Jw anderson strategy manual

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JUSTIFICATION The Virtual reality app is to be launched online for the Brand JW Anderson which is a British fashion label founded by Jonathan Anderson in 2008. ("J.W.Anderson") JW Anderson studied menswear at London college of Fashion after a childhood interest in theatre led him to focus on costume. Anderson never showed must interest in the typical menswear and womenswear he was never interested in designing dinner suits or cocktail dresses, in fact over years of his own menswear brand we see that Anderson has presented us with kimono style coats that look a bit like dresses, jumpers hanging from the waist that look a bit like skirts and shirts

in so sheer they could get away with being blouses. People who support Anderson’s work tend to describe his designs as androgynous or gender bending. Anderson has a cool open mindedness approach to gender, therefore showing the importance on gender fluidity consumers and why JW Anderson should invest in the virtual reality concept.


Researching more into JW Andersons collections his A/W 2013 menswear collection was what made the decision easy for this brand to release a virtual reality app for the chosen consumer, this collection blurs gender stereotypes and has ever since caused Anderson to be driving a catwalk conversation about gender fluidity and expresses how gender ambiguity has become a massive cultural issue in today’s world. He explains that it was one of the most important shows he will ever do. Focusing on an issue that is around us every day is important, it was about gender confusion and Anderson believes that as a designer you have to reflect in what is going on in the world. As a fashion designer Anderson prefers to use the word unisex for his collections he expresses ‘people forget about unisex, but I think it’s very relevant now.’ Andersons unique design aesthetics offers a modern perception of femininity and masculinity by mixing up silhouettes from menswear and womenswear elements which earned Anderson in 2010 to venture in to womenswear. ("The Radical Unisex Designs Of JW Anderson") Furthermore J.W Anderson has won numerous fashion awards over the years of establishment, most known for winning both men and

women’s brand of the year at the British Fashion Awards in 2015 and was the first brand to do that in the same year. As well as that the brand and its designer have collaborated with a variety of different retail fashion brands such as Topshop and Versace. Key stocklist for the brand in the UK include Dover Street Market, Selfridges and Printemps. Whilst online shopping has become more popular his pieces are available from the brand official website, Net-a-Porter and Matches & Mr Porter. There is a big opportunity as online luxury fashion sales are rising but consumers are expecting more for a luxury digital experience therefore releasing a virtual reality app which connects to Andersons website would be a more exciting experience and rise in sales. By 2018, global digital sales for luxury fashion are expected to grow from 3% to a whopping 17%, 18% for the UK. The top site for British Luxury online shoppers is the department store- Selfridges.com, where 65 percent of consumers say they have either thought about buying online from there or have done several times.




The Consumer




The consumer group the virtual reality concept is to target gender fluid/ non-binary shoppers. This is because gender is a big topic of conversation of today and is a consumer group that currently faces isolation in the contemporary retail environment. Research shows that non gender binary people say that sometimes shopping alone can be a stressful experience, our target is to aid this. With Bruce Jenner’s transition to Caitlyn, transgender issues have become forefront and centre in the mainstream cultural conversation. But between many young people in this generation, there is a much bigger conversation going on about gender. The word ‘binary’ – something relating to two things – male and female – gender norms is being seen as restrictive and pointless. Non binary/gender fluid is someone whose gender identity or expression shifts between man/masculine and woman/feminine or falls somewhere along this spectrum. Waking up putting on a dress and lipstick feeling feminine but sometimes feeling more masculine and the thought of putting on a skirt compels overwhelming anxiety. Unfortunately, we live in a world that insist you to choose male or female, in paperwork, public toilets and in shops and because of the way gender in clothing shops are so gendered people feel anxious about entering spaces where they want to discover and buy clothing. There are many concerns of a non-binary shopper as high fashion is beginning to embrace androgyny, gender fluid people are finding it harder to shop in mainstream retailers because of how feminine the woman’s departments are, suppressed with bright colours, skimpy

fabrics and feminine patterns. Other concerns are that their fear of shopping in other departments makes them immediately think everyone is glaring and giving weird looks, shopping isn’t as fun as it should be when with friends and it’s hard for non-binary shoppers to find stores that sell clothes that they can feel good about themselves in. (Zulch) Results show that a questionnaire answered by 900 people that 63% identified as non-binary and 84% of them felt that their gender identity wasn’t valid and feel more isolated and excluded. The questionnaire also showed that there was a very high percentage of non-binary people that suffered from low self-esteem and had poor mental health. Moreover 31% admitted that they have avoided retail spaces because of the fear of being harassed and that one of the fears are changing rooms a most shops have gendered fitting rooms. (Non Binary) People treat gender fluid people like their just a liability and to see a company express that they care about you and that they support that your identity is valid whatever it is, is incredible. It sets your business apart for other businesses even from just a marketing point of view. So for our brand to put such focus on this consumer group, which is growing each day will hopefully get more recognition.




