March 2023 Charolais Connection

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Publication Number:
CK Sparrow Farms Bull
1:30 PM WEDNESDAY »»» AT THE FARM 7 MILES WEST OF RIVERS, MANITOBA STOP BY THE FARM FOR A PEN TOUR ANYTIME MARCH ‘2322nd SHAWN & TANYA AIREY & FAMILY Rivers, Manitoba call or text Shawn: 204-724-8823 Tanya: 204-365-0850 HTACHAROLAIS.COM HTA ROCK CREEK 238K Tundra x High Class BW 2.4 WW 44 YW 90 Milk 21 TM 44 HTA RIVERBEND 267K Astroid x Symbol BW 1.8 WW 60 YW 107 Milk 18 TM 48 HTA BRANDING IRON 218K Inspiration x Astroid BW 0.2 WW 61 YW 115 Milk 21 TM 51 HTA PENDLETON 260K High Class x M6 Grid Maker BW 0.6 WW 50 YW 96 Milk 28 TM 53 HTA PRINCE THEODORE III 2109K Spiderman x High Class BW -0.1 WW 59 YW 106 Milk 19 TM 49 Homo Polled Polled Polled Horned Polled BW: 108 Adj 205: 803 Adj 365:1486 BW: 100 Adj 205: 873 Adj 365:1543 BW: 107 Adj 205: 909 Adj 365:1563 BW: 110 Adj 205: 819 Adj 365: 1502 HTA GALAXY 286K Astroid x Reliable BW -0.4 WW 49 YW 88 Milk 16 TM 41 Homo Polled BW: 90 Adj 205: 799 Adj 365: 1506 BW: 101 Adj 205: 852 Adj 365: 1584 HTA MAPLE WHISKEY 211K Game Changer x Remington BW 2.7 WW 61 YW 120 Milk 22 TM 53 HTA RED WHISKEY 272K Game Changer x Bulletproof BW 1.3 WW 59 YW 112 Milk 24 TM 53 Polled Polled BW: 99 Adj 205: 804 Adj 365: 1460 BW: 98 Adj 205: 850 Adj 365: 1444 HTA KAYCE 274K Dutton x Astroid BW 1.4 WW 50 YW 99 Milk 18 TM 42 Homo Polled BW: 106 Adj 205: 824 Adj 365: 1566 Charolais Connection • March 2023 3

The Charolais Connection

124 Shannon Road

Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 5B1

Ph 306-584-7937 • Fax 306-546-3942

Home Page:


ISSN 0824-1767


Helge By

Managing Editor

Candace By

306-536-3374 @ByCandace

Production/Graphic Design

Tania Wolk, Third Wolf Studio Web Design Dalyse Robertson


Helge By Fax 306-546-3942

T 306-584-7937 C 306-536-4261


Robbie Chomik



$9.45 per year $25.20 – 3 years (Prices include 5% GST)

The Charolais Connection is mailed to over 8,000 cattlemen nationwide. Those cattlemen include all purebred Charolais breeders, buyers of purebred Charolais bulls from the past six years and all subscribers to the Charolais Banner.

No material contained in the Charolais Connection may be reprinted without the permission of the Charolais Banner. The publishers reserve the right to refuse any advertisements.

The material produced in this publication is done so with the highest integrity, however, we assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. We are responsible for only the value of the advertisement. Animals in the photographs in the Connection have not been altered by computer enhancement or mechanical methods according to the knowledge of the publisher.

Printed by Print West, Regina, Saskatchewan

Publications Mail Agreement No. 40047726

Postage paid at Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

Postmaster: Please return undeliverable publications (covers only) to:

Charolais Banner, 124 Shannon Road, Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 5B1, Canada.

Published by the Charolais Banner, Regina, SK (3 times per year - February, March and Fall)

From the Field 8 dans nos champs 10 Canadian Charolais Association 16 De la Charolais Association Canadienne 18 Profile – Lakevold Family 25 Herd Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Canadian Cattle Association News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Where’s the Beef? Part 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 CCYA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Neil Appeal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Calendar of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Index 78 On the Cover … are grasser steers at the Lakevold operation
contents MARCH 2023 • VOL. XLI, NO. 1 Publication Number: 40047726 Charolais Connection • March 2023 4
Photo: Helge By Design: Tania Wolk Third Wolf Studio
BULL & FEMALE SALE STOCK FARM HBSF 180k Three Thieves x Symbol HBSF 23k Monsoon x Magnum HBSF 17k Tried and True x Monsoon HBSF 171k Triumph 50B x HD HBSF 150k Escobar x Bronco HBSF 56 k Mescalito x Casanova EGC 130k Favor x Grand Fortune EGC 64k Playmaker x Driller EGC 123k Favor x Grand Fortune Offering 67 B ULLS | The Jackson Family Carman & Donna: 1-204-773-6448 Erin: 1-204-821-4110 Stephen: 1-780-305-9196 We invite you to come and tour the bulls and females anytime. Contact us if you would like a catalog. Join us at the farm sale day or online on DLMS. High Bluff Friday, March 17, 2023 |2:00 p.m. at the farm - Inglis, MB |Sale will be broadcast online Fo CuS in G on rai S in G C attl E wit H p ErF orman CE and S tyl E w H il E maintainin G a G ood di S po S ition and GrE at H air C oat 43 charola Is , 18 sIMM ental & 6 a ngus BULLS 18 fe M ales- 11 c harola Is & 7 sIMMental yearl I ng he I fers Charolais Connection • March 2023 5
Trent & Ashley Hatch Box 132, Oak Lake, MB R0M 1P0 Trent 204-855-3078 Cell 204-721-3078 306-584-7937 Helge By 306-536-4261 By Livestock Sale Manager: WE STRESS: • Calving Ease • Maternal Strength • Structural Soundness • Performance Our goal is Customer Satisfaction Our yearling bulls are fed a growing ration to insure their healthy development while maintaining sound feet and legs. DELIVERY AVAILABLE Bulls can be kept until June 1 at no charge PleasantDawn Vessel 195H x Eatons Big Bud 10402 P CE 4.2 BW 1 WW 68 YW 126 M 26 TM 60 BW 96 • Adj 205 811 • Adj 365 1553 Top 1% WW, YW & TM Call today for a catalogue or for more information View catalogue and videos online at Turnbull’s Full Moon 655F x Plesant Dawn SIDNEY20W CE 9.2 BW .2 WW 55 YW 102 M 22 TM 49 BW 97 • Adj 205 798 • Adj 365 1614 Heaviest yearling weight ASH 202K Selling 65 Yearling Bulls All are Polled Pleasantdawn Serenity 507G x CCC WC Resource 417 P CE 13.2 BW -6 WW 50 YW 98 M 27 TM 52 BW 77 • Adj 205 805 • Adj 365 1526 Calving ease with performance TLJ 653K Pleasantdawn Column 730G x Campbells Bombshell 15B CE 6.5 BW -.6 WW 45 YW 84 M 18 TM 40 BW 86 • Adj 205 691 • Adj 365 1390 Total Package TLJ 802K White Meadow Gringo 20G x TMJF 68F CE 14.6 BW -4.3 WW 50 YW 92 M 21 TM 46 BW 76 • Adj 205 732 • Adj 365 1356 Heifer Bull TLJ 65K Turnbull’s Full Moon 655F x SKW Expedition 89C CE 9.1 BW -2.1 WW 55 YW 102 M 23 TM 51 BW 91 • Adj 205 726 • Adj 365 1491 Top 30% for all traits TLJ 211K TLJ 501K Charolais Connection • March 2023 6
Charolais Connection • March 2023 7

What’s the Cattle Inventory Report mean for markets in coming years?

The first observation is that cattle prices are likely to increase and be strong for at least three years.

This is the heading of an article I read written by Dr. Andrew Griffith, of the University of Tennessee.

With the release of the January 1 cattle inventory report, there have been several questions concerning what it means for cattle markets for the next several years. If the inventory report is paired with record low hay stocks and high feed prices, then some longer-term implications are apparent.

The first observation is that cattle prices are likely to increase and be strong for at least three years. However, prices may not escalate as quickly as some may think, because many heifers and cows will continue to enter the slaughter mix due to limited feed resources and the uncertainty of being able to feed those animals through the remainder of the winter and early spring. With many heifers still destined for the feedlot, it will likely be the second half of the year before any type of herd expansion can begin.

Feeder cattle prices will escalate quickly once heifer retention begins, but the market is still several months away from this. Delayed heifer retention this year should result in strong feeder cattle prices in both 2024 and 2025.

In other analysis of the January 1st U.S. Department of Agriculture data, it shows the U.S. beef cow herd dropped to its lowest level since 1962. Because of severe drought in many parts of the U.S., which raised feed cost, more cows were sent to slaughter. There were 28.9 million beef cows in the U.S. down 3.6% from the year earlier.

The feeling is that in the U.S.

producers are at least two years away from moving to an expansion mindset and away from recent cow liquidation trends. The rebuilding phase won’t really get started until 2025.

According to the newly released “Today’s Beef Consumer” report from the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA), a contractor to the Beef Checkoff, demand for beef continues to remain strong. The compilation of research from 2022, outlined below, shows that despite various challenges faced by the industry, consumers have repeatedly stated they will continue purchasing beef, both in retail and foodservice settings.

Consumer Insights

Consumer demand for beef remains strong overall. In fact, more than two-thirds of consumers reportedly eat beef on a weekly basis, or more. Inflation is certainly top of mind and more than three-quarters of consumers, 78%, report noticing an increase in the price of food whether at retail or foodservice. Beef however has experienced far lower levels of inflation when compared to other proteins in the “food at home” category[iv], which we will explore next.


During the pandemic consumers were forced to cook at home and many have continued to do so as it has become a popular way to make a dollar stretch and combat

inflation. Analysis for the Today’s Beef Consumer report found 76% of meals are now cooked at home and 94% of consumers who are cooking more at home say they will continue to do so. In 2022, fresh ground beef accounted for 50% of volume of beef sales, likely due to the lower price point as well as a renewed consumer interest in comfort foods and nostalgic recipes, like meatloaf. In 2022, meatloaf was also the most popular page on with almost 1.7 million pageviews. This trend is expected to continue as a recent survey found that 20% of consumers say they plan to purchase more ground beef in the coming year.

So why do I quote all this information from the U.S? Outside of the border closures including the last one during BSE, we are joined at the hip with the U.S. market and many of the same scenarios are the same here. Drought and high grain prices have seen the cowherd in Canada decline as well and it will take some good moisture and a couple of years of high calf prices to see the cow numbers start to grow again here in Canada. The outlook is very strong for a few years if mother nature is kind to us all.

As we get into more bull sales, if Robbie Chomik, or I can be of any assistance, please don’t hesitate to give us a call. We are always happy to help in any way we can. Most of the Charolais sale catalogues are on our ..continued on page 12

8 POINTS TO PONDER From the Field Helge By
Charolais Connection • March 2023
ELDER’S NAVIGATOR 271K • Homo Polled Elder’s Houlio x HVA Baron BW 100 Adj 205 771 Adj 365 1362 ELDER’S KALYPSO 2115K • Homo Polled Elder’s Houlio x Elder’s Wahkamo BW 95 Adj 205 755 Adj 365 1315 ELDER’S RAINDROP 238K • Homo Polled CML Raindance x Elder’s Vexour BW 101 Adj 205 794 Adj 365 1431 ELDER’S COMMODORE 281K • Homo Polled Elder’s Houlio x Gerrard Pastor BW 100 Adj 205 801 Adj 365 1516 ELDER’S ENFORCER 252K • 4th Gen Pld Elder’s Houlio x HVA Baron BW 99 Adj 205 811 Adj 365 1324 ELDER’S KNOCKOUT 222K • Homo Polled WCR Commissioner x HVA Falcon BW 89 Adj 205 753 Adj 365 1392 Ron & Donna Elder 306.267.4986 C 306.267.7693 • Mike & Judy Elder C 306.267.7730 Box 37, Coronach, SK S0H 0Z0 @ElderElderly Mike Elder VISITORS WELCOME 50 Yearling Bulls On Offer Breeding to meet the needs of our Customers • Many Homo Polled • Some Red Factor • Guaranteed • Free Delivery up to 200 km before May 1 or take them home Sale Day and deduct $100.00 from your Total purchase Call for a catalogue or view it and videos of the bulls online at Sale Manager: Helge By 306-536-4261 By
13th Annual Bull Sale • 1:30 pm • at the Farm THURSDAY, MARCH 23RD, 2023 Performance, Power, Punch - the Total Package Feel Free to stop and view the Bulls Coffee is On Charolais Connection • March 2023 9

Que signifiera le rapport sur l’inventaire des bovins pour les marchés dans les années à venir? Le premier constat est que les prix des bovins sont susceptibles d’augmenter et de rester élevés pendant au moins trois ans. C’est le titre d’un article que j’ai lu écrit par le Dr Andrew Griffith, de l’Université du Tennessee. Avec la publication du rapport sur l’inventaire des bovins du 1er janvier, il y a eu plusieurs questions concernant ce que cela signifie pour les marchés du bétail au cours des prochaines années. Si le rapport d’inventaire est associé à des stocks très bas de foin record et à des prix élevés des grains pour les animaux, certaines implications à plus long terme sont apparentes.

Le premier constat est que les prix des bovins sont susceptibles d’augmenter et de rester élevés pendant au moins trois ans. Cependant, les prix pourraient ne pas grimper aussi rapidement que certains pourraient le penser, car de nombreuses génisses et vaches continueront d’entrer dans le mélange d’abattage en raison des ressources alimentaires limitées et de l’incertitude de pouvoir nourrir ces animaux pendant le reste de l’hiver et au début du printemps. Avec de nombreuses génisses encore destinées au parc d’engraissement, ce sera probablement lors de la deuxième moitié de l’année avant que tout type d’expansion du troupeau puisse commencer.

Les prix des bovins d’engraissement augmenteront rapidement une fois que la rétention des génisses commencera, mais le marché est encore à plusieurs mois de cela. La rétention tardive des génisses cette année devrait entraîner des prix élevés pour les bovins d’engraissement en 2024 et 2025.

Dans une autre analyse des données du département américain de

l’agriculture du 1er janvier, il montre que le cheptel américain de vaches de boucherie est tombé à son plus bas niveau depuis 1962. En raison de la grave sécheresse dans de nombreuses régions des États-Unis, qui a augmenté le coût des aliments, davantage de vaches ont été envoyées à l’abattoir. Il y avait 28,9 millions de vaches de boucherie aux États-Unis, en baisse de 3,6 % par rapport à l’année précédente.

Le sentiment est qu’aux États-Unis, les producteurs sont à au moins deux ans avant de passer à un état d’esprit d’expansion et loin des tendances récentes de liquidation des vaches. La phase de reconstruction ne démarrera vraiment qu’en 2025.

