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January 25, 2019

I Messenger

JANUARY 25, 2019



Coach Candi focuses on physical health



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JANUARY 25, 2019

I Messenger An IMM LLC Publication MAILING ADDRESS 320 S. R.L. Thornton Freeway Suite 220 Dallas, TX 75203 WWW.TEXASMETRONEWS.COM 214-941-0110 Cheryl Smith PUBLISHER - EDITOR news@texasmetronews.com Nina Garcia Marketing/Sales Manager EDITORIAL TEAM Lajuana Barton Eva Coleman L. Diane Evans Dorothy J. Gentry Vincent Hall Richard Alexander Moore Betheny Sargent Dr. Felicia N. Shepherd Monique P. Stone Dareia Tolbert Andrew Whigham III MARKETING TEAM Carlton McConnell Terry Allen PR DESIGN/LAYOUT 619 WEB/SOCIAL MEDIA EDITOR Alana King

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CREDO OF THE BLACK PRESS The Black Press believes that America can best lead the world away from racial and national antagonisms when it accords to every person, regardless of race, color or creed, full human and legal rights. Hating no person, fearing no person, the Black Press strives to help every person in the firm belief that all are hurt as long as anyone is held back.

REP. JOHNSON ENTERS RACE TO BECOME NEXT MAYOR OF DALLAS State Representative Eric Johnson (D-Dallas) has appointed a campaign treasurer with the City Secretary of Dallas to state publicly his intention to run for Mayor of Dallas in the May 4, 2019 municipal election. Serving as Johnson’s campaign treasurer will be National Football League Hall of Famer and Dallas Cowboys Ring of Honor member, Mel Renfro. “I’ve been around winners all my life, from winning football state championships in high school to winning two Super Bowls with the Dallas Cowboys, so I know a winner when I see one. Eric Johnson is a winner and he’ll be a great mayor,� said Renfro. Johnson is the chairman of the Dallas Area Legislative Delegation and has represented Dallas in the Texas Legislature since 2010 “I believe I offer the citizens of Dallas a unique combination of experience, energy, and creativity when it comes to solving problems, along with a proven track record of working well with people

I Messenger

from varying backgrounds in order to accomplish great things. I have represented one of the most diverse House districts in the state for nearly a decade and I’ve shown that I can bring people together to get the job done for all of our families,� Johnson stated. “Dallas is a great city, but we have some serious challenges ahead of us. We need to make sure that the Dallas of tomorrow is full of opportunity for everyone. It’s time to move beyond the old divisions at City Hall and work together toward real solutions. If we do, Dallas will be a city of strong, safe neighborhoods where families thrive and where every child has the opportunities to succeed that I enjoyed growing up in this incredible city,� Johnson added.“And that’s why I’m running to become the next mayor of Dallas.� Johnson is a Dallas native. He attended Dallas Independent School District schools through the first grade when he received a scholarship to attend Greenhill School through the West Dallas Boys and Girls Club. Johnson earned an undergraduate degree with honors in History from Harvard University, a law degree from the University of Pennsylvania Law School, and a Master of Public Affairs fromPrincetonUniversity.

I Messenger

JANUARY 25, 2019


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JANUARY 25, 2019


By Cheryl Smith


I was taught to value a few things and that is why healthy living is important to me. I’m talking about more than physical health because in order to take advantage of this experience we call life, it would be to your advantage to think about being healthy: physically, socially, financially, holistically, mentally and spiritually. That’s why the Realizing the Dream Healthy Living Expo is so very important. This is only the second year, but it’s been in the works for quite some time. Before his death in 2017, the legendary Dick Gregory talked about the importance of health as he encouraged audiences to drink water, walk and get plenty of rest. He also said that between he and his wife, Lillian, there was not one medical prescription. Now that assertion might not be pleasing to the ears of those in the medical and pharmaceutical industries; but for many it was eye-opening. Which brings me to my truth. I love to tell the story of the elderly woman who walked into my doctor’s office. She was a new patient and as I overheard her giving the receptionist her

I Messenger

Expo exceeded expectations Photos: Eva D. Coleman and Dorothy J. Gentry

age, I marveled at how good she looked. She was impeccably dressed. Her hair was beautiful and she had a dip in her hip and a glide in her stride. My mouth almost dropped to

the floor however, as I continued to observe her, thinking about how when I was in my 70s and 80s I hoped I had it together, like she did. The receptionist asked her if she had brought her medications, since this was her first visit. The woman said yes, opened her designer purse and pulled out a

large Ziploc bag full of pills and capsules! Clearly all that glitters is not gold and definitely you have to look past the outside to really evaluate a person. We know that beauty is only skin deep. At that moment, I thought that it was a blessing that she was still alive. I feel blessed to wake up every day and share in this experience we call life. For me it’s about more than existing. It’s about enjoying this ride; getting and giving the most I can. It’s about when it’s time to say those last goodbyes, I’ll have used up every bit of wisdom, love, compassion, In essence, I don’t want to leave anything on the table. Instead I want to do like the purpose of the Healthy Living Expo, be strong financially, physically, mentally, spiritually, holistically and socially. I want to, paraphrasing Paul Quinn College’s President Dr. Michael Sorrell, “leave a place better.” Living life to its fullest, lifting as I climb and taking advantage of the gift is so important. So on January 21st, as we celebrated the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; we gathered at the African American Museum, un-

