I Messenger

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IMessenger VOLUME 8

MARCH 8, 2019



Former Councilwoman Carolyn Davis



DFWABJ meeting at NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth Association of Black Journalists met at NBC 5 in February. The forum discussion centered around blackface, offensive language and behavior. The next meeting is March 19 at the Black Academy of Arts and Letters at 6 p.m. with the forum featuring Dallas Mayoral candidates. FInd out more at www.dfwabj.com.

An IMM LLC Publication MAILING ADDRESS 320 S. R.L. Thornton Freeway Suite 220 Dallas, TX 75203 WWW.TEXASMETRONEWS.COM 214-941-0110 Cheryl Smith PUBLISHER - EDITOR news@texasmetronews.com Nina Garcia Marketing/Sales Manager EDITORIAL TEAM Lajuana Barton Eva Coleman L. Diane Evans Dorothy J. Gentry Vincent Hall Richard Alexander Moore Betheny Sargent Dr. Felicia N. Shepherd Monique P. Stone Dareia Tolbert Andrew Whigham III MARKETING TEAM Carlton McConnell Terry Allen PR DESIGN/LAYOUT WEB/SOCIAL MEDIA EDITOR Alana King

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Established 2011 CREDO OF THE BLACK PRESS The Black Press believes that America can best lead the world away from racial and national antagonisms when it accords to every person, regardless of race, color or creed, full human and legal rights. Hating no person, fearing no person, the Black Press strives to help every person in the firm belief that all are hurt as long as anyone is held back.

March 8, 2019







WHO’S WHO IN BLACK DALLAS: Celebrating the achievements of African Americans in the metropolitan Dallas area, with over 200 people highlighted in the publication.

Jack and Jill Dallas Beautillion celebrates twenty-six high school seniors who are Educated, Engaged and Equipped for Excellence.

Facing the likely possibility of being without their two superstars this upcoming season, the Dallas Wings are gearing up for the new WNBA season with a new head coach, assistant coach and a revamped roster.



March 8, 2019

March 8, 2019



MY TRUTH by Cheryl Smith, Publisher

Celebrating Women

Well we made It through another Black History Month, better known as African American History Month, also known as African American Heritage Month; which I call “run a Black person to death month,” or just February, Yes, I am tired, but guess what, I have to keep it going. Can’t stop, won’t stop, like some of the special women I know. Because guess what? It’s now Women’s History Month, or “run a woman to death month,” or the month of March. During this month, we’ll see some great stories and attend great programming centered around and focusing on WOMEN. Which brings me to my truth. There are so many women who have impacted my life. I’ve tried to learn lessons from the good and the bad. I met Ramona Logan 30 years ago. I love her. She was a special gift to her family coming on Christmas Day, sometime last century.

campaign trail. I tried on numerous outfits and took her advice. When it was time to purchase there was one outfit, however, that Ramona picked out that didn’t do anything for me at all. She kept telling me that it looked gorgeous. My response, “I don’t care what you say. I back in my face, but equally important, when I don’t like it.” Ramona felt so strongly about that outfit that was nowhere around. Now Ramona loves to have fun and she has she said, “I’m going to buy it and you are going an infectious laugh. to wear it.” I remember her calling to go to the movies. Now sometimes I can be just downright I was so glad to have someone to go with because the movie was “Happy Feet.” I really wanted to go see the animated movie and didn’t have any children to take. We were like two big kids in the theater. I wish you could have heard her. She had no problem laughing out loud and she clearly enjoyed the movie. Her laughter made me enjoy it even more. I have so many stories about the beautiful, kind, and loving Ramona Logan. She’s the type of friend who invites you to

I have so many stories about the beautiful, kind, and loving Ramona Logan. When I met her, she was an anchor reporter for KXAS-TV, the NBC affiliate in Dallas. There was nothing pretentious about her. She was sincere, candid, honest, loving and supportive. She gave advice but she didn’t try to ram it down your throat and if she gave you advice and you didn’t take it, she never came back with an “I told you so,” or a “you are so stupid.” One year I was preparing to run for a seat on the National Association of Black Journalists board. Ramona knows about style and after retiring from television, she was a much sought-after image consultant. So she took me shopping to prepare for the myimessenger.com

ornery because I said something like, “you’re gonna have to buy it!” Well, I wore the outfit and you wouldn’t believe the compliments I received. After the campaign, I wore it on campus where I was teaching at Paul Quinn College and I was showered with praise. Young male students were trying to flirt. When I had that outfit on I found myself walking with a little attitude. You know how you strut when you’re feeling yourself? Well that was me! So I had to go back to Ramona and let her know that I was wrong. And I thanked her for always standing by me and being that sister who would have my


church. I will always love her for inviting me to visit St. Luke “Community” United Methodist Church, where I began to really grow, under the guidance of the Rev. Zan Holmes Jr. That alone is enough of a reason to love her! Over the past 30 years, we have experienced life. That’s right. Everything that comes with living. Relationships, the loss of loved ones, just chilling, career changes, shopping, guilty pleasures and more. If you call Ramona Logan your friend, you have a good one. She’s virtuous, spiritually-grounded and a joy to be around. Ramona is a blessing. March 8, 2019

