Basic photography 7th edition

Page 24

The roles photographs play


Figure 1.4 Pictures for financial newspapers don’t have to be dull. The photographer recognized the visual potential of this antique auctioneer’s box for his two portraits. Care over camera and figure positioning gives an eyecatching image of great simplicity. Brendan Corr for Financial Times

Composition in photography is almost as varied as composition in music or words – melodic or atonal, safe or daring – and can enhance subject, theme, and style. Every photograph you take involves you in some compositional decision, even if this is simply where to set up the camera or when to press the button.

The roles photographs play There is little point in being technically confident and having an eye for composition, if you do not also understand why you are taking the photograph. The purpose may be simple – a clear, objective record of something or somebody for identification. It may be more

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