La connaissance des consommateurs Dans l’ensemble, la demande des consommateurs pour le bœuf demeure forte. En fait, plus des deux tiers des consommateurs mangeraient du bœuf une fois par semaine, voire plus. L’inflation est certainement une priorité et plus des trois quarts des consommateurs, 78 %, déclarent avoir remarqué une augmentation du prix des aliments, que ce soit au détail ou dans les services alimentaires. Le bœuf a cependant connu des niveaux d’inflation bien inférieurs par rapport aux autres protéines de la catégorie “nourriture à la maison”[iv], que nous explorerons ensuite.

Au détail

Pendant la pandémie, les consommateurs ont été contraints de cuisiner à la maison et beaucoup ont continué à le faire car c’est devenu un moyen populaire et économique de faire fructifier un dollar et de lutter contre l’inflation. L’analyse du rapport ‘Today’s Beef Consumer’ a révélé que 76 % des repas sont désormais cuisinés à la maison et 94 % des consommateurs qui cuisinent davantage à la maison disent qu’ils continueront à le faire. En 2022, le bœuf haché frais représentait 50 % du volume des ventes de bœuf, probablement en raison de la baisse des prix ainsi que d’un regain d’intérêt des consommateurs pour les plats réconfortants et les recettes nostalgiques, comme le pain de viande. En 2022, le pain de viande était également la page la plus populaire sur BeefItsWhatsForDinner. com avec près de 1,7 million de pages vues. Cette tendance devrait se poursuivre, car un récent sondage a révélé que 20 % des consommateurs ont déclaré qu’ils prévoyaient d’acheter plus de bœuf haché au cours de l’année à venir.

Alors pourquoi est-ce que je cite toutes ces informations provenant des États-Unis? En dehors des fermetures de frontières, y compris la dernière pendant l’ESB, nous sommes joints

..continued on page 12

10 DES
POINTS À RÉFLÉCHIR Dans nos champs Helge By
Figure 1: La production de bœuf aux États-Unis diminuera de 4 billions de livres sur 4 ans production (billion de livres)
Charolais Connection • March 2023
BULL FINANCING CALF BUYBACK PROGRAM FEED EFFICIENCY VERIFIED 42K 155J 1173J 1271J Highway21_CharConnMarch23.indd 1 2/10/2023 1:01:52 PM Charolais Connection • March 2023 11


website and a reminder too, that all our Charolais Banner and Charolais Connection magazines are online for free at If you want to go back to past issues or show your neighbours past articles, please

10th Anniversary Sale

au marché américain et bon nombre des mêmes scénarios sont les mêmes ici. La sécheresse et les prix élevés des céréales ont également entraîné une baisse du nombre de vaches au Canada et il faudra une bonne humidité et quelques années de prix élevés des veaux pour voir le nombre de vaches recommencer à augmenter ici au Canada. Les perspectives sont très fortes pour quelques années si mère nature est bienveillante avec nous tous.

Alors que nous entrons dans de

do. We also try to keep the sale news very current on our homepage, so you can check the latest results usually within a day of the sale.

We wish everyone a great calving season with nice weather and may the

plus en plus de ventes de taureaux, si Robbie Chomik ou moi pouvons être d’une quelconque aide, n’hésitez pas à nous appeler. Nous sommes toujours heureux d’aider de toutes les manières possibles. La plupart des catalogues de vente Charolais sont sur notre site et nous vous rappelons également que tous nos magazines Charolais Banner et Charolais Connection sont en ligne gratuitement sur charolaisbanner. com. Si vous souhaitez revenir à des numéros antérieurs ou montrer à vos voisins des articles antérieurs,

moisture conditions this summer be favourable.

Until next time, Helge

faites-le. Nous essayons également de garder les nouvelles des ventes très à jour sur notre page d’accueil, afin que vous puissiez consulter les derniers résultats généralement la journée suivant la vente.

Nous souhaitons à tous une belle saison de vêlage avec du beau temps et que les conditions d’humidité cet été nous soient tous favorables.

À la prochaine, Helge

120 BULLS ON OFFER 30 CHAROLAIS 40 RED ANGUS 50 BLACK ANGUS CROSSFIELD, AB 66K 89K 107K Charolais Connection • March 2023

Charmark Ranches Bull Sale Charmark Ranches Bull Sale



53 53

Two-Year Old Bulls

• Registered, Performance Charolais Bulls with French Influence • Leptin Tested

• Good footed, meat bulls that will calve well and give you the added thickness

• Most are calved on grass – just like you do

• Many 1/2 and 3/4 brothers for added consistency

FLM 213J

88 lb BW with tremendous length

FLM 191J

An 8E son with added length & hip Top Q-Select for all traits

FLM 190J

Dbl Polled 8E son X Super Cadet with a huge hip

FLM 138J

3rd Gen Polled, Super Cadet four times in his pedigree Top Q-Select for all traits


1/2 French double bred Pure Power


Polled son of 8E with great hair

Sale Manager: Catalogue & Videos online at

Helge By 306-536-4261

Charmark Ranches Charmark Ranches
1M0 306-716-4594
Leigh Marquess Gem,
Charolais Connection • March 2023 13


Tuesday, March 14, 2023

5:00 PM, at the Ranch, Sedalia, AB

50 Two-Year Old & Yearling Bulls

6K Legacys Game Day 45G x Mr Louber Balboa 713B
2K Legacys Game Day 45G
ARC Sweet Sixteen 16B
27K Footprints Mr 14H x ARL Square Dance 1C
7K CML Poundmaker 74H x ARL Square Dance 1C QUINN & JAMIE WAGSTAFF AND THE LADIES 403-664-9447
Charolais Connection • March 2023 14
FOOTPRINTS SIR 7K COMMISSIONER 593 P Feb WT: 1470 SIR 1164J CRIMSONTIDE 15G 1832 Lot 3 FOOTPRINTS SIR 7K Sire: WCR COMMISSIONER 593 P BW: 80 / WW: 900 / Feb WT: 1470 Lot 82 FOOTPRINTS SIR 1164J Sire: DYV FOOTPRINTS CRIMSONTIDE 15G BW: 99 / Feb WT: 1832 Lot 89 FOOTPRINTS SIR 1183J Sire: DC/BHD WARLORD F2003 P BW: 101 / Feb WT: 1850 Lot 96 FOOTPRINTS SIR 1195J Sire: DC/BHDWARLORDF2003 P BW: 93 / Feb WT: 1764 Lot 37 FOOTPRINTS SIR 225K Sire: DC/BHD WARLORD F2003 P BW: 89 / WW: 704 / Feb WT: 1256 Lot 38 FOOTPRINTS SIR 233K Sire: DC/BHD WARLORD F2003 P BW: 91 / WW: 764 / Feb WT: 1312 footprintFarms_charConnection_feb1623.indd 1 23-Feb-17 4:21 AM Charolais Connection • March 2023 15


2320, 41st Avenue NE, Calgary, AB T2E 6W8 403.250.9242 F 403.291.9324




President: STEPHEN CHOLAK, Lamont

Secretary: Deb Cholak, Lamont


President: JORDAN MOORE, Redvers

Secretary: Sarah Hordos, Raymore


President: MICHAEL HUNTER, Roblin

Secretary: Rae Trimble, Portage la Prairie


President: JOSH TAYLOR, Dunsford

Secretary: Doris Aitken, Mount Forest


President: MARK FROST, Kingsey Falls

Secretary: Chantal Raymond, Sainte-Eulalie


President: BRETT FRANCIS, Crapaud, PEI

Secretary: Nancy Milton, Nine Mile Creek, PEI


General Manager: CRAIG SCOTT


Registry/Member Services: CASSIDY MATTHEWS

French Membership: Bernard Dore 514-910-4935 •


PRESIDENT: KASEY PHILLIPS Box 420, Waskatenau, AB T0A 3P0 780.358.2360 C 780.656.6400

1st VICE-PRESIDENT: SHAWN AIREY Box 639, Rivers, MB R0K 1X0 204.328.7704 C 204.724.8823


17100 Cedardale Rd, Nestleton, ON L0B 1L0 905.242.2046

PAST PRESIDENT: MIKE ELDER Box 216, Coronach, SK S0H 0Z0 306.267.5655 C 306.267.7730



78 325 4th Ave SW, Moose Jaw, SK S6H 5V2 306.693.2384


1717 County Rd 36, Dunsford, ON K0M 1L0 705.793.2576 C 705.760.5054


98 Rang St-Andre, St-Bernard Lacolle, QC J0J 1V0 450.246.9799 C 514.895.0829


Box 237, La Riviere, MB R0G 1A0 204.242.3467 C 204-242-4448


Box 37, Andrew, AB T0B 0C0 780.365.2079 C 780.719.0264


293113 Twnshp Rd 263, Rocky View County, AB T4A 0N5 403.540.7986


Precision Agriculture (The evolution of accuracy)

There is a lot of talk about precision agriculture in grain farming circles and use of term often conjures images of global positioning satellites, self driving tractors, rate controllers and other technological advances. In many cases we may feel left out as beef producers, however, breed associations and genetics providers have been working on this challenge for many years and have some great tools to introduce added precision into sire selection decisions.

First, it is important to understand that what we are concerned with when we are purchasing seedstock is their DNA. In other words, we are interested in the traits that a bull will pass on to his calves, more than the traits that the bull exhibits himself. It is siring superior calves that makes a bull good.

Early on many bull buyers used tools such as looking at birth weight or adjusted weights and within herd indexes or ranks. These tools were reasonably effective, particularly when selection was for traits like growth that are moderately heritable. The bull’s performance relative to herd mates or peers provided some indication of the DNA he was carrying and could pass on to offspring. This was a relatively crude measure.

As technology evolved, we were able to calculate EPD on the animal and predict an accuracy. The EPD were more effective as they combined pedigree and performance information, but also removed environmental effects and improved the effectiveness of identifying an animal’s DNA that they were passing on. EPD are also comparable across

herds so that more comparisons could be made and a better job of selection could be done. Research has indicated that selection using EPD is up to 9 times more effective than the use of in herd indexes and ranks.

Each EPD was presented with an accuracy value that indicates how certain we are about the animal’s DNA prediction. As we add more data, the accuracy approaches closer to 1.00. For a young, virgin bull, most accuracies are in the 0.20 to 0.40 range if the breeder has done a good job in submitting information. This does not mean that an EPD is inaccurate, rather it measures the precision with which we are able to identify the animal’s DNA. As we obtain more information on offspring that contain a sire’s DNA, we can do a better job of determining what DNA he possesses and can pass on, and this is reflected in a higher accuracy (precision) value.

To increase the precision of prediction the Canadian Charolais Association implemented Whole Herd Enrolment or reporting over 20 years ago. Contrary to the traditional approach where only the good cattle were registered and reported, in the WHE program, all calves are reported, to provide a more accurate picture of the DNA present in each animal in the breed. An analogy would be if you only turned your yield monitor on in the good spots in a field, the end results would not be reflective of the actual yield or help to identify agronomic issues. Same case in point with complete reporting of cattle performance.

The latest advancement in precision technology for beef cattle genetics is to measure DNA of the animal directly using what is called a high density SNP (snip) chip. With this technology we can look directly at an animal’s DNA and analyse 100, 000 markers or


page 20
Charolais Connection • March 2023 16
Charolais Connection • March 2023 17


2320, 41st Avenue NE, Calgary, AB T2E 6W8

403.250.9242 F 403.291.9324




President: STEPHEN CHOLAK, Lamont

Secretary: Deb Cholak, Lamont


President: JORDAN MOORE, Redvers

Secretary: Sarah Hordos, Raymore


President: MICHAEL HUNTER, Roblin

Secretary: Rae Trimble, Portage la Prairie


President: JOSH TAYLOR, Dunsford

Secretary: Doris Aitken, Mount Forest


President: MARK FROST, Kingsey Falls

Secretary: Chantal Raymond, Sainte-Eulalie


President: BRETT FRANCIS, Crapaud, PEI

Secretary: Nancy Milton, Nine Mile Creek, PEI


General Manager: CRAIG SCOTT


Registry/Member Services: CASSIDY MATTHEWS

French Membership: Bernard Dore 514-910-4935 •


PRÉSIDENT: KASEY PHILLIPS Box 420, Waskatenau, AB T0A 3P0 780.358.2360 C 780.656.6400

1st VICE-PRÉSIDENT: SHAWN AIREY Box 639, Rivers, MB R0K 1X0 204.328.7704 C 204.724.8823

2nd VICE-PRÉSIDENT: RYAN NESBITT 17100 Cedardale Rd, Nestleton, ON L0B 1L0 905.242.2046

ANCIEN PRÉSIDENT: MIKE ELDER Box 216, Coronach, SK S0H 0Z0 306.267.5655 C 306.267.7730



78 325 4th Ave SW, Moose Jaw, SK S6H 5V2 306.693.2384

JOSH TAYLOR 1717 County Rd 36, Dunsford, ON K0M 1L0 705.793.2576 C 705.760.5054


98 Rang St-Andre, St-Bernard Lacolle, QC J0J 1V0 450.246.9799 C 514.895.0829


Box 237, La Riviere, MB R0G 1A0 204.242.3467 C 204-242-4448


Box 37, Andrew, AB T0B 0C0 780.365.2079 C 780.719.0264


293113 Twnshp Rd 263, Rocky View County, AB T4A 0N5 403.540.7986


L’agriculture de précision (L’évolution de la précision)


de précision (L’évolution de la précision) On parle beaucoup d’agriculture de précision

dans le secteur des grandes cultures et l’utilisation de ce terme évoque souvent des images de satellites de positionnement global, de tracteurs autonomes, de contrôleurs de rendement et d’autres avancées technologiques. Dans bien des cas, nous pouvons nous sentir laissés de côté en tant que producteurs de bœuf. Les associations d’éleveurs et les intervenants du monde de la génétique travaillent à ce défi depuis de nombreuses années, et ils disposent d’excellents outils pour ajouter de la précision aux décisions de sélection des taureaux.

Premièrement, il est important de comprendre que ce qui nous préoccupe le plus lorsque nous achetons des sujets reproducteurs, c’est en fait leur ADN. En d’autres mots, nous nous intéressons aux caractères qu’un taureau transmettra à ses veaux, plus qu’aux caractères que le taureau exprime lui-même. Un bon taureau est celui qui produira des veaux supérieurs.

