The Courier 1196

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Monday 26 October 2009 THE COURIER


7HDP 1HZFDVWOH¡V Ă€QHVW Paul Christian, Jamie Gavin & Tom James Sports Editors $ WDOHQW Ă€OOHG URRP ORRNHG RQ DV 1HZFDVWOH 8QLYHUVLW\¡V WRS DWKOHWHV were awarded their sports scholarships and welcomed into the Elite Athletes Squad. Director of Performance Sport Colin Blackburn praised those who were awarded scholarships and said WKDW WKH ´FKDOOHQJH LV QRZ WR Ă€QLVK LQ WKH WRS WHQ RI WKH %8&6 WDEOH DV well as retaining the Stan Calvert Trophy.â€? An excited Blackburn also stressed how important it is “for those awarded scholarships to come on and improveâ€? over the course of the year. :LWK QR VSRUWV FRXUVH FXUUHQWO\ RQ RIIHU DW 1HZFDVWOH WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ has to rely on attracting high calibre sportsmen and women through its DFDGHPLF SURZHVV DV ZHOO DV WKH Ă€nancial muscle of the scholarships. Registrar Dr. John Hogan was in attendance, and he highlighted the UHODWLYH VXFFHVV WKDW WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ had achieved in sport, especially when compared to other universities that take on hundreds of athletes each year into their institution on Sport and Sports Science Courses. “The achievements of our students in sport has been astonishingâ€? said Hogan. ´:H DUH DEOH WR WDNH VRPH RI WKH best minds in the country, and take talented individuals who, in addition to their academic prowess, have a remarkable sporting ability. ´,W LV D FUHGLW WR WKH VWXGHQWV DQG the coaches and staff that we are DEOH WR Ă€QLVK LQ WKH WRS WHQ Âľ The members of the Elite Squad come from numerous different sports: from acrobatic gymnastics WR VDLOLQJ WDUJHW ULĂ H VKRRWLQJ WR American football. And they all share the common denominator of sporting excellence, along with the collective goal of producing the best possible results for their respective teams when repreVHQWLQJ 1HZFDVWOH 8QLYHUVLW\ Amongst the new recruits is freshHU 'RULDQ :DONHU D Ă€UVW \HDU PHchanical engineering student who is DQ HOLWH J\PQDVW :DONHU ZRQ *ROG medals at both the British and European Championships in 2009. This is but a glimpse at the quality required to become part of the squad. $QRWKHU QHZ PHPEHU LV Ă€UVW \HDU modern languages student Rebecca Sparling, a rower. Sparling was part

Investing in talent: the seven students who have been awarded Commercial Scholarships with their commercial sponsors

of the Great Britain Junior European team in 2008 and she will no doubt add yet more substance to NewcasWOH 8QLYHUVLW\¡V DOUHDG\ JOHDPLQJ rowing pedigree. And hoping to take the sailing team by storm will be newcomer GeorgieAkin Smith. Studying marketing and management. Akin-Smith is a member of the RYA Youth Squad and was RYA National champion in 2007. American footballer Edward Tate is on the squad this year boasting a wealth of experience and talent. Tate has played for both the Southern and Northern All Stars, and was a runner up in last year’s Brit Bowl. Clay pigeon shooter Rory Gibson DOVR MRLQV ZLWK DQ LPSUHVVLYH &9 named as Scottish Schools champion on three separate occasions. 7KHVH DUH MXVW D IHZ H[DPSOHV RI the prospects within the twenty strong Elite Squad, who are under the guidance of performance sport manager Fraser Kennedy. ´:H DUH KHUH WR HQVXUH WKH\ KDYH every opportunity and all the support required to succeed at their sport and to be the best they can be,â€? said Kennedy. ´:LWK WKLV VXSSRUW LW LV KRSHG WKDW PDQ\ ZLOO JDLQ YDOXDEOH %8&6

