I Messenger 22

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FEBRUARY 10, 2012

NO 1 ISSUE 22 FEBRUARY 10, 2012

TWITTER TROUBLE Roland Martin responds




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FEBRUARY 10, 2012

Giddings appointed to Committee to study Alzheimer's Disease


Speaker of the Texas House, Joe Straus, recently appointed Rep. Helen Giddings (D - Dallas) to the Joint Interim Committee to study Alzheimer's Disease.

Rep. Helen Giddings

This committee was created to study the overall economic and systematic impact of Alzheimer' Disease, and identify resources to respond to its' challenges. According to the National A l z h e i m e r ’s A s s o c i a t i o n , Alzheimer's disease affects nearly 5.4 million people in the United States, 340,000 of which are Texans. Alzheimer’s is the only cause of death among the top 10 in America without a way to prevent, cure, or even slow its progression. Giddings recognizes the seriousness of Alzheimer's and has stepped up to the plate to do something about it. During the 82nd Legislative Session, she pressed hard as a member of the House Appropriations Committee to get the legislature to allot $3,253,750 for Alzheimer's research centers. Rep. Giddings said, "I am deeply concerned for the elderly and families that are affected by this disease. I am fully committed to working with the members of the Joint Interim Committee to find pertinent resources and funding to help ease the heavy blow that this disease has against those who suffer from it and their caregivers." PAGE 2







FEBRUARY 10, 2012

Message to the people...


It was Malcolm X who said, “The problem facing our people here in America is bigger than all other personal or organizational February 10, 2012 differences. Therefore as leaders, we must stop worrying about the threat we seem to think we pose to each other's personal prestige; and concentrate our united efforts towards solving the unending hurt that is being done daily to our people here in America.” Ending I’ve often paraphrased El Hajj Malik El Shabazz, by saying, domestic “The issues affecting our community are bigger than any one violence individual, so when we focus on individuals instead of issues, our community suffers because those issues are not addressed.” I’ve known Roland Martin for years. Our paths crossed several 8 times as we both were employed by the same newspapers and one radio station. In the mid 1990s, we served on the board of the Dallas-Fort Worth Association of Black Communicators for a few terms and we kept media companies on their toes as we actively challenged them the way the “Dallas Mafia” had done since its inception. When we went into newsrooms to address issues, it was necessary to be well prepared. We looked at the issues and called them what they were. There were some issues that were racist, while there Morris were others that were insensitive, callous, offensive or just plain, stupid! Day and When I heard about the controversy brewing because of Roland’s “tweets,” I became frustrated. I the Time to knew that the tweets would get attention and I knew that Gay Rights Activists would do something perform at that, for the life of me, we couldn’t seem to get Black communities, pastors, or too much of anybody Red, Hot & to do--get fired up. Snazzy You heard more about Roland’s tweets in one day than you heard about “Pookie” the serial rapist in five months. I know, folks are tired of hearing me talk about this Black male, who is targeting 12 members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., in the surrounding Dallas area. Now I am not getting into a war of words about which is more important, perceived “gay-bashing” or a serial rapist. While we must be mindful of what we say and do, and how our actions impact others; we must also be mindful of crying wolf and also taking something out of context. Advocating violence is not good. Gay bashing is not good. Is Roland Martin a violent, gay basher? Hell no! Veteran Many have said we have a great teachable moment here with this “tweeting situation.” There are journalist definitely lessons to be learned. Social media networks, like Twitter and Facebook, have been Libby Clark responsible for rejection letters, fights, failed marriages or relationships, job losses and more. remembered I have heard enough commentary. Some people are upset and view Roland’s Tweets as homophobic, some find the tweets offensive, and some find the tweets in poor taste. Then there are others who say the flack is much ado about nothing, light-hearted banter, or outright funny. 18 Whatever the case, we need to have an honest discussion about the issue of political correctness. We also need to understand that those in positions of “power” and “influence” have a responsibility to operate at a standard that is higher than that of those who don’t have the same platform. Yes, we need to hold people accountable but you have people apprehensive about saying anything about anyone because folks start yelling, "racist, homophobic, sexist," and so on when actually what the person said is just plain STUPID! We have all said something we wish we could take back--some more often, than not. Roland has apologized. CNN suspended him. Gay activists are claiming victory. Folks have lined up on either side. Now, we have to be able to be honest and deal with issues without being called an “ic” or an “ist.” Just like folks challenge Blacks to not play the “race” card, there are some others cards in the deck that are being overplayed. Cheryl Smith, Publisher Roland is going to be okay. His credentials are impeccable and he is smart, creative, resourceful, Established 2011 loyal and well-prepared. He is picking up more followers on Twitter and he will continue to be a tireless advocate. Roland will continue speaking, writing, and sharing his opinion, and I am sure he is IMessenger is a tribute to Le Messager, doing what he needs to do to grow from this tweeting controversy. founded by Cameroonian journalist Pius N j a w e a n d T h e M e s s e n g e r, a n Now back to those issues.



independent magazine, founded by labor activist A . Philip Randolph and economist Chandler Owen. PAGE 3







FEBRUARY 10, 2012

Subway stores could close in southern Dallas County Sometimes doing what is noble can be very challenging. Just ask Natalie and Travis Brown. They were committed to bringing a healthier lifestyle to the southern sector of Dallas County, by partnering with Subway Stores. After all, they felt the area had enough soul food, hamburger, fried chicken and fish restaurants. Little did they know how challenging the endeavor would be in an area where, former Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce president Reginald Gates conceded, in an earlier interview, that crime is a major problem and law enforcement patrolling efforts have been an issue. “When we have major events, there’s extra coverage,” he said, adding, “but we (black businesses and citizens) are here all the time.” Since they embarked on this journey, the Browns have run up against obstacle after obstacle--the latest being as recent as Thursday, February 9, 2012, when they received an early morning call that the alarm sounded because someone was at their South Dallas store, 3125 Grand Avenue, on the roof taking the copper off of the air conditioning unit. Last year, the store located at 2207 E. Ledbetter; which is located further south of downtown Dallas, was robbed and workers terrorized by the gunwielding men. The list goes on and on. There have been numerous incidents that keep the Browns using their resources to rebuild and replace, instead of enhancing what is already established. The Browns have had several breakins, acts of vandalism and robberies

who ask for nothing and are content just “hanging out.” “People don’t want to come to a place where they find themselves being accosted by panhandlers,” said Ms. Brown. “We need customers in the door and they shouldn’t have to navigate past people asking them for money or just hanging out,” In an interview several years ago, Ms. Brown talked about how they hoped to “leave a profitable legacy” for their daughter and how the increase in robberies could keep that dream from being a reality. “The cost to do business is so expensive. We are asking ourselves if it is really worth This Ledbetter Store is one of two locations that the Browns it. We’re trying to put a are trying to save in southern Dallas country. healthy meal into the mouths of the community and then they bite the hand that feeds since they opened up in 2000. Add those them.” additional costs to standard operating Acknowledging that Subway has costs, and you can see why the Browns guidelines that each franchisee must need some support. adhere to, Ms. Brown says the numerous To add insult to injury, they’ve been issues that result from operating in a told that they must vacate the premises high-crime area has made it difficult to by the end of month--the last date of comply; however she does believe that if African American History Month. This provided an extension, they can turn would also be significant because should things around, make the necessary the two stores close, there will be no improvements and turn a profit. Black-owned Subways in the entire city “One store was closed for an entire of Dallas, according to the Browns. month because of a robbery and The ongoing battle to do business is vandalism,” she explained. “Resources taking its toll on the Browns. Other that could have gone toward improving hazards or obstacles they face include on the business instead went to repair the constant barrage of panhandlers and replace equipment, items and around the store, as well as the loiterers, product.

“We need people coming in the stores, but not through the roof.” Still as the shortest month in the year rapidly ticks away, Ms. Brown is a little anxious. In a letter from Subway representatives, the Browns were given instructions to meet Subway standards. Those standards can be met, said Ms. Brown, with a little time. “We aren’t asking for money, just give us a little more time to show some profitability and to demonstrate to Subway how we have been an integral part of this community,” she said. “We have a good product, great employees and we have been very supportive of the communities we serve.” At press time, atty. Larry Fowler, representing Subway, had not returned calls to his Arlington office. The Browns are asking for support. They have already contacted Sen. Royce West’s office and other business owners. They are going on the radio and telling their story to anyone who will listen. “Sen. West has been very supportive and so have others. We need everyone to write letters,” added Ms. Brown. The two to call or send letters to are: Atty. Larry Fowler 1000 Ballpark Way, Suite 3000 Arlington, Texas 76011 817-795-4866 Dalton Gang Attn.: Royce Hall 1140 W. Campbell Road Richardson, TX 75080 972-644-3986 -Staff Reports

Come on PEOPLE! POLICE have not apprehended Pookie the serial rapist. Aren’t you concerned? Do you care?