I Messenger der the stewardship of Dr. Harry Robinson and his dynamic team and folks were educated, enlightened, inspired and entertained. What a beautiful way to spend the day. I worked with a dynamic group of men and women who were focused on making this world a better place through their contributions. There are not enough words to describe their selfless sense of service that is of benefit to society every day of their lives. I know they are tired. They worked like they were being paid, but not really because they are not motivated by dollar bill. Again I am blessed because I get tow work side by side as we execute some monumental tasks, and sometimes with limited resources. The Realizing the Dream Healthy Living

JANUARY 25, 2019

Expo was an eventful the chance we get! entire family and when Check out some of the pictures from the event. Also look at social media. I’d like to think that Dr. King would have been pleased to see a productive, progressive and diverse environwe look past many of ment where the issues the societal ills we face; effecting us all could be we need to be bringing addressed in a positive families together every manner.


So what is the result, what good came out of it? Well there was relationship building, screenings, solutions and more. Each step should be celebrated instead of criticized. We’re moving forward. Won’t you come with us? Stay tuned, we plan to be back in 2020. Actually before we started planning, folks were demanding that we do! Takes the bite out of the tired feet and aching joints!

CREDO OF THE BLACK PRESS The Black Press believes that America can best lead the world away from racial and national antagonisms when it accords to every person, regardless of race, color or creed, full human and legal rights. Hating no person, fearing no person, the Black Press strives to help every person in the firm belief that all are hurt as long as anyone is held back.


JANUARY 25, 2019

I Messenger

Realizing the Dream, celebrating the King Photos: Eva D. Coleman

All ages came out to enjoy the parade in Dallas and the Health Living Expo at the African American Museum.

I Messenger

JANUARY 25, 2019



JANUARY 25, 2019

Realizing the Dream Healthy Living Expo

I Messenger Photos: Dorothy J Gentry and Eva D. Coleman

I Messenger

JANUARY 25, 2019

Realizing the Dream Healthy Living Expo Photos: Dorothy J Gentry



JANUARY 25, 2019

I Messenger

I Messenger

JANUARY 25, 2019



JANUARY 25, 2019

I Messenger

I Messenger

JANUARY 25, 2019


Shame and Shade in Birmingham If anyone deserves a civil rights award, Angela Davis certainly does. The activist and scholar has been on the

The Last Word By Dr. Julianne Malveaux

front lines of the civil rights movement all of her life. She has been especially active in prison reform matters, but she has also been involved in other civil and human rights issues. When I learned back in October that she would get the Fred Shuttlesworth Human Rights Award from the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute, I was absolutely delighted. I imagined the wide smile the daughter of Birmingham must have flashed when she learned that she would be honored. Everyone in Birmingham wasn’t thrilled, though. Some people in the conservative Southern town seemed disturbed that she had been a member of both the Black Panther Party and the Communist Party. Others were concerned about her support of the BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement) against the Israeli occupation. She has said that she stands in solidarity with the Palestinian people, and advocates for their fair treatment in Israel. Some ill informed people consider the BDS movement “anti-Semitic”. They suggest that any questions that one raises about Israel shows a bias against Jewish people. But Davis, a lifelong human rights

activist, is concerned about the (the city provides the museum humanity of Palestinian people, with about a million dollars a as well as other people. And she year in operating funds) has is rightfully concerned, as many expressed his dismay about the of us are, about the spate of laws decision. Three board members recently passed that downright have resigned from the board. outlaw the BDS movement. And Alabama columnist Roy S. According to the Middle East Johnson has written a fiery colMonitor, a teacher in Texas, umn accusing the Civil Rights Bahia Amawl, refused to sign Institute of insulting Rev. Shutan oath that required her to tlesworth and staining its own pledge that she “does not cur- legacy. Johnson says the Birrently boycott Israel”, that she mingham Jewish community will not boycott Israel and that may have been the loudest, but she will “refrain not the from any action only folks that is intended pushing to penalize, inflict for Daeconomic harm vis’ award on, or limit comto be remercial relations scinded. with Israel”. Texas W h o is among some 25 rescinds states that have an award Angela Davis passed laws forafter it has bidding the state from doing been granted for statements business with companies that that were not recently made, boycott Israel! It will also not but are a matter of record? Aninvest pension funds in compa- gela Davis has long been an nies that support BDS. Thirteen outspoken activist, just like Rev. more states including Washing- Fred Shuttlesworth was. Nothton DC, have similar laws to ing had been changed from the the Texas law pending, pitting time Davis was notified of the people’s first amendment rights award and January 4, when it of free speech against support was rescinded. The BCRI did for Israel. And Florida Senator not have to honor Davis, but Marco Rubio, in the middle of their canceling the award is a a government shutdown, had special kind of insult. Fortuthe nerve to introduce national nately, Angela Davis has a thick legislation that mirrors the Tex- skin, and she knows exactly as law (actually, Illinois was the who she is. She didn’t cringe first state to pass this discrimi- when then-California governor natory law). Ronald Reagan had her fired Lots of people in Birming- from UCLA for her memberham aren’t having it. Though ship in the Communist Party. the “Civil Rights Institute” has She didn’t flinch when she was rescinded its award to Dr. Ange- incarcerated for a crime she did la Davis, there has been signifi- not commit. And she will not cant protest about the decision. tremble because the BCRI reBirmingham’s Mayor, Randall scinded the award. Woodfin, who is a non-voting Indeed, demonstrating the member of the Museum Board indomitable spirit that she is and did not participate in the known for, Angela Davis will decision to rescind the award travel to Birmingham in Feb-