March 8, 2019



COMMENTARY by Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson

Failing an American Family President Trump’s recent meeting with North Korean President Kim Jong-un in Vietnam failed to produce an agreement leading to the abandonment of North Korea’s nuclear programs. There was no joint agreement and no final news conference with the two leaders exchanging smiles and pleasantries. And while the president did not manage to achieve what he had expected he did manage to give the North Korean leader a pass by saying that he believed Kim Jong-un when the Korean leader said that he was not aware of the treatment that a young American college student, Otto Warmbier, received in a North Korean prison which doctors say ultimately led to his death. The president’s comment was shocking! Among those who could not believe what they were hearing were the student’s parents, Cindy and Fred Warmbier, who were guests at the president’s first State of the Union Address during which he described President Kim as a brutal leader whose nation should not be in possession of nuclear weapons. The Warmbiers received a standing ovation when their presence was announced.


In a stark rebuke of the president, the Warmbiers said that they were disappointed when they heard Trump’s recent remark.” President Kim and his evil regime are responsible for the death of our son, Otto,” they said in a written statement. Democrats and Republicans alike have joined the Warmbiers in placing the responsibility for their son’s death on the shoulders of President Kim and his autocratic regime. “Americans know the cruelty that was placed on Otto Warmbier by the North Korean regime,” said former Trump administration ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley. United States Senator Sherrod Brown, a Democrat from Ohio, where Otto Warmbier lived, said that President Trump was sending the wrong message to dictators and despots around the world. “North Korea murdered Otto Warmbier and the President of the United States has a responsibility to make sure they face the consequences. Anything short of that is unacceptable,” he said. The president’s comment regarding Kim’s knowledge about the death of the young


American is strikingly similar to those he made when asked about the death of an American journalist, Jamal Khashoggi, who CIA officials concluded was killed by agents of the government of Saudi Arabia in Turkey , acting on orders from Saudi government officials. The president said that he believed senior Saudi government officials when they said that they did not have any knowledge of the killing. The responses from President Kim and from Saudi government officials were found unacceptable by people who believe in democracy and government accountability. Certainly, the president of the United States should agree! *Congresswoman Johnson represents the 30th Congressional District of Texas in the U.S. House of Representatives. She also chairs the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology.

March 8, 2019

WHO’S WHO in Black Dallas

Gary Hasty, Hiawatha Williams and Dr. Alecia Nero receiving awards and the front cover of retired Chief Justice Carolyn Wright, Police Chief Renee Hall, Big Thought CEO Byron Sanders and the Dallas Mavericks leader Cynthia Marshall highlighted the unveiling of the fifth edition of Who’s Who In Black Dallas recently at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. The fifth edition of Who’s Who In Black Dallas® celebrated the achievements of African Americans in the metropolitan Dallas area, with over 200 people are highlighted in the publication. Joining the celebration was retired State House of Representative Helen Giddings and Dr. Michael J. Sorrell, President of Paul Quinn College. Giddings penned the foreword and Sorrell wrote the introduction for the fifth edition. “Recognizing the achievements of African Americans in Dallas is significant,” said Ms. Giddings. “Sharing my thoughts among those affiliated with Who’s Who In Black Dallas® is very heart warming.” “We are excited to have completed our fifth edition of Who’s Who In Black Dallas® and are equally excited to have had retired State Rep. Helen Giddings give such a powerful speech to set the tone of the event,” said Carter Womack, COO of Who’s Who In Black. “Her respective impact on the African American community goes hand-in-hand with the commitment and vision of Who’s Who.” Started two years ago as an added feature is the issuing of three awards – Eddie Bernice Johnson Trailblazer in honor of the long serving Congresswoman; Comer Cottrell Entrepreneur in honor of the late Hair Care Manufacturing Entrepreneur, and Community Impact. A commitment to housing for veterans led to Gary Hasty receiving the Trailblazer Award. Hiawatha Williams, owner of Williams Chicken outlets received the Entrepreneur Award and Dr. Alecia March 8, 2019

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson with Trailblazer Awardee Gary Hasty

Dallas City Council members Kevin Felder, Carolyn King Arnold

Game Changer Al Wash with Comer Cottrell Awardee Hiawatha Williams

Two icons - Retired State Representative Helen Giddings, Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson at unveiling

Living Legends Anna Hill, Don Payton Nero, Associate Professor at UT Southwestern Medical School, advocate for the research and treatment of Sickle Cell Anemia, the Community Impact Award. Other notable features Living Legends – lawyer Bill Mahomes, noted historian Don Payton, Dr. Myron and Barbara Watkins and Community activist, Anna Hill. Game Changers were Al Wash of ALW Entertainment, Adrienne


Carter, Mayor Pro Tem Casey Thomas, Ms. Giddings, Ms. Johnson and Real Times CEO Hiram Jackson

Trimble, President & CEO of the National Minority Supplier Development Council and Cynthia Wilson, Chief of Human Capital Management for Dallas ISD. “We recognized people who had a tremendous impact,” said returning Associate Publisher Ken Carter, President, and CEO of Focus Communications, a 39-year-old public relations, public affairs, marketing, and crisis

communications company The lead sponsors of the fifth edition were the North Texas Tollway Authority, Toyota and Radio One stations 94.5 and 97.9. Other sponsors included Dallas ISD, City of Dallas, Texas Capital Bank, Hyatt Regency I Messenger Enterprises, Dallas Weekly, Dallas Examiner, North Dallas Gazette and Elite News. myimessenger.com

