Managing Partner update - November 2019

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Managing partner update November 2019

Welcome to November’s update. I can almost feel the excitement in the air at the upcoming election, it’s just so much fun. The leaders have had a very busy few weeks with both major parties announcing spending plans, which according to the Institute of Fiscal Studies, don’t add up – almost as if they are lying to us. The master of the disingenuous chose not to attend the recent leader’s debate on climate and was replaced by an ice sculpture – which gradually melted during the evening. It was unusual seeing the replacement for a Tory having more warmth than the real thing. One of my favourite moments in the last few weeks was when Boris took questions from the general public, mainly those that still cling to the notion that with Brexit secured, the British Empire will rise again… But one question made him squirm, when he was asked how many children he had fathered? You can imagine, at that moment, across the country dozens of overweight children with bright blond hair fell to their knees and prayed that a paternity test wouldn’t reveal Johnson to be their dad. So in less than two weeks the country decides on the big issues but what a choice! Thank goodness (in theory) you vote for a local MP rather than the leaders. Will Brexit finally be resolved (fingers crossed for a hung parliament), Boris has signed up all his candidates to the latest deal so it would get through. Jezza has realised that if you don’t want to admit your opinion, then pretend that you’re above it all and be neutral – if only he did this 18 months ago we may believe him. The Lib Dems are at least honest in their aim of revoking Article 50 and keeping us in the EU but I suppose you can say almost anything if you have no chance of winning. In reality we have a choice between a pathological liar with a propensity for casual racism and a professional campaigner who wishes it was the 1970’s – it makes one proud. The polls at the moment say that Boris will have a majority of around 50 so let’s wait and see. I’m sure all of us will be looking forward to the PEM Christmas party on the 13 December rather than the result of the election. In the world away from election fever, you don’t have to look too far to find someone who has had difficult few weeks (all self inflicted). Everyone’s favourite royal… He is of course the answer to the question “How badly can you do in a job for your mum to fire you?”.

Warren Tilbury Managing Partner


Station Road developments


Station Road

developments CB1 and Station Road is still very much a work in progress with a new big hole in the ground next to the Birketts offices and 5060 Station Road starting to fill up with new tenants, including HSBC who will be using the We Work facilities in the new year. I’ve nabbed (without his permission) this excellent picture from Lake showing the view through to PEM. On our doorstep, many of you will have battled with the increased traffic from various builders,

decorators and plumbers that have landed next to House 2 for the last few months. Our new neighbours are the Stephen Perse Foundation who are opening a nursery which is due for completion in early 2020. We’re also keeping our property options under constant review, in light of our growth plans and developments happening across the city.

New faces I’m sure you will join me in welcoming Issy Wilson who joins Private Clients as a Trainee Tax Adviser, Melanie Au-Burns who joins the Finance team as a Financial Controller and Paige Restall who joins

Business Tax as an Adminstrator (all awaiting photos). I wish them all well in their careers at PEM.

The Cambridge accountancy firm.


Ho, ho, ho (part 1)

HO HO HO (part 1) It’s that time of year again - sprouts, alcohol, forced fun, you know the drill. Just a reminder that the offices are closed from Friday 20 December and will re-open on Thursday 2 January. Alongside the standard bank holidays the Partners have given everyone three extra days off over the Christmas break so hopefully you will have a very long and relaxing time away from work. I realise Christmas

isn’t always the easiest time for everyone but we’re keen to ensure you forget about PEM for a short while at least. To help with those Christmas presents/bar bills etc. at this time of year, we are continuing with our traditional early December pay which should be with you by 20 December.

CSR update The PEM CSR team has been extremely busy and if you missed Amy’s excellent newsletter explaining what we’ve been up to, it can be found here. Thanks to those who signed up to the Cambridge City Foodbank christmas appeal and are donating hampers. Whilst registrations for hampers have now closed, anyone wishing to make donations to the foodbank can do so by clicking here. There has been a healthy uptake from the trialling of free fruit, and we have decided to make this a permanent arrangement. The quality has been amazing and all the better that it is being provided by one of PEM’s clients – Kale & Damson.

Managing partner update - November 2019 | PEM



Volunteering We’re fortunate at PEM to have many of you interested in volunteering activities supporting charities, individuals and local communities. Whilst we’ve actively supported events such as The Powerhouse Games, there hasn’t been much guidance on time spent volunteering. To rectify this, I’m delighted to announce that we will be allocating a firmwide pool of 100 days from the beginning of next year. These days can be taken at full pay and to apply for them you simply need to present your case to me. I’d love to hear directly from you but if you feel more comfortable emailing then that’s fine. We’ll review the success of this over the coming months and if the demand is there, extend the number of days available.

HO HO HO (part 2) A final reminder that the Christmas party is less than two weeks away – we currently have around 145 attending which is a fantastic effort. The festivities kick off at 6.30pm which should allow

enough time for everyone to make themselves look gorgeous. Hopefully everyone joining in the fun will have a splendid evening and I look forward to seeing you all there.

The Cambridge accountancy firm.

PEM Salisbury House Station Road Cambridge CB1 2LA

t. 01223 728222 e.

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