Dans le passé, de nombreux acheteurs de taureaux utilisaient des outils tels que l’examen du poids à la naissance ou des poids ajustés et des indices ou des rangs mesurés à l’intérieur d’un troupeau. Ces outils étaient raisonnablement efficaces, surtout lorsque la sélection visait des caractères comme la croissance qui sont modérément héréditaires. La performance du taureau par rapport à ses contemporains du troupeau ou à ses pairs nous donnait une indication de l’ADN qu’il portait et qu’il pouvait transmettre à sa progéniture. C’était

ainsi une mesure relativement brute. Au fur et à mesure que la technologie a évolué, nous sommes devenus en mesure de calculer les ÉPD sur un animal et de prévoir des niveaux de précision. Les ÉPD sont plus efficaces, car ils combinent les données sur la généalogie et les données de performances, et ils éliminent également les effets de l’environnement et améliorent l’efficacité de l’identification de l’ADN qu’un animal transmet. Les ÉPD sont également comparables d’un troupeau à l’autre, ce qui permet de faire plus de comparaisons et d’améliorer la sélection. La recherche nous indique que la sélection à l’aide des ÉPD est jusqu’à neuf fois plus efficace que l’utilisation des indices et des rangs à l’intérieur d’un troupeau.

Chaque ÉPD est présenté avec une valeur de précision indiquant à quel point nous sommes sûrs de la prédiction de l’ADN de l’animal. À mesure que nous ajoutons des données, la précision se rapproche de 1,00. Pour un jeune taureau vierge, la plupart des valeurs de précision sont d’environ 0,20 à 0,40 si l’éleveur a fait un bon travail en soumettant toutes ses informations. Cela ne veut pas dire qu’un ÉPD est inexact, mais plutôt qu’il mesure la précision avec laquelle nous sommes en mesure d’identifier l’ADN de l’animal. À mesure que nous obtenons plus d’information sur les descendants qui possèdent l’ADN d’un taureau, nous pouvons faire un meilleur travail pour déterminer quel ADN ce taureau possède et peut transmettre, et cela se traduit par une plus grande valeur de précision.

Afin d’accroître la précision des prédictions génétiques, l’Association Charolais du Canada a mis en place il y a plus de vingt ans l’enrôlement ou la déclaration du troupeau complet. Contrairement à l’approche

Charolais Connection • March 2023
..continued on page 20
Balamore Farm Ltd. Robert Cooper 902-890-0663 Joe Cooper 902-893-0744 @BalamoreFarmLtd LIMOUSIN | ANGUS | SIMMENTAL | CHAROLAIS | SHORTHORN 25 27 28 29 32 33 VIEW THE CATALOGUE ON BUYAGRO.COM Chris Poley 306-220-5006 Ben Wright 519-374-3335 Shane Michelson 403-363-9973 Balamore_CharConn.indd 1 2/13/2023 3:52:45 PM Charolais Connection • March 2023 19

pieces of DNA. This information can then be included in the EPD evaluation, along with pedigree and performance information. While the SNP chip does not analyse every piece of an animal’s DNA it does provide insights roughly equivalent to having 15 to 40 progeny reported (depending on the trait). The resulting GE (Genomically Enhanced) EPD may not change from the traditional EPD, but the accuracy or precision of the prediction will be greatly improved. This in turn means that we are able to more precisely target our selection

goals and have fewer surprises or outright failures in our breeding decisions. The use of DNA testing and GE EPD allows us to greatly speed up our selection process as we can obtain a lot of information at a very early age. An animal could have a DNA test equivalent to having 20 progeny completed at 1 day of age. To obtain this same level of precision knowledge the animal would have to be 2 years old at best and in the case of a female somewhere north of 20 years old. Breeders, breed associations, and DNA companies have made

significant investments in precision agriculture for beef cattle. More accurate decisions earlier in life can have profound impacts on the bottom line. In the Charolais world, animals with a image on their web search result will have a genomically enhanced EPD that includes pedigree, performance and DNA information. The result is a more precise EPD for you the user. Feel free to ask your bull supplier if they use or would look at using DNA testing as a tool to help employ precision agriculture in your cowherd.


traditionnelle où seuls les meilleurs bovins étaient enregistrés et déclarés, dans le programme « WHE », tous les veaux sont déclarés afin de fournir une image plus précise de l’ADN présent dans chaque sujet de la race. Une comparaison serait par exemple si vous n’allumez votre moniteur de rendement que dans les bons endroits d’un champ donné, les résultats finaux ne refléteront pas le rendement réel du champ ou cela n’aidera pas à identifier les problèmes agronomiques. Même chose en fait avec la déclaration complète des performances des bovins.

Le dernier progrès en technologie de précision pour la génétique des bovins de boucherie est de mesurer l’ADN de l’animal directement à l’aide de ce qu’on appelle une puce SNP (prononcez snip) à haute densité. Avec cette technologie, nous pouvons examiner directement l’ADN d’un animal et analyser 100 000 marqueurs ou séquences d’ADN. Ces informations peuvent ensuite être incluses dans l’évaluation des

ÉPD, ainsi que les informations sur la généalogie et les performances. Bien que la puce SNP n’analyse pas chaque segment d’ADN d’un animal, elle fournit des informations à peu près équivalentes à avoir de quinze à quarante progénitures déclarées (selon le caractère considéré). L’EPD GE (« Genomically Enhanced » ou amélioré par la génomique) ainsi calculé peut ne pas changer par rapport à l’ÉPD traditionnel, mais l’exactitude ou la précision de la prédiction génétique sera grandement améliorée.

Cela signifie en fait que nous pouvons cibler plus précisément nos objectifs de sélection et avoir moins de surprises ou d’échecs dans nos décisions d’élevage. L’utilisation des analyses d’ADN et des EPD GE nous permet d’accélérer de manière importante notre processus de sélection, car nous pouvons obtenir beaucoup d’informations à un très jeune âge. À l’âge d’un jour, un animal pourrait avoir une analyse d’ADN

équivalente à avoir vingt progénitures nées. Pour obtenir le même niveau de connaissances de la précision, l’animal doit être âgé au mieux deux ans et, dans le cas d’une femelle quelconque non évaluée, de vingt ans.

Les éleveurs, les associations de races et les laboratoires d’analyse ADN ont fait d’importants investissements dans l’agriculture de précision pour les bovins de boucherie. Des décisions plus précises prises plus tôt dans la vie peuvent avoir de profonds impacts sur le revenu net. Dans le monde des Charolais, les animaux ayant cette image sur le résultat d’une recherche sur le site internet possédera des ÉPD améliorés sur le plan génomique, lesquels incluent des informations sur la généalogie, les performances et l’ADN. Le résultat est des ÉPD plus précis pour les utilisateurs. N’hésitez pas à demander à votre fournisseur de taureaux s’il utilise ou envisage d’utiliser les analyses d’ADN comme outil pour aider à utiliser l’agriculture de précision dans votre troupeau.

PAGE 16 Follow us on Twitter! @canCharolais Suivez, moi sur Twitter! @canCharolais Charolais Connection • March 2023
& Guest Consignors Bronyx Angus 7TH ANNUAL BULL SALE Tuesday, March 21st, 2 PM, at the farm, Chauvin (New location) 30 Charolais Two-Year Olds • Two-Year Old Black Angus John & Kirsten Taylor & Family T 780-858-2435 • C 780-806-3395 Box 55, Chauvin, AB T0B 0V0 POPLAR BLUFF STOCK FARM Legacys Game Day 45G Semen Available THJ 9J Legacys Game Day 45G x K-Cow Red Kitkat 24X THJ 1J SHSH Bonafide 10F x HRJ Maverick 556C THJ 16J Legacys Game Day 45G x LAE Flo-Rida 1111Y THJ 12J Legacys Game Day 45G x LAE Chancellor 5122C AHT 123J Legacys Game Day 45G x K-Cow Red Kitkat 24X THJ 43J JWX Gallagher 804G x LAE Flo-Rida 1111Y The sale will be broadcast on Watch for updates on Poplar Bluff Stock Farm Charolais Connection • March 2023 21
TRI-N CHAROLAIS FARMS Merv, Joanne and Jesse Nykoliation Box 899 Lenore, Manitoba R0M 1E0 Merv: (204) 838-2107 | (204) 851-2290 | Jesse: (204) 851-3391 | facebook: Tri-N Charolais Farms twitter: @nykoliation SALE MANAGEMENT FIRST CLASS CATTLE MARKETING Darnell Fornwald 403-795-8030 TRI-N CHAROLAIS view catalogue and videos online at 8th Annual Offering 56 lots of 15 TWO YEAR OLDS & 40 YEARLING BULLS 1 PICK OF THE REPLACEMENT HEIFER PEN BULL SALE - at the farm - Lenore, ManitobaMonday, March 20, 2023 - 2 PM thirty - eight years in the red white and tan
Red &
340A 3/4
NMF 208K NYK 3104K TRI-N
SCX JEHU 2 236G X CFC ALREADY PLATINUM 167D NMF 208K SCX JEHU 2 236G X GRANTS SYNERGY 41X Charolais Connection • March 2023 22
Sons & Grandsons selling of the CANADIAN RECORD HIGH SELLING
Black Calves on black cows (no grey)
of the 2023 Denver Champion Pen of 3 Bulls
NEW IN 2023.. NEVER BEFORE OFFERED 2 YEAR OLD BULLS Grown out the first year, grazed all summer & ready to work!
Bay, SK
BW 75, Feb 10 YW 1250 K-Cow
BW 94, Feb 10 YW 1410
BW 80, Feb 10 YW 1350 K-Cow
1365 Red DKF
BW 70, Feb 10 YW 1400 View the catalogue and videos online at Sale Manager: Helge By 306-536-4261 By Livestock 79 BULLS 49 CHAROLAIS Two-Year Old & Yearling Bulls 30 RED & BLACK ANGUS Two-Year Old & Yearling Bulls Our bulls will work for you: • Big, Solid Bulls that can cover pastures • Semen tested & ready to work! • Performance Tested • Lots of Hair • Full of Meat • More bull for your dollar • Good Feet, Structurally Sound, Easy Fleshing On Offer: DIAMOND W CHAROLAIS & RED ANGUS BULL SALE 21ST ANNUAL Tuesday, March 21, 2023 • 1:30 PM DST JTM Livestock, Minitonas, MB (5 miles East of Swan River on Highway 10) Charolais Connection • March 2023 23
Retz Elevate x K-Cow Harlem
x Circle Cee Legend Sparrows Oldenburg x Merit Roundup BW 95, Feb 10 YW Red Moose Creek Avalon x Red Crowfoot Moonshine Harlem x Sparrows Barbato BW
105, Feb 10 YW
Razor x Red Ter-Ron Parker

Three Generations Utilizing Charolais

Cal Lakevold was born and raised in the Provost area. He and Karen raised their family on his greatgrandfather’s farm, which he purchased in the mid-seventies. He says he has been running cows since he was old enough to chase them. They used to run a lot of blacks and he has used Simmental, but the grandsons are committed to Charolais now and it has worked out well for them.

Cal is still very busy with Cal’s Trucking. He had two liners on the go steady. They hauled a lot of grain and a lot of cattle. Cal washes it out fastidiously after every load. He does not want to risk spreading or bringing anything home. Now he is down to one liner, one grain trailer and two hay trailers and two trucks. His grandsons help now. Karen was a big part of the operation until her passing in March of 2022. Now the home quarter is also home to his son, Darcy and Brenda and their family. Darcy is the only offspring still involved in the operation.

Cattle photos were taken September 12, 2022

Charolais Connection • March 2023 25
Putting more pounds on your calves means more money in your pocket! WHY BUY OUR BULLS? View our catalogue online at AT THE FARM, DIDSBURY, AB 1:00 PM FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 2023 WHITE & RED FACTOR YEARLING CHAROLAIS BULLS Barry Reese, Didsbury, Alberta 403-870-3960 Charolais Connection • March 2023 26
CBT 45K CBT 61K CBT 70K CBT 199J CBT185K CBT 74K CBT149K CBT 209J Charolais Connection • March 2023 27

Darcy trucked fulltime in the family operation for many years before he bought in to the Provost Livestock Exchange when Jerry Hewson retired. “Dean Lawes and I own half and the Nilsson Brothers own the other half. They have been great partners,” explains Darcy.

“We are pretty lucky at the auction mart because Dean and both his sons, Casey and Jesse, are good auctioneers. When those two young guys started, I was the one that worked with them and now Dean is the one that works with my boys. That way if someone needs to have a discussion, it isn’t their parent doing it. It makes things a lot more comfortable around the supper table,” laughs Darcy. “We all live in really close quarters here on the farm, so we need to get along.”

“When October 15th rolls around, things get very busy at the auction market with as many as three sales each week. There are also so many country cattle marketing online through Direct Livestock, that it is every day of the week. Everything else takes a back seat until the fall sale run is complete. We market about 2/3 of our business through the market and 1/3 through Direct Livestock on the farm.”

“There are getting to be more and more direct sales now as we are getting fewer and fewer small producers. We have lost all the 25head herds and the 50-head herds

are gone too. Now we are chipping away at the 100-head herds. Some of the pasture land is converted to crop land, but a lot of the pasture around here, just isn’t suitable for faming. It is just going into bigger operations. The sad part is, there are a lot of operations that don’t have young people interested to take over. We are blessed with all our boys, as they are interested in it. Our grandkids will be the sixth generation in the livestock industry in this area.”

The boys run 150 Red Angus Simmental crossed cows. All eight of their bulls are Charolais bulls and last year they never had one open female. They keep their bulls for about four years, some will last until they are five or six. They usually find that after they are four, they just get too big and hard to handle.

They turn bulls out on May 28th for 65 days, then all bulls get pulled. The females get preg-checked every fall in December. They are just too busy with fall work and the fall sale run to fit it in any sooner.

Brenda, Darcy’s wife, is an integral part of the operation. “She keeps everyone in check. If anybody sort of comes close to stepping over the line, she establishes order quickly. We need that when we all live in the same yard.” At certain times of the year, she is extremely busy with the greenhouse in Provost. She has a partner and they employ around five

28 Charolais Connection • March 2023
Provost Auction Mart Cal, Darcy, Kody, Dylyn Mohr and Klay MVY KOMMANDER 47K MVY KALIBER 12K MVY KOOPER MVY KASPER
Charolais Connection • March 2023 29

people in their peak season. It is nice to have the business here as it gives people another reason to come to this town. The town of Provost says the auction market, the greenhouse and the banks are the biggest draws to bring people from outside the community to Provost. It’s important to keep things in the area to draw people or the town will die.

They only combine about 1600 acres of cash crop and put about three quarters into silage bales.

“There is no such thing as a family farm anymore. You have to run it like a business. We have made everyone have their own role in the operation,” explains Darcy.

“When everybody has a role, they respect each other for their area,” says Klay.

Their daughter, Kelly, is a nurse in Provost, and is married to Dylyn Mohr. They have two small children. Dylyn is the fulltime foreman at the auction mart and is a hard worker. He does everything on the farm that has to do with a horse.