COMMENTARY by Dr. Julianne Malveaux

CBC: Not always in headlines, but never on sidelines What does the Congressional Black Caucus do? It takes Majority Whip James Clyburn to make it understandable. “It’s not only what we make happen, but what we stop from happening,” Clyburn told a standing room only crowd at the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) Foundation’s Black History Month Celebration. His words are instructive for folks who get their news from sound bites and tweets. The legislative process is rarely fully televised, and those who put brakes on nonsense proposals never make the headlines. The February 26 event made it clear, in celebration, that the CBC is often effective on the front lines and the sidelines. The 116th Congress includes 55 members of the CBC, an incredibly diverse group of African Americans who approach Black liberation (although some might not use the term) differently. Among the 55, there are five who now chair House committees, including Congressional representatives Maxine Waters (D-CA), who chairs the Financial Services Committee, Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) who chairs the Science, Space, and Technology Committee, Robert “Bobby” Scott (D-VA) who chairs the Education and Labor Committee, Bennie Thompson (D-MS) who chairs the Homeland Security Committee, and Elijah Cummings (D-MD) who chairs the Government Oversight Committee. Cummings was the only one of the five who was not present, understandably so when one reflected on his leadership in the hearing that examined Michael Cohen, the jail-bound attorney who formerly represented the Nation’s Prevaricator-inChief. Each of them talked about the challenges they face in their roles, especially the fact myimessenger.com

that progressive legislation that leaves the House of Representatives is often unlikely to pass the Republican-dominated United States Senate and the obstreperous Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (my words, not theirs). But each also talked about issues they will address in their leadership. Congresswoman Waters can subpoena tax returns and bank records. She spoke of the many ways banking boards lack diversity and plans to establish a diversity and inclusion subcommittee as part of the Financial Services Committee. Bennie Thompson and Eddie Bernice Johnson talked about directing money to HBCUs and about the ways that some universities are able to get the majority of federal dollars. Congressman Bobby Scott intrigued me when he talked about the way the media is interested in drama, not substance. On a day when he dealt with both the minimum wage and higher education legislation, most of the questions he got from the media were about Blackface and other scandals in Virginia. The search for the salacious has been the theme of the 45 administration. One does not have to search far to find payments to prostitutes, pandering to potentates, and other chicanery. The real trickery, however, is happening when our regulatory structure is being decimated, when payday lending rules are hanged by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to make predatory lending easier and more exploitative; when education regulations are being changed to make access for Black and other students of color even harder than it is now; when labor regulations are being changed to exploit unions. The federal minimum wage, at $7.25, has not increased in a decade. As


such, the Raise The Wage Act should be making headlines. Instead, all cameras, all eyes are on the scandals that dominate this administration. In celebrating the Congressional Black Caucus, I’m not touting their perfection, because the collective caucus is flawed as any other organization. My biggest bone to pick with Caucus members is all of them won’t sign or align themselves with HR 40, the reparations legislation that Congressman John Conyers (D-MI) introduced 30 years ago. Many say the reparations conversation is impractical. From my perspective, if you are interested in economic justice, you must be interested in restorative and reparatory justice for the descendants of the enslaved people who built this country. That means developing public policy to close the wealth gap. That means developing public policy to increase access to education. That means educating a nation with leaders and teachers who seem to think it is okay to run around in Blackface, hand children cotton bolls or more alarmingly, have children (in South Carolina) actually pick cotton and sing slave songs. That means examining the ways that racist (yes, racist) legislation has exacerbated, not closed the wealth gap. Our Congressional Black Caucus and, indeed, the Democratic Party that all of them belong to, is flawed, but there are accomplishments, as well. The challenge for us is to lift up the accomplishments amidst a culture that values scandal instead of achievement. *Julianne Malveaux is an author and economist. For booking, or for more info visit www.juliannemalveaux.com March 8, 2019

March 8, 2019



COMMENTARY by Chelle Luper Wilson


Soldiers without Swords It is surreal to have this column debut at the intersection of Black History and Women’s History Months. I honor Sojourner Truth, Anna Julia Cooper, Mary Church Terrell, and others who understood the complexities of life in America for those both Black and a woman. I stand on the shoulders of Alice Dunbar-Nelson, Ida B. Wells, and other Black newspaper women who traversed against the traditional and limited career paths available and instead, with courage and audacity, opted to be a voice for the silenced. History documents the rooting of their work in their love and care for Black communities during a time when seemingly the entire world found no value in Black lives or Black Livelihood. While these brave women used the power of the press to inform and shape public opinion around issues central to the race they did not exclude matters of gender and class. Their work mattered then and it matters now. Ida B. Wells said, “The way to right wrongs is to turn the light of truth upon them.” Visibility, or the lack thereof, has been key myimessenger.com