He has attacked members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and there is a $5,000 reward offered by Crime Stoppers. If you have ANY information, PLEASE call Crime Stoppers

877.373.8477 Also, if you want extra protection, check out Street Safe at www.streetsafe.peopleguard.com “We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the vitriolic words and actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence of the good people.” . Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. PAGE 4








Apology for Tweets By Roland S. Martin

Based on several tweets I made on my Twitter feed on Super Bowl Sunday yesterday, I have been accused by members of the LGBT community of being supportive of violence against gays and lesbians and bullying. That is furthest from the truth, and I sincerely regret any offense my words have caused. I have consistently said on television, radio, and in print, that I am steadfast against bullying. As I wrote on CNN.com, as well as said on the nationally-syndicated Dr. Phil Show, I believe parents and schools need to take an active role in ending this epidemic that afflicts kids nationwide, gay or not. In fact, I was bullied in school, and watched another middle schooler pulled a knife on my father when he boarded our school bus and came to the defense of me and my brother. My position has been unequivocal on this issue, and will remain so. When we witness violence in this country against someone because they are gay, or being beaten because they are Black, that speaks to a vicious cycle that seems to be never ending. My joking about smacking someone, whether it was in response to a commercial or food they prepare for a Super Bowl party or wearing an opposing team’s jersey, was stated in jest. It was not meant literally, and in no way would I ever condone someone doing such a thing. As I said repeatedly, I often make jokes about soccer in the U.S., and my crack about David Beckham’s commercial was related to that and not to anyone’s sexuality. To those who construed my comment as being anti-gay or homophobic or advancing violence, I’m truly sorry. I can certainly understand how someone could come to a different conclusion than the one I meant. I’m disheartened that my words would embolden prejudice. While public debate over social issues is healthy, no matter which side someone takes, there is no room for debate as to whether we need to be respectful of others. As someone who has spoken out forcefully against bigotry against African Americans and other minorities, as well as sexism against women, I fully understand how a group who has been unfairly treated would be offended by such comments, and, again, I am sorry for any offense my remarks caused. But my focus has been steadfast and resolute in being a strong voice against such issues. My conviction has always been to speak progressively on issues confronting this country, and I will continue to do so. Roland S. Martin is a nationally award-winning and multifaceted journalist.

What do you think? 1. Were Roland Martin’s Tweets anti-gay? 2. Should CNN have suspended Mr. Martin? Email: cheryl@cherylsmithonline.com PAGE 5


FEBRUARY 10, 2012

Is GLAAD "Blackophobic" and does GLAAD have the credibility to bring down Black men? Washington, DC - As the founder and national organizer of the Black Men's Xchange (BMX), the nation's oldest and largest community-based movement for same gender loving (SGL), gay-identifying and bisexual African-descended males and allies, the actions of GLAAD raise great concern to me. A predominantly White organization, GLAAD may want to consider changing their name to the GLKKK as I continue to find many of their actions and reactions "Blackophobic" in nature. This new scenario targeting Roland S. Martin is just another case in point! I believe that GLAAD, or the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, has been using the media to lynch a disproportionate number of well known Black men in recent years. These men include Tracy Morgan, Isaiah Washington, Kobe Bryant, Barack Obama, and T.I. along with several others. We can now add TV ONE host and CNN contributor Roland S. Martin to the list. In reaction to an underwear commercial, featuring a scantily clad David Beckham - that ran during the weekend's Super Bowl - Martin shared the following tweet with his followers. "Ain't no real bruhs going to H&M to buy some damn David Beckham underwear! ..If a dude at your Super Bowl party is hyped about David Beckham's H&M underwear ad, smack the .... out of him! " and "I bet soccer fan Piers Morgan will be in line at H&M in the morning to get his hands on David Beckham's [sic] underwear line! LOL ." According to TheGrio.com, GLAAD angrily claimed that Martin's comments were homophobic and has demanded that CNN fire him immediately. GLAAD has not made the same request of the Black owned TV ONE network, where Martin hosts his own show. Is this because they perceive TV ONE in the same manner they tend to perceive Black people, as insignificant - until an opportunity to attack them (from their perspective) is presented? Last year GLAAD created a controversy by misquoting comedian Tracy Morgan, claiming he said, "I'd Kill My Son If He Was Gay." What Morgan actually said, as part of a comedy riff about Gay bullying was, "[If my son ever talks to me about being bullied, he] "better talk to me like a man and not in a gay voice or I'll pull out a knife and stab that little nigger to death." What Morgan actually meant by "gay voice" was a voice that was not "manly" or "masculine." From my perspective, his rant was a problematic critique of how a man - especially one at risk of being bullied - should talk. It was not meant to be a critique of

My Perspective By Cleo Manago

homosexuality. Morgan's routine was inspired more by a self-conscious reaction to attacks on Black men and manhood in America than it was a direct attack on homosexuality. I don't condone Morgan's comments but I understand what he meant. I also recognize why GLAAD opportunistically took the word "voice" out of Morgan's comments,

the process of recovering from many challenges that have resulted from being Black in America. But lilyWhite organizations like GLAAD are not in the position to complain about alleged injustice from Blacks. They clearly are not culturally competent enough to accurately interpret the voices of Black people.

Actor Isaiah Washington

Actor/comedian Tracy Morgan

then re-wrote what he said for their own selfish, thus racist, purposes. On the contrary, GLAAD apparently found nothing wrong with Morgan calling his son a "little nigga." Unlike Morgan, who was successfully terrorized into apologizing by GLAAD for something he never even said, so far, Martin has not fallen for it. The jury is still out on whether CNN will terminate the only darkskinned Black man seen frequently on their network. Unfortunately, a perpetually silent voice during these GLAAD attacks on Black men is that of same-genderloving (SGL) and bisexual Black people. Likely this silence is because many Blacks understand the culturally (if not problematic) context of Martin's and Morgan's words. As an SGL Black man, I'm insulted by a disproportionately White organization like GLAAD misconstruing the words of Black people, and trying to have Black men, who already represent the first fired and least hired in America, fired! I am not down for anti-homosexual attitudes or behaviors, and yes, the Black community still has some work to do on this issue. Yet, we are still in

If anyone reading this wants to know more about GLAAD, go to their website http://www.glaad.org/about/ board. There you will see for yourself how White they are, and given this reality, how unqualified they are to critique politically incorrect jokes about manliness from African American males. And I might add that anyone who doesn't see anything wrong with this picture - smack the sh@t out of him!


Cleo Manago is a socio-political analyst, behavioral health specialist, filmmaker, writer, public speaker and activist. He is the CEO and founder of the Black Men's Xchange (BMX), the nation's oldest and largest community-based movement devoted to promoting healthy selfconcept and behavior, cultural affirmation and critical consciousness among same gender loving (SGL), gay-identifying and bisexual African-descended males and allies and the CEO and founder of the AmASSI Centers for Wellness, Education and Culture. His groundbreaking film "I AM A MAN: Black Manhood & Sexual Diversity" is available for online viewing at http://vimeo.com/27859721 and on the Facebook page "I AM A MAN: Black Manhood & Sexual Diversity" by Cleo Manago (https://www.facebook.com/pages/IAM-A-MAN-Black-Manhood-Sexual-Diversityby-Cleo-Manago/261476843882298 )." Contact him at Cleo@AmASSI.com.





FEBRUARY 10, 2012

Citizens respond to assault at South Dallas store, apprehend culprit

According to reports, a bald, white male entered the Black Jack’s Pizza on Martin Luther King Blvd. in Dallas, and started vandalizing the place and assaulting customers. He ran down the boulevard and was caught and detained by members of the Nation of Islam and others. The man was detained and arrested by police. The above pictures show the inside of Black Jack’s Pizza and citizens apprehending the culprit.

Marching in North Miami

Mayor Andre Pierre with Josie Ashton and several participants at the 2011 College Brides Walk.

North Miami, FL – The 2nd ANNUAL COLLEGE BRIDES WALK on Friday, February 10, 2012 will bring together seven South Florida universities and several elected officials to raise awareness about dating violence among teens and young adults. North Miami Mayor Andre D. Pierre, Esq. will lead off the College Brides Walk as it marches its way from Barry University and makes a loop through North Miami. The event is coordinated by Josie Ashton and several university partners. The College Brides Walk is intended to raise awareness about domestic/dating violence among college and high school students. Speakers include survivors of domestic violence, community leaders and activists. Women are encouraged to wear wedding gowns or dress in white, men are encouraged to wear tuxedos or to dress in black. Wedding gowns are worn in memory of Gladys Ricart who was murdered in 1999 in Ridgefield, NJ, while preparing for her wedding. Agustin Garcia, Ricart’s ex-boyfriend, entered her house and shot her five times in front of her son, nieces and nephews who were all attending high school and college at the time of the shooting and who were shocked by her murder. Domestic violence does not only affect women who are victimized by their husbands. Domestic violence affects girls, boys, women and men. It affects both heterosexual and homosexual relationships. It affects all cultures and races. It impacts every person that is exposed in a family or intimate relationship. Josie Ashton began the Brides Walk tradition by walking from Ricart’s murder scene in Ridgefield, NJ to Miami, FL, FIU North Campus, where she was attending college in 2001. The purpose of the walk is to raise awareness on a national level and to start inspiring college students to learn how to protect themselves from the deadly effects of dating violence. PAGE 6







FEBRUARY 10, 2012

CNN suspends Martin over Tweets, GLAAD responds New York, NY,- GLAAD, the nation’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) media advocacy and anti-defamation organization, responded to CNN’s decision to suspend political analyst Roland Martin after he posted a series of tweets which advocated for anti-gay violence during Sunday’s Super Bowl game. Yesterday, GLAAD called on CNN to speak out after Mr. Martin posted an apology to his website. On Wednesday, CNN released the following statement regarding its decision: “Roland Martin’s tweets were regrettable and offensive. Language that demeans is inconsistent with the values and culture of our organization, and is not tolerated. We have been giving careful consideration to this matter, and Roland will not be appearing on our air for the time being.” “CNN today took a strong stand against antiLGBT violence and language that demeans any community,” said Rich Ferraro, GLAAD spokesperson. “Yesterday, Martin also spoke out against anti-LGBT violence. We look forward to hearing from CNN and Roland Martin to discuss how we can work together as

allies and achieve our common goal of reducing antiLGBT violence as well as the language that contributes to it.” The National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs found that violence against LGBT people was up 23 percent last year. Seventy percent of the victims murdered were people of color, and 44 percent were transgender women. Some have insulted Mr. Martin’s personal character and race when discussing this issue. GLAAD strongly condemns these attacks, saying there is no excuse for race-based attacks or hate speech. On Sunday, Mr. Martin tweeted: “If a dude at your Super Bowl party is hyped about David Beckham's H&M underwear ad, smack the ish out of him! #superbowl” “Who the hell was that New England Patriot they just showed in a head to toe pink suit? Oh, he needs a visit from #teamwhipdatass” Martin attempted to explain his first tweet by writing that he “was not referring to sexuality directly

NABJ president weighs in on Tweets – The following is a statement from Gregory H. Lee Jr., President of the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ), on the recent suspension of NABJ member and CNN c o m m e n t a t o r, R o l a n d Martin. “This is a teachable moment for all journalists. We are reminded that what we communicate in print and broadcast - and now through social media - has considerable power. NABJ does not support any commentary in any medium that is insensitive or

offensive. Mr. Martin is one of our most committed members. In lieu of his presence on CNN, until this matter is resolved, we encourage the network to continue to present a diverse offering of voices in its programming." An advocacy group established in 1975 in Washington, D.C., NABJ is the largest organization for journalists of color in the nation, and provides career development as well as educational and other support to its members worldwide.