Kerry and Amy have a young boy. Kerry is in charge of

the grain and forage operation. He decides the input, timing, everything. He is also employed by Mike and Bob Specht in their feedlot.

Klay and Kody are the cow/calf guys, but Klay makes all the decisions on bulls, what they use, when they turn out, etc. Kody is becoming more involved in the auction market too. Everybody has their area, but they work on their own without asking anybody’s permission. The boys really work together well. For example, Kerry, although he is the grain guy, he takes a night shift during calving season. It just works.

Klayton attended Olds College and studied Ag Management with a major in Finance. Klay is 23 now and was a successful bull rider. He was one of the youngest guys to be in the PBR, until he had an accident in 2019 that changed the career path for his life. He was wearing the most expensive bull riding helmet available with a titanium mask, but in a freak accident, a bull horn met

30 Charolais Connection • March 2023
Klay Lakevold Klay in action
He was one of the youngest guys to be in the PBR, until he had an accident in 2019 that changed the career path for his life.
Charolais Connection • March 2023 31

his jaw to break it in multiple places, shattering his sinus cavities and crushing the back of his skull. He was in a coma for 48 days before he squeezed his Mom’s hand.

He was known as Mouse and the support the family received was phenomenal. They couldn’t keep up with responding to the people inquiring for information on his progress, so his siblings finally started a Facebook page that had over 65,000 followers at its peak. Klay had a long road to recovery, but he is now in charge of the cowherd and the decisions relating to it.

Kody is 21 and just finished Auction School in Bozeman, formerly located in Billings, Montana. “They sent me all the tongue twisters to work on for a month before I went.” Klay laughs, “he drove us all crazy practising them.”

Kody continues, “I went down for a week, then came home and did a month of online videos. Since covid, they changed a bunch of the classroom stuff to online. I started at the market the Friday after I returned selling cull cows.”

They emphasize power bulls in their program because they aren’t keeping any replacements. “We like 110 to 114 pound birth weight bulls. We are trying to turn grass into meat, and we need performance. We don’t like short striding bulls, if they have length, they are going to weigh more,” explains Klay. “We have lots of calves at 105 to 110 pounds at birth and we don’t have any problems. The length of the calves is tremendous, so they are born easily.”

You have to select a bull that works in your cowherd. “If you have 1300 lb cows, you can’t use the performance bulls we prefer, but the cow is half the calf,” says Klay. “When you sell calves by the pound, you need big calves to make money. There is a danger in having your cows too small or taking the easy-calving bull too far. It carries through to the feedlot. If you can have a steer that gains 4 lb/day versus one that gains 3 lb/day, why would you want to own the three pounder?” adds Darcy.

Charolais Connection • March 2023
Cal and his four grandsons
We like 110 to 114 pound birth weight bulls. We are trying to turn grass into meat, and we need performance.
KCA 6K KJW 71k LDW 79K KJW 54J KJW 12k KJW 3K Sale at the ranch near Elk Point AB Bulls available for viewing anytime Kevin @ 780-614-5959 | View the catalogue on our website: Kevin & Janice Kailey & Lexi Wirsta 12TH ANNUAL BULL SALE SATURDAY, MARCH 25TH, 2023 With guest consigner: KC Stock Farm Charolais Connection • March 2023 33
Dogpatch Katana 73K BRCHE WHITE BEAR 8505 PLD ET X DOGPATCH KATELIN 73Z Born: Jan. 7/2022 BW: 100 lbs. Unassisted Nov. 20 WT: 1170 lbs Feb. 9 WT: 1420 lbs CE: 7.9 BW: -0.5 WW: 35 YW: 71 M: 22 TM: 39 Dogpatch KOHO 78K CFC 307A IMPERIAL 95G X DOGPATCH AGATHA 86E Born: Feb. 15/2022 BW: 90 lbs. Unassisted Nov. 20 WT: 962 lbs Feb. 9 WT: 1315 lbs CE: 5.6 BW: 0.3 WW: 49 YW: 96 M: 25 TM: 49 Mail: Phone: Fax: Email: Michael Cell: Annette Cell: Box 44, Leroy SK S0K 2P0 306.287.4008 306.287.3199 306.287.8180 306.287.8170 SALE MANAGEMENT Chris Poley: Shane Michelson: Ben Wright: Levi Rimke: 306.220.5006 403.363.9973 519.374.3335 204.851.4515 March 26, 2023 - Yorkton, SK THE BEST OF THE BREEDS VIEW OUR ONLINE CATALOGUE AND VIDEOS OF OUR FULL OFFERING AT DOGPATCHACRES.COM Dogpatch Kahlua 94K CEDARLEA HOUSTON 119H X DOGPATCH CRYSTAL 94B Born: Feb. 15/2022 BW: 94 lbs. Unassisted CE: 6.5 BW: 0.2 WW: 44 YW: 87 M: 23 TM: 44 Dogpatch Kansas 40K TURNBULLS DUTY-FREE 358D X MXS REBA 758E Born: Jan. 21/2022 BW: 98 lbs. Unassisted Nov. 20 WT: 1015 lbs Feb. 9 WT: 1355 lbs CE: 4.2 BW: 1.7 WW: 62 YW: 121 M: 20 TM: 51 Charolais Connection • March 2023 34
Charolais Connection • March 2023 35

All the calves go through the barn at calving. It can be pretty cold when they start, so they get dried off and get their first vaccination.

All replacement heifers are purchased at the Provost Livestock Exchange. Buying locally affords them the privilege of knowing exactly what they are getting. They have purchased second and third calvers from dispersals occasionally.

They have really good water, but they pump it into a trough to keep it clean.

They run bulls for 65 days and wean the calves around the end of October. In the fall, they tried something different. They rounded them up and vaccinated the calves for the second time. They fed them for two weeks with the cows before they sold them in the auction mart. They hoped to receive a premium for the double vaccinated product. In this area, only 3% of the calves

aren’t single vaccinated. The majority of the programs are on a whole herd health protocol and the calves are getting all their shots in the spring.

“We are big on a mineral program. We haven’t bought a salt block for two years. In our yearling program, we have thrown away all the salt blocks. It is a specific mineral for this type of grass. It has improved the health of our herd and contributed to them being in such good shape. We are treating way less for everything. We were treating grassers for pink eye at Uncle Gerald’s one day and we ran out of Draxxin. At $1100 a bottle, we had to try something different,” Darcy explains.

They got in touch with their vet and started on a mineral program. It is a program he developed after testing grass throughout the area. It is a little more money than salt blocks, but it really changed things for them. They don’t use two bottles of Draxxin in an entire year and they used to use one in a weekend. When you consider the improved health, less antibiotic use, and improved gain, it definitely pays for itself.

36 Charolais Connection • March 2023
We are big on a mineral program. We haven’t bought a salt block for two years.
They don’t use two bottles of Draxxin in an entire year and they used to use one in a weekend.
View catalogue online Find us on Facebook to see more pictures of the dams and the calves. RILEY, MARK & DIANNE KELLER 306-476-7007 BORDERLAND CATTLE COMPANY with guest consignor DRY FORK CATTLE CO. GLENN, WENDY & WYATT CHING 306-476-2439
LOT 14 BLDA 122K LOT 18 BLDA 140K LOT 34 DFR 36K LOT 47 CWC 1K LOT 51 CWC 50K
Charolais Connection • March 2023 37
LOT 64 CWC 10K

“A lot of guys have switched over to Draxxin in their program and there is a concern about building up resistence to it. It is the most powerful drug you can use, so if you can limit using it until it is absolutely necessary, it is definitely better for your herd. By using the mineral, our cattle are healthier and have a better immune system. If we have to use an antibiotic, it will work better every time,” adds Dylyn.

“It is a problem as a lot of guys will treat a calf with Draxxin. Later, if they happen to get sick in a feedlot, the treatment doesn’t work and they die, because they have already had the strongest antibiotic on the market,” Darcy qualifies.

The dart gun has really changed things. When they had to treat a dozen steers for pink eye in a day, taking the time to round them up was just not feasible. With a dart gun, they can do it without disturbing them and always shoot in the neck to prevent damage to the carcass.

They really don’t put hay up anymore. The cost of a baler, for the amount of land where they could use it, just wasn’t worth it. They feed silage bales as it is easy to feed

them with a bale processor. We don’t need a lot of equipment to take the silage off and our land is so spread out that trucking would be expensive. They have the dropdecks so as they bale, they are hauled home and wrapped in the yard. They did 1000 bales for the cows this year, as the boys are going to expand their cowherd. Klay says, “300 cows is our target number.”

“The cowherd is good for the young guys and a cowherd that is paid for can carry you through some tough times. They just need to get it paid for and now is the time, as they have some old guys around to lend them equipment. These young guys need help, it is really hard to get into the industry without support,” adds Darcy.

Klay has a little side project he laughs about. Some guys will come into the mart with two or three young calves to sell and Klay will pick them up and bring them home to feed. Then he sells them and there is always somebody there to buy them. He laughs and says, “Somebody’s got to do it.” There are more and more people in the area using Charolais bulls on black cows. In the auction market in

38 Charolais Connection • March 2023
There are more and more people in the area using Charolais bulls on black cows. In the auction market in Provost, the silvers are selling at a premium, as well as the traditional Charcross tans or buckskin coloured.

SALE CALENDAR2023 Charolais


Saturday, March 11 Transcon’s Red Deer County Bull Sale

Innisfail, AB

Friday, March 17 High Bluff Stock Farms Charolais & Simmental Bull Sale Inglis, MB


Saturday, April 1 Transcon’s Advantage Bull Sale

Saskatoon, SK

Charolais Connection • March 2023 39
We raise bulls to tip the scales in your favour! Give us a call to view the bulls or stop by for a visit Jerry Hofer (403) 332-2261 Nobleford, AB Join Us March 28, 2023 at baloG auctions in lethbridGe, ab Selling 50 Two Year Old Bulls Charolais Connection • March 2023 41

Provost, the silvers are selling at a premium, as well as the traditional Charcross tans or buckskin coloured. The tans or buffs are more a sure thing because the buyers know what they are getting. Sometimes with silvers, there can be too many crosses in there and they aren’t quite sure what they are getting.

They have a large yearling grasser operation, and they are all Charcross. They start buying their grassers in February and put them in a custom lot until they go to grass in the spring. It is not only a work and space saver, but it is also a biosecurity measure to limit the cowherd’s exposure. They aim to go to grass at 825 lb in mid-May. In four months, they should be around 1000 lb. They would be disappointed if they didn’t do at least 2 lb per day. They have gained as high as 2.6 lb/day, but it depends on the year.

Brothers, Gerald and Cal are in their seventies, and it is important to keep the treating of the grassers to a minimum. In the summer of 2022, they never treated anything until September, when they treated two for pink eye and one for foot rot, a testament to the mineral program.

Gerald has 21 quarters of grass. He quit farming 20 years ago and seeded everything to grass. “I started with yearlings back in the sixties because when I bought my first ranch, I had to work in the oil patch to pay for it. I did that until the seventies when I bought my dad out and gained his cowherd. I’ve been living with cattle ever since. I started using Charolais bulls in the eighties and never had a problem with

calving. If I had to pull a calf, it was because there was a foot back, or it was backwards. I never had trouble because of size.”

Grassers suit his lifestyle as he and his wife spend their winters in Mexico. “The land base carries around 500 head in most years, but we cut back to 460 in 2022 because of the previous year’s drought. We pulled the cattle a bit earlier and got some fall rain, so the grass had a chance to recover. We had a little grass carry over and it was a good thing, as we could turn out early and the cattle started gaining right away. We didn’t get any spring rain, but the grass from fall got us started. We probably could have had a few more head this year, but you just never know. You have to take care of the grass, or you have nothing.”

“I like a mix of grass, as cattle like a variety. The ideal mix is native and tame grass. It is nice to have tame grass to go to in the spring. It seems like you must have a legume in the tame grass to really put weight on the steers.”

“I have tried to grass heifers but quit because they are just too much maintenance. They tend to get out more. As long as I can get steers, I will run steers and I prefer the Charolais cross.”

Gerald drives through the grassers two or three times a day, just to keep an eye on things. They get used to seeing him and his truck. For years, he used to get the cattle home by himself. “If you take your time, you can do it yourself.” Now the great-nephews help him bring them in, but it is a

42 Charolais Connection • March 2023
Charolais Connection • March 2023 43

simple job and they don’t use horses or dogs. They do use horses and dogs a bit with the cows, but not the grassers. They just aren’t used to them.

The grassers were sold early through Direct Livestock and went to Ontario in September. They were purchased by St. Helen’s Meats. They bought them last year and wanted them again this year. “We always follow up to see how the buyer liked them. I had one load go to Colorado at $2.40/lb and they were over 1000 lb. It’s nice to have something that is easy to sell. It didn’t take me long to figure out that cutbacks cost you money.”

Following up on what your cattle do is important to improve your program and is also a good marketing

strategy for the future. Darcy interjects, “Very few guys are following up on what their cattle do after they sell them. Everyone is so busy now, lots of the guys don’t even come to watch their calves sell. They may watch on line, but very few want information to follow up on their cattle’s progress.”

Gerald adds, “that’s the most important thing. That’s why I started on Charolais bulls. The guys that were feeding my calves encouraged me to use bulls whose offspring would feed. They could tell the difference between the Charcross calves and the calves from other bulls. They told me to stick with the Charolais bulls and they would keep buying my calves.”

Charolais Connection • March 2023 44
It didn’t take me long to figure out that cutbacks cost you money.