ruary for an alternative event. And the Birmingham Civil Rights Museum has egg on its face. That city showed a young Angela Davis who they were when the Four Little Girls, some of whom she knew, were killed at the 16 Street Baptist Church in Birmingham. And they are showing her who they are once again. Shame and shade!Unfortunately, I’m not surprised. One of the founders of the Women’s March has demanded the resignations of Tamika Mallory and Linda Sarsour because they attended one of Minister Louis Farrakhan’s Savior’s Days. Marc Lamont Hill lost his CNN commentary gig because he spoke up for Palestinian rights. Alice Walker has been criticized because she supports BDS. Now Angela Davis is being denied an award. When is enough going to be enough? For the record, I support Palestinian rights. And I support Israel’s right to exist. Are the two incompatible? I think not. The one-state solution, with a right to return, and full citizenship rights for Palestinians makes sense. But Israel is not about to budge, and BDS as an attempt to influence it. States passing laws to outlaw free speech erodes the first principle of our Constitution and undercut the actions at the very foundation of our nation. Remember the folks who dumped tea into the Boston Harbor because of an unfair tax? Today that action might be against the law!

Julianne Malveaux is an author and economist. Her latest book “Are We Better Off? Race, Obama and Public Policy” is available via www.amazon. com for booking, wholesale inquiries or for more info visit www.juliannemalveaux.com


JANUARY 25, 2019

I Messenger

Who’s Who in Black Dallas to be unveiled

Dr. Michael J. Sorrell Hon. Helen Giddings

The fifth edition of Who’s Who In Black Dallas® will be unveiled at a networking reception and program at the Hyatt Regency Dallas Hotel Friday, February 8th beginning at 6:00 p.m., officials announced today. Who’s Who In Black Dallas® will be celebrating the achievements of African Americans in the metropolitan Dallas area. Over 200 people will be highlighted in the publication. Joining the celebration for the fifth edition will be retiring State Representative Helen Giddings and Dr. Michael J.

Sorrell, President of Paul Quinn College. Giddings penned the Foreword and Sorrell wrote the Introduction for the fifth edition. “Recognizing the achievements of African Americans in Dallas is significant. Sharing my thoughts among those affiliated with Who’s Who In Black Dallas® is very heart warming,” said Giddings. “I was thrilled to be invited to write the Introduction for the fifth edition of Who’s Who,” said Sorrell who has been previously recognized in the Most Influential section in Dallas. “I have

been an admirer of the many talented people in this city for a long time and am encouraged about recognizing African American contributions.” “We are excited to be doing the fifth edition of Who’s Who In Black Dallas® and are equally excited to have State Representative Helen Giddings and Dr. Michael Sorrell penning the Foreword and Introduction for this edition,” says Carter Womack, Chief Operating Officer of Who’s Who In Black. “Their respective impact on the African-American community goes

hand in hand with the commitment and vision of Who’s Who In Black.” Started two years ago as an added feature is the issuing of three awards – Eddie Bernice Johnson Trailblazer in honor of the long serving Congresswoman; Comer Cottrell Entrepreneur in honor of the late Hair Care Manufacturing Entrepreneur and Community Impact “We want to recognize three areas of impact,” said returning Associate Publisher Ken Carter, President, and CEO of Focus Communications, a 39-year-old pub-

I Messenger lic relations, public affairs, marketing, and crisis communications company “We strongly believe the recipients of these honors are truly noteworthy and Game Changers,” said Carter. The reception is open to the public at a cost of $50 per person without a copy of the book and $75 per person that includes a copy of the book. Additionally, reserved VIP tables of 10 that also includes books for each are available for $1,000. To RSVP go online to https://shoprealtimesmedia. com/shop/uncategorized/whos-whoin-black-dallas-5thedition-unveiling . Pre-order of the publication is also available for $39.95 by going to website – www.whoswhopublishing.com or calling (313) 9638100. The lead sponsors of the fifth edition are the North Texas

Tollway Authority, Toyota and Radio One (Magic 94.5 and 97.9 The Beat). Other sponsors include Dallas ISD, City of Dallas, and Texas Capital Bank among others. Who’s Who In

JANUARY 25, 2019

Black highlights the achievements of African Americans and other minority groups in over 25 markets across the country through its brand of Who’s Who publications and signature


events. Who’s Who In Black is a subsidiary of Real Times Media, one of the leading sources of African-American related news, entertainment, and lifestyle information.