Wa s h i n g t o n , D C

or indirectly regarding the David Beckham ad, and I’m sorry folks took it otherwise.” However, Mr. Martin did not respond to a question from LGBT news outlet Metro Weekly about why, if the tweet was about soccer and not based in anti-gay sentiment, he only referenced his concern about "a dude ... hyped" about the ad. Bloggers, advocates and thousands of supporters joined GLAAD in calling on the network to take action against Roland. Earlier this week, Sharon Lettman-Hicks, Executive Director of the National Black Justice Coalition, the nation’s largest black LGBT civil rights organization, also spoke out: “Even if he meant it in a jovial manner, Roland Martin’s words carry a real impact on the everyday lives of Black LGBT people, especially our youth. Given the number of rash murders, attacks and violent acts involving LGBT people of color, we cannot let statements such as this go unchecked. Silence is a form of acceptance and only perpetuates the problem.”

Celebrating the rich heritage of African people-And not just in February!

NABJ President Gregory H. Lee Jr.

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FEBRUARY 10, 2012


Conspiracy theorists will say, “told you so” about Safe House By Cheryl Smith Cheryl@cherylsmithonline.com

Denzel Washington can do no wrong! He’s back in this tale of intrigue, suspense, murder, conspiracy and action. Mr. Washington is the disgraced traitor, Tobin Frost. He’s a genius, who worked for the Central Intelligence Agency until, as the story is told, he became a traitor, selling out government secrets to the highest bidder. But did he really? As he eludes “assassins” in South Africa, he seeks asylum at the American Embassy. Government officials immediately begin interrogating Frost, but not as a fellow agent. Instead, they begin using techniques that you would expect to hear about in relation to dealing with prisoners of war. Mo v i e - g o e r s w i l l l o v e w a t c h i n g M r. Washington in action, especially in the face of adversity or antagonists. To continue with their investigation, U.S. officials take their captive to a “safe house” for interrogation. At the safe house, the person responsible for manning the facility is Matt Weston, played by Ryan Reynolds. Although an elaborate operation, the safe house is breeched by the assassins who are hellbent on getting to Frost. Agent Reynolds knows all the ins and outs of the safe house and so he takes Frost and escapes

with the a ssa ssins in hot pursuit. He’s determined to get Frost to another safe house. There is an underlying theme to this action thriller: take advantage of people’s desire to believe and trust. The question is, “who can you trust?”

“Take advantage of people’s desire to believe and trust.” Filmed in Cape Town, “Safe House” will keep you on the edge of your seat. While U.S. officials are scrambling around tr ying to relocate Frost and Weston, the assassins are just as relentless. Innocent people are killed. No one’s life is important in pursuit of Frost--everyone is expendable. Sometimes it was hard telling who were the good guys and it was interesting to see who prevailed in the end. Just when you trust someone, you find out otherwise. Even leaving out of the screening, I couldn’t believe, or trust the ending! The only thing I knew for sure is that the positive responses I received from movie-goers was genuine.

Radio veteran’s new gospel show takes ministry to new level 24-year Radio Veteran, Antonio “AJ” Johnson has been an on-air talent on various radio stations in Dallas-Ft. Worth for the last 14 years and is considered to be one of the most talented gospel radio personalities in the industry. The Memphis native, recently added one more Metroplex station to his list, 100.7 FM. New station for him, with a new format, featuring funky grooves, contemporary gospel, and gospel rap...thats right....gospel rap can be heard every Saturday night, 9p.m. until midnight during the Antonio Johnson Show, on 100.7 FM. The Antonio Johnson Show, which launched January 14, 2012, has an Urban Inspirational Format, that caters to the 18-34 demographic. The show features music by gospel rap artists such as Lacrae, Phanatik, Ambassador, Flame, Da' T.R.U.T.H., Pettidee, and T-Bone. It will also showcase local artists including, Young Beezy, Ty Jones, and SheSpeaks. “My goal is to establish that there is a following to support this type of ministry. I want to expose young people in and out of the church to rap music that they can listen to and enjoy and not feel convicted when they listen to it”, says Johnson. You can also expect DALLAS, TX—



to hear interviews, words of inspiration, and interaction with business owners and listeners. The Antonio Johnson Show is more than just a new show for Johnson. It is his first step at being a broadcasting entrepreneur. He owns the show and all the rights to it. He is the Program Director, Music Director, Producer and he finances it through advertisers and donations from listener supporters. “Am I scared out of my mind to launch such an endeavor? Yes I am! But I have faith in the show being a success and look forward to teaching other personalities that you can own your own too”, says Johnson. Mr. Johnson has no regrets about launching the show or the genre of music that he plays. He says, “chicken is chicken, no matter how it is served, and the WORD OF GOD is the WORD OF GOD, no matter how it is served. Gospel rap has been an underground movement for years. Its time to bring it above ground”. Check out the new Antonio Johnson Show every Saturday night, 9pm to midnight on 100.7 FM. A re-broadcast of the show can also be heard on Wednesdays at www.dfwiradio.com. !





FEBRUARY 10, 2012

First Lady remains committed to ending domestic violence Ta n e s h a H o l l i n g s h e d k n o w s firsthand the horrors of domestic violence. Actually, she and her husband, the Rev. Kenneth L. Hollingshed of Dallas’ North Park Christian Methodist Episcopal Church have been vocal about their experiences in hopes of helping others talk about theirs. “My husband and I come from abusive households,� said Ms. Hollingshed, during a recent interview. “This is a deep subject and we have to deal with those things that make us uncomfortable so that we can move forward.� Honored in 2006 by The Family Place, she is one of a distinguished group of “First Ladies Against Violence.� She says she is committed to the cause and ending the “madness� that leads to and is associated with domestic violence. “My husband and I have an outreach ministry and we have made a commitment to The Family Place. Known as the largest family violence service provider in the Dallas area, The Family Place is a haven for victims of domestic abuse. On Saturday, February 11 at 10:30 a.m. The North Park CME Church & Hallelujah House Outreach Ministry Center will present the 5th annual Domestic Violence Conference, “No Greater Love� - A celebration of healing: Mind, Body and Spirit, at the K.B. Polk Recreation Center, 6801 Roper Street, in Dallas. Featuring Ms. Cynthia Mickens, Sr. Pastor of Path Way to Life Center of

Tanesha Hollingshed

Ms. Hollingshed said the conference is held the same time every year because “a lot of victims were going back to their abusers around Valentine’s Day.� Stressing the need for counseling, she said it is also important to be transparent , “to talk about domestic violence,� so that victims won’t feel alone. During the conference, she said, there will also be emphasis placed on the impact domestic violence is having on today’s youth. Her son tells her of the physical fights between males and females at his high school and she was shocked. She concluded, “Hopefully we can end this madness.�

WHO: North Park CME and Hallelujah House WHAT: No Greater Love Conference. WHERE: K.B. Polk Rec Center 6801 Roper Street, Dallas WHEN: Saturday, Feb 11 10:30 a.m.

Hope, as the keynote speaker, the conference will also include a food demonstration by Chef Cassandra and a panel discussion on “The Impact of Domestic Violence on Our Health.� Methodist Health System will provide free on-site blood tests for prostate cancer for men, 38 years and above.

Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase. Martin Luther King, Jr.