Virtual reality basically means ‘near reality’, this could mean anything but it usually states to a specific type of reality emulation. It is an artificial, computer generated environment used in a three dimensional way which can be explored and interacted with by a person. Virtual and augmented reality are on their way to the top to reshape retail, they offer retailers opportunity to transform how people shop. Customers can try on shirts without having to physically go into the store. Another might order furniture on the spot, assured that its right for the house. Stores using either VR or AR technology are in the position to abolish customer pain points, uplift customer service and create a unique and personalized customer experience, making the customer feel more involved. ("Virtual And Augmented Reality Will Reshape Retail") When it comes to customers, personalisation is important and retailers are already personalising shopping experiences. For example the online site Shop Direct,

which serves customers with personalised product recommendations when their online shopping, based on their personal historical profile or ‘wisdom of the crowd’ data, this is to guarantee they find what they’re looking for as quickly as possible. They say that VR in retail is predicted to be one of the next big things in the world of commerce, shaking up the whole retail industry but the technology needs to become more accessible in order for it to become truly expansible. Many retailers have experimented with VR and AR, an exciting recent example was provided by clothing company North Face, the brand used virtual reality technology transporting customers to Yosemite National Park whilst shopping in store. You sit down and strap on a pair of Oculus rift goggles and the next you know you’re swept away on an adventure. The company explained that it was an exciting way to improve their storytelling around a life of never-ending study. ("Virtual Reality In Retail) Another VR app example is the IKEA app which allows shoppers to virtually see a life sized kitchen so that they can place different cabinets, surfaces and fittings viewed at different angles and heights in the room, seeing what the products would look like before buying. ("Augmented Reality")

The concept for the chosen store is a virtual reality app for their e-commerce site, using a VR headset often referred as HMDs, which essentially means they are head mounted displays. Whether it’s top of the range Oculus rift, Samsung or the google cardboard headset which cost next to nothing, placing your smartphones display in front of your face can be enough to throw yourself in to a virtual world. The handsets aim is to create a life size, 3D virtual environment without using the technology we usually associate with such as TV or computers. Your point of view is your characters point of view and most VR headsets track your head movement so whichever way you move your head the screen attached to your face follows. The idea of the virtual reality app we are wanting to release allows the consumer to try on clothes through the headset on a life sized personalisation of themselves, so that they can see how the clothes look and fit before buying, it then also allows you to buy the item straight away via the app which is connected to the brands official site. The app will scan your body analysing your height, clothing size, hair and skin colour personalising recognition as accurate as possible so that you will

show up through the headsets. The app allows the customer to choose the item of clothing they want to try and will show through the headset how it fits on them, it will also show product recommendations chosen by what other items the consumer considers to look at, if the consumer likes how the item looks on themselves, they take their device out the headset and can continue to buy the item. As more and more people are relying on the convenience of online shopping this allows customers to buy and try on the clothing without having to go to the store. The 360 degree view will capture the stores fitting room letting you think you are in the actual real world fitting room. To shoot the 360 degree video you need a spherical camera, making sure you can capture the highest possible quality of video. It is important to keep the camera in a still position, when the camera moves around it must retain even movements otherwise it could cause motion sickness for the customer.

S W O T A N A Y L S I S The SWOT model is tool for the first stages of planning a business and helps marketers focus on key issues. The main purposes for the SWOT model is to add value to your products and services so that you can convert new customers, retain loyal customers and extend products and improve services. It showcases the pros for the brand as well as the consequences it would have to the consumers.

STRENGTH One strength for the virtual reality app for the JW Anderson website is that the consumer doesn’t need to leave their house to try and buy clothes, and so our consumer is in a comfortable position when shopping instead of feeling embarrassed. Research shows that for the first time ever more consumers are going to the internet to make purchases more than ever. According to results, people now make 51% of their purchases online and whilst online shopping broadens, the use of smartphones to make purchases expands rapidly and at least 44% of smartphone users buy items by using their devices. More than half of online sales are made through mobile devices as it is quick and easy. ("Consumers") Furthermore research also show that having access online to items not available instore is important as well as a convenient

returns policy and free shipping. British consumers would also be willing to but more online if better prices were offered and if the online store sold exclusive online products that nobody shopping in the store would have access to. ("Luxury Fashion") Another strength is that the app can be seen to create a personalized customer experience, as the service is connected to the customer and. This is important as it has been found that people will find it more desirable and fun and that the soft wear is more inclined to use and trustworthy. Pros of Virtual reality technology are that it gives the user an awesome experience, connects with people and also gives detail views.