to the perpetuation of crimes against Black girls and women. Nevertheless, Black women continue to turn light upon wrongs. The Black and Missing Foundation is raising awareness around the more than 64,000 missing Black women and girls, most of whom barely, if ever, receive any news coverage. In the movement to seek justice for victims of police brutality and anti-Black violence, #SayHerName highlights the ways Black women are disproportionately affected but whose stories are rarely told. Many believe the recent charges brought against R. Kelly should be credited to the hard work of Black women journalists and activists including: Dream Hampton, executive producer of the Lifetime docuseries “Surviving R. Kelly;” Kenyette Risha Barnes and Oronike Odeleye, founders of #MuteRKelly; Kim Foxx, state’s attorney for Cook County; and the many survivors and their families who courageously spoke their truth. Truth is a hard thing to face, especially in communities like ours which has all too often been unfairly judged and negatively


stereotyped. It’s not hard to understand why many feel our transgressions should be kept in the dark. However, the efforts of the women mentioned follow in the tradition of those early Black newspaper women who refused to stay silent about injustice in all its forms. In preparing this column, I was inspired by the early Black newspaper women who hoped their writings would awaken readers from passivity. In one of her passionate antilynching articles, Ida B. Wells wrote, “I am only a mouthpiece through which to tell the story…I do not have to embellish; it makes its own way.” This Women’s History Month, I encourage you to take a moment and find your own source of inspiration through the incredible lives of Black women journalists who devoted their work to righting wrongs. Alice Dunbar Nelson closed many of her columns with these words and in her honor, I shall do the same, “I am proud of my past. I hold faith in my future.” March 8, 2019

March 8, 2019



COMMENTARY by Vincent Hall


Less Singin’ and Mo’ Swingin’!

Lauretta Charlton is an editor on the National Desk and the editor of the Race/Related newsletter for the New York Times. Previously, she was an editor at the New Yorker covering music. I’m glad she switched. Malcolm X once chided King and other civil rights leaders for singing too much. “You can’t sing up on freedom, but you can swing up on some freedom,” Minister Malcolm’s was never about wordplay and innuendo; he was all about freedom “by any means necessary.” I’m a subscriber to the newsletter and Charlton is an excellent writer. We need her swinging right where she is under the banner of Race Relations. The newsletter led with the Michael Cohen dust-up last week, specifically to remark on the “stick figure” incident that featured a Black woman’s transformation to become a onedimensional prop in a cruel stage play. In her article; “Exhibit B: The Black Friend,” she recounted the sordid mess that always surrounds anything Donald Trump. “During Michael D. Cohen’s hearing before the House Oversight Committee this week, Representative Mark Meadows, a conservative Republican from North Carolina, was incensed when Rashida Tlaib, a freshman Democrat from Michigan, used the word “racist” to describe a bold move from Mr. Meadows during the hearing. Mr. Meadows, who is white, summoned Lynne Patton, a black woman with ties to the Trump family, before the committee to defend the myimessenger.com

president’s character against charges of racism leveled by Mr. Cohen. Ms. Patton, who is an official in the Department of Housing and Urban Development, stood silently and nodded while Mr. Meadows spoke on her behalf and presented her as proof of Mr. Trump’s “good relationship with black people.” Stop right here. It would make no sense to go further in this thesis without seizing this “teachable moment.” To my White brothers and sisters…The worst defense you can offer to any charge that you are White and racist is to conveniently mention one or all of the “Big Three.” Do not posit that “one of your best friends is Black.” Former Governor George Wallace, a celebrated racist went to his grave with more than his share. Do not remark that you have “some” in your family; Thomas Jefferson did, and so did America’s worst pre-Trump bigot; Strom Thurmond. And last but not least, do not get teary-eyed and snotty as you reminisce about being raised with your Black sitter, nanny, maid or cook. That’ll really get the teapot steaming! Now, back to Ms. Charlton and to my argument. “In an exchange with the committee chairman, Representative Elijah E. Cummings, Democrat of Maryland, Ms. Tlaib said she did not mean to call Mr. Meadows a racist, only to describe his behavior as racist.” Many of you were ready to take Meadows to task. His allegiance to Trump caused him to forget about


his “mixed” family members. Just like when Meadows wished Obama would go back to Kenya in 2012. In this setting, he forgot his love of Elijah and family. Meadows just grabbed the first willing and available Colored he could find. Nothing new about that. What I found most offensive was that Elijah Cummings, the sitting chair of the committee and a formidable proponent for Black people, sought to put Tlaib in her place, rather than allowing the level of bloodletting sufficient for racial healing. In fact, he forcibly redirected and remixed her argument. She was forced to withdraw her “racist” charge which was rightfully executed. Tlaib indicted Meadows in the right jurisdiction, with sufficient evidence, and within the statute of limitations. She did nothing wrong…Cummings was wrong. And although I have always respected him as a Black man of integrity and pride, I believe that he used a “kumbaya” moment that Tlaib tailor-made for a brawl to end them all. Racism always deserves to be punched. Malcolm was right. We got too much singing, and too little swinging. The Trump era is no time for platitudes, pandering and paternalism. We need to maintain Martin’s singing and embrace Malcolm’s swinging. Non-violent resistance never kills, but it always hurts…somebody! March 8, 2019


Guilty Plea entered in Bribery Case

Former councilwoman admits guilt while “identified” accomplice enters “not guilty” plea