FAMU president brings good news to area In September 2011, Washington Monthly magazine ranked FAMU as one of the “Top 100 National (FAMU) has been named one of the Top 15 most Universities.” This was FAMU's second consecutive popular national universities in the nation by U.S. year making the list. News and World Report. FAMU is the only Dr. Ammons will be in the Metroplex this weekend, historically black college or university that is ranked visiting with alumni, talking to prospective students in the Top 15 with other Ivy League universities such and sharing information about FAMU. as Harvard, Stanford, Yale, Massachusetts Institute of There will be a reception and program on Friday, Technology and Princeton. University of Florida is February 10 at 6:00 p.m. at the Dallas Black Dance the only other university in Florida to be listed in the Theatre, 2700 Flora Street in Dallas. top 20. Dr. James H. Ammons, a native Floridian, who grew The list is compiled by the yield of students who up in the heart of Florida’s citrus belt became the enroll in a university after being accepted. tenth president of Florida A & M University (FAMU) “This ranking shows that FAMU remains a on July 2, 2007. popular choice of students across this country,” said Dr. James H. Ammons Dr. Ammons, who graduated cum laude with a B.S. FAMU President James H. Ammons. “We are proud of this ranking and all of the others we have received since fall 2011. degree in political science from FAMU and earned the M.S. in public This year marks our quasquicentennial and this achievement builds on administration in 1975, and the Ph.D. in government in 1977 from Florida State University, began his teaching career in public policy our momentum as we celebrate our legacy of excellence.” According to the U. S. News and World Report’s website, one of and administration in 1977 as an assistant professor at the University the best indicators of a school’s popularity among students is the of Central Florida. He returned to FAMU in 1983 as an associate school’s yield—the percentage of applicants accepted by a college professor of political science, and in 1984, was promoted to the who end up enrolling at that institution in the fall. In fall 2010, FAMU position of Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs. In 1989, he accepted 4,993 and the first year enrollment was 2,815; therefore, was promoted to Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs and 56.4 percent of the students who were accepted were enrolled as part also served as Director of Title III Programs. At FAMU, he developed more than 22 bachelor’s, master’s and Ph.D. degree programs. in of the fall 2010 class. This academic year, FAMU has received the following addition, dr. ammons worked diligently to reestablish the FAMU School of Law. accolades: Prior to his Presidential appointment at FAMU, Ammons served as No. 1 public historically black colleges and universities the ninth chief administrator of North Carolina Central University (HBCUs) in the 2012 U.S. News and World Report college ranking (NCCU) where enrollment reached an all-time high during his tenure. for HBCUs. Under his leadership NCCU became the fastest growing institution in FAMU was named one of the “Best Colleges in the Southeast” in the University of North Carolina System. The Princeton Review 2012 edition. Dr. Ammons is an active member of his community and has In September 2011, FAMU was named one of Forbes magazine received many honors and awards including Carlie B. Sessoms 2011 Best Human Rights Award from the City of Durham for his efforts to Colleges in the nation in their annual ranking of top colleges. In 2011, FAMU was selected as one of The Princeton Review’s create harmony in the midst of the Duke University lacrosse case. He is also a recipient of the Distinguished Alumni Award from the “311 Green Colleges: 2011 Edition.” The list focused solely on College of Social Sciences (Florida State University – colleges that have demonstrated a strong commitment to 1995), Distinguished Alumni Award (FAMU-1999); and sustainability in their academic offerings, campus infrastructure, Millennium Award (FAMU- 2000). activities and career preparation. FAMU National Alumni President Tommy Mitchell will JET Magazine named FAMU one of the most affordable join Dr. Ammons on his trip. colleges. TALLAHASSEE, Fla.


– Florida A&M University




FEBRUARY 10, 2012

UNCF receives scholarship funds from Greyhound Bus Lines Dallas, TX -- Greyhound

Lines, Inc., a division of First Group, and UNCF– the United Negro College Fund – the nation’s largest and most effective education assistance organization, has announced the renewal of the Greyhound Scholarship Program. The program was first initiated two years ago from funds raised through a workplace campaign and matched by the company. This year’s program will again help to reduce financial barriers and increase access to higher education for low-income college students. Scholarships valued up to $2,000 will be awarded to qualifying students for this academic semester. The deadline to apply is March 4, 2012. “UNCF is sincerely grateful to Greyhound for their continued generosity and support for our higher education mission” said UNCF’s Area Development Director Diane Stephenson. “Greyhound’s partnership will go a long way in helping deserving – yet financially disadvantaged students get to and through college. Because a more collegeeducated workforce is vital to the well being of our national e c o n o m y, i n v e s t i n g i n t h e advancement of education ultimately benefits everyone.” Eligible students must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher, be enrolled full-time at a UNCF or other accredited 4 year college or university, have a financial need and submit an essay on how alternative fuel will impact the transportation industry. “As we work to transform our business into a modern, customerfocused company that will become known as the travel choice in North America, we are also proud to help transform the lives of students who will change the world in the future,” said Myron Watkins, vice president, customer experience, Greyhound. “Supporting the leaders of tomorrow with their educational pursuits is a great endeavor we are proud to join the UNCF in fulfilling.” For more information visit: http://www.uncf.org or contact David Ray, UNCF Program Services at 703-205-3562 to learn more about the program. To support UNCF scholarships or other programs, contact UNCF at (972) 234 – 1007. IMESSENGER

BRINGING YOU ENLIGHTENING, EDUCATIONAL, EMPOWERING, INSPIRING, THOUGHT-PROVOKING INFORMATION FEBRUARY 10, 2012 Author Melodye Micere Van Putten is rebellious from the beginning and found ways for a nice fling and when she says the fling is an Africalogist, specializing in the "practical to do what she wanted to regardless of the over--it’s over. But all is not lost. application of African-centered values." repercussions. Author Michelle Grant has a talent for During a recent interview, the dynamic, While her mother came from a middle writing and readers will enjoy the skillful Reviewed by Cheryl Smith effervescent and charismatic educator and class background, poverty was a way of life for way she weaves in the various characters. cheryl@cherylsmithonline.com world traveller who is passionate about life the Brazile family. Her father worked two and She will have your head spinning as you and her work, read poems to a live audience sometimes three jobs to take care of his wife keep up with some very interesting characters Harwood 609 Jazz Restaurant. and nine children. Before long Donna was also and the equally interesting lives they lead. Joy In the Morning - A at theShe said that Soul Poems: Life as a contributing to the household as she found The romantic in me wants Christina to find true love; however Ms. Grant believes Mother’s Journey from Fertile Ground" represents slices of the large ways to make money and also employ others. pie of my life's experiences, from the sacred You’re sure to become hungry while that before her lead character can have true Tragedy to Triumph to the defiant to the challenges we all live reading Cooking with Grease. Throughout love and happiness she must find her true daily." tales of her developing her political acumen and self. There are some definite lessons to be Quoting everyone from Dr. Carter G. incorporating historical moments from her learned in Sweet Little Lies. By Joy Woodson to Ida B. perspective; Ms. Brazile adds that Louisiana Strickland Wells Barnett, Ms. flavor as she shares stories of her mother Van Putten stresses cooking and recipes. Living My Dream - An the need for people to The national political scene is interesting I still remember Artistic Approach to become more aware and inspiring. Despite insecurities and hearing about the of their history. sometimes insults; she remained focus and tragic shooting of Marketing Whether she’s steadfast as she discusses the obstacles she Chris Lewis and writing about the confronted. Kendrick Lott. Chris value of Black life Ms. Brazile triumphs while remaining true attended Morehouse By Synthia SAINT JAMES and violence or Sister to herself. She’s gritty, smart, committed, College and Sojourners, Ms. Van methodical and passionate--all attributes that Kendrick planned to If you’ve ever heard Putten manages to helped her to flourish on the political scene as the saying, “nothing join him there at the find something to she became the first African American to lead a comes to a sleeper but end of the summer. invoke thought, along major presidential campaign. Joy Strickland is Chris Lewis mother dreams, “ you’re sure with other emotions. She appeals to the When she talks, people listen. Her story is to and in Joy In the Morning - A Mother’s grasp the full common sense, as well as a sense of love and one worth telling because Donna Brazile is a meaning of Living My Journey from Tragedy to Triumph she tells understanding that many may have found true role model! of that fateful summer night and the trial of D re a m , b y a u t h o r elusive in their lives previously. the two young men who were eventually Synthia Saint James. Her words leap off the pages and if you brought to justice. “I have a few reasons ever get a chance to hear her perform, she’s It has been almost 20 years and many of for writing this book,” Sweet Little Lies sure to bring a smile into your world and give those years were excruciatingly painful. Ms. Dr. Saint James writes. you fodder for future, deeper discussions. Strickland shares some of her most intimate “It is my hope that by Soul Poems: Life as Fertile Ground is a By Michelle Grant thoughts as she sheds insight into the life of sharing my journey, you will be inspired to joyful read. Each poem is written with a flow her son along with the criminal element that follow your dreams and passions.” that is easy to follow as you read from Ms. exists and wiped out the promising futures of THREE failed trips to the altar? Many The author of 17 children’s books, two Van Putten’s life experiences. two very talented and smart young men. women would give up on love and that’s just poetry books and a cookbook, Dr. Saint Readers will feel her pain as she second about where Christina is when she finds out James takes time in Living My Dream to tell guesses decisions she made and deals with a that for the third time she has planned a about her childhood and to share valuable variety of emotions before founding an wedding only to have everything blow up in marketing tips that will work for almost any Cooking organization to deal with many of the societal her face. profession. with ills that diminish the quality of life for all First there was Cedric who, a month For all the things she learned the “hard citizens because everyone pays for the before the wedding, secretly marries his way,” the author is sharing her experiences Grease continued proliferation of crime. college sweetheart. Next there’s Perry who in hopes that readers will understand that Mothers Against Teen Violence still lowers the boom two weeks before the experience is not always the best teacher, that Stirring the exists today; having celebrated a decade of wedding. Seems he is confused about his you can learn from other’s experiences. Pots in service and dealing with everything from sexuality! Self promotion is really important, she said providing counseling, seeking resources for So when Jay, who during a recent interview, because no one is America affected families and communities. says his real name is going to come banging on your door. Ms. Strickland also provides more David, comes with Currently touring HBCUs, Dr. Saint James is insight into her son by sharing some of his some wild story about By Donna an award winning artist. She designed the writings; namely his poems. A very creative working under cover Brazile first Kwanzaa Stamp for the United Postal young man and skilled writer, Mr. Lewis and how he is married Service and the international cover art for innermost thoughts are insightful and with children--just days author Terry McMillan’s Waiting To Exhale. Hailed as one of the best political displays just how talented he was. Once Ms. before the wedding; In Living My Dream, she takes readers on strategists of this era, Donna Brazile’s future in Strickland takes readers through the entire Christina explodes. her journey down memory lane. Students politics was charted at a very young age. In ordeal that culminates with imprisonment for After she kicks and first-time authors/artists, or especially Cooking with Grease, she tells of growing up in the murderers, she moves on to deal with Jay/David out of her anyone interested in establishing and refining Louisiana in a large family and how at a young living a healthy wholesome life. home, she has to go their brand will find Living my Dream a age she began bucking the system, asking through the unenviable task of once again must-have and must-read. questions that children usually don’t ask and returning gifts and making apologies. She But it’s more than one time only read. An developing an entrepreneurial spirit. has to suffer through the pitiful looks that she excellent resource book, most readers will Soul Poems: Political and social activism entered her is given; knowing that folks are whispering find themselves returning to the book time life before she was out of elementary school about yet another letdown, but she wants to and time again as they utilize Ms. Saint Life as Fertile Ground despite admonishings from her mother, who assure everyone that she is fine. James’ tips to further their careers, while also had other ideas about what her enterprising Maybe Steven, her former deliveryman, saving themselves quite a bit of heartache By Melodye Micere Van Putten daughter should be doing with her time. Getting can make things better. Maybe he can mend and frustration. involved with political issues was not an option. a broken heart, or maybe he will end up with An easy read, Living My Dream is a finalist When you read Soul Poems, you will Well little Donna never got the memo or his heart broken as well. Christina throws for a 2012 NAACP Image Award! immediately feel empowered! she chose to ignore it because she was herself into her work but she also has time NO 1 ISSUE 22

