The Annual General Meeting of the Society took place in Broadgates Hall on Friday, 4th October 1985 with the Master-elect presiding. The Minutes of the previous meeting held on 5th October, 1984 were read and approved. Treasurer's Report The Treasurer reported that on 31st December 1984 there was a credit balance of £1,251.98 in the Society's account. Elections to the Committee Following his resignation due to ill health, the Committee had agreed to propose A. C. Snowden, for election as an emeritus member; sadly he had since died. The meeting recorded its deep appreciation of his unparallelled record of service to the society. The meeting approved the re-election for three years in each instance of the following members of the committee due for retirement in 1985:— M.T. Cooper B. A . C. Kirk-Duncan K. H. Jeffery J. R. P. O'Brien The meeting further approved the election for three years of a new committee member, R.R. Highfield. Secretary and Treasurer Revd. Dr. J.E. Platt was re-elected Hon. Secretary and Treasurer for the coming year. Other Business The meeting recorded its thanks to the College for providing its hospitality on this occasion and warmly welcomed its new President.
THE ANNUAL DINNER By kind permission of the Vicegerent and Fellows, the society held its Annual Dinner in Hall on Friday, 4th October 1985. 169 members attended. Dr. Damon Wells, Honorary Fellow of the College, presided and proposed the toast of "The College" in a moving speech which is printed elsewhere in this issue of the Record. In his reply, the Master-elect, Sir Roger Bannister, expressed his pleasure on his arrival in Pembroke and gave an account of the intensive visit to our North American alumni from which he had just returned.