Shock reverberated throughout social media and across the city, especially “sunny South Dallas” with the announcement of yet another guilty plea. Those who know or support “homegirl” Carolyn Davis expressed pain, anger, disbelief and frustration upon hearing that the former Dallas City Councilwoman; who many anticipated March 8, 2019

reclaiming her seat in the May election, had pled guilty to bribery charges. Growing up in the “hood,” the activist was considered a shoo-in when she said she wanted to represent the constituents of District 7, over 12 years ago. Encompassing South Dallas, East Dallas, parts of Pleasant Grove and East Dallas; District 7 had previous leadership in the form of such notables as Elsie Faye Heggins, Diane Ragsdale, Charlotte Mayes and Leo Chaney. TIffinni A. Young and now, Kevin Felder followed Ms. Davis around the horseshoe. The first two elections went into a runoff with her emerging victorious. In her last race, she garnered 83.28% of the vote, and the endorsement of Mayor Mike Rawlings. She served on the council


from 2007-2015. Known for being a voice for the voiceless and a champion for the disenfranchised, the James Madison High School graduate said in a plea agreement that she actively sought bribes that would benefit a real estate developer’s low-income housing project. Former City Plan Commission Chair and city council candidate Betty Culbreath says she is disappointed in and saddened by the news that Ms. Davis took money. “I really never had a close relationship with her but felt she was sincere in her mission and her lifestyle never changed so I thought she was grounded in who she was and happy with that. However, maybe she was pulled into this situation.” Ms. Culbreath echoed the thoughts myimessenger.com

of many on social media, while some were more critical and cynical. While others expressed support for Ms. Davis, still others alluded to a pattern, with some saying that it appears the majority who are jailed are African American and the investigations are one-sided. Eric K. Jackson is the Special Agent in Charge of the FBI’s Dallas Division and he talked about the harm that is done to the communities that corrupt individuals serve. He also addressed what is perceived is the unevenness insetting out justice. “As FBI Dallas continues to proactively investigate public officials who misuse their positions of trust, our investigative efforts will be just as focused on those who seek to use their personal wealth, influence or facilitate relationships between those willing to pay or accept bribe,” he said. Due to term limits Ms. Davis had to vacate her council seat in 2015, but she still stayed involved in community activities and programs; also holding elected officials and others accountable. All the more reason for citizens to be shocked, hearing that real estate developer Ruel Hamilton, a principal with AmeriSouth Realty Group, offered her a bribe while she was chair of the council’s Housing Committee. Now Mr. Hamilton has entered a “not-guilty” plea, maintains his innocence and his attorneys say he will be exonerated; while Ms. Davis has admitted her role and accepted a plea deal that includes imprisonment. At a news conference on Friday, U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Texas, Erin Nealy Cox, said that in myimessenger.com

return for more than $40,000 in bribes, and the offer of a consulting contract once she left the Council, Ms. Davis admitted that she “lobbied and voted for the authorization of a $2.5 million development loan to fund the Royal Crest housing project, along with a resolution supporting 9 percent tax credits for Royal Crest.” In discussing the “culture” in Dallas politics that has resulted in several elected officials under investigation, indicted, accepting plea bargains, acquitted, or going to prison; Ms. Nealy Cox had a stern warning for anyone considering participating in unethical behavior. “Over the course of my

disappointment. “I join my fellow Dallas residents today in a shared sense of despair over a former councilmember’s betrayal of the public trust. I’m also sick and tired of the vultures who lurk around City Hall in search of corruptible public officials. There is no place in our government for those who cheat the good people of Dallas by offering bribes, just as there is no place for those who accept them. “We should all be grateful for the work of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District, as well as the Dallas FBI and IRS for continuing to root out public corruption,” he continued. “As FBI Special Agent

Case involving Carolyn Davis is detailed 15-month tenure here at the U.S. Attorney’s Office, our team has been relentlessly dedicated to rooting out public corruption. I hope this case sends a message to public officials across our districts: when you prioritize your own financial interests ahead of your duty to your constituents, we will dig as deep as we have to in order to uncover the scheme. And we will bring you to justice.” In a statement he released following the announcement of Ms. Davis’ plea, Mayor Rawlings also expressed

Jackson said this morning, the public deserves better.” The Mayor said he has also “asked City Manager T.C. Broadnax, who began his tenure in 2017, to initiate a review of housing projects that are connected to the charges announced.” Unfortunately, Ms. Davis is not the only public official that Mr. Hamilton is accused of bribing. According to the indictment, there was another City Council member who received a $7,000 check for assisting in getting a referendum on the agenda


and promoting another housing project. Ms. Nealy Cox said the other council member left office on August 9, 2019. Dallas mayoral candidate and current city councilman Scott Griggs, commented: “Once again, this is beyond disappointing. Elected officials and staff at the City work hard everyday to earn the public’s trust. Carolyn betrayed us. Pay for play is not acceptable. I am grateful this corruption was exposed.” He continued, “This also underscores why the City of Dallas needed a Comprehensive Housing Policy for so long. This corruption occurred prePolicy. The Policy sets the standards publicly for approving projects and reduces the opportunity for corruption.” If convicted Mr. Hamilton faces up to 20 years in federal prison for two counts of bribery concerning programs receiving federal funds and Ms. Davis faces up to five years for her guilty plea in the acts that occurred 2013 to 2015. While some of the funds were paid directly to her, according to documents, some of the money was paid to a non-profit and then passed on to Ms. Davis. Represented by attorney Scottie Allen, who joined Ms. Davis in signing the plea agreement on January 24, 2019, it was noted that “parties agree that the appropriate term of imprisonment in this case is one that does not exceed three years or 36 months’ imprisonment.” However the Court determines the appropriate sentence, under sentencing guidelines.