in OUR library

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FEBRUARY 10, 2012

Gala proceeds benefit scholarships for Texas students and HBCUs DALLAS/FORT WORTH – The North Texas area office of UNCF–the United Negro College Fund– the nation’s largest and most effective minority education organization, will host its 13th annual Red, Hot & Snazzy benefit gala on Saturday, February 18 at 6:00 p.m. at the Hyatt Regency in downtown Dallas. The elegant affair will include a reception, red carpet arrivals, silent and live auctions, gourmet dinner, dancing, and a live concert performance by popular R&B national recording group Morris Day & The Time. UNCF will also present its Excellence in Education award to BNSF Railway A signature DFW metroplex event, the Red, Hot & Snazzy Gala benefits UNCF’s Texas based member institutions and scholarships for low income students. Annually, UNCF supports 60,000 students at 900 U.S. colleges and universities. In addition to raising funds for much needed scholarships, this event generates vital financial support for UNCF’s member colleges & universities that will help them continue to play a critical role in our communities, said UNCF’s Area Development Director Diane Stephenson. “These students are our future. We are very grateful to those who’ve invested in UNCF’s higher education mission by sponsoring our Red Hot & Snazzy gala,” she added. "Education is a cause worth championing. In today’s society, education serves as a passport to the future.” said Honorary Chair State Rep. Helen

Giddings. “UNCF is to be commended for assisting so many young people in their quest to earn a college degree”. Co-Chairs Annette a nd Myron Watkins added, "Historically, black colleges and universities serve a critical purpose in our communities by providing students with the necessary education to Morris Day and the Time to better themselves and our perform society. Given the current economic environment, the role of the UNCF is more critical today than ever before.” The Mistress of Ceremonies will be Fox 4 News Anchor Clarice Tinsley, State Representative Helen Giddings and Texas College President Dr. Dwight Fennell will make remarks. Radio personalities Lynne Haze, Sam Putney, Chris Arnold and Skip Cheatham will serve as celebrity auctioneers during the Live Auction. Recording artist Toni Redd and Pianist Mariah Picot and Bassist Chris White will entertain guests during the receptions. Many local dignitaries and celebrities have been invited to participate during the “red carpet arrivals.”

Gala sponsors include American Airlines, AT&T, Atmos Energy, BNSF Railway, Citi, Coca-Cola Refreshments, Courtney Perez/HMBI Inc, FedEx Office, Greyhound Lines, JCPenney, Kimberly-Clark Corporation, Kroger, Neiman Marcus, Parrish Restaurants, RBC Wealth Management, Rent –ACenter, Travis & Amber Carter and Trinity Industries. Table Hosts include Alliance Data, Ben E. Keith, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas, Brenda Lauderback, City of Dallas Economic Development, Comerica Bank, DART, Deborah Peoples, Dr Pepper Snapple Group, Exelon Power, Fluor, Jarvis Christian College, Jones, Lange, LaSalle & Torrey & Sam Littlejohn, Karen Factory, Dr. Kim Persley, Lockheed Martin, Mildred Carrethers/Ava Washington, Nate & Tannie Jenkins, Nationwide Insurance, Pier One, Representative Helen Giddings, State Farm Insurance, Stephen & Kim Littleton, Texas College, Texas Health Resources, Texas Rangers Baseball Club and Wiley College. Scholarship Donors include Dallas Mavericks, Frito Lay, Texas Instruments and the Warrior Group. Media and other support provided by Clued In, DFWiradio.com, Grace Photography, IMessenger, Jark 1 Entertainment, Cheatham & Associates, CBS 11/TXA 21, KKDA, NTheKnow.com, North Dallas Gazette, Radio One, Rolling Out Magazine, Skip Murphy & Company, The Dallas Weekly and Time Warner Cable.

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FEBRUARY 10, 2012

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FEBRUARY 10, 2012

Strategies to Maximize Your Networking Success By Tarsha Polk The Marketing Lady

Getting together with other business professionals for the mutual purpose of increasing visibility and advocating referrals is considered to be the backbone of networking and it can be very beneficial to advancing your career. There is so much more to networking than just passing out business cards. Networking involves prospecting, developing relationships, sharing ideas and resources. Move beyond just passing out business cards to be strategic in maximizing your networking success. Strategic planning is the process of defining goals and objectives then developing strategies to reach those goals and objectives. So, before networking can start you have to get clear on your purpose and desired outcome from networking. This is the first step to strategic networking. Perhaps, you are networking to increase your visibility amongst key people in your career field.

Or, maybe you have recently graduated and you are networking to obtain a job. Whatever the purpose may be jot down 3 goals you want to achieve from networking and how you plan to achieve each. This is important because you will have a better idea of what types of networking organizations to join or events to attend. Identify groups and organizations that will help you achieve your desired outcome. For example, your networking goal is to obtain a job in the hospitality industry. Do research on networking groups like Hospitality Sales & Marketing Association International. I know what you’re thinking; the membership fees can be expensive. Often times you can still attend their local meetings without being a member. Now that you’ve determine where to go networking, do a little research on the group or organization by visiting their website or calling the group's membership chair. Tell them your purpose for attending and ask if there will be people there who can help you meet your goals. Ask the membership chair to introduce you to some of the attendees when you arrive. Get a copy of the membership directory to review before attending your first meeting. Check off the members you would like to connect with. You’re on your way to the networking event. What are you going to say when you get there? You need an elevator speech.

Imagine getting on an elevator and walks in the HR manager for a local company. Your short 30-second answer to "What do you do" is your elevator speech. In those 30 seconds you should say your name and briefly describe what you do. Be sure to tell the person what you are looking for or your purpose for networking. Tell them what you do best or what you can offer. Here a sample elevator speech: “Hi, my name is Tonya. I am a recent business school graduate who has experience in sales. I am looking for opportunities in the hospitality field where I can utilize my ability to generate revenue and provide excellent customer service.” Your elevator speech is your verbal first impression someone hears from you. Practice it so that it comes natural to you. Bring plenty of business cards. Unless someone asks for it, don't pass

them out without making a connection with a person first. What I mean by connection is that you have identified something you have in common with them or they have seriously expressed how they can assist you with your goal. Sometimes a connection is not made right away. Find out what they need. Who knows, you might have a referral for them. Remember, networking is when you exchange information or services among individuals or groups. By creating a plan of action before you attend a networking opportunity, will give you more confidence and maximize your professional networking success. Tarsha Polk is professionally known as The Marketing Lady. She is an author, coach, and speaker. Get more tips to networking strategically in her networking how to guide, Beyond the Business Card: Strategic Networking for Success, available at www.themarketinglady.com.