points for Team Newcastle and go RQ WR EHFRPH 1DWLRQDO DQG ,QWHUQDtional athletes. ´, WKDQN WKH FRPPHUFLDO VSRQVRUV for their continued support to the DWKOHWHV DV ZHOO DV 6HQLRU 0DQDJHPHQW ZLWKLQ WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ Âľ There were 65 applicants for the Elite Squad and the chosen few can also expect strength and conditioning support from Julie Twaddle, who works for the English institute of sport, as well as nutritional advice and contact with sports psychologists and physios. And although Team Newcastle stayed at 10th last campaign, they will no doubt look to those in the (OLWH 6TXDG WR KHOS WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ to perhaps make inroads into the top ten this time around, hopefully surpassing the likes of Oxford and Cambridge, who narrowly edged in front last season. As well as the Elite Athlete squad, VHYHQ Ă€UVW \HDU VWXGHQWV ZHUH awarded Recruitment Scholarships EDFN LQ 0D\ WR DWWUDFW WKHP WR 1HZcastle. There were also 22 Performance Scholarships given to the very best 1HZFDVWOH 8QLYHUVLW\ VSRUW KDV WR offer. Recipients of these accolades in-


FOXGH EDGPLQWRQ SOD\HU :LOOLDP Smith, who was awarded the ‘Just Sport’ Sports Scholarship after being named as the world number 11 in singles and world number 23 in doubles. 7KUHH WLPHV %86$ FKDPSLRQ 0Dson Durant was again awarded the 6LU 5REHUW 0F$OSLQH 6SRUWV 6FKRODUship. He secured his status of one of Newcastle’s top athletes after leadLQJ WKH URZLQJ WHDP WR WKH :RUOG 8QLYHUVLW\ &KDPSLRQVKLSV DQG :RUOG XQGHU &KDPSLRQVKLSV LQ DQG WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ ZLOO EH EXoyed by his decision to do stay on to VWXG\ WRZDUGV D 0DVWHUV GHJUHH 7KH 5HHYHV ,QGHSHQGHQW 6SRUWV Scholarship was retained by RosanQD ,QQHV IRU KHU RXWVWDQGLQJ KRFNH\ FUHGHQWLDOV 1RZ D IRXUWK \HDU 0HGical student, she managed to make the Scotland senior national squad for this season despite an increasing workload. 6R WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ ZLOO ORRN IRU its elite squad and scholars to pay Team Newcastle back in the currency of performances and ultimately %8&6 SRLQWV And with Stan Calvert a glimpse RQ WKH KRUL]RQ DQG %8&6 DOUHDG\ underway, it will soon be time for WKH 1HZFDVWOH¡V Ă€QHVW WR VKLQH

&KDPSLRQV PDLQWDLQ ZLQQLQJ VWDUW Intra Mural Football Division One

Garnett Barca-Law-Na

2 0

Paul Christian at Heaton Two second-half goals made it three on the trot for Garnett as Barca slumped to their third defeat of the season. 7KH VFRUH OLQH UDUHO\ UHĂ HFWV WKH PDWFK LQ WKH WRSĂ LJKW RI ,QWUD 0XUDO football. Today was no different; it could easily have been 1-1. ,W ZDV D EDWWOH RI ZLWV IRU WKH PRVW part - Barca intricate in possession; Garnett penetrative in attack. Reputation preceded each team,

triggering a cagey opening ten in which they sized each other up. The ÀUVW SXQFK ZDV WKURZQ D PLQXWH ODWHU /LWHUDOO\ $ VFXIà H HPHUJHG between two players and the game exploded into life. ,W ZDV KDQGEDJV UHDOO\ EXW breathed new life after a static start. Barca reacted quicker and began to dictate possession. 0RUULV ORRNHG EULJKW RQ WKH OHIW wing and was inches away when he À]]HG RQH SDVW WKH SRVW 0RVV WULHG to make use of the slick surface, shooting from range when given a glimpse. The Garnett keeper was untroubled. For all their dominance, it’s hard to remember a clear cut chance for the lawmen. A creative spark in the ÀQDO WKLUG HOXGHG WKHP Garnett meanwhile defended

soundly, biding their time for an opportune moment. Esdon was reliable as ever, discharging that trademark grunt with each headed clearance. Apparently its soothing reverberaWLRQV FDQ EH KHDUG DW ,0 JURXQGV DOO over Newcastle. Like a mating call. The second half saw no change in tempo. Barca applied the pressure; Garnett soaked it up. Fairmichael’s low-key distribution quietly gave EDODQFH WR WKH *DUQHWW PLGÀHOG DQG the tide began to turn. Not long after the restart, the holders opened the scoring. Some good link-up play from Patel and Rishi Dhand down the right hand side FXOPLQDWHG ZLWK D ÀQH FURVV IURP Dhand, converted by Jones. Should the keeper have saved it? Probably. Barca refused to give in. A super VWULNH IURP 0RVV IRUFHG D VWURQJ