March 8, 2019

March 8, 2019





March 8, 2019

March 8, 2019





March 8, 2019

Jack and Jill Dallas Beautillion celebrates

EDUCATED, ENGAGED AND EQUIPPED FOR EXCELLENCE For 42 years, the Dallas Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. has hosted Beautillion, a celebration of achievement and social grace for Dallas’ best and brightest young men. Twenty-six young men have been selected to participate in the 2019 program. “Beaux” represent a select group of high school seniors planning to pursue higher education after graduation. They are chosen in recognition of their demonstrated achievements in academics, sports, the arts, community, church involvement, leadership and overall commitment to the advancement of his community.

January kicked off this year’s Beautillion season with leadership and social training classes. Beautillion Beaux and their accompanying Belles participate in a threemonth program that includes a weekend leadership retreat in January that includes team building, financial planning, career preparation, leadership development, the legal system, and law enforcement interaction. Beautillion season culminates with a black-tie ball and fundraiser to showcase and celebrate the many hours of personal development, fundraising and community service completed.

Proceeds from the Beautillion event will fund Beaux and Belle awards. In addition, proceeds benefit local community nonprofits and the Jack and Jill of America Foundation, Inc. to support programs that create opportunities for youth to learn and practice leadership skills, and be empowered to make the right life choices. Beautillion Ball Saturday, March 9, 2019; 7:00 pm Hyatt Regency Hotel – Downtown Dallas, Texas The purpose of Beautillion is to promote high self-esteem and standards, strong morals and values, continuous education, refined social skills, respect, service and friendship among young people in their senior year in high school. Through this experience, each Beaux and Belle participant will: • Improve leadership skills such as problemsolving and critical thinking. • Meet community and business leaders and understand their success strategies. • Learn financial management. • Gain understanding of current social issues that can impact their future. • Build life-long friendships with other outstanding young men and women. Pictured from left to right: Jordan Anderson, Brian Ballard, Dana Bass, Kennedy Bell, Shane Benton, Jade Bowers, Haley Bozeman, Madeleine Brown, Devyn Butler, Emily Butler, Kaitlin Carter, Christopher Crawford, Savoy Curd, Kennedy Easter, Tori Evans, Camille Franklin and Baili Goer.

March 8, 2019



Evyn Greene, Elle Grinnell, Isaiah Hamilton, Heath Harris, Kaylin Henderson, Jordan Jackson, Kendall Johnson, Matthew Johnson, Myles Jones, Raymond Lafayette, Cameron Miller, William Moore, Dylan Osimetha, Jalani Patterson, Cody Perry, Jordan Ray, Christopher Raybon, Blayre Riley, Roane Lilley, Genaye Sanders, Jordan Shaw, Jackson Smith, Madison Stampley, Braeden Sully, Russell Taylor, Jordan Tidwell, Julia Tippen, Ryan Tucker, Brandon Wallace, Spencer Ware, Kimberly Warren. Benjamin Washington, William Waters, CAle Watkins and Kyndal Williams.

Pictured above from left to right:



March 8, 2019

March 8, 2019



$3 off $15 order



March 8, 2019

SPORTS by Dorothy J. Gentry

Dallas Wings begin rebuild as WNBA gears up

Facing the likely possibility of being without their two superstars this upcoming season, the Dallas Wings are gearing up for the new WNBA season with a new head coach, assistant coach and a revamped roster. To that end, the team has re-signed forward Kayla Thornton, forward Glory Johnson and center Cayla George and added former University of South Dakota standout Nicole Seekamp and Brooke McCarty-Williams, a four-year letter winner at the University of Texas at Austin. The Wings have also hired Crystal Robinson as its new assistant coach, joining returning AC Erin Phillips. Robinson comes to the Wings after winning the 2018 WNBA Championship as an assistant coach with the Seattle Storm. “Crystal knows the game and she knows how to transfer her knowledge of the game to the players,” said new Head Coach Brian Agler. “She understands the intangibles that make great players and great teams. She also has a great work ethic and I’m excited to add her to the staff.” While the re-signings of key players from last season are crucial to the team maintaining some consistency, franchise management and Agler still have quite a bit to work through as free agency continues and the April draft and the May 24th start to the season looms. Well-known is the uncertain status of AllStar Skylar Diggins-Smith – most certainly the face of the Wings franchise – who is pregnant with her first child. Diggins-Smith carried a heavy load last year finishing at or near the top in many categories including 10th in the League in points (avg. 17.9 ppg); 3rd in assists (6.2 per game) and 7th in steals (1.4 per game). She also led the league with minutes played at 34.1 minutes per game. The Wings must get her help at this position if and when she returns. “There are a lot of things out of anybody’s control right now,” Agler said. “So the main thing is letting her focus on having the baby and letting her get established and decisions will be made after that. If everything goes fine there, then we’ll have a sit down with March 8, 2019

