 2017

PROJECT Early Elementa THE

THE Fall



2017 | Resource




Early Elem Kinderga Late Elementary entaryrten Todd Fall 2015 | Activity ler Fall 2015 Fall 2015 | Activity Fall | Activity Paper







| Resour ce Packet


Fall 2017



| Resour ce Packet

PROJ ECT The Imitation

of Christ | Brent Randall The Call to Discipleship | Brent Randall The Call to DiscipleshipThe Imitation | Brent The Call to Discipleship Randall of Christ | Brent Randall | Brent Randall

The Imitatio

n of Christ

I Am the Lord

That Healeth

Thee | Chad Casey

The Imitation

This Is Not as

I Am the

I Am the Lord

That Healeth

| Brent

of Christ | Brent Randall

Lord That


The Imitatio

Chad Casey


n of Christ

| by Brent

This Is Not

I Am the



Thee |

I Am the Lord That Healeth Entrusted with Thee a Treasure | Jennifer Jones | Chad Casey Entrusted with a Treasure | Jennifer Jones Entrusted with a Treasure | Jennifer Jones

| Jana Ellingsworth

Thee | Chad Casey This Is Not as




Good as It Gets

Good as It Gets

as Good


Randall as It Gets

3211521 TDP

| Jana Ellingswo

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| Jana Ellingsworth


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Thee |

by Chad



as Good

as It Gets

| by Jana



Student Stude Stunt den t Stud St ud en en t Sttu

Fall 2015 | Personal Discipleship Guide Fall 2015 Fall | Personal 2015 | Discipleship Guide Personal Disciplesh Fall2015 Fall 2015| Person | Personalalip Guide Discipleship FallDiscipl eshipGuide 2015 Guide | Personal THE Disciplesh


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The Call to The Discipleship |toL.Discipleship J. Harry ThetoThe Call Call Discipleship The CalltoThe Call Call| L.toJ.|Harry toDisciple Disciple Harry Discip shipL.| J.|L.leship ship L.J. J.Harry Harry | L. J. Harry 10 11

Entrust ed with Entrusted a Treasur Entrusted with Entrusted with e | Darrin a Treasure Treasure a aTreasure Entrusted with with | Darrin | |Darrin Treasure Darrin Williams | Darrin WilliamsWilliams Williams Williams Entrusted with a Treasure | aDarrin Williams


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10 12

10 11 13

11 12 10 1014

12 13 11 11 10

13 14 12 12 11

14 13 13 12 14 14

13 In His Image | Jonathan McClintock In His Image | Jonathan McClintock 14 In His Image | Jonathan McClintock In In HisHis Image | Jonathan Image Jonathan McClintoc In His|Image McClintoc | Jonath k k 6/19/15 an 10:25 AM McClin tock

6/19/15 10:25 AM 6/19/15 10:25


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Adult Adult Adult

Fall 2015 | Persona l Disciple Fall 2015 | Personal ship Guide

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The Call to Disciplesh ip | L.J. Harry The CallThe to Disciplesh Call ip | ship L.J. Harry The Call to Discipleship to Disciple | L.J. Harry | L.J. Harry The Call toThe Call to Discipleship Discipleship | L.J. Harry| L.J. Harry 10 3911521

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Entrusted with

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11 12 13

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In His Image 14 | Jonathan McClintock 14 In His Image | Jonathan McClintock In His Image | JonathanIn His Image McClintock | Jonathan McClintoc His Image | Jonathan In His Image | InJonathan k McClintock McClintock 14


12:27 PM

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© 2015 Pentecostal Do not Publis reprod www.pente hing House photocopyin uce, distrib , from Pente g, recording, ute, or transm costalpublis 8855 Dunn Road, ©2015 ©costal 2015Pentecos or other it Pentecos • All rights Hazelwood Publis electronic any part of talPublishin Publishin hingtalHouse reserved. , MO 63042 g House, or mech8855 this public DoDonotnotreproduc g House, www.pentecosta reproduce, . To reque 8855anical ation in Dunn Dunn ntecosta distribute, distribut Road,Hazelwo metho photocopying,©e,2015 Road, lpublishi st permi photoco lpublishi Hazelwoany 361152 e, orortransmit form or ds witho pying, recordin transmit od,MOMO ssion, recordinPentecostal 1 TDP •conta Publishing Allrights • All 63042by any rightsreserved utod, anyanypart from 63042 SPDG partof8855 g, g,ororother from posse otherelectron reserved Pentecos ofthisthisDunn Pentecos .indd mean electronic House, custom Road, ct www.penteco publicat . . ssing prior taltal publicat Hazelwood, Publishin Do not reproduce, 1 Publishin icstalpublishing © 2015 orormechan mechanical ionionin MO 63042 Pentecostal inanyany erserv docum s, including g House. g House. distribute, .com • All rights reserved. formorice@p House, 8855ical methods form ented orPublishing methods ToTorequest request transmit Dunn enteco orbybyany photocopying, Road, Hazelwood, without possessi any permissi anymeans, without permissi part MO 63042 stalpublishin approval recording, orwww.pentecostalpubl means, of this publication on,on, other electronic includin contact includin contact ng prior docume Do not in anypossessi • All fromreproduce, rightscustome custome reserved. form ng Pentecostal or mechanical methods gg distribute, or prior docume by any or House. rservice@ Publishing transmit rservice@ nted means, any8855 nted partDunn approval . of this including without © 2015recording, Pentecostal Publishing House, Road, Hazelwood, MO 63042 pentecostalpublis approva publication photocopying, To request possessing in any l form permission, talpublis prior or bypentecos or other electronic any means, documented contact including or mechanical customerserv • All rights reserved. approval methods from Pentecostal Publishing without . . ice@pentecos possessing prior House. request permission, talpublishing. approval Do not reproduce, distribute, or transmit anyTopart of this publication in any form or by any means,documented including com. contact customerservice@pen 3611521 SPDG.indd photocopying,TDP recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without possessing prior documented approval 1 from Pentecostal Publishing House. To request permission, contact