JANUARY 25, 2019

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I Messenger

JANUARY 25, 2019



JANUARY 25, 2019

I Messenger

FEBRUARY 23, 2019 6:00 P.M. HYATT REGENCY DALLAS AT REUNION REUNION BALLROOM, 300 REUNION BLVD. EVENT CONTACT: Kristie Patton Foster dallasinfo@uncf.org 972 234 1007

I Messenger

JANUARY 25, 2019



JANUARY 25, 2019

On the scene with HOLLYWOOD

I Messenger

I Messenger

JANUARY 25, 2019


QUIT PLAYIN’ By Vincent L. Hall

Cesar and Martin – Unified in Struggle! Subsequent to Worker’s Rights activist Cesar Chavez leading a 300 mile march from Delano California to the state Capital in Sacramento, Dr. King penned a telegram to encourage his sibling in the struggle for equality. “As brothers in the fight for equality, I extend the hand of fellowship and good will and wish continuing success to you and your members. The fight for equality must be fought on many fronts–in the urban slums, in the sweat shops of the factories and fields. Our separate struggles are really one–a struggle for freedom, for dignity and for humanity. You and your fellow workers have demonstrated your commitment to righting grievous wrongs forced upon exploited people. We are together with you in spirit and in determination that our dreams for a better tomorrow will be realized.” Cesar Chavez was called into purpose in Yuma Arizona. He was born into a so-called middle class family in 1927. Chavez and King were “depression era babies.” Ten years later, the economic losses were so devastating, that Chavez’ father went from fruitful farm owner to a desperate farm worker. Previous to the pillaging of the Great Depression, the elder Chavez fed eight children from his earnings as a grocery store and ranch owner. The family’s home was stripped from them after his father entered into a legal contract that was breached by the other party. Eventually, he could not pay the interest on the loan and

the house was sold back to its original owner. It’s proper to note that the experiences of Brown people in this nation ain’t been “no crystal stair” either. America’s brand of capitalism has been ruinous for the poor of all races; Blacks and Browns have had to overcome capitalism and racism simultaneously. Seeing the pain and angst

of his father left an indelible mark on Cesar’s life. In a Maryknoll magazine article Chavez wrote commemorating the tenth anniversary of King’s death; he offers a glimpse of the internal strife that comes with waging a “bloodless revolution” against a bloodthirsty oppressor. Chavez remixes Martin’s rhymes with a little bit of Malcolm X’s rhythm. “We advocate militant nonviolence as our means of achieving justice for our people, but we are not blind to the feelings of frustration, impatience and anger which seethe inside every farm worker. The burdens of generations of poverty and powerlessness lie heavy in the fields of America. If we fail, there are those who will see violence as the shortcut to change.”

Dr. King spoke about the burdens of generations of poverty in his “I Have a Dream speech. Far too many miss the fact that King narrated the Nightmare several paragraphs before he began laying out “The Dream.” “It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note in so far as her citizens of color are concerned. Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad check, a check which has come back marked “insufficient funds. We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this nation. And so we have come to cash this check, a check that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice.” Chavez ended his article by praising King’s assault on the status quo. “It has been our experience that few men or women ever have the opportunity to know the true satisfaction that comes with giving one’s life totally in the nonviolent struggle for justice. Martin Luther King, Jr., was one of these unique servants and from him we learned many of the lessons that have guided us. For these lessons and for his sacrifice for the poor and oppressed, Dr. King’s memory will be cherished in the hearts of the farm workers forever.” Cesar and Martin fought on different fronts, but there was unity in their struggles. If the masses of people they were fighting for ever get together… this nightmare; this struggle; will end! Vincent L. Hall is an author, activist and award-winning journalist.


JANUARY 25, 2019

I Messenger

SPIRITUAL AND CRYSTAL ADVISER By Veronica Perez FEATURED STAR: CAPRICORN – The Goat – 12/22 – 01/19 Money on the mind is becoming an obsession. Make sure energy is right. Inspiration/Influence – Put focus into many pursuits. Lucky Numbers – AQUARIUS – The Water Carrier – 01/20 – 02/18 Better to express yourself now; people will be in awe of your brilliance. PISCES – The Fish – 02/19 – 03/20 What do you really want? You need to stay true to that for better results. ARIES - The RAM - 03/21 - 04/19 Always coming with new things, your ideas are embraced most at this time. TAURUS – THE BULL – 04/20 - 05/20 Deal with life as it really is, right now, it’s not always problematic for you. GEMINI – The Twins - 05/21 – 06/20 Changing your mind again; this time something big. Your friend’s votes will keep you grounded. CANCER – The Crab – 06/21 – 07/22 Don’t get too emotionally involved. Lay out the facts and let things sort out themselves. LEO – The Lion – 07/23 – 08/22 Take care of some basic needs today without feeling the need to always take the lead. VIRGO – The Virgin – 08/23 – 09/22 Today is a day for experiments. Act like a scientist and find new results, it’s always good to learn. LIBRA – The Scales – 09/23 – 10/22 You have ability to reach out to that person who’s very distant. They need you to allow space to “open up”. SCORPIO – The Scorpion – 10/23 – 11/21 Leaving the home while energy is raw of arguments is best. Get out and go back later. SAGITTARIUS – The Archer – 11/22 – 12/21 Genuine real connection may occur. If it seems real, it is. Enjoy and take it one day at a time.