Skylar and talk about the future.” In addition to questions surrounding Diggins-Smith, there’s Australian center Liz Cambage who - after taking the W by storm last year, setting several League records and nearly walking away with the MVP Award - stunned many by saying she didn’t know if she would return. She took it a step further last month, openly requesting a trade from the Wings. “Liz Cambage has communicated through her representation a desire to play elsewhere in the WNBA during the 2019 season. While Liz is currently under contract with the Dallas Wings, we will work to resolve this issue while keeping the interest of our organization the priority,” said Greg Bibb, Wings President and CEO Said Agler: “We would love to have her back. She’s a big part of this organization, one of the great players in our League. Without question she’s one of a few in our League who would be MVP. It’s a huge

WINGS Kayla Thornton

value for our team if she’s here so we’ll go into some dialogue and see where that goes.” Diggins-Smith and Cambage aren’t the only Wings’ question marks as free agency begins. The Wings are also looking to add a spark to their roster with their #5 pick in this year’s draft – a pick that they may need to rely on right away Around the League, notable unrestricted free agents include 2x WNBA Sixth Woman of the Year Award winner Chicago Sky guard Allie Quigley and teammate guard


WINGS CEO Greg Bibb and Coach Brian Agler

Courtney Vandersloot. Either would be ideal for the Wings at the guard position. Another big name free-agent is Tina Charles of the New York Liberty. The starting center finished 7th in points scored at 19.7 per game along with 7 rebounds per game. Not Cambage numbers but quite serviceable and could soften the blow if she (Cambage) doesn’t return. As the W gears up for another season, the two-time champion coach Agler methodically plans and plots to bring that same success to his new franchise. “All 12 teams want to win a WNBA championship; that’s the goal. But there’s a process they have to go through,” he said. “For any team to have or achieve a high level of success, they have to go through a process and that process for me in regard to our team is to create an identity then to create a culture that will cultivate that identity. “That s the foundation you have to have. That will be established, then it will be up to us,” he said. “There are a lot of good teams in this league. A lot of good champions in this League. There are teams in this league that have not won a championship that have the ability to do that.” There’s no doubt the Wings hope they are next in line. The Wings – who are entering its fourth season in the D/FW - tipoff the 2019 regular season Friday, May 24 against the Dream in Atlanta and are back in the College Park Center Saturday, June 1 hosting the Minnesota Lynx. They are coming off backto-back playoff appearances.


LIFESTYLE by Valder Beebe

That Celebrity Interview:

Oprah Winfrey Godmother of Nieuw Statendam! Celebrating for and with others talking VIP tours of Italy, private is heavenly deposits toward jets with her adorable dogs, and personal happiness and wealth. trips with celebrity friends. For three years I have been grace The maritime tradition of choosing to be a designated gift giving by Oprah as godmother for a new Hollywood’s top guru The Lash vessel dates back more than 4,000 Fairy to give away fabulous gifts years and is supposed to bring that are the same gifts given to good luck and protection to the all Oscar nominees each year. ship and all on board. Tech-Lifestyle This year’s theme EVERYONE A Expert Jennifer Jolly shares WINNER! I had joy giving gifts vicariously the full experience from on the Valder Beebe Show on-air, the ceremony and exclusive access via social media and personally at to the entire ship to figure out my church, Hamilton Park UMC. I how all of us can share that good know the recipients enjoyed the fortune in our sea travels. Jennifer luxury gifts; a hair dryer, spy camera says guests had the opportunity to pen, a complete oral care system read the latest onboard book club and more. Gifts were valued at a selection and then a group discuss minimum of $75.00. Sow some joy for an intriguing discussion with in your life, give a gift to lift spirits the author. O’s Reading Room was or simply to say “I care.” introduced on Holland America This week I invited into the Valder Line ships in 2017, and due to its Beebe Show Satellite Studios overwhelming popularity, is now Tech-Lifestyle Expert Jennifer available on all ships in the fleet. Jolly. Jennifer has been featured Holland America Line and O, on the Valder Beebe Show for The Oprah Magazine three-day several years, she’s an Emmy Girls’ Getaway cruise on Holland award-winning tech-life TV show America Line’s newest ship sailed host, and a nationally syndicated roundtrip from Fort Lauderdale, columnist. Jennifer gives us an Florida, and spends a day at inside view of the dedication Half Moon Cay, Holland America ceremony of Oprah christening Line’s idyllic private island in the the newest Holland America Line Bahamas. The Girls’ Getaway ship Nieuw Statendam (pron. New cruise celebrates the power State-en-dam) and was named its of friendship and will feature godmother. This special honor exclusive onboard experiences follows Oprah, Gayle and friends that honor and pay tribute to the having just sailed on a three- special bond between women. day Girls’ Getaway Cruise early VBS: Jennifer we adore when February 2019. Let’s be real: we you grace the Valder Beebe Show all want to travel like Oprah. We’re reporting on today’s culture topics. myimessenger.com