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Lord That

This Is Not

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In HisThis Image Is Not| asLLoyd Squires In His Image Good as It Gets | In His Image | LLoyd | LLoyd Squires Jana Ellingsworth Squires



LEAP.indd 1


Paper2017 | Activity


Additional Resources Additional Resources Additional Resources After purchasing a kit, the following items are available for individual

Additional Resources purchase if you need additional copies:

After purchasing a kit, the following items are available for individual After purchasing a kit, the items are available purchase if following you need additional copies: for individual purchase if you need additional copies: Adult Leader Guide


Leader Guide $5.99 Adult Personal Discipleship Guide $3.99 Adult Leader Guide $5.99 Adult Personal Guide $3.99 Student Leader Discipleship Guide $5.99 Adult Personal Discipleship Guide $3.99 Leader Guide $5.99 Student Personal Discipleship Guide $3.99 Student Leader Guide $5.99 Student Personal Discipleship Guide $3.99 Elementary Leader Guide $9.99 Student Personal Discipleship Guide $3.99 Elementary Guide Leader Guide $9.99 Toddler andLeader Kindergarten Elementary Leader Guide $9.99 and Kindergarten Leader Guide $9.99 Toddler Activity Paper $3.99 Toddler and Kindergarten Leader Guide $9.99 Toddler Activity PaperPaper Kindergarten Activity $3.99 Toddler Activity Paper $3.99 Kindergarten Activity Paper Early Elementary Activity Paper $3.99 Kindergarten Activity Paper $3.99 EarlyElementary ElementaryActivity ActivityPaper Paper Late $3.99 Early Elementary Activity Paper $3.99 Late Elementary $3.99 Toddler ResourceActivity Packet Paper $19.99 Late Elementary Activity Paper $3.99 Toddler Resource PacketPacket Kindergarten Resource $19.99 Toddler Resource Packet $19.99 Kindergarten Resource Packet $19.99 Late Elementary Resource Packet Kindergarten Resource Packet $19.99 Late Elementary Early ElementaryResource ResourcePacket Packet $19.99 Late Elementary Resource Packet $19.99 Early Elementary Resource Packet $19.99 Early Elementary Resource Packet $19.99 Purchase bundles of five Activity Papers or ten Personal Discipleship THE a 20% discount. Guides (in addition to your starter kit) and receive







Scope and Sequence Fall 2017–Summer 2018 (2017–2018)

FALL (Sept–Nov) Family Sunday

WINTER (Dec–Feb) Family Sunday

The Imitation of Christ (Identity) by Jonathan Walker I Am the Lord that Healeth Thee (Divine Healing) by Chad Flowers This Is Not As Good As It Gets (Eschatology) by Johnny Celey Heritage Sunday - Tom Ellis Empowered by the Spirit (Pneumatology) by Jonathan Mullings Seasons (Practical Christian Living) by Harold Linder Making Sense of Suffering (Theodicy) by Daniel Segraves Christmas Sunday - Daniel Koren Portraits of Grace (Grace) by Ken Gurley

SPRING (Mar–May)

The Call to Unity (Ecclesiology) by Terry Baughman

Family Sunday

Easter Sunday - Desi Lugo

SUMMER (Jun–Aug) Family Sunday


The Genesis of Grace-Filled Families (Relationships) by Eugene Wilson Becoming Who We Are (Identity) by Jonathan Mohr In Step with the Spirit (Pneumatology) by Carlton Coon Reframing Work (Purpose) by Jim Littles Service Sunday - Jerry Dean



Visit for videos about the philosophy behind the curriculum. To discuss the teaching needs of your church, contact us: 1-866-819-7667

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