Ref#: 97852514187 Orlando - park city - Gatlinburg myrtle beach - las vegas - branson Williamsburg - Miami

I Messenger

JANUARY 25, 2019


End the Madness From the Capitol By Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson

While furloughed government employees are turning to pawn shops to borrow money to pay their rents and mortgages, and others are standing in line at food banks for groceries to feed their families, the president of the United States continues to be indifferent to their plight and refuses to take the meaningful steps that would lead to the reopening of our government, and their return to work. It should be obvious to all of those who witnessed President Trump’s most recent address to the nation from

the White House that he lacks empathy for the 800,000 government employees who are either working without pay or are simply being told to stay at home. Not once during his nearly 15-minute address did he mention the awful financial and personal realities that they are facing as he holds them and the country hostage. The fact of the matter is that he is more concerned about the opinions of partisan political commentators, who are imploring him not to look weak, than he is about government

employees. Shamefully, he continues to request $5.7 billion for a border wall that the vast majority of security experts say is not necessary, and would be a waste of taxpayer dollars. In his speech the president offered temporary protection for approximately 700,000 young people, referred to as” Dreamers, ” who were brought to this country as minors. He also offered a reprieve to nearly 300,000 adult immigrants who are facing deportation. This is not the first time that we have been down this path with the president. There are those who doubt the sincerity of his proposals. Nearly one year ago, Mr. Trump rejected a deal that offered more money than he is currently requesting for a wall in return for a plan

that would have offered citizenship to the Dreamers. While giving his most recent remarks, the president did not address the single most pressing problem that our government faces, the shutdown. It is in his power to reopen the government, bring employees back to work, and return our nation to some sense of normalcy. As soon as the president reopens our government Democrats in the House of Representatives will continue to pass legislation that will secure our nation’s Southern border, and we are also prepared to address and pass legislation that addresses immigration reform. Frankly, Mr. Trump is not being serious, and until he does government employees,

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JANUARY 25, 2019

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I Messenger

JANUARY 25, 2019


Hollywood Hernandez Live

If Beale Street Could Talk they fall in love and Tish becomes pregnant with Fonny’s child. Meanwhile, Fonny is arrested for a rape that he didn’t commit and the wheels of justice grind by slowly as Tish does everything in her power to get her baby’s father out of jail. Regina King portrays Tish’s supportive mother and she gives a fantastic performance in her role as Sharon Rivers. After Tish breaks the news to her family, they decide to break the news to Fonny’s family, who are longtime family friends with the Rivers family. Things don’t go well when Mrs. Hunt, Fonny’s holy-roller mother, blames Tish for the demise of her son. However, the two fathers, played by Colman Domingo and Michael Beach, work

If Beale Street Could Talk has been out since Christmas, but it is a hard movie to find movie because it’s only out in limited release. The movie is based on a novel by James Baldwin, who was well known for his books and social commentary from the late ‘50s until the 1970s. The movie reflects the racist judicial system that existed in the 1970s that is still widespread today. The movie’s main characters are Fonny played by Stephan James and Tish, who is portrayed by the young actress KiKi Layne. The young couple has been inseparable since childhood. As young adults,

together in order to get both of their children what they need to survive. There is a real dynamic between the entire cast that keeps the film interesting. However, it is an extremely sad movie that leaves you feeling more frustrated than angry. If Beale Street Could Talk is rated R (for nudity) and has a run time just under 2 hours. It’s a movie worth seeking out and on my “Hollywood Popcorn Scale” I rate it a JUMBO.

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JANUARY 25, 2019

I Messenger

Valder Beebe Show


B. Smith

B. Smith her given name is Barbara Elaine Smith, known as B. Smith, is an American restaurateur. My adoration goes far back for B. Smith, now in her 60’s and suffering for Alzheimer’s disease her life is quite different. Living quietly and well taken care by her husband Dan Gasby. To me she is the ideal living legend for me to share about. She has inspired many women across the globe. B. Smith was the second black model to be on the cover of Mademoiselle Magazine in 1976, after Joli Jones was featured on the cover in 1969. B. Smith authored three books concentrating on recipes and presentation: B. Smith’s Entertaining and Cooking for Friends (1995), B. Smith’s Rituals and Celebrations (1999), and B. Smith Cooks Southern Style (2009). I list her

accolades very effortlessly yet keep in mind the years B. Smith was making her strides, women and African American women especially were still [and are] being held back in society. As she was being lauded as a bestselling author, Smith owned multiple restaurants, called B. Smith; the first opened in 1986, on Restaurant Row (Manhattan) and in Sag Harbor, Long Island, New York. She also owned a restaurant in the historic Beaux-Arts Union Station in Washington, D.C. Today, as Sparkle she lives her life in a quiet manner, being doted over by her loving husband Dan Gasby, a television producer they continue to be a quite force. Smith and her husband released Before I Forget in early 2016, detailing their journey following her diagnosis of early-onset Alzheimer’s. Dan Gasby is working to honor his wife and her wishes with his efforts to bring an assisted living facility to the South Fork

area that will serve people with Alzheimer’s and other memory-related diseases. Gasby said he is collaborating with Maplewood Senior Living, a Connecticut-based company, He said he wants to include elements that reflect the tastes of his wife. In the prime of her public and personal life B. Smith hosted a syndicated television show, B. Smith With Style on TV. Her show was ground-breaking, first for a woman of color to host her own lifestyle show. This was the era of Martha Stewart dominance and B. Smith did not look like Martha Stewart, making it a challenge that she had to find her audience. She did find her audience and the show was a cultural and ratings success. The greatness and uniqueness about her show B. Smith With Style is that she welcomed a variety of guests who added to her love of all things in life, from haberdashers (B. Smith loved hats) to great