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FEBRUARY FEBRUARY10, 10,2012 2012

Urban Sports Newswire

Legacy Sports Gallery features best of HBCUs

Opening Reception for Gallery planned for February 26, 2012, 4:00-7:00 p.m. Dallas, TX-—Nationally

known sports historian and photographer, John Posey, has teamed up with Wings To Go Owners, Gwen and Travis Johnson, to unveil a sports photo gallery of his images at their Arlington, Texas restaurant. Mr. Travis, who played football at Ouachita Baptist University, has a sports theme throughout his restaurant. The permanent gallery was installed as part of the Wings To Go eighth anniversary celebration. An opening reception will be held on February 26, from 4:00-7:00 p.m., at Wings To Go in celebration of Black History Month. There will be music, food, and champagne. Live music will be provided by D. Ella Vaughn & Ivan Tolbert. There will be a short program. It is free and open to the public from 12:00-3:00 the day of the reception and during normal business hours. The “Legacy Sports Gallery” consists of more than 230 sports images divided into six viewing areas: 1) Professional & College Sports; 2) Black College Marching Bands; 3) the Southwestern Athletic Conference (SWAC) Sports Gallery; 4) Coaches Corner; 5) Sports legends; 6) and Sports Media. Many of the images have been published in newspapers, magazines, media guides, ads and websites. “I am pleased to collaborate with Gwen and Travis on this historical project. It is a tribute to the impact these people have had on the world. Wings to Go is a community institution and gathering place in Arlington. It is one of my favorite places to eat and serves as my field office,” said Mr. Posey who has a PAGE 15


personal archive of more than 200,000 images. “There are information panels throughout the gallery which explain the history of the SWAC, athletes and some of the most legendary Black College Band programs.” A partial list of athletes featured in the pro gallery include track and field stars; Gail Deavers, Lola Jones, Allyson Felix, Jearl Miles Clark, Marion Jones, and Stephanie Durst; golfers, Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson; tennis players, Venus Williams, Serena Williams, Justine Henin, Lyndsey Davenport, Jennifer Capriati, Maria Sharapova and Anna Kournakova; baseball figures, Lou Brock, Tony LaRussa, and Albert Pujols; boxers Muhammed Ali and Evander Holyfield; professional black cowboys and founder of the Cowboys of Color Museum, Jim Austin; Mamie “Peanut” Johnson, one of three women who played in the Negro Leagues; Negro league star, Josh Gibson; US Soccer Stars, Mia Hamm and Freddie Adu; NBA stars, Michael Jordan, Dennis Rodman, Bill Walton, Ron Harper, Commissioner David Stern, Darryl Dawkins, Scottie Pippen and Derron Williams; Olympians, Jesse Owens, Florence Griffith Joyner, Bob Beamon, John Carlos, and Tommie Smith. Mr. Posey, who mounted an exhibition, in 2004, on Black College Bands at the Dallas African-American Museum felt it was important to include them in the exhibit. “Black College Marching Bands are often described as the ‘Sport of Marching,’” added Mr. Posey. “They are as big an attraction as the football game. Several of the photos are from my 2004

Photo Credit: John Posey

exhibit. One of my favorites is a photo I shot of Gospel Star Vickie Winans performing with the Alabama State Band for a music video. There are also ad slicks of Southern’s Dancing Dolls and Prairie View’s “Marching Storm in the band section.” Black College Bands and Dance Auxiliaries featured include: Alabama A&M; Alabama State, Alcorn State; Atlanta-Clark University; BethuneCookman; Bowie State; Bethune 14 K Gold; Central State; Delaware State; Elizabeth City; Florida A&M; Grambling; Howard; Jackson State; Johnson C. Smith; Langston; North Carolina A&T; Prairie View; Prairie View Black Foxes; South Carolina State; Southern University “Human Jukebox”; Southern Dancing Dolls; Stillman College; Texas Southern; Tuskegee Golden Pipers; Tuskegee Piperettes; University of Arkansas Pine-Bluff; and, Winston-Salem State. “Photographing Black College Sports is always enlightening,” explained Mr. Posey. “I run into athletes playing all over the country that grew up in North Texas. Four of them who are featured are: Secrett Anderson (Grambling), Brooklyn Pope (Baylor), Laura Lewis (Hampton), and Quinton Criss (Texas Southern).” Others featured in the “Legacy Sports Gallery:” Kaylie Garcia and Brittany Slyman, TCU Soccer; Herman Boone ( “Remember the Titans”); Norm Lyons (former Texas Rangers executive); Roger Cador (Southern University Baseball Coach); John Cochran (Prairie Vi e w Te n n i s C o a c h ) ; S WA C !

Commissioner Duer Sharp; ESPN Reports Charlie Neal and Shelley Smith; Former Prairie View Band Director, George Edwards; Grambling Football Coach, Doug Williams; Grambling Band Director, Doctor Larry Pannell; Prairie View, Black Foxes Founder, Dr. Margaret Penn-Sherrod; Norfolk State Band Director, O’Neil Sanford; Prairie View Black Foxes, Sierra Snead, Brittany Yearby, Jasmine Bardere, Jeralyn Rush and Brittany Robinson; Southern Band Director, Lawrence Jackson; Southern Dancing Dolls, Raeven Hall, RaeAna Hall, Meagan Callier, Kayla Smith, Melissa Prejean, and, D’Tara Frank; Southern Drum Major, Louis Broadway; Texas Southern Soccer Coach, Tamara CrawleyMarigny; North Carolina A&T football coach, Rod Broadway; Arlington Sam Houston football coach, Anthony Criss; Johnson Products CEO, Eric Brown; Johnson Products VP of Marketing, Renee Brown; WNBA stars, Lisa Leslie, Cynthia Cooper, and Candace Parker; Baylor basketball All-American, Britney Griner; Southern football legends, “Stonewall” Jackson (Denver Broncos) and Charley Granger (Dallas Cowboys); and, North Carolina Central Football coach, Henry Frazier.

Carnell Knighten

A man I respected as one of the most talented music arrangers and considered a friend, Carnell Knighten recently passed away. He was the long-time assistant band director at Southern University. His daughter lives in Arlington. In his honor, I have added an iconic shot of Carnell, the legendary Isaac Greggs and current band Director, Lawrence Jackson I took in 2004 for my exhibition, “And the Band Played On.” This exhibit is open and free to the public. “We’re still adding touches like signage and lighting, but there is plenty to see and enjoy while you eat great wings or catfish. I’m extending an invitation to college and high school coaches, as well as area band directors to bring their teams to visit the gallery,” said Mr. Posey. Wings To Go is located at 4621 West Green Oaks Blvd., #506, Arlington, Texas, 76016. For additional information, contact Travis Johnson, Gwen Johnson or Mindi Chamberlain at 817-572-1600. !




FEBRUARY 10, 2012

Black History Month at UTA 8 February 2012 (Wednesday) - UTA Library Focus on Faculty: Dr. Ya’ke Smith discusses his film “Wolf.” 12:00 p.m., 6th Floor Parlor of the UTA Library. 14 February 2012 (Tuesday) -“A Night of Soul,” featuring the Dallas Black Dance Theatre. Sponsored by the UTA Office of Multicultural Affairs and the UTA African American Alumni Association. 6p.m., Rosebud Theatre, University Center. 15 February 2012 ( We d n e s d a y ) - P a n e l Discussion: “The TransAtlantic Slave Trade and Reparations.” 12:00 Noon, Rio Grande A, University Center.

Learn to love!

18 February 2012 (Saturday)Black Leadership Institute. Sponsored by the UTA Office of Multicultural Affairs. 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. Second Floor of the University Center.

National Urban League 2012 Summer Internship Program – New York, NY The National Urban League Summer Internship Program provides an insight into the world of non-profit management for college students, in the New York City metropolitan area and in Washington, DC.

20 February 2012 (Monday)“State of the Black College Student.” Film presentation and lecture by Dr. Darryl Scriven. 6:30 p.m., MAC Lone Star Auditorium.

The National Urban League is looking for candidates interested in a career in the not-for-profit sector, or in understanding the connection between nonprofits, corporations, and government in the work of our nation. DEADLINE to apply: March 1, 2012

22 February 2012 ( We d n e s d a y ) - F o r m e r Arlington Mayor Elzie Odom discusses his book, Counting My Blessings, 9:00 a.m. Room 10 University Hall. 24 February 2012 (Friday) Maverick Lecture Series featuring CNN Correspondent Soledad O’Brien. 7:30 p.m., Texas Hall. Date and Time tab: Dr. Charles E. Jones, Department of Africana Studies, University of Cincinnati. Dr. Jones is the former founding chair of the Department of African American Studies at Georgia State University and president of the National Council of Black Studies. In conjunction with the establishment of UTA’s Center for African American Studies, he will present a lecture entitled: “Here to Stay: Africana Studies in the 21st Century.” Other Programs in area S u n d a y, 2 6 F e b r u a r y 2012 Third Eye Community Book Review of Isabel Wilkerson’s The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America’s Great Migration. 3:00 p.m., South Dallas Cultural Center, 3400 South Fitzhugh Ave, Dallas, Texas. PAGE 16







FEBRUARY 10, 2012

GSU student gets invaluable experience as intern

Arlington, TX- Grambling student, Alex Smalls, began her photography internship by shooting the men’s and women’s basketball games for the Grambling “Pack the House” Promotion. Photo credit: John Posey, Urban Sports News

Grambling University Mass Communications major Alexandria Smalls has been selected to work with John Posey, CEO of Urban Sports News, as an intern learning every aspect of sports and commercial photography. Alex is a junior who has also worked as an intern on the ESPN show, “The Battle,” which featured the Grambling

Marching Band. She was a Student Production Assistant for Bobcat Films out of Atlanta, Georgia. Her responsibilities included; assisted the camera operator, logged the time codes and entered them into the computer as well as pulled time codes for the editor. Mr. Posey says finding Alex was a combination of luck and a student taking the initiative. “I was in the Grambling Gym watching the men practice and setting up equipment for a photo shoot with the Grambling “Lady Tigers” basketball team. I saw this young lady shooting the men’s team and looking so serious. She said hello and went about her work. About a half hour later she asked me who I worked for and I told her ‘myself.’” “Ten minutes later she asked me could she shadow me and learn during my photo shoot. I hooked up one of my strobe lights and put a pocket wizard radio receiver on her camera. We made a couple of adjustments and

she went to work. I looked around and said to myself, “I look like the assistant.” He continued, “Alex helped me set up all of the equipment for the shoot. I decided to let her also shoot each player to build up her portfolio. She wound up with 125 high quality images. She helped pack up my equipment and then worked with me shooting two games the next day. I decided to pay Alex as a working assistant and now am using her to help expand my coverage. Alex will be working with Urban Sports News at the SWAC Basketball Tournament and shooting Grambling home basketball games as an intern. She will work on other projects and sports events throughout calendar year 2012.” Urban Sports News covers sports nationally providing still photography,

video support, feature syndication and game coverage. Mr. Posey owns the USN Black College Football Poll and produces the electronic publication, Urban Sports News. USN covers 200 sports events annually.