You are special having cruised with Oprah (and Gayle). Tell the rest of how it’s like to Travel Like Oprah? JJ: In order to travel like Oprah, I had a first person experience. You really must understand how you combine the eye opening, lifesaving wonder of travel with that O-Mazing! commitment you know that Oprah has to wellness connection and personal growth. That’s really what Oprah , the O Magazine and Holland America line partnered up to provide the rest of us mere mortals to experience. To kick it off Oprah herself christened and became god mother to the new America Holland ship. You should have seen………………………………… More of Jennifer Jolly’s Oprah Winfrey Godmother of Nieuw Statendam interview is available to hear on SoundCloud.com/ valderbeebeshow ValderBeebeShow.com, 411RadioNetwork.com, Youtube.com/valderbeebeshow, 411RadioNetwork.com; Podcast audio: Soundcloud.com/valderbeebeshow, Soundcloud.com/kkvidfw, 411RadioNetwork.com, PChatman Streaming TV Network and VBS affiliate broadcasters. Now available on 411RadioNetwork App

March 8, 2019


by Hollywood Hernandez

A MADEA FAMILY FUNERAL Tyler Perry’s Madea movies go back over 15 years with Madea’s Family Reunion and now ending with the last Madea movie, A Madea Family Funeral. With the exception of Perry, Cassi Davis, and Patrice Lovely; the movie has an all-new cast of beautiful and handsome characters. The new crew could start a new franchise with the new, younger generation of actors. Perry even creates a new character for himself, Heathrow, a war vet who’s missing his two lower

limbs and gets around in a wheelchair, and who talks through a voicebox after surviving a bout with throat cancer. I wouldn’t be surprised if Perry created a new series of movies with the dysfunctional family with Heathrow at the wheel of the new dramedy vehicle, In A Madea Family Funeral Madea and her crew drive to a small town in Georgia for a family couple’s anniversary party. But once they get there one of the members of the couple dies unexpectedly, causing

secrets to be revealed and revealing some marital woes affecting the current younger members of the family. I was a bit disappointed in the high amount of family drama in the movie and the low amount of comedy. The movie was shot in under one week and the quick production shows in the final project. However, the opening night crowd really seemed to enjoy the latest Perry project. I can’t say that I was one of them. The movie comes really

close to an R rating with its constant references to sex acts and drug use but it sneaks by with a PG-13 rating. The movie runs 1 hour and 49 minutes, including the outtakes during the movie’s credits. On my Hollywood Popcorn Scale, I rate A Madea Family Funeral a MEDIUM.

Around Town

with Hollywood Hernandez Roaring 20’s Party

March 8, 2019





March 8, 2019

ASK ALMA You are NOT my mom! Dear Alma, When I married my husband a few years ago, my mother in-law invited me to start calling her “Mom” as opposed to her given name. I was uncomfortable with the suggestion for a couple reasons – and without giving you a full-blown explanation, I just plain don’t want to. My MIL has never been ok with this and often politely corrects me in front of family members. Usually I just keep talking and try to let it go. We all attend the same church, and just recently my MIL called me out at choir rehearsal, insisting that I call her “Mom.” I am beyond angry, and yes my husband has had this conversation with his mother. She just won’t budge. What should I do? Not my mom Dear Not My Mom, I’m sure you’ve heard that in marriages you’ve got to pick and choose your battles, so let’s not waste this space discussing something you already know. Evidently this is extremely important to you, and I truly can respect that. You’d think that your MIL would, too, but that’s not the case. You have a right to reserve the special title of “Mom” and “Dad” for your parents and your parents only. Now, how do we convince your MIL of that, you ask? Sorry, sister-girl, it’s clear to me March 8, 2019

we can’t. You said it yourself; she won’t budge. Now, let me tell you why…. She wants everybody to know that you’re her DIL. Girl, wear that sash with pride! It not only connects you to her, but it connects you to her son, and she’s proud you’re in her family. Bless her heart! She’s proud of her whole family, including that special woman her son selected to marry. You’re the mother of her future grandchildren. There’s nothing wrong with that. This matriarch is trying to uphold her family unit -- one for all and all for one – family strong. Don’t take that for granted. In the long run, trust me, you’re kids will benefit from her commitment to family and labels of respect. Back in the day, you had to honor your relatives by name -Aunt Sherryl, Uncle Baron-- it was none of this first-name calling, like kids do nowadays. You said Grandmother and Grandpa; there was no “Hey, Jesse.” Nope, that didn’t happen, and for good reason. It commanded respect. I think you should compromise on this one and meet her halfway. Understandably, Mom is reserved for your mother – that’s not a problem. How about addressing your MIL as “Mother Helen” or whatever her first name is? This way, you’re acknowledging she plays a maternal role in your life and it makes her feel special and


accepted by you. When you say it, while addressing her, give her a big bear hug. She’ll need a minute to cozy up to it. Don’t misunderstand me, you aren’t relinquishing any of your independence in the “Mama Mia” contest; you’re merely transforming this competition into a mutual collaboration. Remember, this woman raised the man you married, so she can’t be all bad. Take on the role of her new DIL with joy in your heart. Acknowledging her as a mother figure in your life doesn’t minimize the role or abundance of love you have for your own mother. And your mother knows that. I can’t help but add, though, sweetie: If this is the biggest MIL thorn in your in-laws related rose garden, count yourself blessed and highly favored. Alma Alma Gill’s newsroom experience spans more than 25 years, including various roles at USA Today, Newsday and the Washington Post. Email questions to:alwaysaskalma@gmail. com. Follow her on Facebook at “Ask Alma” and Twitter @almaaskalma.




March 8, 2019

March 8, 2019






March 8, 2019

March 8, 2019



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