food and the beauty of home. B. Smith a seasoned culinary and lifestyle expert, hostess/chef/entertainer demonstrated the tricks of her trade, from entertaining guests to cooking delicious meals for two. The show’s guests were the top celebrities of the day. Appearances from Danny Glover, Sally Jesse Raphael to features of learning to make Gumbo. We at the Valder Beebe Show salute B. Smith. I am still inspired by her accomplishments, her fortitude, her love for her husband Dan Gasby and B’s love of the beauty of life. B. Smith is and was a style icon, a domestic maven and a woman of grace, beauty and a glass ceiling breaker. She will allways be an inspiration to me as I guide my endeavors of the Valder Beebe Show to success.

Find more THAT CELEBRITY INTERVIEW; ValderBeebeShow.com, Youtube.com/valderbeebeshow, SoundCloud.com/valderbeebeshow, Soundcloud.com/kkvidfw, 411RadioNetwork. com , PChatman Network and VBS affiliate broadcasters. Valder Beebe Show is a Power of 3 Women consortium partner.

I Messenger

JANUARY 25, 2019

To tell or not to tell

Dear Alma, I interviewed for a nursing position at a large hospital in my hometown. The job involves working long hours and I have more than ten years of experience. After I was chosen I received a phone call to come in and sign the offer letter. The Director of Human Relations explained that the vacation time was negotiable. The offer gave me two weeks’ vacation after 90 days, but I asked for three weeks because of my experience. I recently started and when introduced to others, one of the nurses said, oh you’re the one who wants extra vacation. Everyone sorta laughed it off, so I guess she was making a joke. Initially I didn’t understand, but later realized, the director must have been talking about me. I find that to be totally unprofessional. Do you think I should leave the subject alone or bring it to her at-

tention? — Pissed in ER Dear P in ER, You have good reason to be pissed. Yes, it appears the director discussed certain tidbits about your recent hire out of place. And yes,

Ask Alma by Alma Gill Alma Gill’s newsroom experience spans more than 25 years. Email questions to: alwaysaskalma@gmail.com. Follow her on Facebook at “Ask Alma” and twitter @almaaskalma.

that is totally unprofessional. Can you prove it? I think not. Will the outspoken nurse speak on your behalf to the appropriate supervisor? I think not again. So, no, you shouldn’t bring it to her attention, at this point just leave it alone. You have however read Miss HRD’s hold card, so place that in your back pocket. You have ten years’ experience and whoo-hooo that’s a wonderful thing. It still


doesn’t erase the fact you’re the new kid on the block. You haven’t had time to see who’s large and in charge, who’s lame and insane and who’s just offering a hot cup of common sense. Remind yourself, you’re there to do a miraculous job, not to become best friends with the HR director. I doubt if you’ll run into her often. When you think about it, really, she’s a very small lily pad in a very large pond. Take in your first 90 days learning all that you can about this new facility and being thankful for your amazing opportunity. The nursing profession is filled with unsung heroes. We couldn’t thank you enough for the contributions that nurses and nursing have made to our community. So hats off to you my sistah, and thanks from all of the readers and supporters of “Ask Alma” from the bottom of our hearts. Alma

Alma Gill’s newsroom experience spans more than 25 years, including various roles at USA Today, Newsday and the Washington Post. Email questions to: alwaysaskalma@gmail.com. Follow her on Facebook at “Ask Alma” and twitter @almaaskalma.


JANUARY 25, 2019

I Messenger

Butterfly I emerge from this darkness changed. Leaving behind so much of what was me; whole but with missing parts. Pushing myself through a realization that does not include you, physically. Your transformation complete. Mine ... only beginning. La Juana and Patricia Barton

authors of Faithful Remembrances - Volume I

Black & Clark

Funeral Home “Excellence is our tradition... Service is our legacy� 2517 E Illinois Ave Dallas, TX 75216 (214) 376-8297 Linda Mitchell, CEO

I Messenger

JANUARY 25, 2019

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JANUARY 25, 2019 Recurring Events Reggae Sunday Brunch at Hero’s Lounge 3094 N. 35 Fwy. Dallas. 11am. Caribbean Breakfast & Lunch.

Marvelous Marriage Monday’s at Friendship-West Baptist Church 2020 W. Wheatland Rd. 7-8:30pm 1st & 3rd Info: covent@friendshipwest.org. Dallas 2019 Senior Games Hosted by: Dallas Parks & Recreation. Info: Senior Program Division at 214-671-1602. Dates: Feb. 28 - March10 & 3-16. Obama-Ology Play at Jubilee Theatre 506 Main St. Ft Worth Time and Dates Vary. Tickets: www.jubileetheatre.org. 1-25-2-24. La Llorona: A Love Story at Bishop Arts Theatre Center 215 Tyler St. Time varies. Tickets: www. bishopartstheatre.org 2-7-24-19.

January 23-27 5th Annual Denton Black Film Festival Feat: Kirk Whalum at Denton Black Film Fest. 214 W. Hickory St. Times & Tickets: prekindle.com.