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IN MEMORIAM John Mervin Marsh, Jr. 1929 - 2012 John Mervin Marsh, Jr. was born to Mervin Sr. and Agnes Marsh in Weeks Island, LA. on August 19, 1929. He married Barbara Sennette and they would have celebrated their 64th Wedding Anniversary on Tuesday, January 31. Mervin, known to friends and family as “Slack” served in the U.S. Army in the early 50’s and returned to join his Dad working as a Longshoreman for ILA Local #1504. He retired as the Business Agent for the local Union. Mervin was an active member of Holy Rosary Catholic Church. He was affiliated with the Knights of Peter Claver and The Sportsman Club. In his younger years he played on an All Black Semi-Pro Baseball team. He was an avid golfer, a league bowler and was involved in many other Civic and Community Organizations. In 2006, he was diagnosed with multiple myeloma (bone marrow cancer). After Hurricane Ike, he relocated to Dallas to have access to the best medical care. Even in his illness, Mervin touched the lives of many people with his friendship and generosity and maintained his trademark sense of humour to the end. After a stay at the Traymore Rehab Nursing Facility, he was placed on hospice on Jan. 17, and passed away peacefully at the home of his daughter one week later. He is preceded in death by his parents Mervin Sr. and Terry Marsh, Lumis Sr. and Agnes Marsh Beyonce, and one brother: Andre Marsh of Galveston, TX. He leaves to mourn him – his faithful wife of 64 years - Barbara Sennette Marsh. Children: Jackie Marsh Shepherd of Wylie, TX, Cynthia Marsh Ratcliff (Billy) of Dallas, TX, John Marsh, III (Angela) of Lewisville, TX, Ray Marsh (Deanna) of Flower Mound, TX. Other Children: Beonvia Maxey (David) and BoReese Maxey of Austin, TX. Sisters: Selena Marsh Rittenhouse of Galveston, TX, Florence Beyonce Bowers (Jimmy) of LaMarque, TX, Tina Beyonce Knowles (Matthew) of Houston, TX, Sharon Marsh Allen (Michael) of Clear Lake, TX Brothers: Roland Beyonce (Jeanette) of Austin, TX, Larry Beyonce of Houston, TX, Lumis Beyonce, Jr. (Cynthia) of Clear Lake, TX, Brandon Marsh of Galveston, TX, Steven Marsh (Jessica) of Galveston, TX and sister in-law Adair Marsh of LaMarque, TX. Special Cousin: Shirley Franco of Brooklyn, NY. 12 Grandchildren, 16 equally-treasured Great-Grandchildren and countless nieces, nephews, in-laws, cousins and friends who were blessed to know him.

David Peaston March 13, 1957 – February 1, 2012 David Peaston's huge, bombastic voice reflected great family roots; his mother Martha Bass was one of the Clara Ward Singers and a great gospel performer, while his sister Fontella Bass has equally distinguished gospel and soul credentials. Starting his career as a teacher and after being laid off in 1981, Peaston moved from St. Louis to New York. He began doing session work and auditioned for a role in the gospel musical Don't Get GOD Started. He also auditioned for a spot in the Apollo's famous Amateur Night competition. He became a featured attraction on the PAGE 18 !

syndicated Showtime at the Apollo in 1988 and eventually landed a deal with Geffen Records. His 1989 LP Introducing...David Peaston was among that year's hottest and most soulful releases, and he also toured with Gladys Knight in America and Gerald Alston in England. Peaston moved to MCA for the 1991 release Mixed Emotions, another truly underrated soulful album. Since 1991, Mr. Peaston has toured in numerous Gospel and stage musicals. After many years of being on recording hiatus Peaston also suffered from a diagnosis of diabetes which caused the amputation of both his legs. Somewhat Shattered but not dismayed Mr. Peaston uses prosthesis and still performs in stage musicals, just recently he starred in hit musical Shelley Garrett's "There's Nothing Like A Mother's Love" which also starred Grammy Award Winning recording artist Ann Nesby and The Funk Legend Larry Blackmon (lead singer from the hit selling funk group Cameo). Mr. Peaston died from complications of diabetes on February 1, 2012. A Tribute to the Legacy of David Peaston will take place at 4 p.m. on Saturday, February 11 at Shalom (City of Peace) Church (5491 N. Highway 67). Mourners are asked to send condolences to address: PO Box 210732 St. Louis, MO 63121

Angelo Dundee August 30, 1921 - February 1, 2012 Angelo Dundee’s real name was Angelo Merena. He was born on August 30, 1921 in Philadelphia, PA. He learned the intricacies of the boxing science while watching the great trainers at Stillman's Gym in New York in the late-1940s. The first world champion he worked with was Hall-of-Famer Carmen Basilio, who held the welterweight and middleweight crowns. Dundee, along with his brother Chris, a Hall of Fame promoter, eventually moved to Miami Beach and he was the chief trainer at the world-renowned Fifth Street Gym. While in Miami, MR. Dundee's career thrived. In 1960, Dundee was hired to train Muhammad Ali and he remained in Ali's corner until his fight with Larry Holmes. Mr. Dundee, a quick thinker and master motivator in the corner, helped Ali get through some of his toughest fights. “Any fighter that didn't like Ali should have his head examined, because Ali did so much for boxing”, Mr. Dundee once said. Angelo Dundee’s name has always been intertwined with that of Muhammad Ali. After a 21-year partnership which impacted the far reaches of the world, both names will forever be indelibly linked. In 1976, Mr. Dundee was asked to help shape the career of Sugar Ray Leonard. Again, Dundee was a genius in building a boxing legend and hall-of-famer. Few boxing fans could ever forget his "You’re blowing it, son" talk to Leonard just before he knocked

out Thomas Hearns to unify the welterweight crown. Dundee had such a great respect for Ray Leonard. After Muhammad Ali, the sport of boxing had a void. Ray Leonard was a little welterweight who took up that void. There came a little welterweight that picked it up because everybody needed that. Boxing needs a star at the forefront for the public to stay interested. And if you lose that, you're in deep trouble. Boxing should not be quiet - the worst thing in the profession is silence. You've got to have some noise; you have to let people get excited. We don't have that right now. Ray Leonard handled it all by himself back then. In addition to Ali and Sugar Ray, Mr. Dundee has trained champions Jimmy Ellis, Luis Rodriguez, Sugar Ramos, Ralph Dupas,

FEBRUARY 10, 2012

becoming the first African American to be licensed in the state of California to own a public relations firm. She joined the Los Angeles Sentinel, where she wrote about food and religion for 50 years. She co-wrote and edited the “Black Family Reunion Cookbook,” which was commissioned by the National Council of Negro Women. More than 250,000 copies of the book were bought and it was included on best-seller lists in 1991. At 94, she came to the Sentinel last October and said, "I want my press pass for 'Taste of Soul,'" according to Brenda Marsh-Mitchell She thoroughly enjoyed reporting positive stories about African American life. A grateful public and readership honored her with many awards and accolades during her lifetime at the Los Angeles Sentinel. She left pleasant memories and accomplishments that will be forever cherished by a grateful populace.

Patricia Stephens Due December 9, 1939 – February 7, 2012

Willie Pastrano, and George Foreman. Actually one of Dundee’s great feats was when he was in Foreman’s corner as he knocked out Michael Moorer to win the heavyweight title.

Libby Clark January 2012 Services for Libby Clark, a trailblazing Black female journalist, food and religion writer for the Los Angeles Sentinel for 50 years and editor of the “Black Family Reunion Cookbook” were held Jan. 30 in Los Angeles, where she died of Alzheimer’s disease. She was 94. A native of Chester, Pa., she was a graduate of Columbia University where she was one of four Black journalism students. She was the first Black woman to write for the Chester Times and later worked for the Pittsburgh Courier’s west coast bureau. A syndicated food writer whose work

(Courtesy Photo/Michael Riddick, Net.Profiles)

appeared in 150 papers, she came to Los Angeles in 1949 with a journalism degree from Columbia but was repeatedly rejected in attempts to land a reporting job with the Los Angeles Times and was turned away from attending an event at the then-segregated Los Angeles Press Club. Following rejection from the mainstream press, she turned to public relations, !

Civil Rights activist Patricia Stephens Due died of cancer in Atlanta Tuesday. She was 72. Born in Quincy, Fla. on Dec. 9, 1939, to Lottie Mae Powell Stephens and Horace Walter Stephens, Patricia Stephens would later lead students in the nation's first jail-in. Patricia Stephens was a student at Florida A&M starting in 1957. During her time at FAMU, Patricia Stephens and her sister, Priscilla Due, organized the Woolworth sit-in. Student went and tried to order from the "Whites only" lunch counter and on March 17, 1960 the students were found guilty and were told they had to pay a $300. Eight of the students, including Patricia Stephens and Priscilla, spent 49 days in jail refusing to pay the fines. This was the nation's first jail-in. While the students were in jail they received support from Martin Luther King Jr. through a telegraph. Patricia Stephens received her degree from FAMU in 1967; she was later awarded an honorary doctorate degree from FAMU. For her work as a civil rights activist, Patricia Stephens was awarded the Eleanor Roosevelt Award for Outstanding Leadership, the Ghandi Award for Outstanding Work in Human Relations and the Florida Freedom Award from the NAACP. "We are deeply sadden by the death of Mrs. Due and have lost one of the nation's foot soldiers for social justice and civil rights movement," said FAMU President James H. Ammons in a statement to the press. “It was the work of Mrs. Due that inspired generations of Rattlers to stand up and fight for their beliefs. We will never forget her contributions to this city, state and nation, which spurred a national movement. She was a courageous woman and we are proud to call her a FAMUan.” A memorial service, which will be held at Lee Hall at FAMU, is being scheduled. !




