Mode lab grasshopper primer third edition

Page 132


Flip Matrix Flip a matrix–like data tree by swapping rows and columns.


Graft Tree Typically, data items are stored in branches at specific index values (0 for the first item, 1 for the second item, and so on and so forth) and branches are stored in trees at specific branch paths, for example: {0;1}, which indicates the second sub-branch of the first main branch. Grafting creates a new branch for every single data item.


Merge Merge a bunch of data streams.


Path Mapper Perform lexical operations on data trees. Lexical operations are logical mappings between data paths and indices which are defined by textual (lexical) masks and patterns.


Prune Tree Removes all branches from a Tree that carry a special number of Data items. You can supply both a lower and an upper limit for branch pruning.

S.T.Simplify Simplify Tree Simplify a tree by removing the overlap shared amongst all branches. S.T.TStat

Tree Statistics Get some statistics regarding a data tree.

S.T. Unflatten

Unflatten Tree Unflatten a data tree by moving items back into branches.

Vector GRID V.G. HexGrid

Hexagonal 2D grid with hexagonal cells.

V.G. RecGrid

Rectangular 2D grid with rectangular cells.

V.G.SqGrid Square 2D grid with square cells.


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