1:00 pm DST Beautiful Plains Ag Society

Neepawa, MB

16 Two-Year Olds Most are Polled Some Red Factor

23 Yearlings



R & G MCDONALD LIVESTOCK Ron & Gail McDonald 204-466-2883 C 204-724-2811

JOHNSTON CHAROLAIS Scott & Shelley Johnston 204-749-2247 C 204-723-5030

CROCUS VALLEY FARMS LTD. Curtis & Erika Lovett Box 876, Killarney, MB R0K1G0 204-523-8515 C 204-523-2305


Scott & Megan Baron C 204-573-8992

NORTH OF 50 CHAROLAIS Owen & Jen Sellman 204-406-0969, J 204-496-3887

Catalogues & Videos available online at

Sale Manager: 306-584-7937

Helge By 306-536-4261

Charolais Connection • March 2023 45
RAMM 64K JFC 144J-2 CVF 12K
View the catalogue & videos online at Tuesday, March 28, 2023 Neepawa MB Bulls also for sale by private treaty on the farm CVF 12K 4th Gen Pld • Sire CVF Arrow 2G BW 80 Adj 205 660 Adj 365 1281 -3.8 BW EPD CVF 11K 3rd Gen Pld • Sire Pleasant Dawn Axel 202G BW 105 Adj 205 707 Adj 354 1488 99 YW EPD CVF 7K 4th Gen Pld • Sire Pleasant Dawn Axel 202G BW 104 Adj 205 805 Adj 365 1597 Top 5% WW Top 3% YW CVF 1K 4th Gen Pld • Sire CVF Arrow 2G BW 84 Adj 205 673 Adj 365 1285 -3 BW EPD Bulls also for sale by private treaty on the farm RAMM 8K Dbl Polled • Sire: LT Affinity 6221 Pld BW 82 • WW 942 • Jan 20 1380 RAMM 24K 3rd Gen Pld • Sire: Steppler Magnum 56F BW 100 • WW 912 • Jan 20 1540 A sample of the bulls consigned to the PRAIRIE DISTINCTION BULL SALE Tuesday, March 28, 2023 Beautiful Plains Ag Society, Neepawa, MB RAMM 64K Red Factor, Homo Pld • Sire: RAMM Grand Canyon 21G BW 92 • WW 815 • Jan 20 1395 RAMM 69K 3rd Gen Pld/S • Sire: Steppler Magnum 56F BW 96 • WW 932 • Jan 20 1555 9TH ANNUAL Charolais Connection • March 2023 46
Prairie Distinction Bull Sale, March 28th, 15 breed leading April-June born two-year olds. Your opportunity to become part of the bloodline. Scott, Shelley, Madison & Gavin Johnston Box 29, Treherne, MB R0G 2V0 204-749-2247 • C: 204-723-5030 Like and follow us on Facebook JFC 144J JFC 152J JFC 125J JFC 102J These Parker sons are as Canadian as Bob & Doug McKenzie, Molson Beer and back bacon. SPARROWS PARKER 806F SPARROWS AQUARIUS 493B Like Father.....Like Sons Charolais Connection • March 2023 47

Early in the Year Bull Sales, Semen Evaluations and Rechecking Your Bulls

Purebred bull sales in all breeds appear to be getting earlier and earlier in the year some even happening in December. This is months before many cattlemen are going to be using them in their breeding programs. It sometimes creates great difficulty for veterinarians getting these bulls semen evaluated ahead of time. Both sellers and buyers of these bulls may need to take this into account when it comes to getting them ready for breeding season or to be delivered. For some breeders that have moved their sales earlier, we must consider now how old the bulls are when tested and the climatic conditions around the time the breeding evaluation is performed. You cannot move the sale date earlier and expect younger bulls that are just a year or younger to pass the soundness exam. This is why many breeders actually are calving later themselves and going to off-age bulls that may be eighteen months of age and will test like two-year old bulls. Plus, at breeding season for most owners they have the breeding capacity of a two-year-old bull. One still may have the awkwardness and take a bit to get their ability to breed so it is vital with any virgin bull to observe them for the ability to breed, so do a test mating if possible. This is all valuable information for helping determine breeding capacity.

A few breeders are even then picking a more appropriate time to semen test when weather is not a problem. Also marketing the younger bull from a meat and feeding perspective is a better idea. It is good if you can have a good market for the cull bulls. I think castration is hard on them the bigger they are but

depending on the technique it can be safe and relatively pain free if using local freezing and NSAIDs. The beef code insists on this for a reason to any bulls over six months of age. I wish there was more of a meat market for intact yearling bulls or older ones which have failed their breeding soundness exams Banding of larger bulls eliminates the worry of bleeding but one must make sure a multivalent clostridial vaccine containing tetanus is given.

Semen tests a long time before a sale can then be given more time for retests, as the sale is still a ways off. If problems like warts, frenulums, hair rings or cuts on the penis are found, adequate time can be given for healing and rechecking.

I have always said even though the same age, testing a February bull calf in March gives on average poorer results than testing an April calf in May, even though they are both 13 months of age. Much better to be testing any yearling at fifteen months of age, as sexual maturity scrotal size have improved and towards spring sexual activity increases as well. All veterinarians would prefer if activity is increased, but riding, pacing the fences observing cycling females although logically may help the evaluations, it is fraught with other problems, such as injuries of the feet and legs. Also back or penile injuries from excessive riding or being ridden are issues. Bulls need play things and distraction in their pen from brushes to oilers to large boulders to keep them occupied. Just like feedlot animals, overcrowding or empty bunks may lead to boredom and excessive riding. Areas where bulls can get away from each other and not get cornered in pens also help. Good bedding preventing tag and potentially scrotal frostbite can also save problems at breeding soundness times.

Breeders with really early sales (some already do this) may need to test later before delivery. Several issues are that bulls failing the test need to be replaced requiring more spares by the breeder. Bulls could only be insured for death after the sale, as they have not passed a breeding soundness exam. Testing, if done just before the breeding season and if failed, it is hard to find the equivalent valued bull and may be too late to go to other sales. Before these early sales, breeders should have their veterinarian at least scrotal measure, palpate the testicles and palpate the bulls internal sex glands. This may identify problems. Seminal vesiculitis if not too advanced may be treated and small testicled or problem testicles or bad frostbite can be pulled at that time. That way it can eliminate the obvious culls and minimize sold bulls being culled later. Even though breeders can get very good at scrotal measurement, I always think it is better to get the objective opinion of their veterinarian and perhaps looks better in the purchaser’s eyes. Them measuring their own bulls or bulls they themselves purchase for their own piece of mind. Again transparency and communicating these measurements on young bulls which if under a year of age could be growing from 1-2 cm a month between 10 and 15 months of age. This all should be taken into account so one is comparing apples to apples when it comes to scrotal circumference and knowing the averages for the breeds. Different breeds and ages written on the back of the WCABP (Western Canadian Association of Bovine Practitioners) semen forms is all very good information to know.

As a final note if the purchase of your bull comes with many months

on page 52

Charolais Connection • March 2023
PO BOX 24 • 13291 SD HWY 65 • ISABEL • SD 57633 BRYCE LINDSKOV : 608.850.3887 • BRYCE@LINDSKOVRANCHES.COM TODD LINDSKOV : 605.850.8132 • TODD@LINDSKOVRANCHES.COM • OFFICE : 605.466.2119 SATURDAY • APRIL 15 • 2023 --42nd annual bull sale-1 PM MT • AT THE RANCH • ISABEL • SOUTH DAKOTA LINDSKOVS LT RANCH . COM LTGeneral 2510 PLD CEBWWWYWMILKMTLSCREAMBTSI 9.8-0.27015033681.20.850.01292.95 20%50%10%1%5%3%20%20%90%1% DC/CRJ Tank x LT Affinity | AICA M975273 - PAF act.BW98 adj.WW802 WWR116 adj.YW1447 YWR121 WORLD GENETICSrenowned SELLING 238 CHAROLAIS plus 120 angus LTExclusive 2161 PLD Elder’s Houlio 4H x LT Silver Yield | AICA M975370 - PAF act.BW92 adj.WW874 WWR121 adj.YW1180 YWR108 LTUptown 2545 PLD LT Ransom x LT Pyramid | AICA M975295 - PAF LTRoswell 2624 PLD Keys Powermax x LT Ledger | AICA M975352 - PAF CEBWWWYWMILKMTLSCREAMBTSI 2.41.87013034691.20.750.12269.60 85%90%10%7%5%3%20%40%50%10% CEBWWWYWMILKMTLSCREAMBTSI 6.80.07413027641.30.910.19270.90 45%55%5%7%30%8%15%15%20%9% act.BW95 adj.WW770 WWR111 adj.YW1335 YWR111 CEBWWWYWMILKMTLSCREAMBTSI 13.9-2.36610726591.50.740.21249.95 3%20%20%50%35%20%5%45%15%50% act.BW87 adj.WW759 WWR110 adj.YW1236 YWR104 Charolais Connection • March 2023 49

Canadian Cattle Association President’s Report

Trade is a bright spot for the Canadian beef industry. We have seen incredible gains on our international trade file over the years. For our sixth straight year in a row, we’ve seen record growth in our exports. Exports have added $1044 CDN per animal in value (5-year average) through selling into international markets. But this success isn’t without challenges.

Canadian beef producers are still encountering trade barriers and the Canadian Cattle Association’s (CCA) board and staff are working to address these barriers to help grow the export opportunities available.

Diversification of market access without trade barriers is key to sustainable trade and growth of the Canadian beef sector and our economy as a whole. This applies both to existing trade agreements and bilateral negotiations that are currently underway with the United Kingdom (U.K.).

We value the strong relationship that we have with our largest trading partner, the United States (U.S.), and it is important that we continue to invest in this relationship to help avoid any disruptions in our integrated beef supply chain – the biggest in the world. Early February brought the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) annual convention in New Orleans and another great opportunity to meet with our U.S. counterparts to discuss policy developments that could impact the flow of beef trade between our countries and explore the potential for further regulatory cooperation.

Much of our discussion focused on the “Product of the USA” amendment petitioned by the United States Cattlemen’s Association (USCA)

in 2019 that would see the Food Safety Inspection Service (FSIS) amend its labelling policy to ensure that any beef product labelled as “Product of the USA” be derived from cattle that are born, raised, and slaughtered in the U.S. While FSIS denied the petition, there was an acknowledgement that the current labelling policy may cause confusion as animals born, raised, or slaughtered in another country could still be labelled as “Product of the USA”.

United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Vilsack has stated on numerous occasions that FSIS will address this issue through proposed regulatory changes. This is of great interest to CCA as the content and timing of the proposed regulation remain unclear, and these changes could negatively impact exports of Canadian beef and live cattle to the U.S. Domestic and international stakeholders have been assured that there will be a consultation period and CCA will be prepared to submit comments on the new proposed rules once available.

CCA also continues to monitor efforts to revive Mandatory Country of Origin Labelling (mCOOL), which has gained some momentum over the past two years. CCA is concerned about any program or regulation that can limit or hinder the integrated nature of our supply chain. It’s no secret that cross border trade increases the value of cattle and beef for producers in both Canada and the U.S. This is especially true for operations in closer proximity to U.S. or Canada feedlots and processing plants.

While in New Orleans, we also attended a trilateral meeting with the U.S. and Mexico to explore areas of cooperation. An important topic of discussion was the critical need for

investments in emergency planning and preparedness for disease outbreaks such as Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD), which would have devastating consequences for the North American beef industry and economy. Collectively, we continue to push for sustained investments in FMD vaccine banks in each country.

Another trade priority we are closely monitoring are the developments on the bilateral negotiations between Canada - U.K. as well as the U.K.’s accession into the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). The fifth round of the bilateral negotiations is slated for the same week as CCA’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) in late March.

The current Canada-U.K. Trade Continuity Agreement (TCA) is basically a replica of the Comprehensive and Economic Trade Agreement (CETA) with the European Union (EU) with some gains being made in how Canada’s beef quota into the U.K. is administered. The TCA was a temporary agreement made after the U.K. left the EU.

In the U.K. bilateral negotiations, Canadian beef needs to achieve reciprocal beef market access with the U.K., where both partners would have unlimited duty-free access to each other’s market. If this is not attainable, any tariff rate quota (TRQ) negotiated in an agreement must apply to both sides and be of an equivalent quantity in both directions.

Increasingly, we have witnessed non-tariff barriers making Canadian beef exports to the E.U. and the U.K. inaccessible. Canadian cattle producers continue to feel frustrated by the inability to capitalize on the trade potential in the E.U. and the U.K. For example, we have seen an increasing trade imbalance between ..continued on page 52

Charolais Connection • March 2023

18th Annual


with guest consignor Blue Mountain Charolais

SATURDAY, 2 PM, APRIL 1ST, 2023 Keady Livestock, Keady, ON Online bidding on DV Auction

Sale Staff:

Auctioneer: Scott Kuhl 519 934 2339 519 477 2339

Ringman: Glen Sinclair 519 372 8614

En Francais: Travis Saunders 519 379 5345

Selling: 32 Yearlings

Follow us on Facebook for sale updates

John & Marie • Brent & Marni • Darrell & Billie-Jo

RR 3, Markdale, ON N0C 1H0 •

Brent Saunders 519.372.6196

Darrell Saunders 519.373.6788

Travis Saunders, en francais 519.379.5345

JSR Kickstart 52K • Homo Pld JSR Estrada x Merit Roundup BW 99, Adj 205 755, Adj 365 1424 CE 2.3 BW 1.3 WW 66 YW 127 M 16 TM 49 JSR Karter 88K • Homo Pld Sparrows Admiral x Cedardale Zeal BW 95, Adj 205 767, Adj 365 1337 CE 6.9 BW .5 WW 51 YW 100 M 20 TM 46 JSR Knoxville 34K • Homo Pld JSR Estrada x JSR Usher BW 107, Adj 205 835, Adj 365 1500 CE .2 BW 3.7 WW 63 YW 121 M 26 TM 57 JSR Kannon 8K • Homo Pld SCR Triumph x Cedardale Zeal BW 95, Adj 205 730, Adj 365 1444 CE 4.9 BW .1 WW 53 YW 100 M 14 TM 41
Charolais Connection • March 2023 51


before being turned out, most veterinarians and purebred producers would recommend retesting to be sure nothing has happened in those months in-between. I have seen everything from testicular degeneration to frenulums that were missed which can happen to warts that appeared. Also if there is any potential illness, swelling in the

sheath, tag sticking to the bottom of the testicles or anything that has you worried as a buyer or seller, please retest the bull. This gives peace of mind because at the end of the day the goal is getting more females pregnant in a short period of time for you and your bull customers. Have a close look at the bull’s semen evaluation forms and make sure they


Canada and the U.K. since 2019. In 2021, Canada had -$8.7 million trade imbalance against the U.K.

We are engaging with the Canadian trade negotiators to share the position of the Canadian beef industry to ensure we get the best possible outcome for cattle producers. Lastly, we continue to engage with Agriculture and Agri-Food

Canada (AAFC) on the Indo-Pacific Strategy that was announced in late 2022. CCA is participating in the consultation process with AAFC on the development of agriculture office in the region to ensure the needs of the Canadian beef industry are considered as plans move forward. The growth in population and wealth forecast for this area of the world point

are provided at the bull sales. When bulls are delivered, the semen evaluation usually accompanies them. Have a good look at it and keep it on record in case one ever needs to refer back to it. The purebred breeders can be very helpful in explaining things. The goal is always to get you a sound, fertile bull.

to opportunity for Canadian beef. We cannot let that opportunity pass. I am looking forward to being back in Ottawa for our AGM from March 22-24. It will be great to reconnect with CCA board members, our staff, and key stakeholders and continue essential discussions on issues of importance to Canadian cattle producers.