save from the Garnett keeper – who was outstanding all day. Two successive last ditch blocks from Garnett centre half Pearson epitomised his performance and quelled Barca’s resurgence. Barca still poured forward, but Garnett sensed a winner. And what a winner it was. Kilvington broke forward, resisted the temptation to shoot and played it smartly to Craig. &UDLJ VZLWFKHG LW ÀUVW WLPH WR 0RUUDQW 0RUUDQW ZDV FOLQLFDO ,W ZDV UHPLQLVFHQW RI 8QLWHG against Arsenal last year in Europe. Except much slower and worse. A great move nonetheless and a nice ÀQLVK WR WKH JDPH Garnett have climbed another step LQ WKHLU TXHVW IRU EDFN WR EDFN ,0 WLtles. Barca need a result quickly to dismiss the tag of nearly men.

Intra Mural Football Division Three

AFC Hydro Pink Panthers

3 2

Colin Henrys at Longbenton ,Q D PDWFK RYHUVKDGRZHG E\ VRPH very poor refereeing, AFC Hydro narrowly managed to defeat Pink Panthers at Longbenton. Both sides must have been thankful to have been drawn to play on the 3G pitch, as the all-weather surface withheld a steady autumnal rain allowing an open game of football. ,W ZDV WKH 0HGLFV ZKR VFRUHG Ă€UVW DIWHU MXVW WKUHH PLQXWHV ZLWK some direct football. A long clearance from the Hydro goalkeeper caused a mix-up between the Panthers’ centre-backs and Chris Holt burst through to score. Panthers replied almost immeGLDWHO\ DV &UDLJ 0XQG\ EURNH through the defence and coolly slotted home through the keeper’s legs to equalise. 8QIRUWXQDWHO\ WKRXJK WKH UHIHUHH ZDV DOUHDG\ EHJLQQLQJ WR LQĂ XHQFH proceedings, twice over-ruling the linesman’s goal-kick signal to award dubious corners to Hydro. The second of these forced a good diving save from the Panthers’ keeper low to his right-hand side. The referee was in the thick of WKH DFWLRQ MXVW PRPHQWV ODWHU WRR as he blocked a goal-bound Hydro effort with his right foot but they soon threatened again as Holt was played in by Tariq Sulieman. The big striker lobbed the onrushing goalkeeper but his goal-bound effort was cleared off the line. Sulieman continued to pose a threat on the left-wing, and a good individual run brought another Hydro chance, only for him to selfishly shoot wide with his teammates lined up on the back post. He made amends shortly afterwards though, as a good ball this WLPH IRXQG 0DWW :ULJKW ZKRVH GHĂ HFWHG FURVV ZDV FKHVWHG LQ E\ +ROW WR UHVWRUH WKH 0HGLFV¡ OHDG The Panthers’ tenacious Alex 'XNH ERVVHG WKH PLGĂ€HOG EXW +\dro continued to dominate and it ZDV QR UHDO VXUSULVH ZKHQ :ULJKW Ă€QLVKHG DW WKH EDFN SRVW IURP D Sulieman corner to make it 3-1. Far from killing the Panthers off however, the goal seemed to revitalise them and Duke and Harry Hibbert combined well to win a corner. Harry Chapman took full advantage when the Hydro defence failed to clear it, scoring with a half-volley. Panthers pressed hard for an HTXDOLVHU DQG Ă€QLVKHG WKH KDOI camped at Hydro’s end but the half-time whistle curtailed their resurgence and Hydro took a 3-2 lead into the break. 8QIRUWXQDWHO\ WKRVH ZKR KDG hoped for a similarly entertaining second half were to be left disappointed. The substitution of Duke removed the bite in the Panthers’ PLGĂ€HOG DQG D QXPEHU RI GXELRXV refereeing decisions went against them which further prevented a continuation of their strong end to WKH Ă€UVW KDOI The Panthers were lucky not to concede a penalty after a trip on 6XOLHPDQ EXW ZLWK WKH PDMRULW\ RI decisions going Hydro’s way, their frustration began to show and two players were booked for dissent. The reintroduction of Duke did lead to several late Panthers’ attacks and twice they had shots cleared off the line from corners. But AFC Hydro hung on to claim a hard-earned victory. The Panthers were clear in who they blamed for their defeat though, questioning why they still had to pay the referee following his ‘shocking performance’.

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