Mark your calendar February 10 The FAMU National Alumni Association - Dallas Chapter will host Dr. James Ammons, the 10th President of Florida A&M University at the Dallas Black Dance Theater from 6-8 pm. This event will serve as a forum which will allow the FAMU-ly to rally our support around our beloved institution, while educating the next generation of college students, parents, educators, administrators, community leaders, etc about (1) the quality of education offered at FAMU, (2) the benefits of attending FAMU, (3) successes of graduates of FAMU, and (4) the importance of supporting FAMU.

The 5th Annual No Greater Love - Domestic Violence Conference will focus on the hidden health hazards of domestic violence. This year's theme is Celebrating Health: Mind, Body, and Spirit and will look at the impact of domestic violence on health that goes deeper than exterior bruises and injuries.. This free community event will be at 10:30am at the KB Polk Recreation Center located at 6801 Roper Street, Dallas, TX 75209. This is a free community event that is open to both women and men. Annual Black History Prayer Breakfast of the Pentecostal Ministers Union (PMU) at the Holy Tabernacle Church of God in Christ 2800 East Loop 820 Fort Worth, Texas 76119 at 8a.m. The Urban League Guild of Greater Dallas & North Central Texas in collaboration with Harwood 609 is excited to host this Pre-Valentine's So YOU Think YOU Can SWING! Competition and Love Celebration $10 presale tickets.

February 16 Jordan Blair Tribute

6p - Reception 7p Program Saint Paul AME Church Rev. Juan N. Tolliver, Pastor 2420 Metropolitan Avenue Dallas, 75214 214.421.1344

Project Rethink Drug Policy Reform Discussion featuring UNT Ph. D. Candidate Paul Laurence Dunbar, 7:00 p.m., Chocolate Secrets, 3926 Oak Lawn, Dallas.

Join authors Dr. Terri Tyler ("CheckMate, A Woman’s Place The Ultimate Challenge" www.wix.com/1uniquely2me/ awritersgallery#!gallery) and Lynette Norris Wilkinson (“UNTOLD: The New Orleans 9th Wa r d Yo u N e v e r K n e w www.HurricaneKatrinaStories.com) for the first stop of their author tour at the White Rhino Coffee House, 230 W. Beltline Road, Cedar Hill, TX. Phone number 972-293-7361. The authors will be on hand to sign copies of their books from 9 to 11 am. 7 p.m. Pan African Connection "We Who Believe In Freedom (Liberation) Cannot Rest Until It Comes" Tribute to Civil Rights Organizer & Strategist, Mother of SNCC & Human Rights Leader, Ella Jo Baker

Jokae’s African American Books 12:00 – 2:00 p Color Me Black Jeannie Eneh

February 12 Muslim Legal Fund of America Fundraising Luncheon Al-Hedayah, Ralph Nader speaks 8601 Randol Mill Road, Fort Worth CELEBRATING BLACK HISTORY MONTH at Friendship West Baptist Church -Remembering Our Roots as We Anticipate New Fruit. Historically Black College: Wear your HBCU shirt and/or colors

February 14

The Adventures of Zolie “Miss Chit Chat” Zi Bully Bullies Children’s Author - Sonya J. Bowser * 12:00 – 2:00 p.m. The Voices That Shout Community invites you to Annual Women’s Tea at Friendship West 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Admission is free! The guest speaker will be ministry founder, Ms. Debra Nixon, A Woman Called Moses. There will be refreshments and the Gorgeous & Fabulous Hat Contest! Annual Mardi Gras Ball and Scholarship Fundraiser with Special Invited Guest Dr. Norman C. Francis and Frederick Carter, National Alumni President 8 PM – 1 AM Reflections on Spring Creek, 1901 Spring Creek Pkwy Plano, TX 75074. Join us for an extravagant evening inspired by a traditional Mardi Gras Ball,with a DJ, Dancing, Creole Inspired Cuisine Masquerade Contest for the Best Mask! Proceeds will benefit Chapterʼs Scholarship Fund which supports a DFW area student who is attending Xavier To Purchase tickets email: xualumniofdfw@yahoo.com

Interracial Love – Does love come from within or is it based on skin?: Tuesday, February 14, 11 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. Eastfield College G101. A panel of couples in an open forum will discuss and address the challenges; and share the success of personal relationship choices. With our growing population of people who are bi-racial and multi-racial, are we finally colorless? Or tolerant?

February 23

The ART of Living Black (Library Exhibit): Thursday, February 23 11a.m. - 12 p.m., L200. Eastfield’s Library will showcase student art work that describes their African-American life experiences for the entire month of February. Discover their inspirations by attending the Library reception held in their honor. Works in Progress Salon and “Speak East”, a place for writers to contemplate and create, 7-11p.m. At the Gideon Center, 31110 Main St, Frisca. This is the meeting place for writers wanting to work with their words. Bring your pens, pads, laptops and arrive early to work on that book in the making or poem in progress.

February 24

UNCF presents Red Hot & Snazzy at the Hyatt Regency-downtown Dallas with Morris Day & The Time. For tickets, call 972 234-1007.

Ralph Nader speaks at Fundraising Dinner Hyatt Regency North Dallas 701 East Campbell Road Richardson, TX 75081

2nd Annual Delta Legal Clinic will take place on Tuesday, February 21, 2012 at 12:00 p.m. at Dodd Center. This event is open to the public. This legal clinic will focus on Family Law, Housing, and Tickets.

February 18

February 11

The Blessings & Bling How Faith & Fashion Helped Me Survive Breast Cancer Dr. Sheron C. Patterson Jokae’s African American Books* 3:00 – 5:00 p 3rd Authors & Autographs Booksigning Event at Friendship-West Baptist Church, Sunday, February 26, 2012 after each worship service in the Narthex. Friendship-West Baptist Church - 2nd Annual Children & Youth Praise Dance Concert 2012 We’re Not Just Kids, We’re Praisers 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. African American Read-In. Cornerstone Baptist Church 1819 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Dallas, TX 75215. 11:00-1:00 p.m. Sponsored by Cornerstone Community Development Corp., and Dallas ISD District 9.

February 15

Urban League of Greater Dallas and North Central Texas’ Annual Meeting and Community Report Luncheon will be held at the Hilton Anatole at 11:45 a


February 26

February 19

22nd annual Eastfield College African-American Read-In: 11:28 a.m.-1 p.m., S100. Works of black writers are displayed, shared and read by volunteers. Local entertainers as well as the Eastfield Jazz Ensemble will perform. Take the “A Train” to the S Building and celebrate as we go uptown to pay special tribute to the Harlem Renaissance. Open to the public. All That’s Jazz with Fingerprints:, 12:30- 1:30 p.m., Eastfield College Performance Hall. Contemporary Jazz with a soulful R & B feel in the vein of Spyro Gyra and Pieces of a Dream. Fingerprints delivers exceptional grooves and emotional energy.

Friendship West Baptist Church Neighborhood Legal Clinic Begins at 6:00 p.m. The Dallas Volunteer Attorney Program (DVAP) will be present to provide individuals

Writing through Grief workshops at the Gideon Center in Frisco 3110 Main St., (at Teel) Frisco, TX , Conducted by Linda Jones, author, creator of "It's Only Temporary-- A Journal for Surviving Loved Ones." Grief Recovery Institute certification Fee: $55 1p.m. until 5 p.m. Participants will learn to use writing as a vehicle to help provide relief from emotional pain caused by death and other losses. This sensitively-delivered workshop will explore journaling techniques, mood monitoring and music meditation, poetic approaches and affirmations. CELEBRATING BLACK HISTORY MONTH at Friendship West Baptist Church -Remembering Our Roots as We Anticipate New Fruit Emancipation - Civil Rights Movement

Mocca Cosmetics’ Annual Gala celebrating 10 years of Success will be held at the Wyndham Hotel Love Field at 6 p.m. For tickets or sponsorship opportunities, call 214-946-8582 CELEBRATING BLACK HISTORY MONTH at Friendship West Baptist Church -Remembering Our Roots as We Anticipate New Fruit - Celebration ALSO - III Pyramids Bookstore presents Authors & Autographs 3rd Authors & Autographs Booksigning Event at Friendship-West Baptist Church, after each worship service in the Narthex. There will be a variety of books for purchase from inspirational novels to children books. So stop by for this exclusive preview of the amazing authors.

Send your calendar items to cheryl@cherylsmithonline.com

Tune in to Reporters Roundtable

Tune in to Cheryl’s World on Blogtalkradio.com weekdays at 9a.m. Monday, February 13

Tuesday, February 14

Join Cheryl, Phyllis Alphabet and Lady T • Black Economic History Fact of the Day

Join Cheryl, Phyllis Alphabet and Lady T • Black Economic History Fact of the Day

Wednesday, February 15

Thursday, February 16

Friday, February 17

J o i n C h e r y l , P h y l l i s J o i n C h e r y l , P h y l l i s Join Cheryl, Phyllis Alphabet and Lady T Alphabet and Lady T Alphabet and Lady T Black Economic History • Black Economic History • Black Economic History • Fact of the Day Fact of the Day Fact of the Day

on Soul 73 KKDA Sundays

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FEBRUARY 10, 2012

February 21

with legal advice and representation in a variety of civil matters at little to no cost.










FEBRUARY 10, 2012


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