Charolais Connection • March 2023
GILLILAND BROS.Charolais ANNUAL BULL SALE SATURDAY APRIL 1, 2023 CARIEVALE, SK GILLILAND BROS.Charolais GREG & DAYNA Home: 306-928-4841 Cell: 306-482-7160 RON & JACKIE Home: 306-928-2118 Cell: 306-482-8089 SALE MANAGED BY: “Bulls are fed a TMR ration, NO CREEP FEED! We are striving to produce cattle with heartiness, easy doing gain ability, fertility and high end productivity!” RGCG 315K RGCG 354K RGCG 318K DBLG 1515K RGCG 346K DBLG 1534K SIRE G.BROS CLIPPER 1155H BW 94 WW 920 SIRE G.BROS REVOLUTION 872F BW 94 WW 890 SIRE HRJ MAVERICK 556C BW 106 WW 1130 SIRE DIAMOND W HARLEY 21H BW 79 WW 955 SIRE G.BROS CASH 612F BW 92 WW 910 SIRE WHITE MEADOW GOVERNOR 22G BW 98 WW 940 Charolais Bulls45 OFFERING Charolais Connection • March 2023 53
54 STAY INFORMED ON CANADIAN GENETICS 8 TIMES A YEAR WITH THE 124 Shannon road, Regina, SK S$S 5B1 Canada T 1.306.584.7937 F 1.306.546.3942 NAME ADDRESS TEL EMAIL MC OR VISA SIGNATURE Please check the term you prefer and send payment by cheque, or choose to pay by faxing or phoning in you credit card information Selling Quality Two-Year Old Charolais Bulls Saturday, April 1, 2023 • Transcon Advantage Bull Sale • Saskatoon Livestock Sales Jay Good 403-556-5563 Darren Paget 403-323-3985 Glenn Norton 780-542-0634 Peter, Lynne & Shannon Stewart 306-836-4613 Trevor & Tammy Stewart & family 306-946-8474 Box 321, Simpson, SK S0G 4M0 @junerosechar June Rose Charolais PHS80J LAE Everest 772E x Cedarlea Back Road 55Y BW: 99 WW: 716 EPDS: BW 3.0 WW: 53 YW: 100 TM: 43 Milk: 17 TTSS62J S0S Keystone 112E x GMC Global 25T BW: 82 WW: 708 EPDS: BW – 1.4 WW: 35 YW: 73 TM: 37 Milk: 20 Charolais Connection • March 2023
Annual Bull Sale Your Leading Source for Charolais and Angus Bulls! Wednesday April 5, 2023 1:00 PM - Howe Farm - Moose Jaw, SK 115 Bulls On Offer 65 Charolais Yearling, Long Yearlings & Two Yr. Old Bulls 50 Red Angus Yearling, Long Yearlings & Two Yr. Old Bulls Catalogue & Videos Online @ Darwin 306-690-8916 Kevin 306-690-6089 Dale & Lois 306-693-2127 Mike & Lisa 306-631-8779 @RossoCharolais White Cap Charolais - Rosso Charolais Howe Red Angus CALVING EASE PERFORMANCE STRONG MATERNAL SEMEN TESTED “One of the Largest Selections of 2 Yr Old Bulls in Saskatchewan” Meeting the Needs of the Commercial Industry! Will 306-690-8860 33Years ! Charolais Connection • March 2023 55
At the 7th Annual STEPHEN CHAROLAIS with Bar H Charolais Bull Salee Sunday, April 2nd, 2023 • 1:00 PM Whitewood Auction Mart, Whitewood, SK OFFERING 42 TWO-YEAR OLD & YEARLING BULLS Full French • French Influence • Polled • Purebred • Red Factor For more info or a catalogue, contact: Stephen Charolais Kelly & Pam Stephen Box 26, Moosomin, SK S0G 3N0 C 306-435-7383 Sale Manager: Helge By 306-536-4261 By Livestock View the catalogue and videos online at Bar H Charolais Kevin & Donna Haylock & family Box 459, Grenfell, SK S0G 2B0 306-697-2901 FULL FRENCH BULLS LIKE THIS WITH ADDED MEAT AND THICKNESS BAR H DIESEL 1K • 3RD GEN PLD LT Rush House x LT Del Rey 93 lb BW, -1 BW EPD BAR H KLONDIKE 7J * 3RD GEN PLD 98 lb BW, 756 205 DW Cedardale Zeal son Charolais Connection • March 2023 56
Charolais Connection • March 2023 57

The United States

According to the Biden Admin, the consolidation in the US meat packing industry has had negative effects on what US farmers/ranchers and feedlot operators receive for their animals.

With the United States and Canadian cattle markets integrateddue to the dominance of north - south trade in the cattle markets - prices are often driven by the much larger US market.

Consolidation in the packing industry has lead to a few players not only dominating the North American meat processing industry but on a world scale.

In the case of JBS SA - who operate a plant at Brook’s Alberta - became the world’s top meat packer through a series of mergers and acquisitions which consolidated the market.

JBS SA acquired Swift and Company in 2007, Smithfield Foods in 2008, Pilgrim’s Pride in 2009 and the pork processing side of Cargill Meat Solutions in 2015.

The Joe Biden Administration has started to move against consolidation in the packing industry through antitrust legislation as well as supplying federal funding to help establish smaller regional packing plants to encourage competition.

In July 2021, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced a $500 million initiative through the Building Back Better Initiative (through the American Rescue Plan) for new meat packing facilities and $150 million to existing small and very small meat processors.

In total, $1 billion USD was made available to encourage the construction or new or the upgrading of smaller US meat processing companies.

The move is designed “to expand processing capacity and increase

competition in meat and poultry processing to make agricultural markets more accessible, fair, competitive, and resilient for American farmers and ranchers,” the USDA said in a statement announcing the funding.

US President Joe Biden announced the funding after meeting with US farmers.

where the packer consolidation has occurred it is throughout the entire US meat industry.

Professor Marian Nestle a highly respected and recognized expert on nutrition, food studies and public health at New York University (NYU) - she has written numerous books and even appeared in the documentary Super Size Me 2: Holy Chicken - said the US meat packing industry is dominated by four main processors who use their economic muscle to control the market.

“In too many industries, a handful of giant companies dominate the market,” Biden said at the meeting.

And too often they use their power to squeeze out smaller competitors and stifle new entrepreneurs, making our economy less dynamic, giving themselves free rein to raise prices, reduce options for consumers or exploit workers.”

“The meat industry is a textbook example,” Biden said.

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) tracks the prices paid at retail, wholesale and fed cattle prices. Those statistics show over time a shrinking percentage paid to feedlots.

The USDA statistics show in 2017 fed steers earned 44.9 percent of the final retail price, in 2019 it was down to 42.6 percent and in 2021 it was 36.8 percent.

It is not just in the cattle business

“The big four meat packing companies control 85% of the market, so they get to call the shots, and do. This makes it tough for meat producers who have no choice about where and how to get their animals slaughtered. That’s a relatively new phenomenon, exposed during the pandemic. Small meat producers have had problems for decades. USDA has always favored Big Meat and ignored the little guys. The pandemic changed that to some extent, but it remains so be seen how the new programs will play out,” Professor Nestle told MJ Independent.

A main part of the breakthrough documentary was how the large chicken processors not only control the processing market but how they use that clout to control all aspects of the industry.

According to the documentary the giants in the processing industry were shown in the industry to control what farmers received baby chicks, feed and then had a pricing regime that was said to force producers into massive debt and “slavery” to the large processors.

A main factor with the mega plants over the past couple of years has been supply chain issues plus labour shortages due to the pandemic sweeping through processing plants and not just making workers sick but also dying.

58 ..continued on page 60
WHERE’S THE BEEF? PART 5 reprinted with permission from Moose Jaw Independent
“Four large conglomerates overwhelmingly control meat supply chains, driving down earnings for farmers while driving up prices for consumers,”
Charolais Connection • March 2023
–White House Sept 8, 2021 Blog
Charolais Connection • March 2023 59


Bob: 250.267.3424

Bobby: 250.392.0958

Some market watchers point out the double digit price of meat - 14 percent for pork and 20 percent in the United States - was due to the COVID 19 pandemic and how the virus swept through the plants leading to shutdowns and lower supplies raising consumer prices.

But a look at Tyson Foods - the largest meat processor in the United States - shows profits of $3 billion in 2021.

In the last quarter, Tyson reported profits of $1 billion in its United States operations.

There has been some success on the legal front to prove manipulation in beef pricing in the United States.

In February 2022, JBS SA in the United States agreed to pay $52.5 million to settle litigation accusing the firm and others - Cargill Inc, National Beef Packing Co and Tyson Foods Incof conspiring to limit supply and drive up prices and profits in the $63 billion a year US beef industry.

The other three beef packers named in the lawsuit, Cargill Inc, National

Beef Packing Company and Tyson Foods Inc, are still before the US Federal Court.

The plight of the American beef producer was documented in a December 2021 article which appeared in the New York Times.

The article dealt with the plight of American ranchers who, due to low prices and increasing costs, are losing money in a time where the price of Beef at the consumer level is soaring.

The problems identified have impacted Canada, or at least in theory, as the major meat processors are headed to court in Canada.

Canadian Class Action Launched In Quebec

With JBS SA settling the class action in the United States a similar class action lawsuit has been filed in Quebec.

A class action lawsuit has been filed against Cargill in the United States and Canada, JBS in both the United States and Canada, Swift Beef Company, Tyson Foods in the United States and National Beef Packing LLC.

In their class action lawsuit filed March 24, 2022, Montreal based law firm Belleau Lapointe claim there is a cartel existing in the beef processing industry which has conspired as a cartel to restricting beef supply keeping up prices artificially for beef.

“At least from January 1, 2015, and still to this day the Defendants are plotting among themselves and with others in order to fix, maintain, control, prevent, reduce or eliminate production or supply of Beef and to fix, maintain or to control the price of it in Quebec and elsewhere, and thus unduly reduce competition (hereinafter, the “Cartel,” the court filing reads).

The lawsuit requests an undefined amount of compensation for anyone who purchased beef in Quebec from January 1st, 2015.

At the present time none of the defendants have filed a statement of defense in the lawsuit and as such none of the allegations have been proven in a Court of Law.

Private Treaty
RRMM Boom Town 16K
Available By
Charolais Connection • March 2023






1 1
HMG 4K - BW 84 HMG 6K - BW 75 HMG 27K - BW 89 HMG 76K - BW 88 HMG 3K - BW 68 HMG 58K - BW 96 Diamond W Heatwave 7H x JWX Frozen 205F BW -1.7 WW 50 YW 94 M 21 TM 46 Diamond W Heatwave 7H x Sparrows Latigo 436B BW -3.2 WW 48 YW 91 M 22 TM 46 BW -0.3 WW 55 YW 99 M 18 TM 46 Diamond W Heatwave 7H x SOS Harvester Pld 61C TRI-N Hammer Time 5148E x SOS Harvester Pld 61C BW -0.9 WW 41 YW 70 M 20 TM 40 Red T+S Loaded 78H x Red WWF Detour 19C BW -0.9 WW 46 YW 84 M 25 TM 48 S A V Renown 3439 x Lazy E Excitement 439A BW 4.4 WW 67 YW 122 M 23 TM 57 33rd 2023 Charolais Connection • March 2023 61
Charolais Connection • March 2023 62 D&L PLEWISCHAROLAIS Give us a call or stop by anytime. Just 9 kms off the #1 Highway SCF Flint 467E Many bulls sired by this Full French herdsire D&L Dawson 28G 1/2 French bull we have used on our heifers with great success Darwin & Lorrie Plewis Swift Current, SK 306-773-8181 Two-Year Old French Influence Bulls Available by Private Treaty CALVING EASE QUALITY DOCILITY FUNCTIONALITY Great package of purebred females calving in April & May We invite your inspection anytime. Thank you to our many past customers. Cedarlea Cy 9C Homozygous Polled Calving ease supreme & EPD in top 30% for all traits Cedarlea Ledoux 78D Homozygous Polled -1.9 BW EPD and 97 YW EPD Cedarlea Battalion 65Y 3rd Gen Polled Great length and hip in his calves SHSH Rage 27G 3rd Gen Polled Big performance bull PRAIRIE GOLD CHAROLAIS • DAVE & ALVA BLECHINGER • ROSETOWN, SK • 306.882.4081 Charolais – as Good as Gold PRAIRIE GOLD BULLS FOR SALE 20 Two-Year Olds Available by Private Treaty. Sons of these proven herdsires.
A program with over 40 years experience breeding and producing bulls with extra age, born and developed on grass. WHITE MEADOW CHAROLAIS BULL SALE APRIL 12TH Sale Manager 306-584-7937 Helge By 306-536-4261 By Livestock KMS 9J LT Sundance and 1/4 French blood Top 20% for WW & YW KMS 53J WC Big Ben x LT Sundance Top 10% for CE & BW, out of a 1st calf heifer KMS 30J LT Nationwide x LT Sundance -1 BW, Top 20% WW & 10% YW • Herdbull Alert KMS 25J LT Nationwide x LT Sundance -1.2 BW, Many 1/2 & 3/4 brothers for added consistency Mike Bertholet Pipestone, MB 204-854-2952 C 204-522-5469 30 Late Spring Coming Two and Fall Born Long Yearlings Call or stop by the farm anytime to view the bulls. Catalogue and videos will be online at Charolais Connection • March 2023 63

Winter Meeting Wrap-Up

The 2023 CCYA winter meetings were held January 13th to 15th at the Saskatoon Inn and Conference Centre. This was a great opportunity for the board members and youth coordinator, along with members of the Manitoba planning


President: Tyson Black

Vice-Pres: Justin Harcourt

Treasurer: Cassidi Elder

Secretary: Logan Jamieson

committee to come together and discuss all things CCYA. We had a dinner each night that allowed the board members from different provinces to get to know each other and talk about our backgrounds. The planning committee was also able to discuss ideas and concerns with the CCYA national board and show the progress being made in terms of organizing the event. The 2023 CCYA

Director: Travis Saunders

Director: Megan Perih

Director: Madisyn Robertson

Director: Kim Turnbull

Alumni Director: Haley Rosso

Alumni Director: Keegan Blehm

2023 CCYA Conference & Show - July 26-29 Brandon, Manitoba

Chair: Madisyn Robertson

Vice-Chair: Fischer Cavers

Treasurer: Claire Ramsey Secretary: Chase Airey

will be an exciting one to attend at the great facilities in Brandon. The organizing committee is hard at work making this a very fun and wellrun conference. The national board would like to extend a huge thank you to everyone who helped make the winter meetings successful, and we will see you all again in Brandon!