On the other hand weakness’ for the VR app is that the technology used is developing and are still many flaws to be worked on, for example app the biggest con for creating a virtual reality app is the cost, the hardware and equipment used to process virtual reality is really expensive. ("Cons") We know that a high percentage of people use smart phones daily and are app savvy and to keep the brand ahead of the competition apps are always a good idea, but with this being a virtual reality app and need a headset for it to show you the virtual concept is a concern as not everyone owns a VR headset, all thought headsets are now available in various prices costing from £5 to £500. Moreover clothing is a tactile product so the customer may not receive the same enjoyment or assurance from virtually trying it on and so the consumer might prefer to try the garment in store before online.


There is a long list of open opportunities for a virtual reality app one is that the equipment used for it to be improved to its strongest ability, another being that down the line the expectations for virtual reality is to become more mainstream and the rise in headsets will expand so much that v-commerce will soon be used more at home browsing and buying without leaving your seat. Another opportunity for the VR headset app making it stronger is that customers sometimes like second opinion’s when it comes to fashion, therefore the app could incorporate social media sharing options being able to send your life sized avatar with the clothes your trying on via the headset, such as

snapchat so you can send the image to friends. Consumers are 92% more likely to trust their friends when it comes to purchasing decisions. This leaves the VR app a more exciting interactive experience as a customer being able to connect with others. ("Consumers")


THREATS However, there may be threats to this concept is security and privacy concerns, information is usually used to modify advertising to people specific needs, which would be same for VR. Knowing the person the VR headset belongs to will be helpful to anyone analyse an audience and selling products. Fr example the Oculus Rift has admitted that it collects some private data about their users such as emails, date of birth and city, customers are assured that such information will be safe but all of which could attract scammers. Perhaps something even more worrying but not highly likely to happen is that

VR headsets require the ability to track your movement such as what you’re looking at, where you’re facing and how you’re interacting with things around you, this is to improve gameplay, or to spy on you. ("Security")


In the real world you would try to make the ously because it is an app connected to the interest by downloading showing exciteto show them why they should act and most important traits for the app is your advertising draws attention. To celebrity endorser using the app and would be shown on social media see it. Using a big celebrity endorser endorser who is also gender fluid


The advertising will also help create advantages and main features of the on trend from JW Anderson’s wanting those pieces. Next, desire making sure the aim is want to visit again, Convince cusor service and that it will satisfy their will persuade the young consumers to

Action is another major factor, wanting to get ing it in the store, so that the consumer can have about the VR app, the consumer is then interested in on social media as thousands of people are on social media every and will want the app, being able to download the app straight from good aspect as more will be willing to download it knowing it doesn


consumer show some interest in the product, but obvie-commerce site your consumers have already showed ment to try the app via the headset. Now we need why they should desire the products. One of the attention, making sure imagery is strong and that advertise the app could be an advertisement of a headset showing their experience using it, this and TV so a variety of different consumers will attract the audience especially if it is an such as Ruby Rose or Miley Cyrus. more interest by focusing on demonstrating app, also showing products that are currently collection will draw interest to consumers to bring in the consumers and making them tomers that they want and desire the product needs. Seeing the endorser wearing the products shop here and buy those particular pieces.

as many customer to try the VR idea, potentially advertisa go of the app, therefore the consumer is more informed downloading the app and trying it for themselves. Also showing it day, younger consumer will see the advertising video with the celeb endorser m the advertisement. The app which connects to the headsets is free so this is another n’t cost.

J.W.Anderson". En.wikipedia.org. N.p., 2017. Web. 18 Apr. 2017. "The Radical Unisex Designs Of JW Anderson". the Guardian. N.p., 2017. Web. 18 Apr. 2017. "Virtual And Augmented Reality Will Reshape Retail". Harvard Business Review. N.p., 2017. Web. 19 Apr. 2017. "Virtual Reality In Retail: The Next Big Thing Or Just A Flame?". Whisbi.com. N.p., 2017. Web. 19 Apr. 2017. "Augmented Reality". Highsnobiety. N.p., 2017. Web. 19 Apr. 2017. "Consumers". Fortune.com. N.p., 2017. Web. 20 Apr. 2017. "Luxury Fashion". mckinsey. N.p., 2017. Web. 20 Apr. 2017. Zulch, Meg. "7 Concerns". Bustle.com. N.p., 2017. Web. 21 Apr. 2017. "Non Binary Questionairre". scottish trans. N.p., 2017. Web. 21 Apr. 2017. "Cons". linkedin. N.p., 2017. Web. 23 Apr. 2017. "Consumers". N.p., 2017. Web. 23 Apr. 2017. "Security". N.p., 2017. Web. 23 Apr. 2017.


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