Cancer treatment options

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Cancer Treatment Options

Cancer treatments come in several types. These cancer treatment options are dependent on which kind of cancer a person has and the extent of its severity. There are patients who require one treatment only but commonly, cancer patients undergo certain treatment combinations like chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, hormone therapy and targeted therapy. There are clinical trials that are also available and there are research studies involving people typically having certain ailments. It is important to understand the processes involved before deciding to take part with this trial. Due to the immense number of treatment a patient could be overwhelmed and confounded as to which treatment to undergo. In order to be guided with making a decision, it is advised to consult your doctor about the different cancer treatments and how they are undertaken. The general cancer treatment options include the following: 1. 1.


Surgery is a procedure wherein the surgeon eliminates cancer from the patient’s body. Surgeons utilize scalpels and other sharp and pointed materials used in cutting parts of the body while undergoing a surgery. The cuts could be painful and take time to recover although during the surgery, the patient is given anesthesia to prevent the patient from feeling the pain. There is also surgical procedure using lasers in treating cancer. Lasers consist of a powerful flash of light that cuts through certain body tissues. These lasers are very accurate in focusing small areas. They are also helpful in shrinking and destroying growth of tumor that could lead into cancer. 1. 2.

Radiation Therapy

Radiotherapy is a treatment that utilizes high amount of radiation in order to destroy the cancer cells and wither the tumors. It prevents cancer from re-occurring and slows down their growth. It can also lessen the issues caused by tumor like troubled breathing and loss of bladder control. This therapy does not actually remove cancer cells right after the procedure. It requires certain amount of time in order for the cancer to be removed.

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This therapy allows the immune system to remove cancer. Essentially, the immune system is the one responsible in fighting infections and certain diseases. It consists of the white blood cells and lymph system tissues. The immunotherapy is a kind of biological therapy wherein different substances from organisms are utilized to treat cancer.

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Targeted Therapy

Targeted therapy has been considered the core of precision medicine which utilizes information regarding the proteins, genes and other cancer features in order to diagnose and treat the disease. This treatment targets the cancer cells preventing them from growing, dividing and spreading. Researches are conducted in order to determine the different features and characteristics of different type of cancer cells in order to design techniques which will block the function of the cancer cells. 1. 5.

Hormone Therapy

Hormone therapy is a treatment that slows down and stops the cancer growth with the use of hormones. It treats cancer by reducing the capacity of the cells to return and slows their growth. It is also used in reducing and preventing the symptoms of prostate cancer in men who cannot undergo surgery or other therapy. Aside from knowing the cancer treatment options, it is also important to consider getting cancer insurance before undergoing a procedure. This way you can ensure that you’re not shouldering all the cost involved for the procedure and even the expenses for the treatment.

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