CCYA Provincial Advisors

SK: Shae-Lynn Book |

ON/QC: Karen Black |

MB: Jeff & Jackie Cavers |

AB: Megan McLeod |

Youth Coordinator: Cassidy Matthews

64 Two-Year Old Bulls for Sale by Private Treaty Delivery available Stop by the farm to view the bull pen. View the Bulls Online at BULLS THAT WORK FOR THE CATTLEMAN LIKE YOU FUNCTIONAL, STRUCTURALLY CORRECT BULLS MANAGED FOR LONGEVITY Scott Sunderland Saint Front, SK 306-874-7911 SMS 49J • BW 100 lbs SMS 65J • BW 90 lbs SMS 44J • BW 94 lbs SMS 59J • BW 92 lbs CANADIAN CHAROLAIS YOUTH ASSOCIATION NEWS
Charolais Connection • March 2023
TWO-YEAR OLD AND YEARLING CHAROLAIS & YEARLING SIMMENTAL BULLS SHERWOOD FARMS Scott and Krista Sherwood & family, Vermilion, Alberta 780-853-1025 (Krista) 780-853-7895 (Scott) Available by Private Treaty 65 Charolais Connection • March 2023
Your cows can’t help you Helge By 306.536.4261 Robbie Chomik 780.336.6424 Charolais Connection • March 2023 66

Swistun Charolais would like to Thank

We look forward to seeing how these females work for this great operation and wish them all the best


306-445-9868 C 306-481-6680
Donnie & Heather Swistun, North Battleford, Saskatchewan
Troy and Dianna Walgenbach of Legacy Charolais, Botha AB for aquiring the cowherd and bull calf pen from us last fall. These bulls sell in their upcoming bull sale.
Thanks also to Helge at for putting
together. C ∙ H ∙ A ∙ R ∙ O ∙ L∙ A ∙ I ∙ S
Charolais Connection • March 2023 67
Troy, Dianna, Hayley & Owen Walgenbach

“Neil Appeal” aids dementia-ridden Cattleman

How might you help a friend when the mists of dementia suddenly descend? Jump into action?

That’s what a few friends chose during fall and winter.

The former general manager of the Canadian Charolais Association, and former beef producer at Tees, Alta., became unemployed in Calgary last summer because he “lost his way” while on the job. Dementia began to grip his mind at age 73.

Denial may be a logical course for the victim. “It was for him, sadly,” said Danny Hansen, a real estate agent and cattleman at Airdrie, Alta. Hansen and two other friends met with the former GM and discovered other issues. The unemployment had caused sudden poverty for the entire family. “We had to act.”


Hansen and the two friends began a fundraising effort “to pay for the necessities of life,” totalling roughly $12,000, he said. They e-mailed a wider circle of contacts. Included in their action was financial counselling for the family, which includes a wife and three children. By late-December, they had 2/3 of the amount raised. “It was our way to make their Christmas happier,” Hansen noted.

Their first action was to get the family car fixed. When that happened, both the wife and the 20-year old son obtained employment. “That made

a huge difference in finances and attitude,” Hansen reported.

A Charolais industry associate stepped forward. He began making targeted phone calls seeking modest monetary contributions, tagged the “Neil Appeal.” By mid-December more cheques had trickled into Hansen’s office. “That encouraged us,” Hansen said.

When he heard of the plight, Ken Greenfield, a retired Calgary businessman contributed $100. “This is the way charity should be done,” he suggested. “No government, no bureaucracy, no tax receipt – just friends helping out,” he noted.

If he could comprehend properly, Neil Gillies, likely would offer a humble “Thank You.” Mr. Hansen’s e-mail is:

Cheques may be made payable to: Danny Hansen, and mailed his way: Bay 4 – 620 First Ave NW, Airdrie, AB T4B 2R3 (Ph./Text 403-816-4747)

Danny Hansen
Charolais Connection • February 2023 68
Neil Gillies
Charolais Connection • March 2023 69 international transportation established in 1933 • specializing in purebred livestock transportation • gooseneck service available to your farm in ontario • pick up & delivery points across canada and usa • u.s. and canada customs bonded carrier bruce & butch poland 829 rest acres road, paris, on n3l 3e3 519-442-3106 or 519-442-6242 fax 519-442-1122 toll free 877-442-3106 877-442-3106 877-442-3106 Advertise Your Services Here! Call today and get your name out there! 306.584.7937 Brent & Bev Smith R.R. #2, Kitscoty, AB T0B 2P0 T/F (780)846-2643 Registered Border Collies • Purebred Charolais Alberta breeders Brad & Sharaya Quinton “We Specialize in polled, easy calving genetics without sacrificing performace.” box 1556 nanton, ab t0L 1R0 403-422-0614 bR adL eystevenquinton@gmaiL .com braysharcharolais Leigh Marquess Box 73, Gem, AB T0J 1M0 306-716-4594 Charmark Ranches Charmark Ranches

Coleman & Katie Parsons 403-597-6286


Barry & Lee-Ann Kaiser & family 403.787.2489 Box 209, Hussar, AB T0J 1S0 Barry 403.334.2489 Lee-Ann 403.334.2155

Gallelli Charolais

Russell Gallelli

403.804.7442 PO Box 10 Crossfield, AB T0M O5O

Kasey, Arlana, Kord & Peri Phillips Box 420, Waskatenau, AB T0A 3P0 T 780.358.2360 • C 780.656.6400 • KREATING KONFIDENCE



Tom &Carey Stewart & family T 780.387.5110 C 780.312.4245 124 Birch Cres., Wetaskiwin, AB T9A 2C6

Charolais Connection • March 2023 70
16, Parkland
“Raising Full French since 1966” Leroy & Donna Martin 1209 Highway
County, AB T7Y
780.963.0167, Donna C
SADDLERIDGE Philip & Marie Harty H 780.376.2241
& Myrna Rawe H 780.376.3598
780.679.7725 ANNUAL BULL SALE, 3rd Tuesday February
& Kirsten Taylor & Family T 780-858-2435 • C 780-806-3395
55, Chauvin, AB TOB OVO CHAROLAIS Ralph Retzlaff 403.793.0794 Leonard Retzlaff 403.501.9333 Rosemar y, AB •
Charolais Connection • March 2023 71 British Columbia breeders Jonathon, Camille, Shelby & Bow Scott, Crossfield, AB Jonathon 403.333.1790 Camille 403.369.1791 @Scott Stock Farm Ltd Brad & Juanita Cline • 204-537-2367 • C 204-523-0062 • Box 268, Belmont, MB R0K 0C0 Manitoba breeders Kevin, Crystal, Kory & Shaylin Stebeleski P/F 204.234.5425 Cell 204.365.6010 Box 266, Oakburn, MB R0J 1L0 | JEFF & JACKIE CAVERS Box 237, La Riviere, MB R0G 1A0 Res: 204-242-3467 Cell: 204-242-4448 Judy Hart & Bert McDonald T: 204.354.2267 Bert 204.212.0722 Josh 204.354.2385 Marshall 306.291.0159 Box 66, Brookdale, MB R0K 0G0 Check out our website at Curtis & Erika Lovett 204 523 2305 Killarney, MB
Charolais Connection • March 2023 72 Box 899, Lenore, MB R0M 1E0 Merv & Joanne Nykoliation • 204-838-2107 C 204-851-2290 Jesse Nykoliation • 204-851-3391 “Success Depends on Quality” TRI-N CHAROLAIS FARMS Mike Bertholet • T 204.854.2952 • C 204.522.5469 RR1, Pipestone, MB R0M 1T0 Ontario breeders Bred and Developed for Progressive Cattlemen 9036 Highway #2, Great Village, Nova Scotia Robert Cooper: 902-890-0663 Joe Cooper: 902-893-0744 Balamore Farm Ltd. Maritime breeders Triple C Charolais Triple C Charolais Box 1, Steep Rock, MB R0C 2Y0 Darren 204-768-4515 John 204-302-0687 Shiloh 204-768-0321 Registered Charolais Cattle Your ad should be here Call today! 306.584.7937 COCKBURN FARMS - CHAROLAIS CATTLE Full French • French Influence Dave Cockburn • 705-288-8013 309 Rivers Street W, Box 237, Tweed,ON K0K 3J0 Visit us on Facebook: Cockburn Farms - Charolais Cattle Zac & Taylor C•519•270•2291 Kemble, ON N0H 1S0 Quality Charolais Bulls Purebred Breeding Stock Ken & Kerri Hinsburg Box 99, Rapid City, MB R0K 1W0 250-485-2510
Charolais Connection • March 2023 73 R.R. #3, Markdale, Ontario N0C 1H0 Brent 519.372.6196 • Darrell 519.373.6788 email: John & Marie • Brent & Marni • Darrell & BillieJo miller land & livestock ltd. charolais cattle . hay . straw . feedlot GEORGE, DIANNE, DWAYNE & ASHLEY MILLER 406 CONC. 6, R.R.#1, JARVIS, ON N0A 1J0 PH (519) 587-2755 FAX (519) 587-3444 Rollin’ Acres Charolais Full French Charolais 598516 2nd Line, Mulmur, ON L9V 0B6 Chester Tupling 519.925.2938 C 705.627.0672 “Breeding the Cattle that Work in Both Rings.” Saskatchewan breeders Quebec breeders 306-441-6865 Adrian & Michelle Bomok Box 1686 Battleford, SK S0M 0E0 Wendall & Leanne Weston Box 206, Maidstone, SK S0M 1M0 Tel 306.893.4510 • Cell 306.893.7801 Darwin & Lorrie Plewis 306.773.8181 Box 1117, Swift Current Saskatchewan S9H 3X3 D&L PLEWISCHAROLAIS FOR SALE: 2yr Old Bulls w/French Influence HTA AVALANCHE 9120G • MC765528 Roger Maloney and Helen Lynett 936 Douro Third Line, Douro-Dummer, ON, K0L 2H0 Roger 705.761.7316
Ron, Jackie & Family (306) 482-8089 Greg, Dayna & Family (306) 482-7160 Box 245, Carievale, SK S0C 0P0 KLR KLR Ron & DonnaElder306.267.4986 C306.267.7693• @ElderElderly • Michael& JudyElder C 306.267.7730 Box 37, Coronach, SK S0H 0Z0• Box 93, Arelee, SK S0K 0H0 Mike & Moira 306.241.1975 Dean, Dallas & Jace 306.612.3326 Your ad should be here Call today! 306.584.7937 Velon & Leah Herback C 306.567.7033 Hunter Herback C 306.561.8118 Box 17, Bladworth, SK S0G 0J0 Southland Cattle Box 490, Shaunavon, SK S0N 2M0 (306) 297-7781 • (306) 294-8877 • (306) 294-8334 Mike & Lisa T 306-691-5011 C 306-631-8779 Dale & Lois T 306-693-2127 White Cap Charolais THE HOWES Annual Bull Sale 1st Wednesday in April Box 174 Stn Main, Moose Jaw, SK S6H 4N8 The Oram Family Mark & Deb • 306-796-7513 Nigel & Lindsay • 306-796-7725 Dane & Kirsten • 306-514-0994 Box 386, Central Butte, SK S0H 0T0 USA breeders Charolais Connection • February 2023 74

Calendar of Events

February 22

Saddleridge Charolais with Kaiser Cattle Co. Bull Sale, 1 pm, Bow Slope Shipping, Brooks, AB

February 22

McLeod Livestock & Triple M Farms

Bull Sale, 1 pm, Cow Palace, Olds, AB

February 22

Beck Farms Annual Bull Sale, at the farm, Milestone, SK

February 23

Prairie Cove Charolais Bull & Select Female Sale, 1 pm, at the ranch, Bashaw, AB

February 24

HEJ Charolais 18th Annual Bull Sale, 1 pm, at the farm, Innisfail, AB

February 25

Kay-R Land & Cattle Bull Sale, at the farm, Waskatenau, AB

February 25

RRTS Charolais Bull Sale, 1 pm, BC Livestock Co-op, Kamloops, BC

February 25

Triple C Charolais Bull Sale, 1 pm, Ashern (MB) Auction Mart

February 25

Quebec Select Bull Sale, Danville, QC

February 26

Pro-Char Charolais 11th Annual Bull Sale, 1:30 pm, at the farm, Glenevis, AB

February 27

BOB Charolais Bull Sale, 2 pm, Stettler (AB) Agriculture Society

February 28

Acadia Colony Charolais Bull Sale, 1 pm, Dry Land Trading Corp, Veteran, AB

February 28

Howe Coulee Charolais Private Treaty Bull Sale, at the farm, Moose Jaw, SK

February 28

Wirstuk Farming & Ranching Ltd. Private Treaty Bull Sale, at the farm, Cutknife, SK

March 3

Future Farms & Charworth Charolais Select Charolais Bull Sale, 1 pm, Innisfail (AB) Auction Mart

March 3

Twin Anchor Charolais Bull Sale, 1 pm, Dry Land Trading Corp, Veteran, AB

Coming Soon Our new website is under construction to serve you better. Watch for it! www .charolaisbanner. com

March 3

Nish Charolais 17th Annual Bull Sale, 6 pm, Perlich Bros. Auction Mart, Lethbridge, AB

March 3

Southland Cattle Bull Sale, 1 pm, Heartland Livestock, Swift Current, SK

March 3

DanG Charolais Bull Sale, at the farm, Colborne, ON

March 4

Turnbull Charolais & Guests Charolais Bull Sale, 1 pm, at the farm, Pincher Creek, AB

March 4

Ferme Louber Annual Bull Sale, 1 pm, at the farm, Ste-Marie de Beauce, QC

March 5

Legacy Charolais 6th Annual Bull Sale, 1 pm, at the farm, Botha, AB

March 5

Springside Cattle Co Spring Storm Frozen Genetics Sale,

March 7

Johnson Ranching Bull Sale, 1 pm, Provost (AB) Livestock Exchange

March 8

Pine Bluff Charolais & Fern Simmental Bull Sale, Farm Gate Online Auction, Love, SK

March 9

McKeary Charolais & Fleming Livestock Corp. Tradition Bull Sale, 1:30 pm., Compeer (AB) Community Hall

March 9

Nelson Family Ranches Charolais & Angus Bull Sale, 1 pm, Balog Auction, Lethbridge, AB

March 10

CK Sparrow Farms Annual Bull Sale, 2 pm, at the farm, Vanscoy, SK

March 10

Meridian Agriculture Co Ltd. Charolais Bull Sale, 1 pm, Acadia Valley, AB

March 10

Northern Classic Charolais Bull Sale, 1 pm, Grand Prairie, AB

March 11

Horseshoe E Charolais 25th Annual Bull Sale, 2 pm, at the farm, Kenaston, SK

March 11

Blackbern/WhiteWater 12th Annual Charolais Bull Sale, 1:30 pm, Renfrew Pontiac Livestock Facility, Cobden, ON

March 11

Phillips Charolais Farm Open House and Private Treaty Bull Sale, at the farm, Estevan, SK