January 23

Happy Birthday to Team Member who interned this past summer Jessica Hayden

Mentor Connector National Mentoring Month at UNT Dallas 7300 University Hills Founders Hall-Room 138. 6pm-8pm. Reggae Wednesdays at Aldeez Caribbean Restaurant & Event Center 7879 Spring Valley Rd. #115 Dallas. 9pm-2am.

January 24 Arlington Black Chamber Jan. General Mtg. & 2019 Networking Mixer at Brickhouse Lounge 2525 Arkansas Ln. 6pm. RSVP: Eventbrite. Soul Jazz Thursdays with Natural Change at Sandaga 813 813 Exposition Ave. 8pm. DA John Creuzot Victory Reception at Lakewood Country Club 6430 Gaston Ave, Dallas. 5:30pm-7:30pm. Tickets: donorbox.com. Pura Vida Salsa & Bachata Thursday Afro-Latin Dance at Duncanville Fieldhouse 1700 S. Main St. 8 pm-10pm. Intro to Canva for Business at Redbird DEC-Dallas Entrepreneur Center 3662 W. Camp Wisdom #2044 6pm-8pm. Eventbrite

January 25 Happy Birthday to Team Member and a great lady Betheny Sargent Dress Performance Theater Series “Ah Girl Pearl” at Clarence Muse Café 1309 Canton St. Dallas 8:15pm. NAREB Dallas “Golden Ticket” Awards at Hall of State 3939 Grand Ave. Keynote Speaker: Dr. Frederick Douglas Haynes, III. 6pm. Evenbrite. Wine Down & Dine in Addison Ahyonz Feat: Kenya C. at Jam Box 3965 Belt Line Rd. 7:30pm-11pm. Tickets: theqnetwork.wufoo.com. Grow DeSoto Community Networking Event 324 E. Belt Line Rd. 6pm-10pm. Eventbrite. Kevin Curry Book Signing at Barnes & Noble 7700 W. Northwest Highway #300 Dallas. 7pm-8pm. Dallas Mavs VS Detroit Pistons at American Airlines Center 2500 Victory Ave. Dallas. 7:30pm.

Jan. 26- Feb. 2 T h e Hipest & Coolest Jazz Event: BlueNote at Sea a Celebrity Infinity Jazz Cruise for info: www.bluenotesea.com.

January 26 Toni Braxton As long As I Live Tour at The Pavilion at Toyota Music Factory 300 W. Las Colinas Blvd. Irving. 7:30pm Tickets: via Live Nation. The Magical Mystique of Mardi Gras Ball 2019 Select Grand Duke & Duchess at Fair Park Centennial Hall 1001 Washington St. 6pm-2am. Free Workshop! How to Start or Run a Small Business at Embassy Suites-Dallas Market Center 2727 N. 35 Fwy. Register: 972-445-6442. TRE Elections-DISD and Richardson ISD Hosted by: Coffee & Politics at African American Museum 3536 Grand Ave. Dallas. 10am-11am. Denim & Black Affair at Foundation Room Dallas 2200 N. Lamar St. 9:30pm-2am. For the Love of Neo Soul Open Mic at Athletic Zone 423 Singleton Blvd. 9pm. instaseats.com. Hector Cantu’: An Afternoon with Bald and Friends at Bishop Arts Theatre Center 215 Tyler St. Dallas. 3pm.

Lota Phi Lambda Sorority Psi Chapter Hots: Adult Women & Youth Conference at Hamilton Park U. M. C.11881 Schroeder Rd. 9am.

January 31 Judicial Investiture Judges of the 5th District Courts of Appeals at Dallas Bar Association 2101 Ross Ave. 3:30pm.

2019 Founders’ Day Celebration AKA Omicron Mu Omega Chap. Speaker: Dr. Ruth J. Simmons at Hyatt Regency 300 Reunion Blvd. 11am.

January 27 MLK Community Peace March & Celebration at Trinity Church 1231 E. Pleasant Run Rd. Cedar Hill. 3pm. For info: www.cedarhilltx.com/mlk. Dallas in the time of Martin Luther King, Jr. at Hall of State 3939 Grand Ave. 1-5pm. Pastor Tommie L. Brown: New President of D. B. M. U. at New Mount Zion Baptist Church 9550 Shepherd Rd. 6pm. Speaker Pastor: Bryan Carter. Debra’s Healing Kitchen Presents: Weight Loss is Possible Workshop at 2020 Wheatland Rd. Dallas 10am-12pm.

Texas Coalition of Black Democrats Dallas “Ch” Elected Official/ Precinct Chair Reception at African America Museum 3536 Grand Ave. 6pm. BLAK Talks Series 9 Host: Joseph Abrahams at African American Museum 3536 Grand Ave. 7pm. The History of Mariachi at Latino Cultural Center 2600 Live Oak St. Dallas. 6:30pm-8:30pm. Speak(her) Series with Chef Gabrielle McBay at Spaces Dallas 1919 McKinney Ave. 5:30pm-8pm. Eventbrite.