March 11

Oakstone Land & Cattle Farm Gate Timed Online Bull Sale, at the farm, Bawlf, AB

March 11

Transcon’s Red Deer County Bull Sale, Innisfail (AB) Auction Mart

March 13

Palmer Charolais 11th Annual Bull Sale, 2 pm, at the farm, Bladworth, SK

March 14

Desertland Cattle Charolais Bull Sale, 5 pm, at the ranch, Sedalia, AB

March 14

Harvie Ranching Bull Sale, 1 pm, at the ranch, Olds, AB

March 14

DM Livestock Bull Sale Farm Gate Timed Auction, Carrot River, SK

March 15

Cedarlea Farms Bull Sale, 1 pm, at the farm, Hodgeville, SK

March 16

Footprint Farms Bull Sale, 3:30 pm, at the ranch, Esther, AB

March 16

Northern Impact Bull Sale, 1 pm, North Central Livestock, Clyde, AB

March 16

Creek’s Edge Land & Cattle Farm Gate Timed Online Bull Sale, Yellow Creek, SK

March 17

High Bluff Stock Farm Charolais & Simmental Bull Sale, 2 pm, at the farm, Inglis, MB

March 17

Reese Cattle Co. 14th Annual Bull Sale, 1 pm, at the farm, Didsbury, AB

March 17

Scott Stock Farm 10th Annual Bull Sale, 1 pm, at the farm, Crossfield, AB

March 18

Rollin’ Acres/Whiskey Hollow & Guests 12th Annual Bull Sale, 2 pm, Maple Hill Auctions, Hanover, ON

March 18

Balamore Farms Thickness Sells 10th Annual Bull Sale, 2 pm, Atlantic Stockyards, Truro, NS

March 18

AM Sunrise Farm 6th Annual Bull Sale, 1 pm, Northern Livestock sales, Lloydminster, SK

March 18

Lazy S Charolais Bull Sale, 1 pm, VJV Auction Mart, Dawson Creek, BC

March 18

Pleasant Dawn Charolais 21st Annual Bull Sale, 2 pm, at the farm, Oak Lake, MB

March 18

Select Genetics 17th Annual Bull Sale, 1 pm, Forsyth Ranch, Herbert, SK

March 18

Sliding Hills Charolais 17th Annual Bull Sale, 1:30 pm, at the farm, Canora, SK

March 20

Flat Valley Cattle Co. & K Lazy T Cattle Co. & Guests Simple as Black & White Bull Sale, 1 pm, Medicine Hat (AB ) Feeding Company

March 20

Highway 21 Group Bull Sale, at the ranch, Hanna, AB

March 20

TRI-N Charolais Farms 8th Annual Bull Sale, 2 pm, at the farm, Lenore, MB

March 21

Poplar Bluff Stock Farm 6th Annual Bull Sale, 1 pm, Dryland Trading Corp., Veteran, AB

March 21

Diamond W Charolais, Red & Black

Angus 21st Annual Bull Sale, 1 pm, JTM Livestock, Minitonas, MB

March 22

HTA Charolais Bull Sale, 1:30 pm, at the farm, Rivers, MB

March 23

Elder Charolais 13th Annual Bull Sale, 1 pm, at the farm, Coronach, SK

March 24

McTavish Farms & Guests 12th Annual Bull Sale, 1 pm, at the farm, Moosomin, SK

March 24

Thistle Ridge Ranch Bull Sale, 1 pm, Perlich Bros Auctoin Mart, Lethbridge, AB

March 25

K-Cow Ranch Bull Sale, 1 pm, at the ranch, Elk Point, AB

March 25

Lazy S Cattle Co. Bull Sale, 6 pm, VJV Auction, Rimbey, AB

March 25

McAvoy Charolais Bull Sale, at the farm, Arlee, SK

March 25

Candiac Choice Bull Sale, 1 pm, Candiac (SK) Auction Mart

Charolais Connection • March 2023 76

March 25

Cornerview Charolais Bull Sale, 1:30 pm, at the farm, Cobden, ON

March 25

Tee M Jay Charolais Bull Sale, 1 pm, Ashern (MB) Auction Mart

March 25

Borderland Cattle Company Bull Sale, 1:30 pm, at the ranch, Rockglen, SK

March 25

Limestone Charolais Bull Sale, Clinton (BC) Rodeo Grounds

March 25

Zehnder Waage Partnership Bull Sale, Greenbush, MN

March 26

Best of the Breeds Bull Sale, 1:30 pm, Heartland Livestock Services, Yorkton, SK

March 28

Prairie Distinction 9th Annual Charolais Bull Sale, 1 pm, Beautiful Plains Ag Complex, Neepawa, MB

March 28

White Lake Colony Bull Sale, 1 pm, Balog Auction, Lethbridge, AB

March 29

C2 Charolais Annual Bull Sale, 1 pm, at the farm, La Riviere, MB

March 30

Charmark Ranches Bull Sale, 1 pm, Bow Slope Shipping, Brooks, AB

March 31

Power Up Your Pasture Bull Sale, 1:30 pm, Stavely, AB

April 1

Vermilion Charolais Group 37th Annual Bull Sale, 1 pm, Lakeview Charolais, Marwayne, AB

April 1

Saunders Charolais 18th Annual Bull Sale, 2 pm, Keady (ON) Livestock Market

April 1

Transcon’s 27th Annual Advantage Bull Sale, 1 pm, Saskatoon (SK)

Livestock Sales

April 1

Gilliland Bros. Charolais 11th Annual Bull Sale, 1:30 pm, at the farm, Carievale, SK

April 1

Maritime Beef Test Station 50th Annual Bull Sale, Nappan, NS

April 2

Stephen Charolais & Guests 6th Annual Muscle Up Bull Sale, 1 pm, Whitewood (SK) Livestock Sales

April 3

North of the 49th 19th Annual Bull Sale, 1 pm, Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite, SK

April 3

Spirit of the North Bull Sale, 1 pm, Spiritwood (SK) Auction Mart

April 5

Whitecap/Rosso Charolais & Howe

Red Angus Bull Sale, 1 pm, Whitecap Charolais, Moose Jaw, SK

April 6

Hunter Charolais 12th Annual Bull Sale, 1:30 pm, at the farm, Roblin, MB

April 6

Daines Cattle 28th Annual Bull & Female Sale, 1 pm, Innisfail (AB)

Auction Mart

April 6

Flat Top Cattle Co. Bull Sale, at Taylor’s Red Angus, Cabri, SK

April 8

Eastern Select Bull & Female Sale, 1 pm, Hoard’s Station Sale Barn, Campbellford, ON

April 8

Brimner Cattle Co. Bull Sale, 1:30 pm, at the farm, Manor, SK

April 8

Vanderhoof Bull Sale, Vanderhoof, BC

April 11

Top Cut Bull Sale, 2 pm, Stockman’s Weigh Co., Mankota, SK

April 12

White Meadow Charolais Bull Sale, Farm Gate Timed Online, Pipestone, MB

April 13

Acadia Ranching Charolais & Angus Bull Sale, 2 pm, Bow Slope Shipping, Brooks, AB

April 15

Lindskov’s LT Ranch Bull Sale, at the ranch, Isabel, SD

April 20-25

Charolais Charbray International Technical Conference, Brno, Czech Republic

July 26-29

Canadian Charolais Youth Association Conference & Show Keystone Centre, Brandon, MB














Charolais Connection • March 2023 77
Charolais Connection • March 2023 78 LOOKING TO FIND SOMEONE Advertisers’ Index Alta Genetics Inc. 68 AM Sunrise Charolais Farm 73 Annuroc Charolais........................................... 72 Baker Farms 72 Balamore Farm Ltd. 19,72 Bar H Charolais 56,73 Beck Farms ...................................................... 73 Be-Rich Farms 69 Blackbern Farm 72 Blakes Red Angus ............................................ 61 Bob Charolais 69 Borderland Cattle Co. 37,73 Bohrson Marketing ......................................... 17 Bow Valley Genetics Ltd. ................................ 68 Brayshar Charolais 69 Bricney Stock Farm 73 Brimner Cattle Co. ..................................... 57,73 Buffalo Lake Charolais 69 By Livestock 6,7,9,13,23,45,56,63,IBC Campbells Charolais ....................................... 73 Carey Auction Services 68 Cedardale Charolais 59,72 Cedarlea Farms 7,73 Charla Moore Farms ........................................ 73 Char-Lew Ranch 69 Char-Maine Ranching 69 Charmark Ranches ..................................... 13,69 Charolais Journal 68 Char-Top Charolais 73 Charworth Charolais 69 Chomiak Charolais .......................................... 69 Circle Cee Charolais 69 CK Sales Marketing 43 Cline Cattle Co. ................................................ 71 Cockburn Farms 72 Cougar Hill Ranch 71 Coyote Flats Charolais .................................... 69 Creek’s Edge Land & Cattle 73 Crocus Valley Farms Ltd. 45,46,71 C2 Charolais 40,71 D & L Plewis Charolais ................................ 62,73 Davis-Rairdan 68 Desertland Cattle Co. 14 Diamond W Charolais ................................ 23,73 Dog Patch Acres 34 Double P Stock Farm 71 Dowell Charolais 70 Dubuc Charolais senc ..................................... 73 Dudgeon-Snobelen 72 Eaton Charolais 74 Edge Livestock Inc. ......................................... 68 Elder Charolais Farm 9,74 Fergus Family Charolais 72 First Class Cattle Marketing ........................... 22 Fischer Charolais............................................. 70 Flat Valley Cattle Co. 70 Fleury, Michael 68 Flewelling, Craig.............................................. 68 Footprint Farms 15,70 Future Farms 70 Gallelli Charolais 70 Gilliland Bros. Charolais 53,74 Good Anchor Charolais .............................. 52,70 H.S. Knill Company Ltd. 69 Happy Haven Charolais 71 Harcourt Charolais .......................................... 35 Hardrock Land & Cattle Ltd. 71 Harvie Ranching 70 HEJ Charolais 70 Hicks Charolais................................................ 72 Hidden Lake Stock Farm 45 High Bluff Stock Farm 5,71 Highway 21 Group ...................................... 11,70 Horseshoe E Charolais 74 Howe Coulee Charolais 74 HTA Charolais 3,71 Hunter Charolais ...................................... 71,IBC Hurlburt, Ryan 69 JMB Charolais 71 Johnson Charolais .......................................... 70 Johnson Ranching 70 Johnston Charolais 45,47 Johnstone Auction ......................................... 69 June Rose Charolais................................... 54,74 Kaiser Cattle Co. 70 Kay-R Land & Cattle Ltd. 70 KCH Charolais .................................................. 72 K-Cow Ranch 33 Kemble Rock Farms 72 Kirlene Cattle .................................................. 72 L Diamond Charolais 52 La Ferme Patry de Weedon 73 Lakeview Charolais 52 Langstaff Charolais ......................................... 72 Lazy S Limousin & Charolais 31 Leemar Charolais 70 Legacy Charolais ............................................. 70 LEJ Charolais 72 Lindskov’s LT Ranch 49,74 M&L Cattle Company 73 Maple Leaf Charolais ....................................... 70 Martens Charolais 72 McAvoy Charolais 29,74 McKeary Charolais .......................................... 70 McLeod Livestock 69 McTavish Farms 24,74 Medonte Farms ............................................... 73 Miller Land & Livestock 54,73 Misty Hills Charolais 52 Mutrie Farms 74 Myhre Land and Cattle.................................... 72 Nahachewsky Charolais 74 Norheim Ranching 69 North of 50 Charolais ...................................... 45 P & H Ranching Co. 70 Palmer Charolais 74 Parsons Cattle Co. 70 Peno Valley Charolais ..................................... 74 Phillips Farms 74 Pleasant Dawn Charolais 6,72 Poplar Bluff Stock Farm 21,70 Potter Charolais 73 Prairie Cove Charolais..................................... 70 Prairie Gold Charolais 62,74 Pro-Char Charolais 70 R&G McDonald Livestock ...................... 45,46,72 Raffan, Don 69 Rawes Ranches 70 Reeleder, Andrew ............................................ 69 Reese Cattle Company.................................... 26 Rollin’ Acres Charolais 73 Ross Lake Charolais 70 Rosso Charolais .......................................... 55,74 Royale Charolais ............................................. 73 Saddleridge Charolais 70 SanDan Charolais 71 Saunders Charolais .................................... 51,73 Scott Stock Farm 12,71 Serhienko Cattle Co. 74 Seven Quarter Circle Charolais ...................... 60 Sharodon Farms 73 Sherwood Farms 65 Skeels, Danny 69 Sliding Hills Charolais ................................. 17,74 Southland Cattle 74 Southside Charolais 71 Southview Farms ............................................ 73 CK Sparrow Farms Ltd. IFC Springside Farms 71 Spruce View Charolais 71 Stach Farms Charolais .................................... 71 Stephen Charolais 56,74 Steppler Farms Ltd. 72 Stock, Mark ...................................................... 69 Sugarloaf Charolais 71 Sunderland Charolais Farm 64 Sunshine Oak Charolais .................................. 72 Swistun Charolais ........................................... 67 T Bar C Cattle Co. 11,19,29,34,69,77 Tee M Jay Farms 39 Temple Farms .................................................. 74 Thistle Ridge Ranch 27,71 Transcon Livestock Corp 39,54,69 TRI-N Charolais .......................................... 22,72 Triple C Charolais 72 Turnbull Charolais 71 Twin Anchor Charolais 71 Valley’s End Charolais ..................................... 74 Wendt & Murray Farms Ltd. 71 Western Litho Printers 69 White Cap Charolais ................................... 55,74 White Lake Colony 41,71 White Meadow Charolais Ltd. 63,72 Wilgenbusch Charolais ........................... 74,OBC Wilkie Ranch .................................................... 71 Wood River Charolais 61,74 Wrangler Charolais 71 Wright Livestock Marketing ............................ 57 XXX Farms 52 Zender Waage Partnership 43
Sale Manager: • Helge By 306-536-4261 • • By Livestock View the catalogue & videos online at Bulls available for viewing anytime A Charolais family operation for over 40 years Hunter Charolais 12th Annual Bull Sale 45 Charolais Yearling Bulls Michael 204-247-0301 :: Doug 204-937-7737 :: Jimmy 204-937-0219 :: Office 204-937-2531 @HunterCharolais • Hunter Charolais HC Kruz 205K DC/CRJ Tank son HC Kobra 272K SVY Trust son HC Kansas 255K LT International son HC Kingsman 288K HC High Country son THURSDAY, APRIL 6 ON THE FARM, ROBLIN, MANITOBA 2023 HC Kenworth 242K LT Ransom son HC Kick-Off 295K HC High Country son 1:30 PM Delivery Available in Western Canada
Lot 1 Lot 7 Lot 14 Lot 31 Lot 22 Lot 16

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