DFW Joint Founders Day Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity & Zeta Phi Beta Sorority at Hilton Arlington 2401 E. Lamar Blvd. 6pm-12am. Feeding The Needy Hosted by: Hollywood Hernandez Live 1698 Corsicana St. Dallas. 3pm-5pm. Sunday Evening Soul at Face Off dance Studio & Event Center 1030 W. Arkansas Ln. Arlington 7:30pm-9:30pm. Eventbrite.

January 28 Young Women Enrichment Ministry at Friendship Baptist of the Colony 4396 Main St. 7pm.

January 29 The Jazz Jam at Jazz BeCuzz at Art Center 9819 LBJ Fwy #120 Dallas. 8:30pm. Eventbrite. Karaoke Night $2 Tuesdays at Heroes Lounge 3094 N. 35 Fwy. Dallas. 7pm-2am. Sherna Armstrong Band Live at Free Man Cajun Café & Lounge 2626 Commerce St. 7pm.

January 30 Irving Hispanic Chamber of Commerce After Hours Networking Mixer 5:30-7pm. University of Texas at Arlington Tour at Lets Gear Up 200 E. Belt Line Rd. DeSoto 8am1:30pm. Info: gearup.desotoisd.org.

I Messenger

Judge Chika Anyiam Victory Reception at St. Pete’s Dancing Marlin 2730 Commerce St. 5:30pm7:30pm. donorbox.org.

February 1 Dorrance Dance Dallas Debut! One Night Only at Winspear Opera House 2304 Flora St. 8pm.

Homeless Expo Service Providers/The Pursuit of Wholeness at Kaye Bailey Hutchinson Convention 650 S. Griffith St. 10am-3pm. 6 5 t h Annual Founders’ Day Celebration Host: South Dallas Business & Professional Club, at Magnuson Grand 1515 N. 35 Fwy. E. DeSoto. 11am. 4th Annual Dr. Carter G. Woodson Luncheon W. Marvin Dulaney Branch at 4th Ave. Church Christ Family Life Ctr. 3220 Park Row Ave. 11:30am. 25th Annual Daddy Daughter Dance at DeSoto Civic Center 211 E. Pleasant Run Rd. 6:30pm-9:30pm. Info: apm.activecommunities.com. House Party After Party with “Hip Hop Hooray” +DJ Deuces at Texas Theatre 231 W. Jefferson Blvd. Dallas Community Driven Growth: A Citywide Conversation at Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas 2200 Pearl St. 9am-1:30pm. Tickets: recouncil.com. Black Woman’s Appreciation Event Dallas Edition at City of DeSoto Civic Center 211 E. Pleasant Run Rd. 1:30pm-5:30pm.

February 3 Omega Alpha Omega’s 111 Year Founders’ Day Brunch at Sheraton McKinney Hotel 1900 Gateway Blvd. 1pm.

Unspoken Showcase 1 Year Anniversary at 1401 Regal Row, Dallas 7:30pm. Eventbrite. Pink Goes Red AKA Sorority Alpha Xi Omega Chapter at Brickhouse Lounge 2021 N. Hampton Rd. #100 DeSoto. 6pm9pm. 1st Friday Pre Valentine’s Day & Mardi Gras Masquerade Ball at Cedar Cannon Dude Ranch 4523 University Hills, Lancaster. 7:30pm-2am.

Super Bowl LIII at House of Blues 2200 N Lamar St. Dallas 4pm-9pm. Super Bowl Party Fundraiser at The Black Police Association Greater 211 Center St. 3pm. Super Bowl “53” Game Watch Party at Union Park 5076 Addison Circle, Addison 3pm. RSVP before 3pm for No Cover. SuperChampionship Bowl Party at Hilton Garden Inn 800 N. Main St. Duncanville 5:30pm

Let’s Launch: Everything You Need to Know to Start a Business Host; Lift Fund at 14681 Midway Rd. Addison 9am-12pm Free.

Soulful Sunday Brunch at Lemonade Lounge 1411 E. Campbell Rd. #1200, Richardson 12pm-4pm.

Pink goes Red for a Day Workout AKA Sorority Alpha Xi Omega “Ch”. at Head2Toe Fitness Studio 605 E. Palace Pkwy #B5. Grand Prairie. 6pm.

The Big Game Super Sunday Watch Party at Bar 2909-West 7th 2909 Morton st. Ft. Worth 5:30-8:30pm Free RSVP Reservation.

February 2

February 4

Soul Saturday’s Scout at Bastards of Soul! At Scout 1914 Commerce St. Dallas. 9pm.

Dallas Mayoral Candidate Forum at Texas Theatre 231 W. Jefferson Blvd. 6pm-8pm. Free Ad-

I Messenger

JANUARY 25, 2019

Trinity (TX) Chapter The Links, Incorporated

S AV E T H E D AT E 12th Annual

Saturday, March 2, 2019 Hyatt Regency Dallas Benefitting So SMAART, Scholarships and Community Outreach

Celebrating 25 Years of Friendship and Service



JANUARY 25, 2019

I Messenger

Do you know this man?

POLICE have not apprehended “Pookie” the serial rapist. We know he has attacked members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and there is a $5,000 reward offered by Crime Stoppers.


He targeted members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. but this is more than about a sorority. We’re talking about a community. Come on PEOPLE! Don’t you CARE? Will it matter when it is your sister, mother, aunt or grandmother or maybe YOU?


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